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# define: nginx::resource::map
# This definition creates a new mapping entry for NGINX
# Parameters:
# [*ensure*] - Enables or disables the specified location (present|absent)
# [*default*] - Sets the resulting value if the source values fails to
# match any of the variants.
# [*string*] - Source string or variable to provide mapping for
# [*mappings*] - Hash of map lookup keys and resultant values
# [*hostnames*] - Indicates that source values can be hostnames with a
# prefix or suffix mask.
# Actions:
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
# nginx::resource::map { 'backend_pool':
# ensure => present,
# hostnames => true,
# default => 'ny-pool-1,
# string => '$http_host',
# mappings => {
# '*' => 'ny-pool-1',
# '*' => 'sf-pool-1',
# }
# }
# Sample Hiera usage:
# nginx::maps:
# client_network:
# ensure: present
# hostnames: true
# default: 'ny-pool-1'
# string: $http_host
# mappings:
# '*': 'ny-pool-1'
# '*': 'sf-pool-1'
define nginx::resource::map (
$default = undef,
$ensure = 'present',
$hostnames = false
) {
validate_re($string, '^.{2,}$',
"Invalid string value [${string}]. Expected a minimum of 2 characters.")
validate_re($ensure, '^(present|absent)$',
"Invalid ensure value '${ensure}'. Expected 'present' or 'absent'")
if ($default != undef) { validate_string($default) }
include nginx::params
$root_group = $nginx::params::root_group
File {
owner => 'root',
group => $root_group,
mode => '0644',
file { "${nginx::config::conf_dir}/conf.d/${name}-map.conf":
ensure => $ensure ? {
'absent' => absent,
default => 'file',
content => template('nginx/conf.d/map.erb'),
notify => Class['nginx::service'],