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* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 2.1.0
namespace psm\Module;
use psm\Service\Database;
use psm\Service\Template;
class Install extends AbstractModule {
* Result messages to add to the main template
* @var array $install_results
* @see addResult()
protected $install_results = array();
* Full path to config file
* @var string $path_config
protected $path_config;
* Full path to old config file (2.0)
* @var string $path_config_old
protected $path_config_old;
function __construct(Database $db, Template $tpl) {
parent::__construct($db, $tpl);
$this->path_config = PSM_PATH_SRC . '../config.php';
$this->path_config_old = PSM_PATH_SRC . '../';
'index', 'config', 'install'
), 'index');
protected function createHTML() {
$tpl_id_custom = $this->getTemplateId();
$this->setTemplateId('install', 'install.tpl.html');
$html_install = ($tpl_id_custom) ? $this->tpl->getTemplate($tpl_id_custom) : '';
$html_results = '';
if(!empty($this->install_results)) {
$this->tpl->newTemplate('install_results', 'install.tpl.html');
$this->tpl->addTemplateDataRepeat('install_results', 'resultmsgs', $this->install_results);
$html_results = $this->tpl->getTemplate('install_results');
$this->tpl->addTemplateData($this->getTemplateId(), array(
'html_install' => $html_install,
'html_results' => $html_results,
return parent::createHTML();
* Generate the main install page with prerequisites
protected function executeIndex() {
$tpl_data = array();
// build prerequisites
$errors = 0;
$phpv = phpversion();
if(version_compare($phpv, '5.3.0', '<')) {
$this->addResult('PHP 5.3+ is required to run PHP Server Monitor.', 'error');
} else {
$this->addResult('PHP version: ' . $phpv);
if(!function_exists('curl_init')) {
$this->addResult('PHP is installed without the cURL module. Please install cURL.', 'warning');
} else {
$this->addResult('cURL installed');
if(!in_array('mysql', \PDO::getAvailableDrivers())) {
$this->addResult('The PDO MySQL driver needs to be installed.', 'error');
if($errors > 0) {
// cannot continue
$this->addResult($errors . ' error(s) have been encountered. Please fix them and refresh this page.', 'error');
} else {
if(defined('PSM_CONFIG')) {
$this->addResult('Configuration file found.');
return $this->executeInstall();
} else {
return $this->executeConfig();
* Help the user create a new config file
protected function executeConfig() {
if(defined('PSM_CONFIG')) {
return $this->executeInstall();
// first detect "old" config file (2.0)
if(file_exists($this->path_config_old)) {
// oldtimer huh
$this->addResult('Configuration file for v2.0 found.');
'The location of the config file has been changed since the previous version.<br/>' .
'We will attempt to create a new config file for you.'
, 'warning');
$values = $this->parseConfig20();
} else {
// fresh install
$values = $_POST;
$config = array(
'host' => 'localhost',
'name' => '',
'user' => '',
'pass' => '',
'prefix' => 'psm_',
$this->setTemplateId('install_config_new', 'install.tpl.html');
$changed = false;
foreach($config as $ckey => &$cvalue) {
if(isset($values[$ckey])) {
$changed = true;
$cvalue = $values[$ckey];
// add config to template data for prefilling the form
$tpl_data = $config;
if($changed) {
// test db connection
$this->db = new \psm\Service\Database(
if($this->db->status()) {
$this->addResult('Connection to MySQL successful.');
$config_php = $this->writeConfigFile($config);
if($config_php === true) {
$this->addResult('Configuration file written successfully.');
return $this->executeInstall();
} else {
$this->addResult('Config file is not writable, we cannot save it for you.', 'error');
$this->tpl->newTemplate('install_config_new_copy', 'install.tpl.html');
$tpl_data['html_config_copy'] = $this->tpl->getTemplate('install_config_new_copy');
$tpl_data['php_config'] = $config_php;
} else {
$this->addResult('Unable to connect to MySQL. Please check your information.', 'error');
$this->tpl->addTemplateData($this->getTemplateId(), $tpl_data);
* Parse the 2.0 config file for prefilling
* @return array
protected function parseConfig20() {
$config_old = file_get_contents($this->path_config_old);
$vars = array(
'prefix' => '',
'user' => '',
'pass' => '',
'name' => '',
'host' => '',
$pattern = "/define\('SM_DB_{key}', '(.*?)'/u";
foreach($vars as $key => $value) {
$pattern_key = str_replace('{key}', strtoupper($key), $pattern);
preg_match($pattern_key, $config_old, $value_matches);
$vars[$key] = (isset($value_matches[1])) ? $value_matches[1] : '';
return $vars;
* Execute the upgrade process to a newer version
protected function executeInstall() {
if(!defined('PSM_CONFIG')) {
$this->addResult('No valid configuration found.', 'error');
return $this->executeConfig();
if(!$this->db->status()) {
$this->addResult('MySQL connection failed.', 'error');
$logger = array($this, 'addResult');
$installer = new \psm\Util\Install\Installer($this->db, $logger);
$this->setTemplateId('install_success', 'install.tpl.html');
* Write config file with db variables
* @param array $db_vars prefix,user,pass,name,host
* @return boolean|string TRUE on success, string with config otherwise
protected function writeConfigFile($db_vars) {
$config =
"<?php".PHP_EOL .
"define('PSM_CONFIG', true);".PHP_EOL;
foreach($db_vars as $key => $value) {
$line = "define('PSM_DB_{key}', '{value}');".PHP_EOL;
$line = str_replace(
array('{key}', '{value}'),
array(strtoupper($key), $value),
$config .= $line;
$config .= "?>".PHP_EOL;
if(is_writeable($this->path_config)) {
file_put_contents($this->path_config, $config);
return true;
} else {
return $config;
* Add install result to be added to the main template
* @param string|array $msg
* @param string $status success/warning/error
* @return \psm\Module\Install
public function addResult($msg, $status = 'success') {
if(!is_array($msg)) {
$msg = array($msg);
if($status == 'error') {
$shortcode = 'important';
} else {
$shortcode = $status;
foreach($msg as $m) {
$this->install_results[] = array(
'message' => $m,
'status' => strtoupper($status),
'shortcode' => $shortcode,
return $this;