
133 lines
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// Package knownhosts is a thin wrapper around,
// adding the ability to obtain the list of host key algorithms for a known host.
package knownhosts
import (
xknownhosts ""
// HostKeyCallback wraps ssh.HostKeyCallback with an additional method to
// perform host key algorithm lookups from the known_hosts entries.
type HostKeyCallback ssh.HostKeyCallback
// New creates a host key callback from the given OpenSSH host key files. The
// returned value may be used in ssh.ClientConfig.HostKeyCallback by casting it
// to ssh.HostKeyCallback, or using its HostKeyCallback method. Otherwise, it
// operates the same as the New function in
func New(files ...string) (HostKeyCallback, error) {
cb, err := xknownhosts.New(files...)
return HostKeyCallback(cb), err
// HostKeyCallback simply casts the receiver back to ssh.HostKeyCallback, for
// use in ssh.ClientConfig.HostKeyCallback.
func (hkcb HostKeyCallback) HostKeyCallback() ssh.HostKeyCallback {
return ssh.HostKeyCallback(hkcb)
// HostKeys returns a slice of known host public keys for the supplied host:port
// found in the known_hosts file(s), or an empty slice if the host is not
// already known. For hosts that have multiple known_hosts entries (for
// different key types), the result will be sorted by known_hosts filename and
// line number.
func (hkcb HostKeyCallback) HostKeys(hostWithPort string) (keys []ssh.PublicKey) {
var keyErr *xknownhosts.KeyError
placeholderAddr := &net.TCPAddr{IP: []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}}
placeholderPubKey := &fakePublicKey{}
var kkeys []xknownhosts.KnownKey
if hkcbErr := hkcb(hostWithPort, placeholderAddr, placeholderPubKey); errors.As(hkcbErr, &keyErr) {
for _, knownKey := range keyErr.Want {
kkeys = append(kkeys, knownKey)
knownKeyLess := func(i, j int) bool {
if kkeys[i].Filename < kkeys[j].Filename {
return true
return (kkeys[i].Filename == kkeys[j].Filename && kkeys[i].Line < kkeys[j].Line)
sort.Slice(kkeys, knownKeyLess)
keys = make([]ssh.PublicKey, len(kkeys))
for n := range kkeys {
keys[n] = kkeys[n].Key
return keys
// HostKeyAlgorithms returns a slice of host key algorithms for the supplied
// host:port found in the known_hosts file(s), or an empty slice if the host
// is not already known. The result may be used in ssh.ClientConfig's
// HostKeyAlgorithms field, either as-is or after filtering (if you wish to
// ignore or prefer particular algorithms). For hosts that have multiple
// known_hosts entries (for different key types), the result will be sorted by
// known_hosts filename and line number.
func (hkcb HostKeyCallback) HostKeyAlgorithms(hostWithPort string) (algos []string) {
for _, key := range hkcb.HostKeys(hostWithPort) {
algos = append(algos, key.Type())
return algos
// HostKeyAlgorithms is a convenience function for performing host key algorithm
// lookups on an ssh.HostKeyCallback directly. It is intended for use in code
// paths that stay with the New method of
// rather than this package's New method.
func HostKeyAlgorithms(cb ssh.HostKeyCallback, hostWithPort string) []string {
return HostKeyCallback(cb).HostKeyAlgorithms(hostWithPort)
// IsHostKeyChanged returns a boolean indicating whether the error indicates
// the host key has changed. It is intended to be called on the error returned
// from invoking a HostKeyCallback to check whether an SSH host is known.
func IsHostKeyChanged(err error) bool {
var keyErr *xknownhosts.KeyError
return errors.As(err, &keyErr) && len(keyErr.Want) > 0
// IsHostUnknown returns a boolean indicating whether the error represents an
// unknown host. It is intended to be called on the error returned from invoking
// a HostKeyCallback to check whether an SSH host is known.
func IsHostUnknown(err error) bool {
var keyErr *xknownhosts.KeyError
return errors.As(err, &keyErr) && len(keyErr.Want) == 0
// WriteKnownHost writes a known_hosts line to writer for the supplied hostname,
// remote, and key. This is useful when writing a custom hostkey callback which
// wraps a callback obtained from knownhosts.New to provide additional
// known_hosts management functionality. The hostname, remote, and key typically
// correspond to the callback's args.
func WriteKnownHost(w io.Writer, hostname string, remote net.Addr, key ssh.PublicKey) error {
// Always include hostname; only also include remote if it isn't a zero value
// and doesn't normalize to the same string as hostname.
addresses := []string{hostname}
remoteStr := remote.String()
remoteStrNormalized := xknownhosts.Normalize(remoteStr)
if remoteStrNormalized != "[]:0" && remoteStrNormalized != xknownhosts.Normalize(hostname) {
addresses = append(addresses, remoteStr)
line := xknownhosts.Line(addresses, key) + "\n"
_, err := w.Write([]byte(line))
return err
// fakePublicKey is used as part of the work-around for
type fakePublicKey struct{}
func (fakePublicKey) Type() string {
return "fake-public-key"
func (fakePublicKey) Marshal() []byte {
return []byte("fake public key")
func (fakePublicKey) Verify(_ []byte, _ *ssh.Signature) error {
return errors.New("Verify called on placeholder key")