Compare commits


No commits in common. "develop" and "v3.1.0" have entirely different histories.

2059 changed files with 32055 additions and 106258 deletions

.gitattributes vendored
View File

@ -1,14 +1,2 @@
# Autodetect text files
* text=auto
# Force the following filetypes to have unix eols, so Windows does not break them
*.txt text eol=lf
*.php text eol=lf
*.css text eol=lf
*.js text eol=lf
*.phar binary
.gitignore export-ignore
.gitattributes export-ignore
Vagrantfile export-ignore
puphpet export-ignore
.gitattributes export-ignore

.github/FUNDING.yml vendored
View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
# These are supported funding model platforms
github: TimZ99
patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username
open_collective: # Replace with a single Open Collective username
ko_fi: # Replace with a single Ko-fi username
tidelift: # Replace with a single Tidelift platform-name/package-name e.g., npm/babel
community_bridge: # Replace with a single Community Bridge project-name e.g., cloud-foundry
liberapay: # Replace with a single Liberapay username
issuehunt: # Replace with a single IssueHunt username
otechie: # Replace with a single Otechie username
custom: ["", ""]

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
title: "[BUG] "
labels: 'Type: bug'
assignees: ''
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '....'
3. Scroll down to '....'
4. See error
**Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
**Version (please complete the following information):**
- Version [e.g. 3.3.5]
- PHP [e.g. 7.3]
**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project
title: "[Feature Request]"
labels: 'Type: Feature'
assignees: ''
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
**Describe the solution you'd like**
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
**Describe alternatives you've considered**
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
**Additional context**
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
name: Question
about: Ask your questions
title: "[Question] "
labels: 'Type: Question'
assignees: ''
- [ ] Looked at the documentation first
**Describe the question**
**Version (please complete the following information):**
- Version [e.g. 3.3.5]
- PHP [e.g. 7.3]
**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
version: 2
- package-ecosystem: "composer"
directory: "/"
interval: "daily"

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -4,12 +4,3 @@

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
Options -Indexes
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
<FilesMatch "\.(js|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|css)$">
ExpiresActive on
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month"
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript

View File

@ -1,233 +1,6 @@
Not yet released
v3.5.2 (released August 12, 2020)
* Fixed missing version numbers.
* See
v3.5.1 (released August 12, 2020)
* Security update regaring jQuery, see #972.
* See
v3.5.0 (released May 1, 2020)
* See
v3.4.5 (released September 30, 2019)
* a8eaedc8: Fixed undefined index last_output.
v3.4.4 (released September 26, 2019)
* 932c695f: Fixed selected view in graph.
* 6aca2e10: Fixed auto refresh with wrong layout.
* 9f3e140b: Changed static file path to new path.
* 29adce26: Removed old static directory.
v3.4.3 (released September 26, 2019)
* b399327c: Fixed week/month/year graph.
* 4ebe934b: Added timeout to services.
* 8342a979: Changed auto-refresh_help to uniform name.
* 5d668b78: Fixed auto-refresh.
* #777: Fix pushover_status checkbox population from config.
v3.4.2 (released September 24, 2019)
* 1b0d86b: Fixed wrong upgrade query and added forgotten version_compare.
v3.4.1 (released September 17, 2019)
* #733: Added catalan ca_ES.lang.php.
* 6c1763e: Updated table style.
* #770: Changed last_output column to TEXT and restricted to 5000 characters.
v3.4.0 (released September 17, 2019)
* #741: Truncate server output.
* accd556: Fixed typo in es_ES.lang.php.
* #747: Added XML to requirements.
* #740: Update es_ES.lang.php.
* #752: Update fr_FR.lang.php.
* 86c0a58: Added server_id as id (fixes #738).
* be9e3f7: Composer update.
* 8cc8a0d: Updated wget to curl.
* #662: Updated Japanese Translations.
* #697: Adding verbosity for cURL.
* #695: Allow HTTP/2 status responses.
* #703: Update es_ES.lang.php.
* 5b0fba6: Add button when there are no servers.
* 5511cd5: Added faq for #719.
* fcd12d9: Updated bootstrap to 4.3.1.
* 6ca3615: Added missing field to email config.
* 3e1b912: Updated Bootstrap-select to v1.13.10.
* cba09ed: Manifest, Sw.js - Fixed path to files.
* f70dacb: Added sw.js and manifest.
* 59be9f2: Added beter support for use without Javascript.
* 9915a11: Improved accessibility.
* 0025af2: Updated Bootstrap-select to v1.13.9.
* fea3289: Added missing offline duration.
* 560dc8a: Makefile - Adding an input to choose macOS as the current OS.
* 5e5281d: Fixing #665.
* 9cdafc9: Updated useragent to Github URL.
* cf2f6b0: Changed database column to TEXT.
* 6c14709: Updated default template (fixing #685).
* 5424976: Fixed PHPMailer 6.0.5 Vulnerability (resolving #680).
* 2c6ef08: Added noopener and updated download link to Github releases.
* #656: Downgraded symfony/filesystem to ~3.4 (PHP 5.5.9 compatible) and added 7.0.8 as minimal PHP7 version.
* #620: Added shell script.
* #653: Fixes wrong default type in upgrade/install query.
* #642: Added post field as addition to #631.
* #644: Fixed urlencoding in Nexmo message
* #639: Added combined notifications.
* #626: Added redirect check.
* #627: Latest server output, error and output during a failure will be saved and are shown on the server page.
* #631: Added option to specify the request method.
* #628: Added the option to mark specific HTTP status codes as online.
* #640: Removed () after last offline value when the last offline duration is unknown.
* #637: Added php extensions to composer required list, spelling fixes in changelog and composer update.
* #635: Changed server order on ?&mod=user&action=edit&id=x.
* #634: Changed ' to " in sql query, both were used.
* #629: Fix bug that made it impossible to check rdp:// and fixed port update.
* b49659f: Added question to notification faq about not receiving notifications.
* ef28908: Indentation fix.
* #605: Added Norwegian language.
* f6173d4: Added license to composer.json file.
v3.3.1 (released August 10, 2018)
* #403: Removed default mysql port settings from files and left empty values.
* 5e61d89: Defined $encrypted_password.
* ce8182e: Updated composer.lock.
* 51ef755: Removed last_offline_duration = "" bug.
* 6534749: Added last offline duration to all translations.
* e4bade3: Updated PHPMailer namespace.
* d2dda8a: Removed duplicate from Russian translation.
* #613: Updated Russian translation.
* f21f3db: Typo fix, removed unused code & updated documentation.
* 476c59e: Update required PHP version to 5.5.9.
* 1c984b3: Update documentation, added some small changes.
* eac8ebc: Fixed sms error check.
* e2c424e: Spacing, indentation and braces.
* a05d36d: Fixed typos & removed unused code.
* 3023c83: Changed die() to trigger_error().
* a96e1e5: Removed eval(), redone get & load language functions.
* b0ea7eb: Added forgotten translation.
* 92e8312: Removed unused code.
* fc84c06: Added cronjob over web to documentation. Changed HTMl error to 403.
* 93b324f: Security update symfony/http-foundation.
* dd56e29: Update composer.phar to new version.
* b98a4af: Typo fix.
v3.3.0 (released May 30, 2018)
* 57f4c36: Added support for the following SMS gateways: Plivo, SolutionsInfini, Callr and GatewayAPI.
* c3751e7: Moved Clickatell api key to password field.
* #590: Rollback Twig version update to work with PHP5.
* #589: Enlarge select pattern_online width.
* 3c55a35: Allow ping by hostname.
* #579: Added support for "site online when pattern not found".
* #587: Added __MACOSX/ to .gitignore.
* a496874, 62254a5 and 57f4c36: Rewritten global and gateway specific SMS gateway functions.
* 8ca259d: Updated list of available SMS gateways.
* d64f27f: Add CM Telecom bulk SMS gateway.
* 0580e75: Added last offline and the duration of the last outage.
* 3a005f2: Fixing #580 removed results block.
* 79742fe: Fixed ping error: Failed to parse address &quot;;.
* fc4ffd6: Added Twilio and Telegram to notification list and changed URL to download the latest release.
* #571: Update several dependencies.
* #569: Added support for Twilio SMS gateway.
* a80452d: Added Telegram and Pushover to inline documentation.
* 526c252: Added noopener to external link.
* 64b4d60: Added activation process for Telegram notifications.
* 67632ab: Added Telegram notifications to the documentation.
* 7059ac6: Defined latency for new added servers.
* 11a021e: Fixed indentation fail #515.
* #550: Fix urlencode bug when sending SMS using FreeMobileSMS.
* #541: Fix method declaration error in PHP7.2.
* #515: Run archive and cleanup per server to reduce memory use.
* #516: Fixed #500 ping latency.
* 2471767: Fixed pre installed server query.
v3.2.2 (released March 27, 2018)
* #554: Implemented Telegram notifications.
* #505: Added button to clear the logs.
* #436: Nexmo.class.php updates to Nexmo.php.
* #350: Removed utf8_decode.
* Updated credits.
* #535: Updated Japanese translation.
* #502: Fixed database population bug during installation.
* #512: Added username validation during installation and added the dot (.) to allowed characters.
* #475: Added Japanese translation.
v3.2.1 (released March 27, 2018)
* #343: Added optional header value check.
* #433: Changed baseurl repoforgeextras.
* #432: Changed baseurl repoforge.
* #437: Octopush.class.php updates to Octopush.php.
* #435: Added Nexmo SMS to list in config.tpl.html.
* #464: Updated attributes pushover_key and pushover_device in update.tpl.html.
* #454: Updated HistoryGraph.php timestamp to number_format.
v3.2.0 (released April 15, 2017)
* #170: Implement Nexmo SMS.
* #161: Added Swedish translation.
* #185: Added Estonian translation.
* #210: Added Finnish translation.
* #201: Added Persian translation.
* #195: Updated Spanish translation.
* #169: Increased server ip char limit to 500.
* #164: Added support for FreeVoipDeal SMS gateway <>.
* #181: Added blank index files to prevent directory listing.
* #237: Adding CSRF protection.
* #287: Default language - English.
* #286: Add popular ports drop down.
* #269: Added Slovenian language.
* #96: Authentication for website checks.
v3.1.1 (released November 6, 2014)
* #130: Added Czech translation.
* #138: Added Polish translation.
* #148: Added Turkish translation.
* #124: Updated Bulgarian translation.
* #132: Updated German translation.
* #134: Updated French translation.
* #144: Updated Brazilian translation.
* #146: Updated Russian translation.
* #147: Updated Spanish translation.
* #128: Added SSL/TLS option for SMTP config.
* #131: Allow URL and timeout to be passed as argument to the cronjob.
* #135: Uptime percentage above 100%.
* #151: Links in install results were stripped automatically from template.
v3.1.0 (released August 7, 2014)

Makefile Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -2,11 +2,10 @@ tag = $(shell git describe)
VERSION = ${subst v,,$(tag)}
RELEASE_DIR = ./build
RELEASE_FILE = phpservermon-$(VERSION)
os = l
@echo ' PHP Server Monitor - $(tag)'
@echo ' - make export [os=...] [tag=...] - create a new release from tag. OS: Use m for macOS.'
@echo ' - make export [tag=...] - create a new release from tag '
@echo ' - make install - install all dependencies '
@ -19,15 +18,8 @@ export:
git archive $(tag) | tar -xf - -C $(RELEASE_DIR)/$(RELEASE_FILE)/
ifeq (${os}, m)
find $(RELEASE_DIR)/$(RELEASE_FILE) -name "*.php" -exec sed -i "" "s/@package_version@/$(tag)/" {} \; # for osx
ifeq (${os}, l)
#find $(RELEASE_DIR)/$(RELEASE_FILE) -name "*.php" -exec sed -i "" "s/@package_version@/$(tag)/" {} \; # for osx
find $(RELEASE_DIR)/$(RELEASE_FILE) -name "*.php" -exec sed -i "s/@package_version@/$(tag)/" {} \; # for linux
$(error OS invalid, use m for macOS and l for Linux)
@echo 'Testing on syntax errors (thats all the automated testing your are going to get for now..) '
find $(RELEASE_DIR)/$(RELEASE_FILE) -name "*.php" | xargs -I file php -l file
@echo 'Downloading dependencies'

README.rst Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
PHP Server Monitor
.. image::
:alt: Join the chat at
.. image::
:alt: huntr
Version 3.6.0.beta2
Version 3.1.0
PHP Server Monitor is a script that checks whether your websites and servers are up and running.
It comes with a web based user interface where you can manage your services and websites,
@ -18,7 +12,7 @@ Features:
* Monitor services and websites (see below).
* Email, SMS, Discord, Pushover, Telegram and Jabber notifications.
* Email, SMS and Pushover notifications.
* View history graphs of uptime and latency.
* User authentication with 2 levels (administrator and regular user).
* Logs of connection errors, outgoing emails and text messages.
@ -35,39 +29,23 @@ There are two different ways to monitor a server:
* Website
You can enter a link to a website, it will then use cURL to open the website and check the HTTP status code.
If the HTTP status code is in the 4xx/5xx, it means an error occurred and the website is not accessible to the public.
If the HTTP status code is in the 4xx range, it means an error occurred and the website is not accessible to the public.
You can also set a regular expression to match for content on the page itself.
If the regular expression returns no matches, the website is considered down.
In both cases the script will return a "status offline", and will start sending out notifications.
Each server has its own settings regarding notification.
You can choose for email, text message (SMS),, Telegram and Jabber notifications.
You can choose for email, text message (SMS) and notifications.
The following SMS gateways are currently available:
* Clickatell - <>
* Inetworx - <>
* Messagebird - <>
* Mosms - <>
* Smsglobal - <>
* SMSit - <>
* Spryng - <>
* Textmarketer - <>
* FreeVoipDeal - <>
* Nexmo - <>
* OctoPush - <>
* FreeMobile (FR) - <>
* Twilio - <>
* CM Telecom - <>
* GatewayAPI - <>
* SolutionsInfini - <>
* Plivo - <>
* Callr - <>
* SMSAPI - <>
* OVH SMS PRO - <>
* PromoSMS - <>
* Infobip - <>
* LabsMobile - <>
* Tele2 Messaging - <>
* Inetworx - <>
* Mollie - <>
* Mosms - <>
* Smsglobal - <>
* SMSit - <>
* Spryng - <>
* Textmarketer - <>
Please note: for these gateways you will need an account with sufficient credits.
@ -75,7 +53,7 @@ Please note: for these gateways you will need an account with sufficient credits
The latest version can be downloaded from
The latest version can be downloaded from
@ -83,21 +61,10 @@ Requirements
* Web server
* MySQL database
* For PHP5: 5.5.9+
* For PHP7: 7.0.8+
* PHP Extensions (modules)
* PHP 5.3.7+
* PHP cURL package
* PHP PDO mysql driver
* ext-curl
* ext-ctype
* ext-filter
* ext-hash
* ext-json
* ext-libxml
* ext-openssl
* ext-pdo
* ext-pcre
* ext-sockets
* ext-xml
@ -110,17 +77,12 @@ To be able to run an installation from the repo, you need to run the following c
php composer.phar install
If you are familiar with Vagrant (
vagrant up
.. and browse to http://localhost:8080/psm/.
The documentation is available in the docs folder or
The documentation is available in the docs folder or
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see
PHPServerMonitor is now available on Docker :
along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# Security Policy
## Supported Versions
Only yhe latest version of PHPServerMon is being supported. Older versions won't recieve security updates.
## Reporting a Vulnerability
The PHPServerMon team and community take security bugs in PHPServerMon seriously. We appreciate your efforts to responsibly disclose your findings, and will make every effort to acknowledge your contributions.
To report a security issue, email and include the word "SECURITY" in the subject line.
The PHPServerMon team will send a response indicating the next steps in handling your report. After the initial reply to your report, the team will keep you informed of the progress towards a fix and full announcement, and may ask for additional information or guidance.
Report security bugs in third-party modules to the person or team maintaining the module.

Vagrantfile vendored
View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
##### VM definition #####
config.vm.define "phpservermon-dev" do |config|
config.vm.hostname = "phpservermon-dev" = "bento/ubuntu-20.04"
config.vm.box_check_update = false "private_network", ip: ""
config.vm.provision :ansible do |ansible|
ansible.limit = "all"
ansible.playbook = "provision.yaml"
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.memory = "2048"
vb.cpus = "2"

composer.json Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,33 +1,18 @@
"name": "phpservermon/phpservermon",
"description": "PHP Server Monitor",
"license": "GPL-3.0-or-later",
"homepage": "",
"require": {
"php": "^5.5.9|>=7.0.8",
"ext-curl": "*",
"ext-json": "*",
"ext-pdo": "*",
"ext-xml": "*",
"phpmailer/phpmailer": ">=6.5.0 ~6.0",
"symfony/config": "~3.4",
"symfony/dependency-injection": "~3.4",
"symfony/event-dispatcher": "~3.4",
"symfony/http-foundation": ">=3.4.35 ~3.4",
"symfony/filesystem": "~3.4",
"php-pushover/php-pushover": "dev-master",
"paragonie/random_compat": "^2.0",
"twig/twig": "~1.35",
"jaxl/jaxl": "^3.1",
"viharm/psm-ldap-auth": "^1.1"
"autoload": {
"files": [
"psr-4": {
"psm\\": "src/psm/"
"homepage": "",
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.7",
"phpmailer/phpmailer": "5.2.6",
"symfony/http-foundation": "2.4.*",
"php-pushover/php-pushover": "dev-master",
"twig/twig": "1.*"

composer.lock generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

composer.phar Executable file → Normal file

Binary file not shown.

config.php.sample Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -4,7 +4,4 @@ define('PSM_DB_USER', 'db_user');
define('PSM_DB_PASS', 'db_pass');
define('PSM_DB_NAME', 'db_name');
define('PSM_DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('PSM_DB_PORT', '3306'); //3306 is the default port for MySQL. If no specfic port is used, leave it empty.
define('PSM_BASE_URL', '');
define('PSM_WEBCRON_KEY', '');
define('PSM_PUBLIC', false);

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -19,147 +18,33 @@
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
namespace {
// include main configuration and functionality
use psm\Router;
use psm\Util\Server\UpdateManager;
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../src/bootstrap.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../src/bootstrap.php';
if (!psm_is_cli()) {
// check if it's an allowed host
if (!isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) {
// define won't accept array before php 7.0.0
// check if data is serialized (not needed when using php 7.0.0 and higher)
$data = @unserialize(PSM_CRON_ALLOW);
$allow = $data === false ? PSM_CRON_ALLOW : $data;
if (!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $allow) && !in_array($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"], $allow)
&& ! (array_key_exists ("webcron_key", $_GET) &&
$_GET["webcron_key"]==PSM_WEBCRON_KEY && (PSM_WEBCRON_KEY != ""))
) {
header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>
<h1>Forbidden</h1><p>IP address not allowed. See the
<a href="">documentation</a>
for more info.</p>
echo "OK";
$cron_timeout = PSM_CRON_TIMEOUT;
// parse a couple of arguments
if (!empty($_SERVER['argv'])) {
foreach ($_SERVER['argv'] as $argv) {
$argi = explode('=', ltrim($argv, '--'));
if (count($argi) !== 2) {
switch ($argi[0]) {
case 'uri':
if (!defined('PSM_BASE_URL')) {
define('PSM_BASE_URL', $argi[1]);
case 'timeout':
$cron_timeout = intval($argi[1]);
if(!psm_is_cli()) {
die('This script can only be run from the command line.');
// prevent cron from running twice at the same time
// however if the cron has been running for X mins, we'll assume it died and run anyway
// if you want to change PSM_CRON_TIMEOUT, have a look in src/includes/
// or you can provide the --timeout=x argument
$status = null;
if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') {
$shortOptions = 's:'; // status
$longOptions = [
$options = getopt($shortOptions, $longOptions);
$possibleValues = [
'on' => 'on',
'1' => 'on',
'up' => 'on',
'off' => 'off',
'0' => 'off',
'down' => 'off'
if (
true === array_key_exists('status', $options) &&
true === array_key_exists(strtolower($options['status']), $possibleValues)
) {
$status = $possibleValues[$options['status']];
} elseif (
true === array_key_exists('s', $options) &&
true === array_key_exists(strtolower($options['s']), $possibleValues)
) {
$status = $possibleValues[$options['s']];
if ($status === 'off') {
$confPrefix = 'cron_off_';
} else {
$confPrefix = 'cron_';
$time = time();
if (
psm_get_conf($confPrefix . 'running') == 1
&& $cron_timeout > 0
&& ($time - psm_get_conf($confPrefix . 'running_time') < $cron_timeout)
) {
die('Cron is already running. Exiting.');
if (!defined('PSM_DEBUG') || !PSM_DEBUG) {
psm_update_conf($confPrefix . 'running', 1);
psm_update_conf($confPrefix . 'running_time', $time);
/** @var Router $router */
/** @var UpdateManager $autorun */
$autorun = $router->getService('util.server.updatemanager');
if ($status !== 'off') {
$autorun->run(true, $status);
} else {
if (false === defined('CRON_DOWN_INTERVAL')) {
define('CRON_DOWN_INTERVAL', 5); // every 5 second call update
$start = time();
$i = 0;
while ($i < 59) {
$autorun->run(true, $status);
if ($i < (59 - CRON_DOWN_INTERVAL)) {
time_sleep_until($start + $i + CRON_DOWN_INTERVAL);
psm_update_conf($confPrefix . 'running', 0);
$time = time();
if(psm_get_conf('cron_running') == 1 && ($time - psm_get_conf('cron_running_time') < PSM_CRON_TIMEOUT)) {
die('Cron is already running. Exiting.');
if(!defined('PSM_DEBUG') || !PSM_DEBUG) {
psm_update_conf('cron_running', 1);
psm_update_conf('cron_running_time', $time);
$autorun = new \psm\Util\Server\UpdateManager($db);
psm_update_conf('cron_running', 0);

View File

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
upstream php-fpm {
server unix:/var/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock;
server {
listen 80;
root /vagrant;
index index.php;
charset UTF-8;
gzip on;
gzip_http_version 1.1;
gzip_vary on;
gzip_comp_level 6;
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_types text/plain text/xml text/css application/x-javascript;
access_log /var/log/nginx/psm.access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/;
location = /favicon.ico {
log_not_found off;
access_log off;
location = /robots.txt {
deny all;
log_not_found off;
access_log off;
location ~ /\.svn/* {
deny all;
location ~ /\.git/* {
deny all;
location /nginx_status {
stub_status on;
access_log off;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?q=$uri&$args;
location ~ \.php$ {
set $nocache "";
if ($http_cookie ~ (comment_author_.*|wordpress_logged_in.*|wp-postpass_.*)) {
set $nocache "Y";
fastcgi_pass php-fpm;
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /vagrant$fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_cache_use_stale error timeout invalid_header http_500;
fastcgi_cache_key $host$request_uri;
fastcgi_cache off;
fastcgi_cache_valid 200 1m;
fastcgi_cache_bypass $nocache;
fastcgi_no_cache $nocache;
location ~* \.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico)$ {
expires max;
log_not_found off;
location ~ ^/(status|ping)$ {
include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $fastcgi_script_name;
deny all;

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
define('PSM_DB_PREFIX', 'monitor_');
define('PSM_DB_USER', 'psm');
define('PSM_DB_PASS', 'psm-dev-password');
define('PSM_DB_NAME', 'psm');
define('PSM_DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('PSM_DB_PORT', '3306'); //3306 is the default port for MySQL. If no specfic port is used, leave it empty.
define('PSM_BASE_URL', '');
define('PSM_WEBCRON_KEY', '');
define('PSM_PUBLIC', false);

View File

@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ master_doc = 'index'
# General information about the project.
project = u'PHP Server Monitor'
copyright = u'2008-2017, Pepijn Over'
copyright = u'2008-2014, Pepijn Over'
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
version = '3.6'
version = '3.1.0'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = '3.6.0.beta2'
release = version
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Copyright
.. code-block:: none
Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <pep_at_mailbox_org>
Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

View File

@ -9,18 +9,9 @@ Credits
The following people have contributed to the development of PHP Server Monitor:
* Pepijn Over -
* Creator
* Samuel Denis-D'Ortun -
* Project developer
* Tim Zandbergen -
* Project developer & maintainer
* Creator and project maintainer
* Jérôme Cabanis -
@ -29,11 +20,6 @@ The following people have contributed to the development of PHP Server Monitor:
* Mobile compatibility
* Various fixes and improvements
* Ward Pieters -
* GatewayAPI, Plivo, Callr and SolutionsInfini SMS Gateway
* Other SMS Gateways rewritten
* Perri Vardy-Mason -
* Textmarketer SMS gateway
@ -76,60 +62,23 @@ The following people have contributed to the development of PHP Server Monitor:
* Icon
* Michiel van der Wulp -
* FreeVoipDeal SMS gateway
* Luis Rodriguez -
* Nexmo SMS gateway
* Mateusz Małek -
* SMSAPI gateway
* Daniel Krusky -
* Discord webhook support
* Łukasz Szczepański -
* PromoSMS gateway
The following people have contributed to the translation of PHP Server Monitor:
* Bulgarian
* Plamen Vasilev -
* Catalan
* caos30 -
* Chinese
* manhere -
* Czech
* Bulgarian
* Simon Berka -
* Plamen Vasilev -
* Danish
* nerdalertdk
* Estonian
* Richard A. -
* Finnish
* Sami Nieminen -
* French
* David Ribeiro
@ -138,70 +87,37 @@ The following people have contributed to the translation of PHP Server Monitor:
* German
* Brunbaur Herbert
* Jean Pierre Kolb -
* Italian
* Marco Gargani
* Japanese
* Vus520 -
* Rht0910 -
* Korean
* Ik-Jun
* Persian
* Javad Evazzadeh Kakroudi -
* Polish
* Arkadiusz Klenczar -
* Portuguese (Brazil)
* Luiz Alberto S. Ribeiro
* Spanish
* Klemens Häckel -
* Russian
* Roman Beylin -
* Yuriy Lyutov -
* Alexell -
* Spanish
* Klemens Häckel -
* Luis Rodriguez -
* Mauro Vietri -
* Swedish
* Andlil -
* Turkish
* Haydar Kulekci -
* Ukrainian
* Oleksa Vyshnivsky -
The following libraries are being used by PHP Server Monitor:
* Chart.js -
* jqPlot -
* Twitter Bootstrap -
* jQuery -
* Font Awesome -
* Twig -
* Bootstrap-select -
* Bootstrap Multiselect -
* PHP Mailer -
* PHP-Pushover -
* Symfony -
* Random_compat -
* Hammer.js -
* php-pushover -
* Twig -

View File

@ -25,10 +25,6 @@ Each language file should contain a 'locale' key which can be used for formattin
For more information, see
For display purposes, the language file should also provide the text direction (ltr / rtl) and language subtag.
Unfortunately they do not match 1:1 with the locales used for the server.
Valid language subtags can be found on
Adding a new language
@ -44,25 +40,6 @@ To add a new language, follow these steps:
Getting started
If you are not familiar with Vagrant, have a look at for more information (it is awesome).
To ease development, a Vagrantfile has been included along with a full provisioning profile generated using ansible.
The Vagrantfile is configured to set up a Ubuntu 20.04 box with PHP 7.4 (FPM) and MySQL installed, with a dedicated private IP for accessing the dev environment(
To set up the development environment, make sure you have Vagrant, Ansible and VirtualBox ( installed, then run::
vagrant up
The initial setup may take some time as the virtual machine needs to be provisioned.
After that, you can access your development environment by navigating to
The config.php file has been created automatically, but the first time you do need to run through the install wizard.
All code related to phpservermon lives in the "psm" namespace, which can be found under "src/psm".
The Router ( is used to load the modules.

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Users
What are the differences between the user levels?
There are 3 user levels available: anonymous, regular user and administrator.
There are 2 user levels available: regular user and administrator.
@ -24,16 +24,6 @@ Regular users:
* View the history and logs of their assigned servers.
* Run the updater on their assigned servers.
Only meant for user '__PUBLIC__' and can't be assigned to any other user.
* View the status of their assigned servers without password.
I removed user '__PUBLIC__', what now?
* Go to users -> create new user.
* Set the username to '__PUBLIC__', level to 'anonymous' and the rest is up to you.
@ -61,27 +51,10 @@ The other way is to parse the access logs created by your webserver software, wh
When using tools such as Google Analytics, the monitor requests will not show up in your statistics, because the monitor does not execute any Javascript.
Tools that parse your raw access logs like Awstats, will include the requests made by the monitor.
To make sure these requests can be identified, the monitor uses a custom user agent, which you can usually filter out. The user agent can be modified in the config section, but bij default looks like::
To make sure these requests can be identified, the monitor uses a custom user agent, which you can usually filter out. The user agent of the monitor looks like::
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; phpservermon/3.0.1; +
What is the log retention period?
The monitor uses 2 different tables in the database to store history information regarding servers.
The first one is called the "uptime" table. This one keeps full track of the past 7 days, so that detailed information is available (e.g. which checks failed/passed etc).
This allows the monitor to create a detailed graph on the server info page.
In order to prevent the uptime table growing beyond reasonable, after a week the uptime records are archived to a different table.
Archiving means that per day only one record is stored with averages. This still allows some basic statistics, although they are not as detailed as the uptime records.
The retention period tells the monitor how long to keep records in the archive table.
How to disable caching?
Caching can be stopt by using a unique url. Place `%cachebuster%` in the url,
this will be replaced with the value of time().
Example: will run as
@ -104,81 +77,4 @@ The second part is the actual message. There are a few variables you can use in
* %LABEL% - The name of the server
* %IP% - The ip of the server
* %PORT% - The port of the server
* %ERROR% - This one only works for the off_* messages and contains the error returned by the monitor
After upgrading, my email stopped working.
Run 'php composer.phar update' and you should be good to go!
Setting up a public page.
1. Set PSM_PUBLIC to true in config.php.
2. If not yet existing, create a user with username '__PUBLIC__'. See Users -> "I removed user '__PUBLIC__', what now?" for help.
3. Add servers to user '__PUBLIC__'.
4. Go to /public.php.
I'm not recieving a notification after my server went down.
1. Check if you have setup the noticication method correctly on the config tab.
2. Check if you have added the user to the server you want to monitor. This can be found under permissions while editting the server.
3. Check if you have enabled the notification method for the server. This can be changed on the server edit page.
How do I setup Telegram?
A few steps are required to get Telegram notifications working.
You need to be an administrator for this part.
1. Go to @botfather ( and type /start .
2. Type /newbot and give your bot an unique name.
3. Save the API token.
4. Login to PhpServerMonitor dashboard > config > Telegram > put your api token into Telegram API Token's column.
How do I sent Telegram notifications to a person?
1. Go to @cid_bot ( and start.
2. Save your chat id.
3. Login to PhpServerMonitor dashboard then open user profile page, then put your chat id into Telegram chat id's column.
4. Press save then activate Telegram notifications button.
5. Go to your chat with the bot and press start of type /start.
How do I sent Telegram notifications to a group?
1. Add @cid_bot ( to the group.
2. Save the chat id (including the -).
3. Remove @cid_bot from the group.
4. Add your bot to the group.
How do I sent Telegram notifications to a channel?
1. Create a public channel.
2. Add the bot as an administator to the channel.
3. Save chat id as: @channelname.
What is the username of my bot?
1. Go to profile on the monitor.
2. Press activate.
3. A button will appear, this will direct you to your Telegram bot.
How do I setup Jabber notifications from Google account?
A few steps are required to get Jabber notifications working for Google account.
You need to be an administrator for this part.
1. Go into you Google Account Security settings (
2. Check that you have two factor auth enabled. If not, activate it.
3. Add new app password - copy it.
4. Login to PhpServerMonitor dashboard > config > Jabber and use password from step 3 with your Google account in PhpServerMonitor jabber settings.
5. As host use ``.
6. As username use your whole Google account (for example ``).
7. As port use `5223` (really, not typo error ...).
* %ERROR% - This one only works for the off_* messages and contains the error returned by the monitor

View File

@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ To change these values correctly, only update the second parameter of the functi
define('PSM_DB_HOST', 'db_host');
define('PSM_DB_NAME', 'db_name');
define('PSM_DB_USER', 'db_user');
define('PSM_DB_PASS', 'db_user_password'); NOTE: password containing '%' will cause an error.
define('PSM_DB_PORT', 'most likely 3306, may also be empty');
define('PSM_DB_PASS', 'db_user_password');
For example: to change your username you should ONLY change the 'db\_user' part.
Do NOT remove the quotes around your username as that will result in an error.
@ -50,8 +49,6 @@ For a regular upgrade, follow these steps:
* Follow the steps
* Enjoy
Alternatively you can use script.
From 2.0
@ -94,67 +91,10 @@ Please note that some distros have user-specific crontabs (e.g. Debian). If that
*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/phpservermon/cron/status.cron.php
If you want to check in different intervals online and offline servers you can use attribute `-s` (or `--status`) with value `on` or `off`.
So for example you want to check your servers which are online every 10 minutes and offline every 5 seconds. So configure two cron jobs::
*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/phpservermon/cron/status.cron.php -s on
*/1 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/phpservermon/cron/status.cron.php -s off
By default `off` servers are checked every 5 seconds. If you want to change it add into your config file this constant with required value in seconds::
define('CRON_DOWN_INTERVAL', 1); // every 1 second call update
The update script has been designed to prevent itself from running multiple times. It has a maximum timeout of 10 minutes.
After that the script is assumed dead and the cronjob will run again.
If you want to change the 10 minutes timeout, find the constant "PSM_CRON_TIMEOUT" in src/includes/
You can also provide it as an argument (in seconds!). The following example would change to timeout to 10 seconds::
php status.cron.php --timeout=10
By default, no URLs are generated for notifications created in the cronjob.
To specify the base url to your monitor installation, use the "--uri" argument, like so::
php status.cron.php --uri=""
If you're work with cPanel you can follow these steps:
1. Log into your cPanel account
2. Go to cron jobs
3. Add a new cronjob
- Type `*/15` in the minute field
- Type `*` in the other field
- Type `php /home2/<Type here your cPanel username>/public_html/phpservermon/cron/status.cron.php` in the command field
4. Submit
Cronjob over web
To allow scheduled status updates over the web, the commandline check is extended with a check on allowed IP address(es).
In config.php add following line::
// PHP 7.0.0 and higher
define('PSM_CRON_ALLOW', array("", "yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy", "zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz"));
// lower versions
define('PSM_CRON_ALLOW', serialize(array("", "yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy", "zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz")));
After that, you can hit the url http(s)://""/cron/status.cron.php over the web from your allowed IP.
Alternatively, define a secret key to allow the update over the web:
In config.php add following line::
After that, you can hit the url http(s)://""/cron/status.cron.php?webcron_key=YOURKEY .
@ -162,5 +102,4 @@ Troubleshooting
If you have problems setting up or accessing your monitor and do not know why, enable debug mode to turn on error reporting.
To enable debug mode, add the following line to your config.php file::
define('PSM_DEBUG', true);
define('PSM_DEBUG', true);

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Features
* Monitor services and websites (see below).
* Email, SMS, Pushover, Telegram and Jabber notifications.
* Email, SMS and Pushover notifications.
* View history graphs of uptime and latency.
* User authentication with 2 levels (administrator and regular user).
* Logs of connection errors, outgoing emails and text messages.
@ -44,27 +44,17 @@ There are two different ways to monitor a server:
Each server has its own settings regarding notification.
You can choose for email, text message (SMS),, Telegram and Jabber notifications.
You can choose for email, text message (SMS) and notifications.
The following SMS gateways are currently available:
* Clickatell - <>
* Inetworx - <>
* Messagebird - <>
* Mosms - <>
* Smsglobal - <>
* SMSit - <>
* Spryng - <>
* Textmarketer - <>
* FreeVoipDeal - <>
* Nexmo - <>
* OctoPush - <>
* FreeMobile (FR) - <>
* Twilio - <>
* CM Telecom - <>
* GatewayAPI - <>
* SolutionsInfini - <>
* Plivo - <>
* Callr - <>
* Inetworx - <>
* Mollie - <>
* Mosms - <>
* Smsglobal - <>
* SMSit - <>
* Spryng - <>
* Textmarketer - <>
Please note: for these gateways you will need an account with sufficient credits.
@ -72,4 +62,4 @@ Please note: for these gateways you will need an account with sufficient credits
The latest version can be downloaded from
The latest version can be downloaded from

View File

@ -1,242 +1,242 @@
REM Command file for Sphinx documentation
if "%SPHINXBUILD%" == "" (
set SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build
set BUILDDIR=_build
if NOT "%PAPER%" == "" (
set I18NSPHINXOPTS=-D latex_paper_size=%PAPER% %I18NSPHINXOPTS%
if "%1" == "" goto help
if "%1" == "help" (
echo.Please use `make ^<target^>` where ^<target^> is one of
echo. html to make standalone HTML files
echo. dirhtml to make HTML files named index.html in directories
echo. singlehtml to make a single large HTML file
echo. pickle to make pickle files
echo. json to make JSON files
echo. htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project
echo. qthelp to make HTML files and a qthelp project
echo. devhelp to make HTML files and a Devhelp project
echo. epub to make an epub
echo. latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter
echo. text to make text files
echo. man to make manual pages
echo. texinfo to make Texinfo files
echo. gettext to make PO message catalogs
echo. changes to make an overview over all changed/added/deprecated items
echo. xml to make Docutils-native XML files
echo. pseudoxml to make pseudoxml-XML files for display purposes
echo. linkcheck to check all external links for integrity
echo. doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation if enabled
goto end
if "%1" == "clean" (
for /d %%i in (%BUILDDIR%\*) do rmdir /q /s %%i
del /q /s %BUILDDIR%\*
goto end
if errorlevel 9009 (
echo.The 'sphinx-build' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx
echo.installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point the full path of the 'sphinx-build' executable. Alternatively you
echo.may add the Sphinx directory to PATH.
echo.If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from
exit /b 1
if "%1" == "html" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The HTML pages are in %BUILDDIR%/html.
goto end
if "%1" == "dirhtml" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
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goto end
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%SPHINXBUILD% -b singlehtml %ALLSPHINXOPTS% %BUILDDIR%/singlehtml
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The HTML pages are in %BUILDDIR%/singlehtml.
goto end
if "%1" == "pickle" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished; now you can process the pickle files.
goto end
if "%1" == "json" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished; now you can process the JSON files.
goto end
if "%1" == "htmlhelp" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the ^
.hhp project file in %BUILDDIR%/htmlhelp.
goto end
if "%1" == "qthelp" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the ^
.qhcp project file in %BUILDDIR%/qthelp, like this:
echo.^> qcollectiongenerator %BUILDDIR%\qthelp\phpservermon.qhcp
echo.To view the help file:
echo.^> assistant -collectionFile %BUILDDIR%\qthelp\phpservermon.ghc
goto end
if "%1" == "devhelp" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished.
goto end
if "%1" == "epub" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The epub file is in %BUILDDIR%/epub.
goto end
if "%1" == "latex" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished; the LaTeX files are in %BUILDDIR%/latex.
goto end
if "%1" == "latexpdf" (
cd %BUILDDIR%/latex
make all-pdf
cd %BUILDDIR%/..
echo.Build finished; the PDF files are in %BUILDDIR%/latex.
goto end
if "%1" == "latexpdfja" (
cd %BUILDDIR%/latex
make all-pdf-ja
cd %BUILDDIR%/..
echo.Build finished; the PDF files are in %BUILDDIR%/latex.
goto end
if "%1" == "text" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The text files are in %BUILDDIR%/text.
goto end
if "%1" == "man" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The manual pages are in %BUILDDIR%/man.
goto end
if "%1" == "texinfo" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The Texinfo files are in %BUILDDIR%/texinfo.
goto end
if "%1" == "gettext" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The message catalogs are in %BUILDDIR%/locale.
goto end
if "%1" == "changes" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.The overview file is in %BUILDDIR%/changes.
goto end
if "%1" == "linkcheck" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output ^
or in %BUILDDIR%/linkcheck/output.txt.
goto end
if "%1" == "doctest" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the ^
results in %BUILDDIR%/doctest/output.txt.
goto end
if "%1" == "xml" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The XML files are in %BUILDDIR%/xml.
goto end
if "%1" == "pseudoxml" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The pseudo-XML files are in %BUILDDIR%/pseudoxml.
goto end
REM Command file for Sphinx documentation
if "%SPHINXBUILD%" == "" (
set SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build
set BUILDDIR=_build
if NOT "%PAPER%" == "" (
set I18NSPHINXOPTS=-D latex_paper_size=%PAPER% %I18NSPHINXOPTS%
if "%1" == "" goto help
if "%1" == "help" (
echo.Please use `make ^<target^>` where ^<target^> is one of
echo. html to make standalone HTML files
echo. dirhtml to make HTML files named index.html in directories
echo. singlehtml to make a single large HTML file
echo. pickle to make pickle files
echo. json to make JSON files
echo. htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project
echo. qthelp to make HTML files and a qthelp project
echo. devhelp to make HTML files and a Devhelp project
echo. epub to make an epub
echo. latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter
echo. text to make text files
echo. man to make manual pages
echo. texinfo to make Texinfo files
echo. gettext to make PO message catalogs
echo. changes to make an overview over all changed/added/deprecated items
echo. xml to make Docutils-native XML files
echo. pseudoxml to make pseudoxml-XML files for display purposes
echo. linkcheck to check all external links for integrity
echo. doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation if enabled
goto end
if "%1" == "clean" (
for /d %%i in (%BUILDDIR%\*) do rmdir /q /s %%i
del /q /s %BUILDDIR%\*
goto end
if errorlevel 9009 (
echo.The 'sphinx-build' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx
echo.installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point the full path of the 'sphinx-build' executable. Alternatively you
echo.may add the Sphinx directory to PATH.
echo.If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from
exit /b 1
if "%1" == "html" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The HTML pages are in %BUILDDIR%/html.
goto end
if "%1" == "dirhtml" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The HTML pages are in %BUILDDIR%/dirhtml.
goto end
if "%1" == "singlehtml" (
%SPHINXBUILD% -b singlehtml %ALLSPHINXOPTS% %BUILDDIR%/singlehtml
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The HTML pages are in %BUILDDIR%/singlehtml.
goto end
if "%1" == "pickle" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished; now you can process the pickle files.
goto end
if "%1" == "json" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished; now you can process the JSON files.
goto end
if "%1" == "htmlhelp" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the ^
.hhp project file in %BUILDDIR%/htmlhelp.
goto end
if "%1" == "qthelp" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the ^
.qhcp project file in %BUILDDIR%/qthelp, like this:
echo.^> qcollectiongenerator %BUILDDIR%\qthelp\phpservermon.qhcp
echo.To view the help file:
echo.^> assistant -collectionFile %BUILDDIR%\qthelp\phpservermon.ghc
goto end
if "%1" == "devhelp" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished.
goto end
if "%1" == "epub" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The epub file is in %BUILDDIR%/epub.
goto end
if "%1" == "latex" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished; the LaTeX files are in %BUILDDIR%/latex.
goto end
if "%1" == "latexpdf" (
cd %BUILDDIR%/latex
make all-pdf
cd %BUILDDIR%/..
echo.Build finished; the PDF files are in %BUILDDIR%/latex.
goto end
if "%1" == "latexpdfja" (
cd %BUILDDIR%/latex
make all-pdf-ja
cd %BUILDDIR%/..
echo.Build finished; the PDF files are in %BUILDDIR%/latex.
goto end
if "%1" == "text" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The text files are in %BUILDDIR%/text.
goto end
if "%1" == "man" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The manual pages are in %BUILDDIR%/man.
goto end
if "%1" == "texinfo" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The Texinfo files are in %BUILDDIR%/texinfo.
goto end
if "%1" == "gettext" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The message catalogs are in %BUILDDIR%/locale.
goto end
if "%1" == "changes" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.The overview file is in %BUILDDIR%/changes.
goto end
if "%1" == "linkcheck" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output ^
or in %BUILDDIR%/linkcheck/output.txt.
goto end
if "%1" == "doctest" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the ^
results in %BUILDDIR%/doctest/output.txt.
goto end
if "%1" == "xml" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The XML files are in %BUILDDIR%/xml.
goto end
if "%1" == "pseudoxml" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The pseudo-XML files are in %BUILDDIR%/pseudoxml.
goto end

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ Requirements
* Web server
* MySQL database
* For PHP5: 5.5.9+
* For PHP7: 7.0.8+
* PHP 5.3.7+
* PHP cURL package
* PHP PDO mysql driver
* PHP XML package
* PHP PDO mysql driver

Binary file not shown.


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View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -19,31 +18,16 @@
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
require __DIR__ . '/src/bootstrap.php';
require 'src/bootstrap.php';
if (isset($_GET["logout"])) {
// logged out, redirect to login
header('Location: ' . psm_build_url());
$mod = psm_GET('mod', PSM_MODULE_DEFAULT);
try {
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
// invalid module, try the default one
// it that somehow also doesnt exist, we have a bit of an issue
// and we really have no reason catch it
$router = new psm\Router();

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -19,17 +18,16 @@
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
namespace {
define('PSM_INSTALL', true);
define('PSM_INSTALL', true);
require __DIR__ . '/src/bootstrap.php';
require 'src/bootstrap.php';
$router = new psm\Router();

logs/.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
"name": "PHP Server Monitor",
"short_name": "PSM",
"icons": [{
"src": "phpservermon.png",
"sizes": "128x128",
"type": "image/png"
}, {
"src": "favicon.png",
"sizes": "32x32",
"type": "image/png"
} ,{
"src": "favicon.ico",
"sizes": "32x32",
"type": "image/x-icon"
"start_url": "index.php",
"display": "standalone",
"background_color": "#3E4EB8",
"theme_color": "#ffffff"

Binary file not shown.


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View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- hosts: all
become: yes
become_method: sudo
- name: Update OS
name: '*'
state: latest
- name: wget percona release installation file
shell: cd /root/ && wget$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb; dpkg -i /root/percona-release_latest.$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb
- name: setup percona repositories to percona server 5.7
shell: percona-release setup ps57
- name: Update repositories cache
update_cache: yes
- name: ensure nginx is at the latest version
apt: name=nginx state=latest
- name: start nginx
name: nginx
state: started
- name: Add nginx stable repository from PPA and install its signing key on Ubuntu target
repo: ppa:ondrej/php
- name: ensure php7.4-fpm is at the latest version
apt: name=php7.4-fpm state=latest
- name: install php7.4-curl
apt: name=php7.4-curl state=latest
- name: install php7.4-xml
apt: name=php7.4-xml state=latest
- name: install php7.4-pdo
apt: name=php7.4-pdo state=latest
- name: install php7.4-mysql
apt: name=php7.4-mysql state=latest
- name: ensure gpupg2 is at the latest version
apt: name=gnupg2 state=latest
- name: ensure percona-server-57 is installed
apt: name=percona-server-server-5.7 state=latest
# - name: Create a new database with name 'psm'
# shell: mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE psm;"
- name: setup mysql
shell: /vagrant/
- name: copy psm nginx vhost
shell: /bin/cp -far /vagrant/dev/phpservermon-default /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
- name: setup php dependencies
shell: /vagrant/
- name: copy psm config file
shell: /bin/cp -far /vagrant/dev/vagrant-config.php /vagrant/config.php
- name: apply nginx modifications
name: nginx
state: restarted

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
var dataCacheName = 'PSM-v1';
var cacheName = 'PSM-PWA-final-1';
var filesToCache = [
self.addEventListener('install', function(e) {
console.log('[ServiceWorker] Install');
e.waitUntil( {
console.log('[ServiceWorker] Caching app shell');
return cache.addAll(filesToCache);
self.addEventListener('activate', function(e) {
console.log('[ServiceWorker] Activate');
caches.keys().then(function(keyList) {
return Promise.all( {
if (key !== cacheName && key !== dataCacheName) {
console.log('[ServiceWorker] Removing old cache', key);
return caches.delete(key);
return self.clients.claim();
/*self.addEventListener('fetch', function(e) {
console.log('[Service Worker] Fetch', e.request.url);
var dataUrl = '';
if (e.request.url.indexOf(dataUrl) > -1) {
* When the request URL contains dataUrl, the app is asking for fresh
* weather data. In this case, the service worker always goes to the
* network and then caches the response. This is called the "Cache then
* network" strategy:
e.respondWith( {
return fetch(e.request).then(function(response){
cache.put(e.request.url, response.clone());
return response;
} else {
* The app is asking for app shell files. In this scenario the app uses the
* "Cache, falling back to the network" offline strategy:
caches.match(e.request).then(function(response) {
return response || fetch(e.request);

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Create database
mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE psm;"
# Create user
mysql -e "CREATE USER 'psm'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'psm-dev-password';"
mysql -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON psm.* TO 'psm'@'localhost';"

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# check if vendor dir is existing
if [ -d "$DIR" ]; then
# Take action if $DIR exists. #
echo "vendor dir found, nothing to do..."
echo "vendor dir not found, installing dependencies..."
cd /vagrant/ && php composer.phar install

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -19,108 +18,100 @@
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 2.1.0
namespace {
// Include paths
// Include paths
define('PSM_PATH_SRC', dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
// user levels
define('PSM_USER_ADMIN', 10);
define('PSM_USER_USER', 20);
define('PSM_USER_ANONYMOUS', 30);
// user levels
define('PSM_USER_ADMIN', 10);
define('PSM_USER_USER', 20);
define('PSM_USER_ANONYMOUS', 30);
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set') && function_exists('date_default_timezone_get')) {
// find config file
$path_conf = PSM_PATH_SRC . '../config.php';
if (file_exists($path_conf)) {
include_once $path_conf;
// check for a debug var
if (!defined('PSM_DEBUG')) {
define('PSM_DEBUG', false);
// Debug enabled: report everything
// Debug disabled: report error only if created manually
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
PSM_DEBUG ? error_reporting(E_ALL) : error_reporting(E_USER_ERROR);
// check for a cron allowed ip array
if (!defined('PSM_CRON_ALLOW')) {
//serialize for php version lower than 7.0.0
define('PSM_CRON_ALLOW', serialize(array()));
$vendor_autoload = PSM_PATH_SRC . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' .
DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';
if (!file_exists($vendor_autoload)) {
"No dependencies found in vendor dir. Did you install the dependencies?
Please run \"php composer.phar install\".",
require_once $vendor_autoload;
$router = new psm\Router();
// this may seem insignificant, but right now lots of functions
// depend on the following global var definition:
$db = $router->getService('db');
// sanity check!
if (!defined('PSM_INSTALL') || !PSM_INSTALL) {
if ($db->getDbHost() === null) {
// no config file has been loaded, redirect the user to the install
header('Location: install.php');
// config file has been loaded, check if we have a connection
if (!$db->status()) {
trigger_error("Unable to establish database connection...", E_USER_ERROR);
// attempt to load configuration from database
if (!psm_load_conf()) {
// unable to load from config table
header('Location: install.php');
// config load OK, make sure database version is up to date
$installer = new \psm\Util\Install\Installer($db);
if ($installer->isUpgradeRequired()) {
"Your database is for an older version and requires an upgrade,
<a href=\"install.php\">please click here</a> to update your database to the latest version.",
// check for a public page var
// This should be defined in the config
if (!defined('PSM_PUBLIC')) {
define('PSM_PUBLIC', false);
// check for a public page
// This variable is for internal use
// and should not be changed by the user manualy
if (!defined('PSM_PUBLIC_PAGE')) {
define('PSM_PUBLIC_PAGE', false);
$lang = psm_get_conf('language', 'en_US');
if(function_exists('date_default_timezone_set') && function_exists('date_default_timezone_get')) {
// find config file
$path_conf = PSM_PATH_SRC . '../config.php';
if(file_exists($path_conf)) {
include_once $path_conf;
// check for a debug var
if(!defined('PSM_DEBUG')) {
define('PSM_DEBUG', false);
ini_set('display_erors', 1);
} else {
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
$vendor_autoload = PSM_PATH_SRC . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';
if(!file_exists($vendor_autoload)) {
die('No dependencies found in vendor dir. Did you install the dependencies? Please run "php composer.phar install".');
require_once $vendor_autoload;
// set autoloader, make sure to set $prepend = true so that our autoloader is called first
spl_autoload_register(function($class) {
// remove leading \
$class = ltrim($class, '\\');
$path_parts = explode('\\', $class);
$filename = array_pop($path_parts);
$path = PSM_PATH_SRC . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path_parts) .
$filename . '.class.php'
if(file_exists($path)) {
require_once $path;
// auto-find all include files
$includes = glob(PSM_PATH_INC . '*.inc.php');
foreach($includes as $file) {
include_once $file;
// init db connection
$db = new psm\Service\Database();
// sanity check!
if(!defined('PSM_INSTALL') || !PSM_INSTALL) {
if($db->getDbHost() === null) {
// no config file has been loaded, redirect the user to the install
header('Location: install.php');
// config file has been loaded, check if we have a connection
if(!$db->status()) {
die('Unable to establish database connection...');
// attempt to load configuration from database
if(!psm_load_conf()) {
// unable to load from config table
header('Location: install.php');
// config load OK, make sure database version is up to date
$installer = new \psm\Util\Install\Installer($db);
if($installer->isUpgradeRequired()) {
die('Your database is for an older version and requires an upgrade, <a href="install.php">please click here</a> to update your database to the latest version.');
$lang = psm_get_conf('language', 'en_US');

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<container xmlns=""
<parameter key="config.theme" type="constant">PSM_THEME</parameter>
<parameter key="modules" type="collection">
<parameter key="path.src" type="constant">PSM_PATH_SRC</parameter>
<parameter key="path.templates">%path.src%templates</parameter>
<parameter key="" type="constant">PSM_DB_HOST</parameter>
<parameter key="db.port" type="constant">PSM_DB_PORT</parameter>
<parameter key="db.user" type="constant">PSM_DB_USER</parameter>
<parameter key="db.pass" type="constant">PSM_DB_PASS</parameter>
<parameter key="" type="constant">PSM_DB_NAME</parameter>
<!--MODULES start-->
<service id="module.config" class="psm\Module\Config\ConfigModule" />
<service id="module.error" class="psm\Module\Error\ErrorModule" />
<service id="module.server" class="psm\Module\Server\ServerModule" />
<service id="module.user" class="psm\Module\User\UserModule" />
<service id="module.install" class="psm\Module\Install\InstallModule" />
<!--MODULES end-->
<!--SERVICES start-->
<service id="db" class="psm\Service\Database">
<service id="event" class="Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher">
<argument type="service" id="service_container" />
<service id="user" class="psm\Service\User">
<argument type="service" id="db" />
<service id="twig.loader" class="Twig_Loader_Filesystem">
<service id="twig" class="Twig_Environment">
<argument type="service" id="twig.loader" />
<!--SERVICES end-->
<!--UTIL start-->
<service id="util.user.validator" class="psm\Util\User\UserValidator">
<argument type="service" id="user" />
<service id="util.server.updatemanager" class="psm\Util\Server\UpdateManager">
<argument type="service" id="service_container" />
<!--UTIL end-->

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -20,7 +19,7 @@
* @package phpservermon
* @author Anthony Ferrara <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
@ -36,6 +35,7 @@
if (!defined('PASSWORD_DEFAULT')) {
define('PASSWORD_BCRYPT', 1);
@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ if (!defined('PASSWORD_DEFAULT')) {
* @return string|false The hashed password, or false on error.
function password_hash($password, $algo, array $options = array())
function password_hash($password, $algo, array $options = array()) {
if (!function_exists('crypt')) {
trigger_error("Crypt must be loaded for password_hash to function", E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
@ -59,8 +58,7 @@ if (!defined('PASSWORD_DEFAULT')) {
return null;
if (!is_int($algo)) {
trigger_error("password_hash() expects parameter 2 to be long, " . gettype($algo) .
" given", E_USER_WARNING);
trigger_error("password_hash() expects parameter 2 to be long, " . gettype($algo) . " given", E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
switch ($algo) {
@ -70,10 +68,7 @@ if (!defined('PASSWORD_DEFAULT')) {
if (isset($options['cost'])) {
$cost = $options['cost'];
if ($cost < 4 || $cost > 31) {
sprintf("password_hash(): Invalid bcrypt cost parameter specified: %d", $cost),
trigger_error(sprintf("password_hash(): Invalid bcrypt cost parameter specified: %d", $cost), E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
@ -84,10 +79,7 @@ if (!defined('PASSWORD_DEFAULT')) {
$hash_format = sprintf("$2y$%02d$", $cost);
sprintf("password_hash(): Unknown password hashing algorithm: %s", $algo),
trigger_error(sprintf("password_hash(): Unknown password hashing algorithm: %s", $algo), E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
if (isset($options['salt'])) {
@ -104,7 +96,6 @@ if (!defined('PASSWORD_DEFAULT')) {
$salt = (string) $options['salt'];
// no break
case 'array':
case 'resource':
@ -112,14 +103,7 @@ if (!defined('PASSWORD_DEFAULT')) {
return null;
if (strlen($salt) < $required_salt_len) {
"password_hash(): Provided salt is too short: %d expecting %d",
trigger_error(sprintf("password_hash(): Provided salt is too short: %d expecting %d", strlen($salt), $required_salt_len), E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
} elseif (0 == preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z0-9./]+$#D', $salt)) {
$salt = str_replace('+', '.', base64_encode($salt));
@ -192,8 +176,7 @@ if (!defined('PASSWORD_DEFAULT')) {
* @return array The array of information about the hash.
function password_get_info($hash)
function password_get_info($hash) {
$return = array(
'algo' => 0,
'algoName' => 'unknown',
@ -219,8 +202,7 @@ if (!defined('PASSWORD_DEFAULT')) {
* @return boolean True if the password needs to be rehashed.
function password_needs_rehash($hash, $algo, array $options = array())
function password_needs_rehash($hash, $algo, array $options = array()) {
$info = password_get_info($hash);
if ($info['algo'] != $algo) {
return true;
@ -244,8 +226,7 @@ if (!defined('PASSWORD_DEFAULT')) {
* @return boolean If the password matches the hash
function password_verify($password, $hash)
function password_verify($password, $hash) {
if (!function_exists('crypt')) {
trigger_error("Crypt must be loaded for password_verify to function", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -19,8 +18,8 @@
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
@ -30,19 +29,19 @@
* Current PSM version
define('PSM_VERSION', '3.6.0');
define('PSM_VERSION', '3.1.0');
* URL to check for updates. Will not be checked if turned off on config page.
* @see psm_update_available()
define('PSM_UPDATE_URL', '');
define('PSM_UPDATE_URL', '');
* Default update interval (1 day). Only applicable when updates are enabled.
* Default update interval (1 week). Only applicable when updates are enabled.
* @see psm_update_available()
define('PSM_UPDATE_INTERVAL', 1 * 24 * 60 * 60);
define('PSM_UPDATE_INTERVAL', 7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
* Configuration for: Hashing strength
@ -67,7 +66,7 @@ define('PSM_UPDATE_INTERVAL', 1 * 24 * 60 * 60);
* This constant will be used in the login and the registration class.
* Configuration for: Cookies
@ -84,9 +83,9 @@ define('PSM_LOGIN_HASH_COST_FACTOR', '10');
* COOKIE_DOMAIN: The domain where the cookie is valid for, like ''
* COOKIE_SECRET_KEY: Put a random value here to make your app more secure. When changed, all cookies are reset.
define('PSM_LOGIN_COOKIE_RUNTIME', 1209600);
define('PSM_LOGIN_COOKIE_DOMAIN', null);
define('PSM_LOGIN_COOKIE_SECRET_KEY', '4w900de52e3ap7y77y8675jy6c594286');
define("PSM_LOGIN_COOKIE_RUNTIME", 1209600);
define("PSM_LOGIN_COOKIE_DOMAIN", null);
define("PSM_LOGIN_COOKIE_SECRET_KEY", "4w900de52e3ap7y77y8675jy6c594286");
* Number of seconds the reset link is valid after sending it to the user.
@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ define('PSM_LOGIN_COOKIE_SECRET_KEY', '4w900de52e3ap7y77y8675jy6c594286');
define('PSM_LOGIN_RESET_RUNTIME', 3600);
* Number of seconds the cron is supposedly dead and we will run another cron anyway. Set to 0 to disable.
* Number of seconds the cron is supposedly dead and we will run another cron anyway.
define('PSM_CRON_TIMEOUT', 600);
@ -103,42 +102,13 @@ define('PSM_CRON_TIMEOUT', 600);
define('PSM_CURL_TIMEOUT', 10);
* Name of the default theme.
define('PSM_THEME', 'default');
* Clone URL for the service.
* Get chat id for Telegram service.
define('PSM_TELEGRAM_GET_ID_URL', '');
* By defining the PSM_BASE_URL, you will force the psm_build_url() to use this.
* Useful for cronjobs if it cannot be auto-detected.
//define('PSM_BASE_URL', null);
if (!defined('PSM_MODULE_DEFAULT')) {
* Default theme
define('PSM_THEME', 'default');
* Default module (if none given or invalid one)
define('PSM_MODULE_DEFAULT', 'server_status');
if (defined('PSM_JABBER_FORCE_TLS') === false) {
define('PSM_JABBER_FORCE_TLS', true);
if (defined('PSM_JABBER_AUTH_TYPE') === false) {
define('PSM_JABBER_AUTH_TYPE', 'PLAIN'); // default just plain because of google for example :(
if (defined('PSM_JABBER_DEBUG_LEVEL') === false) {
// possible values: ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -20,350 +19,279 @@
* @package phpservermon
* @author Plamen Vasilev a.k.a Paco <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Български - Bulgarian',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'bg_BG.UTF-8',
'1' => 'bg_BG',
'2' => 'bulgarian',
'locale_tag' => 'bg',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Мониторинг',
'install' => 'Инсталация',
'action' => 'Действие',
'save' => 'Запиши',
'edit' => 'Редактирай',
'delete' => 'Изтрий',
'date' => 'Дата',
'message' => 'Съобщение',
'yes' => 'Да',
'no' => 'Не',
'insert' => 'Добавяне',
'add_new' => 'Добави нов',
'update_available' => 'Налична е нова версия: ({version}). Може да я свалите
от <a href=""
target="_blank" rel="noopener">тук</a>.',
'back_to_top' => 'Нагоре',
'go_back' => 'Назад',
'ok' => 'Ок',
'cancel' => 'Отказ',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Вчера в %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A в %k:%M',
'never' => 'Никога',
'hours_ago' => 'преди %d часа',
'an_hour_ago' => 'преди час',
'minutes_ago' => 'преди %d минути',
'a_minute_ago' => 'преди минута',
'seconds_ago' => 'преди %d секунди',
'a_second_ago' => 'преди секунда',
'seconds' => 'секунди',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Настройки',
'server' => 'Сървъри',
'server_log' => 'Логове',
'server_status' => 'Статус',
'server_update' => 'Обнови данните',
'user' => 'Потребители',
'help' => 'Помощ',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Потребител',
'name' => 'Име',
'user_name' => 'Потребител',
'password' => 'Парола',
'password_repeat' => 'Повторете паролата',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Оставете празно, за да не бъде променена
'level' => 'Ниво на достъп',
'level_10' => 'Администратор',
'level_20' => 'Потребител',
'level_description' => '<b>Администраторите</b> имат пълен достъп: могат
да управляват сървърите, потребителите и да
редактират глобалните
настройки.<br><b>Потребителите</b> могат само да
виждат статуса на сървърите и да обнояват
информацията за даден сървър, за който им е
разрешен достъп.',
'mobile' => 'Мобилен телефон',
'email' => 'Имейл',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover е услуга, която улеснява получаването на
известия в реално време. Посетете <a
href="" target="_blank">техния сайт</a> за
повече информация.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Ключ',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Устройство',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Име на устройство, което да получава
съобщение. Оставете празно, за изпращане
до всички устройства.',
'delete_title' => 'Изтриване на потребител',
'delete_message' => 'Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете потребител
'deleted' => 'Потребителят е изтрит успешно.',
'updated' => 'Информацията за потребителя е обновена.',
'inserted' => 'Потребителят е добавен.',
'profile' => 'Профил',
'profile_updated' => 'Профилът е обновен успешно',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Потребителското име трябва да съдържа
между 2 и 64 символа',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Може да съдържа само латински букви (a-z, A-Z),
цифри (0-9), точка (.) и долна черта (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Вече съществува акаунт с това потребителско
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Имейл адреса трябва да съдържа между 5 и 255
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'Въведения имейл адрес е грешен.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Избраното ниво на достъп е грешно.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Потребителят не може да бъде намерен.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Въведената парола е грешка.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Въведените пароли не съвпадат.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Записи в лога',
'type' => 'Тип',
'status' => 'Статус',
'email' => 'Имейл',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'Няма налични логове',
'clear' => 'Изчистване на дневника',
'delete_title' => 'Изтриване на дневника',
'delete_message' => 'Наистина ли искате да изтриете <b>всички</b>
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Сървър',
'status' => 'Статус',
'label' => 'Име',
'domain' => 'Хост',
'timeout' => 'Изчакване',
'timeout_description' => 'Брой секунди, който да изчака отговор от
'port' => 'Порт',
'type' => 'Тип',
'type_website' => 'Сайт',
'type_service' => 'Услуга',
'pattern' => 'Търсене на стринг/образец',
'pattern_description' => 'Ако този текст не е намерен в интернет
страницата (когато имате добавен сайт), той ще
бъде маркиран като Офлайн. Регулярните изрази
са разрешени.',
'last_check' => 'Последна проверка',
'last_online' => 'Последно на линия',
'last_offline' => 'Last offline',
'monitoring' => 'Мониторинг',
'no_monitoring' => 'Не се наблюдава',
'email' => 'Имейл',
'send_email' => 'Имейл',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Потребители',
'delete_title' => 'Изтриване на сървър',
'delete_message' => 'Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете сървър \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Сървъра е изтрит успешно.',
'updated' => 'Информацията за сървъра е обновена.',
'inserted' => 'Сървърът е добавен успешно.',
'latency' => 'Латенция',
'latency_max' => 'Латенция (максимална)',
'latency_min' => 'Латенция (минимална)',
'latency_avg' => 'Латенция (средна)',
'uptime' => 'Ъптайм',
'year' => 'Година',
'month' => 'Месец',
'week' => 'Седмица',
'day' => 'Ден',
'hour' => 'Час',
'warning_threshold' => 'Предупредителен праг',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Брой неуспешни проверки, преди сървъра
или сайта да бъдат маркирани като
'chart_last_week' => 'Последната седмица',
'chart_history' => 'История',
'chart_day_format' => '%d.%m.%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d.%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS известията са изключени.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Имейл известията са изключени.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover известията са изключени.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Сървърът не е намерен.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Името трябва да е между 1 и 255 символа.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Хоста/IP адреса трябва да е между 1 и 255
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'IP адреса е невалиден.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'Сайта е невалиден.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Избраният тип сървър е невалиден.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Броя неуспешни проверки, преди
сървъра или сайта да бъдат
маркирани като Офлайн трябва да е
цифра по-голяма от 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Основни настройки',
'language' => 'Език',
'show_update' => 'Да проверява ли за нова версия всяка седмица',
'email_status' => 'Да се изпращат ли имейли',
'email_from_email' => 'Имейл, от който да се изпращат съобщенията',
'email_from_name' => 'Име на изпращача',
'email_smtp' => 'Активиране на SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP сървър',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP порт',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP потребителско име',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP парола',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Оставете празно за "без аутентикация"',
'sms_status' => 'Да се изпращат ли SMS-и',
'sms_gateway' => 'Портал за изпращане на SMS-и',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Потребител',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Парола',
'sms_from' => 'Номер на изпращача',
'pushover_status' => 'Позволява изпращането на Pushover съобщения',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover е услуга, която улеснява получаването на
известия в реално време. Посетете <a
href="" target="_blank">техния сайт</a> за
повече информация.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Кликнете тук за да създаване на вашият Pushover App',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Преди да използвате Pushover, трябва да <a
href="%1$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener">регистрирате
свой App</a> в техния сайт и въведете вашия
App API Token тук.',
'alert_type' => 'Изберете кога желаете да получавате известия',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Промяна на сатуса:</b><br>Ще получавате
известие когато има промяна със връзката на
даден някой от описаните сървър или сайт. От
Онлайн -> Офлайн и от Офлайн ->
Онлайн.<br><br><b>Офлайн</b><br>Ще получите
известие когато връзката до сървъра е
изгубена за *ПЪРВИ ПЪТ*. Например, вашия cron
скрипт проверява всеки 15 минути и връзката
до сървъра е изгубена в 1 часа през нощта и не
работи до 6 часа сутринта Вие ще получите
едно известие в 1 часа за
това<br><br><b>Винаги:</b><br> Ще получавате
известие при всяка проверка на Вашия крон
скрипт дори когато връзката до даден сървър
или сайт е била прекъсната в продължение на
'alert_type_status' => 'Промяна на статуса',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Офлайн',
'alert_type_always' => 'Винаги',
'log_status' => 'Статус на логовете',
'log_status_description' => 'Ако е отметнато, системата ще записва всяка
'log_email' => 'Да се пази ли лог на изпратените имейли от
'log_sms' => 'Да се пази ли лог на изпратените SMS съобщения от
'updated' => 'Настройките са обновени успешно.',
'tab_email' => 'Имейл',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Имейл настройки',
'settings_sms' => 'SMS настройки',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover настройки',
'settings_notification' => 'Настройки на известията',
'settings_log' => 'Настройки на логовете',
'auto_refresh' => 'Автоматично опресняване',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Автоматично опресняване на
страницата.<br><span class="small">Времето е в
секунди, ако е 0 страницата няма да се
'seconds' => 'секунди',
'test' => 'Тест',
'test_email' => 'Ще бъде изпратенo тестово съобщение до имейл
адреса, който сте задали в профила си.',
'test_sms' => 'Ще бъде изпратен тестово SMS съобщение до телефонния
номер, който сте задали в профила си.',
'test_pushover' => 'Pushover известоята ще бъдат изпратени до
потребителски ключ/устройство посочено във
вашият профил.',
'send' => 'Изпрати',
'test_subject' => 'Тестово съобщение',
'test_message' => 'Тестово съобщение изпртено от PHP Сървър
'email_sent' => 'Тестовия имейл е изпратен успешно.',
'email_error' => 'Възникна грешка при изпращането на тесовия имейл',
'sms_sent' => 'Тестовото SMS съобщение е изпратеното успешно.',
'sms_error' => 'Възникна грешка при изпращането на тестовия SMS. %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Неуспешно изпращане на тестов SMS: не е намерен
валиден телефонен номер във вашия профил.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover тестово известие',
'pushover_error' => 'Възникна грешка при изпращане на тестово Pushover
известие: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Unable to send test notification: не е зададен валиден Pushover
App API token в настройките.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Unable to send test notification: не е зададен валиден Pushover
ключ във вашия профил.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Период на съхранение на логовете',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Какъв брой дни да се пазят логовете от
известията и архиви за ъптайм на
сървърите. Въведете 0 ако желаете
логовете да не се трият.',
'log_retention_days' => 'дни',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Сървър \'%LABEL%\' е Офлайн: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Greshka=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'Връзката до \'%LABEL%\' е ИЗГУБЕНА',
'off_email_body' => 'Неуспешно свързване:<br><br>Сървър: %LABEL%<br>IP адрес:
%IP%<br>Порт: %PORT%<br>Грешка: %ERROR%<br>Днес: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Връзката до \'%LABEL%\' е ИЗГУБЕНА',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Неуспешно свързване:<br><br>Сървър: %LABEL%<br>IP
адрес: %IP%<br>Порт: %PORT%<br>Грешка: %ERROR%<br>Днес: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Сървър \'%LABEL%\' е Онлайн: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, it was down for
'on_email_subject' => 'Връзката до \'%LABEL%\' е ВЪЗСТАНОВЕНА',
'on_email_body' => 'Връзката до \'%LABEL%\' беше ВЪЗСТАНОВЕНА, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Сървър: %LABEL%<br>IP адрес: %IP%<br>Порт:
%PORT%<br>Днес: %DATE%',
'on_pushover_title' => 'Връзката до \'%LABEL%\' е ВЪЗСТАНОВЕНА',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Връзката до \'%LABEL%\' беше ВЪЗСТАНОВЕНА, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Сървър: %LABEL%<br>IP адрес:
%IP%<br>Порт: %PORT%<br>Днес: %DATE%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Добре дошъл, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Моля, влезте с профила си',
'title_forgot' => 'Забравили сте паролата си?',
'title_reset' => 'Възстановяване на паролата',
'submit' => 'Вход',
'remember_me' => 'Искам да остана логнат',
'login' => 'Вход',
'logout' => 'Изход',
'username' => 'Потребител',
'password' => 'Парола',
'password_repeat' => 'Повторете паролата',
'password_forgot' => 'Забравили сте паролата си?',
'password_reset' => 'Възстановяване на паролата',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Възстановяване на парола за PHP Сървър
'password_reset_email_body' => 'За да възстановите паролата си е нужно да
кликнете на линка по-долу. Валидността на
линка е един час.<br><br>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Потребителят не може да бъде намерен.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Информацията е грешна.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Паролите не съвпадат.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Линкът за възстановяване на паролата не е
'success_password_forgot' => 'Изпратен е имейл с информация за
възстановяване на паролата.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Вашата парола е променена успешно. Моля,
влезте в системата.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Неоторизиран достъп',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Нямате нужното ниво на достъп за да
прегледате тази страница.',
'name' => 'Български - Bulgarian',
'locale' => array('bg_BG.UTF-8', 'bg_BG', 'bulgarian'),
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Мониторинг',
'install' => 'Инсталация',
'action' => 'Действие',
'save' => 'Запиши',
'edit' => 'Редактирай',
'delete' => 'Изтрий',
'date' => 'Дата',
'message' => 'Съобщение',
'yes' => 'Да',
'no' => 'Не',
'insert' => 'Добавяне',
'add_new' => 'Добави нов',
'update_available' => 'Налична е нова версия: ({version}). Може да я свалите от <a href="" target="_blank">тук</a>.',
'back_to_top' => 'Нагоре',
'go_back' => 'Назад',
'ok' => 'Ок',
'cancel' => 'Отказ',
// date/time са във формат според параметъра strftime PHP функцията
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Вчера в %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A в %k:%M',
'never' => 'Никога',
'hours_ago' => 'преди %d часа',
'an_hour_ago' => 'преди час',
'minutes_ago' => 'преди %d минути',
'a_minute_ago' => 'преди минута',
'seconds_ago' => 'преди %d секунди',
'a_second_ago' => 'преди секунда',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Настройки',
'server' => 'Сървъри',
'server_log' => 'Логове',
'server_status' => 'Статус',
'server_update' => 'Обнови данните',
'user' => 'Потребители',
'help' => 'Помощ',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Потребител',
'name' => 'Име',
'user_name' => 'Потребител',
'password' => 'Парола',
'password_repeat' => 'Повторете паролата',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Оставете празно, за да не бъде променена паролата',
'level' => 'Ниво на достъп',
'level_10' => 'Администратор',
'level_20' => 'Потребител',
'level_description' => '<b>Администраторите</b> имат пълен достъп: могат да управляват сървърите, потребителите и да редактират глобалните настройки.<br/><b>Потребителите</b> могат само да виждат статуса на сървърите и да обнояват информацията за даден сървър, за който им е разрешен достъп.',
'mobile' => 'Мобилен телефон',
'email' => 'Имейл',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Device name to send the message to. Leave empty to send it to all devices.',
'delete_title' => 'Изтриване на потребител',
'delete_message' => 'Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете потребител \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Потребителят е изтрит успешно.',
'updated' => 'Информацията за потребителя е обновена.',
'inserted' => 'Потребителят е добавен.',
'profile' => 'Профил',
'profile_updated' => 'Профилът е обновен успешно',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Потребителското име трябва да съдържа между 2 и 64 символа',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Може да съдържа само латински букви (a-z, A-Z), цифри (0-9) и долна черта (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Вече съществува акаунт с това потребителско име.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Имейл адреса трябва да съдържа между 5 и 255 символа.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'Въведения имейл адрес е грешен.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Избраното ниво на достъп е грешно.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Потребителят не може да бъде намерен.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Въведената парола е грешка.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Въведените пароли не съвпадат.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Записи в лога',
'type' => 'Тип',
'status' => 'Статус',
'email' => 'Имейл',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'Няма налични логове',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Сървър',
'status' => 'Статус',
'label' => 'Име',
'domain' => 'Хост',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Number of seconds to wait for the server to respond.',
'port' => 'Порт',
'type' => 'Тип',
'type_website' => 'Сайт',
'type_service' => 'Услуга',
'pattern' => 'Търсене на стринг/образец',
'pattern_description' => 'Ако този текст не е намерен в интернет страницата (когато имате добавен сайт), той ще бъде маркиран като Офлайн. Регулярните изрази са разрешени.',
'last_check' => 'Последна проверка',
'last_online' => 'Последно на линия',
'monitoring' => 'Мониторинг',
'no_monitoring' => 'Не се наблюдава',
'email' => 'Имейл',
'send_email' => 'Имейл',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Users',
'delete_title' => 'Изтриване на сървър',
'delete_message' => 'Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете сървър \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Сървъра е изтрит успешно.',
'updated' => 'Информацията за сървъра е обновена.',
'inserted' => 'Сървърът е добавен успешно.',
'latency' => 'Латенция',
'latency_max' => 'Латенция (максимална)',
'latency_min' => 'Латенция (минимална)',
'latency_avg' => 'Латенция (средна)',
'uptime' => 'Ъптайм',
'year' => 'Година',
'month' => 'Месец',
'week' => 'Седмица',
'day' => 'Ден',
'hour' => 'Час',
'warning_threshold' => 'Предупредителен праг',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Брой неуспешни проверки, преди сървъра или сайта да бъдат маркирани като Офлайн.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Последната седмица',
'chart_history' => 'История',
// Charts формат на датата според jqPlot
'chart_day_format' => '%d.%m.%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d.%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover notifications are disabled.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server not found.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'The label must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'The domain / IP must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'The IP address is not valid.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'The website URL is not valid.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'The selected server type is invalid.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'The warning threshold must be a valid integer greater than 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Основни настройки',
'language' => 'Език',
'show_update' => 'Да проверява ли за нова версия всяка седмица',
'email_status' => 'Да се изпращат ли имейли',
'email_from_email' => 'Имейл, от който да се изпращат съобщенията',
'email_from_name' => 'Име на изпращача',
'email_smtp' => 'Активиране на SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP сървър',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP порт',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP потребителско име',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP парола',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Оставете празно за "без аутентикация"',
'sms_status' => 'Да се изпращат ли SMS-и',
'sms_gateway' => 'Портал за изпращане на SMS-и',
'sms_gateway_mosms' => 'Mosms',
'sms_gateway_smsit' => 'Smsit',
'sms_gateway_mollie' => 'Mollie',
'sms_gateway_spryng' => 'Spryng',
'sms_gateway_inetworx' => 'Inetworx',
'sms_gateway_clickatell' => 'Clickatell',
'sms_gateway_textmarketer' => 'Textmarketer',
'sms_gateway_smsglobal' => 'SMSGlobal',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Потребител',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Парола',
'sms_from' => 'Номер на изпращача',
'pushover_status' => 'Allow sending Pushover messages',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Click here to create your Pushover app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Before you can use Pushover, you need to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">register an App</a> at their website and enter the App API Token here.',
'alert_type' => 'Изберете кога желаете да получавате известия',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Промяна на сатуса:</b><br>'.
'Ще получавате известие когато има промяна със връзката на даден някой от описаните сървър или сайт. От Онлайн -> Офлайн и от Офлайн -> Онлайн.<br/>'.
'Ще получите известие когато връзката до сървъра е изгубена за *ПЪРВИ ПЪТ*. Например, '.
'вашия cron скрипт проверява всеки 15 минути и връзката до сървъра е изгубена в 1 часа през нощта и не работи до 6 часа сутринта '.
'Вие ще получите едно известие в 1 часа за това<br/>'.
'<br><b>Винаги:</b><br> '.
'Ще получавате известие при всяка проверка на Вашия крон скрипт дори когато връзката до даден сървър или сайт е била прекъсната в продължение на часове.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Промяна на статуса',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Офлайн',
'alert_type_always' => 'Винаги',
'log_status' => 'Статус на логовете',
'log_status_description' => 'Ако е отметнато, системата ще записва всяка промяна.',
'log_email' => 'Да се пази ли лог на изпратените имейли от системата',
'log_sms' => 'Да се пази ли лог на изпратените SMS съобщения от системата',
'log_pushover' => 'Log pushover messages sent by the script',
'updated' => 'Настройките са обновени успешно.',
'tab_email' => 'Имейл',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Имейл настройки',
'settings_sms' => 'SMS настройки',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover settings',
'settings_notification' => 'Настройки на известията',
'settings_log' => 'Настройки на логовете',
'auto_refresh' => 'Автоматично опресняване',
'auto_refresh_servers' =>
'Автоматично опресняване на страницата.<br/>'.
'<span class="small">'.
'Времето е в секунди, ако е 0 страницата няма да се обновява.'.
'seconds' => 'секунди',
'test' => 'Тест',
'test_email' => 'Ще бъде изпратенo тестово съобщение до имейл адреса, който сте задали в профила си.',
'test_sms' => 'Ще бъде изпратен тестово SMS съобщение до телефонния номер, който сте задали в профила си.',
'test_pushover' => 'A Pushover notification will be sent to the user key/device specified in your user profile.',
'send' => 'Изпрати',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Тестово съобщение',
'email_sent' => 'Тестовия имейл е изпратен успешно.',
'email_error' => 'Възникна грешка при изпращането на тесовия имейл',
'sms_sent' => 'Тестовото SMS съобщение е изпратеното успешно.',
'sms_error' => 'Възникна грешка при изпращането на тестовия SMS',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Unable to send test SMS: no valid phone number found in your profile.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover notification sent',
'pushover_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Pushover notification: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover App API token found in the global configuration.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover key found in your profile.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Log retention period',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Number of days to keep logs of notifications and archives of server uptime. Enter 0 to disable log cleanup.',
'log_retention_days' => 'days',
// За нов ред в имейл съобщението, моля използвайте тага <br/>
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Сървър \'%LABEL%\' е Офлайн: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Greshka=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'Връзката до \'%LABEL%\' е ИЗГУБЕНА',
'off_email_body' => "Неуспешно свързване:<br/><br/>Сървър: %LABEL%<br/>IP адрес: %IP%<br/>Порт: %PORT%<br/>Грешка: %ERROR%<br/>Днес: %DATE%",
'off_pushover_title' => 'Връзката до \'%LABEL%\' е ИЗГУБЕНА',
'off_pushover_message' => "Неуспешно свързване:<br/><br/>Сървър: %LABEL%<br/>IP адрес: %IP%<br/>Порт: %PORT%<br/>Грешка: %ERROR%<br/>Днес: %DATE%",
'on_sms' => 'Сървър \'%LABEL%\' е Онлайн: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%',
'on_email_subject' => 'Връзката до \'%LABEL%\' е ВЪЗСТАНОВЕНА',
'on_email_body' => "Връзката до '%LABEL%' беше ВЪЗСТАНОВЕНА:<br/><br/>Сървър: %LABEL%<br/>IP адрес: %IP%<br/>Порт: %PORT%<br/>Днес: %DATE%",
'on_pushover_title' => 'Връзката до \'%LABEL%\' е ВЪЗСТАНОВЕНА',
'on_pushover_message' => "Връзката до '%LABEL%' беше ВЪЗСТАНОВЕНА:<br/><br/>Сървър: %LABEL%<br/>IP адрес: %IP%<br/>Порт: %PORT%<br/>Днес: %DATE%",
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Добре дошъл, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Моля, влезте с профила си',
'title_forgot' => 'Забравили сте паролата си?',
'title_reset' => 'Възстановяване на паролата',
'submit' => 'Вход',
'remember_me' => 'Искам да остана логнат',
'login' => 'Вход',
'logout' => 'Изход',
'username' => 'Потребител',
'password' => 'Парола',
'password_repeat' => 'Повторете паролата',
'password_forgot' => 'Забравили сте паролата си?',
'password_reset' => 'Възстановяване на паролата',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Възстановяване на парола за PHP Сървър Мониторинг',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'За да възстановите паролата си е нужно да кликнете на линка по-долу. Валидността на линка е един час.<br/><br/>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Потребителят не може да бъде намерен.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Информацията е грешна.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Паролите не съвпадат.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Линкът за възстановяване на паролата не е валиден.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Изпратен е имейл с информация за възстановяване на паролата.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Вашата парола е променена успешно. Моля, влезте в системата.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'You do not have the privileges to view this page.',

View File

@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: v3.4.1
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Català - Catalan',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'ca_ES.UTF-8',
'1' => 'ca_ES',
'2' => 'catalan',
'3' => 'catalan-es',
'locale_tag' => 'ca',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Instal·lar',
'action' => 'Acció',
'save' => 'Desar',
'edit' => 'Editar',
'delete' => 'Esborrar',
'date' => 'Data',
'message' => 'Missatge',
'yes' => 'Sí',
'no' => 'No',
'insert' => 'Inserir',
'add_new' => 'Afegir nou',
'update_available' => 'Hi ha disponible una nova versió ({version}) a <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'Tornar a dalt',
'go_back' => 'Enrere',
'ok' => 'OK',
'bad' => 'dolent',
'cancel' => 'Cancel·lar',
'none' => 'Cap',
'activate' => 'Activar',
'short_day_format' => '%e %B',
'long_day_format' => '%e %B %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Ahir a les %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A a les %k:%M',
'never' => 'Mai',
'hours_ago' => 'fa %d hores',
'an_hour_ago' => 'fa una hora',
'minutes_ago' => 'fa %d minuts',
'a_minute_ago' => 'fa un minut',
'seconds_ago' => 'fa %d segons',
'a_second_ago' => 'fa un segon',
'year' => 'any',
'years' => 'anys',
'month' => 'mes',
'months' => 'mesos',
'day' => 'dia',
'days' => 'dies',
'hour' => 'hora',
'hours' => 'hores',
'minute' => 'minut',
'minutes' => 'minuts',
'second' => 'segon',
'seconds' => 'segons',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Configuració',
'server' => 'Servidors',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Estat',
'server_update' => 'FER PING ARA',
'user' => 'Usuaris',
'help' => 'Ajuda',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Usuari',
'name' => 'Nom',
'user_name' => 'Nom d\'usuari',
'password' => 'Contrasenya',
'password_repeat' => 'Repetir contrasenya',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Deixar en blanc si no es vol canviar',
'level' => 'Nivell',
'level_10' => 'Administrador',
'level_20' => 'Usuari',
'level_description' => 'Els <b>administradors</b> tenen accés complet: poden administrar servidors, usuaris i
editar la configuració general.<br/>Els <b>usuaris</b> només poden engegar
actualitzacions dels servidors que els han estat assignats.',
'mobile' => 'Mòbil',
'email' => 'Correu',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover és un servei que fa fàcil obtenir notificacions en temps real. Veieu <a
href="" target="_blank">la seva web</a> per a més
'pushover_key' => 'Clau Pushover',
'pushover_device' => 'Dispositiu Pushover',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Nom del dispositiu al qual enviar els missatges. Deixau en blanc per enviar
a tots els dispositius.',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a> és una app de
missatgeria que facilita el rebre notificacions en temps real. Consulteu la <a
href="" target="_blank">documentació</a> per a
més informació i per saber com instal·lar-ho.',
'telegram_chat_id' => 'Codi ID del xat a Telegram',
'telegram_chat_id_description' => 'Els missatges seran enviats al xat de Telegram amb aquest ID.',
'telegram_get_chat_id' => 'Premeu aquí per a obtenir el codi ID del vostre xat',
'activate_telegram' => 'Activar notificacions de Telegram',
'activate_telegram_description' => 'Permetre a Telegram enviar notificacions al xat amb aquest ID. Sense
aquest permís, Telegram rebutjarà qualsevol missatge enviat des
d\'aquesta aplicació.',
'telegram_bot_username_found' => 'S\'ha trobat el bot!<br><a href="%s" target="_blank"><button class="btn
btn-primary">Següent pas</button></a> <br>S\'obrirà un xat amb el bot. És
necessari que premeu el botó START o escriviu el comandament /start com a
missatge pel bot.',
'telegram_bot_username_error_token' => '401 - No autoritzat. Assegureu-vos que el token de la API és vàlid.',
'telegram_bot_error' => 'Ha succeït un error mentre s\'intentava activar les notificacions amb Telegram: %s',
'delete_title' => 'Esborrar usuari',
'delete_message' => 'Aquesta és una acció irreversible, n\'esteu segurs de voler esborrar l\'usuari \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Usuari esborrat.',
'updated' => 'Usuari actualitzat.',
'inserted' => 'Usuari afegit.',
'profile' => 'Perfil',
'profile_updated' => 'El vostre perfil ha estat actualitzat.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'El nom d\'usuari ha de tenir entre 2 i 64 caràcters.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'El nom d\'usuari només pot tenir caràcters alfanumèrics (a-z, A-Z), digits
(0-9) i guions baixos (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Aquest nom d\'usuari ja existeix. Esculliu un altre.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'L\'adreça de correu ha de tenir entre 5 i 255 caràcters.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'L\'adreça de correu no és correcta.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Aquest nivell d\'usuari no és vàlid.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'No s\'ha trobat aquest usuari a la base de dades.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Aquesta contrasenya no és vàlida.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'LEs contrasenyes no coincideixen.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Entrades del LOG',
'type' => 'Tipus',
'status' => 'Estat',
'email' => 'Correu',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'no_logs' => 'No generar LOGs',
'clear' => 'Netejar LOG',
'delete_title' => 'Esborrar LOG',
'delete_message' => 'Voleu esborrar <b>tots</b> els LOGs?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Servidor',
'status' => 'Estat',
'label' => 'Etiqueta',
'domain' => 'Domini/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Nombre de segons que cal esperar a que el servidor respongui.',
'authentication_settings' => 'Opcions d\'autenticació (opcional)',
'website_username' => 'Nom d\'usuari',
'website_username_description' => 'Nom d\'usuari per accedir al portal web (només està soportada
l\'autenticació d\'Apache).',
'website_password' => 'Contrasenya',
'website_password_description' => 'Contrasenya per accedir al portal web. La contrasenya es desa encriptada a
la base de dades.',
'fieldset_monitoring' => 'Monitorització',
'fieldset_permissions' => 'Permisos',
'port' => 'Port',
'custom_port' => 'Port personalitzat',
'popular_ports' => 'Ports populars',
'request_method' => 'Mètode de crida',
'custom_request_method' => 'Mètode de crida personalitzat',
'popular_request_methods' => 'Mètodes de crida habituals',
'post_field' => 'Camp POST',
'post_field_description' => 'Els camps de dades que seran enviats emprant el mètode de crida de dalt.
Exemple: param1=val1&amp;param2=val2&...',
'please_select' => 'Seleccioneu',
'type' => 'Tipus',
'type_website' => 'Website',
'type_service' => 'Servei',
'type_ping' => 'Ping',
'pattern' => 'cercar cadena/patrò',
'pattern_description' => 'Si aquest patró no es troba al lloc web, el servidor es marcarà fora de línia. Es
permeten expressions regulars.',
'pattern_online' => 'El patró indica que el website és',
'pattern_online_description' => 'En línia: si aquest patró es pot trobar en la resposta del servidor, el
servidor serà marcat com en línia. Fóra de línia: si aquest patró no es
pot trobar en la resposta del servidor, aquest serà marcat fóra de línia.',
'redirect_check' => 'El redireccionament cap a un altre domini és',
'redirect_check_description' => 'El redireccionament cap a un altre domini habitualment és un mal senyal.',
'allow_http_status' => 'Permetre codi d\'estat HTTP',
'allow_http_status_description' => 'Marcar el website com en línia. Els codis d\'estat HTTP inferiors a 400
són marcats com en línia per defecte. Empreu el símbol | per separar
més d\'un estat. Exemple: 401|403.',
'header_name_description' => 'Nom de la capçalera (sensible a majúscules)',
'header_value_description' => 'Valor de la capçalera. Es permeten expressions regulars.',
'last_check' => 'Darrera comprovació',
'last_online' => 'Darrer cop en línia',
'last_offline' => 'Darrer cop fóra de línia',
'last_output' => 'Darrera sortida positiva',
'last_error' => 'Darrer error',
'last_error_output' => 'Darrera sortida amb error',
'monitoring' => 'Monitorització',
'no_monitoring' => 'Sense monitorització',
'email' => 'Correu',
'send_email' => 'Enviar correu',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Enviar SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'send_pushover' => 'Enviar notificació per Pushover',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'send_telegram' => 'Enviar notificació per Telegram',
'users' => 'Usuaris',
'delete_title' => 'Esborrar servidor',
'delete_message' => 'Esteu segurs de que voleu esborrar el servidor \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Servidor esborrat.',
'updated' => 'Servidor actualitzat.',
'inserted' => 'Servidor afegit.',
'latency' => 'Latència',
'latency_max' => 'Latència (màxima)',
'latency_min' => 'Latència (mínima)',
'latency_avg' => 'Latència (mitjana)',
'uptime' => 'Temps actiu',
'year' => 'Any',
'month' => 'Mes',
'week' => 'Setmana',
'day' => 'Dia',
'hour' => 'Hora',
'warning_threshold' => 'Llindar \'advertència',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Nombre de comprovacions fallides necessàries abans de considerar el
servidor fóra de línia.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Darrera setmana',
'chart_history' => 'Historial',
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d/%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'Les notificacions per SMS estan deshabilitades.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Les notificacions per correu estan deshabilitades.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Les notificacions per Pushover estan deshabilitades.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_telegram' => 'Les notificacions per Telegram estan deshabilitades.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'No s\'ha trobat el servidor.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'L\'etiqueta ha de tenir entre 1 i 255 caràcters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'El nom de domini o IP ha de tenir entre 1 i 255 caràcters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'L\'adreça IP no és vàlida',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'L\'adreça URL del lloc web no és vàlida.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'El tipus de servidor escollit no és vàlid.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'El llindar d\'advertència ha de ser un valor sencer positiu.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'General',
'language' => 'Idioma',
'show_update' => 'Comprovar actualitzacions?',
'password_encrypt_key' => 'La clau per xifrar contrasenyes',
'password_encrypt_key_note' => 'Aquesta és la clau emprada per xifrar les contrasenyes que són
emmagatzemades als servidors per accedir als llocs web. Si la clau canviés la
contrasenya guardada no seria vàlida!',
'proxy' => 'Habilitar proxy',
'proxy_url' => 'URL del proxy',
'proxy_user' => 'Usuari del proxy',
'proxy_password' => 'Contrasenya del proxy',
'email_status' => 'Permetre l\'enviament de correus',
'email_from_email' => 'Adreça del remitent',
'email_from_name' => 'Nom del remitent',
'email_smtp' => 'Habilitar SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'Servidor SMTP',
'email_smtp_port' => 'Port SMTP',
'email_smtp_security' => 'Seguretat SMTP',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'Cap',
'email_smtp_username' => 'Usuari SMTP',
'email_smtp_password' => 'Contrasenya SMTP',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Deixar en blanc si no cal autenticació',
'sms_status' => 'Permetre l\'enviament de missatges de text',
'sms_gateway' => 'Servei \'Gateway\' per l\'enviament de SMS',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Usuari del Gateway',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Contrasenya del Gateway',
'sms_from' => 'Numero de telèfon de qui envia',
'pushover_status' => 'Permetre l\'enviament de missatges per Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover és un servei que facilita la recepció de notificacions en temps real.
Veieu <a href=\'\'>la serv web</a> per a més informació.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'premeu aquí per a crear la vostra app Pushover',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Token de la API de la App Pushover',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Abans de poder emprar Pushover necessiteu <a href="%1$s"
target="_blank">registrar una app</a> al seu portal web i introduïr
aquí el Token de la API.',
'telegram_status' => 'Permetre l\'enviament de missatges per Telegram',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a> és una app de xat
(mòbil i PC) que facilita la recepció de notificacions en temps real. Veieu la <a
href="" target="_blank">documentació</a> per
saber més i saber com activar-ho.',
'telegram_api_token' => 'Token de l\'API de Telegram',
'telegram_api_token_description' => 'Abans de poder emprar Telegram necessiteu obtenir un token de l\'API.
Consulteu la <a href=""
target="_blank">documentació</a> per saber més.',
'alert_type' => 'Seleccioneu quan voleu ser notificats.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Canvi d\'estat:</b> Rebreu una notificació quan un servidor tingui un canvi
d\'estat. És a dir, passi d\'estar en línia a fora de línia o viceversa.<br
/><br /><b>Fora de línia:</b> Rebreu una notificació només *EL PRIMER COP* que
un servidor passa a estar fora de línia. Per exemple, la vostra aplicació
s\'executa cada 15 minuts i el servidor esdevé fora de línia a la una de la
matinada i es queda així fins les sis. llavors rebríeu només una notificació.
No se us aviasarà quan torni a ser en línia.<br /><br><b>Sempre:</b> Rebreu una
notificació *CADA COP* que l\'aplicació detecti que el servidor és fora de
línia, fins que torni a estar en línia.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Canvi \'estat',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Fora de línia',
'alert_type_always' => 'Sempre',
'combine_notifications' => 'Combinar notificacions',
'combine_notifications_description' => 'Redueix el nombre de notificacions en combinar-les en una de sola.
(Això no afecta a les notificacions per SMS.)',
'alert_proxy' => 'Encara que s\'habiliti, el proxy no és emprat mai per als serveis',
'alert_proxy_url' => '<b>Format:</b> Servidor:Port',
'log_status' => 'LOG d\'estat',
'log_status_description' => 'Si el LOG d\'estat es configura a , l\'aplicació enregistrarà aquells events
que disparin les notificacions.',
'log_email' => 'Enregistrar els correus enviats per l\'aplicació',
'log_sms' => 'Enregistrar els SMS enviats per l\'aplicació',
'log_pushover' => 'Enregistrar els missatges enviats a Pushover per l\'aplicació',
'log_telegram' => 'Enregistrar els missatges enviats a Telegram per l\'aplicació',
'updated' => 'S\'ha actualitzat la configuració',
'tab_email' => 'Correu',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'tab_telegram' => 'Telegram',
'settings_email' => 'Preferències de correu',
'settings_sms' => 'Preferències de SMS',
'settings_pushover' => 'Preferències de Pushover',
'settings_telegram' => 'Preferències de Telegram',
'settings_notification' => 'Preferències de notificacions',
'settings_log' => 'Preferències de LOG',
'settings_proxy' => 'Preferències de Proxy',
'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-recàrrega',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Recarregar automàticament la plana Servidors.<br/><span class="small">Temps en
segons, si poseu ZERO la plana no s\'auto-recarregarà.</span>',
'test' => 'Provar',
'test_email' => 'S\'enviarà un correu a l\'adreça que teniu al vostre perfil d\'usuari.',
'test_sms' => 'S\'enviarà un SMS al telèfon que teniu al vostre perfil d\'usuari.',
'test_pushover' => 'S\'enviarà una notificació per Pushover a la clau d\'usuari/dispositiu que teniu al
vostre perfil d\'usuari.',
'test_telegram' => 'S\'enviarà una notificació per Telegram al xat amb l\'ID que teniu al vostre perfil
'send' => 'Enviar',
'test_subject' => 'Provar',
'test_message' => 'Missatge de prova',
'email_sent' => 'Correu enviat',
'email_error' => 'Hi ha hagut un error provant d\'enviar el correu',
'sms_sent' => 'Sms enviat',
'sms_error' => 'Hi ha hagut un error provant d\'enviar el SMS',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'No ha estat posible enviar el SMS de prova: no s\'ha trobat un telèfon vàlid al
vostre perfil d\'usuari.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Notificació enviada per Pushover',
'pushover_error' => 'Ha succeït un error provant d\'enviar la notificació Pushover: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'No ha estat posible enviar la notificació de prova: no s\'ha trobat cap token
d\'API d\'una App Pushover a la configuració general.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'No ha estat posible enviar la notificació de prova: no s\'ha trobat cap clau
Pushover al vostre perfil d\'usuari.',
'telegram_sent' => 'Notificació enviada per Telegram',
'telegram_error' => 'Ha succeït un error provant d\'enviar la notificació per Telegram: %s',
'telegram_error_notoken' => 'No ha estat posible enviar la notificació de prova: no s\'ha trobat cap token
d\'API de Telegram a la configuració general.',
'telegram_error_noid' => 'No ha estat posible enviar la notificació de prova: no s\'ha trobat cap codi ID de
xat al vostre perfil d\'usuari.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Període de retenció al LOG',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Nombre de dies a conservar al LOG les notificacions i informació sobre
l\'activitat dels servidors. Poseu 0 per evitar que el LOG es buidi
'log_retention_days' => 'dies',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'El servidor \'%LABEL%\' NO RESPON: IP=%IP%, Port=%PORT%. Error=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: El servidor \'%LABEL%\' NO RESPON',
'off_email_body' => 'Ha fallat la connexió amb aquest servidor:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP:
%IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Error: %ERROR%<br/>Data: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'El servidor \'%LABEL%\' NO RESPON',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Ha fallat la connexió amb aquest servidor:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP:
%IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Error: %ERROR%<br/>Data: %DATE%',
'off_telegram_message' => 'Ha fallat la connexió amb aquest servidor:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP:
%IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Error: %ERROR%<br/>Data: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'El servidor \'%LABEL%\' TORNA A FUNCIONAR: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, temps
'on_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: el servidor \'%LABEL%\' TORNA A FUNCIONAR',
'on_email_body' => 'El servidor \'%LABEL%\' TORNA A FUNCIONAR:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP:
%IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Data: %DATE%<br/>Temps fóra de línia: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'on_pushover_title' => 'El servidor \'%LABEL%\' TORNA A FUNCIONAR',
'on_pushover_message' => 'El servidor \'%LABEL%\' TORNA A FUNCIONAR:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP:
%IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Data: %DATE%<br/>Temps fóra de línia:
'on_telegram_message' => 'El servidor \'%LABEL%\' TORNA A FUNCIONAR:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP:
%IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Data: %DATE%<br/>Temps fóra de línia:
'combi_off_email_message' => '<ul><li>Servidor: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Port: %PORT%</li><li>Error:
%ERROR%</li><li>Data: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_off_pushover_message' => '<ul><li>Servidor: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Port:
%PORT%</li><li>Error: %ERROR%</li><li>Data: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_off_telegram_message' => '- Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>- IP: %IP%<br/>- Port: %PORT%<br/>- Error:
%ERROR%<br/>- Data: %DATE%<br/><br/>',
'combi_on_email_message' => '<ul><li>Servidor: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Port: %PORT%</li><li>Data:
%DATE%</li><li>Temps fóra de línia: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%</li></ul>',
'combi_on_pushover_message' => '<ul><li>Servidor: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Port: %PORT%</li><li>Data:
%DATE%</li><li>Temps fóra de línia: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%</li></ul>',
'combi_on_telegram_message' => '- Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>- IP: %IP%<br/>- Port: %PORT%<br/>- Data: %DATE%<br/>-
Temps fóra de línia: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br/><br/>',
'combi_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: els servidors \'%UP%\' TORNEN A FUNCIONAR, els servidors \'%DOWN%\' NO
'combi_pushover_subject' => 'Els servidors \'%UP%\' TORNEN A FUNCIONAR, els servidors \'%DOWN%\' NO RESPONEN',
'combi_email_message' => '<b>Aquests servidors NO RESPONEN:</b><br/>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br/><b>Aquests servidors
'combi_pushover_message' => '<b>Aquests servidors NO RESPONEN:</b><br/>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br/><b>Aquests servidors
'combi_telegram_message' => '<b>Aquests servidors NO RESPONEN:</b><br/>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br/><b>Aquests servidors
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Benvingut(a), %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Credencials d\'accés',
'title_forgot' => 'Heu oblidat la contrasenya?',
'title_reset' => 'Restablir la contrasenya',
'submit' => 'Enviar',
'remember_me' => 'Recorda\'m',
'login' => 'Accedir',
'logout' => 'Tancar sessió',
'username' => 'Usuari',
'password' => 'Contrasenya',
'password_repeat' => 'Repetir contrasenya',
'password_forgot' => 'Heu oblidat la contrasenya?',
'password_reset' => 'Restablir la contrasenya',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Restablir la vostra contrasenya per accedir a PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Empreu el següent enllaç per restablir la vostra contrasenya. Tingueu en
compte que expira en 1 hora.<br/><br/>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'No s\'ha trobat l\'usuari especificat.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Aquestes credencials no són vàlides.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Les dues contrasenyes no coincideixen.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'L\'enllaç per restablir la contrasenya no és vàlid.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Se us ha enviat un correu amb informació per restablir la vostra contrasenya.',
'success_password_reset' => 'La vostra contrasenya s\'ha restablert amb èxit. Ja podeu entrar.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'No-autoritzat',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'No teniu els privilegis per veure aquesta plana o potser la vostra sessió
ha expirat.',

View File

@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Simon Berka <>
* @author Pavel Laupe Dvorak <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Česky - Czech',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'cs_CZ.UTF-8',
'1' => 'cs_CZ',
'2' => 'czech',
'3' => 'czech',
'locale_tag' => 'cs',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Instalace',
'action' => 'Akce',
'save' => 'Uložit',
'edit' => 'Upravit',
'delete' => 'Smazat',
'date' => 'Datum',
'message' => 'Zpráva',
'yes' => 'Ano',
'no' => 'Ne',
'insert' => 'Vložit',
'add_new' => 'Přidat',
'update_available' => 'Nová verze - ({version}) je dostupná na <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'Zpět na začátek',
'go_back' => 'Zpět',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Zrušit',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Včera v %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A v %k:%M',
'never' => 'Nikdy',
'hours_ago' => 'před %d hodinami',
'an_hour_ago' => 'cca před hodinou',
'minutes_ago' => 'před %d minutami',
'a_minute_ago' => 'cca před minutou',
'seconds_ago' => 'před %d vteřinami',
'a_second_ago' => 'před chvílí',
'seconds' => 'sekunder',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Konfigurace',
'server' => 'Servery',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Aktualizace',
'user' => 'Uživatelé',
'help' => 'Nápověda',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Uživatel',
'name' => 'Jméno',
'user_name' => 'Uživatelské jméno',
'password' => 'Heslo',
'password_repeat' => 'Stejné heslo (pro kontrolu)',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Ponechte prázdné pro ponechání beze změn.',
'level' => 'Oprávnění',
'level_10' => 'Administrátor',
'level_20' => 'Uživatel',
'level_description' => '<b>Administrátor</b> plný přístup: může spravovat servery, uživatele a
upravit globální konfiguraci.<br><b>Uživatel</b> práva pouze na čtení a
spustit aktualizaci serverů, které přiřazeny.',
'mobile' => 'Mobil',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover je služba umožňující jednoduše zasílat real-time upozornění.
Více na <a href="" target="_blank">webu Pushover</a>',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Token',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Zařízení',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Název zařízení, na které být zráva odeslána. Ponechte prázdné
pro odeslání na všechna zařízení.',
'delete_title' => 'Smazat uživatele',
'delete_message' => 'Opravdu smazat uživatele \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Uživatel smazán.',
'updated' => 'Uživatel aktualizován.',
'inserted' => 'Uživatel přidán.',
'profile' => 'Profil',
'profile_updated' => 'Váš uživatelský profil byl upraven.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Uživatelské jméno musí obsahovat 2 až 64 znaků.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Uživatelské jméno může obsahovat pouze písmena (a-z, A-Z), čísla (0-9),
tečky (.) a podtržítka (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Zadané uživatelské jméno již existuje v databázi.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'E-mailová adresa musí obsahovat 5 až 255 znaků .',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'E-mailová adresa je neplatná',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Zadané oprávnění je neplatné.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Uživatel nebyl nalezen.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Zadané heslo je neplatné.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Zadaná hesla neodpovídají.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Záznamy logu',
'type' => 'Typ',
'status' => 'Stav',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'Žádné záznamy',
'clear' => 'Jasný protokol',
'delete_title' => 'Odstranit protokol',
'delete_message' => 'Opravdu chcete odstranit protokoly <b>všechny</b>?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Stav',
'label' => 'Popis',
'domain' => 'Doména/IP',
'timeout' => 'Časový limit',
'timeout_description' => 'Počet vteřin čekání na odpověď serveru.',
'authentication_settings' => 'Nastavení autentizace',
'optional' => 'volitelný',
'website_username' => 'Uživatelské jméno',
'website_username_description' => 'Uživatelské jméno pro přístup na stránku. (Pouze Apache autorizace je
'website_password' => 'Heslo',
'website_password_description' => 'Heslo pro přístup na stránku. Heslo je v databázi šifrované.',
'fieldset_monitoring' => 'Monitoring',
'fieldset_permissions' => 'Oprávnění',
'port' => 'Port',
'custom_port' => 'Uživatelský Port',
'popular_ports' => 'Populární Porty',
'please_select' => 'Prosím vyberte',
'type' => 'Typ',
'type_website' => 'Web',
'type_service' => 'Služba',
'pattern' => 'Vyhledat řetězec/vzorek',
'pattern_description' => 'Pokud vzorek nebude na webu nalezen, bude server označen jako offline. Regulární
výrazy jsou povoleny.',
'last_check' => 'Poslední kontrola',
'last_online' => 'Naposledy online',
'last_offline' => 'Naposledy offline',
'monitoring' => 'Monitoring',
'no_monitoring' => 'Žádné monitorované služby',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'send_email' => 'Odeslat e-mail',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Odeslat SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Uživatelé',
'delete_title' => 'Smazat server',
'delete_message' => 'Opravdu si přejete smazat \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server smazán.',
'updated' => 'Server aktualizován.',
'inserted' => 'Server přidán.',
'latency' => 'Latence',
'latency_max' => 'Latence (maximum)',
'latency_min' => 'Latence (minimum)',
'latency_avg' => 'Latence (průměr)',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => 'Rok',
'month' => 'Měsíc',
'week' => 'Týden',
'day' => 'Den',
'hour' => 'Hodina',
'warning_threshold' => 'Stropní hranice varování',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Počet neúspěšných pokusů před označením serveru jako offline.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Minulý týden',
'chart_history' => 'Historie',
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS upozornění jsou vypnuta.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'E-mailová upozornění jsou vypnuta.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover upozornění jsou vypnuta.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server nenalezen.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Popisek musí obsahovat 1 až 255 znaků.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Doména/IP adresa musí obsahovat 1 až 255 znaků.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'IP adresa není platná.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'URL webu není platná.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Zvolený typ serveru není platný',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Hranice varování musí být číslo větší než 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Obecné',
'language' => 'Jazyk',
'show_update' => 'Kontrolovat aktualizace?',
'password_encrypt_key' => 'Šifrovací klíč pro hesla',
'password_encrypt_key_note' => 'Tímto klíčem se šifrují hesla, která se ukládají u serverů pro
přístup na webové stránky. Pokud klíč změníte budou uložená hesla
'email_status' => 'Povolit odesílání e-mailu',
'email_from_email' => 'E-mailová adresa odesilatele',
'email_from_name' => 'Jméno odesilatele',
'email_smtp' => 'Zapnout SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP adresa',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP zabezpečení',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'žádné',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP uživatelské jméno',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP heslo',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Ponechte prázdné pro použití SMTP bez hesla',
'sms_status' => 'Povolit odesílání textových zpráv',
'sms_gateway' => 'Brána použitá pro odesílání zpráv',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Uživatelské jméno brány',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Heslo brány',
'sms_from' => 'Telefonní číslo odesilatele',
'pushover_status' => 'Povolit zasílání Pushover zpráv',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover je služba umožňující jednoduše zasílat real-time upozornění.
Více na <a href="" target="_blank">webu Pushover</a>',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Klikněte pro vytvoření Pushover aplikace',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Pře použitím Pushoveru se musíte <a href="%1$s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener">registrovat</a> a získat API Token.',
'alert_type' => 'Zvolte kdy si přejete být upozorněni.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Změna stavu:</b> Obdržíte upozornění při změně stavu, tedy:online ->
offline nebo offline -> online.<br><br /><b>Offline:</b> Obdržíte upozornění,
kdy server přejde poprvé do offline stavu. Například, pokud je cron nastaven
na 15 minut a sledovaný server bude offline mezi 01:00 a 06:00. Obdržíte
upozornění pouze v 01:00. <br><br><b>Vždy:</b> Obdržíte upozornění při
každém spuštění kontroly, tedy i pokud bude server offline několik hodin.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Změna stavu',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Vždy',
'log_status' => 'Log',
'log_status_description' => 'Pokud je Log nastaven na hodnotu TRUE, systém do něj zapíše veškerá
provedená upozornění.',
'log_email' => 'Logovat odeslané e-maily',
'log_sms' => 'Logovat odeslané textové zprávy',
'log_pushover' => 'Logovat odeslané Pushover zprávy',
'updated' => 'Nastavení bylo aktualizováno.',
'tab_email' => 'E-mail',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Nastavení e-mailů',
'settings_sms' => 'Nastavení textových zpráv',
'settings_pushover' => 'Nastavení Pushover',
'settings_notification' => 'Nastavení upozornění',
'settings_log' => 'Nastavení logu',
'auto_refresh' => 'Automaticky obnovit',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Automaticky obnovit stránku Servery.<br><span class="small">Čas v sekundách,
0 pro vypnutí automatického obnovení.</span>',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'E-mail bude odeslán na adresu uvedenou v uživatelském profilu.',
'test_sms' => 'SMS bude odeslána na telefonní číslo uvedené v uživatelském profilu.',
'test_pushover' => 'Pushover upozornění bude odesláno uživateli/zařízení dle nastavení v
uživatelském profilu.',
'send' => 'Odeslat',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Testovací zpráva',
'email_sent' => 'E-mail odeslán',
'email_error' => 'Chyba při odeslání e-mailu',
'sms_sent' => 'SMS odeslána',
'sms_error' => 'Chyba při odeslání SMS. %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Nebylo možné odeslat SMS: v uživatelském profilu nebylo nalezeno platné
telefonní číslo.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover upozornění odesláno.',
'pushover_error' => 'Nastala chyba při odesílání Pushover upozornění: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Nebylo možné odeslat testovací upozornění: v globálním nastavení nebyl
nalezen žádný API token.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Nebylo možné odeslat testovací upozornění: ve vašem profilu není definován
Pushover key.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Rotace logu',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Počet dnů po které budou zachovány logy upozornění. Vložte 0 pro
vypnutí autorotace.',
'log_retention_days' => 'dnů',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' je offline: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Chyba=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'DŮLEŽITÉ: Server \'%LABEL%\' je offline',
'off_email_body' => 'Nebylo možné spojit se se serverem:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Chyba: %ERROR%<br>Datum: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' je offline',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Nebylo možné spojit se se serverem:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Chyba: %ERROR%<br>Datum: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' je online: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'on_email_subject' => 'DŮLEŽITÉ: Server \'%LABEL%\' je online',
'on_email_body' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' je opět online, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Datum:
'on_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' je online',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' je znovu online, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Datum: %DATE%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Vítejte, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Prosím přihlašte se',
'title_forgot' => 'Zapomenuté heslo?',
'title_reset' => 'Obnova hesla',
'submit' => 'Odeslat',
'remember_me' => 'Zapamatovat údaje',
'login' => 'Přihlásit',
'logout' => 'Odhlásit',
'username' => 'Uživatelské jméno',
'password' => 'Heslo',
'password_repeat' => 'Opište heslo',
'password_forgot' => 'Zapomenuté heslo?',
'password_reset' => 'Obnovit heslo',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Obnovit heslo pro PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Použijte následující odkaz pro obnovení hesla. Odkaz je platný jednu
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Zadané uživatelské jméno nebylo nalezeno.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Přihlášení nebylo úspěšné.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Zadaná hesla neodpovídají.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Odkaz je neplatný.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Na vaši e-mailovou adresu byl zaslán e-mail s informacemi pro obnovu hesla.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Vaše heslo bylo úspěšně obnoveno. Prosím přihlašte se.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Nedostatečné oprávnění',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Nemáte oprávnění zobrazit tuto stránku.',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -20,299 +19,279 @@
* @package phpservermon
* @author nerdalertdk
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Dansk - Danish',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'da_DK.UTF-8',
'1' => 'da_DK',
'2' => 'danish',
'3' => 'danish-dk',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Installér',
'action' => 'Action',
'save' => 'Gem',
'edit' => 'Redigér',
'delete' => 'Slet',
'date' => 'Dato',
'message' => 'Besked',
'yes' => 'Ja',
'no' => 'Nej',
'insert' => 'Indsæt',
'add_new' => 'Tilføj ny',
'update_available' => 'En ny version ({version}) er tilgængelig <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'Til toppen',
'go_back' => 'Tilbage',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Annullér',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Igår %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A %k:%M',
'never' => 'Aldrig',
'hours_ago' => '%d timer siden',
'an_hour_ago' => 'omkring en time siden',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minutter siden',
'a_minute_ago' => 'omkring et minut siden',
'seconds_ago' => '%d sekunder siden',
'a_second_ago' => 'et sekund siden',
'seconds' => 'sekunder',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Indstillinger',
'server' => 'Servere',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Opdatér',
'user' => 'Brugere',
'help' => 'Hjælp',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Bruger',
'name' => 'Navn',
'user_name' => 'Brugernavn',
'password' => 'Adgangskode',
'password_repeat' => 'Adgangskode igen',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Udfyldes hvis du vil skifte adgangskode',
'level' => 'Niveau',
'level_10' => 'Administrator',
'level_20' => 'Bruger',
'level_description' => '<b>Administratorer</b> har fuld adgang: De kan styre servere, brugere og
indstillinger.<br><b>Brugere</b> kan kun se og opdatere servere som er de har adgang
'mobile' => 'Mobil',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover er en service der gør det let at modtage real-time notifikationer. Se <a
href="" target="_blank">deres website</a> for mere
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover nøgle',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover enhed',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Navnet enheden som beskeden skal sendes til. Lad denne være tom hvis
alle skal modtage beskeden.',
'delete_title' => 'Slet bruger',
'delete_message' => 'Er du sikker på du vil slette bruger \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Bruger slettet.',
'updated' => 'Bruger opdateret.',
'inserted' => 'Bruger tilføjet.',
'profile' => 'Profil',
'profile_updated' => 'Din profil er opdateret.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Brugernavn skal være mellem 2 til 64 tegn.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Brugernavn kun indholde alfabetiske tegn (a-z, A-Z), tal (0-9), prikker (.)
og (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Det valgte brugernavn findes allerede.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'E-mail addresser skal være mellem 5 til 255 tegn.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'Den valgte e-mail er ugyldig.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Det angivet bruger niveau er ugyldig.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Brugeren findes ikke.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Den indtastede adgangskode er ugyldig.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'De to adgangskode er ikke ens.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Logposter',
'type' => 'Type',
'status' => 'Status',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'Intet i loggen',
'clear' => 'Ryd log',
'delete_title' => 'Slet log',
'delete_message' => 'Er du sikker på, at du vil slette <b>alle</b> logfiler?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Status',
'label' => 'Label',
'domain' => 'Domæne/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Antal sekunder som serveren har til at svare.',
'port' => 'Port',
'type' => 'Type',
'type_website' => 'Hjemmeside',
'type_service' => 'Tjeneste',
'pattern' => 'Søgestreng/mønster',
'pattern_description' => 'Hvis dette mønster ikke findes hjemmesiden, vil serveren blive markeret som
værende offline. Regulære udtryk er tilladt.',
'last_check' => 'Sidst kontrolleret',
'last_online' => 'Sidst online',
'last_offline' => 'Sidst offline',
'monitoring' => 'Overvågning',
'no_monitoring' => 'Ingen overvågning',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'send_email' => 'Send E-mail',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Send SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Users',
'delete_title' => 'Slet server',
'delete_message' => 'Er du sikker på du vil slette server \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server slettet.',
'updated' => 'Server opdateret.',
'inserted' => 'Server tilføjet.',
'latency' => 'Forsinkelse',
'latency_max' => 'Forsinkelse (maksimum)',
'latency_min' => 'Forsinkelse (minimum)',
'latency_avg' => 'Forsinkelse (gennemsnitlig)',
'uptime' => 'Oppetid',
'year' => 'År',
'month' => 'Måned',
'week' => 'Uge',
'day' => 'Dag',
'hour' => 'Time',
'warning_threshold' => 'Advarsel grænse',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Antallet af fejl, før status skifter til offline.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Sidste uge',
'chart_history' => 'Historie',
'chart_day_format' => '%d-%m-%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d/%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS notifikationer er deaktiveret.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'E-mail notifikationer er deaktiveret.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover notifikationer er deaktiveret.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server ikke fundet.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Label skal være mellem et og 255 karakterer.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Domænet/IP skal være mellem et og 255 karakterer.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'IP adressen er ikke gyldig.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'Websitets URL er ikke gyldigt.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Den valgte servertype er ikke gyldig.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Advarsels-tærskel skal være et gyldigt tal større end 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Generelt',
'language' => 'Sprog',
'show_update' => 'Opdateringer',
'email_status' => 'Tillad at sende e-mail',
'email_from_email' => 'E-mail fra adresse',
'email_from_name' => 'E-mail fra navn',
'email_smtp' => 'Aktiver SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP vært',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP c',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'Ingen',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP brugernavn',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP adgangskode',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Efterlad blank hvis det ikke er krævet',
'sms_status' => 'Tillad at sende SMS beskeder',
'sms_gateway' => 'SMS Gateway',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Gateway brugernavn/apikey',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Gateway adgangskode',
'sms_from' => 'Afsenderens navn.',
'pushover_status' => 'Tillad at sende Pushover beskeder',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover er en service det gør det nemt at modtage real-time notifikationer. Se <a
href="" target="_blank">deres website</a> for yderligere
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Klik her for at oprette din Pushover app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Før du kan benytte Pushover, skal du <a href="%1$s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener">registrere en app</a> deres website og indtaste en App
API Token her.',
'alert_type' => 'Vælg hvornår du vil modtage beskeden',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Status ændring:</b> Du vil modtage en notifkation når en server har en
ændring i status. Fra online -> offline eller offline -> online.<br><br
/><b>Offline:</b> Du vil modtage en meddelelse, når en server går offline for
første gang. Eksempelvis hvis dit cronjob kører hvert kvarter, og din server
går ned kl 01 og kommer først op kl 06, vil du kun modtage en mail kl
01.<br><br><b>Altid:</b> Du vil modtage en besked, hver gang scriptet kører og
et websted er nede, selvom site har været offline i flere timer.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Status ændret',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Altid',
'log_status' => 'Log status',
'log_status_description' => 'Hvis log status er sat til TRUE, vil monitoren logge hændelsen hver gang status
ændre sig.',
'log_email' => 'Log e-mails sendt af systemet',
'log_sms' => 'Log SMS sendt af systemet',
'log_pushover' => 'Log pushover messages sent by the script',
'updated' => 'Indstillingerne er blevet opdateret.',
'tab_email' => 'E-mail',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'E-mail indstillinger',
'settings_sms' => 'SMS indstillinger',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover settings',
'settings_notification' => 'Meddelelse indstillinger',
'settings_log' => 'Log indstillinger',
'auto_refresh' => 'Genopfrisk automatisk',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Genopfrisk automatisk serversider.<br><span class="small">Tid i sekunder. Hvis
0 vil siden ikke genopfriske automatisk</span>',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'En e-mail vil blive sendt til den adresse, der er angivet i din brugerprofil.',
'test_sms' => 'En SMS vil blive sendt til det nummer, der er angivet i din brugerprofil.',
'test_pushover' => 'En Pushover notifikation vil blive sendt til brugerens enhed, specificeret i
'send' => 'Send',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Test besked',
'email_sent' => 'E-mail sendt',
'email_error' => 'Fejl ved afsendelse af e-mail',
'sms_sent' => 'Sms sendt',
'sms_error' => 'Fejl ved afsendelse af SMS. %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Ikke muligt at sende SMS: Intet gyldigt telefonnummer blev fundet i din profil.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover notifikation blev sendt',
'pushover_error' => 'En fejl opstod under afsendelse af Pushover notifikation: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Ikke muligt at sende test notifikation: Intet Pushover App API token fundet i den
globale konfiguration.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Ikke muligt at sende test notifikation: Ingen Pushover key fundet i din profil.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Logs gemmes',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Antal dage over hvor længe logs med notifikationer og arkiverede
serveres oppetid skal gemmes. Indtast 0 for at deaktivere logoprydning.',
'log_retention_days' => 'dage',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Serveren \'%LABEL%\' er NEDE: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Fejl=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'VIGTIGT: Server \'%LABEL%\' er NEDE',
'off_email_body' => 'Det lykkedes ikke at oprette forbindelse til følgende server:<br><br>Server:
%LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Fejl: %ERROR%<br>Dato: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Serveren \'%LABEL%\' er NEDE',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Det lykkedes ikke at oprette forbindelse til følgende server:<br><br>Server:
%LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Fejl: %ERROR%<br>Dato: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Serveren \'%LABEL%\' KØRER: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'on_email_subject' => 'VIGTIGT: Serveren \'%LABEL%\' KØRER',
'on_email_body' => 'Serveren \'%LABEL%\' kører igen, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server:
%LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Dato: %DATE%',
'on_pushover_title' => 'Serveren \'%LABEL%\' KØRER',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Serveren \'%LABEL%\' kører igen, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Dato:
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Velkommen, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Log ind',
'title_forgot' => 'Glemt adgangskode?',
'title_reset' => 'Nulstil din adgangskode',
'submit' => 'Indsend',
'remember_me' => 'Husk kode',
'login' => 'Log ind',
'logout' => 'Log ud',
'username' => 'Brugernavn',
'password' => 'Adgangskode',
'password_repeat' => 'Skriv adgangskode igen',
'password_forgot' => 'Glemt adgangskode?',
'password_reset' => 'Nulstil adgangskode',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Nulstil din adgangskode for PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Brug venligst følgende link for at nulstille din adgangskode. Bemærk at
linkets gyldighed udløber efter en time.<br><br>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Det angivet brugernavn kunne ikke findes.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Oplysningerne stemmer ikke overens.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'De angivne adgangskoder er ikke ens.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Følgende link er ugyldigt.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'En e-mail er blevet sendt til dig med oplysninger om, hvordan du nulstiller din
'success_password_reset' => 'Din adgangskode er blevet nulstillet. Log venligst ind igen.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Uautoriseret',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at se denne side.',
'name' => 'Dansk - Danish',
'locale' => array('da_DK.UTF-8', 'da_DK', 'danish', 'danish-dk'),
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Installere',
'action' => 'Action',
'save' => 'Gem',
'edit' => 'Redigere',
'delete' => 'Slet',
'date' => 'Dato',
'message' => 'Besked',
'yes' => 'Ja',
'no' => 'Nej',
'insert' => 'Indsæt',
'add_new' => 'Tilføj ny',
'update_available' => 'En ny version ({version}) er tilgængelig på <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.',
'back_to_top' => 'Til toppen',
'go_back' => 'Tilbage',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Annuller',
// date/time format according the strftime php function format parameter
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Igår %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A %k:%M',
'never' => 'Aldrig',
'hours_ago' => '%d timer siden',
'an_hour_ago' => 'omkring en time siden',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minutter siden',
'a_minute_ago' => 'omkring et minut siden',
'seconds_ago' => '%d sekunder siden',
'a_second_ago' => 'et sekund siden',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Indstillinger',
'server' => 'Servere',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Opdatere',
'user' => 'Brugere',
'help' => 'Hjælp',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Bruger',
'name' => 'Navn',
'user_name' => 'Brugernavn',
'password' => 'Adgangskode',
'password_repeat' => 'Adgangskode igen',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Udfyldes hvis du vil skifte kode',
'level' => 'Level',
'level_10' => 'Administrator',
'level_20' => 'Bruger',
'level_description' => '<b>Administratore</b> har fuld adgang: De kan styre servere, brugere og indstillingere.<br/><b>Brugere</b> kan kun se og køre opdatere for servere som er tildelt til dem.',
'mobile' => 'Mobil',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Device name to send the message to. Leave empty to send it to all devices.',
'delete_title' => 'Slet bruger',
'delete_message' => 'Er du sikker på du vil slette bruger \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Bruger slettet.',
'updated' => 'Bruger opdateret.',
'inserted' => 'Bruger tilføjet.',
'profile' => 'Profil',
'profile_updated' => 'Din profil er opdateret.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Brugernavn skal være mellem 2 til 64 tegn.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Brugernavn må kun indholde alfabetiske tegn (a-z, A-Z), tal (0-9) og (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Det valgte brugernavn findes allerede.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Email addresser skal være mellem 5 til 255 tegn.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'Den valgte email er ugyldig.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Det angivet bruger niveau er ugyldig.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Brugeren findes ikke.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Den indtastede adgangskode er ugyldig.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'De to adgangskode er ikke ens.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Logposter',
'type' => 'Type',
'status' => 'Status',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'Intet i loggen',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Status',
'label' => 'Label',
'domain' => 'Domæne/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Number of seconds to wait for the server to respond.',
'port' => 'Port',
'type' => 'Type',
'type_website' => 'Hjemmeside',
'type_service' => 'Tjeneste',
'pattern' => 'Søge streng/mønster',
'pattern_description' => 'Hvis dette mønster ikke findes på hjemmesiden, vil serveren blive markeret offline. Regulære udtryk er tilladt.',
'last_check' => 'Sidst kontrolleret',
'last_online' => 'Sidst online',
'monitoring' => 'Overvågning',
'no_monitoring' => 'Ingen overvågning',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Send Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Send SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Users',
'delete_title' => 'Slet server',
'delete_message' => 'Er du sikker på du vil slette server \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server slettet.',
'updated' => 'Server opdateret.',
'inserted' => 'Server tilføjet.',
'latency' => 'Latency',
'latency_max' => 'Latency (maksimum)',
'latency_min' => 'Latency (minimum)',
'latency_avg' => 'Latency (gennemsnitlig)',
'uptime' => 'Oppetid',
'year' => 'År',
'month' => 'Måned',
'week' => 'Uge',
'day' => 'Dag',
'hour' => 'Time',
'warning_threshold' => 'Advarsel grænse',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Antal af fejl før status skifter til offline.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Sidste uge',
'chart_history' => 'Historie',
// Charts date format according jqPlot date format
'chart_day_format' => '%d-%m-%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d/%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover notifications are disabled.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server not found.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'The label must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'The domain / IP must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'The IP address is not valid.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'The website URL is not valid.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'The selected server type is invalid.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'The warning threshold must be a valid integer greater than 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Generelt',
'language' => 'Sprog',
'show_update' => 'Opdateringer',
'email_status' => 'Tillad at sende mail',
'email_from_email' => 'Email fra adresse',
'email_from_name' => 'Email fra navn',
'email_smtp' => 'Aktiver SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP vært',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP brugernavn',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP adgangskode',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Efterladt blank hvis det ikke er opkrævet',
'sms_status' => 'Tillad at sende SMS beskeder',
'sms_gateway' => 'SMS Gateway',
'sms_gateway_mosms' => 'Mosms',
'sms_gateway_mollie' => 'Mollie',
'sms_gateway_spryng' => 'Spryng',
'sms_gateway_inetworx' => 'Inetworx',
'sms_gateway_clickatell' => 'Clickatell',
'sms_gateway_textmarketer' => 'Textmarketer',
'sms_gateway_smsglobal' => 'SMSGlobal',
'sms_gateway_smsit' => 'Smsit',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Gateway brugernavn/apikey',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Gateway adgangskode',
'sms_from' => 'Afsenders navn.',
'pushover_status' => 'Allow sending Pushover messages',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Click here to create your Pushover app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Before you can use Pushover, you need to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">register an App</a> at their website and enter the App API Token here.',
'alert_type' => 'Vælg hvornår du vil modtage besked',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Status ændring:</b> '.
'Du vil modtage en notifcation når en server har en ændring i status. Fra online -> offline eller offline -> online.<br/>'.
'<br /><b>Offline:</b> '.
'Du vil modtage en meddelelse, når en server går offline for * kun første gang *. for eksempel, '.
'Hvis dit cronjob køre hvert kvatere og din server går ned kl 01 og kommer først op kl 06 '.
' så vil du kun modtage en mail kl 01.<br/>'.
'<br><b>Altid:</b> '.
'Du vil modtage en besked, hver gang scriptet kører og et websted er nede, selvom site har været offline i flere timer.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Status ændret',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Altid',
'log_status' => 'Log status',
'log_status_description' => 'Hvis log status er sat til TRUE, vil monitoren logge hændelsen hver gang status ændre sig.',
'log_email' => 'Log mails sendt af systemet',
'log_sms' => 'Log SMS sendt af systemet',
'log_pushover' => 'Log pushover messages sent by the script',
'updated' => 'Indstillingerne er blevet opdateret.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Email indstillinger',
'settings_sms' => 'SMS indstillinger',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover settings',
'settings_notification' => 'Meddelelse indstillinger',
'settings_log' => 'Log indstillinger',
'auto_refresh' => 'Genopfriske automatisk',
'auto_refresh_servers' =>
'Genopfriske automatisk server sider.<br/>'.
'<span class="small">'.
'Tid i sekunder, Hvis 0 vil siden ikke genopfriske automatisk'.
'seconds' => 'sekunder',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'En email vil blive sendt til den adresse, der er angivet i din brugerprofil.',
'test_sms' => 'En SMS vil blive sendt til det nummer, der er angivet i din brugerprofil.',
'test_pushover' => 'A Pushover notification will be sent to the user key/device specified in your user profile.',
'send' => 'Send',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Test besked',
'email_sent' => 'Email sendt',
'email_error' => 'Fejl ved afsendelse af email',
'sms_sent' => 'Sms sendt',
'sms_error' => 'Fejl ved afsendelse af SMS',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Unable to send test SMS: no valid phone number found in your profile.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover notification sent',
'pushover_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Pushover notification: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover App API token found in the global configuration.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover key found in your profile.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Log retention period',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Number of days to keep logs of notifications and archives of server uptime. Enter 0 to disable log cleanup.',
'log_retention_days' => 'days',
// for newlines in the email messages use <br/>
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Fejl=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'VIGTIG: Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN',
'off_email_body' => "Det lykkedes ikke at oprette forbindelse til følgende server:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Fejl: %ERROR%<br/>Date: %DATE%",
'off_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN',
'off_pushover_message' => "Det lykkedes ikke at oprette forbindelse til følgende server:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Fejl: %ERROR%<br/>Date: %DATE%",
'on_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is RUNNING: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%',
'on_email_subject' => 'VIGTIG: Server \'%LABEL%\' is RUNNING',
'on_email_body' => "Server '%LABEL%' køre igen:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Dato: %DATE%",
'on_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is RUNNING',
'on_pushover_message' => "Server '%LABEL%' køre igen:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Dato: %DATE%",
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Velkommen, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Log ind',
'title_forgot' => 'Glemt adgangskode?',
'title_reset' => 'Nulstil din adgangskode',
'submit' => 'Indsend',
'remember_me' => 'Husk kode',
'login' => 'Log ind',
'logout' => 'Log ud',
'username' => 'Brugernavn',
'password' => 'Adgangskode',
'password_repeat' => 'Skriv adgangskode igen',
'password_forgot' => 'Glemt adgangskode?',
'password_reset' => 'Nulstil adgangskode',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Nulstil din adgangskode for PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Brug venligst følgende link for at nulstille din adgangskode. Bemærk det udløber på 1 time.<br/><br/>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Det angivet brugernavn kunne ikke findes.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Oplysningerne stemmer ikke overens.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'De angivet adgangskoder matcher ikke.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Følgende link er ugyldigt.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'En e-mail er blevet sendt til dig med oplysninger om, hvordan du nulstiller din adgangskode.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Dit password er blevet nulstillet. venligst log ind.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'You do not have the privileges to view this page.',

View File

@ -1,336 +1,297 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Jean Pierre Kolb <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Deutsch - German',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'de_DE.UTF-8',
'1' => 'de_DE',
'2' => 'german',
'locale_tag' => 'de',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Installation',
'action' => 'Aktion',
'save' => 'Speichern',
'edit' => 'Bearbeiten',
'delete' => 'Löschen',
'date' => 'Datum',
'message' => 'Meldung',
'yes' => 'Ja',
'no' => 'Nein',
'insert' => 'Einfügen',
'add_new' => 'Neuen Eintrag erstellen',
'update_available' => 'Eine Aktualisierung ({version}) ist verfügbar unter <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'nach oben',
'go_back' => 'Zurück',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Abbrechen',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Gestern um %k:%M Uhr',
'other_day_format' => '%A um %k:%M Uhr',
'never' => 'Nie',
'hours_ago' => 'vor %d Stunden',
'an_hour_ago' => 'vor über einer Stunde',
'minutes_ago' => 'vor %d Minuten',
'a_minute_ago' => 'vor über einer Minute',
'seconds_ago' => 'vor %d Sekunden',
'a_second_ago' => 'vor über einer Sekunde',
'seconds' => 'Sekunden',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Einstellungen',
'server' => 'Server',
'server_log' => 'Protokoll',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Update',
'user' => 'Benutzer',
'help' => 'Hilfe',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Benutzer',
'name' => 'Name',
'user_name' => 'Benutzername',
'password' => 'Passwort',
'password_repeat' => 'Passwort wiederholen',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Passwort ändern...',
'level' => 'Berechtigungsstufe',
'level_10' => 'Administrator',
'level_20' => 'Benutzer',
'level_description' => '<b>Administratoren</b> haben vollen Zugriff sie können Webseiten, Benutzer und
globale Einstellungen verwalten.<br><b>Benutzer</b> können nur (für ihnen
zugeordnete Webseiten) Analysedaten einsehen und deren Aktualisierung veranlassen.',
'mobile' => 'Mobil',
'email' => 'E-Mail',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover ist ein Dienst, der es stark vereinfacht, Statusbenachrichtigungen in
Echtzeit zu erhalten. Besuchen Sie <a href=""
target="_blank"></a> für weitere Informationen.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key/Schlüssel',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Gerät',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Name des Gerätes, an das die Nachricht gesendet werden soll. Leer lassen,
um die Nachricht an alle registrierten Geräte zu senden.',
'delete_title' => 'Benutzer löschen',
'delete_message' => 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Benutzer \'%1\' löschen wollen?',
'deleted' => 'Benutzer gelöscht.',
'updated' => 'Benutzer bearbeitet.',
'inserted' => 'Benutzer hinzugefügt.',
'profile' => 'Profileinstellungen',
'profile_updated' => 'Ihr Profil wurde aktualisiert.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Benutzernamen müssen zwischen 2 und 64 Zeichen lang sein.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Der Benutzername darf nur alphanumerische Zeichen (a-z, A-Z), Zahlen (0-9),
Punkte (.) und Unterstriche (_) enthalten.',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Der gewählte Benutzername existiert bereits in der Datenbank.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'E-Mail-Adressen müssen zwischen 5 und 255 Zeichen lang sein.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'Die E-Mail-Adresse ist ungültig.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Die gewählte Berechtigungsstufe ist ungültig.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Der Benutzer konnte in der Datenbank nicht gefunden werden.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Das eingegebene Passwort ist nicht korrekt.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Die eingegebenen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Protokoll',
'type' => 'Typ',
'status' => 'Status',
'email' => 'E-Mail',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'Keine Protokolle vorhanden.',
'clear' => 'Protokoll löschen',
'delete_title' => 'Protokoll löschen',
'delete_message' => 'Bist du sicher, dass du <b>alle</b> Protokolle löschen möchtest?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Status',
'label' => 'Beschriftung',
'domain' => 'Domain/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Anzahl der Sekunden, die auf eine Antwort des Servers gewartet werden soll.',
'port' => 'Port',
'type' => 'Typ',
'type_website' => 'Webseite',
'type_service' => 'Service',
'type_ping' => 'Ping',
'pattern' => 'Suchstring/-muster',
'pattern_description' => 'Wenn das gesuchte Muster nicht in der Webseite ist, wird die Seite als offline
markiert. Reguläre Ausdrücke sind erlaubt.',
'last_check' => 'Letzter Check',
'last_online' => 'Zuletzt online',
'last_offline' => 'Zuletzt offline',
'monitoring' => 'Monitoring',
'no_monitoring' => 'Monitoring inaktiv',
'email' => 'E-Mail',
'send_email' => 'E-Mail versenden',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'SMS versenden',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Benutzer',
'delete_title' => 'Server löschen',
'delete_message' => 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Server \'%1\' löschen wollen?',
'deleted' => 'Server gelöscht.',
'updated' => 'Server aktualisiert.',
'inserted' => 'Server hinzugefügt.',
'latency' => 'Antwortzeit',
'latency_max' => 'Antwortzeit (Maximum)',
'latency_min' => 'Antwortzeit (Minimum)',
'latency_avg' => 'Antwortzeit (im Durchschnitt)',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => 'Jahr',
'month' => 'Monat',
'week' => 'Woche',
'day' => 'Tag',
'hour' => 'Stunde',
'warning_threshold' => 'Warnschwelle',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Anzahl der fehlgeschlagenen Überprüfungen, bevor der Status als offline
markiert wird.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Letzte Woche',
'chart_history' => 'Historie',
'chart_day_format' => '%d.%m.%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S Uhr',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d.%m %H:%M Uhr',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M Uhr',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS-Benachrichtigungen sind deaktiviert.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen sind deaktiviert.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover-Benachrichtigungen sind deaktiviert.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server nicht gefunden.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Das Label muss zwischen 1 und 255 Zeichen lang sein.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Die Domain/IP muss zwischen 1 und 255 Zeichen lang sein.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'Die eingegebene IP-Adresse ist ungültig.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'Die eingegebene Webseiten-URL ist ungültig.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Der gewählte Server-Typ ist ungültig.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Die Warnschwelle muss eine gültige ganze Zahl größer als 0
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Allgemein',
'language' => 'Sprache',
'show_update' => 'Wöchentlich auf Aktualisierungen prüfen?',
'email_add_url' => 'Server URL an E-Mail anhängen?',
'email_status' => 'E-Mail-Versand erlauben?',
'email_from_email' => 'Absenderadresse',
'email_from_name' => 'Name des Absenders',
'email_smtp' => 'SMTP-Versand aktivieren',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP Server/Host',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP Port',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP Authentifizierung',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'Keine',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP Benutzername',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP Passwort',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Feld leer lassen, bei fehlender Authentifizierung',
'sms_status' => 'SMS-Nachrichtenversand erlauben?',
'sms_gateway' => 'SMS Gateway',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Gateway Benutzername',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Gateway Passwort',
'sms_from' => 'SMS-Sendernummer',
'pushover_status' => 'Ermögliche das Senden von Pushover-Nachrichten',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover ist ein Dienst, der es stark vereinfacht, Statusbenachrichtigungen in
Echtzeit zu erhalten. Besuchen Sie <a href=""
target="_blank"></a> für weitere Informationen.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Klicken Sie hier, um Ihre Pushover-Anwendung zu erstellen',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover-Anwendungs-API-Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Bevor Sie Pushover verwenden können, müssen Sie Ihre <a href="%1$s"
target="_blank" rel="noopener">Anwendung hier registrieren</a> und Ihren
Anwendungs-API-Token hier eingeben.',
'telegram_status' => 'Telegram Nachrichten erlauben?',
'telegram_add_url' => 'Server URL an Nachricht anhängen?',
'jabber_status' => 'Allow sending Jabber (XMPP) messages',
'alert_type' => 'Wann möchten Sie benachrichtigt werden?',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Status geändert:</b> ... wenn sich der Status ändert<br>z. B. online ->
offline oder offline -> online.<br><br><b>Offline: </b>Sie bekommen eine
Benachrichtigung, wenn ein Server offline ist.<br>Es wird nur eine Mitteilung
versendet.<br><br><b>Immer: </b>Sie erhalten jedes Mal eine Benachrichtigung,
sobald der CronJob oder das Skript ausgeführt werden, auch wenn der Dienst
mehrere Stunden offline sein sollte.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Status geändert',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Immer',
'log_status' => 'Protokollierung aktivieren?',
'log_status_description' => 'Ist die Protokollierung aktiviert (d.h. ist ein Haken gesetzt), wird jeder Status
und jede Meldung vom System protokolliert.',
'log_email' => 'E-Mail-Versand protokollieren?',
'log_sms' => 'SMS-Versand protokollieren?',
'log_pushover' => 'Pushover-Versand protokollieren?',
'log_telegram' => 'Telegram-Versand protokollieren?',
'updated' => 'Die Einstellungen wurden gespeichert.',
'tab_email' => 'E-Mail',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'E-Mail-Einstellungen',
'settings_sms' => 'SMS-Einstellungen',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover-Einstellungen',
'settings_notification' => 'Benachrichtigungseinstellungen',
'settings_log' => 'Protokollierungseinstellungen',
'auto_refresh' => 'Automatische Aktualisierung',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Automatische Aktualisierung der Server-Übersichtsseite<br><span
class="small">Zeit in Sekunden - die Ziffer \'0\' deaktiviert die automatische
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'Eine E-Mail wird an die E-Mail-Adresse gesendet, die in Ihrem Profil hinterlegt ist.',
'test_sms' => 'Eine SMS wird an die Telefonnummer gesendet, die in Ihrem Profil hinterlegt ist.',
'test_pushover' => 'Eine Pushover-Benachrichtigung wird an den Schlüssel/das Gerät gesendet, welche(s) in
Ihrem Profil hinterlegt ist.',
'send' => 'Senden',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Testnachricht',
'email_sent' => 'E-Mail gesendet.',
'email_error' => 'Beim Versand der E-Mail trat ein Fehler auf.',
'sms_sent' => 'SMS-Nachricht gesendet.',
'sms_error' => 'Beim Versand der SMS-Nachricht trat ein Fehler auf. %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Versand der SMS-Nachricht nicht möglich: Es wurde keine gültige Telefonnummer in
Ihrem Profil hinterlegt.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover-Benachrichtigung versendet',
'pushover_error' => 'Beim Versand der Pushover-Benachrichtigung trat ein Fehler auf: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Es konnte keine Testbenachrichtigung versendet werden: Kein
Pushover-Anwendungs-API-Token in den allgemeinen Einstellungen hinterlegt.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Es konnte keine Testbenachrichtigung versendet werden: Es wurde kein Pushover
Key/Schlüssel in Ihrem Profil hinterlegt.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Protokollierungszeitraum',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Anzahl in Tagen bis zur automatischen Bereinigung/Löschung sämtlicher
Protokollierungsdaten im System. Geben Sie die Ziffer \'0\' ein, um die
automatische Bereinigung/Löschung zu deaktivieren.',
'log_retention_days' => 'Tage',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Dienst/Webseite \'%LABEL%\' ist offline: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Fehler=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'Warnung: Dienst/Webseite \'%LABEL%\' ist offline.',
'off_email_body' => 'Kann keine funktionierende Verbindung zum Dienst bzw. der Webseite
aufbauen:<br><br>Dienst/Webseite: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Fehler:
%ERROR%<br>Datum: %DATE% Uhr',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Dienst/Webseite \'%LABEL%\' ist offline.',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Kann keine funktionierende Verbindung zum Dienst bzw. der Webseite
aufbauen:<br><br>Dienst/Webseite: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Fehler:
%ERROR%<br>Datum: %DATE% Uhr',
'on_sms' => 'Dienst/Webseite \'%LABEL%\' ist wieder online: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, offline für
'on_email_subject' => 'Hinweis: Dienst/Webseite \'%LABEL%\' ist wieder online.',
'on_email_body' => 'Dienst/Webseite \'%LABEL%\' ist wieder erreichbar, offline für
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Datum:
%DATE% Uhr',
'on_pushover_title' => 'Dienst/Webseite \'%LABEL%\' ist wieder online.',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Dienst/Webseite \'%LABEL%\' ist wieder erreichbar, offline für
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Datum: %DATE% Uhr',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => '%user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Bitte loggen Sie sich ein.',
'title_forgot' => 'Passwort vergessen?',
'title_reset' => 'Ihr Passwort zurücksetzen',
'submit' => 'Senden',
'remember_me' => 'Angemeldet bleiben',
'login' => 'Login',
'logout' => 'Abmelden',
'username' => 'Benutzername',
'password' => 'Passwort',
'password_repeat' => 'Passwort wiederholen',
'password_forgot' => 'Passwort vergessen?',
'password_reset' => 'Passwort zurücksetzen',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Setzen Sie Ihr Zugangspasswort für den Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Benutzen Sie bitte den folgenden Link, um Ihr Zugangspasswort zurückzusetzen.
Bitte beachten Sie: Der Link verfällt in einer Stunde.<br><br>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Der angegebene Benutzername konnte nicht gefunden werden.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Die angegebenen Informationen sind leider nicht korrekt.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Die angegebenen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Der angegebene Link, um Ihr Zugangspasswort zurückzusetzen, ist ungültig.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Eine Nachricht wurde an Ihre E-Mail-Adresse versendet. Sie beschreibt, wie Sie
Ihr Passwort zurücksetzen können.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Ihr Passwort wurde erfolgreich zurückgesetzt. Bitte versuchen Sie, sich erneut
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Nicht autorisiert',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Sie haben nicht die erforderlichen Zugriffsrechte, um diese Seite
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Brunbaur Herbert
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Deutsch - German',
'locale' => array('de_DE.UTF-8', 'de_DE', 'german'),
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Install',
'action' => 'Aktion',
'save' => 'Speichern',
'edit' => 'Bearbeiten',
'delete' => 'L&ouml;schen',
'date' => 'Datum',
'message' => 'Meldung',
'yes' => 'Ja',
'no' => 'Nein',
'insert' => 'Einf&uuml;gen',
'add_new' => 'Neuen Eintrag erstellen',
'update_available' => 'Ein neues Update ({version}) ist verf&uuml;gbar auf <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.',
'back_to_top' => 'Back to top',
'go_back' => 'Go back',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
// date/time format according the strftime php function format parameter
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Gestern um %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A um %k:%M',
'never' => 'Never',
'hours_ago' => '%d hours ago',
'an_hour_ago' => 'about an hour ago',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minutes ago',
'a_minute_ago' => 'about a minute ago',
'seconds_ago' => '%d seconds ago',
'a_second_ago' => 'a second ago',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Einstellungen',
'server' => 'Server',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Updates',
'user' => 'Benutzer',
'help' => 'Hilfe',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Benutzer',
'name' => 'Name',
'user_name' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Password',
'password_repeat' => 'Password repeat',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Leave blank to keep unchanged',
'level' => 'Level',
'level_10' => 'Administrator',
'level_20' => 'User',
'level_description' => '<b>Administrators</b> have full access: they can manage servers, users and edit the global configuration.<br/><b>Users</b> can only view and run the updater for the servers that have been assigned to them.',
'mobile' => 'Mobil',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Device name to send the message to. Leave empty to send it to all devices.',
'delete_title' => 'Delete User',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete user \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'User deleted.',
'updated' => 'Benutzer bearbeitet.',
'inserted' => 'Benutzer eingetragen.',
'profile' => 'Profile',
'profile_updated' => 'Your profile has been updated.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Usernames must be between 2 and 64 characters.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'It may only contain alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9) and underscores (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'The given username already exists in the database.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Email addresses must be between 5 and 255 characters.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'The email address is invalid.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'The given user level is invalid.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'The user could not be found in the database.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'The entered password is invalid.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'The entered passwords do not match.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Log Eintr&auml;ge',
'type' => 'Type',
'status' => 'Status',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'No logs',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Status',
'label' => 'Beschriftung',
'domain' => 'Domain/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Number of seconds to wait for the server to respond.',
'port' => 'Port',
'type' => 'Type',
'type_website' => 'Website',
'type_service' => 'Service',
'pattern' => 'Search string/pattern',
'pattern_description' => 'If this pattern is not found on the website, the server will be marked offline. Regular expressions are allowed.',
'last_check' => 'Letzter Check',
'last_online' => 'Letztes mal Online',
'monitoring' => 'Monitoring',
'no_monitoring' => 'No monitoring',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Users',
'delete_title' => 'Delete Server',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete server \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server deleted.',
'updated' => 'Server aktualisiert.',
'inserted' => 'Server eingetragen.',
'latency' => 'Antwortzeit',
'latency_max' => 'Latency (maximum)',
'latency_min' => 'Latency (minimum)',
'latency_avg' => 'Latency (average)',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => 'Year',
'month' => 'Month',
'week' => 'Week',
'day' => 'Day',
'hour' => 'Hour',
'warning_threshold' => 'Warning threshold',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Number of failed checks required before it is marked offline.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Last week',
'chart_history' => 'History',
// Charts date format according jqPlot date format
'chart_day_format' => '%d.%m.%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d.%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover notifications are disabled.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server not found.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'The label must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'The domain / IP must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'The IP address is not valid.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'The website URL is not valid.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'The selected server type is invalid.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'The warning threshold must be a valid integer greater than 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'General',
'language' => 'Sprache',
'show_update' => 'Updats w&ouml;chentlich pr&uuml;fen?',
'email_status' => 'Email senden erlauben?',
'email_from_email' => 'Email from address',
'email_from_name' => 'Email from name',
'email_smtp' => 'Enable SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP host',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP username',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP password',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Leave blank for no authentication',
'sms_status' => 'SMS Nachricht senden erlauben?',
'sms_gateway' => 'SMS Gateway',
'sms_gateway_mosms' => 'Mosms',
'sms_gateway_mollie' => 'Mollie',
'sms_gateway_spryng' => 'Spryng',
'sms_gateway_inetworx' => 'Inetworx',
'sms_gateway_clickatell' => 'Clickatell',
'sms_gateway_textmarketer' => 'Textmarketer',
'sms_gateway_smsglobal' => 'SMSGlobal',
'sms_gateway_smsit' => 'Smsit',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Gateway Benutzername',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Gateway Passwort',
'sms_from' => 'SMS Sendernummer',
'pushover_status' => 'Allow sending Pushover messages',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Click here to create your Pushover app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Before you can use Pushover, you need to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">register an App</a> at their website and enter the App API Token here.',
'alert_type' => 'Wann m&ouml;chten Sie benachrichtig werden?',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Status ge&auml;ndert:</b> '.
'... wenn sich der Status &auml;ndert<br/>'.
'z.B. online -> offline oder offline -> online.<br/>'.
'<br/><b>Offline: </b>'.
'Sie bekommen eine Benachrichtigung, wenn ein Server Offline ist.<br/>'.
'Es wird nur eine Mitteilung versendet.<br/>'.
'<br/><b>Immer: </b>'.
'Sie werden jedesmal wenn der CronJob oder das Script ausgef&uuml;hrt wird benachrichtigt auch wenn der Dienst mehreres Stunden offline ist',
'alert_type_status' => 'Status ge&auml;ndert',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Immer',
'log_status' => 'Log Status',
'log_status_description' => 'Ist der Log Status auf TRUE (ein Hacken) gesetzt, wird jeder Status protokolliert.',
'log_email' => 'Email Log per Script senden?',
'log_sms' => 'SMS Log per Script senden?',
'log_pushover' => 'Pushover Log per Script senden?',
'updated' => 'Die Einstellungen wurden gespeichert.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Email',
'settings_sms' => 'SMS Nachricht',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover settings',
'settings_notification' => 'Benachrichtigung',
'settings_log' => 'Log',
'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-refresh',
'auto_refresh_servers' =>
'Auto-refresh servers page<br/>'.
'<span class="small">'.
'Time in seconds, if 0 the page won\'t refresh.'.
'seconds' => 'seconds',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'An email will be sent to the address specified in your user profile.',
'test_sms' => 'An SMS will be sent to the phone number specified in your user profile.',
'test_pushover' => 'A Pushover notification will be sent to the user key/device specified in your user profile.',
'send' => 'Send',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Test message',
'email_sent' => 'Email sent',
'email_error' => 'Error in email sending',
'sms_sent' => 'Sms sent',
'sms_error' => 'Error in sms sending',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Unable to send test SMS: no valid phone number found in your profile.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover notification sent',
'pushover_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Pushover notification: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover App API token found in the global configuration.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover key found in your profile.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Log retention period',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Number of days to keep logs of notifications and archives of server uptime. Enter 0 to disable log cleanup.',
'log_retention_days' => 'days',
// for newlines in the email messages use <br/>
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' ist Offline: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Fehler=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'Wichtig: Server \'%LABEL%\' ist Offline',
'off_email_body' => "Kann keine Verbindung zum Server aufbauen:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Fehler: %ERROR%<br/>Datum: %DATE%",
'off_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' ist Offline',
'off_pushover_message' => "Kann keine Verbindung zum Server aufbauen:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Fehler: %ERROR%<br/>Datum: %DATE%",
'on_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' ist wieder Online: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%',
'on_email_subject' => 'Wichtig: Server \'%LABEL%\' ist wieder Online',
'on_email_body' => "Server '%LABEL%' l&auml;uft wieder:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Datum: %DATE%",
'on_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' ist wieder Online',
'on_pushover_message' => "Server '%LABEL%' l&auml;uft wieder:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Datum: %DATE%",
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Welcome, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Please sign in',
'title_forgot' => 'Forgot your password?',
'title_reset' => 'Reset your password',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'remember_me' => 'Remember me',
'login' => 'Login',
'logout' => 'Logout',
'username' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Password',
'password_repeat' => 'Repeat password',
'password_forgot' => 'Forgot password?',
'password_reset' => 'Reset password',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Reset your password for PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Please use the following link to reset your password. Please note it expires in 1 hour.<br/><br/>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'The provided username could not be found.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'The information is incorrect.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'The provided passwords do not match.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'The reset link you provided is invalid.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'An email has been sent to you with information how to reset your password.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Your password has been reset successfully. Please login.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'You do not have the privileges to view this page.',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -19,562 +18,280 @@
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'English',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'en_US.UTF-8',
'1' => 'en_US',
'2' => 'american',
'3' => 'english-us',
'locale_tag' => 'en',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Install',
'action' => 'Action',
'save' => 'Save',
'edit' => 'Edit',
'delete' => 'Delete',
'view' => 'View',
'date' => 'Date',
'message' => 'Message',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'no' => 'No',
'insert' => 'Insert',
'add_new' => 'Add new',
'update_available' => 'A new version ({version}) is available. Click <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a> to download the update.',
'back_to_top' => 'Back to top',
'go_back' => 'Go back',
'ok' => 'OK',
'bad' => 'bad',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
'none' => 'None',
'activate' => 'Activate',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Yesterday at %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A at %k:%M',
'never' => 'Never',
'hours_ago' => '%d hours ago',
'an_hour_ago' => 'about an hour ago',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minutes ago',
'a_minute_ago' => 'about a minute ago',
'seconds_ago' => '%d seconds ago',
'a_second_ago' => 'a second ago',
'year' => 'year',
'years' => 'years',
'month' => 'month',
'months' => 'months',
'day' => 'day',
'days' => 'days',
'hour' => 'hour',
'hours' => 'hours',
'minute' => 'minute',
'minutes' => 'minutes',
'second' => 'second',
'seconds' => 'seconds',
'millisecond' => 'millisecond',
'milliseconds' => 'milliseconds',
'current' => 'current',
'settings' => 'Settings',
'search' => 'Search',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Config',
'server' => 'Servers',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Update',
'user' => 'Users',
'help' => 'Help',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'User',
'name' => 'Name',
'user_name' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Password',
'password_repeat' => 'Password repeat',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Leave blank to keep unchanged',
'level' => 'Level',
'level_10' => 'Administrator',
'level_20' => 'User',
'level_30' => 'Anonymous',
'level_description' => '<b>Administrators</b> have full access: they can manage servers, users and edit the
global configuration.<br><b>Users</b> can only view and run the updater for the
servers that have been assigned to them.',
'mobile' => 'Mobile',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="" target="_blank">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Device name to send the message to. Leave empty to send it to all devices.',
'discord' => 'Discord',
'discord_label' => 'Discord',
'discord_description' => 'Put your <a href="" target="_blank">webhook</a> here.',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a> is a chat app that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. Visit the <a href="" target="_blank">documentation</a> for more info and an install guide.',
'telegram_chat_id' => 'Telegram chat id',
'telegram_chat_id_description' => 'The message will be send to the corresponding chat.',
'telegram_get_chat_id' => 'Click here to get your chat id',
'activate_telegram' => 'Activate Telegram notifications',
'activate_telegram_description' => 'Allow Telegram notifications to be sent to the specified chat id. Without this permission, Telegram doesn\'t allow us to send notifications to you.',
'telegram_bot_username_found' => 'The bot was found!<br><a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><button class="btn btn-primary">Next step</button></a> <br>This will open a chat with the bot. Here you need to press start or type /start.',
'telegram_bot_username_error_token' => '401 - Unauthorized. Please make sure that the API token is valid.',
'telegram_bot_error' => 'An error has occurred while activating Telegram notification: %s',
'jabber' => 'Jabber',
'jabber_label' => 'Jabber',
'jabber_description' => 'You Jabber account',
'webhook' => 'Webhook',
'webhook_description' => 'Send a json webhook to a certain endpoint.',
'webhook_url' => 'Webhook Url',
'webhook_url_description' => 'Webhook public endpoint url, should start with https://.',
'webhook_json' => 'Webhook JSON',
'webhook_json_description' => 'Define a custom json, e.g. {"username": "servermon: #server_label" "text": "#server_ip is **#status**"}.<br>Available variables: #message, #server_error, #server_ip, #server_label, #server_last_offline_duration and #status',
'delete_title' => 'Delete User',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete user \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'User deleted.',
'updated' => 'User updated.',
'inserted' => 'User added.',
'profile' => 'Profile',
'profile_updated' => 'Your profile has been updated.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Usernames must be between 2 and 64 characters.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'The username may only contain alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), dots (.) and underscores (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'The given username already exists in the database.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Email addresses must be between 5 and 255 characters.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'The email address is invalid.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'The given user level is invalid.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'The user could not be found in the database.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'The entered password is invalid.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'The entered passwords do not match.',
'error_user_admin_cant_be_deleted' => 'You can\'t remove the last administrator.',
'error_user_cant_be_anonymous' => 'Only user \'__public__\' can have the level anonymous.'
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Log entries',
'type' => 'Type',
'status' => 'Status',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'discord' => 'Discord',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'webhook' => 'Webhook',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'jabber' => 'Jabber',
'no_logs' => 'No logs',
'clear' => 'Clear log',
'delete_title' => 'Delete log',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete <b>all</b> logs?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Status',
'label' => 'Label',
'domain' => 'Domain/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Number of seconds to wait for the server to respond.',
'authentication_settings' => 'Authentication Settings',
'optional' => 'Optional',
'website_username' => 'Username',
'website_username_description' => 'Username to access the site. (Only Apache authentication is supported.)',
'website_password' => 'Password',
'website_password_description' => 'Password to access the site. The password is encrypted in the database.',
'fieldset_monitoring' => 'Monitoring',
'fieldset_permissions' => 'Permissions',
'permissions' => 'Users who can view and be notified about this server',
'port' => 'Port',
'custom_port' => 'Custom Port',
'popular_ports' => 'Popular Ports',
'request_method' => 'Request method',
'custom_request_method' => 'Custom request method',
'popular_request_methods' => 'Popular request methods',
'post_field' => 'Post field',
'post_field_description' => 'The data that will be send using the request method above.',
'please_select' => 'Please select',
'type' => 'Type',
'type_website' => 'Website',
'type_service' => 'Service',
'type_ping' => 'Ping',
'pattern' => 'Search string/pattern',
'pattern_description' => 'If this pattern is not found on the website, the server will be marked online/offline. Regular expressions are allowed.',
'pattern_online' => 'Pattern indicates website is',
'pattern_online_description' => 'Online: If this pattern was found on the website, the server will be marked online. Offline: If this pattern was not found on the website, the server will be marked offline.',
'redirect_check' => 'Redirecting to another domain is',
'redirect_check_description' => 'Redirect to another domain is usually a bad sign.',
'allow_http_status' => 'Allow HTTP status code',
'allow_http_status_description' => 'Mark website as online. HTTP Status codes lower then 400 are marked as online by default. Seperate with |.',
'header_name' => 'Header name',
'header_value' => 'Header value',
'header_name_description' => 'Case-sensitive.',
'header_value_description' => 'Regular expressions are allowed.',
'last_check' => 'Last check',
'last_online' => 'Last online',
'last_offline' => 'Last offline',
'last_output' => 'Last positive output',
'last_error' => 'Last error',
'last_error_output' => 'Last error output',
'output' => 'Output',
'monitoring' => 'Monitoring',
'no_monitoring' => 'No monitoring',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Send Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Send SMS',
'discord' => 'Discord',
'send_discord' => 'Send Discord notification',
'webhook' => 'Webhook',
'send_webhook' => 'Send Webhook notification',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'send_pushover' => 'Send Pushover notification',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'send_telegram' => 'Send Telegram notification',
'jabber' => 'Jabber',
'send_jabber' => 'Send Jabber notification',
'users' => 'Users',
'delete_title' => 'Delete server',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete server \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server deleted.',
'updated' => 'Server updated.',
'inserted' => 'Server added.',
'latency' => 'Latency',
'latency_max' => 'Latency (maximum)',
'latency_min' => 'Latency (minimum)',
'latency_avg' => 'Latency (average)',
'online' => 'online',
'offline' => 'offline',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => 'Year',
'month' => 'Month',
'week' => 'Week',
'day' => 'Day',
'hour' => 'Hour',
'warning_threshold' => 'Warning threshold',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Number of failed checks required before it is marked offline.',
'ssl_cert_expiry_days' => 'SSL Certificate Validity',
'ssl_cert_expiry_days_description' => 'The minimum remaining days the SSL certificate is still valid. Use 0 to disable check.',
'ssl_cert_expired' => 'SSL certificate expired since',
'ssl_cert_expiring' => 'SSL certificate expiring:',
'chart_last_week' => 'Last week',
'chart_history' => 'History',
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_discord' => 'Discord notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_webhook' => 'Webhook notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_telegram' => 'Telegram notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_jabber' => 'Jabber notifications are disabled.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server not found.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'The label must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'The domain / IP must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'The IP address is not valid.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'The website URL is not valid.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'The selected server type is invalid.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'The warning threshold must be a valid integer greater than 0.',
'error_server_ssl_cert_expiry_days' => 'The remaining days for SSL certificate validity must be a valid integer greater than or equal to 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'General',
'site_title' => 'Site title',
'language' => 'Language',
'show_update' => 'Check for updates?',
'password_encrypt_key' => 'The encryption key password',
'password_encrypt_key_note' => 'This key is used to encrypt passwords that are stored on servers for access to websites. If the key will change the stored password is invalid!',
'proxy' => 'Enable proxy',
'proxy_url' => 'Proxy URL',
'proxy_user' => 'Proxy username',
'proxy_password' => 'Proxy password',
'email_status' => 'Allow sending email',
'email_add_url' => 'Add url to the monitor in email',
'email_from_email' => 'Email from address',
'email_from_name' => 'Email from name',
'email_smtp' => 'Enable SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP host',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP security',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'None',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP username',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP password',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Leave blank for no authentication',
'sms_status' => 'Allow sending text messages',
'sms_gateway' => 'Gateway to use for sending messages',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Gateway username',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Gateway password',
'sms_from' => 'Sender\'s phone number',
'discord_status' => 'Allow sending Discord messages',
'discord_description' => 'Discord is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="" target="_blank">their website</a> for more info.',
'webhook_status' => 'Allow sending webhooks',
'webhook_description' => 'Allow sending webhooks to services like slack. The message payload end endpoint are defined in the profile settings.',
'webhook_url' => 'Webhook Url',
'webhook_url_description' => 'Url to webhook endpoint',
'webhook_json' => 'Webhook Json',
'webhook_json_description' => 'Define a custom json. Available variables: #message, #server_error, #server_ip, #server_label, #server_last_offline_duration and #status',
'pushover_status' => 'Allow sending Pushover messages',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="" target="_blank">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Click here to create your Pushover app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Before you can use Pushover, you need to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener">register an App</a> at their website and enter the App API Token here.',
'telegram_status' => 'Allow sending Telegram messages',
'telegram_add_url' => 'Add url to the monitor in the message',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a> is a chat app that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. Visit the <a href="" target="_blank">documentation</a> for more info and an install guide.',
'telegram_api_token' => 'Telegram API Token',
'telegram_api_token_description' => 'Before you can use Telegram, you need to get a API token. Visit the <a href="" target="_blank">documentation</a> for help.',
'jabber_status' => 'Allow sending Jabber (XMPP) messages',
'jabber_description' => 'Visit the <a href="">documentation</a> for more info and an install guide.',
'jabber_host' => 'Host',
'jabber_host_description' => 'Host of your Jabber account provider. For Google Account use',
'jabber_port' => 'Port',
'jabber_port_description' => 'Port of your Jabber provider. Default 5222. For Google Account use 5223.',
'jabber_username' => 'Username',
'jabber_username_description' => 'For Google Account use incl. domain so for example',
'jabber_domain' => 'Domain',
'jabber_domain_description' => 'Domain of your Jabber provider. Left empty for Google Account.',
'jabber_password' => 'Password',
'jabber_password_description' => 'Fill only to set or change.',
'jabber_check' => 'Check your Jabber account if message was received.',
'dirauth_status' => 'Authenticate with directory service',
'authdir_host_locn' => 'Directory host',
'authdir_host_port' => 'Directory port',
'authdir_type' => 'Service type',
'authdir_type_description' => 'OpenLDAP: Directory is an OpenLDAP service.<br>AD
DS: Directory is an Active Directory Domain Service.<br>AD
LDS: Directory is an Active Directory Lightweight Directory
'authdir_type_openldap' => 'OpenLDAP',
'authdir_type_adds' => 'AD DS',
'authdir_type_adlds' => 'AD LDS',
'authdir_userdomain' => 'Active Directory domain',
'authdir_userdomain_description' => 'User domain for Active Directory. This is typically the NETBIOS domain
for AD DS and the DNS domain for AD LDS. Not used for OpenLDAP
'authdir_ldapver' => 'LDAP protocol version',
'authdir_ldapver_description' => 'Version of the LDAP specification. This is typically Version 3 (default).
Version 2 was deprecated in 2003 (RFC3494).',
'authdir_ldapfollowref' => 'Follow referrals',
'authdir_ldapfollowref_description' => 'Follow referrals if the specified server refers to another server for
the required information. Leave unchecked if you are unaware of this
'authdir_basedn' => 'Base DN*',
'authdir_basedn_description' => 'Base distinguished name (DN) of the directory service. E.g.,
dc=domain,dc=tld. This is a required field.',
'authdir_usernameattrib' => 'Username attribute',
'authdir_usernameattrib_description' => 'Attribute used by the directory service to refer to the username of
the user.',
'authdir_groupnameattrib' => 'Group name attribute',
'authdir_groupnameattrib_description' => 'Attribute used by the directory service to refer to the group name
of a group. This is used to check for group membership.',
'authdir_groupmemattrib' => 'Group member attribute',
'authdir_groupmemattrib_description' => 'Attribute used by the directory service to refer to the group(s) of
which the user is a member. This is used to check for group
'authdir_usercontainerrdn' => 'User container RDN',
'authdir_usercontainerrdn_description' => 'Relative distinguished name of the users container in the
directory. E.g., ou=Users',
'authdir_groupcontainerrdn' => 'Group container RDN',
'authdir_groupcontainerrdn_description' => 'Relative distinguished name of the groups container in the
directory. E.g., ou=Groups',
'authdir_groupname' => 'Authorised directory group',
'authdir_groupname_description' => 'Directory group authorised to access application. Directory users not
members of this group will not be authenticated (currently not available
for AD).',
'authdir_defaultrole' => 'Default role',
'authdir_defaultrole_description' => 'Default role to be assigned to users logging in for the first time.',
'alert_type' => 'Select when you\'d like to be notified.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Status change:</b> You will receive a notification when a server has a change in status. So from online -> offline or offline -> online.<br><br><b>Offline:</b> You will receive a notification when a server goes offline for the *FIRST TIME ONLY*. For example, your cronjob is every 15 minutes and your server goes down at 1 am and stays down till 6 am. You will get 1 notification at 1 am and that\'s it.<br><br><b>Always:</b> You will receive a notification every time the script runs and a site is down, even if the site has been offline for hours.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Status change',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Always',
'combine_notifications' => 'Combine notifications',
'combine_notifications_description' => 'Reduces the amount of notification by combining the notifications into 1 single notification. (This does not affect SMS notifications.)',
'alert_proxy' => 'Even if enabled, proxy is never used for services',
'alert_proxy_url' => 'Format: host:port',
'log_status' => 'Log status',
'log_status_description' => 'If log status is set to TRUE, the monitor will log the event whenever the notification settings are passed.',
'log_email' => 'Log emails sent by the script',
'log_sms' => 'Log text messages sent by the script',
'log_discord' => 'Log Discord messages sent by the script',
'log_pushover' => 'Log pushover messages sent by the script',
'log_webhook' => 'Log webhook messages sent by the script',
'log_telegram' => 'Log Telegram messages sent by the script',
'log_jabber' => 'Log Jabber messages sent by the script',
'updated' => 'The configuration has been updated.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_discord' => 'Discord',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'tab_webhook' => 'Webhook',
'tab_telegram' => 'Telegram',
'tab_jabber' => 'Jabber',
'tab_auth' => 'Authentication',
'settings_email' => 'Email settings',
'settings_sms' => 'Text message settings',
'settings_discord' => 'Discord settings',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover settings',
'settings_webhook' => 'Webhook settings',
'settings_telegram' => 'Telegram settings',
'settings_jabber' => 'Jabber settings',
'settings_notification' => 'Notification settings',
'settings_log' => 'Log settings',
'settings_proxy' => 'Proxy settings',
'settings_dirauth' => 'LDAP settings',
'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-refresh',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Auto-refresh servers page.<br><span class="small">Time in seconds, if 0 the page won\'t refresh.</span>',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'An email will be sent to the address specified in your user profile.',
'test_sms' => 'An SMS will be sent to the phone number specified in your user profile.',
'test_discord' => 'A Discord notification will be sent to the webhook specified in your user profile.',
'test_pushover' => 'A Pushover notification will be sent to the user key/device specified in your user profile.',
'test_pushover' => 'A Pushover notification will be sent to the user key/device specified in your user
'test_webhook' => 'A webhook notification will be sent to the given url endpoint.',
'test_telegram' => 'A Telegram notification will be sent to the chat id specified in your user profile.',
'test_jabber' => 'A Jabber notification will be sent to the jabber account specified in your user profile.',
'send' => 'Send',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Test message',
'email_sent' => 'Email sent',
'email_error' => 'Error in email sending',
'sms_sent' => 'SMS sent',
'sms_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the SMS: %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Unable to send test SMS: no valid phone number found in your profile.',
'discord_sent' => 'Discord notification sent',
'discord_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Discord notification: %s',
'discord_error_nowebhook' => 'Unable to send test Discord notification: no valid Discord webhook found in your user profile.',
'webhook_sent' => 'Webhook notification sent',
'webhook_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the webhook notification: %s',
'webhook_error_nourl' => 'Unable to send test notification: no url found in user profile.',
'webhook_error_nojson' => 'Unable to send test notification: no json found in user profile.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover notification sent',
'pushover_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Pushover notification: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover App API token found in the global configuration.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover key found in your profile.',
'telegram_sent' => 'Telegram notification sent',
'telegram_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Telegram notification: %s',
'telegram_error_notoken' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Telegram API token found in the global configuration.',
'telegram_error_noid' => 'Unable to send test notification: no chat id found in your profile.',
'jabber_sent' => 'Jabber notification sent',
'jabber_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Jabber notification: %s',
'jabber_error_noconfig' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Jabber account set in the global configuration.',
'jabber_error_noaccount' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Jabber account found in your profile.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Log retention period',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Number of days to keep logs of notifications and archives of server uptime. Enter 0 to disable log cleanup.',
'log_retention_days' => 'days',
'user_agent' => 'User Agent',
'user_agent_key_note' => 'Custom user agent used by monitor within communication with external services.',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Error=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN',
'off_email_body' => 'Failed to connect to the following server:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Error: %ERROR%<br>Date: %DATE%',
'off_discord_message' => 'Failed to connect to the following server:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Error: %ERROR%<br>Date: %DATE%',
'off_email_body' => 'Failed to connect to the following server:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Error: %ERROR%<br>Date: %DATE%',
'off_webhook_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN',
'off_webhook_message' => 'Failed to connect to the following server:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP:
%IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Error: %ERROR%<br>Date: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Failed to connect to the following server:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Error: %ERROR%<br>Date: %DATE%',
'off_telegram_message' => 'Failed to connect to the following server:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Error: %ERROR%<br>Date: %DATE%',
'off_jabber_message' => 'Failed to connect to the following server:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Error: %ERROR%<br>Date: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is RUNNING: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'on_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: Server \'%LABEL%\' is RUNNING',
'on_email_body' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is running again, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Date:
'on_discord_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is running again, it was down for:
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Date: %DATE%',
'on_webhook_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is RUNNING',
'on_webhook_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is running again, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Date:
'on_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is RUNNING',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is running again, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Date:
'on_telegram_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is running again, it was down for:
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Date:
'on_jabber_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is running again, it was down for:
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Date:
'combi_off_email_message' => '<ul><li>Server: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Port: %PORT%</li><li>Error:
%ERROR%</li><li>Date: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_off_discord_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Port: %PORT%<br>- Error: %ERROR%<br>-
Date: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_off_webhook_message' => '<ul><li>Server: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Port: %PORT%</li><li>Error:
%ERROR%</li><li>Date: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_off_pushover_message' => '<ul><li>Server: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Port: %PORT%</li><li>Error:
%ERROR%</li><li>Date: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_off_telegram_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Port: %PORT%<br>- Error: %ERROR%<br>-
Date: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_off_jabber_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Port: %PORT%<br>- Error: %ERROR%<br>-
Date: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_on_email_message' => '<ul><li>Server: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Port: %PORT%</li><li>Downtime:
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%</li><li>Date: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_on_webhook_message' => '<ul><li>Server: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Port:
%PORT%</li><li>Downtime: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%</li><li>Date:
'combi_on_discord_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Port: %PORT%<br>-
Downtime: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br>- Date: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_on_pushover_message' => '<ul><li>Server: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Port:
%PORT%</li><li>Downtime: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%</li><li>Date:
'combi_on_telegram_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Port: %PORT%<br>- Downtime:
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br>- Date: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_on_jabber_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Port: %PORT%<br>- Downtime:
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br>- Date: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: \'%UP%\' servers UP again, \'%DOWN%\' servers DOWN',
'combi_webhook_subject' => '\'%UP%\' servers UP again, \'%DOWN%\' servers DOWN',
'combi_pushover_subject' => '\'%UP%\' servers UP again, \'%DOWN%\' servers DOWN',
'combi_email_message' => '<b>The following servers went down:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>The following
servers are up again:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'combi_discord_message' => '<b>The following servers went down:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>The following
servers are up again:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'combi_webhook_message' => '<b>The following servers went down:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>The following
servers are up again:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'combi_pushover_message' => '<b>The following servers went down:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>The following
servers are up again:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'combi_telegram_message' => '<b>The following servers went down:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>The following
servers are up again:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'combi_jabber_message' => '<b>The following servers went down:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>The following
servers are up again:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Welcome, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Please sign in',
'title_forgot' => 'Forgot your password?',
'title_reset' => 'Reset your password',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'remember_me' => 'Remember me',
'login' => 'Login',
'logout' => 'Logout',
'username' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Password',
'password_repeat' => 'Repeat password',
'password_forgot' => 'Forgot password?',
'password_reset' => 'Reset password',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Reset your password for PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Please use the following link to reset your password. Please note it expires in 1 hour.<br><br>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'The provided username could not be found.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'The information is incorrect.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'The provided passwords do not match.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'The reset link you provided is invalid.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'An email has been sent to you with information how to reset your password.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Your password has been reset successfully. Please login.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'You do not have the privileges to view this page.',
'name' => 'English',
'locale' => array('en_US.UTF-8', 'en_US', 'american', 'english-us'),
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Install',
'action' => 'Action',
'save' => 'Save',
'edit' => 'Edit',
'delete' => 'Delete',
'date' => 'Date',
'message' => 'Message',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'no' => 'No',
'insert' => 'Insert',
'add_new' => 'Add new',
'update_available' => 'A new version ({version}) is available from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.',
'back_to_top' => 'Back to top',
'go_back' => 'Go back',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
// date/time format according the strftime php function format parameter
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Yesterday at %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A at %k:%M',
'never' => 'Never',
'hours_ago' => '%d hours ago',
'an_hour_ago' => 'about an hour ago',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minutes ago',
'a_minute_ago' => 'about a minute ago',
'seconds_ago' => '%d seconds ago',
'a_second_ago' => 'a second ago',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Config',
'server' => 'Servers',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Update',
'user' => 'Users',
'help' => 'Help',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'User',
'name' => 'Name',
'user_name' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Password',
'password_repeat' => 'Password repeat',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Leave blank to keep unchanged',
'level' => 'Level',
'level_10' => 'Administrator',
'level_20' => 'User',
'level_description' => '<b>Administrators</b> have full access: they can manage servers, users and edit the global configuration.<br/><b>Users</b> can only view and run the updater for the servers that have been assigned to them.',
'mobile' => 'Mobile',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Device name to send the message to. Leave empty to send it to all devices.',
'delete_title' => 'Delete User',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete user \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'User deleted.',
'updated' => 'User updated.',
'inserted' => 'User added.',
'profile' => 'Profile',
'profile_updated' => 'Your profile has been updated.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Usernames must be between 2 and 64 characters.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'The username may only contain alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9) and underscores (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'The given username already exists in the database.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Email addresses must be between 5 and 255 characters.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'The email address is invalid.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'The given user level is invalid.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'The user could not be found in the database.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'The entered password is invalid.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'The entered passwords do not match.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Log entries',
'type' => 'Type',
'status' => 'Status',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'No logs',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Status',
'label' => 'Label',
'domain' => 'Domain/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Number of seconds to wait for the server to respond.',
'port' => 'Port',
'type' => 'Type',
'type_website' => 'Website',
'type_service' => 'Service',
'pattern' => 'Search string/pattern',
'pattern_description' => 'If this pattern is not found on the website, the server will be marked offline. Regular expressions are allowed.',
'last_check' => 'Last check',
'last_online' => 'Last online',
'monitoring' => 'Monitoring',
'no_monitoring' => 'No monitoring',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Send Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Send SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Users',
'delete_title' => 'Delete server',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete server \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server deleted.',
'updated' => 'Server updated.',
'inserted' => 'Server added.',
'latency' => 'Latency',
'latency_max' => 'Latency (maximum)',
'latency_min' => 'Latency (minimum)',
'latency_avg' => 'Latency (average)',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => 'Year',
'month' => 'Month',
'week' => 'Week',
'day' => 'Day',
'hour' => 'Hour',
'warning_threshold' => 'Warning threshold',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Number of failed checks required before it is marked offline.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Last week',
'chart_history' => 'History',
// Charts date format according jqPlot date format
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover notifications are disabled.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server not found.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'The label must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'The domain / IP must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'The IP address is not valid.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'The website URL is not valid.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'The selected server type is invalid.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'The warning threshold must be a valid integer greater than 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'General',
'language' => 'Language',
'show_update' => 'Check for updates?',
'email_status' => 'Allow sending email',
'email_from_email' => 'Email from address',
'email_from_name' => 'Email from name',
'email_smtp' => 'Enable SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP host',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP username',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP password',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Leave blank for no authentication',
'sms_status' => 'Allow sending text messages',
'sms_gateway' => 'Gateway to use for sending messages',
'sms_gateway_mosms' => 'Mosms',
'sms_gateway_mollie' => 'Mollie',
'sms_gateway_spryng' => 'Spryng',
'sms_gateway_inetworx' => 'Inetworx',
'sms_gateway_clickatell' => 'Clickatell',
'sms_gateway_textmarketer' => 'Textmarketer',
'sms_gateway_smsglobal' => 'SMSGlobal',
'sms_gateway_smsit' => 'Smsit',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Gateway username',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Gateway password',
'sms_from' => 'Sender\'s phone number',
'pushover_status' => 'Allow sending Pushover messages',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Click here to create your Pushover app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Before you can use Pushover, you need to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">register an App</a> at their website and enter the App API Token here.',
'alert_type' => 'Select when you\'d like to be notified.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Status change:</b> '.
'You will receive a notifcation when a server has a change in status. So from online -> offline or offline -> online.<br/>'.
'<br /><b>Offline:</b> '.
'You will receive a notification when a server goes offline for the *FIRST TIME ONLY*. For example, '.
'your cronjob is every 15 mins and your server goes down at 1 am and stays down till 6 am. '.
'You will get 1 notification at 1 am and thats it.<br/>'.
'<br><b>Always:</b> '.
'You will receive a notification every time the script runs and a site is down, even if the site has been offline for hours.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Status change',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Always',
'log_status' => 'Log status',
'log_status_description' => 'If log status is set to TRUE, the monitor will log the event whenever the Notification settings are passed.',
'log_email' => 'Log emails sent by the script',
'log_sms' => 'Log text messages sent by the script',
'log_pushover' => 'Log pushover messages sent by the script',
'updated' => 'The configuration has been updated.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Email settings',
'settings_sms' => 'Text message settings',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover settings',
'settings_notification' => 'Notification settings',
'settings_log' => 'Log settings',
'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-refresh',
'auto_refresh_servers' =>
'Auto-refresh servers page.<br/>'.
'<span class="small">'.
'Time in seconds, if 0 the page won\'t refresh.'.
'seconds' => 'seconds',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'An email will be sent to the address specified in your user profile.',
'test_sms' => 'An SMS will be sent to the phone number specified in your user profile.',
'test_pushover' => 'A Pushover notification will be sent to the user key/device specified in your user profile.',
'send' => 'Send',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Test message',
'email_sent' => 'Email sent',
'email_error' => 'Error in email sending',
'sms_sent' => 'Sms sent',
'sms_error' => 'Error in sms sending',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Unable to send test SMS: no valid phone number found in your profile.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover notification sent',
'pushover_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Pushover notification: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover App API token found in the global configuration.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover key found in your profile.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Log retention period',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Number of days to keep logs of notifications and archives of server uptime. Enter 0 to disable log cleanup.',
'log_retention_days' => 'days',
// for newlines in the email messages use <br/>
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Error=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN',
'off_email_body' => "Failed to connect to the following server:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Error: %ERROR%<br/>Date: %DATE%",
'off_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN',
'off_pushover_message' => "Failed to connect to the following server:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Error: %ERROR%<br/>Date: %DATE%",
'on_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is RUNNING: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%',
'on_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: Server \'%LABEL%\' is RUNNING',
'on_email_body' => "Server '%LABEL%' is running again:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Date: %DATE%",
'on_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is RUNNING',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is running again:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Date: %DATE%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Welcome, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Please sign in',
'title_forgot' => 'Forgot your password?',
'title_reset' => 'Reset your password',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'remember_me' => 'Remember me',
'login' => 'Login',
'logout' => 'Logout',
'username' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Password',
'password_repeat' => 'Repeat password',
'password_forgot' => 'Forgot password?',
'password_reset' => 'Reset password',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Reset your password for PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Please use the following link to reset your password. Please note it expires in 1 hour.<br/><br/>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'The provided username could not be found.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'The information is incorrect.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'The provided passwords do not match.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'The reset link you provided is invalid.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'An email has been sent to you with information how to reset your password.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Your password has been reset successfully. Please login.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'You do not have the privileges to view this page.',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -20,449 +19,279 @@
* @package phpservermon
* @author Klemens Häckel <>
* @author Luis Rodriguez <>
* @author Mauro Vietri <>
* @author Federico Vera <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Español - Spanish',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'es_ES.UTF-8',
'1' => 'es_ES',
'2' => 'spanish',
'3' => 'esp',
'locale_tag' => 'es',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Instalar',
'action' => 'Acción',
'save' => 'Guardar',
'edit' => 'Modificar',
'delete' => 'Eliminar',
'view' => 'Ver',
'date' => 'Fecha',
'message' => 'Mensaje',
'yes' => 'Si',
'no' => 'No',
'insert' => 'Insertar',
'add_new' => 'Agregar nuevo',
'update_available' => 'Hay una nueva versión ({version}) disponible en <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'Volver arriba',
'go_back' => 'Volver',
'ok' => 'Bueno',
'bad' => 'Malo',
'cancel' => 'Cancelar',
'none' => 'None',
'activate' => 'Activar',
'short_day_format' => '%e de %B',
'long_day_format' => '%e de %B de %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Ayer a las %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A a las %k:%M',
'never' => 'Nunca',
'hours_ago' => 'Hace %d horas',
'an_hour_ago' => 'Hace aproximadamente una hora',
'minutes_ago' => 'Hace %d minutos',
'a_minute_ago' => 'Hace aproximadamente un minuto',
'seconds_ago' => 'Hace %d segundos',
'a_second_ago' => 'Hace aproximadamente un segundo',
'year' => 'año',
'years' => 'años',
'month' => 'mes',
'months' => 'meses',
'day' => 'día',
'days' => 'días',
'hour' => 'hora',
'hours' => 'horas',
'minute' => 'minuto',
'minutes' => 'minutos',
'second' => 'segundo',
'seconds' => 'segundos',
'current' => 'actual',
'settings' => 'Configuración',
'search' => 'Buscar',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Configurar',
'server' => 'Servidores',
'server_log' => 'Registro',
'server_status' => 'Estado',
'server_update' => 'Actualizar',
'user' => 'Usuarios',
'help' => 'Ayuda',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Usuario',
'name' => 'Nombre',
'user_name' => 'Nombre de Usuario',
'password' => 'Contraseña',
'password_repeat' => 'Repetir Contraseña',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Dejar en blanco para mantener sin cambios',
'level' => 'Nivel',
'level_10' => 'Administrador',
'level_20' => 'Usuarios',
'level_description' => '<b>Administradores</b> tienen acceso completo: pueden administrar servidores, usuarios
y editar la configuración global.<br>Los <b>usuarios</b> sólo pueden ver y ejecutar
el programa de actualización para los servidores que se han asignado a los mismos.',
'mobile' => 'Móvil',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover es un servicio que hace que sea fácil de obtener notificaciones en tiempo
real. Vea <a href="" target="_blank"> su página web </a> para
más información.',
'pushover_key' => 'Clave Pushover',
'pushover_device' => 'Dispositivo Pushover',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Nombre del dispositivo para enviar el mensaje. Dejar en blanco para enviarlo
a todos los dispositivos.',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a> is a chat app that
makes it easy to get real-time notifications. Visit the <a
href="" target="_blank">documentation</a> for more
info and an install guide.',
'telegram_chat_id' => 'Telegram chat id',
'telegram_chat_id_description' => 'El mensaje será enviado al chat correspondiente.',
'telegram_get_chat_id' => 'Haga click aquí para obtener su chat id',
'activate_telegram' => 'Activar las notificaciones de Telegram',
'activate_telegram_description' => 'Permitir a Telegram enviar notificaciones al chat id especificado. Sin
este permiso, Telegram no podrá enviarle mensajes.',
'telegram_bot_username_found' => '¡El bot fue encontrado!<br><a href="%s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener"><button class="btn btn-primary">Próximo paso</button></a>
<br>Esto abrirá un chat con el bot. Necesita presionar start o escribir
'telegram_bot_username_error_token' => '401 - No autorizado. Por favor asegúrese que el Token es válido.',
'telegram_bot_error' => 'Ocurrió un error activando las notificaciones de Telegram: %s',
'delete_title' => 'Eliminar usuario',
'delete_message' => 'Realmente desea eliminar el usuario \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Usuario eliminado.',
'updated' => 'Usuario actualizado.',
'inserted' => 'Usuario ingresado.',
'profile' => 'Perfil',
'profile_updated' => 'Su perfil ha sido actualizado.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Los nombres de usuario deben tener entre 2 y 64 caracteres.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'El nombre de usuario sólo puede contener caracteres alfabéticos (a-z, A-Z),
números (0-9), puntos (.) y guiones bajos (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'El nombre de usuario dado ya existe en la base de datos.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Direcciones de correo electrónico deben estar entre 5 y 255 caracteres.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'La dirección de correo electrónico no es válida.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'El nivel de usuario dado es inválido.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'El usuario no se pudo encontrar en la base de datos.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'La contraseña introducida no es válida.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Las contraseñas introducidas no coinciden.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Registro',
'type' => 'Tipo',
'status' => 'Estado',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'no_logs' => 'No hay registros',
'clear' => 'Borrar registros',
'delete_title' => 'Eliminar registro',
'delete_message' => '¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar <b>todos</b> los registros?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Servidores',
'status' => 'Estado',
'label' => 'Título',
'domain' => 'Dominio/IP',
'timeout' => 'Tiempo de espera',
'timeout_description' => 'Número de segundos a esperar para que el servidor responda.',
'authentication_settings' => 'Configuración de autenticación',
'optional' => 'Opcional',
'website_username' => 'Nombre de usuario',
'website_username_description' => 'Nombre de usuario para acceder al sitio. (Solo se soporta la autenticación
de Apache.)',
'website_password' => 'Contraseña',
'website_password_description' => 'Contraseña para acceder al sitio. La contraseña se almacenará encriptada
en la base de datos.',
'fieldset_monitoring' => 'Monitoreo',
'fieldset_permissions' => 'Permisos',
'permissions' => 'El servidor será visible para los siguientes usuarios',
'port' => 'Puerto',
'custom_port' => 'Puerto personalizado',
'popular_ports' => 'Puertos comunes',
'request_method' => 'Método',
'custom_request_method' => 'Método personalizado',
'popular_request_methods' => 'Método común',
'post_field' => 'Post field',
'post_field_description' => 'Los datos que serán enviado utilizando el método especificado.',
'please_select' => 'Por favor seleccionar',
'type' => 'Tipo',
'type_website' => 'Sitio Web',
'type_service' => 'Servicio',
'type_ping' => 'Ping',
'pattern' => 'Patrón/texto de búsqueda',
'pattern_description' => 'Si el patrón no se encuentra en el sitio, se marcará al servidor como en
línea/fuera de línea. Se permiten expresiones regulares.',
'pattern_online' => 'El patrón indica si el servidor está:',
'pattern_online_description' => 'En línea: Si el patrón encuentra en el sitio, se marcará al servidor como
en línea. Fuera de línea: Si el patrón no se encutra en el sitio, se
marcará al servidor como furea de línea.',
'redirect_check' => 'Redirigir a otra dirección es:',
'redirect_check_description' => 'Redirigir normalmente es una mala señal.',
'allow_http_status' => 'Permitir revisar el código de estado HTTP',
'allow_http_status_description' => 'Marcar el sitio como en línea. Los estados HTTP menores que 400 son
marcados como en línea por defecto. Separar con |.',
'header_name' => 'Nombre del encabezado',
'header_value' => 'Valor del encabezado',
'header_name_description' => 'Respetar mayúsculas y minúsculas.',
'header_value_description' => 'Se permiten expresiones regulares.',
'last_check' => 'Último control',
'last_online' => 'Última vez en línea',
'last_offline' => 'Última vez fuera de línea',
'last_output' => 'Última salida',
'last_error' => 'Último error',
'last_error_output' => 'Último error',
'output' => 'Salida',
'monitoring' => 'Monitoreado',
'no_monitoring' => 'No monitoreando',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Enviar correo electrónico',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Eviar SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'send_pushover' => 'Enviar notificación por Pushover',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'send_telegram' => 'Enviar notificación por Telegram',
'users' => 'Usuarios',
'delete_title' => 'Eliminar servidor',
'delete_message' => '¿Seguro que desea eliminar el servidor \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Servidor eliminado.',
'updated' => 'Servidor actualizado.',
'inserted' => 'Servidor ingresado.',
'latency' => 'Latencia',
'latency_max' => 'Latencia (máximo)',
'latency_min' => 'Latencia (mínimo)',
'latency_avg' => 'Latencia (promedio)',
'online' => 'en línea',
'offline' => 'fuera de línea',
'uptime' => 'Activo',
'year' => 'Año',
'month' => 'Mes',
'week' => 'Semana',
'day' => 'Día',
'hour' => 'Hora',
'warning_threshold' => 'Umbral de advertencia',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Número de controles fallidos necesarios antes de que se marque como fuera
de línea.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Última semana',
'chart_history' => 'Historial',
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'Las notificaciones por SMS están desactivadas.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Las notificaciones por correo electrónico están desactivados.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Las notificaciones Pushover están desactivadas.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_telegram' => 'Las notificaciones Telegram están desactivadas.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Servidor no encontrado.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'La etiqueta debe estar entre 1 y 255 caracteres.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'El dominio / IP debe estar entre 1 y 255 caracteres.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'La dirección IP no es válida.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'El URL del Sitio Web no es válido.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'El tipo de servidor seleccionado no es válido.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'El umbral de advertencia debe ser un entero válido mayor que 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'General',
'language' => 'Idioma',
'show_update' => '¿Comprobar actualizaciones?',
'password_encrypt_key' => 'Clave cripográfica',
'password_encrypt_key_note' => 'Esta es la clave utilizada para encriptar las contraseñas de acceso a los
servidores. ¡Si la contraseña cambia las credenciales serán inválidas!',
'proxy' => 'Activar Proxy',
'proxy_url' => 'URL del proxy',
'proxy_user' => 'Usuario',
'proxy_password' => 'Contraseña',
'email_status' => '¿Habilitar envio de email?',
'email_from_email' => 'Dirección del Remitente',
'email_from_name' => 'Nombre del Remitente',
'email_smtp' => 'Habilitar SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'Servidor SMTP',
'email_smtp_port' => 'Puerto SMTP',
'email_smtp_security' => 'Seguridad SMTP',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'Ninguna',
'email_smtp_username' => 'Usuario SMTP',
'email_smtp_password' => 'Contraseña SMTP',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Deja en blanco para ninguna autenticación',
'sms_status' => '¿Habilitar envio de SMS?',
'sms_gateway' => 'Proveedor de SMS',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Usuario',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Contraseña',
'sms_from' => 'Número origen del SMS',
'pushover_status' => '¿Habilitar el envío de mensajes Pushover?',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover es un servicio que hace que sea fácil de obtener notificaciones en tiempo
real. Vea <a href="" target="_blank"> su página web </a> para
más información.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Haga clic aquí para crear tu aplicación Pushover',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Token API de Pushover',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Antes de poder utilizar Pushover, necesita <a href="%1$s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener"> registrar </a> su aplicación en la página web e
ingresar el token API.',
'telegram_status' => '¿Habilitar el envío de mensajes de Telegram?',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a> es una aplicación de
mensajería instantánea que permite recibir notificaciones en tiempo real. Visite
la <a href="" target="_blank">documentación</a>
para una guía mas detallada.',
'telegram_api_token' => 'Token API de Telegram',
'telegram_api_token_description' => 'Antes de utilizar Telegram, necesita un Token de API. Visite la <a
target="_blank">documentación</a> para más información.',
'alert_type' => '¿Cuándo desea recibir notificaciones?',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Al cambiar el estado:</b> p.ej. en línea -> fuera de línea o fuera de línea
-> en línea.<br><br /><b>Fuera de Línea:</b> Recibirá una notificación cuando
el servidor esté fuera de línea.Se envia un sólo mensaje cuando se detecte la
caída por primera vez.<br><br><b>Siempre:</b> Se le enviará una notificación
cada vez que se ejecuta el script aunqué el servicio puede haber estado fuera de
línea por varias horas.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Cambio de estado',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Fuera de Línea',
'alert_type_always' => 'Siempre',
'combine_notifications' => 'Combinar notificaciones',
'combine_notifications_description' => 'Reduce la cantidad de notificaciones combinando los mensajes en una
sola notificación. (Esto no afecta a las notificaciones por SMS.)',
'alert_proxy' => 'Incluso si está activo, los proxy no se utilizarán para los servicios.',
'alert_proxy_url' => 'Formato: host:puerto',
'log_status' => 'Registro de estados',
'log_status_description' => 'Al setear TRUE (marcar) se registrarán todos los estados.',
'log_email' => 'Guardar emails enviados en el registro',
'log_sms' => 'Guardar SMS enviados en el registro',
'log_pushover' => 'Guardar notificaciones Pushover enviadas en el registro',
'log_telegram' => 'Guardar notificaciones Telegram enviadas en el registro',
'updated' => 'Configuración guardada.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'tab_telegram' => 'Telegram',
'settings_email' => 'Configuración de Correo Electrónico',
'settings_sms' => 'Configuración de Mensajes de Texto',
'settings_pushover' => 'Configuración de Pushover',
'settings_telegram' => 'Configuración de Telegram',
'settings_notification' => 'Configuración de las notificaciones',
'settings_log' => 'Configuración de registros',
'settings_proxy' => 'Configuración del proxy',
'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-actualizar',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Auto-actualizar la página de servidores.<br><span class="small">Tiempo en
segundos, si se utiliza 0 la página no se actualizará.</span>',
'test' => 'Prueba',
'test_email' => 'Un correo electrónico será enviado a la dirección especificada en su perfil de usuario.',
'test_sms' => 'Un SMS se enviará al número de teléfono especificado en su perfil de usuario.',
'test_pushover' => 'Una notificación Pushover será enviada a la clave de usuario / dispositivo especificado
en su perfil de usuario.',
'test_telegram' => 'Una notificación de Telegram será enviada al chat id especificado en su perfil de
'send' => 'Enviar',
'test_subject' => 'Prueba',
'test_message' => 'Mensaje de prueba',
'email_sent' => 'Correo enviado',
'email_error' => 'Error al enviar el correo',
'sms_sent' => 'SMS enviado',
'sms_error' => 'Error al enviar el SMS: %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Imposible enviar el SMS: no se encontró un número de teléfono válido en su
'pushover_sent' => 'Notificación de Pushover enviada',
'pushover_error' => 'Ocurrió un error enviado la notificación de Pushover: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'No se puede enviar una notificación de prueba: no existe un token API de Pushover
en la configuración global.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'No se puede enviar una notificación de prueba: no existe ninguna clave de Pushover
en su perfil.',
'telegram_sent' => 'Notificación de Telegram enviada',
'telegram_error' => 'Ocurrió un error enviado la notificación de Telegram: %s',
'telegram_error_notoken' => 'Imposible enviar la notificación: No se encontró un Token de API en la
configuración global.',
'telegram_error_noid' => 'Imposible enviar la notificación: No se encontró un chat id en su perfil.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Período de retención del registro',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Número de días que se conservan registros de las notificaciones y los
archivos de tiempo de actividad del servidor. Introduzca 0 para
desactivar la limpieza de los registros.',
'log_retention_days' => 'días',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' está fuera de línea: ip=%IP%, puerto=%PORT%. error=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'Importante: Servidor \'%LABEL%\' está fuera de línea',
'off_email_body' => 'Imposible conectar al servidor:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Puerto:
%PORT%<br/>Error: %ERROR%<br/>Fecha: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' está fuera de línea',
'off_pushover_message' => 'No posible conectar al servidor:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP:
%IP%<br/>Puerto: %PORT%<br/>Error: %ERROR%<br/>Fecha: %DATE%',
'off_telegram_message' => 'No posible conectar al servidor:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP:
%IP%<br/>Puerto: %PORT%<br/>Error: %ERROR%<br/>Fecha: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' ya está de nuevo funcionando en línea: ip=%IP%, puerto=%PORT%, la
duración de la caída fue de %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'on_email_subject' => 'Importante: Servidor \'%LABEL%\' ya está de nuevo en línea',
'on_email_body' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' ya está funcionando en línea de nuevo, la duración de la caída
fue de %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Puerto:
%PORT%<br/>Fecha: %DATE%',
'on_pushover_title' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' ya está de nuevo en línea',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' ya está funcionando en línea de nuevo, la duración de la
caída fue de %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP:
%IP%<br/>Puerto: %PORT%<br/>Fecha: %DATE%',
'on_telegram_message' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' ya está funcionando en línea de nuevo, la duración de la
caída fue de %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP:
%IP%<br/>Puerto: %PORT%<br/>Fecha: %DATE%',
'combi_off_email_message' => '<ul><li>Servidor: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Puerto: %PORT%</li><li>Error:
%ERROR%</li><li>Fecha: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_off_pushover_message' => '<ul><li>Servidor: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Puerto:
%PORT%</li><li>Error: %ERROR%</li><li>Fecha: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_off_telegram_message' => '- Servidor: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Puerto: %PORT%<br>- Error:
%ERROR%<br>- Fecha: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_on_email_message' => '<ul><li>Servidor: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Puerto:
%PORT%</li><li>Duración de la caída: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%</li><li>Fecha:
'combi_on_pushover_message' => '<ul><li>Servidor: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Puerto:
%PORT%</li><li>Duración de la caída: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%</li><li>Fecha:
'combi_on_telegram_message' => '- Servidor: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Puerto: %PORT%<br>- Duración de la
caída: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br>- Fecha: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANTE: %UP% servidores están en línea, %DOWN% servidores están ahora fuera
de línea',
'combi_pushover_subject' => '%UP% servidores están en línea, %DOWN% servidores están ahora fuera de línea',
'combi_email_message' => '<b>Los siguentes servidores están fuera de línea:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>Los
siguientes servidores están en línea:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'combi_pushover_message' => '<b>Los siguentes servidores están fuera de
línea:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>Los siguientes servidores están en
'combi_telegram_message' => '<b>Los siguentes servidores están fuera de
línea:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>Los siguientes servidores están en
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => '%user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Por favor, inicie sesión',
'title_forgot' => '¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?',
'title_reset' => 'Restablecer su contraseña',
'submit' => 'Enviar',
'remember_me' => 'Recordarme',
'login' => 'Iniciar sesión',
'logout' => 'Salir',
'username' => 'Nombre de usuario',
'password' => 'Contraseña',
'password_repeat' => 'Repita la contraseña',
'password_forgot' => '¿Has olvidado tu contraseña?',
'password_reset' => 'Perdí mi contraseña',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Restablecer la contraseña para PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Utilice el siguiente enlace para restablecer tu contraseña. Tenga en cuenta
que expira de 1 hora.<br><br>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'El nombre de usuario proporcionado no se pudo encontrar.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'La información es incorrecta.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Las contraseñas proporcionadas no coinciden.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'El vínculo de cambio que ya ha proporcionado no es válido.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Un correo electrónico ha sido enviado a usted con información de cómo
restablecer su contraseña.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Su contraseña ha sido restablecida correctamente. Por favor, inicia sesión.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'No Autorizado',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Usted no tiene los privilegios para ver esta página.',
'name' => 'Español - Spanish',
'locale' => array('es_ES.UTF-8', 'es_ES', 'spanish', 'esp'),
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Install',
'action' => 'Acción',
'save' => 'Guardar',
'edit' => 'Modificar',
'delete' => 'Eliminar',
'date' => 'Fecha',
'message' => 'Mensaje',
'yes' => 'Si',
'no' => 'No',
'insert' => 'Insertar',
'add_new' => 'Agregar nuevo',
'update_available' => 'Hay una nueva versión ({version}) disponible en <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.',
'back_to_top' => 'Back to top',
'go_back' => 'Go back',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
// date/time format according the strftime php function format parameter
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Yesterday at %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A at %k:%M',
'never' => 'Never',
'hours_ago' => '%d hours ago',
'an_hour_ago' => 'about an hour ago',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minutes ago',
'a_minute_ago' => 'about a minute ago',
'seconds_ago' => '%d seconds ago',
'a_second_ago' => 'a second ago',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Configurar',
'server' => 'Servidores',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Actualizar',
'user' => 'Usuarios',
'help' => 'Ayuda',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Usuario',
'name' => 'Nombre',
'user_name' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Password',
'password_repeat' => 'Password repeat',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Leave blank to keep unchanged',
'level' => 'Level',
'level_10' => 'Administrator',
'level_20' => 'User',
'level_description' => '<b>Administrators</b> have full access: they can manage servers, users and edit the global configuration.<br/><b>Users</b> can only view and run the updater for the servers that have been assigned to them.',
'mobile' => 'Mobil',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Device name to send the message to. Leave empty to send it to all devices.',
'delete_title' => 'Delete User',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete user \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'User deleted.',
'updated' => 'Usuario actualizado.',
'inserted' => 'Usuario ingresado.',
'profile' => 'Profile',
'profile_updated' => 'Your profile has been updated.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Usernames must be between 2 and 64 characters.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'The username may only contain alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9) and underscores (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'The given username already exists in the database.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Email addresses must be between 5 and 255 characters.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'The email address is invalid.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'The given user level is invalid.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'The user could not be found in the database.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'The entered password is invalid.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'The entered passwords do not match.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Registro Log',
'type' => 'Tipo',
'status' => 'Estado',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'No logs',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Servidores',
'status' => 'Status',
'label' => 'Titulo',
'domain' => 'Domain/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Number of seconds to wait for the server to respond.',
'port' => 'Port',
'type' => 'Tipo',
'type_website' => 'Website',
'type_service' => 'Service',
'pattern' => 'Search string/pattern',
'pattern_description' => 'If this pattern is not found on the website, the server will be marked offline. Regular expressions are allowed.',
'last_check' => 'Ultima verificación',
'last_online' => 'Última vez en línea',
'monitoring' => 'Monitoreo',
'no_monitoring' => 'No monitoring',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Users',
'delete_title' => 'Delete Server',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete server \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server deleted.',
'updated' => 'Servidor arctualizado.',
'inserted' => 'Servidor ingresado.',
'latency' => 'Tiempo de respuesta',
'latency_max' => 'Tiempo de respuesta (maximum)',
'latency_min' => 'Tiempo de respuesta (minimum)',
'latency_avg' => 'Tiempo de respuesta (average)',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => 'Year',
'month' => 'Month',
'week' => 'Week',
'day' => 'Day',
'hour' => 'Hour',
'warning_threshold' => 'Warning threshold',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Number of failed checks required before it is marked offline.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Last week',
'chart_history' => 'History',
// Charts date format according jqPlot date format
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover notifications are disabled.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server not found.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'The label must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'The domain / IP must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'The IP address is not valid.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'The website URL is not valid.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'The selected server type is invalid.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'The warning threshold must be a valid integer greater than 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'General',
'language' => 'Idioma',
'show_update' => 'Comprobar actualizaciones semanalmente ?',
'email_status' => 'Habilitar envio de email ?',
'email_from_email' => 'Email desde dirección',
'email_from_name' => 'Email desde nombre',
'email_smtp' => 'Enable SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP host',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP username',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP password',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Leave blank for no authentication',
'sms_status' => 'Habilitar envio de SMS ?',
'sms_gateway' => 'SMS Gateway',
'sms_gateway_mosms' => 'Mosms',
'sms_gateway_mollie' => 'Mollie',
'sms_gateway_spryng' => 'Spryng',
'sms_gateway_inetworx' => 'Inetworx',
'sms_gateway_clickatell' => 'Clickatell',
'sms_gateway_textmarketer' => 'Textmarketer',
'sms_gateway_smsglobal' => 'SMSGlobal',
'sms_gateway_smsit' => 'Smsit',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Gateway username',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Gateway password',
'sms_from' => 'Número origen del SMS',
'pushover_status' => 'Allow sending Pushover messages',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Click here to create your Pushover app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Before you can use Pushover, you need to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">register an App</a> at their website and enter the App API Token here.',
'alert_type' => 'Cuando desea recibir notificaciones ?',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>... Al cambiar el estado:</b> '.
'p.ej. online -> offline o offline -> online.<br/>'.
'<br /><b>Offline:</b> '.
'Recibirá una notificación cuando el servidor va fuera de línea.'.
'Se envia un sólo mensaje cuando el CronJob detecta la caída por primera vez.<br/>'.
'<br><b>Siempre:</b> '.
'Se le enviará una notificación, cada vez que se ejecuta el script o el CronJob, '.
'aunqué el servicio puede haber estado fuera de línea por varias horas antes.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Cambio de estado',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Siempre',
'log_status' => 'Log status',
'log_status_description' => 'Al setear TRUE (marcar) se protocolan todos los estados.',
'log_email' => 'Enviar Log via email?',
'log_sms' => 'Enviar Log via SMS ?',
'log_pushover' => 'Log pushover messages sent by the script',
'updated' => 'Configuración guardada.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Email',
'settings_sms' => 'Mensaje SMS',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover settings',
'settings_notification' => 'Notificación',
'settings_log' => 'Log',
'auto_refresh' => 'Refrescar automáticamente página de servidores',
'auto_refresh_servers' =>
'Refrescar automáticamente página de servidores.<br/>'.
'<span class="small">'.
'Tiempo en segundos, indicar "0" para no actualizar.'.
'seconds' => 'seconds',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'An email will be sent to the address specified in your user profile.',
'test_sms' => 'An SMS will be sent to the phone number specified in your user profile.',
'test_pushover' => 'A Pushover notification will be sent to the user key/device specified in your user profile.',
'send' => 'Send',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Test message',
'email_sent' => 'Email sent',
'email_error' => 'Error in email sending',
'sms_sent' => 'Sms sent',
'sms_error' => 'Error in sms sending',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Unable to send test SMS: no valid phone number found in your profile.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover notification sent',
'pushover_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Pushover notification: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover App API token found in the global configuration.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover key found in your profile.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Log retention period',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Number of days to keep logs of notifications and archives of server uptime. Enter 0 to disable log cleanup.',
'log_retention_days' => 'days',
// for newlines in the email messages use <br/>
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' está fuera de línea: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. error=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'Importante: Servidor \'%LABEL%\' está fuera de línea',
'off_email_body' => "No posible conectar al servidor:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Error: %ERROR%<br/>Fecha: %DATE%",
'off_pushover_title' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' está fuera de línea',
'off_pushover_message' => "No posible conectar al servidor:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Error: %ERROR%<br/>Fecha: %DATE%",
'on_sms' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' ya está de nuevo funcionando en línea: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%',
'on_email_subject' => 'Importante: Servidor \'%LABEL%\' ya está de nuevo en línea',
'on_email_body' => "Servidor '%LABEL%' ya está funcionando en línea de nuevo:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Fecha: %DATE%",
'on_pushover_title' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' ya está de nuevo en línea',
'on_pushover_message' => "Servidor '%LABEL%' ya está funcionando en línea de nuevo:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Fecha: %DATE%",
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Welcome, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Please sign in',
'title_forgot' => 'Forgot your password?',
'title_reset' => 'Reset your password',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'remember_me' => 'Remember me',
'login' => 'Login',
'logout' => 'Logout',
'username' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Password',
'password_repeat' => 'Repeat password',
'password_forgot' => 'Forgot password?',
'password_reset' => 'Reset password',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Reset your password for PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Please use the following link to reset your password. Please note it expires in 1 hour.<br/><br/>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'The provided username could not be found.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'The information is incorrect.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'The provided passwords do not match.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'The reset link you provided is invalid.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'An email has been sent to you with information how to reset your password.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Your password has been reset successfully. Please login.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'You do not have the privileges to view this page.',

View File

@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Richard A.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Eesti keel - Estonian',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'et_ET.UTF-8',
'1' => 'et_ET',
'2' => 'estonian',
'locale_tag' => 'et',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Serveri Monitor',
'install' => 'Installeeri',
'action' => 'Toiming',
'save' => 'Salvesta',
'edit' => 'Muuda',
'delete' => 'Kustuta',
'date' => 'Kuupäev',
'message' => 'Sõnum',
'yes' => 'Jah',
'no' => 'Ei',
'insert' => 'Sisesta',
'add_new' => 'Lisa uus',
'update_available' => 'Uus versioon ({version}) on saadaval <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'Tagasi üles',
'go_back' => 'Mine tagasi',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Tühista',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Eile kell %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A kell %k:%M',
'never' => 'Never',
'hours_ago' => '%d tundi tagasi',
'an_hour_ago' => 'umbes tund aega tagasi',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minutit tagasi',
'a_minute_ago' => 'umbes minut aega tagasi',
'seconds_ago' => '%d sekundit tagasi',
'a_second_ago' => 'üks sekund tagasi',
'seconds' => 'sekundit',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Konfiguratsioon',
'server' => 'Serverid',
'server_log' => 'Logi',
'server_status' => 'Staatus',
'server_update' => 'Uuenda',
'user' => 'Kasutajad',
'help' => 'Abi',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Kasutaja',
'name' => 'Nimi',
'user_name' => 'Kasutajanimi',
'password' => 'Parool',
'password_repeat' => 'Korda parooli',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Jäta tühjaks, et jätta samaks',
'level' => 'Tase',
'level_10' => 'Administraator',
'level_20' => 'Kasutaja',
'level_description' => '<b>Administraatoritel</b> on täielik ligipääs: nad saavad hallata servereid,
kasutajaid ja muuta globaalset konfiguratsiooni.<br><b>Kasutajad</b> saavad ainult
näha ja uuendada neid servereid, mis on neile määratud.',
'mobile' => 'Mobiil',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover on teenus, mis teeb reaalaja teavitused imelihtsaks. Vaata <a
href="" target="_blank">nende kodulehte</a> rohkema info
'pushover_key' => 'Pushoveri Võti',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushoveri Seade',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Seadme nimi, kuhu teavitus saata. Jäta tühjaks, et saata igale seadmele.',
'delete_title' => 'Kustuta Kasutaja',
'delete_message' => 'Oled kindel, et soovid selle kasutaja kustutada \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Kasutaja kustutatud.',
'updated' => 'Kasutaja uuendatud.',
'inserted' => 'Kasutaja lisatud.',
'profile' => 'Profiil',
'profile_updated' => 'Sinu profiil on uuendatud.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Kasutajanimi peab olema 2 kuni 64 tähemärki pikk.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Kasutajanimi võib koosneda ainult tähenumbrilistest kombinatsioonidest (a-z,
A-Z), numbritest (0-9), punktid (.) ja alakriipsust (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Antud kasutaja juba eksisteerib andmebaasis.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Email võib olla 5 kuni 255 tähemärki pikk.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'Emaili aadress on kehtetu.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Antud kasutaja tase on kehtetu.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Kasutajat ei leitud andmebaasist.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Sisestatud parool on kehtetu.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Sisestatud paroolid ei kattu.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Logi kirjed',
'type' => 'Tüüp',
'status' => 'Staatus',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'Logisid ei eksisteeri',
'clear' => 'Puhasta logig',
'delete_title' => 'Kustuta logi',
'delete_message' => 'Kas olete kindel, et soovite kustutada <b>kõik</b> logid?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Staatus',
'label' => 'Silt',
'domain' => 'Domeen/IP',
'timeout' => 'Ajalõpp',
'timeout_description' => 'Arv sekundeid oodata serveri vastamiseks.',
'port' => 'Port',
'type' => 'Tüüp',
'type_website' => 'Veebileht',
'type_service' => 'Teenus',
'pattern' => 'Otsi nööri/mudelit',
'pattern_description' => 'Kui seda mudelit serverist ei leita, siis server märgitakse võrgustväljas.
Tavapärased väljendid on lubatud.',
'last_check' => 'Viimane kontroll',
'last_online' => 'Viimati oli võrgus',
'monitoring' => 'Jälgib',
'no_monitoring' => 'Ei jälgi',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Saada Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Saada SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Kasutajad',
'delete_title' => 'Kustuta server',
'delete_message' => 'Oled kindel, et soovid serveri kustutada \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server kustutatud.',
'updated' => 'Server uuendatud.',
'inserted' => 'Server lisatud.',
'latency' => 'Viivitus',
'latency_max' => 'Viivitus (maksimaalne)',
'latency_min' => 'Viivitus (minimaalne)',
'latency_avg' => 'Viivitus (keskmine)',
'uptime' => 'Võrgus oldud aeg',
'year' => 'Aasta',
'month' => 'Kuu',
'week' => 'Nädal',
'day' => 'Päev',
'hour' => 'Tund',
'warning_threshold' => 'Hoiatuskünnis',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Arv ebaõnnestunud kontrolle enne võrgustväljas märkimist.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Eelmine nädal',
'chart_history' => 'Ajalugu',
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d/%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS teavitused on väljas.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Emaili teavitused on väljas.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover teavitused on väljas.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Serverit ei leitud.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Silt peab olema 1 kuni 255 tähemärki pikk.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Domeen / IP peab olema 1 kuni 255 tähemärki pikk.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'Antud IP aadress ei ole kehtiv.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'Antud veebileht ei ole kehtiv.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Valitud server oli kehtetu.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Hoiatuskünnis peab olema suurem täisarv kui 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Üldine',
'language' => 'Keel',
'show_update' => 'Otsi värskendusi?',
'email_status' => 'Luba emailide saatmine',
'email_from_email' => 'Email aadressilt',
'email_from_name' => 'Email nimelt',
'email_smtp' => 'Luba SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP host',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP turvalisus',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'Mitte ükski',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP kasutajanimi',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP parool',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Jäta tühjaks, et jätkata ilma autentimiseta',
'sms_status' => 'Luba sõnumite saatmine',
'sms_gateway' => 'Väravad sõnumite saatmiseks',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Värava kasutajanimi',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Värava parool',
'sms_from' => 'Saatja telefoni number',
'pushover_status' => 'Luba Pushoveri sõnumite saatmine',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover on teenus, mis teeb reaalaja teavitused imelihtsaks. Vaata <a
href="" target="_blank">nende kodulehte</a> rohkema info
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Kliki siia, et teha oma Pushover äpp',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover Äppi API Žetoon',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Enne, kui saad Pushoverida pead sa <a href="%1$s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener">regristreerima äpi</a> nende kodulehel ja sisestama API
žetooni siia.',
'alert_type' => 'Vali, millal sa sooviksid olla teavitatud.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Staatuse muutus:</b> Saate teavituse kui serveri staatuses toimub muudatusi.
Seega kättesaadav -> võrgust väljas või võrgust väljas ->
kättesaadav.<br><br /><b>Võrgust väljas:</b> Saate teavituse kui server läheb
võrgust välja *ESIMEST KORDA*. Näiteks, sinu cronjob on iga 15 minuti tagant
ja sulgub kell 1 öösel kuni kella 6ni hommikul. Saate 1 teavituse kell 1
öösel ja see on kõik.<br><br><b>Alati:</b> Saate teavituse iga kord kui
staatust uuendatakse, isegi kui leht on olnud maas juba tunde.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Staatuse muutus',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Võrgust väljas',
'alert_type_always' => 'Alati',
'log_status' => 'Logi staatus',
'log_status_description' => 'Kui logimine on seatud TÕESEKS, siis monitor logib aktiivsuse mil teavituse
seaded on läbitud.',
'log_email' => 'Logi saadetud emailid',
'log_sms' => 'Logi saadetud sõnumid',
'log_pushover' => 'Logi Pushoveri saadetud teavitused',
'updated' => 'Konfiguratsioon on uuendatud.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Emaili seaded',
'settings_sms' => 'Sõnumite seaded',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushoveri seaded',
'settings_notification' => 'Teavituste seaded',
'settings_log' => 'Logi seaded',
'auto_refresh' => 'Automaatne värskendamine',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Värskenda lehte automaatselt.<br><span class="small">Aeg sekundites, kui 0
siis lehte ei värskendata.</span>',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'Email saadetakse profiilil märgitud aadressile.',
'test_sms' => 'SMS saadetakse profiilil märgitud numbrile.',
'test_pushover' => 'Pushover teavitus saadetakse profiilil märgitud seadmele/tele.',
'send' => 'Saada',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Test sõnum',
'email_sent' => 'Email saadetud',
'email_error' => 'Emaili saatmisel esines error',
'sms_sent' => 'Sms saadetud',
'sms_error' => 'Smsi saatmisel esines error. %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Test SMSi ei saadetud: kehtivat telefoni numbrit ei leitud.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover teavitus saadetud',
'pushover_error' => 'Pushover teavituse saatmisel esines error: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Test teavitust ei saadetud: Pushover API žetooni ei leitud globaalsest
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Test teavitust ei saadetud: Pushover võtit ei leitud.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Logi säilitamis periood',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Arv päevi, mil hoida logid alles. Sisesta 0, et keelata logide
'log_retention_days' => 'päeva',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' on MAAS: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Error=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'TÄHTIS: Server \'%LABEL%\' is MAAS',
'off_email_body' => 'Ühendus järgnevasse serverisse ebaõnnestus:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP:
%IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Error: %ERROR%<br>Kuupäev: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' on MAAS',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Ühendus järgnevasse serverisse ebaõnnestus:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP:
%IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Error: %ERROR%<br>Kuupäev: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' on KÄTTESAADAV: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'on_email_subject' => 'TÄHTIS: Server \'%LABEL%\' on kättesaadav',
'on_email_body' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' on jälle kättesaadav, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Kuupäev:
'on_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' on kättesaadav',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' on jälle kättesaadav, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Kuupäev: %DATE%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Teretulemast, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Palun logi sisse',
'title_forgot' => 'Unustasid oma salasõna?',
'title_reset' => 'Lähtesta oma parool',
'submit' => 'Esita',
'remember_me' => 'Mäleta mind',
'login' => 'Logi sisse',
'logout' => 'Logi välja',
'username' => 'Kasutajanimi',
'password' => 'Parool',
'password_repeat' => 'Korda salasõna',
'password_forgot' => 'Unustasid salasõna?',
'password_reset' => 'Lähtesta parool',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Lähtestage oma PHP Serveri Monitori parool',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Palun kasutage järgnevat linki oma parooli lähtestamiseks. Palume
tähendada, et see aegub 1 tunni jooksul.<br><br>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Antud kasutaja ei ole kehtiv.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Informatsioon ei ole õige.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Sisestatud paroolid ei kattu.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Teie antud lähtestus link ei kehti.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Teile saadeti email, kuidas lähtestada oma parooli.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Teie parool on edukalt muudetud. Palun logige sisse.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Puuduvad õigused',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Teil ei ole piisavalt õigusi seda lehte vaadata.',

View File

@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Javad Evazzadeh Kakroudi
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'فارسی - Persian',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'fa_IR.UTF-8',
'1' => 'fa_IR',
'2' => 'far',
'3' => 'per',
'locale_tag' => 'fa',
'locale_dir' => 'rtl',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'مانیتورینگ سرور',
'install' => 'نصب',
'action' => 'عملیات',
'save' => 'ذخیره',
'edit' => 'ویرایش',
'delete' => 'حذف',
'date' => 'تاریخ',
'message' => 'پیغام',
'yes' => 'بله',
'no' => 'خیر',
'insert' => 'افزودن',
'add_new' => 'افزودن',
'update_available' => 'نسخه جدیدتر ({version}) در <a
href="" target="_blank"
rel="noopener"></a> موجود است.',
'back_to_top' => 'برو به بالا',
'go_back' => 'برگرد',
'ok' => 'تایید',
'cancel' => 'انصراف',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'دیروز در %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A در %k:%M',
'never' => 'هرگز',
'hours_ago' => '%d ساعت پیش',
'an_hour_ago' => 'حدود یک ساعت پیش',
'minutes_ago' => '%d دقیقه پیش',
'a_minute_ago' => 'حدود یک دقیقه پیش',
'seconds_ago' => '%d ثانیه پیش',
'a_second_ago' => 'یک ثانیه پیش',
'seconds' => 'ثانیه',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'تنظیم',
'server' => 'سرور',
'server_log' => 'لاگ',
'server_status' => 'وضعیت',
'server_update' => 'بروزرسانی',
'user' => 'کاربران',
'help' => 'پشتیبانی',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'کاربر',
'name' => 'نام',
'user_name' => 'نام کاربری',
'password' => 'کلمه عبور',
'password_repeat' => 'تکرار کلمه عبور',
'password_leave_blank' => 'برای عدم تغییر خالی بگذارید',
'level' => 'سطح',
'level_10' => 'مدیر',
'level_20' => 'کاربر',
'level_description' => '<b>مدیر</b> دسترسی کامل: این گروه ها توانایی
مدیریت سرورها، کاربران و ویرایش تنظیمات عمومی
را داردند.<br><b>کاربران</b> تنها توانایی دیدن و
بروزرسانی سرورهای اختصاص داده شده به خودشان را
'mobile' => 'موبایل',
'email' => 'ایمیل',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover سرویسی است که دریافت اطلاعیه های بلادرنگ
را ساده می کند. برای اطلاعات بیشتر <a
href="" target="_blank">سایت آن ها</a> را
'pushover_key' => 'کلید Pushover',
'pushover_device' => 'دستگاه Pushover',
'pushover_device_description' => 'نام دستگاه برای ارسال پیام. برای ارسال به
همه دستگاه ها آن را خالی بگذارید',
'delete_title' => 'حذف کاربر',
'delete_message' => 'آیا برای حذف کاربر \'%1\' مطئن هستیند؟',
'deleted' => 'کاربر حذف شد.',
'updated' => 'کاربر بروزرسانی شد.',
'inserted' => 'کاربر اضافه شد.',
'profile' => 'پروفایل',
'profile_updated' => 'پروفایل شما بروزرسانی شد.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'نام های کاربری باید بین 2 و 64 کاراکتر باشد.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'نام کاربری باید فقط شامل حروف (a-z, A-Z)، نقطه (.)
اعداد (0-9) و علامت (_) باشد.',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'نام کاربری وارد شده در حال حاضر در پایگاه
داده موجود است.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'آدرس های ایمیل باید بین 5 و 255 کاراکتر باشد.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'آدرس ایمیل نامعتبر است.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'سطح کاربرد داده شده نامعتبر است.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'کاربر داده شده در پایگاه داده موجود نیست.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'کلمه عبور وارد شده نامعتبر است.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'کلمه های عبور وارد شده یکسان نیستند.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'ورودی های لاگ',
'type' => 'نوع',
'status' => 'وضعیت',
'email' => 'ایمیل',
'sms' => 'پیامک',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'لاگی وجود ندارد.',
'clear' => 'پاک کردن ورود',
'delete_title' => 'حذف ورود',
'delete_message' => 'آیا مطمئن هستید که میخواهید سیاهههای «همه» را
حذف کنید؟',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'سرور',
'status' => 'وضعیت',
'label' => 'برچسب',
'domain' => 'دامنه/آی پی',
'timeout' => 'تایم اوت',
'timeout_description' => 'زمان مورد نیاز برای سرور جهت پاسخ دهی به ثانیه',
'port' => 'پورت',
'type' => 'نوع',
'type_website' => 'وب سایت',
'type_service' => 'سرویس',
'pattern' => 'جستجوری رشته/الگو',
'pattern_description' => 'اگر این الگو در سایت یافته نشد، سرور آفلاین
نمایش داده خواهد شد. عبارات منظم مجاز هستند.',
'last_check' => 'آخرین بررسی',
'last_online' => 'آخرین زمان آنلاین بودن',
'monitoring' => 'مانیتورینگ',
'no_monitoring' => 'بدون مانیتورینگ',
'email' => 'ایمیل',
'send_email' => 'ارسال ایمیل',
'sms' => 'پیامک',
'send_sms' => 'ارسال پیامک',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'کاربران',
'delete_title' => 'حذف سرور',
'delete_message' => 'مطمئنید که میخواهید سرور را پاک کنید \'%1\'؟',
'deleted' => 'سرور پاک شد.',
'updated' => 'سرور به روز رسانی شد.',
'inserted' => 'سرور اضافه شد.',
'latency' => 'زمان بررسی',
'latency_max' => 'زمان بررسی (حداکثر)',
'latency_min' => 'زمان بررسی (حداقل)',
'latency_avg' => 'زمان بررسی (میانگین)',
'uptime' => 'آپ تایم',
'year' => 'سال',
'month' => 'ماه',
'week' => 'هفته',
'day' => 'روز',
'hour' => 'ساعت',
'warning_threshold' => 'آستانه هشدار',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'تعداد چک های شکست خورده قبل از اینکه به
عنوان آفلاین نشانه گذاری شود.',
'chart_last_week' => 'هفته گذشته',
'chart_history' => 'تاریخچه',
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'اطلاعیه های پیامک غیرفعال هستند.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'اطلاعیه های ایمیل غیرفعال هستند.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'اطلاعیه های پوش آور غیرفعال هستند.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'سرور پیدا نشد.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'برچسب باید بین 1 و 255 کاراکتر باشد.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'دامنمه / آی پی باید بین 1 و 255 کاراکتر باشد.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'آدرس آی پی معتبر نیست.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'آدرس وب سایت معتبر نیست.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'نوع سرور انتخاب شده نامعتبر است.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'آستانه هشدار باید یک عدد صحیح
بزرگتر از 0 باشد.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'عمومی',
'language' => 'زبان',
'show_update' => 'به روز رسانی بررسی شود؟',
'email_status' => 'اجازه ارسال ایمیل',
'email_from_email' => 'ایمیل ارسال کننده',
'email_from_name' => 'نام ارسال کننده',
'email_smtp' => 'فعالسازی SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'هاست SMTP',
'email_smtp_port' => 'پورت SMTP',
'email_smtp_security' => 'امنیت SMTP',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'هیچ کدام',
'email_smtp_username' => 'نام کاربری SMTP',
'email_smtp_password' => 'کلمه عبور SMTP',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'برای عدم احراز هویت اینجا را خالی بگذارید.',
'sms_status' => 'اجازه ارسال پیام های متنی',
'sms_gateway' => 'گیت وی برای ارسال پیام ها',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'نام کاربری Gateway',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'کلمه عبور Gateway',
'sms_from' => 'شماره تلفن ارسال کننده',
'pushover_status' => 'اجازه ارسال پیام های Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover سرویسی است که دریافت اطلاعیه های بلادرنگ
را ساده می کند. برای اطلاعات بیشتر <a
href="" target="_blank">سایت آن ها</a> را
'pushover_clone_app' => 'برای ایجاد برنامه پوش آور خود اینجا را کلیک
'pushover_api_token' => 'رمز API برنامه پوش آور',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'قبل از استفاده از پوش آور، شما باید در
سایت آن ها <a href="%1$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener">یک
برنامه ثبت نام کنید</a> و رمز API برنامه پوش
آور را اینجا وارد کنید.',
'alert_type' => 'زمان دلخواه خورد برای دریافت اطلاعیه ها را انتخاب
'alert_type_description' => '<b>تغییر وضعیت:</b> زمانی که وضعیت سرور تغییر
کرد شما یک اطلاعیته دریافت خواهید کرد. از
آنلاین -> آفلاین یا آفلاین -> آنلاین.<br><br
/><b>آفلاین:</b> زمانی که یک سرور *فقط برای اولین
بار* آفلاین شد شما یک اطلاعیه دریافت خواهید
کرد. به عنوان مثال،cronjob شما هر 15 دقیقه است و
سرور شما در ساعت 1 صبح دان می شود و تا ساعت 6
صبح دان می ماند.شما 1 اطلاعیه در ساعت 1 صبح
دریافت خواهید کرد. همین و بس!<br><b>همیشه:</b> هر
بار که اسکریپت اجرا شود و یک سایت دان شود شما
یک اطلاعیه دریافت خواهید کرد، حتی اگر سایت
چند ساعت آفلاین باشد.',
'alert_type_status' => 'تغییر وضعیت',
'alert_type_offline' => 'آفلاین',
'alert_type_always' => 'همیشه',
'log_status' => 'وضعیت لاگ',
'log_status_description' => 'اگر لاگ در وضعیت درست باشد مانیتور هر وقت که
تنظیمات اطلاعیه ها وارد شود رویدادها را لاگ
می کند.',
'log_email' => 'لاگ کردن ایمیل هایی که ارسال شده توسط اسکریپت',
'log_sms' => 'لاگ کردن پیامک های ارسال شده توسط اسکریپت',
'log_pushover' => 'لاگ پیام های پوش آور ارسال شده توسط سرور',
'updated' => 'پیکربندی به روز رسانی شد.',
'tab_email' => 'ایمیل',
'tab_sms' => 'پیامک',
'tab_pushover' => 'پوش آور',
'settings_email' => 'تنظیمات ایمیل',
'settings_sms' => 'تنظیمات پیامک',
'settings_pushover' => 'تنظیمات پوش آور',
'settings_notification' => 'تنظیمات اطلاعیه ها',
'settings_log' => 'تنظیمات لاگ',
'auto_refresh' => 'رفرش خودکار',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'رفرش خودکار صفحه سرورها.<br><span class="small">زمان
به ثنیه, اگر 0 باشد صفحه رفرش نخواهد شد.</span>',
'test' => 'تست',
'test_email' => 'یک ایمیل به آدرس تعیین شده در پروفایل شما ارسال
خواهد شد.',
'test_sms' => 'یک پیامک به شماره تلفن تعیین شده در پروفایل شما
ارسال خواهد شد.',
'test_pushover' => 'یک پیام پوش آور به کلید کاربر/دستگاه تعیین شده در
پروفایل شما ارسال خواهد شد.',
'send' => 'ارسال',
'test_subject' => 'تست',
'test_message' => 'پیام تستی',
'email_sent' => 'ایمیل ارسال شد',
'email_error' => 'خطا در ارسال ایمیل',
'sms_sent' => 'پیامک ارسال شد',
'sms_error' => '%s خطا در ارسال پیامک',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'قادر به ارسال پیامک تستی نیستیم: شماره تلفن
معتبر در پروفایل شما یافته نشد.',
'pushover_sent' => 'اطلاعیه پوش آور ارسال شد.',
'pushover_error' => 'یک خطا در هنگام ارسال اطلاعیه پوش آور رخ داده است:
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'قادر به ارسال اطلاعیه تستی نیستیم: رمز API
برنامه پوش آور در پیکربندی عمومی یافته نشد.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'قادر به ارسال اطلاعیه تستی نیستیم: کلید پوش
آور در پروفایل شما یافته نشد.',
'log_retention_period' => 'مدت زمان ذخیره سازی لاگ ها',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'تعداد روزها برای نگهداری لاگ اطلاعیه
ها و آرشیو های آپ تایم های سرور. برای
غیرفعال کردن پاکسازی لاگ 0 وارد کنید.',
'log_retention_days' => 'روزها',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' دان است: آی پی=%IP%, پورت=%PORT%. خطا=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'مهم: سرور \'%LABEL%\' دان است',
'off_email_body' => 'اتصال به سرور زیر با شکست مواجه شد:<br><br>سرور:
%LABEL%<br>آی پی: %IP%<br>پورت: %PORT%<br>خطا: %ERROR%<br>تاریخ: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'سرور \'%LABEL%\' دان است',
'off_pushover_message' => 'اتصال به سرور زیر با شکست مواجه شد:<br><br>سرور:
%LABEL%<br>آی پی: %IP%<br>پورت: %PORT%<br>خطا: %ERROR%<br>تاریخ:
'on_sms' => 'سرور \'%LABEL%\' در حال اجراست: آی پی=%IP%, پورت=%PORT%, it was down for
'on_email_subject' => 'مهم: سرور \'%LABEL%\' در حال اجراست',
'on_email_body' => 'سرور \'%LABEL%\' دوباره در حال اجراست, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>سرور: %LABEL%<br>آی پی: %IP%<br>پورت:
%PORT%<br>تاریخ: %DATE%',
'on_pushover_title' => 'سرور \'%LABEL%\' در حال اجراست',
'on_pushover_message' => 'سرور \'%LABEL%\' دوباره در حال اجراست, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>سرور: %LABEL%<br>آی پی: %IP%<br>پورت:
%PORT%<br>تاریخ: %DATE%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'خوش آمدید, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'لطفا وارد شوید',
'title_forgot' => 'کلمه عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟',
'title_reset' => 'کلمه عبور خود را بازنشانی کنید',
'submit' => 'ثبت کردن',
'remember_me' => 'من را به خاطر بسپار',
'login' => 'ورود',
'logout' => 'خروج',
'username' => 'نام کاربری',
'password' => 'کلمه عبور',
'password_repeat' => 'تکرار کلمه عبور',
'password_forgot' => 'کلمه عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟',
'password_reset' => 'بازنشانی کلمه عبور',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'کلمه عبور خود را برای مانیتور سرور PHP
بازنشانی کنید',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'لطفا برای بازنشانی کلمه عبور خود از این
لینک استفاده کنید. لطفا توجه کنید تنها 1
ساعت وقت دارید.<br><br>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'نام کاربری ارائه شده یافته نشد.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'اطلاعات نادرست است.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'کلمه های عبور یکسان نیستند.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'لینک بازنشانی شما نامعتبر است.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'یک ایمیل حاوی اطلاعات مورد نیاز برای
بازنشانی کلمه عبور برای شما ارسال شد.',
'success_password_reset' => 'کلمه عبور شما با موفقیت بازنشانی شد. لطفا
وارد شوید.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'غیر مجاز',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'شما اجازه مشاهده این صفحه را ندارید.',

View File

@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Sami Nieminen <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Suomi - Finnish',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'fi_FI.UTF-8',
'1' => 'fi_FI',
'2' => 'finnish',
'3' => 'finnish-fi',
'locale_tag' => 'fi',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Asenna',
'action' => 'Toiminta',
'save' => 'Tallenna',
'edit' => 'Muokkaa',
'delete' => 'Poista',
'date' => 'Päivä',
'message' => 'Viesti',
'yes' => 'Kyllä',
'no' => 'Ei',
'insert' => 'Asetukset',
'add_new' => 'Lisää uusi',
'update_available' => 'Uusi versio ({version}) on ladattavissa osoitteessa <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'Takaisin ylös',
'go_back' => 'Takaisin',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Peruuta',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Eilen klo %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A klo %k:%M',
'never' => 'Ei koskaan',
'hours_ago' => '%d tuntia sitten',
'an_hour_ago' => 'noin tunti sitten',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minuuttia sitten',
'a_minute_ago' => 'noin minuutti sitten',
'seconds_ago' => '%d sekuntia sitten',
'a_second_ago' => 'sekunti sitten',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Asetukset',
'server' => 'Palvelimet',
'server_log' => 'Tapahtumat',
'server_status' => 'Tila',
'server_update' => 'Päivitä',
'user' => 'Käyttäjät',
'help' => 'Apua',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Käyttäjä',
'name' => 'Nimi',
'user_name' => 'Käyttäjänimi',
'password' => 'Salasana',
'password_repeat' => 'Salasana uudestaan',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Jätä tyhjäksi jos et halua vaihtaa',
'level' => 'Taso',
'level_10' => 'Järjestelmänvalvoja',
'level_20' => 'Käyttäjä',
'level_description' => '<b>Järjestelmänvalvojilla</b> on täydet oikeudet: he voivat hallita palvelimia,
käyttäjiä ja muokata ohjelmiston asetuksia.<br><b>Käyttäjät</b> voivat vain
nähdä ja päivittää palvelimia jotka on asetettu heille.',
'mobile' => 'Puhelin',
'email' => 'Sähköposti',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover on palvelu jolla on helppo lähettää reaaliaikaisia tilaviestejä. Katso
<a href="" target="_blank">verkkosivuilta</a> lisäinfoa.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover avain',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover laite',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Laitteen nimi johon viesti lähetetään. Jätä tyhjäksi lähettääksesi
kaikkiin laitteisiin.',
'delete_title' => 'Poista käyttäjä',
'delete_message' => 'Haluatko varmasti poistaa käyttäjän \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Käyttäjä poistettu.',
'updated' => 'Käyttäjä päivitetty.',
'inserted' => 'Käyttäjä lisätty.',
'profile' => 'Profiili',
'profile_updated' => 'Profiilisi on päivitetty.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Käyttäjänimi saa olla 2-64 merkkiä pitkä.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Käyttäjänimessä saa olla vain kirjaimia (a-z, A-Z), numeroita (0-9),
pisteitä (.) ja alaviivoja (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Annettu käyttäjänimi on jo tietokannassa.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Sähköpostiosoitteen täytyy olla 5-255 merkkiä pitkä.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'Annettu sähköposti ei kelpaa.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Annettu käyttäjän taso ei kelpaa.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Käyttäjää ei löydetty tietokannasta.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Annettu salasana on väärin.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Annetut salasanat eivät täsmää.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Tapahtumamerkinnät',
'type' => 'Tyyppi',
'status' => 'Tila',
'email' => 'Sähköposti',
'sms' => 'Tekstiviesti',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'Ei tapahtumia',
'clear' => 'Tyhjennä loki',
'delete_title' => 'Poista loki',
'delete_message' => 'Haluatko varmasti poistaa <b>kaikki</b> lokit?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Palvelin',
'status' => 'Tila',
'label' => 'Nimi',
'domain' => 'Isäntänimi/IP',
'timeout' => 'Aikakatkaisu',
'timeout_description' => 'Kuinka monta sekuntia odottaa kunnes palvelin merkitään sammuneeksi.',
'port' => 'Portti',
'type' => 'Tyyppi',
'type_website' => 'Verkkosivu',
'type_service' => 'Palvelu',
'pattern' => 'Etsittävä sarja/kuvio',
'pattern_description' => 'Jos määriteltyä sarjaa ei löydetä verkkosivuilta, palvelin merkitään
sammuneeksi. REGEX on sallittua.',
'last_check' => 'Viimeisin tarkistus',
'last_online' => 'Viimeksi nähty',
'monitoring' => 'Valvottava',
'no_monitoring' => 'Ei valvontaa',
'email' => 'Sähköposti',
'send_email' => 'Lähetä sähköposti',
'sms' => 'Tekstiviesti',
'send_sms' => 'Lähetä tekstiviesti',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Käyttäjät',
'delete_title' => 'Poista palvelin',
'delete_message' => 'Haluatko varmasti poistaa palvelimen \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Palvelin poistettu.',
'updated' => 'Palvelin päivitetty.',
'inserted' => 'Palvelin lisätty.',
'latency' => 'Viive',
'latency_max' => 'Viive (maksimi)',
'latency_min' => 'Viive (minimi)',
'latency_avg' => 'Viive (keskiarvo)',
'uptime' => 'Päälläoloaika',
'year' => 'Vuosi',
'month' => 'Kuukausi',
'week' => 'Viikko',
'day' => 'Päivä',
'hour' => 'Tunti',
'warning_threshold' => 'Varoituskynnys',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Epäonnistuneiden tarkistuksien määrä kunnes se merkataan sammuneeksi.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Viime viikolla',
'chart_history' => 'Historia',
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'Tekstiviesti-ilmoitukset on poistettu käytöstä.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Sähköposti-ilmoitukset on poistettu käytöstä.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover-ilmoitukset on poistettu käytöstä.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Palvelinta ei löydetty.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Nimen pitää olla 1-255 merkkiä pitkä.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Isäntänimen / IP:n pitää olla 1-255 merkkiä pitkä.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'Annettu IP osoite ei kelpaa.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'Annettu verkkosivun osoite ei kelpaa.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Valittu palvelintyyppi ei kelpaa.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Varoituskynnyksen arvo pitää olla suurempi kuin 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Yleiset',
'language' => 'Kieli',
'show_update' => 'Tarkista päivitykset?',
'email_status' => 'Salli sähköpostin lähettäminen',
'email_from_email' => 'Lähettäjän osoite',
'email_from_name' => 'Lähettäjän nimi',
'email_smtp' => 'Käytä SMTP:tä',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP isäntä',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP portti',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP turvallisuus',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'Ei mitään',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP käyttäjänimi',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP salasana',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Jätä tyhjäksi jos ei varmennusta',
'sms_status' => 'Salli tekstiviestien lähetys',
'sms_gateway' => 'Palvelu jonka kautta tekstiviestit lähetetään',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Palvelun käyttäjänimi',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Palvelun salasana',
'sms_from' => 'Lähettäjän puhelinnumero',
'pushover_status' => 'Salli Pushover-viestien lähetys',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover on palvelu jolla on helppo lähettää reaaliaikaisia tilaviestejä. Katso
<a href="" target="_blank">verkkosivuilta</a> lisäinfoa.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Paina tästä luodaksesi Pushover-sovelluksesi',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover API-avain',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Ennen kuin voit käyttää Pushoveria, sinun täytyy <a href="%1$s"
target="_blank" rel="noopener">rekisteröidä sovellus</a> heidän
nettisivuillaan, ja kopioida API-avain tänne.',
'alert_type' => 'Valitse milloin haluat ilmoituksia.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Tilan muutos:</b> Saat ilmoituksen kun palvelimen tila vaihtuu. Eli tilasta
päällä -> sammunut tai sammunut -> päällä.<br><br /><b>Sammunut:</b> Saat
yhden ilmoituksen kun palvelimen tila vaihtuu sammuneeksi, mutta *VAIN
ENSIMMÄISEN KERRAN*. Esimerkiksi, jos tarkistus tehdään joka 15 minuutti, ja
palvelin sammuu klo 1 ja pysyy sammuneena klo 6 asti. Saat vain yhden ilmoituksen
klo 1, ei muuta.<br><br><b>Aina:</b> Saat ilmoituksen joka kerta kun palvelin
tarkistetaan, vaikka palvelin olisi ollut sammuneena tunteja.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Tilan muutos',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Sammunut',
'alert_type_always' => 'Aina',
'log_status' => 'Tallenna tapahtumat',
'log_status_description' => 'Jos arvo on tosi, palvelin tallentaa tapahtumamerkinnän jokaisesta tilan
'log_email' => 'Tallenna lähetetyt sähköpostitapahtumat',
'log_sms' => 'Tallenna lähetetyt tekstiviestitapahtumat',
'log_pushover' => 'Tallenna lähetetyt Pushover-tapahtumat',
'updated' => 'Asetukset tallennettu ja päivitetty.',
'tab_email' => 'Sähköposti',
'tab_sms' => 'Tekstiviesti',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Sähköposti asetukset',
'settings_sms' => 'Tekstiviesti asetukset',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover asetukset',
'settings_notification' => 'Ilmoitusasetukset',
'settings_log' => 'Tapahtumamerkintöjen asetukset',
'auto_refresh' => 'Automaattipäivitys',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Päivittää automaattisesti palvelimet-sivun.<br><span class="small">Aika
sekunteina, jos 0, sivu ei päivity automaattisesti.</span>',
'test' => 'Testi',
'test_email' => 'Testisähköposti lähetetään profiilisi sähköpostiosoitteeseen.',
'test_sms' => 'Testitekstiviesti lähetetään profiilisi numeroon.',
'test_pushover' => 'Pushover-ilmoitus lähetetään profiilissa asetettuun laitteeseen.',
'send' => 'Lähetä',
'test_subject' => 'Testi',
'test_message' => 'Testiviesti',
'email_sent' => 'Sähköposti lähetetty',
'email_error' => 'Virhe sähköpostin lähetyksessä',
'sms_sent' => 'Tekstiviesti lähetetty',
'sms_error' => 'Virhe tekstiviestin lähetyksessä. %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Testitektiviestin lähetys epäonnistui: toimivaa numeroa ei löydetty profiilistasi.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover ilmoitus lähetetty',
'pushover_error' => 'Virhe Pushover-ilmoitusta lähetettäessä: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Virhe lähetettäessä Pushover-ilmoitusta: Pushover API-avainta ei löydetty
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Virhe lähetettäessä Pushover-ilmoitusta: Pushover avainta ei löydetty
'log_retention_period' => 'Tapahtumien säilytysaika',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Kuinka monta päivää pitää palvelinten päälläoloaikoja ja muita
tapahtumia. Aseta arvoksi 0 jos haluat pitää ne loputtomasti.',
'log_retention_days' => 'päivää',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Tervetuloa, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Ole hyvä ja kirjaudu sisään',
'title_forgot' => 'Unohtuiko salasanasi?',
'title_reset' => 'Resetoi salasanasi',
'submit' => 'Lähetä',
'remember_me' => 'Muista minut',
'login' => 'Kirjaudu sisään',
'logout' => 'Kirjaudu ulos',
'username' => 'Käyttäjänimi',
'password' => 'Salasana',
'password_repeat' => 'Salasana uudestaan',
'password_forgot' => 'Unohtuiko salasanasi?',
'password_reset' => 'Resetoi salasanasi',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Resetoi salasanasi PHP Server Monitoriin',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Ole hyvä ja käytä seuraavaa linkkiä restoidaksesi salasanasi. Huomaa että
linkki vanhentuu tunnin sisällä.<br><br>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Annettua käyttäjänimeä ei löydetty.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Antamasi tiedot eivät ole oikein.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Annetut salasanat eivät täsmää.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Resetointilinkkisi on väärä.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Sähköpostiisi on lähetetty ohjeet kuinka resetoida salasanasi.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Salasanasi on resetoitu onnistuneesti, ole hyvä ja kirjaudu sisään.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Ei käyttöoikeuksia',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Sinulla ei ole käyttöoikeuksia katsoa tätä sivua.',

View File

@ -1,473 +1,298 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author David Ribeiro
* @author Jérôme Cabanis <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Français - French',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'fr_FR.UTF-8',
'1' => 'fr_FR',
'2' => 'french',
'locale_tag' => 'fr',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Installer',
'action' => 'Action',
'save' => 'Enregistrer',
'edit' => 'Editer',
'delete' => 'Supprimer',
'view' => 'Détails',
'date' => 'Date',
'message' => 'Message',
'yes' => 'Oui',
'no' => 'Non',
'insert' => 'Nouveau',
'add_new' => 'Nouveau',
'update_available' => 'Une nouvelle version ({version}) est disponible à l\'adresse <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'Haut de page',
'go_back' => 'Retour',
'ok' => 'OK',
'bad' => 'mauvais',
'cancel' => 'Annuler',
'none' => 'Aucun',
'activate' => 'Activer',
'short_day_format' => 'Le %e %B',
'long_day_format' => 'Le %e %B %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Hier à %kh%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A à %kh%M',
'never' => 'Jamais',
'hours_ago' => 'Il y a %d heures',
'an_hour_ago' => 'Il y a une heure',
'minutes_ago' => 'Il y a %d minutes',
'a_minute_ago' => 'Il y a une minute',
'seconds_ago' => 'Il y a %d secondes',
'a_second_ago' => 'Il y a une seconde',
'year' => 'année',
'years' => 'années',
'month' => 'mois',
'months' => 'mois',
'day' => 'jour',
'days' => 'jours',
'hour' => 'heure',
'hours' => 'heures',
'minute' => 'minute',
'minutes' => 'minutes',
'second' => 'seconde',
'seconds' => 'secondes',
'current' => 'actuel',
'settings' => 'Paramètres',
'search' => 'Recherche',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Configuration',
'server' => 'Serveurs',
'server_log' => 'Événements',
'server_status' => 'États',
'server_update' => 'Mise à jour',
'user' => 'Utilisateurs',
'help' => 'Aide',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Utilisateur',
'name' => 'Nom',
'user_name' => 'Nom d\'utilisateur',
'password' => 'Mot de passe',
'password_repeat' => 'Répéter le mot de passe',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Laisser vide pour ne pas le modifier',
'level' => 'Rôle',
'level_10' => 'Administrateur',
'level_20' => 'Utilisateur',
'level_description' => 'Les <b>Administrateurs</b> ont un accès total. Ils peuvent gérer les serveurs, les
utilisateurs et éditer la configuration globale.<br>Les <b>Utilisateurs</b> ne
peuvent que voir et mettre à jour les serveurs qui leur ont été assignés.',
'mobile' => 'Téléphone',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover est un service qui simplifie les notifications en temps réel. Voir <a
href="" target="_blank">leur site web</a> pour plus
'pushover_key' => 'Clé Pushover',
'pushover_device' => 'Appareil Pushover',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Nom de l\'appareil auquel le message doit être envoyé. Laissez vide pour
l\'envoyer à tous les appareils.',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a> est une application de
messagerie instantanée qui facilite la réception de notification en temps réel.
Lisez la <a href=""
target="_blank">documentation</a> pour obtenir plus d\'informations sur la
configuration de ce service.',
'telegram_chat_id' => 'ID de conversation (Chat ID) Telegram',
'telegram_chat_id_description' => 'Les notifications seront envoyées à la conversation correspondante.',
'telegram_get_chat_id' => 'Cliquez ici pour obtenir votre ID de conversation (Chat ID)',
'activate_telegram' => 'Activer les alertes Telegram',
'activate_telegram_description' => 'Permet aux notifications Telegram d\'être envoyée à la conversation
spécifiée. Sans cette permission, Telegram ne nous autorise pas à vous
envoyer des notifications.',
'telegram_bot_username_found' => 'Le BOT a été trouvé&nbsp;!<br><a href="%s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener"><button class="btn btn-primary">Étape suivante</button></a>
<br>Cela va ouvrir une conversation avec le BOT. Vous devez appuyer sur
\'/start\' ou le saisir.',
'telegram_bot_username_error_token' => '<b>401 - Unauthorized</b>. Assurez-vous que le Token API soit valide.',
'telegram_bot_error' => 'Une erreur s\'est produite en tentant d\'activer les notifications Telegram&nbsp;: %s',
'delete_title' => 'Supprimer un utilisateur',
'delete_message' => 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l\'utilisateur \'%1\'&nbsp;?',
'deleted' => 'Utilisateur supprimé.',
'updated' => 'Utilisateur mis à jour.',
'inserted' => 'Utilisateur ajouté.',
'profile' => 'Profil',
'profile_updated' => 'Votre profil a été mis à jour.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Le nom d\'utilisateur doit avoir entre 2 et 64 caractères.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Le nom d\'utilisateur ne peut contenir que des caractères alphabétiques (a-z,
A-Z), des chiffres (0-9), points (.) ou underscore (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Ce nom d\'utilisateur existe déjà.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'L\'adresse email doit avoir entre 5 et 255 caractères.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'L\'adresse email n\'est pas valide.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Le rôle d\'utilisateur n\'est pas valide.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'L\'utilisateur n\'a pas été trouvé dans la base de données.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Le mot de passe n\'est pas valide.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Le mot de passe est incorrect.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Événements',
'type' => 'Type',
'status' => 'État',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'no_logs' => 'Aucun événement',
'clear' => 'Effacer les journaux',
'delete_title' => 'Supprimer les journaux',
'delete_message' => 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer <b>tous</b> les journaux&nbsp;?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Serveur',
'status' => 'État',
'label' => 'Nom',
'domain' => 'Domaine/IP',
'timeout' => 'Délai d\'attente',
'timeout_description' => 'Nombre de secondes à attendre une réponse du serveur.',
'authentication_settings' => 'Paramètres d\'authentification',
'optional' => 'Optionnel',
'website_username' => 'Nom d\'utilisateur',
'website_username_description' => 'Nom d\'utilisateur pour accèder au site. (Seul l\'authentification Apache
est supporté.)',
'website_password' => 'Mot de passe',
'website_password_description' => 'Mot de passe pour accèder au site. Le mot de passe est cryptè dans la
base de donnée.',
'fieldset_monitoring' => 'Monitoring',
'fieldset_permissions' => 'Permissions',
'permissions' => 'Les utilisateurs suivants pourront voir le serveur.',
'port' => 'Port',
'custom_port' => 'Port personnalisé',
'popular_ports' => 'Ports courant',
'request_method' => 'Type de requête',
'custom_request_method' => 'Type de requête personalisée',
'popular_request_methods' => 'Type de requête prédéfinie',
'post_field' => 'Champ POST',
'post_field_description' => 'Les données qui seront envoyées en utilisant le type de requête choisi.',
'please_select' => 'Veuillez choisir',
'type' => 'Type',
'type_website' => 'Site Web',
'type_service' => 'Service',
'type_ping' => 'Ping',
'pattern' => 'Rechercher un texte/motif',
'pattern_description' => 'Si ce texte n\'est par retrouvé sur le site web, le serveur est marqué
hors-service. Les expressions régulières sont autorisées.',
'pattern_online' => 'Le texte indique que le site est',
'pattern_online_description' => 'En ligne&nbsp;: Si ce texte est trouvé sur le site internet, le serveur sera
considéré en ligne. Hors-ligne&nbsp;: Si ce texte n\'est pas trouvé sur le
site, le serveur sera considéré hors-ligne.',
'redirect_check' => 'La redirection vers un autre domaine est',
'redirect_check_description' => 'Une redirection vers un autre domaine est généralement mauvais signe.',
'allow_http_status' => 'Autoriser Les codes de statuts HTTP',
'allow_http_status_description' => 'Marquer le serveur en ligne. Les codes de statuts HTTP inférieur à 400
sont considérés comme en ligne par défaut. Séparer les valeurs avec
'header_name' => 'Nom d\'en-têtes',
'header_value' => 'Valeur d\'en-tête',
'header_name_description' => 'Sensible à la casse.',
'header_value_description' => 'Les expressions régulières sont autorisées.',
'last_check' => 'Dernière vérification',
'last_online' => 'Dernière fois OK',
'last_offline' => 'Dernière fois hors-ligne',
'last_output' => 'Dernière sortie positive',
'last_error' => 'Dernière erreur',
'last_error_output' => 'Dernière erreur de sortie',
'output' => 'Sortie',
'monitoring' => 'Surveillé',
'no_monitoring' => 'Non surveillé',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Envoyer un email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Envoyer un SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'send_pushover' => 'Envoyer des notifications Pushover',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'send_telegram' => 'Envoyer des notifications Telegram',
'users' => 'Utilisateurs',
'delete_title' => 'Supprimer un serveur',
'delete_message' => 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le serveur \'%1\'&nbsp;?',
'deleted' => 'Serveur supprimé.',
'updated' => 'Serveur mis à jour.',
'inserted' => 'Serveur ajouté.',
'latency' => 'Temps de réponse',
'latency_max' => 'Temps de réponse maximum',
'latency_min' => 'Temps de réponse minimum',
'latency_avg' => 'Temps de réponse moyen',
'online' => 'en ligne',
'offline' => 'hors ligne',
'uptime' => 'Disponibilité',
'year' => 'Année',
'month' => 'Mois',
'week' => 'Semaine',
'day' => 'Jour',
'hour' => 'Heure',
'warning_threshold' => 'Seuil d\'alerte',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Nombre d\'échecs de connexion avant que le serveur soit marqué
'chart_last_week' => 'La dernière semaine',
'chart_history' => 'Historique',
'chart_day_format' => '%d/%m/%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d/%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'Les notifications SMS sont désactivées.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Les notifications par email sont désactivées.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Les notifications Pushover sont désactivées.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_telegram' => 'Les notifications Telegram sont désactivées.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Serveur non trouvé.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Le nom doit avoir entre 1 et 255 caractères.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Domaine/IP doit avoir entre 1 et 255 caractères.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'L\'adresse IP n\'est pas valide.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'L\'URL du site web n\'est pas valide.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Le type de service sélectionné n\'est pas valide.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Le seuil d\'alerte doit être un nombre entier supérieur à 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Général',
'language' => 'Langue',
'show_update' => 'Vérifier les nouvelles mises à jour chaque semaine',
'password_encrypt_key' => 'Clé de chiffrement des mots de passe',
'password_encrypt_key_note' => 'Cette clé est utilisée pour chiffrer les mots
de passe qui sont enregistrés dans la base de données pour les serveurs qui requierent une authentification. Si la clé
est modifiée, les mots de passe enregistrés ne seront plus valide&nbsp;!',
'proxy' => 'Activer le proxy',
'proxy_url' => 'URL du proxy',
'proxy_user' => 'Nom d\'utilisateur du proxy',
'proxy_password' => 'Mot de passe du proxy',
'email_status' => 'Autoriser l\'envoi de mail',
'email_from_email' => 'Adresse de l\'expéditeur',
'email_from_name' => 'Nom de l\'expéditeur',
'email_smtp' => 'Utiliser un serveur SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'Adresse serveur SMTP',
'email_smtp_port' => 'Port SMTP',
'email_smtp_security' => 'Protocole de sécurité SMTP',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'Aucun',
'email_smtp_username' => 'Nom utilisateur SMTP',
'email_smtp_password' => 'Mot de passe SMTP',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Laisser vide si pas d\'authentication',
'sms_status' => 'Autoriser l\'envoi de SMS',
'sms_gateway' => 'Passerelle à utiliser pour l\'envoi de SMS',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Nom utilisateur de la passerelle',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Mot de passe de la passerelle',
'sms_from' => 'SMS de l\'expéditeur',
'pushover_status' => 'Autoriser l\'envoi des messages Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover est un service qui simplifie les notifications en temps réel. Voir <a
href="" target="_blank">leur site web</a> pour plus
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Cliquez ici pour créer votre application Pushover',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Jeton application Pushover',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Avant de pouvoir utiliser Pushover, vous devez <a href="%1$s"
target="_blank" rel="noopener">créer une application</a> sur leur site
web et entrer ici le jeton (Token) de l\'application.',
'telegram_status' => 'Autorise l\'envoi de message Telegram',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a> est une application de
messagerie instantanée qui facilite la réception de notification en temps réel.
Lisez la <a href=""
target="_blank">documentation</a> pour obtenir plus d\'informations sur la
configuration de ce service.',
'telegram_api_token' => 'Token API Telegram',
'telegram_api_token_description' => 'Afin de pouvoir utiliser Telegram, il vous faut obtenir un token api.
Consultez la <a href=""
target="_blank">documentation</a> pour obtenir de l\'aide.',
'alert_type' => 'Choisissez quand vous souhaitez être notifié',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Changement d\'état&nbsp;: </b>Vous recevez une notification chaque fois que
le serveur change d\'état. C\'est-à-dire passe de l\'état OK à HORS SERVICE
ou de HORS SERVICE à OK.<br><br><b>Hors service&nbsp;: </b>Vous ne recevez une
notification que quand le serveur passe de l\'état OK à HORS SERVICE. Par
exemple, Votre tâche planifiée s\'exécute toutes les 15 minutes et votre
serveur passe à l\'état HORS SERVICE à 1 heure du matin et le reste jusqu\'à
6 heures du matin.Vous ne recevez qu\'une seule notification à 1 heure du
matin.<br><br><b>Toujours&nbsp;: </b>Vous recevez une notification à chaque
exécution de la tâche planifiée si le serveur est à l\'état HORS SERVICE ',
'alert_type_status' => 'Changement d\'état',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Hors service',
'alert_type_always' => 'Toujours',
'combine_notifications' => 'Combiner les notifications',
'combine_notifications_description' => 'Réduit le nombre de notifications en les combinant toutes en une
seule. (Cela ne s\'applique pas aux SMS.)',
'alert_proxy' => 'Le serveur proxy n\'est jamais utilisé pour les services, même quand celui-ci est activé.',
'alert_proxy_url' => 'Format&nbsp;: hôte:port',
'log_status' => 'Etat des événements',
'log_status_description' => 'Si l\'option est activée, un événement est enregistré chaque fois qu\'une
notification a lieu.',
'log_email' => 'Enregistrer tous les emails envoyés',
'log_sms' => 'Enregistrer tous les SMS envoyés',
'log_pushover' => 'Enregistrer tous les messages Pushover envoyés',
'log_telegram' => 'Enregistrer tous les messages Telegram envoyés',
'updated' => 'La configuration a été mise à jour.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'tab_telegram' => 'Telegram',
'settings_email' => 'Configuration email',
'settings_sms' => 'Configuration SMS',
'settings_pushover' => 'Configuration Pushover',
'settings_telegram' => 'Configuration Telegram',
'settings_notification' => 'Configuration des notifications',
'settings_log' => 'Configuration des événements',
'settings_proxy' => 'Configuration du proxy',
'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-rafraîchissement',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Auto-rafraîchissement de la page serveurs.<br><span class="small">Temps en
secondes. Si 0, la page n\'est pas rafraîchie.</span>',
'test' => 'Tester',
'test_email' => 'Un email va vous être envoyé à l\'adresse définie dans votre profil utilisateur.',
'test_sms' => 'Un SMS va vous être envoyé au numéro défini dans votre profil utilisateur.',
'test_pushover' => 'Une notification Pushover va être envoyée en utilisant la clé spécifiée dans votre
profil utilisateur.',
'test_telegram' => 'Une notification Telegram sera envoyé à la conversion indiqué sur votre profil (ID de
'send' => 'Envoyer',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Message de test',
'email_sent' => 'Email envoyé',
'email_error' => 'Erreur lors de l\'envoi de l\'email',
'sms_sent' => 'SMS envoyé',
'sms_error' => 'Erreur lors de l\'envoi du SMS. %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Impossible d\'envoyer un SMS de test: aucun numéro de téléphone défini dans votre
'pushover_sent' => 'Notification Pushover envoyée',
'pushover_error' => 'Une erreur s\'est produite lors de l\'envoi de la notification Pushover&nbsp;: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Impossible d\'envoyer une notification de test: Aucun jeton application Pushover
n\'a été défini dans la configuration Pushover.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Impossible d\'envoyer une notification de test: Aucune clé Pushover n\'a été
définie dans votre profil.',
'telegram_sent' => 'Notification Telegram envoyée',
'telegram_error' => 'Une erreur s\'est produite lors de l\'envoi de la notification&nbsp;: %s',
'telegram_error_notoken' => 'Impossible d\'envoyer la notification de test&nbsp;: aucun token APII token
trouvé dans la configuration.',
'telegram_error_noid' => 'Impossible d\'envoyer la notification de test&nbsp;: aucun ID de conversation
trouvé dans votre profil utilisateur.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Durée de conservation',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Nombre de jours de conservation des événements envoyés et des temps
de réponse des serveurs. Entrez 0 pour les conserver indéfiniment.',
'log_retention_days' => 'jours',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Le Serveur \'%LABEL%\' est HORS SERVICE: IP=%IP%, Port=%PORT%. Erreur=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: Le Serveur \'%LABEL%\' est HORS SERVICE',
'off_email_body' => 'Impossible de se connecter au serveur suivant:<br><br>Serveur&nbsp;: %LABEL%<br>IP&nbsp;:
%IP%<br>Port&nbsp;: %PORT%<br>Erreur&nbsp;: %ERROR%<br>Date: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Le Serveur \'%LABEL%\' est HORS SERVICE',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Impossible de se connecter au serveur suivant&nbsp;:<br><br>Serveur&nbsp;:
%LABEL%<br>IP&nbsp;: %IP%<br>Port&nbsp;: %PORT%<br>Erreur&nbsp;:
%ERROR%<br>Date&nbsp;: %DATE%',
'off_telegram_message' => 'Impossible de se connecter au serveur suivant&nbsp;:<br><br>Serveur&nbsp;:
%LABEL%<br>IP&nbsp;: %IP%<br>Port&nbsp;: %PORT%<br>Erreur&nbsp;:
%ERROR%<br>Date&nbsp;: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Le Serveur \'%LABEL%\' est OK: IP=%IP%, Port=%PORT%, il était hors-ligne pendant
'on_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: Le Serveur \'%LABEL%\' est OK',
'on_email_body' => 'Le Serveur \'%LABEL%\' est de nouveau OK, il était hors-ligne pendant
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Serveur: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Date:
'on_pushover_title' => 'Le Serveur \'%LABEL%\' est OK',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Le Serveur \'%LABEL%\' est de nouveau OK, il était hors-ligne pendant
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Serveur: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Date: %DATE%',
'on_telegram_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' est de nouveau OK, il était hors-ligne pendant:
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Date:
'combi_off_email_message' => '<ul><li>Serveur&nbsp;: %LABEL%</li><li>IP&nbsp;: %IP%</li><li>Port&nbsp;:
%PORT%</li><li>Erreur&nbsp;: %ERROR%</li><li>Date&nbsp;: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_off_pushover_message' => '<ul><li>Serveur&nbsp;: %LABEL%</li><li>IP&nbsp;: %IP%</li><li>Port&nbsp;:
%PORT%</li><li>Erreur&nbsp;: %ERROR%</li><li>Date&nbsp;: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_off_telegram_message' => '- Serveur&nbsp;: %LABEL%<br>- IP&nbsp;: %IP%<br>- Port&nbsp;: %PORT%<br>-
Erreur&nbsp;: %ERROR%<br>- Date&nbsp;: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_on_email_message' => '<ul><li>Serveur&nbsp;: %LABEL%</li><li>IP&nbsp;: %IP%</li><li>Port&nbsp;:
%PORT%</li><li>Durée&nbsp;: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%</li><li>Date&nbsp;:
'combi_on_pushover_message' => '<ul><li>Serveur&nbsp;: %LABEL%</li><li>IP&nbsp;: %IP%</li><li>Port&nbsp;:
%PORT%</li><li>Durée&nbsp;: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%</li><li>Date&nbsp;:
'combi_on_telegram_message' => '- Serveur&nbsp;: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Port&nbsp;: %PORT%<br>-
Durée&nbsp;: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br>- Date&nbsp;: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT&nbsp;: \'%UP%\' serveur(s) de nouveau en ligne, \'%DOWN%\'
'combi_pushover_subject' => '\'%UP%\' serveur(s) de nouveaux en ligne, \'%DOWN%\' serveur(s) hors-ligne',
'combi_email_message' => '<b>Le(s) serveur(s) suivant(s) hors-ligne&nbsp;:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>Le(s)
serveur(s) suivant(s) en ligne&nbsp;:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'combi_pushover_message' => '<b>Le(s) serveur(s) suivant(s) hors-ligne&nbsp;:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>Le(s)
serveur(s) suivant(s) en ligne&nbsp;:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'combi_telegram_message' => '<b>Le(s) serveur(s) suivant(s) hors-ligne&nbsp;:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>Le(s)
serveur(s) suivant(s) en ligne&nbsp;:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Bonjour %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Connectez vous SVP',
'title_forgot' => 'Mot de passe oublié&nbsp;?',
'title_reset' => 'Réinitialisation du mot de passe',
'submit' => 'Envoyer',
'remember_me' => 'Se souvenir de moi',
'login' => 'Connexion',
'logout' => 'Déconnexion',
'username' => 'Nom',
'password' => 'Mot de passe',
'password_repeat' => 'Répéter le mot de passe',
'password_forgot' => 'Mot de passe oublié&nbsp;?',
'password_reset' => 'Réinitialiser le mot de passe',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Réinitialisation du mot de passe pour PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.
Veuillez noter qu\'il expire dans une heure.<br><br>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Nom d\'utilisateur invalide.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Informations incorrectes.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Mot de passe invalide.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Le lien d\'initialisation du mot de passe n\'est pas valide.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Un email vous a été envoyé pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Votre mot de passe a été réinitialisé.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Non autorisée',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Vous n\'avez pas les privilèges nécessaires pour voir cette page.',
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author David Ribeiro
* @author Jérôme Cabanis <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Français - French',
'locale' => array('fr_FR.UTF-8', 'fr_FR', 'french'),
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Installer',
'action' => 'Action',
'save' => 'Enregistrer',
'edit' => 'Editer',
'delete' => 'Supprimer',
'date' => 'Date',
'message' => 'Message',
'yes' => 'Oui',
'no' => 'Non',
'insert' => 'Nouveau',
'add_new' => 'Nouveau',
'update_available' => 'Une nouvelle version ({version}) est disponible à l\'adresse <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.',
'back_to_top' => 'Haut de page',
'go_back' => 'Retour',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Annuler',
// date/time format according the strftime php function format parameter
'short_day_format' => 'Le %e %B',
'long_day_format' => 'Le %e %B %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Hier à %kh%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A à %kh%M',
'never' => 'Jamais',
'hours_ago' => 'Il y a %d heures',
'an_hour_ago' => 'Il y a une heure',
'minutes_ago' => 'Il y a %d minutes',
'a_minute_ago' => 'Il y a une minute',
'seconds_ago' => 'Il y a %d secondes',
'a_second_ago' => 'Il y a une seconde',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Configuration',
'server' => 'Serveurs',
'server_log' => 'Événements',
'server_status' => 'États',
'server_update' => 'Mise à jour',
'user' => 'Utilisateurs',
'help' => 'Aide',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Utilisateur',
'name' => 'Nom',
'user_name' => 'Nom d\'utilisateur',
'password' => 'Mot de passe',
'password_repeat' => 'Répéter le mot de passe',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Laisser vide pour ne pas le modifier',
'level' => 'Niveau',
'level_10' => 'Administrateur',
'level_20' => 'Utilisateur',
'level_description' => 'Les <b>Administrateurs</b> ont un accès total. Ils peuvent gérer les serveurs, les utilisateurs et éditer la configuration globale.<br/>Les <b>Utilisateurs</b> ne peuvent que voir et mettre à jour les serveurs qui leur ont été assignés.',
'mobile' => 'Téléphone',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Device name to send the message to. Leave empty to send it to all devices.',
'delete_title' => 'Supprimer un utilisateur',
'delete_message' => 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l\'utilisateur \'%1\' ?',
'deleted' => 'Utilisateur supprimé.',
'updated' => 'Utilisateur mis à jour.',
'inserted' => 'Utilisateur ajouté.',
'profile' => 'Profil',
'profile_updated' => 'Votre profil a été mis à jour.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Le nom d\'utilisateur doit avoir entre 2 et 64 caractères.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Le nom d\'utilisateur ne peut contenir que des caractères alphabetiques (a-z, A-Z), des chiffres (0-9) ou underscore (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Ce nom d\'utilisateur existe déjà.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'L\'adresse email doit avoir entre 5 et 255 caractères.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'L\'adresse email n\'est pas valide.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Le niveau d\'utilisateur n\'est pas valide.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'L\'utilisateur n\'a pas été trouvé dans la base de donnée.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Le mot de passe n\'est pas valide.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Le mot de passe est incorrect.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Événements',
'type' => 'Type',
'status' => 'État',
'email' => 'email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'Aucun événement',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Serveur',
'status' => 'État',
'label' => 'Nom',
'domain' => 'Domaine/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Number of seconds to wait for the server to respond.',
'port' => 'Port',
'type' => 'Type',
'type_website' => 'Site Web',
'type_service' => 'Service',
'pattern' => 'Rechercher un texte/motif',
'pattern_description' => 'Si ce texte n\'est par retrouvé sur le site web, le serveur est marqué hors-service. Les expressions réguliaires sont autorisées.',
'last_check' => 'Dernière vérification',
'last_online' => 'Dernière fois OK',
'monitoring' => 'Serveillé',
'no_monitoring' => 'Non serveillé',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Envoyer un email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Envoyer un SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Users',
'delete_title' => 'Supprimer un serveur',
'delete_message' => 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le serveur \'%1\' ?',
'deleted' => 'Serveur supprimé.',
'updated' => 'Serveur mis à jour.',
'inserted' => 'Serveur ajouté.',
'latency' => 'Temps de réponse',
'latency_max' => 'Temps de réponse maximum',
'latency_min' => 'Temps de réponse minimum',
'latency_avg' => 'Temps de réponse moyen',
'uptime' => 'Disponibilité',
'year' => 'Année',
'month' => 'Mois',
'week' => 'Semaine',
'day' => 'Jour',
'hour' => 'Heure',
'warning_threshold' => 'Seuil d\'alerte',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Nombre d\'échecs de connexion avant que le serveur soit marqué hors-service.',
'chart_last_week' => 'La dernière semaine',
'chart_history' => 'Historique',
// Charts date format according jqPlot date format
'chart_day_format' => '%d/%m/%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d/%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover notifications are disabled.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Serveur non trouvé.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Le nom doit avoir entre 1 et 255 caractères.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Domaine/IP doit avoir entre 1 et 255 caractères.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'L\'adresse IP n\'est pas valide.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'L\'URL du site web n\'est pas valide.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Le type de service sélectionné n\'est pas valide.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Le seuil d\'alerte doit être un nombre entier supérieur à 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Général',
'language' => 'Langue',
'show_update' => 'Vérifier les nouvelles mise à jour chaque semaines',
'email_status' => 'Autoriser l\'envoi de mail',
'email_from_email' => 'Adresse de l\'expéditeur',
'email_from_name' => 'Nom de l\'expéditeur',
'email_smtp' => 'Utiliser un serveur SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'Adresse serveur SMTP',
'email_smtp_port' => 'Port SMTP',
'email_smtp_username' => 'Nom utilisateur SMTP',
'email_smtp_password' => 'Mot de passe SMTP',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Laisser vide si pas d\'authentication',
'sms_status' => 'Autoriser l\'envoi de SMS',
'sms_gateway' => 'Passerelle à utiliser pour l\'envoi de SMS',
'sms_gateway_mosms' => 'Mosms',
'sms_gateway_mollie' => 'Mollie',
'sms_gateway_spryng' => 'Spryng',
'sms_gateway_inetworx' => 'Inetworx',
'sms_gateway_clickatell' => 'Clickatell',
'sms_gateway_textmarketer' => 'Textmarketer',
'sms_gateway_smsglobal' => 'SMSGlobal',
'sms_gateway_smsit' => 'Smsit',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Nom utilisateur de la passerelle',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Mot de passe de la passerelle',
'sms_from' => 'SMS de l\'expéditeur',
'pushover_status' => 'Allow sending Pushover messages',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Click here to create your Pushover app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Before you can use Pushover, you need to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">register an App</a> at their website and enter the App API Token here.',
'alert_type' => 'Choisissez quand vous souhaitez être notifié',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Changement d\'état : </b>'.
'Vous recevez une notification chaque fois que le serveur change d\'état. C\'est-à-dire passe de l\'état OK à HORS SERVICE ou de HORS SERVICE à OK.<br/>'.
'<br/><b>Hors service : </b>'.
'Vous ne recevez une notification que quand le serveur passe de l\'état OK à HORS SERVICE. Par exemple, '.
'Votre tache planifiée s\'exécute toute les 15 minutes et votre serveur passe à l\'état HORS SERVICE à 1 heure du matin et le reste jusqu\'à 6 heures du matin.'.
'Vous ne recevez qu\'une seule notification à 1 heure du matin.<br/>'.
'<br/><b>Toujours : </b>'.
'Vous recevez une notification à chaque exécution de la tache planifiée si le serveur est à l\'état HORS SERVICE ',
'alert_type_status' => 'Changement d\'état',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Hors service',
'alert_type_always' => 'Toujours',
'log_status' => 'Etat des événements',
'log_status_description' => 'Si l\'option est activée, un événement est enregistré chaque fois qu\'une notification a lieu.',
'log_email' => 'Enregistrer tout les emails envoyés',
'log_sms' => 'Enregistrer tout les SMS envoyés',
'log_pushover' => 'Log pushover messages sent by the script',
'updated' => 'La configuration a été mise à jour.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Configuration email',
'settings_sms' => 'Configuration SMS',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover settings',
'settings_notification' => 'Configuration des notifications',
'settings_log' => 'Configuration des événements',
'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-rachaîchissement',
'auto_refresh_servers' =>
'Auto-rachaîchissement de la page serveurs.<br/>'.
'<span class="small">'.
'Temps en secondes. Si 0, la page n\'est pas rafraîchie.'.
'seconds' => 'secondes',
'test' => 'Tester',
'test_email' => 'Un email va vous être envoyé à l\'adresse définie dans votre profil utilisateur.',
'test_sms' => 'Un SMS va vous être envoyé au numéro défini dans votre profil utilisateur.',
'test_pushover' => 'A Pushover notification will be sent to the user key/device specified in your user profile.',
'send' => 'Envoyer',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Message de test',
'email_sent' => 'Email envoyé',
'email_error' => 'Erreur lors de l\'envoie de l\'email',
'sms_sent' => 'Sms envoyé',
'sms_error' => 'Erreur lors de l\'envoie du sms',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Unable to send test SMS: no valid phone number found in your profile.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover notification sent',
'pushover_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Pushover notification: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover App API token found in the global configuration.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover key found in your profile.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Log retention period',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Number of days to keep logs of notifications and archives of server uptime. Enter 0 to disable log cleanup.',
'log_retention_days' => 'days',
// for newlines in the email messages use <br/>
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Le Serveur \'%LABEL%\' est HORS SERVICE: IP=%IP%, Port=%PORT%. Erreur=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: Le Serveur \'%LABEL%\' est HORS SERVICE',
'off_email_body' => "Impossible de se connecter au serveur suivant:<br/><br/>Serveur: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Erreur: %ERROR%<br/>Date: %DATE%",
'off_pushover_title' => 'Le Serveur \'%LABEL%\' est HORS SERVICE',
'off_pushover_message' => "Impossible de se connecter au serveur suivant:<br/><br/>Serveur: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Erreur: %ERROR%<br/>Date: %DATE%",
'on_sms' => 'Le Serveur \'%LABEL%\' est OK: IP=%IP%, Port=%PORT%',
'on_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: Le Serveur \'%LABEL%\' est OK',
'on_email_body' => "Le Serveur '%LABEL%' est de nouveau OK:<br/><br/>Serveur: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Date: %DATE%",
'on_pushover_title' => 'Le Serveur \'%LABEL%\' est OK',
'on_pushover_message' => "Le Serveur '%LABEL%' est de nouveau OK:<br/><br/>Serveur: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Date: %DATE%",
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Bonjour %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Connectez vous SVP',
'title_forgot' => 'Mot de passe oublié ?',
'title_reset' => 'Réinitialisation du mot de passe',
'submit' => 'Envoyer',
'remember_me' => 'Se vouvenir de moi',
'login' => 'Connexion',
'logout' => 'Déconnexion',
'username' => 'Nom',
'password' => 'Mot de passe',
'password_repeat' => 'Répéter le mot de passe',
'password_forgot' => 'Mot de passe oublié ?',
'password_reset' => 'Réinitialiser le mot de passe',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Réinitialisation du mot de passe pour PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe. Veuillez noter qu\'il expire dans une heure.<br/><br/>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Nom d\'utilisateur invalide.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Informations incorrectes.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Mot de passe invalide.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Le lien d\initialisation du mot de passe n\'est pas valide.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Un email vous a été envoyé pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Votre mot de passe a été réinitialisé.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'You do not have the privileges to view this page.',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -20,303 +19,279 @@
* @package phpservermon
* @author Marco Gargani <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Italiano - Italian',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'it_IT.UTF-8',
'1' => 'it_IT',
'2' => 'italian',
'3' => 'ita',
'locale_tag' => 'it',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Installa',
'action' => 'Azione',
'save' => 'Salva',
'edit' => 'Modifica',
'delete' => 'Elimina',
'date' => 'Data',
'message' => 'Messaggio',
'yes' => 'Sì',
'no' => 'No',
'insert' => 'Inserisci',
'add_new' => 'Aggiungi Nuovo',
'update_available' => 'Una nuova versione ({version}) è disponibile su <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'Torna su',
'go_back' => 'Indietro',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Annulla',
'short_day_format' => '%e %B',
'long_day_format' => '%e %B %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Ieri alle %H:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A alle %H:%M',
'never' => 'Mai',
'hours_ago' => '%d ore fa',
'an_hour_ago' => 'circa un ora fa',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minuti fa',
'a_minute_ago' => 'circa un minuto fa',
'seconds_ago' => '%d secondi fa',
'a_second_ago' => 'un secondo fa',
'seconds' => 'secondi',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Configurazione',
'server' => 'Servers',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Stato',
'server_update' => 'Aggiorna',
'user' => 'Utenti',
'help' => 'Aiuto',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Utente',
'name' => 'Nome',
'user_name' => 'Nome utente',
'password' => 'Password',
'password_repeat' => 'Ripeti password',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Lascia vuoto per non modificare',
'level' => 'Livello',
'level_10' => 'Amministratore',
'level_20' => 'Utente',
'level_description' => 'Gli <b>Amministratori</b> hanno pieno accesso: possono gestire server, utenti e
modificare la configurazione globale.<br>Gli <b>Utenti</b> possono solo visualizzare
ed eseguire l\'aggiornamento per i server a cui sono assegnati.',
'mobile' => 'Cellulare',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover è un servizio che rende semplice ottenere notifiche in tempo reale. Vedi
<a href="">il loro sito web</a> per maggiori informazioni.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Dispositivo Pushover',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Nome del dispositivo a cui inviare il messaggio. Lascia vuoto per inviarlo a
tutti i dispositivi.',
'delete_title' => 'Elimina Utente',
'delete_message' => 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare l\'utente \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Utente eliminato.',
'updated' => 'Utente aggiornato.',
'inserted' => 'Utente aggiunto.',
'profile' => 'Profilo',
'profile_updated' => 'Il tuo profilo è stato aggiornato.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Il nome utente deve essere composto da almeno 2 caratteri (massimo 64).',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Lo username può contenere solo caratteri alfabetici (a-z, A-Z), numeri (0-9),
il punto (.) ed la sottolineatura (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Nome utente già in uso.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'L\'indirizzo Email deve essere composto da 5 a 255 caratteri.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'Indirizzo Email non valido.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Livello utente non valido.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'L\'utente non è stato trovato nel database.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'La password inserita non è valida.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Le password inserite non corrispondono.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Righe log',
'type' => 'Tipo',
'status' => 'Stato',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'Nessun log',
'clear' => 'Pulisci il registro',
'delete_title' => 'Elimina log',
'delete_message' => 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare <b>tutti</b> i registri?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Stato',
'label' => 'Nome',
'domain' => 'Dominio/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Numero di secondi da attendere per la risposta del server.',
'port' => 'Porta',
'type' => 'Tipo',
'type_website' => 'Sito web',
'type_service' => 'Servizio',
'pattern' => 'Cerca stringa/pattern',
'pattern_description' => 'Se questo pattern non è trovato nel sito web, il server verrà contrassegnato come
fuori linea. Le espressioni regolari sono consentite.',
'last_check' => 'Ultimo Controllo',
'last_online' => 'Ultima volta Online',
'last_offline' => 'Ultima volta offline',
'monitoring' => 'Monitoraggio',
'no_monitoring' => 'Non monitorato',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Invia Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Invia SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Utenti',
'delete_title' => 'Elimina Server',
'delete_message' => 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare il server \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server eliminato.',
'updated' => 'Server aggiornato.',
'inserted' => 'Server aggiunto.',
'latency' => 'Tempo di risposta',
'latency_max' => 'Tempo di risposta (massimo)',
'latency_min' => 'Tempo di risposta (minimo)',
'latency_avg' => 'Tempo di risposta (medio)',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => 'Anno',
'month' => 'Mese',
'week' => 'Settimana',
'day' => 'Giorno',
'hour' => 'Ora',
'warning_threshold' => 'Soglia di allarme',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Numero richiesto di verifiche fallite prima di ritenerlo fuori linea.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Ultima settimana',
'chart_history' => 'Cronologia',
'chart_day_format' => '%d-%m-%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d/%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'Le notifiche SMS sono disabilitate.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Le notifiche Email sono disabilitate.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Le notifiche Pushover sono disabilitate.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server non trovato.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'L\'etichetta deve contenere da 1 a 255 caratteri.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Il dominio / IP deve contenere da 1 a 255 caratteri.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'L\'indirizzo IP non è valido.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'L\'indirizzo URL del sito web non è valido.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Tipologia di server selezionata non valida.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'La soglia d\'allarme deve essere un numero intero valido,
superiore a zero.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Generale',
'language' => 'Linguaggio',
'show_update' => 'Controllare per nuovi aggiornamenti?',
'email_status' => 'Permetti invio email',
'email_from_email' => 'Indirizzo Email mittente',
'email_from_name' => 'Nome Email mittente',
'email_smtp' => 'Abilita SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'Server SMTP',
'email_smtp_port' => 'Porta SMTP',
'email_smtp_security' => 'Sicurezza SMTP',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'Nessuna',
'email_smtp_username' => 'Nome utente SMTP',
'email_smtp_password' => 'Password SMTP',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Lasciare vuoto per nessuna autentificazione',
'sms_status' => 'Permetti invio SMS',
'sms_gateway' => 'Gateway da usare per inviare SMS',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Nome Utente Gateway',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Password Gateway',
'sms_from' => 'Numero di telefono del mittente',
'pushover_status' => 'Permetti invio messaggi da Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover è un servizio che rende semplice ottenere notifiche in tempo reale. Vedi
<a href="">il loro sito web</a> per maggiori informazioni.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Clicca qui per creare la tua Pushover app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Prima di poter usare Pushover, devi <a href="%1$s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener">registrare un\'App</a> nel loro sito web ed inserire la
\'App API Token\' qui.',
'alert_type' => 'Seleziona quando vuoi essere notificato',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Cambio di Stato:</b> Riceverai una notifica solo quando un server cambierà
stato. Quindi da online -> offline oppure da offline -> online.<br><br /><b>Fuori
linea:</b> Riceverai una notifica solo quando un server andrà offline *SOLO LA
PRIMA VOLTA*. Per esempio, Se il tuo cronjob è impostato per controllare ogni 15
min e il tuo server andrà offline dalle 2AM alle 6AM. Riceverai una sola
notifica alle 2AM e nient\'altro.<br><br><b>Sempre:</b> Riceverai una notifica
ogni volta che lo script troverà un server down anche se è stato offline per
'alert_type_status' => 'Cambio di Stato',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Fuori linea',
'alert_type_always' => 'Sempre',
'log_status' => 'Stato Log',
'log_status_description' => 'Se lo Stato Log è impostato su VERO, il monitor registrerà nel log gli eventi
appena le notifiche verranno inviate.',
'log_email' => 'Registra email inviate dal sistema.',
'log_sms' => 'Registra SMS inviati dal sistema.',
'log_pushover' => 'Registra messaggi Pushover inviati dal sistema',
'updated' => 'La configurazione è stato aggiornata.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Impostazioni Email',
'settings_sms' => 'Impostazioni SMS',
'settings_pushover' => 'Impostazioni Pushover',
'settings_notification' => 'Impostazioni Notifiche',
'settings_log' => 'Impostazioni Log',
'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-Aggiornamento',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Auto-Aggiornamento pagina servers.<br><span class="small">Tempo in secondi, se
impostato a 0 la pagina non si aggiornerà.</span>',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'Un Email verrà inviata all\'indirizzo specificato nel tuo profilo.',
'test_sms' => 'Un SMS verrà inviato al numero di telefono specificato nel tuo profilo.',
'test_pushover' => 'Una notifica Pushover verrà inviata al dispositivo specificato nel tuo profilo.',
'send' => 'Invia',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Messaggio di test',
'email_sent' => 'Email inviata',
'email_error' => 'Errore in invio Email',
'sms_sent' => 'SMS inviato',
'sms_error' => 'Errore in invio SMS. %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Impossibile inviare SMS: nessun numero di telefono valido inserito nel tuo profilo.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Notifica Pushover inviata',
'pushover_error' => 'Riscontrato un errore durante l\'invio della notifica Pushover: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Impossibile inviare la notifica: nessun \'Pushover App API Token\' inserito nella
configurazione globale.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Impossibile inviare la notifica: nessuna \'Pushover Key\' inserita nel tuo profilo.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Periodo conservazione Log',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Numero di giorni per la conservazione dei log delle notifiche e
risultati monitoraggio. Inserire 0 (zero) per disabilitare la
cancellazione dei log.',
'log_retention_days' => 'giorni',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' INATTIVO: ip=%IP%, porta=%PORT%. Errore=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANTE: Il Server \'%LABEL%\' è INATTIVO',
'off_email_body' => 'Impossibile connettersi al seguente server:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Porta:
%PORT%<br>Errore: %ERROR%<br>Data: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' INATTIVO',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Impossibile connettersi al seguente server:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP:
%IP%<br>Porta: %PORT%<br>Errore: %ERROR%<br>Data: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' ATTIVO: ip=%IP%, porta=%PORT%, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'on_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANTE: Server \'%LABEL%\' è ATTIVO',
'on_email_body' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' è di nuovo attivo, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Porta: %PORT%<br>Data:
'on_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' ATTIVO',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' è di nuovo attivo, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Porta:
%PORT%<br>Data: %DATE%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Benvenuto, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Registrati',
'title_forgot' => 'Password dimenticata?',
'title_reset' => 'Reimposta la tua password',
'submit' => 'Invia',
'remember_me' => 'Ricordami',
'login' => 'Accedi',
'logout' => 'Uscita',
'username' => 'Nome utente',
'password' => 'Password',
'password_repeat' => 'Ripeti password',
'password_forgot' => 'Password dimenticata?',
'password_reset' => 'Reimposta password',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Reimpossta la tua password per PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Usa il seguente link per reimpostare la tua password. Ricordati che scade tra
un ora.<br><br>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Il nome utente inserito non è staot trovato.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Le informazioni sono errate.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Le password inserite non sono valide.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Il link di reimpostazione password non è valido.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Ti è stata inviata un\'Email con le istruzioni da seguire per reimpostare la
tua password.',
'success_password_reset' => 'La tua password è stata correttamente reimpostata. Ora puoi effettuare
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Non autorizzato',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Non hai i permessi necessari per visualizzare questa pagina.',
'name' => 'Italiano - Italian',
'locale' => array('it_IT.UTF-8', 'it_IT', 'italian', 'ita'),
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Install',
'action' => 'Azione',
'save' => 'Salva',
'edit' => 'Modifica',
'delete' => 'Elimina',
'date' => 'Data',
'message' => 'Messaggio',
'yes' => 'Sì',
'no' => 'No',
'insert' => 'Inserisci',
'add_new' => 'Aggiungi Nuovo?',
'update_available' => 'Un nuovo aggiornamento ({version}) è disponibile su <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.',
'back_to_top' => 'Back to top',
'go_back' => 'Go back',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
// date/time format according the strftime php function format parameter
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Yesterday at %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A at %k:%M',
'never' => 'Never',
'hours_ago' => '%d hours ago',
'an_hour_ago' => 'about an hour ago',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minutes ago',
'a_minute_ago' => 'about a minute ago',
'seconds_ago' => '%d seconds ago',
'a_second_ago' => 'a second ago',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Configurazione',
'server' => 'Servers',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Aggiorna',
'user' => 'Utenti',
'help' => 'Aiuto',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Utente',
'name' => 'Nome',
'user_name' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Password',
'password_repeat' => 'Password repeat',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Leave blank to keep unchanged',
'level' => 'Level',
'level_10' => 'Administrator',
'level_20' => 'User',
'level_description' => '<b>Administrators</b> have full access: they can manage servers, users and edit the global configuration.<br/><b>Users</b> can only view and run the updater for the servers that have been assigned to them.',
'mobile' => 'Cellulare',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Device name to send the message to. Leave empty to send it to all devices.',
'delete_title' => 'Delete User',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete user \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'User deleted.',
'updated' => 'Utente aggiornato.',
'inserted' => 'Utente aggiunto.',
'profile' => 'Profile',
'profile_updated' => 'Your profile has been updated.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Usernames must be between 2 and 64 characters.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'The username may only contain alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9) and underscores (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'The given username already exists in the database.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Email addresses must be between 5 and 255 characters.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'The email address is invalid.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'The given user level is invalid.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'The user could not be found in the database.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'The entered password is invalid.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'The entered passwords do not match.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Righe log',
'type' => 'Tipo',
'status' => 'Stato',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'No logs',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Status',
'label' => 'Nome',
'domain' => 'Dominio/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Number of seconds to wait for the server to respond.',
'port' => 'Porta',
'type' => 'Tipo',
'type_website' => 'Website',
'type_service' => 'Service',
'pattern' => 'Search string/pattern',
'pattern_description' => 'If this pattern is not found on the website, the server will be marked offline. Regular expressions are allowed.',
'last_check' => 'Ultimo Controllo',
'last_online' => 'Ultima volta Online',
'monitoring' => 'Sotto Controllo',
'no_monitoring' => 'No monitoring',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Invia Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Invia SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Users',
'delete_title' => 'Delete Server',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete server \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server deleted.',
'updated' => 'Server aggiornato.',
'inserted' => 'Server aggiunto.',
'latency' => 'Tempo di risposta',
'latency_max' => 'Tempo di risposta (maximum)',
'latency_min' => 'Tempo di risposta (minimum)',
'latency_avg' => 'Tempo di risposta (average)',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => 'Year',
'month' => 'Month',
'week' => 'Week',
'day' => 'Day',
'hour' => 'Hour',
'warning_threshold' => 'Warning threshold',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Number of failed checks required before it is marked offline.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Last week',
'chart_history' => 'History',
// Charts date format according jqPlot date format
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover notifications are disabled.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server not found.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'The label must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'The domain / IP must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'The IP address is not valid.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'The website URL is not valid.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'The selected server type is invalid.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'The warning threshold must be a valid integer greater than 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Generale',
'language' => 'Linguaggio',
'show_update' => 'Controllare settimanalmente per nuovi aggiornamenti?',
'email_status' => 'Permetti invio email?',
'email_from_email' => 'Indirizzo Email mittente',
'email_from_name' => 'Nome Email mittente',
'email_smtp' => 'Enable SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP host',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP username',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP password',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Leave blank for no authentication',
'sms_status' => 'Permetti invio SMS?',
'sms_gateway' => 'Gateway da usare per inviare SMS',
'sms_gateway_mosms' => 'Mosms',
'sms_gateway_mollie' => 'Mollie',
'sms_gateway_spryng' => 'Spryng',
'sms_gateway_inetworx' => 'Inetworx',
'sms_gateway_clickatell' => 'Clickatell',
'sms_gateway_textmarketer' => 'Textmarketer',
'sms_gateway_smsglobal' => 'SMSGlobal',
'sms_gateway_smsit' => 'Smsit',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Nome Utente Gateway',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Password Gateway',
'sms_from' => 'Numero di telefono del mittente',
'pushover_status' => 'Allow sending Pushover messages',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Click here to create your Pushover app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Before you can use Pushover, you need to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">register an App</a> at their website and enter the App API Token here.',
'alert_type' => 'Seleziona quando vuoi essere notificato',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Cambio di Stato:</b> '.
'Riceverai una notifica solo quando un server cambierà stato. Quindi da online -> offline oppure da offline -> online.<br/>'.
'<br /><b>Offline:</b> '.
'Riceverai una notifica solo quando un server andrà offline *SOLO LA PRIMA VOLTA*. Per esempio, '.
'Se il tuo cronjob è impostato per controllare ogni 15 min e il tuo server andrà offline dalle 2AM alle 6AM. '.
'Riceverai una sola notifica alle 2AM e nient\'altro.<br/>'.
'<br><b>Sempre:</b> '.
'Riceverai una notifica ogni volta che lo script troverà un server down anche se è stato offline per ore.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Cambio di Stato',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Sempre',
'log_status' => 'Stato Log',
'log_status_description' => 'Se lo Stato Log è impostato su VERO, il monitor registrerà nel log gli eventi appena le notifiche verranno inviate.',
'log_email' => 'Registra email inviate dallo script.',
'log_sms' => 'Registra SMS inviati dallo script.',
'log_pushover' => 'Log pushover messages sent by the script',
'updated' => 'La configurazione è stato aggiornata.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Impostazioni Email',
'settings_sms' => 'Impostazioni SMS',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover settings',
'settings_notification' => 'Impostazioni Notifiche',
'settings_log' => 'Impostazioni Log',
'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-Aggiorna pagina servers',
'auto_refresh_servers' =>
'Auto-Aggiorna pagina servers.<br/>'.
'<span class="small">'.
'Tempo in secondi, se impostato a 0 la pagina non si aggiornerà.'.
'seconds' => 'seconds',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'An email will be sent to the address specified in your user profile.',
'test_sms' => 'An SMS will be sent to the phone number specified in your user profile.',
'test_pushover' => 'A Pushover notification will be sent to the user key/device specified in your user profile.',
'send' => 'Send',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Test message',
'email_sent' => 'Email sent',
'email_error' => 'Error in email sending',
'sms_sent' => 'Sms sent',
'sms_error' => 'Error in sms sending',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Unable to send test SMS: no valid phone number found in your profile.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover notification sent',
'pushover_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Pushover notification: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover App API token found in the global configuration.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover key found in your profile.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Log retention period',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Number of days to keep logs of notifications and archives of server uptime. Enter 0 to disable log cleanup.',
'log_retention_days' => 'days',
// for newlines in the email messages use <br/>
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' è DOWN: ip=%IP%, porta=%PORT%. Errore=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANTE: Server \'%LABEL%\' è DOWN',
'off_email_body' => "Impossibile connettersi al seguente server:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Porta: %PORT%<br/>Errore: %ERROR%<br/>Data: %DATE%",
'off_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' è DOWN',
'off_pushover_message' => "Impossibile connettersi al seguente server:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Porta: %PORT%<br/>Errore: %ERROR%<br/>Data: %DATE%",
'on_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' è ATTIVO: ip=%IP%, porta=%PORT%',
'on_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANTE: Server \'%LABEL%\' è ATTIVO',
'on_email_body' => "Server '%LABEL%' è di nuovo attivo:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Porta: %PORT%<br/>Data: %DATE%",
'on_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' è ATTIVO',
'on_pushover_message' => "Server '%LABEL%' è di nuovo attivo:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Porta: %PORT%<br/>Data: %DATE%",
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Welcome, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Please sign in',
'title_forgot' => 'Forgot your password?',
'title_reset' => 'Reset your password',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'remember_me' => 'Remember me',
'login' => 'Login',
'logout' => 'Logout',
'username' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Password',
'password_repeat' => 'Repeat password',
'password_forgot' => 'Forgot password?',
'password_reset' => 'Reset password',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Reset your password for PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Please use the following link to reset your password. Please note it expires in 1 hour.<br/><br/>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'The provided username could not be found.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'The information is incorrect.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'The provided passwords do not match.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'The reset link you provided is invalid.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'An email has been sent to you with information how to reset your password.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Your password has been reset successfully. Please login.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'You do not have the privileges to view this page.',

View File

@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: v3.2.0
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => '日本語 - Japanese',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'ja_JP.UTF-8',
'1' => 'ja_JP',
'2' => 'Japan',
'3' => 'Japanese',
'locale_tag' => 'ja',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'サーバーモニター',
'install' => 'インストール',
'action' => 'アクション',
'save' => 'セーブ',
'edit' => '編集',
'delete' => '削除',
'date' => '日時',
'message' => 'メッセージ',
'yes' => 'はい',
'no' => 'いいえ',
'insert' => '挿入',
'add_new' => '新規に追加',
'update_available' => '新しいバージョン({version})
がリリースされています。ここから入手可能です: <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'トップに戻る',
'go_back' => '戻る',
'ok' => 'OK',
'bad' => 'よくない',
'cancel' => 'キャンセル',
'none' => 'なし',
'activate' => '有効化',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => '昨日の %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A の %k:%M',
'never' => 'なし',
'hours_ago' => '%d 時間前',
'an_hour_ago' => '1時間くらい前',
'minutes_ago' => '%d 分前',
'a_minute_ago' => '1分くらい前',
'seconds_ago' => '%d 秒前',
'a_second_ago' => '1秒',
'year' => '年',
'years' => '年',
'month' => '月',
'months' => '月',
'day' => '日',
'days' => '日',
'hour' => '時間',
'hours' => '時間',
'minute' => '分',
'minutes' => '分',
'second' => '秒',
'seconds' => '秒',
'menu' => array(
'config' => '設定',
'server' => 'サーバー',
'server_log' => 'ログ',
'server_status' => 'ステータス',
'server_update' => 'アップデート',
'user' => 'ユーザー',
'help' => 'ヘルプ',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'ユーザー',
'name' => '名前',
'user_name' => 'ユーザーネーム',
'password' => 'パスワード',
'password_repeat' => 'パスワードを繰り返す',
'password_leave_blank' => '空白のままにしておく',
'level' => 'レベル',
'level_10' => '管理者(Administrator)',
'level_20' => 'ユーザー(User)',
'level_description' => '<b>管理者(Administrator)</b>
'mobile' => 'モバイル',
'email' => 'メールアドレス',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushoverサービスは、リアルタイムで通知を受け取るのが簡単にできます。詳細についてはこちらをご覧ください
<a href="" target="_blank"
'pushover_key' => 'Pushoverキー',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushoverデバイス',
'pushover_device_description' => '指定したデバイスに送信します。空欄ですべてのデバイスに送信できます。',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Telegram</a>
<a href="" target="_blank"
'telegram_chat_id' => 'Telegram チャットID',
'telegram_chat_id_description' => 'メッセージは対応するチャットへ送信されます。',
'telegram_get_chat_id' => 'ここをクリックしてあなたのチャットIDを取得します。',
'activate_telegram' => 'Telegramの通知を有効化',
'activate_telegram_description' => '指定されたチャットIDにTelegram通知を送信できるようにします。
'telegram_bot_username_found' => 'ボットが見つかりました!<br><a href="%s" target="_blank"><button
class="btn btn-primary">次のステップ</button></a>
/start を入力する必要があります。',
'telegram_bot_username_error_token' => '401 - 未認証。
'telegram_bot_error' => 'Telegram通知を有効化中にエラーが発生: %s',
'delete_title' => 'ユーザーを削除',
'delete_message' => '本当にユーザーを削除しますか?: \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'ユーザーを削除しました。',
'updated' => 'ユーザー情報を更新しました。',
'inserted' => 'ユーザーを追加しました。',
'profile' => 'プロフィール',
'profile_updated' => 'あなたのプロフィールは更新されました。',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'ユーザーネームは264文字以内で入力してください。',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'ユーザー名は、アルファベット、数字とアンダーバーのみを含むことができます
'error_user_name_exists' => '登録しようとしたユーザー名は既にデータベースに登録されています。',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'メールアドレスは5255文字以内で入力してください。',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'メールアドレスが無効です。',
'error_user_level_invalid' => '指定したレベルが無効です。',
'error_user_no_match' => 'このユーザー名は存在しません。',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'パスワードが無効です。',
'error_user_password_no_match' => '確認のパスワードが一致しません。',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'ログエントリー',
'type' => 'タイプ',
'status' => 'ステータス',
'email' => 'メール',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'no_logs' => 'ログがありません',
'clear' => 'ログをクリアする',
'delete_title' => 'ログを削除する',
'delete_message' => 'すべてのログを削除してもよろしいですか?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'サーバー',
'status' => 'ステータス',
'label' => 'ラベル',
'domain' => 'ドメイン/IP',
'timeout' => 'タイムアウト',
'timeout_description' => '指定した秒数、サーバーのレスポンスを待ちます。',
'authentication_settings' => '認証設定',
'optional' => 'オプション',
'website_username' => 'ユーザー名',
'website_username_description' => 'ユーザー名でウェブサイトにアクセスします。
'website_password' => 'パスワード',
'website_password_description' => 'パスワードはサイトのアクセスに使用します。パスワードは暗号化されてデータベースへ保存されます。',
'fieldset_monitoring' => 'モニター',
'fieldset_permissions' => '権限',
'port' => 'ポート',
'custom_port' => 'カスタムポート',
'popular_ports' => '主要なポート',
'request_method' => 'リクエストメソッド',
'custom_request_method' => 'カスタムリクエストメソッド',
'popular_request_methods' => '主要なリクエストメソッド',
'post_field' => 'Postフィールド',
'post_field_description' => 'このデータは上記のリクエストメソッドを使用する際に使用されます。
: param1=val1&amp;param2=val2&...',
'please_select' => '選択してください',
'type' => 'タイプ',
'type_website' => 'ウェブサイト',
'type_service' => 'サービス',
'type_ping' => 'Ping',
'pattern' => '文字列/パターンを検索',
'pattern_description' => '指定した文字列/パターンが存在しない場合は、「オフライン」としてマークされます。また、標準的な計算式は許可されています。',
'pattern_online' => 'パターンがウェブサイトであることを示すパターン: ',
'pattern_online_description' => 'オンラインこのパターンがWebサイトにある場合、オンラインとしてマークされます。
'redirect_check' => '別のドメインへのリダイレクト: ',
'redirect_check_description' => '別のドメインにリダイレクトするのは通常は悪い兆候です。',
'allow_http_status' => 'HTTPステータスコードを許可する',
'allow_http_status_description' => 'ウェブサイトをオンラインにマークします。
| で区切ります。 : 401|403.',
'header_name_description' => 'ヘッダー名(大文字小文字を区別します)',
'header_value_description' => 'ヘッダーの値。正規表現が利用可能です。',
'last_check' => '最後の確認',
'last_online' => '最後のオンライン',
'last_offline' => '最後のオフライン',
'last_output' => '最後のポジティブの出力',
'last_error' => '最後のエラー',
'last_error_output' => '最後のエラー出力',
'monitoring' => 'モニタリング',
'no_monitoring' => 'モニタリングなし',
'email' => 'メール',
'send_email' => 'メールを送信',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'SMSを送信',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'send_pushover' => 'Pushover通知を送信',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'send_telegram' => 'Telegram通知を送信',
'users' => 'ユーザー',
'delete_title' => 'サーバーを削除',
'delete_message' => '本当にこのサーバーを削除しますか?: \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'サーバーを削除しました。',
'updated' => 'サーバーを更新しました。',
'inserted' => 'サーバーを追加しました。',
'latency' => 'レイテンシ',
'latency_max' => 'レイテンシ(最大)',
'latency_min' => 'レイテンシ(最小)',
'latency_avg' => 'レイテンシ(アベレージ)',
'uptime' => '稼働時間',
'year' => '年',
'month' => '月',
'week' => '週間',
'day' => '日',
'hour' => '時間',
'warning_threshold' => '警告閾値',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'オフラインとしてマークされる前に失敗したチェックの数',
'chart_last_week' => '最後の週間',
'chart_history' => '履歴',
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS 通知は無効です。',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'メール通知は無効です。',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover通知は無効です。',
'warning_notifications_disabled_telegram' => 'Telegram通知は無効です。',
'error_server_no_match' => 'サーバーが見つかりません',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'ラベルは1255文字以内で入力してください。',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'ドメイン/IPは1255文字以内で入力してください。',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => '無効なIPです。',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'ウェブサイトのURLが無効です。',
'error_server_type_invalid' => '選択されたサーバータイプが無効です。',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => '警告のしきい値は、0より大きい有効な整数でなければなりません。',
'config' => array(
'general' => '基本',
'language' => '言語',
'show_update' => 'アップデートをチェックしますか?',
'password_encrypt_key' => '暗号鍵パスワード',
'password_encrypt_key_note' => 'このキーは、Webサイトにアクセスするためにサーバーに保存されているパスワードを暗号化するために使用されます。
'proxy' => 'プロキシを有効化する',
'proxy_url' => 'プロキシのURL',
'proxy_user' => 'プロキシのユーザー名',
'proxy_password' => 'プロキシのパスワード',
'email_status' => 'メールの送信を許可',
'email_from_email' => 'アドレスからのメール',
'email_from_name' => '名前からのメール',
'email_smtp' => 'SMTPを有効にしますか',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTPホスト',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTPポート',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTPセキュリティ',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'なし',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTPのユーザー名',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTPのパスワード',
'email_smtp_noauth' => '空白で認証なしになります',
'sms_status' => 'テキストメッセージの送信を許可する',
'sms_gateway' => 'このゲートウェイは、メッセージの送信に使用されます。',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'ゲートウェイのユーザー名',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'ゲートウェイのパスワード',
'sms_from' => '送信者の電話番号:',
'pushover_status' => 'Pushoverのメッセージを送信することを許可する',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushoverは、リアルタイムの通知を簡単に取得できるサービスです。
'pushover_clone_app' => 'クリックでPushoverアプリケーションを作成できます。',
'pushover_api_token' => 'PushoverアプリケーションのAPIトークン',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Pushoverを使用するには、事前にウェブサイトで<a
href="%1$s" target="_blank"
'telegram_status' => 'Telegramメッセージの送信を許可する',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Telegram</a>
<a href="" target="_blank"
'telegram_api_token' => 'Telegram APIトークン',
'telegram_api_token_description' => 'Telegramを使用する前に、APIトークンを取得する必要があります。
<a href="" target="_blank"
'alert_type' => '通知するタイミングを選択',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>状態の変化:</b>
だからオンライン -> オフラインまたはオフライン ->
オンライン。<br><br /><b>オフライン:</b>
'alert_type_status' => '状況の変化',
'alert_type_offline' => 'オフライン',
'alert_type_always' => '常に',
'combine_notifications' => '通知の結合',
'combine_notifications_description' => '通知を1つの通知にまとめて通知の量を削減します。(これはSMS通知には影響しません。)',
'alert_proxy' => '有効にしても、プロキシはサービスに使用されません',
'alert_proxy_url' => 'フォーマット: ホスト:ポート',
'log_status' => 'ログステータス',
'log_status_description' => 'ログステータスがTRUEに設定されている場合、モニターは通知設定が渡されるたびにイベントを記録します。',
'log_email' => 'スクリプトによって送信された電子メールを記録する',
'log_sms' => 'スクリプトによって送信されたテキストメッセージを記録する',
'log_pushover' => 'スクリプトによって送信されたPushoverメッセージを記録する',
'log_telegram' => 'スクリプトによって送信されたTelegramメッセージを記録する',
'updated' => '設定は更新されました。',
'tab_email' => 'メール',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'tab_telegram' => 'Telegram',
'settings_email' => 'メール設定',
'settings_sms' => 'テキストメッセージ設定',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover設定',
'settings_telegram' => 'Telegram設定',
'settings_notification' => '通知設定',
'settings_log' => 'ログ設定',
'settings_proxy' => 'プロキシ設定',
'auto_refresh' => '自動更新',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'サーバーページを自動更新します。<br><span
'test' => 'テスト',
'test_email' => 'あなたのユーザープロフィールで指定されたアドレスに電子メールが送信されます。',
'test_sms' => 'あなたのユーザープロフィールで指定された電話番号にSMSが送信されます。',
'test_pushover' => 'あなたのユーザープロフィールで指定されたユーザー
'test_telegram' => 'あなたのユーザープロフィールで指定されたチャットIDにTelegram通知が送信されます。',
'send' => '送信',
'test_subject' => 'テスト',
'test_message' => 'これはテストメッセージです',
'email_sent' => 'メールが送信されました',
'email_error' => 'メールを送信中にエラーが発生しました',
'sms_sent' => 'SMSが送信されました',
'sms_error' => 'SMSを送信中にエラーが発生しました %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'テストSMSの送信に失敗:
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover通知が送信されました',
'pushover_error' => 'Pushover通知を送信中にエラーが発生しました: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'テスト通知の送信に失敗しましたグローバル設定にAPIトークンがありません',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'テスト通知の送信に失敗しましたあなたのプロフィールに有効なPushoverキーがありません',
'telegram_sent' => 'Telegram通知が送信されました',
'telegram_error' => 'Telegram通知を送信中にエラーが発生しました: %s',
'telegram_error_notoken' => 'テスト通知の送信に失敗しましたグローバル設定にTelegram
'telegram_error_noid' => 'テスト通知の送信に失敗しましたあなたのプロフィールに有効なチャットIDがありません',
'log_retention_period' => 'ログ保持期間',
'log_retention_period_description' => '通知のログおよびサーバー稼働時間のアーカイブを保持する日数。
'log_retention_days' => '日',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'サーバー \'%LABEL%\' はダウンしています: ip=%IP%, ポート=%PORT%.
'off_email_subject' => '重要: サーバー \'%LABEL%\' がダウンしています!',
'off_email_body' => 'サーバーへの接続に失敗しました:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP:
%IP%<br>ポート: %PORT%<br>エラー: %ERROR%<br>日時: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'サーバー \'%LABEL%\' がダウンしています!',
'off_pushover_message' => 'サーバーへの接続に失敗しました:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP:
%IP%<br/>ポート: %PORT%<br/>エラー: %ERROR%<br/>日時: %DATE%',
'off_telegram_message' => 'サーバーへの接続に失敗しました:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP:
%IP%<br/>ポート: %PORT%<br/>エラー: %ERROR%<br/>日時: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'サーバー \'%LABEL%\' は動作しています: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, it was down for
'on_email_subject' => '重要: サーバー \'%LABEL%\' は動作しています',
'on_email_body' => 'サーバー \'%LABEL%\' は動作中です。
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br/><br/>サーバー: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>ポート:
%PORT%<br/>日時: %DATE%',
'on_pushover_title' => 'サーバー \'%LABEL%\' は動作しています',
'on_pushover_message' => 'サーバー \'%LABEL%\' は動作中です。
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br/><br/>サーバー: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>ポート:
%PORT%<br/>日時: %DATE%',
'on_telegram_message' => 'サーバー \'%LABEL%\' は動作中です。
この期間の間ダウンしていました: <br/><br/>サーバー:
%LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>ポート: %PORT%<br/>ダウンタイム:
'combi_off_email_message' => '<ul><li>サーバー: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>ポート:
%PORT%</li><li>エラー: %ERROR%</li><li>日時: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_off_pushover_message' => '<ul><li>サーバー: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>ポート:
%PORT%</li><li>エラー: %ERROR%</li><li>日時: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_off_telegram_message' => '- サーバー: %LABEL%<br/>- IP: %IP%<br/>- ポート: %PORT%<br/>-
エラー: %ERROR%<br/>- 日時: %DATE%<br/><br/>',
'combi_on_email_message' => '<ul><li>サーバー: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>ポート:
%PORT%</li><li>ダウンタイム: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%</li><li>日時:
'combi_on_pushover_message' => '<ul><li>サーバー: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>ポート:
%PORT%</li><li>ダウンタイム: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%</li><li>日時:
'combi_on_telegram_message' => '- サーバー: %LABEL%<br/>- IP: %IP%<br/>- ポート: %PORT%<br/>-
ダウンタイム: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br/>- 日時: %DATE%<br/><br/>',
'combi_email_subject' => '重要: \'%UP%\' サーバーは動作を再開しました。 \'%DOWN%\'
'combi_pushover_subject' => '\'%UP%\' サーバーは動作を再開しました。 \'%DOWN%\'
'combi_email_message' => '<b>以下のサーバーはダウンしています:
'combi_pushover_message' => '<b>以下のサーバーはダウンしています:
'combi_telegram_message' => '<b>以下のサーバーはダウンしています:
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'ようこそ、 %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'サインインしてください。',
'title_forgot' => 'パスワードを忘れましたか?',
'title_reset' => 'パスワードをリセットする',
'submit' => '送信',
'remember_me' => 'ログイン状態を保持する',
'login' => 'ログイン',
'logout' => 'ログアウト',
'username' => 'ユーザー名',
'password' => 'パスワード',
'password_repeat' => 'パスワードを繰り返してください',
'password_forgot' => 'パスワードを忘れましたか?',
'password_reset' => 'パスワードをリセットする',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'PHP Server Monitorのパスワードをリセットする',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'パスワードをリセットするには、次のリンクを使用してください。
1時間で期限切れになりますのでご注意ください。<br /><br
/> %link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => '指定されたユーザー名が見つかりませんでした。',
'error_login_incorrect' => '情報が間違っています。',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => '指定されたパスワードが一致しません。',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => '指定したリセットリンクは無効です。',
'success_password_forgot' => 'パスワードをリセットする方法に関する情報が電子メールで送信されました。',
'success_password_reset' => 'パスワードは正常にリセットされました。ログインしてください。',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => '未認証',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'このページを表示する権限がありません。',

View File

@ -1,142 +1,297 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Ik-Jun
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => '한국 - Korean',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'ko_KR.UTF-8',
'1' => 'ko_KR',
'2' => 'korean',
'locale_tag' => 'ko',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'save' => '저장',
'edit' => '수정',
'delete' => '삭제',
'date' => '날짜',
'message' => '메세지',
'yes' => '예',
'no' => '아니오',
'insert' => '삽입',
'add_new' => '새계정 추가',
'update_available' => '새로운 업데이트가 있습니다 ({version}). 다음사이트를 방문
주십시오. <a href=""
target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>.',
'menu' => array(
'config' => '설정',
'server' => '서버목록',
'server_log' => '로그',
'server_update' => '업데이트',
'user' => '사용자',
'help' => '도움말',
'users' => array(
'user' => '사용자',
'name' => '이름',
'mobile' => '휴대폰',
'updated' => '수정되었습니다.',
'inserted' => '추가되었습니다.',
'log' => array(
'type' => '속성',
'status' => '상태',
'email' => 'email',
'sms' => 'sms',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'servers' => array(
'server' => '서버',
'last_check' => '최근체크',
'last_online' => '최근접속',
'monitoring' => '확인중',
'email' => '메일 전송',
'send_email' => '메일 전송',
'sms' => 'SMS 전송',
'send_sms' => 'SMS 전송',
'updated' => '서버가 수정되었습니다.',
'inserted' => '서버가 추가되었습니다.',
'latency' => '응답',
'config' => array(
'general' => '일반',
'language' => '언어',
'show_update' => '매주 업데이트를 확인하시겠습니까?',
'email_status' => '메일전송 허용',
'email_from_email' => 'Email 주소',
'email_from_name' => 'Email 사용자',
'sms_status' => 'SMS전송 허용',
'sms_gateway' => '메세지 전송을 위한 게이트웨이 허용',
'alert_type' => '알림을 원하면 다음과 같이 변경하십시오.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>상태 변경: </b><br>서버 상태가 변경이되면 알림을
받습니다. online -> offline -> online.<br><br><b>오프라인:
</b><br>서버가 첫번째로 오프라인이 되었을 알림을
받습니다. 예를들어, cron이 15분이고 오전1시 부터
오전6시까지 다운되었을때 오전1시에 한번 알림을
받습니다.<br /><br><b>항상: </b><br>사이트가 다운되었을
매시간 알림을 받습니다.',
'alert_type_status' => '상태 변경',
'alert_type_offline' => '오프라인',
'alert_type_always' => '항상',
'log_status' => '로그 상태',
'log_status_description' => '로그상태가 TRUE이면 알림설정이 통과할때마다 이벤트를
'log_email' => '이메일로 로그를 전송하시겠습니까?',
'log_sms' => 'SMS로 로그를 전송하시겠습니까?',
'updated' => '설정이 수정되었습니다.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Email 설정',
'settings_sms' => 'SMS 설정',
'settings_notification' => '알림 설정',
'settings_log' => '로그 설정',
'auto_refresh_description' => '서버페이지를 자동으로 새로고침.<br><span class="small">시간은
(sec) 설정을 하고, 0 새로고침을 하지 않습니다.</span>',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => '서버(\'%LABEL%\')가 다운되었습니다. : ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Error=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => '중요: 서버(\'%LABEL%\')가 다운되었습니다.',
'off_email_body' => '서버 접속을 실패하였습니다.<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Error: %ERROR%<br>Date: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => '서버(\'%LABEL%\')가 다운되었습니다.',
'off_pushover_message' => '서버 접속을 실패하였습니다.<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Error: %ERROR%<br>Date: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => '서버(\'%LABEL%\') 가동중: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'on_email_subject' => '중요: 서버(\'%LABEL%\')가 가동중입니다.',
'on_email_body' => '서버(\'%LABEL%\') 재가동됩니다., it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Date:
'on_pushover_title' => '서버(\'%LABEL%\')가 가동중입니다.',
'on_pushover_message' => '서버(\'%LABEL%\') 재가동됩니다., it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Date:
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Ik-Jun
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => '한국 - Korean',
'locale' => array('ko_KR.UTF-8', 'ko_KR', 'korean'),
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Install',
'action' => 'Action',
'save' => '저장',
'edit' => '수정',
'delete' => '삭제',
'date' => '날짜',
'message' => '메세지',
'yes' => '예',
'no' => '아니오',
'insert' => '삽입',
'add_new' => '새계정 추가',
'update_available' => '새로운 업데이트가 있습니다 ({version}). 다음사이트를 방문 해 주십시오. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.',
'back_to_top' => 'Back to top',
'go_back' => 'Go back',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
// date/time format according the strftime php function format parameter
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Yesterday at %X',
'other_day_format' => '%A at %X',
'never' => 'Never',
'hours_ago' => '%d hours ago',
'an_hour_ago' => 'about an hour ago',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minutes ago',
'a_minute_ago' => 'about a minute ago',
'seconds_ago' => '%d seconds ago',
'a_second_ago' => 'a second ago',
'menu' => array(
'config' => '설정',
'server' => '서버목록',
'server_log' => '로그',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => '업데이트',
'user' => '사용자',
'help' => '도움말',
'users' => array(
'user' => '사용자',
'name' => '이름',
'user_name' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Password',
'password_repeat' => 'Password repeat',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Leave blank to keep unchanged',
'level' => 'Level',
'level_10' => 'Administrator',
'level_20' => 'User',
'level_description' => '<b>Administrators</b> have full access: they can manage servers, users and edit the global configuration.<br/><b>Users</b> can only view and run the updater for the servers that have been assigned to them.',
'mobile' => '휴대폰',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Device name to send the message to. Leave empty to send it to all devices.',
'delete_title' => 'Delete User',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete user \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'User deleted.',
'updated' => '수정되었습니다.',
'inserted' => '추가되었습니다.',
'profile' => 'Profile',
'profile_updated' => 'Your profile has been updated.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Usernames must be between 2 and 64 characters.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'It may only contain alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9) and underscores (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'The given username already exists in the database.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Email addresses must be between 5 and 255 characters.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'The email address is invalid.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'The given user level is invalid.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'The user could not be found in the database.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'The entered password is invalid.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'The entered passwords do not match.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Log entries',
'type' => '속성',
'status' => '상태',
'email' => 'email',
'sms' => 'sms',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'No logs',
'servers' => array(
'server' => '서버',
'status' => 'Status',
'label' => 'Label',
'domain' => 'Domain/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Number of seconds to wait for the server to respond.',
'port' => 'Port',
'type' => 'Type',
'type_website' => 'Website',
'type_service' => 'Service',
'pattern' => 'Search string/regex',
'pattern_description' => 'If this pattern is not found on the website, the server will be marked offline. Regular expressions are allowed.',
'last_check' => '최근체크',
'last_online' => '최근접속',
'monitoring' => '확인중',
'no_monitoring' => 'No monitoring',
'email' => '메일 전송',
'send_email' => '메일 전송',
'sms' => 'SMS 전송',
'send_sms' => 'SMS 전송',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Users',
'delete_title' => 'Delete Server',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete server \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server deleted.',
'updated' => '서버가 수정되었습니다.',
'inserted' => '서버가 추가되었습니다.',
'latency' => '응답',
'latency_max' => 'Latency (maximum)',
'latency_min' => 'Latency (minimum)',
'latency_avg' => 'Latency (average)',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => 'Year',
'month' => 'Month',
'week' => 'Week',
'day' => 'Day',
'hour' => 'Hour',
'warning_threshold' => 'Warning threshold',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Number of failed checks required before it is marked offline.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Last week',
'chart_history' => 'History',
// Charts date format according jqPlot date format
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover notifications are disabled.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server not found.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'The label must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'The domain / IP must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'The IP address is not valid.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'The website URL is not valid.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'The selected server type is invalid.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'The warning threshold must be a valid integer greater than 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => '일반',
'language' => '언어',
'show_update' => '매주 업데이트를 확인하시겠습니까?',
'email_status' => '메일전송 허용',
'email_from_email' => 'Email 주소',
'email_from_name' => 'Email 사용자',
'email_smtp' => 'Enable SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP host',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP username',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP password',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Leave blank for no authentication',
'sms_status' => 'SMS전송 허용',
'sms_gateway' => '메세지 전송을 위한 게이트웨이 허용',
'sms_gateway_mosms' => 'Mosms',
'sms_gateway_mollie' => 'Mollie',
'sms_gateway_spryng' => 'Spryng',
'sms_gateway_inetworx' => 'Inetworx',
'sms_gateway_clickatell' => 'Clickatell',
'sms_gateway_smsit' => 'Smsit',
'sms_gateway_textmarketer' => 'Textmarketer',
'sms_gateway_smsglobal' => 'SMSGlobal',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Gateway username',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Gateway password',
'sms_from' => 'Sender\'s phone number',
'pushover_status' => 'Allow sending Pushover messages',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Click here to create your Pushover app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Before you can use Pushover, you need to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">register an App</a> at their website and enter the App API Token here.',
'alert_type' => '알림을 원하면 다음과 같이 변경하십시오.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>상태 변경: </b><br/>'.
'서버 상태가 변경이되면 알림을 받습니다. online -> offline -> online.<br/>'.
'<br/><b>오프라인: </b><br/>'.
'서버가 첫번째로 오프라인이 되었을 때 알림을 받습니다. 예를들어, '.
'cron이 매 15분이고 오전1시 부터 오전6시까지 다운되었을때 오전1시에 한번 알림을 받습니다.<br />' .
'<br/><b>항상: </b><br/>'.
'사이트가 다운되었을 때 매시간 알림을 받습니다.',
'alert_type_status' => '상태 변경',
'alert_type_offline' => '오프라인',
'alert_type_always' => '항상',
'log_status' => '로그 상태',
'log_status_description' => '로그상태가 TRUE이면 알림설정이 통과할때마다 이벤트를 기록합니다.',
'log_email' => '이메일로 로그를 전송하시겠습니까?',
'log_sms' => 'SMS로 로그를 전송하시겠습니까?',
'log_pushover' => 'Log pushover messages sent by the script',
'updated' => '설정이 수정되었습니다.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Email 설정',
'settings_sms' => 'SMS 설정',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover settings',
'settings_notification' => '알림 설정',
'settings_log' => '로그 설정',
'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-refresh',
'auto_refresh_servers' =>
'서버페이지를 자동으로 새로고침.<br/>'.
'<span class="small">'.
'시간은 초(sec)로 설정을 하고, 0은 새로고침을 하지 않습니다.'.
'seconds' => 'seconds',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'An email will be sent to the address specified in your user profile.',
'test_sms' => 'An SMS will be sent to the phone number specified in your user profile.',
'test_pushover' => 'A Pushover notification will be sent to the user key/device specified in your user profile.',
'send' => 'Send',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Test message',
'email_sent' => 'Email sent',
'email_error' => 'Error in email sending',
'sms_sent' => 'Sms sent',
'sms_error' => 'Error in sms sending',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Unable to send test SMS: no valid phone number found in your profile.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover notification sent',
'pushover_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Pushover notification: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover App API token found in the global configuration.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover key found in your profile.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Log retention period',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Number of days to keep logs of notifications and archives of server uptime. Enter 0 to disable log cleanup.',
'log_retention_days' => 'days',
// for newlines in the email messages use <br/>
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => '서버(\'%LABEL%\')가 다운되었습니다. : ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Error=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => '중요: 서버(\'%LABEL%\')가 다운되었습니다.',
'off_email_body' => "서버 접속을 실패하였습니다.<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Error: %ERROR%<br/>Date: %DATE%",
'off_pushover_title' => '서버(\'%LABEL%\')가 다운되었습니다.',
'off_pushover_message' => "서버 접속을 실패하였습니다.<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Error: %ERROR%<br/>Date: %DATE%",
'on_sms' => '서버(\'%LABEL%\') 가동중: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%',
'on_email_subject' => '중요: 서버(\'%LABEL%\')가 가동중입니다.',
'on_email_body' => "서버('%LABEL%')가 재가동됩니다.:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Date: %DATE%",
'on_pushover_title' => '서버(\'%LABEL%\')가 가동중입니다.',
'on_pushover_message' => "서버('%LABEL%')가 재가동됩니다.:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>Date: %DATE%",
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Welcome, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Please sign in',
'title_forgot' => 'Forgot your password?',
'title_reset' => 'Reset your password',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'remember_me' => 'Remember me',
'login' => 'Login',
'logout' => 'Logout',
'username' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Password',
'password_repeat' => 'Repeat password',
'password_forgot' => 'Forgot password?',
'password_reset' => 'Reset password',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Reset your password for PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Please use the following link to reset your password. Please note it expires in 1 hour.<br/><br/>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'The provided username could not be found.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'The information is incorrect.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'The provided passwords do not match.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'The reset link you provided is invalid.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'An email has been sent to you with information how to reset your password.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Your password has been reset successfully. Please login.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'You do not have the privileges to view this page.',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -19,375 +18,280 @@
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Nederlands - Dutch',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'nl_NL.UTF-8',
'1' => 'nl_NL',
'2' => 'dutch',
'locale_tag' => 'nl',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Installeren',
'action' => 'Actie',
'save' => 'Opslaan',
'edit' => 'Wijzig',
'delete' => 'Verwijder',
'date' => 'Datum',
'message' => 'Bericht',
'yes' => 'Ja',
'no' => 'Nee',
'insert' => 'Voeg toe',
'add_new' => 'Voeg toe',
'update_available' => 'Een nieuwe update ({version}) is beschikbaar op <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'Terug naar boven',
'go_back' => 'Terug',
'ok' => 'OK',
'bad' => 'niet goed',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
'none' => 'Geen',
'activate' => 'Activeer',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Gisteren om %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A om %k:%M',
'never' => 'Nooit',
'hours_ago' => '%d uren geleden',
'an_hour_ago' => 'een uur geleden',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minuten geleden',
'a_minute_ago' => 'een minuut geleden',
'seconds_ago' => '%d seconden geleden',
'a_second_ago' => 'een seconde geleden',
'year' => 'jaar',
'years' => 'jaren',
'month' => 'maand',
'months' => 'maanden',
'day' => 'dag',
'days' => 'dagen',
'hour' => 'uur',
'hours' => 'uren',
'minute' => 'minuut',
'minutes' => 'minuten',
'second' => 'seconde',
'seconds' => 'seconden',
'millisecond' => 'milliseconde',
'milliseconds' => 'milliseconden',
'current' => 'huidig',
'settings' => 'Instellingen',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Configuratie',
'server' => 'Servers',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Update',
'user' => 'Gebruikers',
'help' => 'Help',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Gebruiker',
'name' => 'Naam',
'user_name' => 'Gebruikersnaam',
'password' => 'Wachtwoord',
'password_repeat' => 'Herhaal wachtwoord',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Laat leeg om niet te wijzigen',
'level' => 'Level',
'level_10' => 'Beheerder',
'level_20' => 'Gebruiker',
'level_description' => '<b>Beheerders</b> hebben volledige toegang: ze kunnen servers en gebruiker beheren en
de globale configuratie aanpassen.<br><b>Gebruikers</b> kunnen alleen de servers
bekijken en op fouten testen die aan hun zijn toegewezen.',
'mobile' => 'Mobiel',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is een dienst die het gemakkelijk maakt om real-time notificaties te
ontvangen. Zie <a href="" target="_blank">hun website</a> voor
meer informatie.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Apparaat waar de berichten naar toe gaan. Laat leeg voor alle apparaten.',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'telegram_chat_id' => 'Telegram chat id',
'telegram_get_chat_id' => 'Klik hier om je chat id te vinden',
'activate_telegram' => 'Activeer Telegram notificaties',
'telegram_bot_username_found' => 'De Telegram bot is gevonden! <br><a href="%s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener"><button class="btn btn-primary">Volgende stap</button></a>
<br>Dit zal een chat met de bot openen. Klik vervolgens op start of typ
'telegram_bot_error' => 'Er is een error voorgekomen tijdens de activatie van Telegram notificaties: %s',
'delete_title' => 'Verwijder gebruiker',
'delete_message' => 'Weet je zeker dat je deze gebruiker wilt verwijderen: \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Gebruiker verwijderd.',
'updated' => 'Gebruiker gewijzigd.',
'inserted' => 'Gebruiker toegevoegd.',
'profile' => 'Profiel',
'profile_updated' => 'Je profiel is bijgewerkt.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Een gebruikersnaam moet tussen de 2 en 64 tekens zijn.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Een gebruikersnaam mag alleen alfabetische tekens (a-z, A-Z), cijfers (0-9),
punten (.) en underscores (_) bevatten.',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'De opgegeven gebruikersnaam bestaat al.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Een email adres moet tussen de 5 en 255 tekens zijn.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'Het email adres is ongeldig.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Het gebruikersniveau is ongeldig.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'De gebruiker kon niet worden toegevoegd aan de database.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Het ingevulde wachtwoord is ongeldig.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'De ingevulde wachtwoorden komen niet overeen.',
'error_user_admin_cant_be_deleted' => 'Je kan de laatste administrator niet verwijderen.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Log entries',
'type' => 'Type',
'status' => 'Status',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'no_logs' => 'Geen logs',
'clear' => 'Logboek opschonen',
'delete_title' => 'Logboek opschonen',
'delete_message' => 'Weet je zeker dat je <b>alle</b> logs wilt opschonen?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Status',
'label' => 'Label',
'domain' => 'Domein/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Aantal seconden te wachten op een reactie van de server.',
'authentication_settings' => 'Authenticatie instellingen',
'optional' => 'Optioneel',
'website_username' => 'Gebruikersnaam',
'website_password' => 'Wachtwoord',
'port' => 'Poort',
'custom_port' => 'Aangepaste poort',
'popular_ports' => 'Populaire poorten',
'post_field' => 'POST veld',
'please_select' => 'Selecteer',
'type' => 'Type',
'type_website' => 'Website',
'type_service' => 'Service',
'type_ping' => 'Ping',
'pattern' => 'Zoek voor tekst/regex',
'pattern_description' => 'Als dit patroon niet gevonden wordt op de website, zal de server als offline
gemarkeerd worden. Regular expressions zijn toegestaan.',
'redirect_check' => 'Omleiden naar een ander domein is',
'redirect_check_description' => 'Een omleiding naar een ander domein is meestal een slecht teken.',
'allow_http_status' => 'Sta HTTP status code toe',
'allow_http_status_description' => 'Markeer website als online. HTTP status code lager dan 400 worden
standaard als online gemarkeerd. Scheiden met |.',
'header_name' => 'Header naam',
'header_value' => 'Header waarde',
'header_name_description' => 'Hoofdlettergevoelig',
'last_check' => 'Laatst gecontroleerd',
'last_online' => 'Laatst online',
'last_offline' => 'Laatst offline',
'last_output' => 'Laatste succesvole uitvoer',
'last_error' => 'Laatste error',
'last_error_output' => 'Laatste error uitvoer',
'output' => 'Uitvoer',
'monitoring' => 'Monitoring',
'no_monitoring' => 'Geen monitoring',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Stuur email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Stuur SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'send_pushover' => 'Stuur Pushover notificatie',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'send_telegram' => 'Stuur Telegram notificatie',
'users' => 'Gebruikers',
'delete_title' => 'Verwijder server',
'delete_message' => 'Weet je zeker dat je deze server wilt verwijderen: \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server verwijderd.',
'updated' => 'Server gewijzigd.',
'inserted' => 'Server toegevoegd.',
'latency' => 'Response tijd',
'latency_max' => 'Latency (maximum)',
'latency_min' => 'Latency (minimum)',
'latency_avg' => 'Latency (gemiddeld)',
'online' => 'online',
'offline' => 'offline',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => 'Jaar',
'month' => 'Maand',
'week' => 'Week',
'day' => 'Dag',
'hour' => 'Uur',
'warning_threshold' => 'Waarschuwingsdrempel',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Aantal mislukte pogingen voordat de server als offline gemarkeerd wordt.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Afgelopen week',
'chart_history' => 'Geschiedenis',
'chart_day_format' => '%d-%m-%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d-%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS notificaties zijn uitgeschakeld.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email notificaties zijn uitgeschakeld.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover notificaties zijn uitgeschakeld.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_telegram' => 'Telegram notificaties zijn uitgeschakeld.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server niet gevonden.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Het label moet tussen de 1 en 255 karakters lang zijn.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Het domein / IP moet tussen de 1 en 255 karakters lang zijn.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'Het IP adres is ongeldig.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'De website URL is ongeldig.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Het geselecteerde server type is ongeldig.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'De warning threshold moet een numerieke waarde zijn groter dan 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Algemeen',
'site_title' => 'Website titel',
'language' => 'Taal',
'show_update' => 'Controleer wekelijks voor updates?',
'email_status' => 'Sta email berichten toe?',
'email_add_url' => 'Voeg url van de monitor toe aan de email',
'email_from_email' => 'Email van adres',
'email_from_name' => 'Email van naam',
'email_smtp' => 'SMTP gebruiken',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP host',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP poort',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP beveiliging',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'Geen',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP gebruikersnaam',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP wachtwoord',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Laat leeg voor geen authenticatie',
'sms_status' => 'Sta SMS berichten toe?',
'sms_gateway' => 'Gateway voor het sturen van SMS',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Gateway gebruikersnaam',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Gateway wachtwoord',
'sms_from' => 'Telefoonnummer afzender',
'pushover_status' => 'Sta Pushover berichten toe?',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is een dienst die het gemakkelijk maakt om real-time notificaties te
ontvangen. Zie <a href="" target="_blank">hun website</a> voor
meer informatie.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Klik hier om je Pushover app te maken',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Voordat je Pushover kunt gebruiken moet je een <a href="%1$s"
target="_blank" rel="noopener">App registreren</a> via hun website, en
daarvan de App API Token hier invullen.',
'telegram_status' => 'Sta Telegram berichten toe?',
'telegram_add_url' => 'voeg url van de monitor toe aan het bericht',
'telegram_api_token' => 'Telegram API Token',
'alert_type' => 'Selecteer wanneer je een notificatie wilt',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Status verandert:</b> Je ontvangt alleen bericht wanneer een server van status
verandert. Dus van online -> offline of offline -> online.<br><br
/><b>Offline:</b> Je ontvangt bericht wanneer een server offline gaat voor de
*EERSTE KEER*. Bijvoorbeeld, je cronjob draait iedere 15 min en je server gaat
down om 01:00 en blijft offline tot 06:00. Je krijgt 1 bericht om 01:00 en dat is
het.<br><br><b>Altijd:</b> Je krijgt een bericht elke keer dat het script draait
en een website is down, ook al is de site al een paar uur offline.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Status verandering',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Altijd',
'combine_notifications' => 'Combineer notificaties',
'alert_proxy_url' => 'Formaat: host:poort',
'log_status' => 'Log status',
'log_status_description' => 'Als de log status aan staat, zal de monitor een log aanmaken elke keer dat hij
door de notificatie instellingen komt.',
'log_email' => 'Log emails verstuurd bij het script?',
'log_sms' => 'Log sms berichten verstuurd bij het script?',
'log_pushover' => 'Log Pushover berichten verstuurd bij het script?',
'log_telegram' => 'Log Telegram berichten verstuurd bij het script?',
'updated' => 'De configuratie is gewijzigd.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'tab_telegram' => 'Telegram',
'settings_email' => 'Email instellingen',
'settings_sms' => 'SMS instellingen',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover instellingen',
'settings_telegram' => 'Telegram instellingen',
'settings_notification' => 'Notificatie instellingen',
'settings_log' => 'Log instellingen',
'settings_proxy' => 'Proxy instellingen',
'auto_refresh' => 'Herlaad automatisch',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Auto-herladen servers pagina.<br><span class="small">Tijd in seconden, als de
tijd 0 is wordt de pagina niet ververst.</span>',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'Er zal een email verstuurd worden naar het email adres in je profiel.',
'test_sms' => 'Er zal een SMS verstuurd worden naar het telefoonnummer in je profiel.',
'test_pushover' => 'Er zal een Pushover notificatie verstuurd worden naar de user key/device in je profiel.',
'send' => 'Verstuur',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Test bericht',
'email_sent' => 'Email verzonden',
'email_error' => 'Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het verzenden',
'sms_sent' => 'SMS verzonden',
'sms_error' => 'Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het verzenden. %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Kan test SMS niet verzenden: er is geen telefoonnummer ingevuld in je profiel.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover notificatie verzonden',
'pushover_error' => 'De volgende fout is opgetreden bij het versturen van de Pushover notificatie: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Kan test notificatie niet verzenden: er is geen Pushover App API token gevonden in
de algemene configuratie.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Kan test notificatie niet verzenden: er is geen Pushover key gevonden in je
'telegram_sent' => 'Telegram notificatie verstuurd',
'telegram_error' => 'Er is een error voorgekomen tijdens het versturen van de Telegram notificatie: %s',
'telegram_error_notoken' => 'Niet mogelijk on test notificatie te versturen: Telegram API token niet gevonden
in globale instellingen.',
'telegram_error_noid' => 'Niet mogelijk on test notificatie te versturen: chat id niet gevonden op profiel.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Log retentie periode',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Aantal dagen dat logs van notificaties en archieven van server uptime
worden bewaard. Vul 0 in om log opruiming uit te zetten.',
'log_retention_days' => 'dagen',
'user_agent' => 'User Agent',
'user_agent_key_note' => 'Aangepaste user agent wordt door de monitor gebruikt bij de communicatie met externe
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Server %LABEL% is DOWN: ip=%IP%, poort=%PORT%. Fout=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'BELANGRIJK: Server %LABEL% is DOWN',
'off_email_body' => 'De server kon niet worden bereikt:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Poort:
%PORT%<br>Fout: %ERROR%<br>Datum: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Server %LABEL% is DOWN',
'off_pushover_message' => 'De server kon niet worden bereikt:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Poort:
%PORT%<br>Fout: %ERROR%<br>Datum: %DATE%',
'off_telegram_message' => 'De server kon niet worden bereikt:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Poort:
%PORT%<br>Fout: %ERROR%<br>Datum: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Server %LABEL% is RUNNING: ip=%IP%, poort=%PORT%, tijd offline=%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'on_email_subject' => 'BELANGRIJK: Server %LABEL% is RUNNING',
'on_email_body' => 'Server %LABEL% is na %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION% weer online:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP:
%IP%<br>Poort: %PORT%<br>Datum: %DATE%',
'on_pushover_title' => 'Server %LABEL% is RUNNING',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Server %LABEL% is na %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION% weer online:<br><br>Server:
%LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Poort: %PORT%<br>Datum: %DATE%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Welkom, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Log in',
'title_forgot' => 'Wachtwoord vergeten?',
'title_reset' => 'Herstel wachtwoord',
'submit' => 'Sla op',
'remember_me' => 'Onthoud mij',
'login' => 'Login',
'logout' => 'Uitloggen',
'username' => 'Gebruikersnaam',
'password' => 'Wachtwoord',
'password_repeat' => 'Herhaal wachtwoord',
'password_forgot' => 'Wachtwoord vergeten?',
'password_reset' => 'Wachtwoord herstellen',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Wijzig je wachtwoord voor PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Gebruik de onderstaande link om je wachtwoord te wijzigen. Let op, deze link
verloopt na 1 uur.<br><br>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'De opgegeven gebruikersnaam is onjuist.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'De informatie is niet juist.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'De ingevulde wachtwoorden komen niet overeen.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'De reset link is ongeldig.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Er is een mail verstuurd met informatie om je wachtwoord aan te passen.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Je wachtwoord is aangepast. Je kunt nu inloggen.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Je hebt niet de juiste bevoegdheden om deze pagina te bekijken.',
'name' => 'Nederlands - Dutch',
'locale' => array('nl_NL.UTF-8', 'nl_NL', 'dutch'),
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Intalleren',
'action' => 'Actie',
'save' => 'Opslaan',
'edit' => 'Wijzig',
'delete' => 'Verwijder',
'date' => 'Datum',
'message' => 'Bericht',
'yes' => 'Ja',
'no' => 'Nee',
'insert' => 'Voeg toe',
'add_new' => 'Voeg toe',
'update_available' => 'Een nieuwe update ({version}) is beschikbaar op <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.',
'back_to_top' => 'Terug naar boven',
'go_back' => 'Terug',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
// date/time format according the strftime php function format parameter
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Gisteren om %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A om %k:%M',
'never' => 'Nooit',
'hours_ago' => '%d uren geleden',
'an_hour_ago' => 'een uur geleden',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minuten geleden',
'a_minute_ago' => 'een minuut geleden',
'seconds_ago' => '%d seconden geleden',
'a_second_ago' => 'een seconde geleden',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Configuratie',
'server' => 'Servers',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Update',
'user' => 'Gebruikers',
'help' => 'Help',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Gebruiker',
'name' => 'Naam',
'user_name' => 'Gebruikersnaam',
'password' => 'Wachtwoord',
'password_repeat' => 'Herhaal wachtwoord',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Laat leeg om niet te wijzigen',
'level' => 'Level',
'level_10' => 'Beheerder',
'level_20' => 'Gebruiker',
'level_description' => '<b>Beheerders</b> hebben volledige toegang: ze kunnen servers en gebruiker beheren en de globale configuratie aanpassen.<br/><b>Gebruikers</b> kunnen alleen de servers bekijken en op fouten testen die aan hun zijn toegewezen.',
'mobile' => 'Mobiel',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is een dienst die het gemakkelijk maakt om real-time notificaties te ontvangen. Zie <a href="">hun website</a> voor meer informatie.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Apparaat waar de berichten naar toe gaan. Laat leeg voor alle apparaten.',
'delete_title' => 'Verwijder gebruiker',
'delete_message' => 'Weet je zeker dat je deze gebruiker wilt verwijderen: \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Gebruiker verwijderd.',
'updated' => 'Gebruiker gewijzigd.',
'inserted' => 'Gebruiker toegevoegd.',
'profile' => 'Profiel',
'profile_updated' => 'Je profiel is bijgewerkt.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Een gebruikersnaam moet tussen de 2 en 64 tekens zijn.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Een gebruikersnaam mag alleen alfabetische tekens (a-z, A-Z), cijfers (0-9) en underscores (_) bevatten.',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'De opgegeven gebruikersnaam bestaat al.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Een email adres moet tussen de 5 en 255 tekens zijn.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'Het email adres is ongeldig.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Het gebruikersniveau is ongeldig.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'De gebruiker kon niet worden toegevoegd aan de database.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Het ingevulde wachtwoord is ongeldig.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'De ingevulde wachtwoorden komen niet overeen.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Log entries',
'type' => 'Type',
'status' => 'Status',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'No logs',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Status',
'label' => 'Label',
'domain' => 'Domein/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Aantal seconden te wachten op een reactie van de server.',
'port' => 'Poort',
'type' => 'Type',
'type_website' => 'Website',
'type_service' => 'Service',
'pattern' => 'Zoek voor tekst/regex',
'pattern_description' => 'Als dit patroon niet gevonden wordt op de website, zal de server als offline gemarkeerd worden. Regular expressions zijn toegestaan.',
'last_check' => 'Laatst gecontroleerd',
'last_online' => 'Laatst online',
'monitoring' => 'Monitoring',
'no_monitoring' => 'No monitoring',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Stuur email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Stuur SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Gebruikers',
'delete_title' => 'Verwijder server',
'delete_message' => 'Weet je zeker dat je deze server wilt verwijderen: \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server verwijderd.',
'updated' => 'Server gewijzigd.',
'inserted' => 'Server toegevoegd.',
'latency' => 'Response tijd',
'latency_max' => 'Latency (maximum)',
'latency_min' => 'Latency (minimum)',
'latency_avg' => 'Latency (gemiddeld)',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => 'Jaar',
'month' => 'Maand',
'week' => 'Week',
'day' => 'Dag',
'hour' => 'Uur',
'warning_threshold' => 'Warning threshold',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Aantal mislukte pogingen voordat de server als offline gemarkeerd wordt.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Afgelopen week',
'chart_history' => 'Geschiedenis',
// Charts date format according jqPlot date format
'chart_day_format' => '%d-%m-%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d-%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS notificaties zijn uitgeschakeld.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email notificaties zijn uitgeschakeld.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover notificaties zijn uitgeschakeld.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server niet gevonden.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Het label moet tussen de 1 en 255 karakters lang zijn.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Het domein / IP moet tussen de 1 en 255 karakters lang zijn.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'Het IP adres is ongeldig.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'De website URL is ongeldig.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Het geselecteerde server type is ongeldig.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'De warning threshold moet een numerieke waarde zijn groter dan 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Algemeen',
'language' => 'Taal',
'show_update' => 'Controleer wekelijks voor updates?',
'email_status' => 'Sta email berichten toe?',
'email_from_email' => 'Email van adres',
'email_from_name' => 'Email van naam',
'email_smtp' => 'SMTP gebruiken',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP host',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP poort',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP gebruikersnaam',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP wachtwoord',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Laat leeg voor geen authenticatie',
'sms_status' => 'Sta SMS berichten toe?',
'sms_gateway' => 'Gateway voor het sturen van SMS',
'sms_gateway_mosms' => 'Mosms',
'sms_gateway_mollie' => 'Mollie',
'sms_gateway_spryng' => 'Spryng',
'sms_gateway_inetworx' => 'Inetworx',
'sms_gateway_clickatell' => 'Clickatell',
'sms_gateway_textmarketer' => 'Textmarketer',
'sms_gateway_smsglobal' => 'SMSGlobal',
'sms_gateway_smsit' => 'Smsit',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Gateway gebruikersnaam',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Gateway wachtwoord',
'sms_from' => 'Telefoonnummer afzender',
'pushover_status' => 'Sta Pushover berichten toe?',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is een dienst die het gemakkelijk maakt om real-time notificaties te ontvangen. Zie <a href="">hun website</a> voor meer informatie.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Klik hier om je Pushover app te maken',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Voordat je Pushover kunt gebruiken moet je een <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">App registreren</a> via hun website, en daarvan de App API Token hier invullen.',
'alert_type' => 'Selecteer wanneer je een notificatie wilt',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Status change:</b> '.
'Je ontvangt alleen bericht wanneer een server van status verandert. Dus van online -> offline of offline -> online.<br/>'.
'<br /><b>Offline:</b> '.
'Je ontvangt bericht wanneer een server offline gaat voor de *EERSTE KEER*. Bijvoorbeeld, '.
'je cronjob draait iedere 15 min en je server gaat down om 01:00 en blijft offline tot 06:00. '.
'Je krijgt 1 bericht om 01:00 en dat is het.<br/>'.
'<br/><b>Altijd:</b> '.
'Je krijgt een bericht elke keer dat het script draait en een website is down, ook al is de site al een paar uur offline.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Status verandering',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Altijd',
'log_status' => 'Log status',
'log_status_description' => 'Als de log status aan staat, zal de monitor een log aanmaken elke keer dat hij door de notificatie instellingen komt.',
'log_email' => 'Log emails verstuurd bij het script?',
'log_sms' => 'Log sms berichten verstuurd bij het script?',
'log_pushover' => 'Log Pushover berichten verstuurd bij het script?',
'updated' => 'De configuratie is gewijzigd.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Email instellingen',
'settings_sms' => 'SMS instellingen',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover instellingen',
'settings_notification' => 'Notificatie instellingen',
'settings_log' => 'Log instellingen',
'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-refresh',
'auto_refresh_servers' =>
'Auto-refresh servers pagina.<br/>'.
'<span class="small">'.
'Tijd in seconden, als de tijd 0 is wordt de pagina niet ververst.'.
'seconds' => 'seconden',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'Er zal een email verstuurd worden naar het email adres in je profiel.',
'test_sms' => 'Er zal een SMS verstuurd worden naar het telefoonnummer in je profiel.',
'test_pushover' => 'Er zal een Pushover notificatie verstuurd worden naar de user key/device in je profiel.',
'send' => 'Verstuur',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Test bericht',
'email_sent' => 'Email verzonden',
'email_error' => 'Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het verzenden',
'sms_sent' => 'SMS verzonden',
'sms_error' => 'Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het verzenden',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Kan test SMS niet verzenden: er is geen telefoonnummer ingevuld in je profiel.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover notificatie verzonden',
'pushover_error' => 'De volgende fout is opgetreden bij het versturen van de Pushover notificatie: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Kan test notificatie niet verzenden: er is geen Pushover App API token gevonden in de algemene configuratie.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Kan test notificatie niet verzenden: er is geen Pushover key gevonden in je profiel.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Log retentie periode',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Aantal dagen dat logs van notificaties en archieven van server uptime worden bewaard. Vul 0 in om log opruiming uit te zetten.',
'log_retention_days' => 'dagen',
// for newlines in the email messages use <br/>
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Server %LABEL% is DOWN: ip=%IP%, poort=%PORT%. Fout=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'BELANGRIJK: Server %LABEL% is DOWN',
'off_email_body' => "De server kon niet worden bereikt:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Poort: %PORT%<br/>Fout: %ERROR%<br/>Datum: %DATE%",
'off_pushover_title' => 'Server %LABEL% is DOWN',
'off_pushover_message' => "De server kon niet worden bereikt:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Poort: %PORT%<br/>Fout: %ERROR%<br/>Datum: %DATE%",
'on_sms' => 'Server %LABEL% is RUNNING: ip=%IP%, poort=%PORT%',
'on_email_subject' => 'BELANGRIJK: Server %LABEL% is RUNNING',
'on_email_body' => "Server %LABEL% is weer online:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Poort: %PORT%<br/>Datum: %DATE%",
'on_pushover_title' => 'Server %LABEL% is RUNNING',
'on_pushover_message' => "Server %LABEL% is weer online:<br/><br/>Server: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Poort: %PORT%<br/>Datum: %DATE%",
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Welkom, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Log in',
'title_forgot' => 'Wachtwoord vergeten?',
'title_reset' => 'Herstel wachtwoord',
'submit' => 'Sla op',
'remember_me' => 'Onthoud mij',
'login' => 'Login',
'logout' => 'Uitloggen',
'username' => 'Gebruikersnaam',
'password' => 'Wachtwoord',
'password_repeat' => 'Herhaal wachtwoord',
'password_forgot' => 'Wachtwoord vergeten?',
'password_reset' => 'Wachtwoord herstellen',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Wijzig je wachtwoord voor PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Gebruik de onderstaande link om je wachtwoord te wijzigen. Let op, deze link verloopt na 1 uur.<br/><br/>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'De opgegeven gebruikersnaam is onjuist.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'De informatie is niet juist.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'De ingevulde wachtwoorden komen niet overeen.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'De reset link is ongeldig.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Er is een mail verstuurd met informatie om je wachtwoord aan te passen.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Je wachtwoord is aangepast. Je kunt nu inloggen.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'U heeft niet de juiste bevoegdheden om deze pagina te bekijken.',

View File

@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Daniel S. Billing <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Norsk - Norwegian',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'no_NB.UTF-8',
'1' => 'no_NB',
'2' => 'norwegian',
'3' => 'norwegian-no',
'locale_tag' => 'no',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Overvåking',
'install' => 'Installer',
'action' => 'Handling',
'save' => 'Lagre',
'edit' => 'Endre',
'delete' => 'Slett',
'date' => 'Dato',
'message' => 'Melding',
'yes' => 'Ja',
'no' => 'Nei',
'insert' => 'Sett inn',
'add_new' => 'Legg til ny',
'update_available' => 'En ny versjon ({versjon}) er tilgjengelig <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'Tilbake til toppen',
'go_back' => 'Gå tilbake',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Avbryt',
'activate' => 'Aktiver',
'short_day_format' => '%e. %B',
'long_day_format' => '%e. %B, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Yesterday at %H:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A at %H:%M',
'never' => 'Aldri',
'hours_ago' => '%d timer siden',
'an_hour_ago' => 'omtrent et time siden',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minutter siden',
'a_minute_ago' => 'omtrent et minutt siden',
'seconds_ago' => '%d sekunder siden',
'a_second_ago' => 'et sekund siden',
'year' => 'år',
'years' => 'år',
'month' => 'måned',
'months' => 'måneder',
'day' => 'dag',
'days' => 'dager',
'hour' => 'time',
'hours' => 'timer',
'minute' => 'minutt',
'minutes' => 'minutter',
'second' => 'sekund',
'seconds' => 'sekunder',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Konfig',
'server' => 'Servere',
'server_log' => 'Logg',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Oppdater',
'user' => 'Brukere',
'help' => 'Hjelp',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Bruker',
'name' => 'Navn',
'user_name' => 'Brukernavn',
'password' => 'Passord',
'password_repeat' => 'Gjenta passord',
'password_leave_blank' => 'La være tom for å forbli uendret',
'level' => 'Level',
'level_10' => 'Administrator',
'level_20' => 'Bruker',
'level_description' => '<b>Administratorer</b> har full tilgang: de kan administrere servere, brukere og
redigere den globale konfigurasjonen.<br><b>Brukere</b> kan bare vise og kjøre
oppdatering for serverne som er tildelt dem.',
'mobile' => 'Mobil',
'email' => 'E-post',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover er en tjeneste som gjør det enkelt å meldinger i sanntid. Se <a
href="" target="_blank">deres nettside</a> for mer info.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Enhetsnavn for å sende meldingen til. La det være tomt for å sende det
til alle enheter.',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a> er en chat-app som
gjør det enkelt å meldinger i sanntid. til <a
href="" target="_blank">dokumentasjonen</a> for
mer informasjon og en installasjonsguide. ',
'telegram_chat_id' => 'Telegram chat-ID',
'telegram_chat_id_description' => 'Meldingen vil bli sendt til tilhørende chat.',
'telegram_get_chat_id' => 'Klikk her for å få chat-ID',
'activate_telegram' => 'Aktiver Telegram notifications',
'activate_telegram_description' => 'Tillat Telegram varsler som skal sendes til det angitte chat-IDet. Uten
denne tillatelsen tillater Telegram oss ikke å sende varsler til deg.',
'telegram_bot_username_found' => 'The bot was found!<br><a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><button
class="btn btn-primary">Neste steg</button></a> <br>Dette åpner en chat med
bot. Her du trykke start ved å skrive: /start.',
'telegram_bot_username_error_token' => '401 - Unauthorized. Pass på at API-token er gyldig.',
'telegram_bot_error' => 'Det har oppstått en feil under aktivering av Telegram varsling: %s',
'delete_title' => 'Slett bruker',
'delete_message' => 'Er du sikker på at du vil slette brukeren \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Bruker slettet.',
'updated' => 'Bruker oppdatert.',
'inserted' => 'Bruker lagt til.',
'profile' => 'Profil',
'profile_updated' => 'Din profil har blitt oppdatert.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Brukernavn må være mellom 2 og 64 tegn.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Brukernavnet kan bare inneholde alfabetiske tegn (a-z, A-Z), sifre (0-9),
punktum (.) and understrek (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Det oppgitte brukernavnet eksisterer allerede i databasen.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'E-postadresser må være mellom 5 og 255 tegn.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'E-postadressen er ugyldig.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Det oppgitte brukernivået er ugyldig.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Brukeren kunne ikke bli funnet i databasen.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Det oppgitte passordet er ugyldig.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'De oppgitte passordene stemmer ikke overens.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Logg oppføringer',
'type' => 'Type',
'status' => 'Status',
'email' => 'E-post',
'sms' => 'Tekstmelding',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'no_logs' => 'Ingen logger',
'clear' => 'Tøm logg',
'delete_title' => 'Slett logg',
'delete_message' => 'Er du sikker på at du vil slette <b>alle</ b> logger?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Status',
'label' => 'Label',
'domain' => 'Domene/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Antall sekunder å vente på at serveren skal svare.',
'authentication_settings' => 'Autentiseringsinnstillinger',
'optional' => 'ValgfrittF',
'website_username' => 'Brukernavn',
'website_username_description' => 'Brukernavn for å tilgang til nettstedet. (Kun Apache-godkjenning
'website_password' => 'Password',
'website_password_description' => 'Passord for å tilgang til nettstedet. Passordet er kryptert i
'fieldset_monitoring' => 'Overvåkning',
'fieldset_permissions' => 'Tilganger',
'port' => 'Port',
'custom_port' => 'Tilpasset Port',
'popular_ports' => 'Populære Ports',
'please_select' => 'Vennligst vent',
'type' => 'Type',
'type_website' => 'Nettside',
'type_service' => 'Tjeneste',
'type_ping' => 'Ping',
'pattern' => 'Søke streng/mønster',
'pattern_description' => 'Hvis dette mønsteret ikke er funnet nettstedet, blir serveren merket
online/offline. Vanlige uttrykk er tillatt.',
'pattern_online' => 'Mønster indikerer at nettstedet er',
'pattern_online_description' => 'Online: Hvis dette mønsteret blir funnet nettstedet, er serverens merke
online. Frakoblet: Hvis dette mønsteret ikke blir funnet nettstedet,
flagges serveren offline.',
'header_name' => 'Overskriftnavn',
'header_value' => 'Overskriftsverdi',
'header_name_description' => 'Versalsensitivt.',
'header_value_description' => 'Vanlige uttrykk er tillatt.',
'last_check' => 'Siste sjekk',
'last_online' => 'Sist online',
'last_offline' => 'Sist offline',
'monitoring' => 'Overvåking',
'no_monitoring' => 'Ingen overvåking',
'email' => 'E-post',
'send_email' => 'Send e-post',
'sms' => 'Tekstmelding',
'send_sms' => 'Send tekstmelding',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'send_pushover' => 'Send Pushover melding',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'send_telegram' => 'Send Telegram melding',
'users' => 'Brukere',
'delete_title' => 'Slett server',
'delete_message' => 'Er du sikker på at du vil slette serveren \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server slettet.',
'updated' => 'Server oppdatert.',
'inserted' => 'Server lagt til.',
'latency' => 'Ventetid',
'latency_max' => 'Ventetid (maximum)',
'latency_min' => 'Ventetid (minimum)',
'latency_avg' => 'Ventetid (gjennomsnitt)',
'online' => 'online',
'offline' => 'offline',
'uptime' => 'Oppetid',
'year' => 'År',
'month' => 'Måned',
'week' => 'Uke',
'day' => 'Dag',
'hour' => 'Time',
'warning_threshold' => 'Advarselsgrense',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Antall mislykkede sjekker kreves før den er merket frakoblet.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Forrige uke',
'chart_history' => 'Historie',
'chart_day_format' => '%d-%m-%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d/%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'Tekstmelding varsling er deaktivert.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'E-post varsling er deaktivert.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover varsling er deaktivert.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_telegram' => 'Telegram varsling er deaktivert.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server ikke funnet.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Etiketten må være mellom 1 og 255 tegn.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Domenet / IP må være mellom 1 og 255 tegn.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'IP-adressen er ikke gyldig.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'Nettstedets URL er ikke gyldig.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Den valgte servertypen er ugyldig.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Advarselsgrensen må være et gyldig heltall større enn 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'General',
'language' => 'Språk',
'show_update' => 'Se etter oppdateringer?',
'password_encrypt_key' => 'Krypteringsnøkkelpassordet',
'password_encrypt_key_note' => 'Denne nøkkelen brukes til å kryptere passord som er lagret servere for
tilgang til nettsteder. Hvis nøkkelen endres, er det lagrede passordet
'proxy' => 'Aktiver proxy',
'proxy_url' => 'Proxy URL',
'proxy_user' => 'Proxy brukernavn',
'proxy_password' => 'Proxy passord',
'email_status' => 'Tillat sending av e-post',
'email_from_email' => 'E-post fra adresse',
'email_from_name' => 'E-post from navn',
'email_smtp' => 'Aktiver SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP-vert',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP-port',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP-sikkerhet',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'Ingen',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP brukernavn',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP passord',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'La være tom for ingen godkjenning',
'sms_status' => 'Tillat sending av tekstmeldinger',
'sms_gateway' => 'Gateway for bruk for sending av meldinger',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Gateway brukernavn',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Gateway passord',
'sms_from' => 'Avsenderens telefonnummer',
'pushover_status' => 'Tillat sending av Pushover-meldinger',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover er en tjeneste som gjør det enkelt å meldinger i sanntid. Se <a
href="" target="_blank">deres nettside</a> for mer info.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Klikk her for å lage din Pushover-app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Før du kan bruke Pushover, du <a href="%1$s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener"> registrere en app </a> deres nettside og angi App API
Token her.',
'telegram_status' => 'Tillat sending av Telegram-meldinger',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a> er en chat-app som
gjør det enkelt å meldinger i sanntid. til <a
href="" target="_blank">dokumentasjonen</a> for
mer informasjon og en installasjonsveiledning.',
'telegram_api_token' => 'Telegram API Token',
'telegram_api_token_description' => 'Før du kan bruke Telegram, du en API-token. til <a
target="_blank">dokumentasjonen</a> for å hjelp.',
'alert_type' => 'Velg når du vil bli varslet.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Statusendring:</b> Du vil motta et varsel når en server har endret status.
fra online -> offline eller offline -> online.<br><br /><b>Offline:</b> Du
vil motta et varsel når en server går offline for *FØRSTE GANG BARE*. For
eksempel,din cronjob er hver 15 minutter og serveren din går ned klokken 01:00
og holder seg ned til 06:00. Du får 1 melding klokken 01:00 og det er
det.<br><br><b>Alltid:</b> Du vil motta et varsel hver gang scriptet kjører, og
et nettsted er nede, selv om nettstedet har vært offline i flere timer.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Statusendring',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Alltid',
'alert_proxy' => 'Selv om aktivert, blir proxy aldri brukt for tjenester',
'alert_proxy_url' => 'Format: Vert:Port',
'log_status' => 'Logg status',
'log_status_description' => 'Hvis loggstatus er satt til SANT, logger monitoren hendelsen når
meldingsinnstillingene er bestått.',
'log_email' => 'Logg e-post sendt av skriptet',
'log_sms' => 'Logg tekstmeldinger sendt av skriptet',
'log_pushover' => 'Logg pushover-meldinger sendt av skriptet',
'log_telegram' => 'Logg Telegram-meldinger sendt av skriptet',
'updated' => 'Konfigurasjonen er oppdatert.',
'tab_email' => 'E-post',
'tab_sms' => 'Tekstmelding',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'tab_telegram' => 'Telegram',
'settings_email' => 'E-post innstillinger',
'settings_sms' => 'Tekstmelding innstillinger',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover innstillinger',
'settings_telegram' => 'Telegram innstillinger',
'settings_notification' => 'Varsling innstillinger',
'settings_log' => 'Logg innstillinger',
'settings_proxy' => 'Proxy innstillinger',
'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-refresh',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Auto-refresh server side.<br><span class="small">Tid i sekunder, hvis 0 siden
ikke blir oppdatert.</span>',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'En e-post vil bli sendt til adressen spesifisert i brukerprofilen din.',
'test_sms' => 'En tekstmelding vil bli sendt til telefonnummeret som er angitt i brukerprofilen din.',
'test_pushover' => 'En Pushover varsling vil bli sendt til brukernøkkelen/enheten som er angitt i
brukerprofilen din.',
'test_telegram' => 'Et telegramvarsling vil bli sendt til chat-ID-en spesifisert i brukerprofilen din.',
'send' => 'Send',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Test melding',
'email_sent' => 'E-post sent',
'email_error' => 'Feil ved sending av e-post',
'sms_sent' => 'Tekstmelding sendt',
'sms_error' => 'Det har oppstått en feil under sending av tekstmelding: %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Kan ikke sende test tekstmelding: ingen gyldig telefonnummer funnet i profilen din.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover varsling sendt',
'pushover_error' => 'Det har oppstått en feil under sending av Pushover-varslingen: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Kan ikke sende testvarsling: Ingen Pushover App API-token funnet i den globale
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Kan ikke sende testvarsling: Ingen Pushover-nøkkel funnet i profilen din.',
'telegram_sent' => 'Telegram varsling sent',
'telegram_error' => 'Det har oppstått en feil under sending av telegrammeldingen: %s',
'telegram_error_notoken' => 'Kan ikke sende testvarsling: Ingen Telegram API-token funnet i den globale
'telegram_error_noid' => 'Kan ikke sende testvarsling: Ingen chat-ID funnet i profilen din.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Oppbevaringsperiode for logg',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Antall dager for å holde logger over varsler og arkiver av
serveroppetid. Skriv 0 for å deaktivere loggopprydding.',
'log_retention_days' => 'dager',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Serveren \'%LABEL%\' er NEDE: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Feil=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'VIKTIG: Serveren \'%LABEL%\' er NEDE',
'off_email_body' => 'Kunne ikke koble til følgende server:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Feil: %ERROR%<br>Dato: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' er NEDE',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Kunne ikke koble til følgende server:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Feil: %ERROR%<br>Dato: %DATE%',
'off_telegram_message' => 'Kunne ikke koble til følgende server:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Feil: %ERROR%<br>Dato: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' er OPPE igjen: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, det var nede i %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'on_email_subject' => 'VIKTIG: Server \'%LABEL%\' er OPPE',
'on_email_body' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' er oppe igjen, det var nede i %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server:
%LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Dato: %DATE%',
'on_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' er OPPE',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' er oppe igjen, det var nede i
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Dato:
'on_telegram_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' er oppe igjen, det var nede i
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Dato:
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Velkommen, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Vennligst logg inn',
'title_forgot' => 'Glemt passordet?',
'title_reset' => 'Tilbakestill passordet ditt',
'submit' => 'Send inn',
'remember_me' => 'Husk meg',
'login' => 'Logg inn',
'logout' => 'Logg ut',
'username' => 'Brukernavn',
'password' => 'Passord',
'password_repeat' => 'Gjenta passord',
'password_forgot' => 'Glemt passordet?',
'password_reset' => 'Tilbakestille passord',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Tilbakestill passordet ditt for PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Vennligst bruk følgende link for å tilbakestille passordet ditt. Vær
oppmerksom at det utløper om 1 time.<br><br>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Det oppgitte brukernavnet ble ikke funnet.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Informasjonen er feil.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'De oppgitte passordene stemmer ikke overens.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Tilbakestill lenken du oppgav er ugyldig.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'En epost er sendt til deg med informasjon om hvordan du tilbakestiller passordet
'success_password_reset' => 'Ditt passord er tilbakestilt. Vennligst logg inn.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Uautorisert',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Du har ikke rettighetene til å se denne siden.',

View File

@ -1,598 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Arkadiusz Klenczar <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: v3.5.2
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Polski - Polish',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'pl_PL.UTF-8',
'1' => 'pl_PL',
'2' => 'polski',
'3' => 'polski',
'locale_tag' => 'pl',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Instalacja',
'action' => 'Akcja',
'save' => 'Zapisz',
'edit' => 'Edycja',
'delete' => 'Usuń',
'view' => 'Zobacz',
'date' => 'Data',
'message' => 'Wiadomość',
'yes' => 'Tak',
'no' => 'Nie',
'insert' => 'Wstaw',
'add_new' => 'Dodaj',
'update_available' => 'Nowa wersja ({version}) jest dostępna do pobrania z <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'Do góry',
'go_back' => 'Wstecz',
'ok' => 'pożądane',
'bad' => 'niepożądane',
'cancel' => 'Anuluj',
'none' => 'Brak',
'activate' => 'Aktywny',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Wczoraj o %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A o %k:%M',
'never' => 'Nigdy',
'hours_ago' => '%d godzin temu',
'an_hour_ago' => 'godzinę temu',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minut temu',
'a_minute_ago' => 'minutę temu',
'seconds_ago' => '%d sekund temu',
'a_second_ago' => 'sekundę temu',
'year' => 'rok',
'years' => 'lata',
'month' => 'miesiąc',
'months' => 'miesiące',
'day' => 'dzień',
'days' => 'dni',
'hour' => 'godzina',
'hours' => 'godziny',
'minute' => 'minuta',
'minutes' => 'minut',
'second' => 'sekunda',
'seconds' => 'sekundy',
'millisecond' => 'milisekunka',
'milliseconds' => 'milisekundy',
'current' => 'aktualnie',
'settings' => 'Ustawienia',
'search' => 'Szukaj',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Konfiguracja',
'server' => 'Serwery',
'server_log' => 'Logi',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Aktualizuj',
'user' => 'Użytkownicy',
'help' => 'Pomoc',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Użytkownik',
'name' => 'Nazwa',
'user_name' => 'Login',
'password' => 'Hasło',
'password_repeat' => 'Powtórz hasło',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Pozostaw puste aby zaniechać zmian',
'level' => 'Poziom',
'level_10' => 'Administrator',
'level_20' => 'Użytkownik',
'level_description' => '<b>Administratorzy</b> posiadają pełny dostęp: mogą zarządzać serwerami,
użytkownikami oraz edytować konfigurację globalną.<br><b>Użytkownicy</b> mogą
podejrzeć serwer oraz uruchomić aktualizację statusu dla serwerów do nich
'mobile' => 'Telefon',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover jest usługą szybkich notyfikacji. Sprawdź <a
href="" target="_blank">ich stronę</a> po więcej informacji.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Urządzenie dla Pushover',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Nazwa urządzenia do którego wysłać powiadomienie. Pozostaw puste aby
wysłać do wszystkich urządzeń.',
'discord' => 'Discord',
'discord_label' => 'Discord',
'discord_description' => 'Podaj swoje <a href=""
target="_blank">webhook</a> tutaj.',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a> jest komunikatorem
internetowym, który umożliwa notyfikacje w czasie rzeczywistym. Odwiedź stronę
z <a href="" target="_blank">documentacja</a> aby
uzyskać więcej informacji.',
'telegram_chat_id' => 'Telegram chat id',
'telegram_chat_id_description' => 'Wiadomość zostanie wysłana do odpowiedniej rozmowy.',
'telegram_get_chat_id' => 'Kliknij tutaj żeby otrzywać swój chat id',
'activate_telegram' => 'Aktywuj notyfikacje Telegram',
'activate_telegram_description' => 'Zezwól na wysyłanie notyfikacji Telegram do podanego chat id. Bez tej
zgodny Telegram nie zezwoli na wysyłanie notyfikacji do Ciebie.',
'telegram_bot_username_found' => 'Bot został odnaleziony!<br><a href="%s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener"><button class="btn btn-primary">Następny krok</button></a>
<br>Następnie otworzy się okno rozmowy z botem. Musisz nacisnąć start
lub wpisać /start.',
'telegram_bot_username_error_token' => '401 - Błąd autoryzacji. Proszę sprawdzić czy API token jest
'telegram_bot_error' => 'Wystąpił błąd podczas aktywowania notyfikacji Telegram: %s',
'jabber' => 'Jabber',
'jabber_label' => 'Jabber',
'jabber_description' => 'Twoje konto Jabber',
'webhook' => 'Webhook',
'webhook_description' => 'Wyślij json webhook do wybranego endpoint. <br/>Zapytanie json może być dowolnie
dostosowane np. {"text":"servermon: #message"}',
'webhook_url' => 'Webhook URL',
'webhook_url_description' => 'Publiczne webhook endpoint URL powinny się zaczynać od https://.',
'webhook_json' => 'Webhook JSON',
'webhook_json_description' => 'Zdefiniuj niestandardowy json, użyj #message jak zmienną z treścią
'delete_title' => 'Usuń użytkownika',
'delete_message' => 'Czy jesteś pewny że chcesz usunąć użytkownika \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Użytkownik usunięty.',
'updated' => 'Użytkownik zaktualizowany.',
'inserted' => 'Użytkownik dodany.',
'profile' => 'Profil',
'profile_updated' => 'Twój profil został zaktualizowany.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Login musi mieć od 2 do 64 znaków.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Login może zawierać tylko litery (a-z, A-Z), cyfry (0-9), kropki (.) oraz znak
podkreślenia (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Wybrana nazwa użytkownika jest już używana.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Email powinien mieć od 5 do 255 znaków.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'Wprowadzony adres email jest nieprawidłowy.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Wybrany poziom uprawnień użytkownika jest nieprawidłowy.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Użytkownik nie został odnaleziony.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Wprowadzone hasło jest nieprawidłowe.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Wprowadzone hasła są różne.',
'error_user_admin_cant_be_deleted' => 'Nie można usunąć jedynego konta administratora.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Logi',
'type' => 'Typ',
'status' => 'Status',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'discord' => 'Discord',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'webhook' => 'Webhook',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'jabber' => 'Jabber',
'no_logs' => 'Brak logów',
'clear' => 'Wyczyść log',
'delete_title' => 'Wyczyść log',
'delete_message' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć <b>wszystkie</b> dzienniki?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Status',
'label' => 'Etykieta',
'domain' => 'Domena/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Liczba sekund do odczekania na odpowiedź serwera.',
'authentication_settings' => 'Ustawienia uwierzytelniania',
'optional' => 'Opcjonalne',
'website_username' => 'Nazwa użytkownika',
'website_username_description' => 'Nazwa użytkownika z dostępem do strony (tylko uwierzytelnianie Apache
jest wspierana).',
'website_password' => 'Hasło',
'website_password_description' => 'Hasło dostęput do strony. Hasło zostanie zaszyfrowane i zapisane w
badzie danych.',
'fieldset_monitoring' => 'Monitoring',
'fieldset_permissions' => 'Uprawnienia',
'permissions' => 'Serwer będzie widoczny dla następujących użytkowników',
'port' => 'Port',
'custom_port' => 'Niestandardowy port',
'popular_ports' => 'Popularne porty',
'request_method' => 'Metoda HTTP',
'custom_request_method' => 'Niestandardowe metoda HTTP',
'popular_request_methods' => 'Popularne metody HTTP',
'post_field' => 'Pole Post',
'post_field_description' => 'Dane zostaną wysłane za pomocą wyżej wybranej metody.',
'please_select' => 'Proszę wybrać',
'type' => 'Typ',
'type_website' => 'Strona',
'type_service' => 'Usługa',
'type_ping' => 'Ping',
'pattern' => 'Wyszukiwane wyrażenie/wzorzec',
'pattern_description' => 'Jeśli wzorzec nie zostanie odnaleziony, status zostanie zmieniony. Dozwolone
wyrażenia regularne.',
'pattern_online' => 'Wykrycie wzorca oznacza, że strona jest',
'pattern_online_description' => 'Online: jeżeli wzorzec zostanie wykryty na stronie to server zostanie
oznaczony jako online. Offline: jeżeli wzorzec nie zostanie wykryty na
stronie to serwer zostanie oznaczony jako offline.',
'redirect_check' => 'Przekierowanie na inną domenę jest',
'redirect_check_description' => 'Przekierowanie na inną domenę zazwyczaj jest niepożądanym zachowaniem.',
'allow_http_status' => 'Dozwolone kody odpowiedzi HTTP',
'allow_http_status_description' => 'Podaj listę dozwolonych kodów odpowiedzi HTTP, kolejne wartości
oddzielone za pomocą |. Domyślnie odpowiedzi o wartości poniżej 400
zostaną uznane jako prawidłowe.',
'header_name' => 'Nazwa nagłówka',
'header_value' => 'Wartość nagłówka',
'header_name_description' => 'Wielkość liter ma znaczenie.',
'header_value_description' => 'Dozwolone są wyrażenia regularne.',
'last_check' => 'Ostatnie sprawdzenie',
'last_online' => 'Ostatnio online',
'last_offline' => 'Ostatnio offline',
'last_output' => 'Ostatni prawidłowy wynik',
'last_error' => 'Ostatni bląd',
'last_error_output' => 'Ostatni wynik blądu',
'output' => 'Wynik',
'monitoring' => 'Monitorowany',
'no_monitoring' => 'Brak monitoringu',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Wyślij Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Wyślij SMS',
'discord' => 'Discord',
'send_discord' => 'Wyślij powiadomienie Discord',
'webhook' => 'Webook',
'send_webhook' => 'Wyślij powiadomienie Webhook',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'send_pushover' => 'Wyślij powiadomienie Pushover',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'send_telegram' => 'Wyślij powiadomienie Telegram',
'jabber' => 'Jabber',
'send_jabber' => 'Wyślij powiadomienie Jabber',
'users' => 'Użytkownicy',
'delete_title' => 'Usuń serwer',
'delete_message' => 'Czy jesteś pewny że chcesz usunąć serwer \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Serwer usunięty.',
'updated' => 'Serwer zaktualizowany.',
'inserted' => 'Server dodany.',
'latency' => 'Opóźnienie',
'latency_max' => 'Opóźnienie (maksymalne)',
'latency_min' => 'Opóźnienie (minimalne)',
'latency_avg' => 'Opóźnienie (średnie)',
'online' => 'online',
'offline' => 'offline',
'uptime' => 'Czas dostępności',
'year' => 'Rok',
'month' => 'Miesiąc',
'week' => 'Tydzień',
'day' => 'Dzień',
'hour' => 'Godzina',
'warning_threshold' => 'Próg ostrzeżeń',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Ilość wymaganych niepowodzeń przed oznaczeniem serwera jako offline.',
'ssl_cert_expiry_days' => 'Ważność certyfikatu SSL',
'ssl_cert_expiry_days_description' => 'Minimalna ilość dni, których certyfikat SSL musi być ważny.
Ustawienie wartości 0 spowoduje, że ważność certyfikatu nie
będzie sprawdzana.',
'ssl_cert_expired' => 'Certyfikat SSL wygasł',
'ssl_cert_expiring' => 'Certyfikat SSL wygaśnie:',
'chart_last_week' => 'Ostatni tydzień',
'chart_history' => 'Historia',
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'Powiadomienia SMS są wyłączone.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Powiadomienia Email są wyłączone.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_discord' => 'Powiadomienia Discord są wyłączone.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_webhook' => 'Powiadomienia Webhook są wyłączone.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Powiadomienia Pushover są wyłączone.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_telegram' => 'Powiadomienia Telegram są wyłączone.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_jabber' => 'Powiadomienia Jabber są wyłączone.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Nie odnaleziono serwera.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Etykieta musi mieć pomiędzy 1 a 255 znaków.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Domena/IP musi mieć pomiędzy 1 a 255 znaków.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'Adres IP jest nieprawidłowy.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'Adres URL jest nieprawidłowy.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Wybrany typ serwera jest nieprawidłowy.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Próg ostrzeżeń musi być liczbą całkowitą większą od 0.',
'error_server_ssl_cert_expiry_days' => 'Minimalna ilość dla ważności certyfikatu SSL musi być liczbą
całkowitą większą lub równą 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Ogólne',
'site_title' => 'Tytuł strony',
'language' => 'Język',
'show_update' => 'Sprawdzić aktualizacje?',
'password_encrypt_key' => 'Klucz szyfrowania haseł',
'password_encrypt_key_note' => 'Klucz będzie użyty do szyfrowania haseł, które zapisane w ustawieniach
serwerów żeby mieć dostęp do stron. Jeżeli klucz zostanie zmienione to
zapisane hasła będą nieprawidłowe!',
'proxy' => 'Włącz proxy',
'proxy_url' => 'Proxy ULR',
'proxy_user' => 'Użytkownik proxy',
'proxy_password' => 'Hasło proxy',
'email_status' => 'Pozwól na wysyłkę email',
'email_from_email' => 'Email z adresu',
'email_from_name' => 'Email od(nazwa)',
'email_smtp' => 'Włącz SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP host',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP security',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'None',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP login',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP hasło',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Pozostaw puste dla braku uwierzytelniania',
'sms_status' => 'Pozwól na wysyłkę SMS',
'sms_gateway' => 'Bramka SMS',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Login do bramki',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Hasło do bramki',
'sms_from' => 'Numer nadawcy',
'discord_status' => 'Zezwól na wysyłanie powiadomień Discord',
'discord_description' => 'Discord jest serwisem, który umożliwia wysyłania powiadomień w czasie
rzeczywistym. Odwiedź <a href="" target="_blank">stronę
serwisu</a> żeby otrzymać więcej informacji.',
'webhook_status' => 'Zezwól na wysyłanie powiadomień webhooks.',
'webhook_description' => 'Zezwól na wysyłanie powiadomień webhooks do serwisów takich jak Slack. Endpoint
dla payload wiadomości jest zdefiniowany w ustawieniach profilu użytkownika.',
'webhook_url' => 'Webhook URL',
'webhook_url_description' => 'URL dla webhook endpoint',
'webhook_json' => 'Webhook Json',
'webhook_json_description' => 'Niestandardowsy Json, użyj #message jak zmienną z treścią wiadomości.',
'pushover_status' => 'Zezwól na wysyłanie powiadomień Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover jest usługą ułatwiającą otrzymywanie powiadomień w czasie
rzeczywistym. Sprawdź <a href="" target="_blank">ich
stronę</a> aby uzyskać więcej informacji.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Kliknij tutaj aby stworzyć aplikację korzystającą z Pushover',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Zanim zaczniesz używać Pushover, musisz <a href="%1$s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener"> zarejestrować aplikację</a> na ich stronie internetowej
i wpisać tutaj App API Token.',
'telegram_status' => 'Zezwól na wysyłanie powiadomień Telegram',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a> jest komunikatorem
internetowym, który umożliwa notyfikacje w czasie rzeczywistym. Odwiedź stronę
z <a href="" target="_blank">documentacja</a> aby
uzyskać więcej informacji.',
'telegram_api_token' => 'Telegram API Token',
'telegram_api_token_description' => 'Zanim zaczniesz używać Telegram, potrzebujesz uzyskać API Token.
Odwiedź strone z <a href=""
target="_blank">dokumentacją</a> żeby uzyskać pomocy.',
'jabber_status' => 'Zezwól na wysyłanie powiadomień Jabber (XMPP)',
'jabber_description' => 'Odwiedź stronę <a href="">dokumentacją</a> aby
uzyskać więcej informaji oraz przewodnik po instalacji.',
'jabber_host' => 'Host',
'jabber_host_description' => 'Adres host dostawcy Twojego konta Jabber. Dla konta Google użyj',
'jabber_port' => 'Port',
'jabber_port_description' => 'Port Twojego dostawcy Jabber. Domyślnie 5222. Dla konta Google użyj 5223.',
'jabber_username' => 'Nazwa użytkownika',
'jabber_username_description' => 'Dla konta Google użyj razem z domeną np.',
'jabber_domain' => 'Domena',
'jabber_domain_description' => 'Domena Twojego dostawy Jabber. Zostaw puste dla konta Google.',
'jabber_password' => 'Hasło',
'jabber_password_description' => 'Wypełnij tylko żeby ustawić lub zmienić.',
'jabber_check' => 'Sprawdź swoje konto Jabber czy powiadomienie zostało odebrane.',
'alert_type' => 'Wybierz kiedy chcesz być powiadomiony.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Zmiana statusu:</b> Otrzymasz powiadomienie gdy serwer zmieni status. Z online
-> offline lub offline -> online.<br><br /><b>Offline:</b> Otrzymasz
powiadomienie gdy serwer zmieni status na offline po raz pierwszy. Na przykład,
Twój cronjob uruchamia się co 15 minut, a Twój serwer przestaje odpowiadać o
13 i nie działa do 18. Otrzymasz *TYLKO* jedno powiadomienie o
13.<br><br><b>Zawsze:</b> Otrzymasz powiadomienie za każdym razem gdy skrypt
zostanie uruchomiony a strona będzie niedostępna.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Zmiana statusu',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Zawsze',
'combine_notifications' => 'Scalanie powiadomień',
'combine_notifications_description' => 'Ogranicza ilość wysyłanych powiadomień poprzez scalanie wszystkich
powiadomień w jedną wiadomość (nie dotyczy powiadomień SMS).',
'alert_proxy' => 'Jeżeli włączone to proxy nigdy nie bedzie użyte dla serwisów',
'alert_proxy_url' => 'Fomat: host:port',
'log_status' => 'Status logowania',
'log_status_description' => 'Jeśli status logowania ustawiony jest na TRUE, monitor będzie logował
'log_email' => 'Emaile wysłane przez skrypt',
'log_sms' => 'SMS wysłane przez skrypt',
'log_discord' => 'Notyfikacje Discord wysłane przez skrypt',
'log_pushover' => 'Notyfikacje Pushover wysłane przez skrypt',
'log_webhook' => 'Notyfikacje Webhook wysłane przez skrypt',
'log_telegram' => 'Notyfikacje Telegram wysłane przez skrypt',
'log_jabber' => 'Notyfikacje Jabber wysłane przez skrypt',
'updated' => 'Konfiguracja została zaktualizowana.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_discord' => 'Discord',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'tab_webhook' => 'Webhook',
'tab_telegram' => 'Telegram',
'tab_jabber' => 'Jabber',
'settings_email' => 'Ustawienia Email',
'settings_sms' => 'Ustawienia SMS',
'settings_discord' => 'Ustawienie Discord',
'settings_pushover' => 'Ustawienia Pushover',
'settings_webhook' => 'Ustawienia Webhook',
'settings_telegram' => 'Ustawienia Telegram',
'settings_jabber' => 'Ustawienia Jabber',
'settings_notification' => 'Ustawienia powiadomień',
'settings_log' => 'Ustawienia Logowania',
'settings_proxy' => 'Ustawienia serwera Proxy',
'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-odświeżanie',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Auto-odświeżanie strony serwera.<br><span class="small">Czas w sekundach, dla
czasu 0 strona nie będzie odświeżana.</span>',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'Email zostanie wysłany na adres podany w Twoim profilu.',
'test_sms' => 'SMS zostanie wysłany na numer podany w Twoim profilu.',
'test_discord' => 'Powiadomienie Discord zostanie wysłane do webhook, który został podany w Twoim profilu
'test_pushover' => 'Powiadomienie Pushover zostanie wysłane na klucz użytkownika/urządzenie podane w Twoim
profilu użytkownika.',
'test_webhook' => 'Powiadomienia Webhook zostanie wysłane do endpoint o podanym URL.',
'test_telegram' => 'Powiadomienie Telegram zostanie wysłane na chat id podane w Twoim profilu użytkownika.',
'test_jabber' => 'Powiadomienie Telegram zostanie wysłane na konto Jabber podane w Twoim profilu
'send' => 'Wyślij',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Testowa wiadomość',
'email_sent' => 'Email wysłany',
'email_error' => 'Błąd podczas wysyłania emaila',
'sms_sent' => 'Sms wysłany',
'sms_error' => 'Błąd podczas wysyłania sms. %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Nie udało się wysłać testowego SMS: brak poprawnego telefonu w Twoim profilu.',
'discord_sent' => 'Powiadomienie Discord wysłane',
'discord_error' => 'Błąd podczas wysyłania powiadomienia Pushover: %s',
'discord_error_nowebhook' => 'Błąd podczas wysyłania powiadomienia Discord: brak prawidłowego Discord
webhook w profilu użytkownika.',
'webhook_sent' => 'Powiadomienie Webhook wysłane',
'webhook_error' => 'Błąd podczas wysyłania powiadomienia Webhook: %s',
'webhook_error_nourl' => 'Błąd podczas wysyłania testowego powiadomienia: brak Webhook URL w profilu
'webhook_error_nojson' => 'Błąd podczas wysyłania testowego powiadomienia: brak json w profilu
'pushover_sent' => 'Powiadomienie Pushover wysłane.',
'pushover_error' => 'Błąd podczas wysyłania powiadomienia Pushover: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Błąd podczas wysyłania testowego powiadomienia: brak Pushover App API token w
konfiguracji globalnej.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Błąd podczas wysyłania testowego powiadomienia: brak Pushover key na Twoim
'telegram_sent' => 'Powiadomienie Telegram zostało wysłane',
'telegram_error' => 'Wystąpił błąd podczas wysyłania powiadomienia Telegram: %s',
'telegram_error_notoken' => 'Nie można wysłać testowego powiadomienia: brak Telegram API token w głównych
ustawieniach systemu.',
'telegram_error_noid' => 'Nie można wysłać testowego powiadomienia: brak chat id w ustawieniach profilu
Twojego użytkownika.',
'jabber_sent' => 'Powiadomienie Jabber zostało wysłane',
'jabber_error' => 'Wystąpił błąd podczas wysyłania powiadomienia Jabber: %s',
'jabber_error_noconfig' => 'Nie można wysłać testowego powiadomienia: brak konfiguracji konta Jabber w
głównych ustawieniach systemu.',
'jabber_error_noaccount' => 'Nie można wysłać testowego powiadomienia: brak konfiguracji konta Jabber w
ustawieniach profilu Twojego użytkownika.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Czas rotacji logów',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Liczba dni przez którą należy przetrzymywać logi powiadomień i
archiwizować uptime serwera. Wpisz 0 aby wyłączyć czyszczenie
'log_retention_days' => 'dni',
'user_agent' => 'User Agent',
'user_agent_key_note' => 'Niestandardowy user agent używany przez monitor do komunikacji z zewnętrznymi
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Serwer \'%LABEL%\' przestał odpowiadać: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Błąd=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'Uwaga: Serwer \'%LABEL%\' nie odpowiada',
'off_email_body' => 'Błąd połączenia do serwera:<br><br>Serwer: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Błąd: %ERROR%<br>Data: %DATE%',
'off_discord_message' => 'Błąd połączenia do serwera:<br><br>Serwer: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Błąd: %ERROR%<br>Data: %DATE%',
'off_webhook_title' => 'Serwer \'%LABEL%\' nie odpowiada',
'off_webhook_message' => 'Błąd połączenia do serwera:<br><br>Serwer: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Błąd: %ERROR%<br>Data: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Serwer \'%LABEL%\' nie odpowiada',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Błąd połączenia do serwera:<br><br>Serwer: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Błąd: %ERROR%<br>Data: %DATE%',
'off_telegram_message' => 'Błąd połączenia do serwera:<br><br>Serwer: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Błąd: %ERROR%<br>Data: %DATE%',
'off_jabber_message' => 'Błąd połączenia do serwera:<br><br>Serwer: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Błąd: %ERROR%<br>Data: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Serwer \'%LABEL%\' działa poprawnie: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, it was down for
'on_email_subject' => 'Uwaga: Serwer \'%LABEL%\' działa poprawnie',
'on_email_body' => 'Serwer \'%LABEL%\' znów odpowiada, był offline przez
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Serwer: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Data:
'on_discord_message' => 'Serwer \'%LABEL%\' znów odpowiada, był offline przez
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Serwer: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Data:
'on_webhook_title' => 'Serwer \'%LABEL%\' działa poprawnie',
'on_webhook_message' => 'Serwer \'%LABEL%\' znów odpowiada, był offline przez
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Serwer: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Data:
'on_pushover_title' => 'Serwer \'%LABEL%\' działa poprawnie',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Serwer \'%LABEL%\' znów działa poprawnie, był offline przez
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Serwer: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Data:
'on_telegram_message' => 'Serwer \'%LABEL%\' znów działa poprawnie, był offline przez
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Serwer: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Data:
'on_jabber_message' => 'Serwer \'%LABEL%\' znów działa poprawnie, był offline przez
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Serwer: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Data:
'combi_off_email_message' => '<ul><li>Server: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Port: %PORT%</li><li>Error:
%ERROR%</li><li>Date: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_off_discord_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Port: %PORT%<br>- Error: %ERROR%<br>-
Date: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_off_webhook_message' => '<ul><li>Server: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Port: %PORT%</li><li>Error:
%ERROR%</li><li>Date: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_off_pushover_message' => '<ul><li>Server: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Port: %PORT%</li><li>Error:
%ERROR%</li><li>Date: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_off_telegram_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Port: %PORT%<br>- Error: %ERROR%<br>-
Date: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_off_jabber_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Port: %PORT%<br>- Error: %ERROR%<br>-
Date: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_on_email_message' => '<ul><li>Server: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Port: %PORT%</li><li>Downtime:
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%</li><li>Date: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_on_webhook_message' => '<ul><li>Server: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Port: %PORT%</li><li>Downtime:
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%</li><li>Date: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_on_discord_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Port: %PORT%<br>- Downtime:
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br>- Date: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_on_pushover_message' => '<ul><li>Server: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Port:
%PORT%</li><li>Downtime: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%</li><li>Date:
'combi_on_telegram_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Port: %PORT%<br>- Downtime:
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br>- Date: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_on_jabber_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Port: %PORT%<br>- Downtime:
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br>- Date: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_email_subject' => 'WAŻNE: \'%UP%\' serverów znowu ONLINE, \'%DOWN%\' serverów jest OFFLINE',
'combi_webhook_subject' => '\'%UP%\' serverów jest znowu ONLINE UP, \'%DOWN%\' serverów jest OFFLINE',
'combi_pushover_subject' => '\'%UP%\' serverów jest znowu ONLINE UP, \'%DOWN%\' serverów jest OFFLINE',
'combi_email_message' => '<b>Następujące serwery offline:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>Następujące
serwery znowu online:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'combi_discord_message' => '<b>Następujące serwery offline:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>Następujące
serwery znowu online:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'combi_webhook_message' => '<b>Następujące serwery offline:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>Następujące
serwery znowu online:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'combi_pushover_message' => '<b>Następujące serwery offline:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>Następujące
serwery znowu online:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'combi_telegram_message' => '<b>Następujące serwery offline:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>Następujące
serwery znowu online:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'combi_jabber_message' => '<b>Następujące serwery offline:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>Następujące
serwery znowu online:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Witaj, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Zaloguj się',
'title_forgot' => 'Zapomniałeś hasła?',
'title_reset' => 'Zresetuj hasło',
'submit' => 'Zapisz',
'remember_me' => 'Zapamiętaj mnie',
'login' => 'Zaloguj',
'logout' => 'Wyloguj',
'username' => 'Login',
'password' => 'Hasło',
'password_repeat' => 'Powtórz hasło',
'password_forgot' => 'Zapomniałeś hasła?',
'password_reset' => 'Zresetuj hasło',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Zresetuj hasło do monitoringu',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Aby zresetować hasło użyj tego linku. Ważność linku to jedna
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Brak użytkownika o takim loginie.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Login lub hasło jest błędne.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Podane hasła nie pasują do siebie.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Podany link do zmiany hasła jest nieprawidłowy.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Email został wysłany do Ciebie z informacjami dotyczącymi zresetowania
'success_password_reset' => 'Twoje hasło zostało pomyślnie zmienione. Zaloguj się.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Brak autoryzacji',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Nie masz odpowiednich praw dostępu by przeglądać tę stronę.',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -20,24 +19,18 @@
* @package phpservermon
* @author Luiz Alberto S. Ribeiro <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Português - Brazilian Portuguese',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'pt_BR.UTF-8',
'1' => 'pt_BR',
'2' => 'portuguese-brazilian',
'locale_tag' => 'BR',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'name' => 'Português - Brazilian Portuguese',
'locale' => array('pt_BR.UTF-8', 'pt_BR', 'portuguese-brazilian'),
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Instalar',
'install' => 'Instalar',
'action' => 'Ação',
'save' => 'Salvar',
'edit' => 'Editar',
@ -48,74 +41,67 @@ $sm_lang = array(
'no' => 'Não',
'insert' => 'Inserir',
'add_new' => 'Adicionar novo',
'update_available' => 'Uma atualização ({version}) disponível em <a
href="" target="_blank"
'update_available' => 'Uma atualização ({version}) disponível em <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.',
'back_to_top' => 'Voltar ao topo',
'go_back' => 'Voltar',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
'short_day_format' => '%e %m',
'long_day_format' => '%e/%m/%Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Ontem as %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A at %k:%M',
'never' => 'Nunca',
'hours_ago' => '%d horas atrás',
'an_hour_ago' => 'cerca de uma hora atrás',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minutos atrás',
'a_minute_ago' => 'cerca de um minuto atrás',
'seconds_ago' => '%d segundos atrás',
'a_second_ago' => 'um segundo atrás',
'seconds' => 'segundos',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Configuração',
'server' => 'Servidores',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Atualização',
'user' => 'Usuários',
'help' => 'Ajuda',
'go_back' => 'Voltar',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
// date/time format according the strftime php function format parameter
'short_day_format' => '%e %m',
'long_day_format' => '%e/%m/%Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Ontem as %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A at %k:%M',
'never' => 'Nunca',
'hours_ago' => '%d horas atrás',
'an_hour_ago' => 'cerca de uma hora atrás',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minutos atrás',
'a_minute_ago' => 'cerca de um minuto atrás',
'seconds_ago' => '%d segundos atrás',
'a_second_ago' => 'um segundo atrás',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Configuração',
'server' => 'Servidores',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Atualização',
'user' => 'Usuários',
'help' => 'Ajuda',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Usuário',
'name' => 'Nome',
'user_name' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Senha',
'password_repeat' => 'Repetir senha',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Deixe em branco para não modificar',
'level' => 'Nível',
'level_10' => 'Administrador',
'level_20' => 'Usuário',
'level_description' => '<b>Administradores</b> Tem total acesso: podem gerenciar servidores, usuários e
configurações globais.<br><b>Usuários</b> podem executar atualizações para
servidores que lhe foram atribuídos.',
'user_name' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Senha',
'password_repeat' => 'Repetir senha',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Deixe em branco para não modificar',
'level' => 'Nível',
'level_10' => 'Administrador',
'level_20' => 'Usuário',
'level_description' => '<b>Administradores</b> Tem total acesso: podem gerenciar servidores, usuários e configurações globais.<br/><b>Usuários</b> só podem executar atualizações para servidores que lhe foram atribuídos.',
'mobile' => 'Celular',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover para enviar notificações em real-tome. Veja <a
href="" target="_blank">o website</a> para mais informações.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Nome do Device para enviar a mensagem. Deixe em branco para enviar a todos
os Devices.',
'delete_title' => 'Excluir Usuário',
'delete_message' => 'Tem certeza que deseja excluir o usuário \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Usuário excluído.',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Device name to send the message to. Leave empty to send it to all devices.',
'delete_title' => 'Delete User',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete user \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'User deleted.',
'updated' => 'Usuário atualizado.',
'inserted' => 'Usuário adicionado.',
'profile' => 'Perfil',
'profile_updated' => 'Seu perfil foi atualizado.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Usernames deve conter entre 2 e 64 caracteres.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => ' pode conter caracteres alfabéticos (a-z, A-Z), dígitos (0-9), pontos (.) e
underscores (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'O nome de usuário(username) já existe no banco de dados',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Email deve conter entre 5 e 255 caracteres.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'O endereço de email é inválido.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'O Nível de usuário é inválido.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'O usuário não pode ser encontrado no banco de dados.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'A senha informada é inválida.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'A senha informada não combina.',
'profile' => 'Perfil',
'profile_updated' => 'Seu perfil foi atualizado.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Usernames deve conter entre 2 e 64 caracteres.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Só pode conter caracteres alfabéticos (a-z, A-Z), dígitos (0-9) e underscores (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'O nome de usuário(username) já existe no banco de dados',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Email deve conter entre 5 e 255 caracteres.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'O endereço de email é inválido.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'O Nível de usuário é inválido.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'O usuário não pode ser encontrado no banco de dados.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'A senha informada é inválida.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'A senha informada não combina.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Entradas do Log',
@ -123,70 +109,66 @@ $sm_lang = array(
'status' => 'Status',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'Sem logs',
'clear' => 'Log clara',
'delete_title' => 'Log clara',
'delete_message' => 'Tem certeza de que deseja excluir <b>todos</b> os logs?',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'No logs',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Servidor',
'status' => 'Status',
'status' => 'Status',
'label' => 'Etiqueta',
'domain' => 'Domínio/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Segundos para aguardar a resposta do servidor.',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Number of seconds to wait for the server to respond.',
'port' => 'Porta',
'type' => 'Tipo',
'type_website' => 'Website',
'type_service' => 'Service',
'pattern' => 'Pesquisa palavra/padrão',
'pattern_description' => 'Se esse padrão não for encontrado no site, o servidor será marcado offline. As
expressões regulares são permitidas.',
'type_website' => 'Website',
'type_service' => 'Service',
'pattern' => 'Pesquisa palavra/padrão',
'pattern_description' => 'Se esse padrão não for encontrado no site, o servidor será marcado offline. As expressões regulares são permitidas.',
'last_check' => 'Última verificação',
'last_online' => 'Última vez online',
'last_offline' => 'Última vez offline',
'monitoring' => 'Monitoramento',
'no_monitoring' => 'Sem monitoring',
'no_monitoring' => 'No monitoring',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Enviar Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Enviar SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Usuários',
'delete_title' => 'Exluir Servidor',
'delete_message' => 'Tem certeza que deseja excluir o servidor \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Servidor excluído.',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Users',
'delete_title' => 'Delete Server',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete server \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server deleted.',
'updated' => 'Servidor atualizado.',
'inserted' => 'Servidor adicionar.',
'latency' => 'Tempo de resposta',
'latency_max' => 'Latência (máxima)',
'latency_min' => 'Latência (minima)',
'latency_avg' => 'Latência (média)',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => 'Ano',
'month' => 'Mês',
'week' => 'Semana',
'day' => 'Dia',
'hour' => 'Hora',
'warning_threshold' => 'Limite de Aviso',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Número de verificações que falharam antes de ser marcado offline.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Última semana',
'chart_history' => 'Histórico',
'chart_day_format' => '%d/%m/%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d/%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'Notificações SMS estão desabilitadas.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Notificações por email estão desabilitadas.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Notificações por Pushover estão desabilitadas.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Servidor não encontrado.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'A etiqueta deve ter entre 1 e 255 caracteres.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'O domínio / IP deve ter entre 1 e 255 caracteres.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'O IP não é válido.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'A URL não é válida.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'O tipo de servidor selecionado não é valido.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'O limite de aviso deve ser um número inteiro maior que 0.',
'latency_max' => 'Latência (máxima)',
'latency_min' => 'Latência (minima)',
'latency_avg' => 'Latência (média)',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => 'Ano',
'month' => 'Mês',
'week' => 'Semana',
'day' => 'Dia',
'hour' => 'HOra',
'warning_threshold' => 'Limite de Aviso',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Número de verificações que falharam antes de ser marcado offline.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Última semana',
'chart_history' => 'Histórico',
// Charts date format according jqPlot date format
'chart_day_format' => '%d/%m/%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d/%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover notifications are disabled.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server not found.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'The label must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'The domain / IP must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'The IP address is not valid.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'The website URL is not valid.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'The selected server type is invalid.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'The warning threshold must be a valid integer greater than 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Geral',
@ -195,127 +177,121 @@ $sm_lang = array(
'email_status' => 'Habilitar envio de email?',
'email_from_email' => 'Endereço do envio de email',
'email_from_name' => 'Nome do envio de email',
'email_smtp' => 'Enable SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP host',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP security',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'None',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP username',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP password',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Deixe em branco para nenhuma autenticação',
'email_smtp' => 'Enable SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP host',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP username',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP password',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Deixe em branco para nenhuma autenticação',
'sms_status' => 'Habilitar o envio de mensagem de texto?',
'sms_gateway' => 'Gateway para o uso de envio de mensagens',
'sms_gateway_mosms' => 'Mosms',
'sms_gateway_mollie' => 'Mollie',
'sms_gateway_spryng' => 'Spryng',
'sms_gateway_inetworx' => 'Inetworx',
'sms_gateway_clickatell' => 'Clickatell',
'sms_gateway_textmarketer' => 'Textmarketer',
'sms_gateway_smsglobal' => 'SMSGlobal',
'sms_gateway_smsit' => 'Smsit',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Usuário do Gateway',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Senha do Gateway',
'sms_from' => 'Número de telefone de envio',
'pushover_status' => 'Habilitar envio de mensagens Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover é um serviço de notificações em tempo real. Veja <a
href="" target="_blank">o website</a> para mais informações.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Clique aqui para criar sua app Pushover',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Before you can use Pushover, you need to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener">register an App</a> at their website and enter the App API
Token here.',
'pushover_status' => 'Allow sending Pushover messages',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Click here to create your Pushover app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Before you can use Pushover, you need to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">register an App</a> at their website and enter the App API Token here.',
'alert_type' => 'Selecione como você gostaria de ser notificado.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Mudança de Status:</b> Você receberá uma notificação quando o seridor
tive uma mudança de status. De online -> offline ou offline -> online.<br><br
/><b>Offline:</b> Você receberá uma notificação quando o servidor fica
OFFLINE (Pela primeira vez). Por exemplo, A cronjob é a cada 15 minutos e seu
servidor caiu em 1:00 e permanece offline até 6 am. Você receberá uma
notificação a 1:00 apenas<br><br><b>Sempre:</b> Você receberá uma
notificação toda vez que o script é executado e um site esta offline, mesmo se
o site tenha ficado offline por horas.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Mudança de Status:</b> '.
'Você receberá uma notificação quando o seridor tive uma mudança de status. De online -> offline ou offline -> online.<br/>'.
'<br /><b>Offline:</b> '.
'Você receberá uma notificação quando o servidor fica OFFLINE (Pela primeira vez). Por exemplo, '.
'A cronjob é a cada 15 minutos e seu servidor caiu em 1:00 e permanece offline até 6 am. '.
'Você receberá uma notificação a 1:00 apenas<br/>'.
'<br><b>Sempre:</b> '.
'Você receberá uma notificação toda vez que o script é executado e um site esta offline, mesmo se o site tenha ficado offline por horas.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Mudança de Status',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Sempre',
'log_status' => 'Log status',
'log_status_description' => 'Se o status de registro é definido como TRUE, o monitor irá registrar o evento
sempre que as configurações de notificação forem passadas.',
'log_status_description' => 'Se o status de registro é definido como TRUE, o monitor irá registrar o evento sempre que as configurações de notificação forem passadas.',
'log_email' => 'Registrar no Log os envios de email feitos pelo script?',
'log_sms' => 'Registrar no Log os envios de mensagens de texto feitos pelo script?',
'log_pushover' => 'Log pushover messages sent by the script',
'log_pushover' => 'Log pushover messages sent by the script',
'updated' => 'A configuração foi atualizada.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'Texto',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Configuração de email',
'settings_sms' => 'Configuração de mensagens de texto',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover settings',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover settings',
'settings_notification' => 'Configuração de notificações',
'settings_log' => 'Configuração de Logs',
'auto_refresh' => 'Atualizar automaticamente',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Atualizar automaticamente a página de servidores.<br><span class="small">Tempo
em segundos, Se 0 a página não será atualizada.</span>',
'test' => 'Teste',
'test_email' => 'Um e-mail será enviado para o endereço especificado em seu perfil de usuário.',
'test_sms' => 'Um SMS será enviado para o número de telefone especificado em seu perfil de usuário.',
'test_pushover' => 'A notificação Pushover será enviado para a chave de usuário / dispositivo especificado
em seu perfil de usuário.',
'send' => 'Enviar',
'test_subject' => 'Teste',
'test_message' => 'Mensagem de Teste',
'email_sent' => 'Email enviado',
'email_error' => 'Erro no envio do email',
'sms_sent' => 'Sms enviado',
'sms_error' => 'Error no envio do SMS. %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Não foi possível enviar SMS de teste: nenhum número de telefone válido encontrado
em seu perfil.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Notificação Pushover enviada',
'pushover_error' => 'Um erro foi encontrado ao enviar a notificação Pushover: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Não foi possível enviar a notificação de teste: não foi encontrada a APP API
token do Pushover na configuração global.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Não foi possível enviar a notificação de teste: não foi encontrada a Pushover
Key no seu perfil.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Período de retenção do Log',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Número de dias para manter os registros de notificações e arquivos
de tempo de atividade do servidor. Digite 0 para desativar a limpeza de
'log_retention_days' => 'dias',
'auto_refresh_servers' =>
'Atualizar automaticamente a página de servidores.<br/>'.
'<span class="small">'.
'Tempo em segundos, Se 0 a página não será atualizada.'.
'seconds' => 'segundos',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'An email will be sent to the address specified in your user profile.',
'test_sms' => 'An SMS will be sent to the phone number specified in your user profile.',
'test_pushover' => 'A Pushover notification will be sent to the user key/device specified in your user profile.',
'send' => 'Send',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Test message',
'email_sent' => 'Email sent',
'email_error' => 'Error in email sending',
'sms_sent' => 'Sms sent',
'sms_error' => 'Error in sms sending',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Unable to send test SMS: no valid phone number found in your profile.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover notification sent',
'pushover_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Pushover notification: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover App API token found in the global configuration.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover key found in your profile.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Log retention period',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Number of days to keep logs of notifications and archives of server uptime. Enter 0 to disable log cleanup.',
'log_retention_days' => 'days',
// for newlines in the email messages use <br/>
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' está OFFLINE: ip=%IP%, porta=%PORT%. Erro=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANTE: Servidor \'%LABEL%\' está OFFLINE',
'off_email_body' => 'Falha ao conectar ao servidor:<br><br>Servidor: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Porta:
%PORT%<br>Erro: %ERROR%<br>Data: %DATE%',
'off_email_body' => "Falha ao conectar ao servidor:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Porta: %PORT%<br/>Erro: %ERROR%<br/>Data: %DATE%",
'off_pushover_title' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' está OFFLINE',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Falha ao conectar ao servidor:<br><br>Servidor: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Porta:
%PORT%<br>Erro: %ERROR%<br>Data: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' esta ONLINE: ip=%IP%, porta=%PORT%, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'off_pushover_message' => "Falha ao conectar ao servidor:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Porta: %PORT%<br/>Erro: %ERROR%<br/>Data: %DATE%",
'on_sms' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' esta ONLINE: ip=%IP%, porta=%PORT%',
'on_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANTE: Servidor \'%LABEL%\' esta ONLINE',
'on_email_body' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' esta ONLINE novamente, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Servidor: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Porta: %PORT%<br>Data:
'on_email_body' => "Servidor '%LABEL%' esta ONLINE novamente:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Porta: %PORT%<br/>Data: %DATE%",
'on_pushover_title' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' esta ONLINE',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Servidor \'%LABEL%\' esta ONLINE novamente, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Servidor: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Porta:
%PORT%<br>Data: %DATE%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Bem vindo, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Por favor efetue login',
'title_forgot' => 'Perdeu sua senha?',
'title_reset' => 'Redefinir senha',
'submit' => 'Enviar',
'remember_me' => 'Lembrar',
'login' => 'Login',
'logout' => 'Logout',
'username' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Senha',
'password_repeat' => 'Repetir Senha',
'password_forgot' => 'Perdeu a senha?',
'password_reset' => 'Redefinir senha',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Redefinir sua senha para PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Por favor use o link para redefinir sua senha. Este link irá expirar em 1
'error_user_incorrect' => 'O username não pode ser encontrado.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'As informações são incorretas.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'A senha informada não é válida.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'O link para redefinição de senha é inválido.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Um email foi enviado para você com as instruções de redefinição de senha.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Sua senha foi redefinida com sucesso. Por favor faça login.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Não autorizado',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Você não tem autorização para ver esta página.',
'on_pushover_message' => "Servidor '%LABEL%' esta ONLINE novamente:<br/><br/>Servidor: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Porta: %PORT%<br/>Data: %DATE%",
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Bem vindo, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Por favor efetue login',
'title_forgot' => 'Perdeu sua senha?',
'title_reset' => 'Redefinir senha',
'submit' => 'Enviar',
'remember_me' => 'Lembrar',
'login' => 'Login',
'logout' => 'Logout',
'username' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Senha',
'password_repeat' => 'Repetir Senha',
'password_forgot' => 'Perdeu a senha?',
'password_reset' => 'Redefinir senha',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Redefinir sua senha para PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Por favor use o link para redefinir sua senha. Este link irá expirar em 1 hora.<br/><br/>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'O username não pode ser encontrado.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'As informações são incorretas.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'A senha informada não é válida.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'O link para redefinição de senha é inválido.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Um email foi enviado para você com as instruções de redefinição de senha.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Sua senha foi redefinida com sucesso. Por favor faça login.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'You do not have the privileges to view this page.',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -20,454 +19,279 @@
* @package phpservermon
* @author Roman Beylin <>
* @author Alexell <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Русский - Russian',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'ru_RU.UTF-8',
'1' => 'ru_RU',
'2' => 'russian',
'locale_tag' => 'ru',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Сервер Мониторинг',
'install' => 'Установка',
'action' => 'Действие',
'save' => 'Сохранить',
'edit' => 'Редактировать',
'delete' => 'Удалить',
'date' => 'Дата',
'message' => 'Сообщение',
'yes' => 'Да',
'no' => 'Нет',
'insert' => 'Добавить',
'add_new' => 'Добавить новый',
'update_available' => 'Новая версия ({version}) доступна по адресу <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'Наверх',
'go_back' => 'Вернуться',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Отмена',
'activate' => 'Активировать',
'short_day_format' => '%e %B',
'long_day_format' => '%e %B %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Вчера в %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A в %k:%M',
'never' => 'Никогда',
'hours_ago' => '%d часов назад',
'an_hour_ago' => 'час назад',
'minutes_ago' => '%d минут назад',
'a_minute_ago' => 'минуту назад',
'seconds_ago' => '%d секунд назад',
'a_second_ago' => 'секунду назад',
'year' => 'год',
'years' => 'лет',
'month' => 'месяц',
'months' => 'месяцев',
'day' => 'день',
'days' => 'дней',
'hour' => 'час',
'hours' => 'часов',
'minute' => 'минута',
'minutes' => 'минут',
'second' => 'секунда',
'seconds' => 'секунд',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Параметры',
'server' => 'Серверы',
'server_log' => 'Лог',
'server_status' => 'Статус',
'server_update' => 'Обновить',
'user' => 'Пользователи',
'help' => 'Помощь',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Пользователь',
'name' => 'Имя пользователя',
'user_name' => 'Логин',
'password' => 'Пароль',
'password_repeat' => 'Повтор пароля',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Оставить пустым, если не меняется',
'level' => 'Уровень',
'level_10' => 'Администратор',
'level_20' => 'Пользователь',
'level_description' => '<b>Администраторы</b> имеют полный доступ: они
могут управлять серверами, пользователями и
изменять общую
конфигурацию.<br><b>Пользователи</b> могут только
просматривать и запускать проверку для
серверов, которые были к ним прикреплены.',
'mobile' => 'Телефон',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover - это сервис, который позволяет легко
получать уведомления в режиме реального
времени. Больше информации на <a
href="" target="_blank">их веб-сайте</a>.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover ключ',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover устройство',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Имя устройства, на которое будут
отправляться уведомления. Оставьте
пустым, что бы отправлять уведомления на
все устройства.',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a> удобный
мессенджер для получения уведомлений в
реальном времени. Посетите <a
href="" target="_blank">раздел
документации</a> для получения доп. информации
и инструкций по установке.',
'telegram_chat_id' => 'Telegram chat id',
'telegram_chat_id_description' => 'Сообщения будут отправляться на
указанный идентификатор чата.',
'telegram_get_chat_id' => 'Нажмите здесь чтобы получить ваш chat id',
'activate_telegram' => 'Активировать уведомления в Telegram',
'activate_telegram_description' => 'Разрешить отправку уведомлений на
указанный идентификатор чата. Без этого
разрешения Telegram не позволит нам
отправлять вам уведомления.',
'telegram_bot_username_found' => 'Бот обнаружен!<br><a href="%s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener"><button class="btn btn-primary">Следующий
шаг</button></a> <br>Откроется чат с ботом. Здесь
вам нужно нажать кнопку Start или отправить
команду /start.',
'telegram_bot_username_error_token' => '401 - Unauthorized. Пожалуйста укажите
действительный API токен..',
'telegram_bot_error' => 'Произошла ошибка при активации уведомления
Telegram: %s',
'delete_title' => 'Удалить пользователя',
'delete_message' => 'Вы уверены что хотите удалить пользователя \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Пользователь удален.',
'updated' => 'Пользователь обновлен.',
'inserted' => 'Пользователь добавлен.',
'profile' => 'Профиль',
'profile_updated' => 'Ваш профиль был обновлен.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Логин должен содержать от 2 до 64 знаков.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Имя пользователя может содержать только
латинские символы (a-z, A-Z), цифры (0-9), точки (.)
и подчеркивание (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Данный логин уже существует.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'E-mail может содержать от 5 до 255 знаков.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'E-mail указан неверно.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Данный уровень пользователя
'error_user_no_match' => 'Данного пользователя нет в базе данных.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Пароль указан неверно.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Введенные пароли не совпадают.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Запись',
'type' => 'Тип',
'status' => 'Статус',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'no_logs' => 'Записей нет',
'clear' => 'Очистить логи',
'delete_title' => 'Удаление логов',
'delete_message' => 'Вы уверены что хотите удалить <b>все</b> логи?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Сервер',
'status' => 'Состояние',
'label' => 'Название',
'domain' => 'Домен/IP',
'timeout' => 'Тайм-аут',
'timeout_description' => 'Количество секунд ожидания ответа сервера.',
'authentication_settings' => 'Настройки аутентификации',
'optional' => 'необязательно',
'website_username' => 'Имя пользователя',
'website_username_description' => 'Имя пользователя для доступа к сайту.
(Поддерживается только Apache authentication.)',
'website_password' => 'Пароль',
'website_password_description' => 'пароль для доступа к сайту. Пароль будет
храниться в зашифрованном виде.',
'fieldset_monitoring' => 'Мониторинг',
'fieldset_permissions' => 'Права доступа',
'port' => 'Порт',
'custom_port' => 'Указать порт',
'popular_ports' => 'Популярные порты',
'please_select' => 'Выберите',
'type' => 'Тип',
'type_website' => 'Веб-сайт',
'type_service' => 'Сервис',
'type_ping' => 'Пинг',
'pattern' => 'Искать текст/шаблон',
'pattern_description' => 'Если текст по шаблону не найден на сайте,
сервер будет помечен как Оффлайн. Регулярные
выражения допустимы.',
'pattern_online' => 'Шаблон указывает что вебсайт:',
'pattern_online_description' => 'Online: Если этот шаблон найден на веб-сайте,
сервер будет отмечен Онлайн. Offline: Если
этот шаблон не найден на веб-сайте, сервер
будет отмечен как Оффлайн.',
'header_name' => 'Название заголовка',
'header_value' => 'Значение заголовка',
'header_name_description' => 'с учетом регистра.',
'header_value_description' => 'Разрешены регулярные выражения.',
'last_check' => 'Последняя проверка',
'last_online' => 'Был онлайн',
'last_offline' => 'Был оффлайн',
'monitoring' => 'Мониторинг',
'no_monitoring' => 'Нет мониторинга',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'send_email' => 'Отправить E-mail',
'sms' => 'CMC',
'send_sms' => 'Отправить CMC',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'send_pushover' => 'Отправлять уведомления в Pushover',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'send_telegram' => 'Отправлять уведомления в Telegram',
'users' => 'Пользователи',
'delete_title' => 'Удалить сервер',
'delete_message' => 'Вы уверены что хотите удалить сервер \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Сервер удален.',
'updated' => 'Сервер обновлен.',
'inserted' => 'Сервер добавлен.',
'latency' => 'Задержка',
'latency_max' => 'Задержка (максимальная)',
'latency_min' => 'Задержка (минимальная)',
'latency_avg' => 'Задержка (средняя)',
'online' => 'онлайн',
'offline' => 'оффлайн',
'uptime' => 'Аптайм',
'year' => 'Год',
'month' => 'Месяц',
'week' => 'Неделя',
'day' => 'День',
'hour' => 'Час',
'warning_threshold' => 'Порог предупреждения',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Количество неудачных проверок,
требуемых чтобы сервер был помечен как
'chart_last_week' => 'Прошлая неделя',
'chart_history' => 'История',
'chart_day_format' => '%d.%m.%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d.%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS уведомления отключены.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'E-mail уведомления отключены.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover уведомления отключены.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_telegram' => 'Уведомления в Telegram отключены.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Сервер не найден.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Название должно содержать от 1 до 255
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Домен/IP должен содержать от 1 до 255 знаков',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'IP-адрес недействителен.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'Ссылка веб-страницы недействительна.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Выбраный тип сервера недействителен.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Порог предупреждения должен иметь
значение больше 0',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Основные',
'language' => 'Язык',
'show_update' => 'Проверять обновления?',
'password_encrypt_key' => 'Ключ шифрования пароля',
'password_encrypt_key_note' => 'Этот ключ используется для шифрования
паролей, которые указаны на серверах (для
доступа к веб-сайтам). Если ключ изменится,
сохраненный пароль будет недействителен!',
'proxy' => 'Использовать прокси',
'proxy_url' => 'Адрес прокси',
'proxy_user' => 'Имя пользователя прокси',
'proxy_password' => 'Пароль прокси',
'email_status' => 'Разрешить отправку email',
'email_from_email' => 'Отправлять от адреса',
'email_from_name' => 'Отправлять от имени',
'email_smtp' => 'Использовать SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP адрес',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP порт',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP защита',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'нет',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP пользователь',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP пароль',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Оставить пустым, если без аутентификации',
'sms_status' => 'Разрешить отправку SMS',
'sms_gateway' => 'Шлюз для отправки SMS',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Пользователь',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Пароль',
'sms_from' => 'Номер отправителя',
'pushover_status' => 'Разрешить отправку Pushover сообщений',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover - это сервис, который позволяет легко
получать уведомления в режиме реального
времени. Больше информации на <a
href="" target="_blank">их веб-сайте</a>.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Нажмите здесь чтобы создать ваш Pushover app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Прежде чем вы сможете начать
пользоваться Pushover, вам необходимо
зарегистрировать <a href="%1$s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener">"App"</a> на их веб-сайте и ввести "App
API Token" сюда.',
'telegram_status' => 'Разрешить отправку уведомлений в Telegram',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a> удобный
мессенджер для получения уведомлений в
реальном времени. Посетите <a
href="" target="_blank">раздел
документации</a> для получения доп. информации
и инструкций по установке.',
'telegram_api_token' => 'Telegram API Token',
'telegram_api_token_description' => 'Прежде чем вы сможете начать
пользоваться Telegram, вам необходимо
получить API Token. Посетите <a
href="" target="_blank">раздел
документации</a> для получения помощи.',
'alert_type' => 'Тип уведомлений',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Изменение статуса:</b> Вы получите
уведомление об изменение статуса. Для
онлайн -> оффлайн или офлайн -> онлайн.<br><br
/><b>Оффлайн:</b> Вы получите уведомление
только когда сервер перейдет в статус
оффлайн. Например, задание Cron выставлено на
каждые 15 минут. Сервер перейдет в статус
оффлайн в 1:00 и не измениться до 6:00. Вы
получите 1 уведомление только в
1:00<br><br><b>Всегда:</b> Вы будете получать
уведомление при каждом запуске скрипта
проверки, как только сервер перейдет в
статус оффлайн, даже если сервер находится в
этом статусе несколько часов.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Изменение статуса',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Оффлайн',
'alert_type_always' => 'Всегда',
'alert_proxy' => 'Даже если включено, прокси никогда не
используется для сервисов',
'alert_proxy_url' => 'Формат: адрес:порт',
'log_status' => 'Лог статусов',
'log_status_description' => 'Если лог статусов включен, монитор будет
логировать все события выбранные в типе
'log_email' => 'Логировать уведомления отправленые по E-mail',
'log_sms' => 'Логировать уведомления отправленые по SMS',
'log_pushover' => 'Логировать Pushover уведомления',
'log_telegram' => 'Логировать Telegram уведомления',
'updated' => 'Настройки успешно сохранены.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'tab_telegram' => 'Telegram',
'settings_email' => 'Настройка E-mail',
'settings_sms' => 'Настройка SMS',
'settings_pushover' => 'Настройка Pushover',
'settings_telegram' => 'Настройка Telegram',
'settings_notification' => 'Настройка уведомлений',
'settings_log' => 'Настройка логирования',
'settings_proxy' => 'Настройка прокси',
'auto_refresh' => 'Авто-обновление',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Авто-обновление страницы статуса
серверов.<br><span class="small">Время в секундах.
Если указано 0, то страница не будет
'test' => 'Проверка',
'test_email' => 'Сообщение будет отправлено на адрес указаный в
профиле пользователя.',
'test_sms' => 'SMS будет отправлено на номер телефона указаный в
профиле пользователя.',
'test_pushover' => 'Pushover уведомление будет отправленно на
устройство указанное в профиле пользователя.',
'test_telegram' => 'Уведомление Telegram будет отправлено на
идентификатор чата, указанный в профиле
'send' => 'Отправить',
'test_subject' => 'Проверка',
'test_message' => 'Тестовое сообщение',
'email_sent' => 'Email отправлен',
'email_error' => 'Ошибка отправки email',
'sms_sent' => 'SMS отправлено',
'sms_error' => 'При отправке SMS произошла ошибка: %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Не удалось отправить тестовое SMS:
действительный номер телефона не найден в
вашем профиле.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover уведомление отправлено',
'pushover_error' => 'Произошла ошибка во время отправки Pushover
уведомления: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Не удалось отправить тестовое уведомление:
Pushover "App API token" не найден в основных
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Не удалось отправить тестовое уведомление:
Pushover ключ не найден в вашем профиле.',
'telegram_sent' => 'Уведомление в Telegram отправлено',
'telegram_error' => 'Произошла ошибка при отправке уведомления в
Telegram: %s',
'telegram_error_notoken' => 'Не удалось отправить тестовое уведомление:
Telegram API token не найден в основных настройках.',
'telegram_error_noid' => 'Не удалось отправить тестовое уведомление:
идентификатор чата не найден в вашем профиле.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Период хранения логов',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Количество дней хранения логов
уведомлений и архива аптайма серверов.
Введите 0 для выключения очистки логов.',
'log_retention_days' => 'дней',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Сервер \'%LABEL%\' сейчас НЕДОСТУПЕН: IP=%IP%, Порт=%PORT%.
'off_email_subject' => 'ВАЖНО: сервер \'%LABEL%\' сейчас НЕДОСТУПЕН',
'off_email_body' => 'Невозможно подключиться к следующему
серверу:<br><br>Сервер: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Порт:
%PORT%<br>Ошибка: %ERROR%<br>Дата: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Cервер \'%LABEL%\' сейчас НЕДОСТУПЕН',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Невозможно подключиться к следующему
серверу:<br><br>Сервер: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Порт:
%PORT%<br>Ошибка: %ERROR%<br>Дата: %DATE%',
'off_telegram_message' => 'Невозможно подключиться к следующему
серверу:<br><br>Сервер: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Порт:
%PORT%<br>Ошибка: %ERROR%<br>Дата: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Сервер \'%LABEL%\' снова ДОСТУПЕН: IP=%IP%, Порт=%PORT%. Был
'on_email_subject' => 'ВАЖНО: Сервер \'%LABEL%\' сейчас ДОСТУПЕН',
'on_email_body' => 'Сервер \'%LABEL%\' снова доступен.<br>Был недоступен:
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br><br>Сервер: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Порт:
%PORT%<br>Дата: %DATE%',
'on_pushover_title' => 'Сервер \'%LABEL%\' сейчас ДОСТУПЕН',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Сервер \'%LABEL%\' снова доступен.<br>Был
недоступен: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br><br>Сервер: %LABEL%<br>IP:
%IP%<br>Порт: %PORT%<br>Дата: %DATE%',
'on_telegram_message' => 'Сервер \'%LABEL%\' снова доступен.<br>Был
недоступен: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br><br>Сервер: %LABEL%<br>IP:
%IP%<br>Порт: %PORT%<br>Дата: %DATE%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Здравствуйте, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь',
'title_forgot' => 'Забыли пароль?',
'title_reset' => 'Сбросить пароль',
'submit' => 'Подтвердить',
'remember_me' => 'Запомнить меня',
'login' => 'Войти',
'logout' => 'Выйти',
'username' => 'Логин',
'password' => 'Пароль',
'password_repeat' => 'Повторить пароль',
'password_forgot' => 'Забыли пароль?',
'password_reset' => 'Сбросить пароль',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Сброс пароля для PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Пожалуйста, используйте следующую ссылку
для сброса пароля. Ссылка действительна 1
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Пользователь с указаными данными не найден.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Информация указана неверно.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Пароль указан неверно.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Ссылка для сброса пароля недействительна.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Вам был отправлен email, с инструкциями по
сбросу пароля.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Ваш пароль был сброшен. Пожалуйста
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Доступ закрыт',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'У вас нет прав доступа к этой странице.',
'name' => 'Russian - Русский',
'locale' => array('ru_RU.UTF-8', 'ru_RU', 'russian', 'russian'),
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Сервер Мониторинг',
'install' => 'Установка',
'action' => 'Действие',
'save' => 'Сохранить',
'edit' => 'Редактировать',
'delete' => 'Удалить',
'date' => 'Дата',
'message' => 'Сообщение',
'yes' => 'Да',
'no' => 'Нет',
'insert' => 'Добавить',
'add_new' => 'Добавить новый',
'update_available' => 'Новая версия ({version}) доступна по адресу <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.',
'back_to_top' => 'Наверх',
'go_back' => 'Вернуться',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Отмена',
// date/time format according the strftime php function format parameter
'short_day_format' => '%e %B',
'long_day_format' => '%e %B %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Вчера в %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A в %k:%M',
'never' => 'Никогда',
'hours_ago' => '%d часов назад',
'an_hour_ago' => 'час назад',
'minutes_ago' => '%d минут назад',
'a_minute_ago' => 'минуту назад',
'seconds_ago' => '%d секунд назад',
'a_second_ago' => 'секунду назад',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Параметры',
'server' => 'Серверы',
'server_log' => 'Лог',
'server_status' => 'Статус',
'server_update' => 'Обновить',
'user' => 'Пользователи',
'help' => 'Помощь',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Пользователь',
'name' => 'Имя пользователя',
'user_name' => 'Логин',
'password' => 'Пароль',
'password_repeat' => 'Повтор пароля',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Оставить пустым, если не меняется',
'level' => 'Уровень',
'level_10' => 'Администратор',
'level_20' => 'Пользователь',
'level_description' => '<b>Администраторы</b> имеют полный доступ: они могут управлять серверами, пользователями и изменять общую конфигурацию.<br/><b>Пользователи</b> могут только просматривать и запускать проверку для серверов, которые были к ним прикреплены.',
'mobile' => 'Телефон',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover - это сервис, который позволяет легко получать уведомления в режиме реального времени. Больше информации на <a href="">их веб-сайте</a>.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover ключ',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover устройство',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Имя устройства, на которое будут отправляться уведомления. Оставьте пустым, что бы отправлять уведомления на все устройства.',
'delete_title' => 'Удалить пользователя',
'delete_message' => 'Вы уверены что хотите удалить пользователя \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Пользователь удален.',
'updated' => 'Пользователь обновлен.',
'inserted' => 'Пользователь добавлен.',
'profile' => 'Профиль',
'profile_updated' => 'Ваш профиль был обновлен.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Логин должен содержать от 2 до 64 знаков.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Имя пользователя может содержать только латинские символы (a-z, A-Z), цифры (0-9) и подчеркивание (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Данный логин уже существует.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'E-mail может содержать от 5 до 255 знаков.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'E-mail указан неверно.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Данный уровень пользователя недействителен.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Данного пользователя нет в базе данных.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Пароль указан неверно.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Введенные пароли не совпадают.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Запись',
'type' => 'Тип',
'status' => 'Статус',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'sms' => 'СМС',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'Записей нет',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Сервер',
'status' => 'Состояние',
'label' => 'Название',
'domain' => 'Домен/IP',
'timeout' => 'Тайм-аут',
'timeout_description' => 'Количество секунд ожидания ответа сервера.',
'port' => 'Порт',
'type' => 'Тип',
'type_website' => 'Веб-сайт',
'type_service' => 'Сервис',
'pattern' => 'Искать текст/шаблон',
'pattern_description' => 'Если текст по шаблону не найден на сайте, сервер будет помечен как Оффлайн. Регулярные выражения допустимы.',
'last_check' => 'Последняя проверка',
'last_online' => 'Был онлайн',
'monitoring' => 'Мониторинг',
'no_monitoring' => 'Нет мониторинга',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'send_email' => 'Отправить E-mail',
'sms' => 'CMC',
'send_sms' => 'Отправить CMC',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Пользователи',
'delete_title' => 'Удалить сервер',
'delete_message' => 'Вы уверены что хотите удалить сервер \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Сервер удален.',
'updated' => 'Сервер обновлен.',
'inserted' => 'Север добавлен.',
'latency' => 'Задержка',
'latency_max' => 'Задержка (максимальная)',
'latency_min' => 'Задержка (минимальная)',
'latency_avg' => 'Задержка (средняя)',
'uptime' => 'Аптайм',
'year' => 'Год',
'month' => 'Месяц',
'week' => 'Неделя',
'day' => 'День',
'hour' => 'Час',
'warning_threshold' => 'Порог предупреждения',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Количество неудачных проверок, требуемых перед тем как сервер будет помечен как Оффлайн.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Прошлая неделя',
'chart_history' => 'История',
// Charts date format according jqPlot date format
'chart_day_format' => '%d-%m-%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d/%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'СМС уведомления отключены.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'E-mail уведомления отключены.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover уведомления отключены.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Сервер не найден.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Название должно содержать от 1 до 255 знаков.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Домен/IP должен содержать от 1 до 255 знаков',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'IP-адрес недействителен.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'Ссылка веб-страницы недействительна.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Выбраный тип сервера недействителен.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Порог предупреждения должен иметь значение больше 0',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Основные',
'language' => 'Язык',
'show_update' => 'Обновления',
'email_status' => 'Разрешить отправку E-mail',
'email_from_email' => 'Отправлять от адреса',
'email_from_name' => 'Отправлять от имени',
'email_smtp' => 'Включить SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP сервер',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP порт',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP пользователь',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP пароль',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Оставить пустым, если без аутентификации',
'sms_status' => 'Разрешить отправку СМС',
'sms_gateway' => 'Шлюз для отправки СМС',
'sms_gateway_mosms' => 'Mosms',
'sms_gateway_mollie' => 'Mollie',
'sms_gateway_spryng' => 'Spryng',
'sms_gateway_inetworx' => 'Inetworx',
'sms_gateway_clickatell' => 'Clickatell',
'sms_gateway_textmarketer' => 'Textmarketer',
'sms_gateway_smsglobal' => 'SMSGlobal',
'sms_gateway_smsit' => 'Smsit',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Пользователь',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Пароль',
'sms_from' => 'Номер отправителя',
'pushover_status' => 'Разрешить отправку Pushover сообщений',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover - это сервис, который позволяет легко получать уведомления в режиме реального времени. Больше информации на <a href="">их веб-сайте</a>.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Click here to create your Pushover app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Прежде чем вы сможете начать пользоваться Pushover, вам необходимо зарегестрировать <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">"App"</a> на их веб-сайте и ввести "App API Token" сюда.',
'alert_type' => 'Выбeрите, какие вы хотите получать уведомления',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Изменение статуса :</b> '.
'Вы получите уведомление об изменение статуса. Для онлайн -> оффлайн или офлайн -> онлайн.<br/>'.
'<br /><b>Оффлайн:</b> '.
'Вы получите уведомление только когда сервер перейдет в статус оффлайн. Например, '.
'Задание Cron выставлено на каждые 15 минут. Сервер перейдет в статус оффлайн в 1:00 и не измениться до 6:00. '.
'Вы получите 1 уведомление только в 1:00<br/>'.
'<br><b>Всегда:</b> '.
'Вы будете получать уведомление при каждом запуске скрипта проверки, как только сервер перейдет в статус оффлайн, даже если сервер находится в этом статусе несколько часов',
'alert_type_status' => 'Изменение статуса',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Оффлайн',
'alert_type_always' => 'Всегда',
'log_status' => 'Лог статусов',
'log_status_description' => 'Если лог установлен в TRUE, монитор будет логировать все события режим которых выбран в типе уведомлений.',
'log_email' => 'Логировать уведомления отправленые по E-mail',
'log_sms' => 'Логировать уведомления отправленые по СМС',
'log_pushover' => 'Логировать Pushover уведомления',
'updated' => 'Параметры были успешно применены.',
'tab_email' => 'E-mail',
'tab_sms' => 'СМС',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Настройка E-mail',
'settings_sms' => 'Настройка SMS',
'settings_pushover' => 'Настройка Pushover',
'settings_notification' => 'Настройка уведомлений',
'settings_log' => 'Настройка логирования',
'auto_refresh' => 'Авто-обновление',
'auto_refresh_servers' =>
'Авто-обновление страницы статуса серверов.<br/>'.
'<span class="small">'.
'Вермя в секундах, если 0 страница не будет обновляться.'.
'seconds' => 'секунд',
'test' => 'Проверка',
'test_email' => 'Сообщение будет отправлено на адрес указаный в профиле пользователя.',
'test_sms' => 'Сообщение будет отправлено на номер телефона указаный в профиле пользователя.',
'test_pushover' => 'Pushover уведомление будет отправленно на устройство указанное в профиле пользователя.',
'send' => 'Отправить',
'test_subject' => 'Проверка',
'test_message' => 'Тестовое сообщение',
'email_sent' => 'Сообщение отправлено',
'email_error' => 'Ошибка при отправке сообщения',
'sms_sent' => 'СМС отправлено',
'sms_error' => 'Ошибка при отправке СМС',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Не удалось отправить пробный СМС: действительный телефонный номер не был найден в вашем профиле.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover уведомление отправлено',
'pushover_error' => 'Произошла ошибка во время отправки Pushover уведомления: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Не удалось отправить пробное уведомление: Pushover "App API token" не был найден в основных настройках.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Не удалось отправить пробное уведомление: Pushover ключ не был найден в вашем профиле.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Log retention period',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Number of days to keep logs of notifications and archives of server uptime. Enter 0 to disable log cleanup.',
'log_retention_days' => 'days',
// for newlines in the email messages use <br/>
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Сервер \'%LABEL%\' сейчас НЕДОСТУПЕН: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Ошибка=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'ВАЖНО: сервер \'%LABEL%\' сейчас НЕДОСТУПЕН',
'off_email_body' => "Невозможно подключиться к следующему серверу:<br/><br/>Сервер: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Порт: %PORT%<br/>Ошибка: %ERROR%<br/>Дата: %DATE%",
'off_pushover_title' => 'Cервер \'%LABEL%\' сейчас НЕДОСТУПЕН',
'off_pushover_message' => "Невозможно подключиться к следующему серверу:<br/><br/>Сервер: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Порт: %PORT%<br/>Ошибка: %ERROR%<br/>Дата: %DATE%",
'on_sms' => 'Сервер \'%LABEL%\' сейчас ДОСТУПЕН: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%',
'on_email_subject' => 'ВАЖНО: Сервер \'%LABEL%\' сейчас ДОСТУПЕН',
'on_email_body' => "Сервер '%LABEL%' снова доступен:<br/><br/>Сервер: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Порт: %PORT%<br/>Дата: %DATE%",
'on_pushover_title' => 'Сервер \'%LABEL%\' сейчас ДОСТУПЕН',
'on_pushover_message' => "Сервер '%LABEL%' снова доступен:<br/><br/>Сервер: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Порт: %PORT%<br/>Дата: %DATE%",
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Здравствуйте, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь',
'title_forgot' => 'Забыли пароль?',
'title_reset' => 'Сбросить пароль',
'submit' => 'Подтвердить',
'remember_me' => 'Запомнить меня',
'login' => 'Войти',
'logout' => 'Выйти',
'username' => 'Логин',
'password' => 'Пароль',
'password_repeat' => 'Повторить пароль',
'password_forgot' => 'Забыли пароль?',
'password_reset' => 'Сбросить пароль',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Сбросить пароль для PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Пожалуйста, используйте следующую ссылку для сброса пароля. Ссылка действительна 1 час.<br/><br/>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Пользователь с указаными данными не найден.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Информация указана неверно.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Пароль указан неверно.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Ссылка для сброса пароля недействительна.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Вам был отправлен email, с описанием сброса пароля.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Ваш пароль был сброшен. Пожалуйста авторизуйтесь.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Доступ закрыт',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'У вас нет прав доступа к этой странице.',

View File

@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Peter Misura <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Slovensky - Slovak',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'sk_SK.UTF-8',
'1' => 'sk_SK',
'2' => 'slovak',
'3' => 'slovak',
'locale_tag' => 'sk',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Inštalácia',
'action' => 'Akcia',
'save' => 'Uložiť',
'edit' => 'Upraviť',
'delete' => 'Zmazať',
'date' => 'Dátum',
'message' => 'Správa',
'yes' => 'Áno',
'no' => 'Nie',
'insert' => 'Vložiť',
'add_new' => 'Pridať',
'update_available' => 'Nová verzia - ({version}) je dostupná na <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'Späť na začiatok',
'go_back' => 'Späť',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Zrušiť',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Včera v %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A v %k:%M',
'never' => 'Nikdy',
'hours_ago' => 'pred %d hodinami',
'an_hour_ago' => 'cca pred hodinou',
'minutes_ago' => 'pred %d minútami',
'a_minute_ago' => 'cca pred minútou',
'seconds_ago' => 'pred %d sekundami',
'a_second_ago' => 'pred chvíľou',
'seconds' => 'sekúnd',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Konfigurácia',
'server' => 'Servery',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Stav',
'server_update' => 'Aktualizácia',
'user' => 'Užívateľ',
'help' => 'Nápoveda',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Užívateľ',
'name' => 'Meno',
'user_name' => 'Užívateľské meno',
'password' => 'Heslo',
'password_repeat' => 'Rovnaké heslo (pre kontrolu)',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Nevyplňujte ak nechcete zmeniť.',
'level' => 'Oprávnenie',
'level_10' => 'Administrátor',
'level_20' => 'Užívateľ',
'level_description' => '<b>Administrátor</b> plný prístup: môže spravovať servery, užívateľov a
upraviť globálnu konfiguráciu.<br><b>Uživatel</b> práva len na čítanie a
spustiť aktualizáciu serverov, ktoré priradené.',
'mobile' => 'Mobil',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover je služba umožňujúca jednoducho zasielať real-time upozornenia. Viac
na <a href="">webe Pushover</a>',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Token',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Zariadenie',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Název zariadenia, na ktoré byť správa odoslaná. Ponechajte prázdne
pre odoslanie na všetky zariadenia.',
'delete_title' => 'Zmazať užívateľa',
'delete_message' => 'Naozaj zmazať užívateľa \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Užívateľ zmazaný.',
'updated' => 'Užívateľ aktualizovaný.',
'inserted' => 'Užívateľ pridaný.',
'profile' => 'Profil',
'profile_updated' => 'Váš užívateľský profil bol upravený.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Užívateľské meno musí obsahovať 2 až 64 znakov.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Užívateľské meno môže obsahovať iba písmena (a-z, A-Z), čísla (0-9),
bodky (.) a podtržítka (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Zadané uživatelské jméno již existuje v databázi.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'E-mailová adresa musí obsahovat 5 až 255 znaků .',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'E-mailová adresa je neplatná',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Zadané oprávnenie je neplatné.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Užívateľ nebol najdený.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Zadané heslo je neplatné.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Zadaná heslá sa nezhodujú.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Záznamy logu',
'type' => 'Typ',
'status' => 'Stav',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'Žiadne záznamy',
'clear' => 'Jasný protokol',
'delete_title' => 'Jasný protokol',
'delete_message' => 'Naozaj chcete odstrániť <b>všetky</b> záznamy?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Stav',
'label' => 'Popis',
'domain' => 'Doména/IP',
'timeout' => 'Časový limit',
'timeout_description' => 'Počet sekúnd čakania na odpoveď serveru.',
'authentication_settings' => 'Nastavenie autentizacie',
'optional' => 'voliteľný',
'website_username' => 'Užívateľské meno',
'website_username_description' => 'Užívateľské meno pre prístup na stránku. (Len Apache autorizácia je
'website_password' => 'Heslo',
'website_password_description' => 'Heslo pre prístup na stránku. Heslo je v databázi šifrované.',
'fieldset_monitoring' => 'Monitoring',
'fieldset_permissions' => 'Oprávnenie',
'port' => 'Port',
'custom_port' => 'Užívateľský Port',
'popular_ports' => 'Populárne Porty',
'please_select' => 'Prosím vyberte',
'type' => 'Typ',
'type_website' => 'Web',
'type_service' => 'Služba',
'pattern' => 'Vyhledat reťazec/vzor',
'pattern_description' => 'Pokiaľ reťazec nebude na webe nájdený, bude server označený ako offline.
Regulárne výrazy povolené.',
'last_check' => 'Posledná kontrola',
'last_online' => 'Naposledy online',
'monitoring' => 'Monitoring',
'no_monitoring' => 'Žiadne monitorované služby',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'send_email' => 'Odoslať e-mail',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Odoslať SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Užívatelia',
'delete_title' => 'Zmazať server',
'delete_message' => 'Naozaj si prajete zmazať \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server zmazaný.',
'updated' => 'Server aktualizovaný.',
'inserted' => 'Server pridaný.',
'latency' => 'Latencia',
'latency_max' => 'Latencia (maximum)',
'latency_min' => 'Latencia (minimum)',
'latency_avg' => 'Latencia (priemer)',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => 'Rok',
'month' => 'Mesiac',
'week' => 'Týždeň',
'day' => 'Deň',
'hour' => 'Hodina',
'warning_threshold' => 'Stropná hranica varovania',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Počet neúspešných pokusov pred označením serveru ako offline.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Minulý týždeň',
'chart_history' => 'História',
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS upozornenia sú vypnuté.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'E-mailové upozornenia sú vypnuté.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover upozornenia sú vypnuté.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server nenájdený.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Popisok musí obsahovať 1 až 255 znakov.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Doména/IP adresa musí obsahovať 1 až 255 znakov.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'IP adresa nie je platná.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'URL webu nie je platná.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Zvolený typ serveru nie je platný',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Hranica varovania musí byť číslo väčšie ako 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Všeobecné',
'language' => 'Jazyk',
'show_update' => 'Kontrolovať aktualizácie?',
'password_encrypt_key' => 'Šifrovací kľúč pre heslá',
'password_encrypt_key_note' => 'Týmto klúčom sa šifrujú heslá, ktoré sa ukladajú na serveroch pre
prístup na webové stránky. Ak kľúč zmeníte, budú uložené heslá
'email_status' => 'Povoliť odosielanie e-mailu',
'email_from_email' => 'E-mailová adresa odosielateľa',
'email_from_name' => 'Jméno odosielateľa',
'email_smtp' => 'Zapnúť SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP adresa',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP zabezpečenie',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'žiadne',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP užívateľské meno',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP heslo',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Nechajte prázdne pre použitie SMTP bez hesla',
'sms_status' => 'Povoliť odosielanie textových správ',
'sms_gateway' => 'Brána použitá pro odosielanie správ',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Užívateľské meno brány',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Heslo brány',
'sms_from' => 'Telefónne číslo odosielateľa',
'pushover_status' => 'Povoliť zasielanie Pushover správ',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover je služba umožňujúca jednoducho zasielať real-time upozornenia. Viac
na <a href="">webe Pushover</a>',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Kliknite pre vytvorenie Pushover aplikácie',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Pred použitím Pushoveru sa musíte <a href="%1$s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener">registrovať</a> a získať API Token.',
'alert_type' => 'Zvoľte kedy si prajete byť upozornení.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Zmena stavu:</b> Obdržíte upozornenie pri zmene stavu, teda: online ->
offline alebo offline -> online.<br><br /><b>Offline:</b> Obdržíte upozornenie,
keď server prejde *PO PRVÝ KRÁT* do offline stavu. Napríklad, pokiaľ je cron
nastavený na 15 minút a sledovaný server bude offline mezi 01:00 a 06:00, tak
obdržíte upozornenie iba o 01:00.<br><br><b>Vždy:</b> Obdržíte upozornenie
pri každom spustení kontroly, teda aj pokiaľ bude server offline niekoľko
'alert_type_status' => 'Zmena stavu',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Vždy',
'log_status' => 'Log',
'log_status_description' => 'Pokiaľ je Log nastavený na hodnotu TRUE, systém do neho zapíše všetky
'log_email' => 'Logovať odoslané e-maily',
'log_sms' => 'Logovať odoslané textové správy',
'log_pushover' => 'Logovať odoslané Pushover správy',
'updated' => 'Nastavenie bolo aktualizované.',
'tab_email' => 'E-mail',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Nastavenie e-mailov',
'settings_sms' => 'Nastavenie textových správ',
'settings_pushover' => 'Nastavenie Pushover',
'settings_notification' => 'Nastavenie upozornení',
'settings_log' => 'Nastavenie logu',
'auto_refresh' => 'Automaticky obnoviť',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Automaticky obnoviť stránku Servery.<br><span class="small">Čas v
sekundách, 0 pre vypnutie automatického obnovenia.</span>',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'E-mail bude odoslaný na adresu uvedenú v užívateľskom profile.',
'test_sms' => 'SMS bude odoslaná na telefónne číslo uvedené v užívateľskom profile.',
'test_pushover' => 'Pushover upozornenie bude odoslané užívateľovi/zariadeniu podľa nastavení v
užívateľskom profile.',
'send' => 'Odoslať',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Testovacia správa',
'email_sent' => 'E-mail odoslaný',
'email_error' => 'Chyba pri odosielaní e-mailu',
'sms_sent' => 'SMS odoslaná',
'sms_error' => 'Chyba pri odosielaní SMS. %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Nebolo možné odoslať SMS: v užívateľskom profile nebylo nájdené platné
telefónne číslo.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover upozornenie odoslané.',
'pushover_error' => 'Nastala chyba pri odosielaní Pushover upozornenia: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Nebolo možné odoslať testovacie upozornenie: v globálnom nastavení nebol
nájdený žiaden API token.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Nebylo možné odoslať testovacie upozornenie: ve vašom profile nie je
definovaný Pushover key.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Rotácia logu',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Počet dní po které budú uchované logy upozornení. Vložte 0 pre
vypnutie autorotáce.',
'log_retention_days' => 'dní',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' je offline: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Chyba=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'DÔLEŽITÉ: Server \'%LABEL%\' je offline',
'off_email_body' => 'Nebolo možné spojiť sa so serverom:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Chyba: %ERROR%<br>Dátum: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' je offline',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Nebolo možné spojiť sa so serverom:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Chyba: %ERROR%<br>Dátum: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' je online: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'on_email_subject' => 'DÔLEŽITÉ: Server \'%LABEL%\' je online',
'on_email_body' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' je opäť online, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Dátum:
'on_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' je online',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' je znovu online, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Dátum: %DATE%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Vitajte, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Prosím prihláste sa',
'title_forgot' => 'Zabudnuté heslo?',
'title_reset' => 'Obnova hesla',
'submit' => 'Odoslať',
'remember_me' => 'Zapamätať údaje',
'login' => 'Prihlásiť',
'logout' => 'Odhlásiť',
'username' => 'Užívateľské meno',
'password' => 'Heslo',
'password_repeat' => 'Opakujte heslo',
'password_forgot' => 'Zabudnuté heslo?',
'password_reset' => 'Obnoviť heslo',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Obnoviť heslo pre PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Použite následujúci odkaz pre obnovenie hesla. Odkaz je platný jednu
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Zadané užívateľské meno nebolo nájdené.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Prihlásenie nebolo úspešné.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Zadané heslá sa nezhodujú.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Odkaz je neplatný.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Na vašu e-mailovú adresu bol zaslaný e-mail s informáciami pre obnovu hesla.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Vaše heslo bolo úspešne obnovené. Prosím prihláste sa.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Nedostatočné oprávnenia',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Nemáte oprávnenie zobraziť túto stránku.',

View File

@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Matej Kovacic <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Slovenščina - Slovenian',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'sl_SI.UTF-8',
'1' => 'sl_SI',
'2' => 'slovenščina',
'3' => 'slovenščina',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Install',
'action' => 'Action',
'save' => 'Shrani',
'edit' => 'Uredi',
'delete' => 'Izbriši',
'date' => 'Datum',
'message' => 'Sporočilo',
'yes' => 'da',
'no' => 'ne',
'insert' => 'Vstavi',
'add_new' => 'Dodaj novega',
'update_available' => 'Na voljo je nova različica ({version}); prenesti jo je mogoče iz <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'Nazaj na vrh',
'go_back' => 'Nazaj',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Prekini',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'včeraj ob %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A at %k:%M',
'never' => 'nikoli',
'hours_ago' => 'pred %d urami',
'an_hour_ago' => 'pred približno uro',
'minutes_ago' => 'pred %d minutami',
'a_minute_ago' => 'pred približno minuto',
'seconds_ago' => 'pred %d sekundami',
'a_second_ago' => 'pred sekundo',
'seconds' => 'sekund',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Nastavitve',
'server' => 'Strežniki',
'server_log' => 'Dnevnik',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Posodobitev statusa',
'user' => 'Uporabniki',
'help' => 'Pomoč',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Uporabnik',
'name' => 'Ime',
'user_name' => 'Uporabniško ime',
'password' => 'Geslo',
'password_repeat' => 'Geslo (ponovno)',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Če ne želite spremeniti pustite prazno',
'level' => 'Nivo dostopa',
'level_10' => 'Administrator',
'level_20' => 'Uporabnik',
'level_description' => '<b>Administratorji</b> imajo poln dostop: lahko upravljajo strežnike, uporabnike in
urejajo globalne nastavitve.<br><b>Uporabniki</b> lahko samo vidijo status in
poganjajo posodobitev statusa za strežnike, ki so jim bili dodeljeni.',
'mobile' => 'Mobilni telefon',
'email' => 'E-pošta',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover je storitev, ki omogoča enostavno prejemanje obvestil v realnem času.
Več informacij je na voljo <a href="" target="_blank">na
njihovi spletni strani</a>.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover ključ',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover naprava',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Ime naprave na katero naj se pošlje obvestilo. Če želite obvestilo
poslati na vse naprave, pustite prazno.',
'delete_title' => 'Izbriši uporabnika',
'delete_message' => 'Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati uporabnika \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Uporabnik izbrisan.',
'updated' => 'Podatki uporabnika posodobljeni.',
'inserted' => 'Uporabnik dodan.',
'profile' => 'Profil',
'profile_updated' => 'Vaš profil je bil posodobljen.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Uporabniško ime mora biti dolgo med 2 in 64 znakov.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Uporabniško ime lahko vsebuje samo črke (a-z, A-Z), številke (0-9), pike (.)
in podčrtaje (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Uporabniško ime v bazi podatkov že obstaja.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'E-naslov mora biti med 5 in 255 znaki.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'E-naslov ni veljaven.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Izbrani nivo dostopa za uporabnika ni veljaven.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Uporabnika ne najdem v bazi podatkov.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Vneseno geslo ni veljavno.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Gesli se ne ujemata.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Dnevniški zapisi',
'type' => 'Tip',
'status' => 'Status',
'email' => 'E-pošta',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'ni dnevniških zapisov',
'clear' => 'Počisti dnevnik',
'delete_title' => 'Brisanje dnevnika',
'delete_message' => 'Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati <b>vse</b> dnevnike?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Strežnik',
'status' => 'Status',
'label' => 'Ime',
'domain' => 'Domena / IP naslov',
'timeout' => 'Časovna omejitev',
'timeout_description' => 'Koliko sekund naj čakam na odgovor strežnika.',
'port' => 'Vrata',
'type' => 'Tip',
'type_website' => 'Spletna stran (website)',
'type_service' => 'Storitev (service)',
'pattern' => 'Iskani niz oz. vzorec',
'pattern_description' => 'Če ta vzorec ne bo najden na spletni strani, bo strežnik označen kot nedelujoč.
Dovoljeni so regularni izrazi.',
'last_check' => 'Zadnje preverjanje',
'last_online' => 'Nazadnje dostopen',
'monitoring' => 'Spremljanje',
'no_monitoring' => 'Se ne spremlja',
'email' => 'E-pošta',
'send_email' => 'Pošlji e-pošto',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Pošlji SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Uporabniki',
'delete_title' => 'Izbriši strežnik',
'delete_message' => 'Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati strežnik \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Strežnik izbrisan.',
'updated' => 'Podatki o strežniku posodobljeni.',
'inserted' => 'Strežnik dodan.',
'latency' => 'Zakasnitev',
'latency_max' => 'Zakasnitev (največja)',
'latency_min' => 'Zakasnitev (najmanjša)',
'latency_avg' => 'Zakasnitev (povprečna)',
'uptime' => 'Neprekinjeno delovanje',
'year' => 'leto',
'month' => 'mesec',
'week' => 'teden',
'day' => 'dan',
'hour' => 'ura',
'warning_threshold' => 'Prag za opozorilo',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Število neuspešnih preverjanj preden je strežnik označen kot
'chart_last_week' => 'prejšnji teden',
'chart_history' => 'Zgodovina',
'chart_day_format' => '%m. %d. %Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%m. %d. %Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS obvestila so onemogočena.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Obvestila po e-pošti so onemogočena.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover obvestila so onemogočena.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Strežnik ni najden.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Ime mora biti med 1 in 255 znaki.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Domena / IP naslov mora biti med 1 in 255 znaki.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'IP naslov ni veljaven.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'URL naslov spletne strani ni veljaven.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Izbrani tip strežnika ni veljaven.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Prag za opozorilo mora biti število večje od 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Splošno',
'language' => 'Jezik',
'show_update' => 'Preverim za posodobitve?',
'email_status' => 'Dovolim pošiljanje e-pošte',
'email_from_email' => 'E-poštni naslov pošiljatelja',
'email_from_name' => 'Ime pošiljatelja',
'email_smtp' => 'Enable SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP strežnik',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP vrata',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP varnost',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'brez',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP uporabniško ime',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP geslo',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Če ni potrebna overovitev, pustite prazno',
'sms_status' => 'Dovolim pošiljanje SMS sporočil?',
'sms_gateway' => 'Prehod za pošiljanje SMS sporočil',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Uporabniško ime SMS prehoda',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Geslo SMS prehoda',
'sms_from' => 'Telefonska številka pošiljatelja',
'pushover_status' => 'Dovolim pošiljanje Pushover sporočil',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover je storitev, ki omogoča enostavno prejemanje obvestil v realnem času.
Več informacij je na voljo <a href="" target="_blank">na
njihovi spletni strani</a>.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Kliknite za ustvarjanje vaše Pushover aplikacije',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover API žeton',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Pred uporabo storitve Pushover, morate na njihovi spletni strani <a
href="%1$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener">registrirati aplikacijo</a>,
tukaj pa vnesti API žeton.',
'alert_type' => 'Izberite kdaj naj se vam pošljejo obvestila.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Sprememba statusa:</b> Obvestilo boste dobili ob vsaki spremembi statusa,
torej iz delujoč -> nedelujoč ter nedelujoč -> delujoč.<br><br
/><b>Nedelujoč:</b> Obvestilo boste dobili samo, ko se bo strežnik PRVIKRAT
prenehal odzivati. Na primer:nastavljeno imate preverjanje strežnikov vsakih 15
minut. Strežnik preneha delovati ob 13h in ostane nedelujoč do 18h. Dobili
boste obvestilo samo ob 13h.<br><br><b>Vedno:</b> Obvestilo boste dobili vedno,
ko se izvede skripta za preverjanje in strežnik ne deluje, pa čeprav bo
strežnik nedelujoč več ur.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Sprememba statusa',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Nedelujoč',
'alert_type_always' => 'Vedno',
'log_status' => 'Beleženje statusa',
'log_status_description' => 'Če je beleženje statusa vključeno, se bodo beležili vsi dogodki povezani s
pošiljanjem obvestil.',
'log_email' => 'Beleži e-pošto, ki jo pošilja aplikacija',
'log_sms' => 'Beleži SMS sporočila, ki jih pošilja aplikacija',
'log_pushover' => 'Beleži Pushover sporočila, ki jih pošilja aplikacija',
'updated' => 'Nastavitve so bile posodobljene.',
'tab_email' => 'E-pošta',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Nastavitve e-pošte',
'settings_sms' => 'Nastavitve SMS sporočil',
'settings_pushover' => 'Nastavitve Pushover sporočil',
'settings_notification' => 'Nastavitve obvestil',
'settings_log' => 'Hramba dnevniških zapisov',
'auto_refresh' => 'Samodejno posodabljanje',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Samodejno posodabljanje pregleda statusa strežnikov.<br><span
class="small">Čas v sekundah. Če je vrednost 0 se stran ne bo samodejno
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'Na naslov, ki ste ga določili v vašem profilu, bo poslano e-sporočilo.',
'test_sms' => 'Na telefonsko številko, ki ste jo določili v vašem profilu, bo poslan SMS.',
'test_pushover' => 'Na uporabniški ključ/napravo, ki ste ju določili v vašem profilu, bo poslano Pushover
'send' => 'Pošlji',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Testno sporočilo',
'email_sent' => 'E-pošta poslana',
'email_error' => 'Napaka pri pošiljanju e-pošte',
'sms_sent' => 'SMS sporočilo poslano',
'sms_error' => 'Napaka pri pošiljanju SMS sporočila. %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Ni mogoče poslati testnega SMS sporočila: v vašem profilu ni vpisana veljavna
telefonska številka.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover obvestilo poslano',
'pushover_error' => 'Napaka pri pošiljanju Pushover sporočila: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Ni mogoče poslati testnega sporočila: med globalnimi nastavitvami ne najdem
Pushover API žetona.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Ni mogoče poslati testnega sporočila: med vašimi nastavitvami ne najdem Pushover
'log_retention_period' => 'Čas hrambe podatov',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Število dni, ko naj se hranijo podatki o obvestilih in statusu
strežnikov. Če želite podatke hraniti trajno, vnesite 0.',
'log_retention_days' => 'dni',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Streznik \'%LABEL%\' NE deluje: IP=%IP%, vrata=%PORT%. Napaka=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'POMEMBNO: Strežnik \'%LABEL%\' NE deluje',
'off_email_body' => 'Pri povezovanju na streznik je prislo do napake:<br><br>Streznik: %LABEL%<br>IP:
%IP%<br>vrata: %PORT%<br>Napaka: %ERROR%<br>Datum: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Streznik \'%LABEL%\' NE deluje',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Ni se mogoče povezati na naslednji streznik:<br><br>Streznik: %LABEL%<br>IP:
%IP%<br>Vrata: %PORT%<br>Error: %ERROR%<br>Datum: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Streznik \'%LABEL%\' deluje: IP=%IP%, vrata=%PORT%, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'on_email_subject' => 'OBVESTILO: Streznik \'%LABEL%\' ponovno deluje',
'on_email_body' => 'Streznik \'%LABEL%\' ponovno deluje, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Strežnik: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Vrata: %PORT%<br>Datum:
'on_pushover_title' => 'Streznik \'%LABEL%\' deluje',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Streznik \'%LABEL%\' ponovno deluje, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Vrata:
%PORT%<br>Datum: %DATE%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Pozdravljeni, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Prosimo, prijavite se',
'title_forgot' => 'Ali ste pozabili geslo?',
'title_reset' => 'Ponastavitev gesla',
'submit' => 'Pošlji',
'remember_me' => 'Zapomni si me',
'login' => 'Prijava',
'logout' => 'Odjava',
'username' => 'Uporabniško ime',
'password' => 'Geslo',
'password_repeat' => 'Geslo (ponovno)',
'password_forgot' => 'Pozabljeno geslo?',
'password_reset' => 'Ponastavitev gesla',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Ponastavite svoje geslo za PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Za ponastavitev gesla uporabite spodnjo povezavo. Pomembno: povezava poteče v
1 uri.<br><br>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Vpisanega uporabniškega imena ne najdem.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Podatki so napačni.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Vneseno geslo ni pravilno.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Povezava za ponastavitev gesla, ki ste jo vnesli, ni pravilna.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Poslano vam je bilo sporočilo z navodili za ponastavitev vašega gesla.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Vaše geslo je bilo uspešno ponastavljeno. Prijavite se prosim.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Nepooblaščen dostop',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Nimate dovoljenja za ogled te strani.',

View File

@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author andlil
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Svenska - Swedish',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'sv_SE.UTF-8',
'1' => 'sv_SE',
'2' => 'svenska',
'3' => 'svenska-SE',
'locale_tag' => 'sv',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Installera',
'action' => 'Åtgärd',
'save' => 'Spara',
'edit' => 'Redigera',
'delete' => 'Radera',
'date' => 'Datum',
'message' => 'Meddelande',
'yes' => 'Ja',
'no' => 'Nej',
'insert' => 'Infoga',
'add_new' => 'Lägg till',
'update_available' => 'En ny version ({version}) finns tillgänglig från <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'Gå upp',
'go_back' => 'Gå tillbaka',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Avbryt',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Igår kl %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A kl %k:%M',
'never' => 'Aldrig',
'hours_ago' => '%d timmar sedan',
'an_hour_ago' => 'ungefär en timme sedan',
'minutes_ago' => '%d minuter sedan',
'a_minute_ago' => 'ungefär en minut sen',
'seconds_ago' => '%d sekunder sedan',
'a_second_ago' => 'en sekund sedan',
'seconds' => 'sekunder',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Inställningar',
'server' => 'Servrar',
'server_log' => 'Logg',
'server_status' => 'Status',
'server_update' => 'Uppdatera',
'user' => 'Användare',
'help' => 'Hjälp',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Användare',
'name' => 'Namn',
'user_name' => 'Användarnamn',
'password' => 'Lösenord',
'password_repeat' => 'Upprepa lösenord',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Lämna blankt för att inte ändra ',
'level' => 'Nivå',
'level_10' => 'Administratör',
'level_20' => 'Användare',
'level_description' => '<b>Administratörer</b> har fulla rättigheter: de kan hantera servrar, användare och
redigera gemensamma inställningar.<br><b>Användare</b> kan bara se och köra
uppdateraren för de servrar som de blivit tilldelade.',
'mobile' => 'Mobilnummer',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover är en tjänst som skickar meddelande i realtid. Se <a
href="" target="_blank">deras webbsida</a> för mer
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Enhetsnman att skicka meddelande till. Lämna tomt för att skicka till alla
'delete_title' => 'Radera användare',
'delete_message' => 'Är du säker att du vill radera användare \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Användare raderad.',
'updated' => 'Användare uppdaterad.',
'inserted' => 'Användare tillagd.',
'profile' => 'Profil',
'profile_updated' => 'Din profil har uppdaterats.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Användarnamn måste vara mellan 2 och 64 tecken.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Användarnamnet får bara innehålla bokstäver (a-z, A-Z), siffror (0-9),
prickar (.) and understreck (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Användarnamnet används redan.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Email-adressen måste vara mellan 5 och 255 tecken.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'Email-adressen är ogiltig.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Behörighetsnivån är ogiltig.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Användaren kunde inte hittas i databasen.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Lösenordet är ogiltigt.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Lösenorden stämmer inte överens.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Logg-poster',
'type' => 'Typ',
'status' => 'Status',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'Inga loggar',
'clear' => 'Tydlig logg',
'delete_title' => 'Tydlig logg',
'delete_message' => 'Är du säker på att du vill radera <b>alla</b> loggar?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Status',
'label' => 'Namn',
'domain' => 'Domän/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Antal sekunder att vänta på svar.',
'port' => 'Port',
'type' => 'Typ',
'type_website' => 'Website',
'type_service' => 'Service',
'pattern' => 'Hitta sträng/mönster',
'pattern_description' => 'Om detta mönster inte hittas i svaret kommer servern att markeras offline. "Regular
expressions" är tillåtna.',
'last_check' => 'Senaste kontroll',
'last_online' => 'Senast online',
'last_offline' => 'Senast offline',
'monitoring' => 'Övervakas',
'no_monitoring' => 'Övervakas inte',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Skicka Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Skicka SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Användare',
'delete_title' => 'Radera server',
'delete_message' => 'Är du säker att du vill radera server \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server raderad.',
'updated' => 'Server uppdaterad.',
'inserted' => 'Server tillagd.',
'latency' => 'Fördröjning',
'latency_max' => 'Fördröjning (maximum)',
'latency_min' => 'Fördröjning (minimum)',
'latency_avg' => 'Fördröjning (medel)',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => 'År',
'month' => 'Månad',
'week' => 'Vecka',
'day' => 'Dag',
'hour' => 'Timme',
'warning_threshold' => 'Varningströskel',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Antalet misslyckade kontroller innan server markeras som offline.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Senaste veckan',
'chart_history' => 'Historik',
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS-meddelande är avstängda.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email-meddelande är avstängda.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover-meddelande är avstängda.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server kan inte hittas.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Namn måste vara mellan 1 och 255 tecken.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Domän / IP måste vara mellan 1 och 255 tecken.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'IP-adressen är ogiltig.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'URL:en är ogiltig.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Vald servertyp är ogiltig.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Varningströskel skall vara ett heltal större än 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Allmänt',
'language' => 'Språk',
'show_update' => 'Sök efter uppdateringar?',
'email_status' => 'Tillåt email',
'email_from_email' => 'Email avsändaradress',
'email_from_name' => 'Email från namn',
'email_smtp' => 'Aktivera SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP värd',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP säkerhet',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'Ingen',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP användarnamn',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP lösenord',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Lämna blank för att inte autentisera',
'sms_status' => 'Tillåt SMS',
'sms_gateway' => 'Gateway för SMS',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Gateway användarnamn',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Gateway lösenord',
'sms_from' => 'Avsändarens telefonnummer',
'pushover_status' => 'Tillåt Pushover-meddelande',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover är en tjänst som skickar meddelande i realtid. Se <a
href="" target="_blank">deras webbsida</a> för mer info.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Klicka här för att skapa din Pushover app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Innan du kan använda Pushover behöver du <a href="%1$s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener">registrera en App</a> deras webbsida och skriva in App
API Token här.',
'alert_type' => 'Välj när du vill bli meddelad.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Statusförändring:</b> Du får ett meddelande när status ändras. från
online -> offline eller offline -> online.<br><br /><b>Offline:</b> Du får ett
meddelande när en server går offline *FÖR FÖRSTA GÅNGEN* Exempelvis, ditt
cronjob körs var 15 minut och din server går ned kl 1 och är nere till kl 6.
Du kommer 1 meddelande kl 1 och inga mer.<br><br><b>Alltid:</b> Du kommer
ett meddelande varje gång kontrollen görs, även om servern har varit offline
under en längre tid.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Statusförändring',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Alltid',
'log_status' => 'Statusloggning',
'log_status_description' => 'Om statusloggning är TRUE, kommer alla händelser som triggar ett meddelande att
'log_email' => 'Logga email',
'log_sms' => 'Logga SMS',
'log_pushover' => 'Logga Pushover-meddelande',
'updated' => 'Inställningarna har uppdaterats.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Email-inställningar',
'settings_sms' => 'SMS-inställningar',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover-inställningar',
'settings_notification' => 'Meddelande-inställningar',
'settings_log' => 'Logg-inställningar',
'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-uppdatera',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Auto-uppdatera status-sidan.<br><span class="small">Tid i sekunder, om "0"
uppdateras sidan inte automatiskt.</span>',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'Ett emial kommer skickas till adressen i din profil.',
'test_sms' => 'Ett SMS kommer skickas till mobilnumret i din profil.',
'test_pushover' => 'Ett Pushover-meddelande kommer skickas till "user key/device" i din profil.',
'send' => 'Skicka',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Testmeddelande',
'email_sent' => 'Email skickat',
'email_error' => 'Sändning av email misslyckades',
'sms_sent' => 'Sms skickat',
'sms_error' => 'Sändning av SMS misslyckades. %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Kan inte skicka test-SMS: det finns inget giltigt mobilnummer i din profil.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover-meddelande skickat',
'pushover_error' => 'Ett fel uppstod vid sändning av Pushover-meddelande: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Kan inte skicka test-meddelande: Ingen Pushover App API token hittades i gemensamma
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Kan inte skicka test-meddelande: Ingen Pushover key finns i din profil.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Loggar sparas',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Antal dagar loggar över meddelande och uptime sparas. 0 innebär att
loggrensning är avstängd.',
'log_retention_days' => 'dagar',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' är NERE: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Fel=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'VIKTIGT: Server \'%LABEL%\' är NERE',
'off_email_body' => 'Kunde inte ansluta till följande server:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Fel: %ERROR%<br>Tid: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' är NERE',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Kunde inte ansluta till följande server:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP:
%IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Fel: %ERROR%<br>Tid: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' är UPPE: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'on_email_subject' => 'VIKTIGT: Server \'%LABEL%\' är UPPE',
'on_email_body' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' är uppe igen, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server:
%LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Tid: %DATE%',
'on_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' är UPPE',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' är uppe igen, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Tid:
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Välkommen, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Logga in',
'title_forgot' => 'Glömt ditt lösenord?',
'title_reset' => 'Återställ ditt lösenord',
'submit' => 'Skicka',
'remember_me' => 'Kom ihåg mig',
'login' => 'Logga in',
'logout' => 'Logga ut',
'username' => 'Användarnamn',
'password' => 'Lösenord',
'password_repeat' => 'Upprepa lösenord',
'password_forgot' => 'Glömt lösenord?',
'password_reset' => 'Återställ lösenord',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Password reset for PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Anv&auml;nd f&ouml;ljande l&auml;nk f&ouml;r att &aring;terst&auml;lla ditt
l&ouml;senord. T&auml;nk p&aring; att l&auml;nken bara &auml;r giltig 1
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Användaren kunde inte hittas.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Informationen är felaktig.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Lösenorden stämmer inte överens.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Reset-länken är ogiltig.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Ett email med information om hur du nollställer ditt lösenord har skickats.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Ditt lösenord har nollställts. Var god logga in.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'You do not have the privileges to view this page.',

View File

@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Haydar Kulekci <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Türkçe - Turkish',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'tr_TR.UTF-8',
'1' => 'tr_TR',
'2' => 'turkish',
'3' => 'turkish-tr',
'locale_tag' => 'tr',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Yükle',
'action' => 'Aksiyon',
'save' => 'Kaydet',
'edit' => 'Düzenle',
'delete' => 'Sil',
'date' => 'Tarih',
'message' => 'Mesaj',
'yes' => 'Evet',
'no' => 'Hayır',
'insert' => 'Ekle',
'add_new' => 'Yeni ekle',
'update_available' => '({version}) sürümü şu anda <a
href="" target="_blank"
rel="noopener"></a> adresindedir.',
'back_to_top' => 'Başa Dön',
'go_back' => 'Geri Git',
'ok' => 'Tamam',
'cancel' => 'İptal',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Yesterday at %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A at %k:%M',
'never' => 'Hiç',
'hours_ago' => '%d saat önce',
'an_hour_ago' => 'yaklaşık bir saat önce',
'minutes_ago' => '%d dakika önce',
'a_minute_ago' => 'yaklaşık bir dakika önce',
'seconds_ago' => '%d saniye önce',
'a_second_ago' => 'bir saniye önce',
'seconds' => 'saniye',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Ayarlar',
'server' => 'Sunucular',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Durum',
'server_update' => 'Güncelle',
'user' => 'Kullanıcılar',
'help' => 'Yardım',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Kullanıcı',
'name' => 'İsim',
'user_name' => 'Kullanıcı adı',
'password' => 'Şifre',
'password_repeat' => 'Şifre tekrarı',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Değiştirmemek için boş bırakın',
'level' => 'Seviye',
'level_10' => 'Yönetici',
'level_20' => 'Kullanıcı',
'level_description' => '<b>Yöneticiler</b> tüm yetkilere sahiptir: Onlar sunucuları, kullanıcıları
yönetebilir genel ayarlamaları düzenleyebilirler.<br> <b>Kullanıcılar</b> sadece
görüntüleyebilir ve onlara atanmış sunucu güncelleyicileri
'mobile' => 'Mobil',
'email' => 'E-posta',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover gerçek zamanlı bildirim alabilmek için bir servistir. Daha fazla bilgi
için <a href="" target="_blank">sitesine</a> bakabilirsiniz.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Anahtarı',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Aracı',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Mesajın gönderileceği cihazın adı. Tüm cihazlara göndermek için boş
'delete_title' => 'Kullanıcıyı Sil',
'delete_message' => '\'%1\' kullanıcısını silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?',
'deleted' => 'Kullanıcı silindi.',
'updated' => 'Kullanıcı güncellendi.',
'inserted' => 'Kullanıcı eklendi.',
'profile' => 'Profil',
'profile_updated' => 'Profiliniz güncellendi.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Kullanıcı adları en az 2 ve en fazla 64 karakter uzunluğunda olmalıdır.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Kullanıcı adları sadece harf (a-z, A-Z), sayı (0-9), noktalar (.) and alttan
çizgi (_) karakterlerini içerebilir.',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Bu kullanıcı adı daha önce alınmış.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'E-posta adresi en az 5 ve en fazla 255 karakter uzunluğunda olmalıdır.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'Geçersiz e-posta adresi.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Verilen kullanıcı seviyesi geçersiz.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Kullanıcı veritabanında bulunamadı.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Geçersiz bir şifre girdiniz.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Şifreler birbiri ile eşleşmedi.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Log Girdileri',
'type' => 'Tip',
'status' => 'Durum',
'email' => 'E-posta',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'Kayıt yok.',
'clear' => 'Günlüğü temizle',
'delete_title' => 'Günlüğü temizle',
'delete_message' => 'Tüm günlükleri silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Sunucu',
'status' => 'Durum',
'label' => 'Etiket',
'domain' => 'Domain/IP',
'timeout' => 'Zaman Aşımı',
'timeout_description' => 'Sunucunun cevap vermesini beklenecek saniye.',
'port' => 'Port',
'type' => 'Tip',
'type_website' => 'Website',
'type_service' => 'Servis',
'pattern' => 'String/Pattern ara',
'pattern_description' => 'Bu pattern web sitenizde bulunamaz ise, sunucu offline olarak işaretlenecek.
Regular expression\'a izin verilmiştir.',
'last_check' => 'Son kontrol',
'last_online' => 'Son çevrimiçi zamanı',
'last_offline' => 'Last offline',
'monitoring' => 'Monitoring',
'no_monitoring' => 'No monitoring',
'email' => 'E-posta',
'send_email' => 'E-posta Gönder',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'SMS Gönder',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Kullanıcılar',
'delete_title' => 'Sunucu Sil',
'delete_message' => '\'%1\' sunucusunu silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?',
'deleted' => 'Sunucu silindi.',
'updated' => 'Sunucu güncellendi.',
'inserted' => 'Sunucu eklendi.',
'latency' => 'Gecikme',
'latency_max' => 'Gecikme (Azami)',
'latency_min' => 'Gecikme (Asgari)',
'latency_avg' => 'Gecikme (Ortalama)',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => 'Yıl',
'month' => 'Ay',
'week' => 'Hafta',
'day' => 'Gün',
'hour' => 'Saat',
'warning_threshold' => 'Uyarı Eşiği',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Number of failed checks required before it is marked offline.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Geçen Hafta',
'chart_history' => 'Geçmiş',
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS bildirimi devre dışı.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'E-posta bildirimi devre dışı.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover bildirimi devre dışı.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Sunucu bulunamadı.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Etiken en az 1 ve en çok 255 karakter olmalıdır.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Alan adı / IP en az 1 ve en fazla 255 karakter olmalıdır.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'IP adresi geçerli değil.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'Site adresi geçerli değil.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Seçilen sunucu tipi geçerli değil.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Hata eşiği 0\'dan büyük bir tam sayı olmalıdır.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Genel',
'language' => 'Dil',
'show_update' => 'Güncellemeleri kontrol et?',
'email_status' => 'E-posta gönderimine izin ver',
'email_from_email' => 'Gönderilen e-posta adresi',
'email_from_name' => 'E-posta adresinde görünecek isim',
'email_smtp' => 'SMTP\'yi aktif et',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP sunucusu',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP security',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'None',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP kullanıcı adı',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP şifre',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Doğrulama yapmamak için boş bırakın',
'sms_status' => 'SMS mesaj göndermeye izin ver',
'sms_gateway' => 'Mesaj göndermek için servisi seçin',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Servis kullanıcı adı',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Servis şifresi',
'sms_from' => 'Gönderen numarası',
'pushover_status' => 'Pushover mesaj gönderimine izin ver',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover gerçek zamanlı bildirim alabilmek için bir servistir. Daha fazla bilgi
için <a href="" target="_blank">sitesine</a> bakabilirsiniz.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Pushover uygulaması oluşturmak için buraya tıklayınız.',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover Uygulaması API Token Bilgisi',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Pushover kullanmadan önce, <a href="%1$s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener">Pushover sitesi üzerinden</a> bir uygulama
oluşturmalısınız ve API Token bilgilerini buraya yazmalısınız.',
'alert_type' => 'Ne zaman uyarılmak istediğinizi seçin.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Durum değişikliği:</b> Sunucu durumu değişiklik durumunda bildirim
alacaksınız. Sunucu çevrimiçi durumundan çevrimdışı durumuna veya
çevrimdışı durumundan çevrim için durumuna geçtiğinde.<br><br
/><b>Çevrimdışı:</b> Sunucu çevrim dışı duruma geçtiğinde bildirim
alırsınız. *SADECE İLK GEÇTİĞİNDE*. Örneğin, Cronjob her 15 dakikada
bir çalışıyorsa ve sunucu 1\'de gidip 6\'ya kadar kapalı kalırsa. Sadece
size saat 1\'de bildirim gönderilecektir.<br><br><b>Daima:</b> Site
çevrimdışı olduğu her zaman size bildirim gönderilecektir, site saatler
boyunca kapalı kalse bile.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Durum değişikliği',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Çevrimdışı',
'alert_type_always' => 'Daima',
'log_status' => 'Log durumu',
'log_status_description' => 'Eğer log durumu TRUE olarak işaretlenirse, bildirim ayarlarından geçen her
olay log olarak tutulacaktır.',
'log_email' => 'Log e-posta mesajı otomatik gönderilmiştir.',
'log_sms' => 'Log sms mesajı otomatik gönderilmiştir.',
'log_pushover' => 'Log pushover mesajı otomatik gönderilmiştir.',
'updated' => 'Ayarlar güncellendi.',
'tab_email' => 'E-posta',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'E-posta ayarları',
'settings_sms' => 'Sms mesaj ayarları',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover ayarları',
'settings_notification' => 'Bildirim ayarları',
'settings_log' => 'Log ayarları',
'auto_refresh' => 'Otomatik Yenileme',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Otomatik yenileme sunucu sayfası<br><span class="small">Eğer sayfa yenilenmez
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'Profilinizde tanımladığınız e-posta adresinize bir e-posta gönderilecek.',
'test_sms' => 'Profilinizde tanımladığınız numaranıza bir SMS mesajı gönderilecek.',
'test_pushover' => 'Profilinizde tanımladığını bilgiler üzerinden bir pushover bildirimi gönderilecek.',
'send' => 'Gönder',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Test mesaj',
'email_sent' => 'E-posta gönderildi',
'email_error' => 'E-posta gönderiminde hata.',
'sms_sent' => 'Sms gönderildi',
'sms_error' => 'SMS gönderiminde hata. %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'SMS gönderilemiyor: profilinizde geçerli bir telefon numarası yok.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover bildirimi gönderildi',
'pushover_error' => 'Pushover bildirimi gönderilirken bir hata meydana geldi: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Test için bildirim gönderilemiyor: Pushover Uygulaması API token bilgisi
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Test için bildirim gönderilemiyor: Pushover key bilgisi profilinizde bulunamadı.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Log tutma süresi',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Bildirim loglarının ve sunucunun çalışma zamanlarının arşivinin
saklanması için gün sayısı. Logların temizlenmesini kapatmak
için 0 giriniz.',
'log_retention_days' => 'gün',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => '\'%LABEL%\' isimli sunucu KAPANDI: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Error=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'ÖNEMLİ: \'%LABEL%\' isimli sunucu KAPANDI.',
'off_email_body' => 'Aşağıdaki sunuculara erişim sağlanamıyor:<br><br>Sunucu: %LABEL%<br>IP:
%IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Hata: %ERROR%<br>Tarih: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => '\'%LABEL%\' isimli sunucu KAPANDI.',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Aşağıdaki nuculara erişim sağlanamıyor:<br><br>Sunucu: %LABEL%<br>IP:
%IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Hata: %ERROR%<br>Tarih: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => '\'%LABEL%\' isimli sunucu YAYINDA: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'on_email_subject' => 'ÖNEMLİ:\'%LABEL%\' isimli sunucu YAYINDA.',
'on_email_body' => '\'%LABEL%\' isimli sunucu tekrar yayında, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Sunucu: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>Tarih:
'on_pushover_title' => '\'%LABEL%\' isimli sunucu YAYINDA',
'on_pushover_message' => '\'%LABEL%\' isimli sunucu tekrar yayında, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Sunucu: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>Tarih: %DATE%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Hoşgeldin, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Lütfen giriş yapın',
'title_forgot' => 'Şifreni mi unuttun?',
'title_reset' => 'Şifreni yenile',
'submit' => 'Gönder',
'remember_me' => 'Beni hatırla',
'login' => 'Giriş yap',
'logout' => ıkış yap',
'username' => 'Kullanıcı adı',
'password' => 'Şifre',
'password_repeat' => 'Şifre tekrarı',
'password_forgot' => 'Şifreni mi unuttun?',
'password_reset' => 'Şifreni yenile',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'PHP Server Monitor için şifreni yenile',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Aşağıdaki bağlantıyı kullanarak şifrenizi güncelleyiniz. Bağlantı 1
saat sonra geçerliliğini kaybedecektir.<br><br>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Kullanıcı adı bulunamadı.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Bilgi yanlış.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Şifreleriniz uyuşmuyor.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Sağladığını sıfırlama bağlantısı geçersiz.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Şifrenizi yenilemeniz için gerekli bilgileri içeren bir e-posta gönderildi.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Şifreniz başarıyla yenilendi. Şimdi giriş yapın.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Yetkisiz',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Bu sayfayı görüntülemek için yetkin yok.',

View File

@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Oleksa Vyshnivsky <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Українська — Ukrainian',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'uk_UA.UTF-8',
'1' => 'uk_UA',
'2' => 'ukrainian',
'locale_tag' => 'uk',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Встановити',
'action' => 'Дія',
'save' => 'Зберегти',
'edit' => 'Редагувати',
'delete' => 'Видалити',
'view' => 'Перегляд',
'date' => 'Дата',
'message' => 'Повідомлення',
'yes' => 'Так',
'no' => 'Ні',
'insert' => 'Вставити',
'add_new' => 'Додати',
'update_available' => 'Доступна нова версія ({version}). Перейдіть <a
href="" target="_blank"
rel="noopener">сюди</a> для завантаження оновлення.',
'back_to_top' => 'Нагору',
'go_back' => 'Назад',
'ok' => 'OK',
'bad' => 'погано',
'cancel' => 'Скасувати',
'none' => 'Жоден',
'activate' => 'Активувати',
'short_day_format' => '%e %b',
'long_day_format' => '%e %b %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Учора о %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A о %k:%M',
'never' => 'Ніколи',
'hours_ago' => '%d годин тому',
'an_hour_ago' => 'близько години тому',
'minutes_ago' => '%d хвилин тому',
'a_minute_ago' => 'близько хвилини тому',
'seconds_ago' => '%d секунд тому',
'a_second_ago' => 'секунду тому',
'year' => 'рік',
'years' => 'років',
'month' => 'місяць',
'months' => 'місяців',
'day' => 'дні',
'days' => 'днів',
'hour' => 'година',
'hours' => 'годин',
'minute' => 'хвилина',
'minutes' => 'хвилин',
'second' => 'секунда',
'seconds' => 'секунд',
'current' => 'поточний',
'settings' => 'Налаштування',
'search' => 'Пошук',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Конфіг',
'server' => 'Сервери',
'server_log' => 'Лог',
'server_status' => 'Статус',
'server_update' => 'Оновити',
'user' => 'Користувачі',
'help' => 'Довідка',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Користувач',
'name' => 'Ім’я',
'user_name' => 'Ім’я користувача',
'password' => 'Пароль',
'password_repeat' => 'Повторити пароль',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Залиште пустим, щоб не змінювати',
'level' => 'Рівень',
'level_10' => 'Адміністратор',
'level_20' => 'Користувач',
'level_description' => '<b>Адміністратори</b> мають повний доступ: вони
можуть керувати серверами, користувачами, а
також редагувати глобальні
налаштування.<br><b>Користувачі</b> можуть тільки
переглядати й запускати перевірку серверів, до
яких їм надали доступ.',
'mobile' => 'Мобільний',
'email' => 'Електронна пошта',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover сервіс, що дозволяє легко отримувати
сповіщення у реальному часі. За деталями
перейдіть на <a href="" target="_blank">їхній
'pushover_key' => 'Ключ Pushover',
'pushover_device' => 'Пристрій Pushover',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Ім’я пристрою, на який надсилати
повідомлення. Залиште пустим, щоб
надсилати на всі пристрої.',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a>
чат-застосунок, що дозволяє легко отримувати
сповіщення у реальному часі. За деталями й
інструкцією зі встановлення зверніться до <a
'telegram_chat_id' => 'Ідентифікатор чату Telegram',
'telegram_chat_id_description' => 'Повідомлення буде надіслане у
відповідний чат.',
'telegram_get_chat_id' => 'Натисніть тут для отримання свого
ідентифікатора чату',
'activate_telegram' => 'Активувати сповіщення у Telegram',
'activate_telegram_description' => 'Дозволити надсилання Telegram-сповіщень на
визначений ідентифікатор чату. Без
цього дозволу Telegram не дозволить нам
надсилати вам сповіщення.',
'telegram_bot_username_found' => 'Бот знайдений!<br><a href="%s" target="_blank"
rel="noopener"><button class="btn btn-primary">Наступний
крок</button></a> <br>На ньому відкриється чат з
ботом. Там буде потрібно натиснути start або
набрати /start.',
'telegram_bot_username_error_token' => '401 - Несанкціоновано. Будь ласка,
перевірте, чи API-токен правильний.',
'telegram_bot_error' => 'Сталася помилка при активації Telegram-сповіщень:
'delete_title' => 'Видалити користувача',
'delete_message' => 'Ви дійсно хочете видалити користувача \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Користувача видалено.',
'updated' => 'Користувача оновлено.',
'inserted' => 'Користувача додано.',
'profile' => 'Профіль',
'profile_updated' => 'Ваш профіль оновлено.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Імена користувачів мають бути довжиною
від 2 до 64 символів.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Ім’я користувача може містити лише літери
(a-z, A-Z), цифри (0-9), крапки (.) і підкреслення (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Таке ім’я користувача уже існує у базі
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Електронні адреси мають бути довжиною
від 5 до 255 символів.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'Неправильна електронна адреса.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Неправильний рівень користувача.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Користувача у базі даних не знайдено.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Введено неправильний пароль.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Введені паролі не збігаються.',
'error_user_admin_cant_be_deleted' => 'Останнього адміністратора видалити не
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Записи у журналі',
'type' => 'Тип',
'status' => 'Статус',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'no_logs' => 'Немає журналів',
'clear' => 'Очистити журнали',
'delete_title' => 'Видалити журнал',
'delete_message' => 'Ви дійсно хочете видалити <b>усі</b> журнали?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Сервер',
'status' => 'Статус',
'label' => 'Назва',
'domain' => 'Домен/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Кількість секунд очікування на відповідь
'authentication_settings' => 'Налаштування автентифікації',
'optional' => 'Необов’язково',
'website_username' => 'Ім’я користувача',
'website_username_description' => 'Ім’я користувача для доступу до сайту.
(Підтримується лише Apache-автентифікація.)',
'website_password' => 'Пароль',
'website_password_description' => 'Пароль для доступу до сайту. У базі даних
пароль зберігається зашифрованим.',
'fieldset_monitoring' => 'Моніторинг',
'fieldset_permissions' => 'Дозволи',
'permissions' => 'Сервер можуть переглядати такі користувачі',
'port' => 'Порт',
'custom_port' => 'Власний порт',
'popular_ports' => 'Популярні порти',
'request_method' => 'Метод запиту',
'custom_request_method' => 'Власний метод запиту',
'popular_request_methods' => 'Популярні методи запиту',
'post_field' => 'Post-поле',
'post_field_description' => 'Дані будуть надіслані з використанням
вибраного вище методу.',
'please_select' => 'Будь ласка, виберіть',
'type' => 'Тип',
'type_website' => 'Вебсайт',
'type_service' => 'Сервіс',
'type_ping' => 'Пінг',
'pattern' => 'Шукати рядок/зразок',
'pattern_description' => 'Якщо цей зразок не знайдено на сайті, сервер
буде позначений як онлайн/офлайн. Регулярні
вирази дозволені.',
'pattern_online' => 'Зразок свідчить, що сайт — ',
'pattern_online_description' => 'Онлайн: Якщо цей зразок не знайдено на
сайті, сервер буде позначений як онлайн.
Офлайн: Якщо цей зразок не знайдено на
сайті, сервер буде позначений як офлайн.',
'redirect_check' => 'Переспрямування на інший домен —',
'redirect_check_description' => 'Переспрямування на інший домен зазвичай є
поганим знаком.',
'allow_http_status' => 'Дозволити код статусу HTTP',
'allow_http_status_description' => 'Позначити вебсайт як онлайн. Коди
статусів HTTP нижче ніж 400 позначаються як
онлайн за замовчуванням. Розділяти коди
символом |.',
'header_name' => 'Ім’я у заголовку',
'header_value' => 'Значення у заголовку',
'header_name_description' => 'З урахуванням регістру.',
'header_value_description' => 'Регулярні вирази дозволені.',
'last_check' => 'Остання перевірка',
'last_online' => 'Востаннє онлайн',
'last_offline' => 'Востаннє офлайн',
'last_output' => 'Остання позитивна відповідь',
'last_error' => 'Остання помилка',
'last_error_output' => 'Остання негативна відповідь',
'output' => 'Вивід',
'monitoring' => 'Моніторинг',
'no_monitoring' => 'Немає моніторингу',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Надсилати електронні листи',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Надсилати SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'send_pushover' => 'Надсилати Pushover-сповіщення',
'telegram' => 'Telegram',
'send_telegram' => 'Надсилати Telegram-сповіщення',
'users' => 'Користувачі',
'delete_title' => 'Видалити сервер',
'delete_message' => 'Ви дійсно хочете видалити сервер \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Сервер видалено.',
'updated' => 'Сервер оновлено.',
'inserted' => 'Сервер додано.',
'latency' => 'Затримка',
'latency_max' => 'Затримка (максимум)',
'latency_min' => 'Затримка (мінімум)',
'latency_avg' => 'Затримка (середня)',
'online' => 'онлайн',
'offline' => 'офлайн',
'uptime' => 'Час роботи',
'year' => 'Років',
'month' => 'Місяць',
'week' => 'Тиждень',
'day' => 'День',
'hour' => 'Година',
'warning_threshold' => 'Поріг попередження',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Кількість невдалих перевірок перед
виставленням статусу офлайн.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Останній тиждень',
'chart_history' => 'Історія',
'chart_day_format' => '%d/%m/%Y',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%d/%m %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS-сповіщення вимкнено.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email-сповіщення вимкнено.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover-сповіщення вимкнено.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_telegram' => 'Telegram-сповіщення вимкнено.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Сервер не знайдено.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Заголовок повинен бути довжиною від 1 до
255 символів.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'Домен/IP повинен бути довжиною від 1 до 255
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'IP-адреса недійсна.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'URL вебсайту недійсний.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Вибраний тип сервера недійсний.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Поріг попередження має бути цілим
числом більше 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Загальне',
'language' => 'Мова',
'show_update' => 'Перевіряти наявність оновлень?',
'password_encrypt_key' => 'Пароль ключа шифрування',
'password_encrypt_key_note' => 'Цей ключ використовується для шифрування
паролів доступу до вебсайтів, що
зберігаються на сервері. Якщо ключ буде
змінений, збережені паролі будуть
'proxy' => 'Увімкнути проксі-сервер',
'proxy_url' => 'URL-адреса проксі-сервера',
'proxy_user' => 'Ім’я користувача проксі-сервера',
'proxy_password' => 'Пароль користувача проксі-сервера',
'email_status' => 'Дозволити надсилання електронної пошти',
'email_from_email' => 'Листи з адреси',
'email_from_name' => 'Листи від імені',
'email_smtp' => 'Увімкнути SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP-хост',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP-порт',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP-безпека',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'Немає',
'email_smtp_username' => 'Ім’я користувача SMTP',
'email_smtp_password' => 'Пароль користувача SMTP',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Залиште пустим, щоб не автентифікуватися',
'sms_status' => 'Дозволити надсилання текстових повідомлень',
'sms_gateway' => 'Шлюз для надсилання повідомлень',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Ім’я користувача шлюзу',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Пароль користувача шлюзу',
'sms_from' => 'Номер телефону відправника',
'pushover_status' => 'Дозволити надсилання Pushover-повідомлень',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover сервіс, що дозволяє легко отримувати
сповіщення у реальному часі. За детальнішою
інформацію перейдіть на <a href=""
target="_blank">їхній вебсайт</a>.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Натисніть тут, щоб створити ваш Pushover-додаток',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Токен API Pushover-додатку',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Перед використанням Pushover ви маєте <a
href="%1$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener">зареєструвати
Додаток</a> на їхньому вебсайті та ввести
токен API Додатку тут.',
'telegram_status' => 'Дозволити надсилання Telegram-повідомлень',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a>
чат-застосунок, що дозволяє легко отримувати
сповіщення у реальному часі. Детальніша
інформація та інструкція зі встановлення
доступні у <a href=""
'telegram_api_token' => 'Токен Telegram API',
'telegram_api_token_description' => 'Перед використанням Telegram ви маєте
отримати токен API. За довідкою
зверніться до <a href=""
'alert_type' => 'Виберіть, коли б вам хотілося отримувати
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Зміна статусу:</b> Ви отримуватимете
сповіщення, коли змінюється статус сервера.
Тобто при переходах онлайн -> офлайн і офлайн
-> онлайн.<br><br><b>Офлайн:</b> Ви отримаєте
сповіщення, коли сервер переходить у офлайн
*ТІЛЬКИ ПЕРШИЙ РАЗ*. Наприклад, ваше
крон-завдання виконується кожні 15 хвилин і
ваш сервер лягає о 1-й годині ночі й лежить до
6-ї години ранку. Ви отримаєте тільки одне
сповіщення о 1-й годині
ночі.<br><br><b>Завжди:</b> Ви отримуватимете
сповіщення при кожному запуску сценарію,
коли сайт лежить, навіть якщо він лежить
'alert_type_status' => 'Зміна статусу',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Офлайн',
'alert_type_always' => 'Завжди',
'combine_notifications' => 'Об’єднувати сповіщення',
'combine_notifications_description' => 'Зменшує кількість сповіщень,
об’єднуючи їх в 1 єдине сповіщення. (Це
не стосується SMS-сповіщень.)',
'alert_proxy' => 'Навіть якщо увімкнений, проксі-сервер ніколи не
використовується для сервісів',
'alert_proxy_url' => 'Формат: хост:порт',
'log_status' => 'Статус журналу',
'log_status_description' => 'Якщо статус журналу TRUE, то монітор
записуватиме у журнал подію щоразу, коли
виконуватимуться умови надсилання
'log_email' => 'Записувати у журнал електронні листи, надіслані
'log_sms' => 'Записувати у журнал текстові повідомлення,
надіслані сценарієм',
'log_pushover' => 'Записувати у журнал Pushover-повідомлення, надіслані
'log_telegram' => 'Записувати у журнал Telegram-повідомлення, надіслані
'updated' => 'Налаштування оновлено.',
'tab_email' => 'Електронна пошта',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'tab_telegram' => 'Telegram',
'settings_email' => 'Налаштування електронної пошти',
'settings_sms' => 'Налаштування текстових повідомлень',
'settings_pushover' => 'Налаштування Pushover',
'settings_telegram' => 'Налаштування Telegram',
'settings_notification' => 'Налаштування сповіщень',
'settings_log' => 'Налаштування логів',
'settings_proxy' => 'Налаштування проксі',
'auto_refresh' => 'Автооновлення',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Сторінка автооновлення серверів.<br><span
class="small">Час у секундах; якщо 0, сторінка не
'test' => 'Тест',
'test_email' => 'Електронний лист буде надісланий на адресу,
вказану у вашому профілі користувача.',
'test_sms' => 'SMS буде надіслане на номер телефону, вказаний у
вашому профілі користувача.',
'test_pushover' => 'Pushover-сповіщення буде надіслане на ключ/пристрій
користувача, заданий у вашому профілі
'test_telegram' => 'Telegram-сповіщення буде надіслане у чат,
ідентифікатор якого заданий у вашому профілі
'send' => 'Надіслати',
'test_subject' => 'Тест',
'test_message' => 'Тестове повідомлення',
'email_sent' => 'Електронний лист надіслано',
'email_error' => 'Помилка надсилання електронного листа',
'sms_sent' => 'SMS надіслане',
'sms_error' => 'При надсиланні SMS сталася помилка: %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Не можу надіслати тестове SMS: у вашому профілі
не знайдено дійсного номера телефону.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover-сповіщення надіслане',
'pushover_error' => 'При надсиланні Pushover-сповіщення сталася помилка:
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Не можу надіслати тестове сповіщення: у
глобальних налаштуваннях не знайдено токен
API Pushover-додатку.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Не можу надіслати тестове сповіщення: у
вашому профілі не знайдено ключа Pushover.',
'telegram_sent' => 'Telegram-сповіщення надіслане',
'telegram_error' => 'При надсиланні Telegram-сповіщення сталася помилка:
'telegram_error_notoken' => 'Не можу надіслати тестове сповіщення: у
глобальних налаштуваннях не знайдено токен
Telegram API.',
'telegram_error_noid' => 'Не можу надіслати тестове сповіщення: у
вашому профілі не знайдено ідентифікатор
'log_retention_period' => 'Період зберігання логів',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Кількість днів зберігання журналів
сповіщень і архівів часу роботи
серверів. Введіть 0, щоб вимкнути
очищення журналів.',
'log_retention_days' => 'днів',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Сервер \'%LABEL%\' ЛЕЖИТЬ: ip=%IP%, порт=%PORT%. Помилка=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'ВАЖЛИВО: Сервер \'%LABEL%\' ЛЕЖИТЬ',
'off_email_body' => 'Не вдалося під’єднатися до такого
сервера:<br><br>Сервер: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Порт:
%PORT%<br>Помилка: %ERROR%<br>Дата: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Сервер \'%LABEL%\' ЛЕЖИТЬ',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Не вдалося під’єднатися до такого
сервера:<br><br>Сервер: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Порт:
%PORT%<br>Помилка: %ERROR%<br>Дата: %DATE%',
'off_telegram_message' => 'Не вдалося під’єднатися до такого
сервера:<br><br>Сервер: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Порт:
%PORT%<br>Помилка: %ERROR%<br>Дата: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Сервер \'%LABEL%\' ПРАЦЮЄ: ip=%IP%, порт=%PORT%, він лежав
'on_email_subject' => 'ВАЖЛИВО: Сервер \'%LABEL%\' ПРАЦЮЄ',
'on_email_body' => 'Сервер \'%LABEL%\' знову працює, він лежав протягом
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Сервер: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Порт:
%PORT%<br>Дата: %DATE%',
'on_pushover_title' => 'Сервер \'%LABEL%\' ПРАЦЮЄ',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Сервер \'%LABEL%\' знову працює, він лежав протягом
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Сервер: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Порт:
%PORT%<br>Дата: %DATE%',
'on_telegram_message' => 'Сервер \'%LABEL%\' знову працює, він лежав
протягом: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br><br>Сервер: %LABEL%<br>IP:
%IP%<br>Порт: %PORT%<br>Дата: %DATE%',
'combi_off_email_message' => '<ul><li>Сервер: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Порт:
%PORT%</li><li>Помилка: %ERROR%</li><li>Дата: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_off_pushover_message' => '<ul><li>Сервер: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Порт:
%PORT%</li><li>Помилка: %ERROR%</li><li>Дата: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_off_telegram_message' => '- Сервер: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Порт: %PORT%<br>-
Помилка: %ERROR%<br>- Дата: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_on_email_message' => '<ul><li>Сервер: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Порт:
%PORT%</li><li>Час простою: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%</li><li>Дата:
'combi_on_pushover_message' => '<ul><li>Сервер: %LABEL%</li><li>IP: %IP%</li><li>Порт:
%PORT%</li><li>Час простою:
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%</li><li>Дата: %DATE%</li></ul>',
'combi_on_telegram_message' => '- Сервер: %LABEL%<br>- IP: %IP%<br>- Порт: %PORT%<br>- Час
простою: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%<br>- Дата: %DATE%<br><br>',
'combi_email_subject' => 'ВАЖЛИВО: \'%UP%\' серверів знову ПРАЦЮЮТЬ, \'%DOWN%\'
серверів ЛЕЖАТЬ',
'combi_pushover_subject' => '\'%UP%\' серверів знову ПРАЦЮЮТЬ, \'%DOWN%\'
серверів ЛЕЖАТЬ',
'combi_email_message' => '<b>Такі сервери лягли:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>Такі
сервери знову працюють:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'combi_pushover_message' => '<b>Такі сервери лягли:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>Такі
сервери знову працюють:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'combi_telegram_message' => '<b>Такі сервери лягли:</b><br>%DOWN_SERVERS%<br><b>Такі
сервери знову працюють:</b><br>%UP_SERVERS%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Ласкаво просимо, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Будь ласка, увійдіть',
'title_forgot' => 'Забули свій пароль?',
'title_reset' => 'Скинути пароль',
'submit' => 'Надіслати',
'remember_me' => 'Запам’ятати мене',
'login' => 'Вхід',
'logout' => 'Вихід',
'username' => 'Ім’я користувача',
'password' => 'Пароль',
'password_repeat' => 'Повторити пароль',
'password_forgot' => 'Забули пароль?',
'password_reset' => 'Скинути пароль',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Скинути свій пароль до PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Будь ласка, скористайтеся наступним
посиланням для скидання свого пароля. Будь
ласка, пам’ятайте, що воно діє протягом 1
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Не вдалося знайти вказане ім’я користувача.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Інформація неправильна.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Надані паролі не збігаються.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Надане посилання для скидання пароля
'success_password_forgot' => 'Вам надіслано електронний лист із
інформацією про відновлення пароля.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Ваш пароль успішно скинутий. Будь ласка,
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Несанкціоновано',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Ви не маєте дозволу переглядати цю

View File

@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Loi Le <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => 'Tiếng Việt - Vietnamese',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'vi_VN.UTF-8',
'1' => 'vi_VN',
'2' => 'Việt Nam',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => 'Cài đặt',
'action' => 'Hành động',
'save' => 'Lưu',
'edit' => 'Sửa',
'delete' => 'Xóa',
'date' => 'Ngày',
'message' => 'Message',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'no' => 'No',
'insert' => 'Thêm mới',
'add_new' => 'Thêm mới',
'update_available' => 'Phiên bản mới ({version}) săn trên <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => 'Lên đầu trang',
'go_back' => 'Quay lại',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => 'Yesterday at %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A at %k:%M',
'never' => 'Never',
'hours_ago' => '%d giờ trước',
'an_hour_ago' => 'khoảng một giờ trước',
'minutes_ago' => '%d phút trước',
'a_minute_ago' => 'khoảng một phút trước',
'seconds_ago' => '%d giây trước',
'a_second_ago' => 'một giây trước',
'seconds' => 'giây',
'menu' => array(
'config' => 'Cấu hình',
'server' => 'Servers',
'server_log' => 'Log',
'server_status' => 'Trạng thái',
'server_update' => 'Cập nhật',
'user' => 'Người dùng',
'help' => 'Giúp đỡ',
'users' => array(
'user' => 'Người dùng',
'name' => 'Tên',
'user_name' => 'Tên đăng nhập',
'password' => 'Mật khẩu',
'password_repeat' => 'Nhập lại mật khẩu',
'password_leave_blank' => 'Leave blank to keep unchanged',
'level' => 'Cấp độ',
'level_10' => 'Administrator',
'level_20' => 'User',
'level_description' => '<b>Administrators</b> toàn quyền: họ thể quản server, người
dùng chỉnh sửa cấu hình.<br><b>Users</b> chỉ xem chạy cập nhật
cho servers được giao cho họ.',
'mobile' => 'Di động',
'email' => 'Email',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover một dịch vụ dễ dàng nhận các thông báo theo thời gian
thực. Xem <a href="" target="_blank">website của họ</a>
để biết thêm thông tin.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Tên thiết bị để gửi tin nhắn đến. Để trống để gửi
cho tất cả các thiết bị.',
'delete_title' => 'Xóa Người dùng',
'delete_message' => 'Bạn có chắc chắn xóa người dùng \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Đã xóa người dùng.',
'updated' => 'Đã cập nhật người dùng.',
'inserted' => 'Đã thêm người dùng.',
'profile' => 'Hồ sơ',
'profile_updated' => 'Hồ sơ của bạn đã được cập nhật.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Tên người dùng phải có từ 2 và 64 ký tự.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => 'Tên người dùng chỉ thể chứa các chữ cái(a-z, A-Z), số
(0-9), dấu chấm (.) dấu gạch dưới (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => 'Tên người dùng đã tồn tại trong cơ sở dữ liệu.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Địa chỉ email phải từ 5 đến 255 ký tự.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => 'Địa chỉ email không hợp lệ.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => 'Cấp độ người dùng không hợp lệ.',
'error_user_no_match' => 'Người dùng không tìm thấy trong cơ sở dữ liệu.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => 'Đặt mật khẩu không hợp lệ.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => 'Các mật khẩu không khớp.',
'log' => array(
'title' => 'Log entries',
'type' => 'Loại',
'status' => 'Trạng thái',
'email' => 'Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'No logs',
'clear' => 'Xoá nhật ký',
'delete_title' => 'Xoá nhật ký',
'delete_message' => 'Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xóa <b>tất</b> cả các bản ghi?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => 'Server',
'status' => 'Trạng thái',
'label' => 'Nhãn',
'domain' => 'Domain/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Số giây để đợi máy chủ phản hồi.',
'port' => 'Cổng',
'type' => 'Loại',
'type_website' => 'Website',
'type_service' => 'Dịch vụ',
'pattern' => 'Tìm kiếm chuỗi/mẫu',
'pattern_description' => 'Nếu mẫu không tìm thấy trên website, server sẽ được đánh dấu
offline. Biểu thức chính quy (Regular expressions) được cho phép.',
'last_check' => 'Kiểm tra lần cuối',
'last_online' => 'Trực tuyến lần cuối',
'monitoring' => 'Giám sát',
'no_monitoring' => 'Không giám sát',
'email' => 'Email',
'send_email' => 'Gửi Email',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'send_sms' => 'Gửi SMS',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Người dùng',
'delete_title' => 'Xóa server',
'delete_message' => 'Bạn có chắt chắn xóa server \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Đã xóa server.',
'updated' => 'Đã cập nhật server.',
'inserted' => 'Đã thêm server.',
'latency' => 'Độ trễ',
'latency_max' => 'Độ trễ (cao nhất)',
'latency_min' => 'Độ trễ (thấp nhất)',
'latency_avg' => 'Độ trễ (trung bình)',
'uptime' => 'Thời gian hoạt động',
'year' => 'Năm',
'month' => 'Tháng',
'week' => 'Tuần',
'day' => 'Ngày',
'hour' => 'Giờ',
'warning_threshold' => 'Ngưỡng cảnh báo',
'warning_threshold_description' => 'Số lần kiểm tra thất bại trước khi đánh đấu là offline.',
'chart_last_week' => 'Tuần trước',
'chart_history' => 'Lịch sử',
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS thông báo bị vô hiệu hóa.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email thông báo bị vô hiệu hóa.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover thông báo bị vô hiệu hóa.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Không tìm thấy server.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'Nhãn phải có từ 1 đến 255 ký tự.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'The domain / IP Nhãn phải có từ 1 đến 255 ký tự.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'Địa chỉ IP không hợp lệ.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'URL website không hợp lệ.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'Chọn loại server không hợp lệ.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'Ngưỡng cảnh báo phải một số nguyên giá
trị lớn hơn 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => 'Tổng quát',
'language' => 'Ngôn ngữ',
'show_update' => 'Kiểm tra cập nhật?',
'email_status' => 'Cho phép gửi email',
'email_from_email' => 'Gửi email từ địa chỉ',
'email_from_name' => 'Tên địa chỉ mail',
'email_smtp' => 'Enable SMTP',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP host',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP security',
'email_smtp_security_none' => 'None',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP username',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP password',
'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Để trống nếu không có chứng thực',
'sms_status' => 'Cho phép gửi tin nhắn văn bản',
'sms_gateway' => 'Gateway sử dụng để gửi tin nhắn',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'Gateway username',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'Gateway password',
'sms_from' => 'Số điện thoại của người gửi',
'pushover_status' => 'Cho phép gửi tin nhắn bằng Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover một dịch vụ dễ dàng nhận các thông báo theo thời gian
thực. Xem <a href="" target="_blank">website của họ</a>
để biết thêm thông tin.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Nhấn vào đây để tạo ứng dụng Pushover của bạn',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Trước khi bạn thể sử dụng Pushover, bạn cần phải <a
href="%1$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener">đăng một ứng
dụng</a> tại trang web của họ nhập Token App API đây.',
'alert_type' => 'Chọn khi bạn muốn được thông báo.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>Thay đổi trạng thái:</b> Bạn sẽ nhận được thông báo khi
một máy chủ một sự thay đổi trạng thái. Từ online -> offline
hoặc offline -> online.<br><br /><b>Offline:</b> Bạn sẽ nhận được
thông báo khi một máy chủ offline *MỘT LẦN DUY NHẤT*. dụ,
cronjob của bạn hoạt động mỗi 15 phút server của bạn down
tại 01h00 cho đến 6h00. Bạn sẽ nhận được 1 thông báo lúc 01h00
đó .<br><br><b>Always:</b> Bạn sẽ nhận được thông báo
mỗi khi chạy đoạn script một trang web tắt, ngay cả khi trang
web đã được offline trong nhiều giờ.',
'alert_type_status' => 'Thay đổi trạng thái',
'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline',
'alert_type_always' => 'Always',
'log_status' => 'Log status',
'log_status_description' => 'Nếu log status được đặt TRUE, màn hình sẽ đăng sự kiện
này bất cứ khi nào các thiết lập thông báo được truyền.',
'log_email' => 'Log emails gửi bởi script',
'log_sms' => 'Log Tin nhăn văn bản gửi bởi script',
'log_pushover' => 'Log tin nhắn pushover gửi bởi script',
'updated' => 'Cấu hình đã được cập nhật.',
'tab_email' => 'Email',
'tab_sms' => 'SMS',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => 'Thiết lặp email',
'settings_sms' => 'Thiết lập tin nhăn văn bản',
'settings_pushover' => 'Thiết lặp Pushover',
'settings_notification' => 'Thiết lặp thông báo',
'settings_log' => 'Thiết lặp Log',
'auto_refresh' => 'Tự động làm mới',
'auto_refresh_description' => 'Tự động làm mới servers page.<br><span class="small">Trong vài giây,
nếu 0 trang sẽ không làm mới.</span>',
'test' => 'Thử',
'test_email' => 'Một email sẽ được gửi đến địa chỉ được xác định trong hồ
người dùng của bạn.',
'test_sms' => 'Một SMS sẽ được gửi đến địa chỉ được xác định trong hồ người
dùng của bạn.',
'test_pushover' => 'Một thông báo Pushover sẽ được gửi đến địa chỉ được xác định
trong hồ người dùng của bạn.',
'send' => 'Gửi',
'test_subject' => 'Thử nghiệm',
'test_message' => 'tin nhắn thử nghiệm',
'email_sent' => 'Gửi email',
'email_error' => 'Lỗi trong khi gửi mail',
'sms_sent' => 'Gửi SMS',
'sms_error' => 'Lỗi trong khi gửi sms. %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Không thể gửi thử SMS: không số điện thoại hợp lệ được
tìm thấy trong hồ của bạn.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Gửi thông báo Pushover',
'pushover_error' => 'Một lỗi đã xảy ra trong khi gửi thông báo Pushover: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Không thể gửi thử thông báo: không tìm thấy Pushover App API token
trong cấu hình.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Không thể gửi thử thông báo: không tìm thấy Pushover key trong hồ
của bạn.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Thời gian lưu giữ log',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Số ngày để giữ các bản ghi của các thông báo tài
liệu lưu trữ của thời gian hoạt động máy chủ. Nhập 0
để hiệu hóa dọn dẹp log.',
'log_retention_days' => 'ngày',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN: ip=%IP%, cổng=%PORT%. Lỗi=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN',
'off_email_body' => 'Không thể kết nối đến máy chủ sau:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP:
%IP%<br>Cổng: %PORT%<br>Lỗi: %ERROR%<br>Thời gian: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN',
'off_pushover_message' => 'Không thể kết nối đến máy chủ:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP:
%IP%<br>Cổng: %PORT%<br>Lỗi: %ERROR%<br>Thời gian: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is RUNNING: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'on_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: Server \'%LABEL%\' hoạt động',
'on_email_body' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' hoạt động lại, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Cổng: %PORT%<br>Thời
gian: %DATE%',
'on_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' hoạt động',
'on_pushover_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' hoạt động lại, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>Server: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Cổng:
%PORT%<br>Thời gian: %DATE%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => 'Chào mừng, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => 'Vui lòng đăng nhập',
'title_forgot' => 'Quên mật khẩu?',
'title_reset' => 'Khôi phục mật khẩu',
'submit' => 'Gửi',
'remember_me' => 'Ghi nhớ tôi',
'login' => 'Đăng nhập',
'logout' => 'Đăng xuất',
'username' => 'Tên đăng nhập',
'password' => 'Mật khẩu',
'password_repeat' => 'Nhập lại mật khẩu',
'password_forgot' => 'Quên mật khẩu?',
'password_reset' => 'Khôi phục mật khẩu',
'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Khôi phục lại mật khẩu của bạn cho PHP Server Monitor',
'password_reset_email_body' => 'Vui lòng sử dụng liên kết sau đây để thiết lập lại mật
khẩu của bạn. Xin lưu ý hết hạn trong 1 giờ.<br><br>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => 'Tên người dùng cung cấp không thể tìm thấy.',
'error_login_incorrect' => 'Thông tin không đúng.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'Mật khẩu được cung cấp không phù hợp.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'Liên kết đặt lại mà bạn cung cấp không hợp lệ.',
'success_password_forgot' => 'Một email đã được gửi đến bạn với thông tin làm thế nào
để khôi phục lại mật khẩu của bạn.',
'success_password_reset' => 'Mật khẩu bạn được khôi phục thành công. Vui lòng đăng nhập.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Không được phép',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'Bạn không có quyền xem trang này.',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -20,310 +19,279 @@
* @package phpservermon
* @author manhere <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => '中文 - Chinese',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'zh_CN.UTF-8',
'1' => 'zh_CN',
'2' => 'chinese',
'3' => 'chinese-cn',
'locale_tag' => 'zh',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => '安装',
'action' => '操作',
'save' => '保存',
'edit' => '编辑',
'delete' => '删除',
'date' => '日期',
'message' => '消息',
'yes' => '是',
'no' => '否',
'insert' => '新增',
'add_new' => '添加',
'update_available' => '发现新版本({version}) <a
href="" target="_blank"
'back_to_top' => '返回顶部',
'go_back' => '后退',
'ok' => '确认',
'cancel' => '取消',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => '昨日 %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A %k:%M',
'never' => '从未',
'hours_ago' => '%d 小时前',
'an_hour_ago' => '1小时前',
'minutes_ago' => '%d 分钟前',
'a_minute_ago' => '1分钟前',
'seconds_ago' => '%d 秒前',
'a_second_ago' => '刚刚',
'seconds' => '秒',
'menu' => array(
'config' => '设置',
'server' => '监控',
'server_log' => '日志',
'server_status' => '状态',
'server_update' => '刷新',
'user' => '用户',
'help' => '帮助',
'users' => array(
'user' => '用户',
'name' => '名称',
'user_name' => '用户名',
'password' => '密码',
'password_repeat' => '重复密码',
'password_leave_blank' => '留空为不修改',
'level' => '等级',
'level_10' => '超级管理员',
'level_20' => '普通用户',
'level_description' => '<b>超级管理员</b> 拥有所有权限: 管理服务器, 用户
'mobile' => '手机',
'email' => '邮件',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover 是第三方用于实时通知的服务(收费). 详情见 <a
href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Pushover 官网</a>.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => '要发送信息的设备名. 留空则发送到所有设备.',
'delete_title' => '删除用户',
'delete_message' => '确认删除用户 \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => '用户已删除.',
'updated' => '用户已更新.',
'inserted' => '用户已添加.',
'profile' => '个人资料',
'profile_updated' => '个人资料已更新.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => '用户名长度必须为2-64个字符.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => '用户名只允许使用字母 (a-z, A-Z), 数字 (0-9), 點(。)
及下划线 (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => '该用户名已存在.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => '电子邮箱长度必须为5-255个字符.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => '无效的邮箱地址.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => '该用户等级无效.',
'error_user_no_match' => '该用户名不存在.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => '密码无效.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => '密码不符.',
'log' => array(
'title' => '日志概览',
'type' => '类型',
'status' => '状态',
'email' => '邮件',
'sms' => '短信',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => '没有日志',
'servers' => array(
'server' => '业务',
'status' => '状态',
'label' => '标签',
'domain' => 'URL/IP',
'timeout' => '超时时间',
'timeout_description' => '等待服务器响应的时间.',
'authentication_settings' => '访问权限设置',
'optional' => '可选',
'website_username' => '用户名',
'website_username_description' => '网站分配的用户名.',
'website_password' => '密码',
'website_password_description' => '网站分配的密码,密码将会加密存放',
'fieldset_monitoring' => '通知',
'fieldset_permissions' => '权限',
'port' => '端口',
'custom_port' => '指定端口',
'popular_ports' => '默认端口',
'please_select' => '请选择',
'type' => '类型',
'type_website' => '网站',
'type_service' => '服务',
'pattern' => '字符串/正则匹配',
'pattern_description' => '如果在网站上未找到对应匹配内容, 则标记该网站为离线.
'last_check' => '最后检查',
'last_online' => '最后在线',
'last_offline' => 'Last offline',
'monitoring' => '监控',
'no_monitoring' => '未监控',
'email' => '邮件',
'send_email' => '发送邮件',
'sms' => '短信',
'send_sms' => '发送短信',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => '用户',
'delete_title' => '删除服务器',
'delete_message' => '确认删除服务器 \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => '服务器已删除.',
'updated' => '服务器已更新.',
'inserted' => '服务器已添加.',
'latency' => '延迟',
'latency_max' => '最大延迟',
'latency_min' => '最小延迟',
'latency_avg' => '平均延迟',
'uptime' => '在线时长',
'year' => '年',
'month' => '月',
'week' => '周',
'day' => '日',
'hour' => '小时',
'warning_threshold' => '报警阈值',
'warning_threshold_description' => '失败达到多少次数则标记为离线.',
'chart_last_week' => '上周',
'chart_history' => '更早',
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => '短信通知不可用.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email 通知不可用.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover 通知不可用.',
'error_server_no_match' => '服务器不存在.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => '标签 长度要求 1 ~ 255 字符.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'URL / IP 长度要求 1 ~ 255 字符.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => '非法 IP.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => '非法 URL.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => '非法选项.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => '报警阈值为大于 0 的数字.',
'config' => array(
'general' => '通用',
'language' => '语言',
'show_update' => '每周检查更新?',
'password_encrypt_key' => '加密密钥',
'password_encrypt_key_note' => '该密钥用于加密访问 URL 时的用户名和密码.
'proxy' => '使用代理',
'proxy_url' => '代理IP',
'proxy_user' => '用户名',
'proxy_password' => '密码',
'email_status' => '允许发送邮件?',
'email_from_email' => '发件人地址',
'email_from_name' => '发件人名称',
'email_smtp' => '使用SMTP发送',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP主机',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP端口',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP 设置',
'email_smtp_security_none' => '空',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP用户名',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP密码',
'email_smtp_noauth' => '留空为无验证',
'sms_status' => '允许发送短信SMS?',
'sms_gateway' => '短信SMS发送网关',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'SMS网关用户名',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'SMS网关密码',
'sms_from' => '发信人电话号',
'pushover_status' => '允许 Pushover 通知',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover 是第三方用于实时通知的服务(收费). 详情见 <a
href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Pushover 官网</a>.',
'pushover_clone_app' => '点此创建 Pushover App',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => '请先 <a href="%1$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener">注册Pushover</a>
并获取 Api Token.',
'alert_type' => '如果想要收到提醒请选中此项.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>状态变化:</b> 业务 online -> offline offline -> online
的状态变化将会收到提醒.<br><br /><b>离线状态:</b>
服务器首次发生离线状态将会收到提醒 cronjob
'alert_type_status' => '状态变化',
'alert_type_offline' => '离线状态',
'alert_type_always' => '总是提醒',
'alert_proxy' => '代理只用于 URL 监控,如没有用户名密码,请留空',
'alert_proxy_url' => '格式: Host:Port',
'log_status' => '状态记录',
'log_status_description' => '如果状态记录设置为开, 提醒发送时均会保存记录.',
'log_email' => '记录脚本所发邮件?',
'log_sms' => '记录脚本所发短信?',
'log_pushover' => '记录脚本所发pushover消息?',
'updated' => '设置已更新.',
'tab_email' => '邮件发送设置',
'tab_sms' => '短信发送设置',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => '邮件发送设置',
'settings_sms' => '短信发送设置',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover 设置',
'settings_notification' => '提醒设置',
'settings_log' => '日志设置',
'settings_proxy' => '代理设置',
'auto_refresh' => '自动刷新',
'auto_refresh_description' => '自动刷新服务器页.<br><span class="small">单位为秒, 设置为 0
'test' => '测试',
'test_email' => '将发送一封邮件到您账户设置的邮件地址.',
'test_sms' => '将发送一封短信到您账户设置的手机号码.',
'test_pushover' => '将发送一条 Pushover 通知到您账户设置的 key/device 设备上.',
'send' => '发送',
'test_subject' => '测试',
'test_message' => '测试信息',
'email_sent' => '发送邮件',
'email_error' => '发送出错',
'sms_sent' => '发送短信',
'sms_error' => '短信发送出错 %s',
'sms_error_nomobile' => '无法发送短信: 您的账号未设置有效手机号码.',
'pushover_sent' => '发送Pushover通知',
'pushover_error' => 'Pushover通知发送出错: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Pushover通知发送出错: no Pushover App API token found in the global
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Pushover通知无法发送: no Pushover key found in your profile.',
'log_retention_period' => '日志保留时长',
'log_retention_period_description' => '日志存档保留时间0为禁用日志清理',
'log_retention_days' => '天',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => '监控项 \'%LABEL%:%PORT%\' 异常. %ERROR% %IP%',
'off_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: 服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 宕机',
'off_email_body' => '无法连接到以下服务器:<br><br>服务器: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>错误: %ERROR%<br>日期: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => '服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 宕机',
'off_pushover_message' => '无法连接到以下服务器:<br><br>服务器: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>错误: %ERROR%<br>日期: %DATE%',
'on_sms' => '服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 运行中: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%',
'on_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: 服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 运行中',
'on_email_body' => '服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 恢复运行, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>服务器: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port: %PORT%<br>日期:
'on_pushover_title' => '服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 运行中',
'on_pushover_message' => '服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 恢复运行, it was down for
%LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:<br><br>服务器: %LABEL%<br>IP: %IP%<br>Port:
%PORT%<br>日期: %DATE%',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => '欢迎, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => '请登录',
'title_forgot' => '忘记密码?',
'title_reset' => '重设密码',
'submit' => '提交',
'remember_me' => '记住我',
'login' => '登录',
'logout' => '注销',
'username' => '用户名',
'password' => '密码',
'password_repeat' => '重复密码',
'password_forgot' => '忘记密码?',
'password_reset' => '重设密码',
'password_reset_email_subject' => '重设你的密码',
'password_reset_email_body' => '点击以下链接重设密码. 链接1小时内有效.<br><br>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => '该用户不存在.',
'error_login_incorrect' => '登录信息不正确.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => '密码不符.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => '重设密码链接无效.',
'success_password_forgot' => '密码重设邮件已发送.',
'success_password_reset' => '密码重设成功.请登录.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => '未授权的请求',
'401_unauthorized_description' => '未授权的请求.',
'name' => '中文 - Chinese',
'locale' => array('zh_CN.UTF-8', 'zh_CN', 'chinese', 'chinese-cn'),
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => '安装',
'action' => '操作',
'save' => '保存',
'edit' => '编辑',
'delete' => '删除',
'date' => '日期',
'message' => '消息',
'yes' => '是',
'no' => '否o',
'insert' => '插入',
'add_new' => '添加',
'update_available' => '发现新版本({version}) <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.',
'back_to_top' => '返回顶部',
'go_back' => '后退',
'ok' => 'OK',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
// date/time format according the strftime php function format parameter
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => '昨日 %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A %k:%M',
'never' => '从未',
'hours_ago' => '%d 小时前',
'an_hour_ago' => '1小时前',
'minutes_ago' => '%d 分钟前',
'a_minute_ago' => '1分钟前',
'seconds_ago' => '%d 秒前',
'a_second_ago' => '刚刚',
'menu' => array(
'config' => '设置',
'server' => '服务器',
'server_log' => '日志',
'server_status' => '状态',
'server_update' => '更新',
'user' => '用户',
'help' => '帮助',
'users' => array(
'user' => '用户',
'name' => '名称',
'user_name' => '用户名',
'password' => '密码',
'password_repeat' => '重复密码',
'password_leave_blank' => '留空为不修改',
'level' => '等级',
'level_10' => '超级管理员',
'level_20' => '普通用户',
'level_description' => '<b>超级管理员</b> 拥有所有权限: 管理服务器, 用户 以及修改设置.<br/><b>普通用户</b> 只能查看及更新自己名下所属的服务器.',
'mobile' => '手机',
'email' => '邮件',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device',
'pushover_device_description' => 'Device name to send the message to. Leave empty to send it to all devices.',
'delete_title' => 'Delete User',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete user \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'User deleted.',
'updated' => '用户已更新.',
'inserted' => '用户已添加.',
'profile' => '个人资料',
'profile_updated' => '个人资料已更新.',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => '用户名长度必须为2-64个字符.',
'error_user_name_invalid' => '用户名只允许使用字母 (a-z, A-Z), 数字 (0-9) 及下划线 (_).',
'error_user_name_exists' => '该用户名已存在.',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => '电子邮箱长度必须为5-255个字符.',
'error_user_email_invalid' => '无效的邮箱地址.',
'error_user_level_invalid' => '该用户等级无效.',
'error_user_no_match' => '该用户名不存在.',
'error_user_password_invalid' => '密码无效.',
'error_user_password_no_match' => '密码不符.',
'log' => array(
'title' => '日志概览',
'type' => '类型',
'status' => '状态',
'email' => '邮件',
'sms' => '短信',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'no_logs' => 'No logs',
'servers' => array(
'server' => '服务器',
'status' => '状态',
'label' => '标签',
'domain' => '域名/IP',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Number of seconds to wait for the server to respond.',
'port' => '端口',
'type' => '类型',
'type_website' => '网站',
'type_service' => '服务',
'pattern' => '字符串/正则匹配',
'pattern_description' => '如果在网站上未找到对应匹配内容, 则标记该网站为离线. 支持正则表达式.',
'last_check' => '最后检查',
'last_online' => '最后在线',
'monitoring' => '监控中',
'no_monitoring' => 'No monitoring',
'email' => '邮件',
'send_email' => '发送邮件',
'sms' => '短信',
'send_sms' => '发送短信',
'pushover' => 'Pushover',
'users' => 'Users',
'delete_title' => 'Delete Server',
'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete server \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => 'Server deleted.',
'updated' => '服务器已更新.',
'inserted' => '服务器已添加.',
'latency' => '延迟',
'latency_max' => '延迟(最大)',
'latency_min' => '延迟(最小)',
'latency_avg' => '延迟(平均)',
'uptime' => 'Uptime',
'year' => '年',
'month' => '月',
'week' => '周',
'day' => '日',
'hour' => '小时',
'warning_threshold' => '报警阈值',
'warning_threshold_description' => '失败达到多少次数则标记为离线.',
'chart_last_week' => '上周',
'chart_history' => '更早',
// Charts date format according jqPlot date format
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email notifications are disabled.',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover notifications are disabled.',
'error_server_no_match' => 'Server not found.',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'The label must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'The domain / IP must be between 1 and 255 characters.',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'The IP address is not valid.',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'The website URL is not valid.',
'error_server_type_invalid' => 'The selected server type is invalid.',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'The warning threshold must be a valid integer greater than 0.',
'config' => array(
'general' => '通用',
'language' => '语言',
'show_update' => '每周检查更新?',
'email_status' => '允许发送邮件?',
'email_from_email' => '发件人地址',
'email_from_name' => '发件人名称',
'email_smtp' => '使用SMTP发送',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP主机',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP端口',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP用户名',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP密码',
'email_smtp_noauth' => '留空为无验证',
'sms_status' => '允许发送短信SMS?',
'sms_gateway' => '短信SMS发送网关',
'sms_gateway_mosms' => 'Mosms',
'sms_gateway_mollie' => 'Mollie',
'sms_gateway_spryng' => 'Spryng',
'sms_gateway_inetworx' => 'Inetworx',
'sms_gateway_clickatell' => 'Clickatell',
'sms_gateway_textmarketer' => 'Textmarketer',
'sms_gateway_smsglobal' => 'SMSGlobal',
'sms_gateway_smsit' => 'Smsit',
'sms_gateway_username' => 'SMS网关用户名',
'sms_gateway_password' => 'SMS网关密码',
'sms_from' => '发信人电话号',
'pushover_status' => 'Allow sending Pushover messages',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See <a href="">their website</a> for more info.',
'pushover_clone_app' => 'Click here to create your Pushover app',
'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token',
'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Before you can use Pushover, you need to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">register an App</a> at their website and enter the App API Token here.',
'alert_type' => '如果想要收到提醒请选中此项.',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>状态变化:</b> '.
'服务器 online -> offline 或 offline -> online 的状态变化将会收到提醒.<br/>'.
'<br /><b>离线状态:</b> '.
'服务器首次发生离线状态将会收到提醒 ,如:'.
'cronjob 设定为15分钟执行一次 服务器从1:00-6:00一直处于当状态'.
'<br><b>总是提醒:</b> '.
'alert_type_status' => '状态变化',
'alert_type_offline' => '离线状态',
'alert_type_always' => '总是提醒',
'log_status' => '状态记录',
'log_status_description' => '如果状态记录设置为开, 提醒发送时均会保存记录.',
'log_email' => '记录脚本所发邮件?',
'log_sms' => '记录脚本所发短信SMS?',
'log_pushover' => 'Log pushover messages sent by the script',
'updated' => '设置已更新.',
'tab_email' => '邮件发送设置',
'tab_sms' => '短信发送设置',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover',
'settings_email' => '邮件发送设置',
'settings_sms' => '短信发送设置',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover settings',
'settings_notification' => '提醒设置',
'settings_log' => '日志设置',
'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-refresh',
'auto_refresh_servers' =>
'<span class="small">'.
'单位为秒, 设置为0则不自动刷新.'.
'seconds' => 'seconds',
'test' => 'Test',
'test_email' => 'An email will be sent to the address specified in your user profile.',
'test_sms' => 'An SMS will be sent to the phone number specified in your user profile.',
'test_pushover' => 'A Pushover notification will be sent to the user key/device specified in your user profile.',
'send' => 'Send',
'test_subject' => 'Test',
'test_message' => 'Test message',
'email_sent' => 'Email sent',
'email_error' => 'Error in email sending',
'sms_sent' => 'Sms sent',
'sms_error' => 'Error in sms sending',
'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Unable to send test SMS: no valid phone number found in your profile.',
'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover notification sent',
'pushover_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Pushover notification: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover App API token found in the global configuration.',
'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover key found in your profile.',
'log_retention_period' => 'Log retention period',
'log_retention_period_description' => 'Number of days to keep logs of notifications and archives of server uptime. Enter 0 to disable log cleanup.',
'log_retention_days' => 'days',
// for newlines in the email messages use <br/>
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => '服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 宕机: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Error=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: 服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 宕机',
'off_email_body' => "无法连接到以下服务器:<br/><br/>服务器: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>错误: %ERROR%<br/>日期: %DATE%",
'off_pushover_title' => '服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 宕机',
'off_pushover_message' => "无法连接到以下服务器:<br/><br/>服务器: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>错误: %ERROR%<br/>日期: %DATE%",
'on_sms' => '服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 运行中: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%',
'on_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: 服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 运行中',
'on_email_body' => "服务器 '%LABEL%' 恢复运行:<br/><br/>服务器: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>日期: %DATE%",
'on_pushover_title' => '服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 运行中',
'on_pushover_message' => "服务器 '%LABEL%' 恢复运行:<br/><br/>服务器: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port: %PORT%<br/>日期: %DATE%",
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => '欢迎, %user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => '请登录',
'title_forgot' => '忘记密码?',
'title_reset' => '重设密码',
'submit' => '提交',
'remember_me' => '记住我',
'login' => '登录',
'logout' => '注销',
'username' => '用户名',
'password' => '密码',
'password_repeat' => '重复密码',
'password_forgot' => '忘记密码?',
'password_reset' => '重设密码',
'password_reset_email_subject' => '重设你的密码',
'password_reset_email_body' => '点击以下链接重设密码. 链接1小时内有效.<br/><br/>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => '该用户不存在.',
'error_login_incorrect' => '登录信息不正确.',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => '密码不符.',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => '重设密码链接无效.',
'success_password_forgot' => '密码重设邮件已发送.',
'success_password_reset' => '密码重设成功.请登录.',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized',
'401_unauthorized_description' => 'You do not have the privileges to view this page.',

View File

@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Jason Cheng <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: v3.1.1
* @link
$sm_lang = array(
'name' => '繁體中文 - Traditional Chinese',
'locale' => array(
'0' => 'zh_TW.UTF-8',
'1' => 'zh_TW',
'2' => 'chinese',
'3' => 'chinese-tw',
'locale_tag' => 'zh_TW',
'locale_dir' => 'ltr',
'system' => array(
'title' => 'Server Monitor',
'install' => '安裝',
'action' => '動作',
'save' => '儲存',
'edit' => '編輯',
'delete' => '刪除',
'date' => '日期',
'message' => '訊息',
'yes' => '是',
'no' => '否',
'insert' => '插入',
'add_new' => '增加',
'back_to_top' => '回到最上層',
'go_back' => '返回',
'ok' => '確定',
'cancel' => '取消',
'activate' => '啟用',
'short_day_format' => '%B %e',
'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y',
'yesterday_format' => '昨日 %k:%M',
'other_day_format' => '%A %k:%M',
'never' => '從未',
'hours_ago' => '%d小時前',
'an_hour_ago' => '1小時前',
'minutes_ago' => '%d分鐘前',
'a_minute_ago' => '1分鐘前',
'seconds_ago' => '%d秒前',
'a_second_ago' => '剛剛',
'year' => '年',
'years' => '年',
'month' => '月',
'months' => '月',
'day' => '日',
'days' => '日',
'hour' => '時',
'hours' => '時',
'minute' => '分',
'minutes' => '分',
'second' => '秒',
'seconds' => '秒',
'menu' => array(
'config' => '設定',
'server' => '伺服器',
'server_log' => '記錄',
'server_status' => '狀態',
'server_update' => '更新',
'user' => '使用者',
'help' => '說明',
'users' => array(
'user' => '使用者',
'name' => '顯示名稱',
'user_name' => '使用者名稱',
'password' => '密碼',
'password_repeat' => '再次輸入密碼',
'password_leave_blank' => '若密碼欄位保持空白,表示不做修改',
'level' => '等級',
'level_10' => '超級管理員',
'level_20' => '一般使用者',
'level_description' => '<b>超級管理員</b>
'mobile' => '行動電話',
'email' => '電子郵件',
'pushover' => 'Pushover 通知',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover
'pushover_key' => 'Pushover 金鑰',
'pushover_device' => 'Pushover 裝置',
'pushover_device_description' => '發送訊息的裝置名稱,若保留空白,將會發送到所有的裝置。',
'telegram' => 'Telegram 通知',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">documentation</a>
'telegram_chat_id' => 'Telegram Chat ID',
'telegram_chat_id_description' => '將訊息發送到指定的聊天室',
'telegram_get_chat_id' => '點選這裡可以取得您的 Chat ID',
'activate_telegram' => '啟用 Telegram 通知',
'activate_telegram_description' => '允許 Telegram 將訊息發送到指定的 Chat
'telegram_bot_username_error_token' => '401 - 未授權,請確認您的 API Token 是有效的。',
'telegram_bot_error' => '啟用 Telegram 通知時發生錯誤:%s',
'delete_title' => '刪除使用者',
'delete_message' => '您確定要刪除使用者 \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => '已刪除使用者。',
'updated' => '已更新使用者。',
'inserted' => '已增加使用者。',
'profile' => '個人資料',
'profile_updated' => '個人資料已經更新。',
'error_user_name_bad_length' => '使用者名稱長度必須為2-64個字元。',
'error_user_name_invalid' => '使用者名稱只允許英文字母(a-z、A-Z)、數字(0-9)以及底線(_)。',
'error_user_name_exists' => '這個使用者名稱已存在。',
'error_user_email_bad_length' => '電子郵件長度為5-255個字元。',
'error_user_email_invalid' => '無效的電子郵件。',
'error_user_level_invalid' => '無效的使用者等級。',
'error_user_no_match' => '這個使用者名稱不存在。',
'error_user_password_invalid' => '無效的密碼。',
'error_user_password_no_match' => '密碼不符。',
'log' => array(
'title' => '記錄概覽',
'type' => '類型',
'status' => '狀態',
'email' => '電子郵件通知',
'sms' => '簡訊通知',
'pushover' => 'Pushover 通知',
'telegram' => 'Telegram 通知',
'no_logs' => '沒有記錄',
'clear' => '清除記錄',
'delete_title' => '刪除記錄',
'delete_message' => '您確定要刪除 <b>所有</b> 記錄?',
'servers' => array(
'server' => '伺服器',
'status' => '狀態',
'label' => '標籤',
'domain' => '網域/IP',
'timeout' => '逾時',
'timeout_description' => '等待伺服器回應的秒數。',
'authentication_settings' => '驗證設定 (非必要)',
'website_username' => '使用者',
'website_username_description' => '存取這個網站的使用者。(只支援 Apache 驗證)',
'website_password' => '密碼',
'website_password_description' => '存取這個網站的使用者。(密碼將會以加密形式存放在資料庫)',
'fieldset_monitoring' => '監視',
'fieldset_permissions' => '權限',
'port' => '連接埠',
'custom_port' => '自訂連接埠',
'popular_ports' => '常用連接埠',
'please_select' => '請選擇',
'type' => '類型',
'type_website' => '網站',
'type_service' => '服務',
'type_ping' => 'Ping',
'pattern' => '字串',
'pattern_description' => '如果在網站上沒有找到符合的字串,則將網站標示為離線。',
'pattern_online' => '指明網站上的字串',
'pattern_online_description' => '線上:如果在網站上沒有找到符合的字串,則將網站標示為線上。',
'header_name_description' => '標頭名稱 (區分大小寫)',
'header_value_description' => '標頭的值,可以使用正則表示式。',
'last_check' => '最後一次檢查',
'last_online' => '最後一次上線',
'last_offline' => '最後一次離線',
'monitoring' => '監控中',
'no_monitoring' => '未監控',
'email' => '電子郵件通知',
'send_email' => '發送電子郵件',
'sms' => '簡訊通知',
'send_sms' => '發送簡訊',
'pushover' => 'Pushover 通知',
'send_pushover' => '發送 Pushover 通知',
'telegram' => 'Telegram 通知',
'send_telegram' => '發送 Telegram 通知',
'users' => '使用者',
'delete_title' => '刪除伺服器',
'delete_message' => '您確定要刪除這個伺服器 \'%1\'?',
'deleted' => '伺服器已刪除。',
'updated' => '伺服器已更新。',
'inserted' => '伺服器已增加。',
'latency' => '延遲',
'latency_max' => '延遲 (最大)',
'latency_min' => '延遲 (最小)',
'latency_avg' => '延遲 (平均)',
'uptime' => '上線時間',
'year' => '年',
'month' => '月',
'week' => '週',
'day' => '日',
'hour' => '小時',
'warning_threshold' => '警報臨界值',
'warning_threshold_description' => '失敗達到多少次數則標示為離線。',
'chart_last_week' => '上週',
'chart_history' => '更早',
'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d',
'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M',
'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M',
'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => '簡訊通知已關閉。',
'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => '電子郵件通知已關閉。',
'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover 通知已關閉。',
'warning_notifications_disabled_telegram' => 'Telegram 通知已關閉。',
'error_server_no_match' => '找不到伺服器。',
'error_server_label_bad_length' => '標籤必須在1到255間的字元。',
'error_server_ip_bad_length' => '網域/IP必須在1到255間的字元。',
'error_server_ip_bad_service' => '無效的 IP 位址。',
'error_server_ip_bad_website' => '無效的網址。',
'error_server_type_invalid' => '無效的的伺服器型態',
'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => '警報臨界值必須是大於 0 的有效整數。',
'config' => array(
'general' => '一般',
'language' => '語言',
'show_update' => '檢查更新',
'password_encrypt_key' => '加密金鑰',
'password_encrypt_key_note' => '這個加密金鑰將用於保護您登入這個網站的密碼,如果修改了此金鑰,原本已經存在的密碼將無法使用!',
'proxy' => '啟用 Proxy',
'proxy_url' => 'Proxy URL',
'proxy_user' => 'Proxy 使用者名稱',
'proxy_password' => 'Proxy 密碼',
'email_status' => '啟用電子郵件通知',
'email_from_email' => '寄件者信箱',
'email_from_name' => '寄件者名稱',
'email_smtp' => '使用SMTP發信',
'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP主機',
'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP連接埠口',
'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP安全性',
'email_smtp_security_none' => '無',
'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP使用者名稱',
'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP使用者密碼',
'email_smtp_noauth' => '留空白表示不做帳號驗證',
'sms_status' => '啟用簡訊通知',
'sms_gateway' => '簡訊服務提供者',
'sms_gateway_username' => '簡訊閘道使用者名稱',
'sms_gateway_password' => '簡訊閘道使用者密碼',
'sms_from' => '發送人電話號碼',
'pushover_status' => '啟用Pushover通知',
'pushover_description' => 'Pushover是線上服務讓您可以方便的收到即時通知請參考 <a
href="" target="_blank"> 網站</a>
可以得到更詳細的資訊。</a> ',
'pushover_clone_app' => '點選這裡可快速建立Pushover App',
'pushover_api_token_description' => '在您使用 Pushover 通知之前,需要先到這裡-><a href="%1$s"
target="_blank" rel="noopener">註冊Pushover App帳號</a>
接著在這個網頁輸入你的的Pushover App API Token號碼。',
'telegram_status' => '允許發送 Telegram 訊息',
'telegram_description' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Telegram</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">文件庫</a>
'telegram_api_token_description' => '使用 Telegram 通知之前,您必需先取得 API Token。請到 <a
href="" target="_blank">文件庫</a>
'alert_type' => '需要提醒的類別',
'alert_type_description' => '<b>狀態改變:</b> 伺服器 連線 -> 離線或連線 ->
連線的狀態變化將會收到提醒通知。<br/><br /><b>離線:</b>
'alert_type_status' => '狀態改變',
'alert_type_offline' => '離線',
'alert_type_always' => '全部',
'alert_proxy_url' => '<b>格式:</b> Host:Port',
'log_status' => '狀態記錄',
'log_status_description' => '如果啟用狀態記錄,則每一筆提醒通知都會保留記錄。',
'log_email' => '保留電子郵件通知發送記錄',
'log_sms' => '保留簡訊通知發送記錄',
'log_pushover' => '保留 pushover 通知發送記錄',
'log_telegram' => '保留 telegram 通知發送記錄',
'updated' => '已更新設定。',
'tab_email' => '電子郵件發送設定',
'tab_sms' => '簡訊發送設定',
'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover 通知',
'tab_telegram' => 'Telegram 通知',
'settings_email' => '電子郵件發送設定',
'settings_sms' => '簡訊發送設定',
'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover 發送設定',
'settings_telegram' => 'Telegram 發送設定',
'settings_notification' => '提醒設定',
'settings_log' => '記錄設定',
'settings_proxy' => 'Proxy 設定',
'auto_refresh' => '自動更新',
'test' => '測試',
'test_email' => '電子郵件將發送到您在使用者設定內指定的電子郵件信箱。',
'test_sms' => '簡訊將發送到您在使用者設定內指定的行動電話號碼。',
'test_pushover' => 'Pushover 通知將發送到您在使用者設定的裝置。',
'test_telegram' => 'Telegram 通知將發送到您在使用者設定的 Chat ID。',
'send' => '傳送',
'test_subject' => '標題',
'test_message' => '訊息',
'email_sent' => '傳送',
'email_error' => '電子郵件傳送發生錯誤',
'sms_sent' => '簡訊發送',
'sms_error' => '簡訊發送發生錯誤',
'sms_error_nomobile' => '無法傳送 SMS 簡訊測試:您設定的電話號碼無效或無法找到。',
'pushover_sent' => '傳送 Pushover 通知',
'pushover_error' => '傳送 Pushover 通知發生錯誤: %s',
'pushover_error_noapp' => '無法傳送 Pushover 通知: 在系統設定找不到 Pushover App API token。',
'pushover_error_nokey' => '無法傳送 Pushover 通知: 在系統設定找不到 Pushover key found 。',
'telegram_sent' => '傳送 Telegram 通知',
'telegram_error' => '傳送 Telegram 通知發生錯誤: %s',
'telegram_error_notoken' => '無法傳送 Telegram 通知: 在系統設定找不到 Telegram API token。',
'telegram_error_noid' => '無法傳送 Telegram 通知: 在您的個人資料找不到 Chat ID。',
'log_retention_period' => '記錄保留期限',
'log_retention_period_description' => '保留伺服器運作時間和記錄歸檔的天數輸入0可以防止記錄被清除',
'log_retention_days' => '日',
'notifications' => array(
'off_sms' => '伺服器 \'%LABEL%\' 關機: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Error=%ERROR%',
'off_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: 服務器 \'%LABEL%\' 關機',
'off_email_body' => '無法連線到以下伺服器:<br/><br/>伺服器: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port:
%PORT%<br/>錯誤: %ERROR%<br/>日期: %DATE%',
'off_pushover_title' => '伺服器 \'%LABEL%\' 關機',
'off_pushover_message' => '無法連線到以下伺服器:<br/><br/>伺服器: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port:
%PORT%<br/>錯誤: %ERROR%<br/>日期: %DATE%',
'off_telegram_message' => '無法連線到以下伺服器:<br/><br/>伺服器: %LABEL%<br/>IP: %IP%<br/>Port:
%PORT%<br/>錯誤: %ERROR%<br/>日期: %DATE%',
'on_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: 伺服器 \'%LABEL%\' 運行中',
'on_pushover_title' => '伺服器 \'%LABEL%\' 運作中',
'login' => array(
'welcome_usermenu' => '歡迎,%user_name%',
'title_sign_in' => '請登入',
'title_forgot' => '忘記密碼',
'title_reset' => '密碼重置',
'submit' => '送出',
'remember_me' => '記住我',
'login' => '登入',
'logout' => '登出',
'username' => '使用者名稱',
'password' => '密碼',
'password_repeat' => '再次輸入密碼',
'password_forgot' => '忘記密碼',
'password_reset' => '重設密碼',
'password_reset_email_subject' => '重設您的密碼',
'password_reset_email_body' => '點選以下連結來重設密碼這個連結於1小時後失效。<br/><br/>%link%',
'error_user_incorrect' => '使用者不存在。',
'error_login_incorrect' => '登入資料不正確。',
'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => '密碼不符合。',
'error_reset_invalid_link' => '重設密碼連結無效。',
'success_password_forgot' => '重設密碼電子郵件已發送。',
'success_password_reset' => '密碼重設成功,請登入。',
'error' => array(
'401_unauthorized' => '驗證失敗',
'401_unauthorized_description' => '您没有權限進入這個頁面。',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
namespace psm\Module;
use psm\Service\Database;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
abstract class AbstractController implements ControllerInterface {
* Current action
* @var string $action
protected $action;
* Default action
* @var string $action_default
* @see setActions()
protected $action_default;
* Actions available for this module
* @var array $actions
* @see setActions()
* @see getAction()
protected $actions = array();
* Add footer to page?
* @var boolean $add_footer
* @see addFooter()
protected $add_footer = true;
* Add menu to page?
* @var boolean $add_menu
* @see addMenu()
protected $add_menu = true;
* Messages to show the user
* @var array $messages
* @see addMessage()
protected $messages = array();
* Sidebar to add
* @var \psm\Util\Module\Sidebar $sidebar
protected $sidebar;
* array of Modal to add
* @var \psm\Util\Module\ModalInterface[] $modal
protected $modal = array();
* html code of header accessories
* @var string $header_accessories
protected $header_accessories;
* Database object
* @var \psm\Service\Database $db
protected $db;
* Twig object
* @var \Twig_Environment $twig
protected $twig;
* User service
* @var \psm\Service\User $user
protected $user;
* Required user level for this module
* @var int $user_level_required
* @see setMinUserLevelRequired()
protected $user_level_required = PSM_USER_USER;
* Required user level for certain actions
* @var int $user_level_required_actions
* @see setMinUserLevelRequiredForAction()
protected $user_level_required_actions = array();
* Required using black background layout
* @var boolean $black_background
protected $black_background = false;
* XHR mode?
* @var boolean $xhr
* @see isXHR()
protected $xhr = false;
function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig) {
$this->db = $db;
$this->twig = $twig;
* Initialize the controller.
* @param string $action if NULL, the action will be retrieved from user input (GET/POST)
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function initialize($action = null) {
if($action === null) {
$action = psm_GET('action', psm_POST('action', $this->action_default));
$this->xhr = (bool) psm_GET('xhr', psm_POST('xhr', false));
if(!in_array($action, $this->actions) || !($result = $this->initializeAction($action))) {
$result = $this->initializeAction($this->action_default);
if($result instanceof Response) {
return $result;
// no response returned from execute, create regular HTML
return $this->createHTML($result);
* Run a specified action
* For it to run, the "execute$action" method must exist.
* @param string $action
* @return mixed FALSE when action couldnt be initialized, response otherwise
protected function initializeAction($action) {
if(isset($this->user_level_required_actions[$action])) {
$ulvl = ($this->user) ? $this->user->getUserLevel() : PSM_USER_ANONYMOUS;
if($ulvl > $this->user_level_required_actions[$action]) {
// user is not allowed to access this action..
return false;
$method = 'execute' . ucfirst($action);
if(method_exists($this, $method)) {
$this->action = $action;
$result = $this->$method();
// if result from execute is null, no return value given so return true to indicate a successful execute
return ($result === null) ? true : $result;
return false;
* Create the HTML code for the module.
* If XHR is on, no main template will be added.
* @param string $html HTML code to add to the main body
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
protected function createHTML($html = null) {
if(!$this->xhr) {
// in XHR mode, we will not add the main template
$tpl_data = array(
'title' => strtoupper(psm_get_lang('system', 'title')),
'label_back_to_top' => psm_get_lang('system', 'back_to_top'),
'add_footer' => $this->add_footer,
'version' => 'v' . PSM_VERSION,
'messages' => $this->getMessages(),
'html_content' => $html,
// add menu to page?
if($this->add_menu) {
$tpl_data['html_menu'] = $this->createHTMLMenu();
// add header accessories to page ?
if($this->header_accessories) {
$tpl_data['header_accessories'] = $this->header_accessories;
// add modal dialog to page ?
if(sizeof($this->modal)) {
$html_modal = '';
foreach($this->modal as $modal) {
$html_modal .= $modal->createHTML();
$tpl_data['html_modal'] = $html_modal;
// add sidebar to page?
if($this->sidebar !== null) {
$tpl_data['html_sidebar'] = $this->sidebar->createHTML();
if(psm_update_available()) {
$tpl_data['update_available'] = str_replace('{version}', 'v'.psm_get_conf('version_update_check'), psm_get_lang('system', 'update_available'));
if($this->black_background) {
$tpl_data['body_class'] = 'black_background';
$html = $this->twig->render('main/body.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
$response = new Response($html);
return $response;
* Create HTML code for the menu
* @return string
protected function createHTMLMenu() {
$ulvl = ($this->user) ? $this->user->getUserLevel() : PSM_USER_ANONYMOUS;
$tpl_data = array(
'label_help' => psm_get_lang('menu', 'help'),
'label_profile' => psm_get_lang('users', 'profile'),
'label_logout' => psm_get_lang('login', 'logout'),
'url_profile' => psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'user_profile')),
'url_logout' => psm_build_url(array('logout' => 1)),
switch($ulvl) {
$items = array('server_status', 'server', 'server_log', 'user', 'config', 'server_update');
$items = array('server_status', 'server', 'server_log', 'server_update');
$items = array();
$tpl_data['menu'] = array();
foreach($items as $key) {
$tpl_data['menu'][] = array(
'active' => ($key == psm_GET('mod')) ? 'active' : '',
'url' => psm_build_url(array('mod' => $key)),
'label' => psm_get_lang('menu', $key),
if($ulvl != PSM_USER_ANONYMOUS) {
$user = $this->user->getUser();
$tpl_data['label_usermenu'] = str_replace(
psm_get_lang('login', 'welcome_usermenu')
return $this->twig->render('main/menu.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* Hide or show the footer of the page
* @param boolean $value
protected function addFooter($value) {
$this->add_footer = $value;
* Hide or show the menu of the page
* @param boolean $value
protected function addMenu($value) {
$this->add_menu = $value;
* Set actions available
* @param string|array $actions
* @param string $default default action
* @param boolean $append if TRUE, the actions will be added to the current actions
* @return psm\Module\AbstractModule
* @see getAction()
protected function setActions($actions, $default = null, $append = true) {
if(!is_array($actions)) {
$actions = array($actions);
if($append) {
$this->actions = array_merge($actions);
} else {
$this->actions = $actions;
if($default !== null) {
$this->action_default = $default;
return $this;
* Get the current action
* @return string
* @see setActions()
public function getAction() {
return $this->action;
* Add one or multiple message to the stack to be displayed to the user
* @param string|array $msg
* @param string $shortcode info/success/warning/error
* @return \psm\Module\ControllerInterface
* @see getMessages()
public function addMessage($msg, $shortcode = 'info') {
if(!is_array($msg)) {
$msg = array($msg);
switch($shortcode) {
case 'error':
$icon = 'exclamation-sign';
case 'success':
$icon = 'ok-sign';
case 'warning':
$icon = 'question-sign';
$icon = 'info-sign';
foreach($msg as $m) {
$this->messages[] = array(
'message' => $m,
'shortcode' => $shortcode,
'icon' => $icon,
return $this;
* Get all messages (and optionally clear them)
* @param boolean $clear
* @return array
* @see addMessage()
public function getMessages($clear = true) {
$msgs = $this->messages;
if($clear) {
$this->messages = array();
return $msgs;
* Set user service
* @param \psm\Service\User $user
public function setUser(\psm\Service\User $user) {
$this->user = $user;
* Set the minimum required user level for this controller
* @param int $level
* @return \psm\Module\AbstractController
public function setMinUserLevelRequired($level) {
$this->user_level_required = intval($level);
return $this;
* Get the minimum required user level for this controller
* @return int
public function getMinUserLevelRequired() {
return $this->user_level_required;
* Set the minimum required user level for a certain action.
* Use this only if one of the access is more restricted than the entire controller
* @param int $level
* @param string|array $actions one or more actions to set this level for
* @return \psm\Module\AbstractController
* @see setMinUserLevelRequired()
public function setMinUserLevelRequiredForAction($level, $actions) {
if(!is_array($actions)) {
$actions = array($actions);
foreach($actions as $action) {
$this->user_level_required_actions[$action] = intval($level);
return $this;
* Add a sidebar to the page
* @param \psm\Util\Module\SidebarInterface $sidebar
* @return \psm\Module\ControllerInterface
public function setSidebar(\psm\Util\Module\SidebarInterface $sidebar) {
$this->sidebar = $sidebar;
return $this;
* Add a modal dialog to the page
* @param \psm\Util\Module\ModalInterface $modal
* @return \psm\Module\ControllerInterface
public function addModal(\psm\Util\Module\ModalInterface $modal) {
$this->modal[$modal->getModalID()] = $modal;
return $this;
* Set the html code of the header accessories
* @param string $html
public function setHeaderAccessories($html) {
$this->header_accessories = $html;
* Check if XHR is on
* @return boolean
public function isXHR() {
return $this->xhr;

View File

@ -1,535 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
namespace psm\Module;
use psm\Service\Database;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareTrait;
abstract class AbstractController implements ControllerInterface
use ContainerAwareTrait;
* Current action
* @var string $action
protected $action;
* Default action
* @var string $action_default
* @see setActions()
protected $action_default;
* Actions available for this module
* @var array $actions
* @see setActions()
* @see getAction()
protected $actions = array();
* Add footer to page?
* @var boolean $add_footer
* @see addFooter()
protected $add_footer = true;
* Add menu to page?
* @var boolean $add_menu
* @see addMenu()
protected $add_menu = true;
* @var string $csrf_key
protected $csrf_key;
* Messages to show the user
* @var array $messages
* @see addMessage()
protected $messages = array();
* Sidebar to add
* @var \psm\Util\Module\Sidebar $sidebar
protected $sidebar;
* array of Modal to add
* @var \psm\Util\Module\ModalInterface[] $modal
protected $modal = array();
* html code of header accessories
* @var string $header_accessories
protected $header_accessories;
* Database object
* @var \psm\Service\Database $db
protected $db;
* Twig object
* @var \Twig_Environment $twig
protected $twig;
* User service
* @var \psm\Service\User $user
protected $user;
* Required user level for this module
* @var int $user_level_required
* @see setMinUserLevelRequired()
protected $user_level_required = (PSM_PUBLIC && PSM_PUBLIC_PAGE) ? PSM_USER_ANONYMOUS : PSM_USER_USER;
* Required user level for certain actions
* @var int $user_level_required_actions
* @see setMinUserLevelRequiredForAction()
protected $user_level_required_actions = array();
* Required using black background layout
* @var boolean $black_background
protected $black_background = false;
* XHR mode?
* @var boolean $xhr
* @see isXHR()
protected $xhr = false;
public function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig)
$this->db = $db;
$this->twig = $twig;
* Run the controller.
* @param string $action if NULL, the action will be retrieved from user input (GET/POST)
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function run($action = null)
if ($action === null) {
$action = psm_GET('action', psm_POST('action', $this->action_default));
$this->xhr = (bool) psm_GET('xhr', psm_POST('xhr', false));
$result = $this->runAction($action);
if (!in_array($action, $this->actions) || !$result) {
$result = $this->runAction($this->action_default);
if ($result instanceof Response) {
return $result;
// no response returned from execute, create regular HTML
return $this->createHTML($result);
* Run a specified action
* For it to run, the "execute$action" method must exist.
* @param string $action
* @return mixed FALSE when action couldnt be initialized, response otherwise
protected function runAction($action)
if (isset($this->user_level_required_actions[$action])) {
if ($this->getUser()->getUserLevel() > $this->user_level_required_actions[$action]) {
// user is not allowed to access this action..
return false;
$method = 'execute' . ucfirst($action);
if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
$this->action = $action;
$result = $this->$method();
// if result from execute is null, no return value given so return true to indicate a successful execute
return ($result === null) ? true : $result;
return false;
* Create the HTML code for the module.
* If XHR is on, no main template will be added.
* @param string $html HTML code to add to the main body
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
protected function createHTML($html = null)
if (!$this->xhr) {
// in XHR mode, we will not add the main template
$tpl_data = array(
'title' => psm_get_conf('site_title', strtoupper(psm_get_lang('system', 'title'))),
'label_back_to_top' => psm_get_lang('system', 'back_to_top'),
'add_footer' => $this->add_footer,
'version' => 'v' . PSM_VERSION,
'messages' => $this->getMessages(),
'html_content' => $html,
// add menu to page?
if ($this->add_menu) {
$tpl_data['html_menu'] = $this->createHTMLMenu();
// add header accessories to page ?
if ($this->header_accessories) {
$tpl_data['header_accessories'] = $this->header_accessories;
// add modal dialog to page ?
if (sizeof($this->modal)) {
$html_modal = '';
foreach ($this->modal as $modal) {
$html_modal .= $modal->createHTML();
$tpl_data['html_modal'] = $html_modal;
// add sidebar to page?
if ($this->sidebar !== null) {
$tpl_data['html_sidebar'] = $this->sidebar->createHTML();
if (psm_update_available()) {
$tpl_data['update_available'] = str_replace(
'v' .
psm_get_lang('system', 'update_available')
if ($this->black_background) {
$tpl_data['body_class'] = 'black_background';
$html = $this->twig->render('main/body.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
$response = new Response($html);
return $response;
* Create HTML code for the menu
* @return string
protected function createHTMLMenu()
$ulvl = $this->getUser()->getUserLevel();
$tpl_data = array(
'label_help' => psm_get_lang('menu', 'help'),
'label_profile' => psm_get_lang('users', 'profile'),
'label_logout' => psm_get_lang('login', 'logout'),
'url_profile' => psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'user_profile')),
'url_logout' => psm_build_url(array('logout' => 1)),
'label_current' => psm_get_lang('system', 'current'),
switch ($ulvl) {
$items = array('server_status', 'server', 'server_log', 'user', 'config', 'server_update');
$items = array('server_status', 'server', 'server_log', 'server_update');
$items = array();
$tpl_data['menu'] = array();
foreach ($items as $key) {
$tpl_data['menu'][] = array(
'active' => ($key == psm_GET('mod')) ? 'active' : '',
'url' => psm_build_url(array('mod' => $key)),
'label' => psm_get_lang('menu', $key),
if ($ulvl != PSM_USER_ANONYMOUS) {
$user = $this->getUser()->getUser();
$tpl_data['label_usermenu'] = str_replace(
psm_get_lang('login', 'welcome_usermenu')
return $this->twig->render('main/menu.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* Hide or show the footer of the page
* @param boolean $value
protected function addFooter($value)
$this->add_footer = $value;
* Hide or show the menu of the page
* @param boolean $value
protected function addMenu($value)
$this->add_menu = $value;
* Set actions available
* @param string|array $actions
* @param string $default default action
* @param boolean $append if TRUE, the actions will be added to the current actions
* @return psm\Module\AbstractModule
* @see getAction()
protected function setActions($actions, $default = null, $append = true)
if (!is_array($actions)) {
$actions = array($actions);
if ($append) {
$this->actions = array_merge($actions);
} else {
$this->actions = $actions;
if ($default !== null) {
$this->action_default = $default;
return $this;
* Get the current action
* @return string
* @see setActions()
public function getAction()
return $this->action;
* Add one or multiple message to the stack to be displayed to the user
* @param string|array $msg
* @param string $shortcode primary/success/warning/danger
* @return \psm\Module\ControllerInterface
* @see getMessages()
public function addMessage($msg, $shortcode = 'primary')
if (!is_array($msg)) {
$msg = array($msg);
$class = $shortcode;
switch ($shortcode) {
case 'error':
$icon = 'exclamation-circle';
$class = 'danger';
case 'success':
$icon = 'check-circle';
case 'warning':
$icon = 'exclamation-triangle';
case 'primary':
$icon = 'info-circle';
$shortcode = 'info';
foreach ($msg as $m) {
$this->messages[] = array(
'message' => $m,
'shortcode' => $shortcode,
'class' => $class,
'icon' => $icon,
return $this;
* Get all messages (and optionally clear them)
* @param boolean $clear
* @return array
* @see addMessage()
public function getMessages($clear = true)
$msgs = $this->messages;
if ($clear) {
$this->messages = array();
return $msgs;
* Set the minimum required user level for this controller
* @param int $level
* @return \psm\Module\AbstractController
public function setMinUserLevelRequired($level)
$this->user_level_required = intval($level);
return $this;
* Get the minimum required user level for this controller
* @return int
public function getMinUserLevelRequired()
return $this->user_level_required;
* Set the minimum required user level for a certain action.
* Use this only if one of the access is more restricted than the entire controller
* @param int $level
* @param string|array $actions one or more actions to set this level for
* @return \psm\Module\AbstractController
* @see setMinUserLevelRequired()
public function setMinUserLevelRequiredForAction($level, $actions)
if (!is_array($actions)) {
$actions = array($actions);
foreach ($actions as $action) {
$this->user_level_required_actions[$action] = intval($level);
return $this;
* Add a sidebar to the page
* @param \psm\Util\Module\SidebarInterface $sidebar
* @return \psm\Module\ControllerInterface
public function setSidebar(\psm\Util\Module\SidebarInterface $sidebar)
$this->sidebar = $sidebar;
return $this;
* Add a modal dialog to the page
* @param \psm\Util\Module\ModalInterface $modal
* @return \psm\Module\ControllerInterface
public function addModal(\psm\Util\Module\ModalInterface $modal)
$this->modal[$modal->getModalID()] = $modal;
return $this;
* Set the html code of the header accessories
* @param string $html
public function setHeaderAccessories($html)
$this->header_accessories = $html;
* Check if XHR is on
* @return boolean
public function isXHR()
return $this->xhr;
* Get user service
* @return \psm\Service\User
public function getUser()
return $this->container->get('user');
* Get custom key for CSRF validation
* @return string
public function getCSRFKey()
return $this->csrf_key;
* Set CSRF key for validation
* @param string $key
* @return \psm\Module\ControllerInterface
protected function setCSRFKey($key)
$this->csrf_key = $key;
$this->twig->addGlobal('csrf_key', $key);
return $this;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -19,22 +18,22 @@
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Tim Zandbergen <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 3.6.0
* @since phpservermon 3.0
namespace {
define('PSM_PUBLIC_PAGE', true);
namespace psm\Module\Config;
use psm\Module\ModuleInterface;
require __DIR__ . '/src/bootstrap.php';
class ConfigModule implements ModuleInterface {
public function getControllers() {
return array(
'config' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\Controller\ConfigController',
// By destroying the session the login will show when going to another page

View File

@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
namespace psm\Module\Config\Controller;
use psm\Module\AbstractController;
use psm\Service\Database;
class ConfigController extends AbstractController {
* Checkboxes
* @var array $checkboxes
protected $checkboxes = array(
* Fields for saving
* @var array $fields
protected $fields = array(
private $default_tab = 'general';
function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig) {
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
'index', 'save',
), 'index');
* Populate all the config fields with values from the database
* @return string
protected function executeIndex() {
$this->twig->addGlobal('subtitle', psm_get_lang('menu', 'config'));
$tpl_data = $this->getLabels();
$config_db = $this->db->select(
PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'config',
array('key', 'value')
$config = array();
foreach($config_db as $entry) {
$config[$entry['key']] = $entry['value'];
// generate language array
$lang_keys = psm_get_langs();
$tpl_data['language_current'] = (isset($config['language']))
? $config['language']
: 'en_US';
$tpl_data['languages'] = array();
foreach($lang_keys as $key => $label) {
$tpl_data['languages'][] = array(
'value' => $key,
'label' => $label,
$tpl_data['sms_selected_' . $config['sms_gateway']] = 'selected="selected"';
$tpl_data['alert_type_selected_' . $config['alert_type']] = 'selected="selected"';
$tpl_data['auto_refresh_servers'] = (isset($config['auto_refresh_servers'])) ? $config['auto_refresh_servers'] : '0';
$tpl_data['log_retention_period'] = (isset($config['log_retention_period'])) ? $config['log_retention_period'] : '365';
foreach($this->checkboxes as $input_key) {
$tpl_data[$input_key . '_checked'] =
(isset($config[$input_key]) && (int) $config[$input_key] == 1)
? 'checked="checked"'
: '';
foreach($this->fields as $input_key) {
$tpl_data[$input_key] = (isset($config[$input_key])) ? $config[$input_key] : '';
$tpl_data[$this->default_tab . '_active'] = 'active';
$testmodals = array('email', 'sms', 'pushover');
foreach($testmodals as $modal_id) {
$modal = new \psm\Util\Module\Modal($this->twig, 'test' . ucfirst($modal_id), \psm\Util\Module\Modal::MODAL_TYPE_OKCANCEL);
$modal->setTitle(psm_get_lang('servers', 'send_' . $modal_id));
$modal->setMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'test_' . $modal_id));
$modal->setOKButtonLabel(psm_get_lang('config', 'send'));
return $this->twig->render('module/config/config.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* If a post has been done, gather all the posted data
* and save it to the database
protected function executeSave() {
if(!empty($_POST)) {
// save new config
$clean = array(
'language' => $_POST['language'],
'sms_gateway' => $_POST['sms_gateway'],
'alert_type' => $_POST['alert_type'],
'auto_refresh_servers' => intval(psm_POST('auto_refresh_servers', 0)),
'log_retention_period' => intval(psm_POST('log_retention_period', 365)),
foreach($this->checkboxes as $input_key) {
$clean[$input_key] = (isset($_POST[$input_key])) ? '1': '0';
foreach($this->fields as $input_key) {
if(isset($_POST[$input_key])) {
$clean[$input_key] = $_POST[$input_key];
$language_refresh = ($clean['language'] != psm_get_conf('language'));
foreach($clean as $key => $value) {
psm_update_conf($key, $value);
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'updated'), 'success');
if(!empty($_POST['test_email'])) {
} elseif(!empty($_POST['test_sms'])) {
} elseif(!empty($_POST['test_pushover'])) {
if($language_refresh) {
header('Location: ' . psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'config'), true, false));
if(isset($_POST['general_submit'])) {
$this->default_tab = 'general';
} elseif(isset($_POST['email_submit']) || !empty($_POST['test_email'])) {
$this->default_tab = 'email';
} elseif(isset($_POST['sms_submit']) || !empty($_POST['test_sms'])) {
$this->default_tab = 'sms';
} elseif(isset($_POST['pushover_submit']) || !empty($_POST['test_pushover'])) {
$this->default_tab = 'pushover';
return $this->initializeAction('index');
* Execute email test
* @todo move test to separate class
protected function testEmail() {
$mail = psm_build_mail();
$message = psm_get_lang('config', 'test_message');
$mail->Subject = psm_get_lang('config', 'test_subject');
$mail->Priority = 1;
$mail->Body = $message;
$mail->AltBody = str_replace('<br/>', "\n", $message);
$user = $this->user->getUser();
$mail->AddAddress($user->email, $user->name);
if($mail->Send()) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'email_sent'), 'success');
} else {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'email_error') . ': ' . $mail->ErrorInfo, 'error');
* Execute SMS test
* @todo move test to separate class
protected function testSMS() {
$sms = psm_build_sms();
if($sms) {
$user = $this->user->getUser();
if(empty($user->mobile)) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_error_nomobile'), 'error');
} else {
if($sms->sendSMS(psm_get_lang('config', 'test_message'))) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_sent'), 'success');
} else {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_error'), 'error');
* Execute pushover test
* @todo move test to separate class
protected function testPushover() {
$pushover = psm_build_pushover();
$user = $this->user->getUser();
$api_token = psm_get_conf('pushover_api_token');
if(empty($api_token)) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_error_noapp'), 'error');
} elseif(empty($user->pushover_key)) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_error_nokey'), 'error');
} else {
$pushover->setTitle(psm_get_lang('config', 'test_subject'));
$pushover->setMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'test_message'));
if($user->pushover_device != '') {
$result = $pushover->send();
if(isset($result['output']->status) && $result['output']->status == 1) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_sent'), 'success');
} else {
if(isset($result['output']->errors->error)) {
$error = $result['output']->errors->error;
} else {
$error = 'Unknown';
$this->addMessage(sprintf(psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_error'), $error), 'error');
protected function getLabels() {
return array(
'label_tab_email' => psm_get_lang('config', 'tab_email'),
'label_tab_sms' => psm_get_lang('config', 'tab_sms'),
'label_tab_pushover' => psm_get_lang('config', 'tab_pushover'),
'label_settings_email' => psm_get_lang('config', 'settings_email'),
'label_settings_sms' => psm_get_lang('config', 'settings_sms'),
'label_settings_pushover' => psm_get_lang('config', 'settings_pushover'),
'label_settings_notification' => psm_get_lang('config', 'settings_notification'),
'label_settings_log' => psm_get_lang('config', 'settings_log'),
'label_general' => psm_get_lang('config', 'general'),
'label_language' => psm_get_lang('config', 'language'),
'label_show_update' => psm_get_lang('config', 'show_update'),
'label_email_status' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_status'),
'label_email_from_email' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_from_email'),
'label_email_from_name' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_from_name'),
'label_email_smtp' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_smtp'),
'label_email_smtp_host' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_smtp_host'),
'label_email_smtp_port' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_smtp_port'),
'label_email_smtp_username' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_smtp_username'),
'label_email_smtp_password' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_smtp_password'),
'label_email_smtp_noauth' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_smtp_noauth'),
'label_sms_status' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_status'),
'label_sms_gateway' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_gateway'),
'label_sms_gateway_mosms' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_gateway_mosms'),
'label_sms_gateway_mollie' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_gateway_mollie'),
'label_sms_gateway_spryng' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_gateway_spryng'),
'label_sms_gateway_inetworx' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_gateway_inetworx'),
'label_sms_gateway_clickatell' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_gateway_clickatell'),
'label_sms_gateway_textmarketer' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_gateway_textmarketer'),
'label_sms_gateway_smsit' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_gateway_smsit'),
'label_sms_gateway_smsglobal' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_gateway_smsglobal'),
'label_sms_gateway_username' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_gateway_username'),
'label_sms_gateway_password' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_gateway_password'),
'label_sms_from' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_from'),
'label_pushover_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_description'),
'label_pushover_status' => psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_status'),
'label_pushover_clone_app' => psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_clone_app'),
'pushover_clone_url' => PSM_PUSHOVER_CLONE_URL,
'label_pushover_api_token' => psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_api_token'),
'label_pushover_api_token_description' => sprintf(
psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_api_token_description'),
'label_alert_type' => psm_get_lang('config', 'alert_type'),
'label_alert_type_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'alert_type_description'),
'label_alert_type_status' => psm_get_lang('config', 'alert_type_status'),
'label_alert_type_offline' => psm_get_lang('config', 'alert_type_offline'),
'label_alert_type_always' => psm_get_lang('config', 'alert_type_always'),
'label_log_status' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_status'),
'label_log_status_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_status_description'),
'label_log_email' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_email'),
'label_log_sms' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_sms'),
'label_log_pushover' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_pushover'),
'label_auto_refresh' => psm_get_lang('config', 'auto_refresh'),
'label_auto_refresh_servers' => psm_get_lang('config', 'auto_refresh_servers'),
'label_seconds' => psm_get_lang('config', 'seconds'),
'label_save' => psm_get_lang('system', 'save'),
'label_test' => psm_get_lang('config', 'test'),
'label_log_retention_period' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_retention_period'),
'label_log_retention_period_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_retention_period_description'),
'label_log_retention_days' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_retention_days'),

View File

@ -1,717 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
namespace psm\Module\Config\Controller;
use psm\Module\AbstractController;
use psm\Service\Database;
class ConfigController extends AbstractController
* Checkboxes
* @var array $checkboxes
protected $checkboxes = array(
* Fields for saving
* @var array $fields
protected $fields = array(
* Fields for saving encrypted.
* @var array
protected $encryptedFields = [
private $default_tab = 'general';
public function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig)
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
'index', 'save',
), 'index');
* Populate all the config fields with values from the database
* @return string
protected function executeIndex()
$this->twig->addGlobal('subtitle', psm_get_lang('menu', 'config'));
$tpl_data = $this->getLabels();
$config_db = $this->db->select(
PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'config',
array('key', 'value')
$config = array();
foreach ($config_db as $entry) {
$config[$entry['key']] = $entry['value'];
// generate language array
$lang_keys = psm_get_langs();
$tpl_data['language_current'] = (isset($config['language']))
? $config['language']
: 'en_US';
$tpl_data['languages'] = array();
foreach ($lang_keys as $key => $label) {
$tpl_data['languages'][] = array(
'value' => $key,
'label' => $label,
// generate sms_gateway array
$sms_gateways = psm_get_sms_gateways();
$tpl_data['sms_gateway'] = array();
foreach ($sms_gateways as $sms_gateway => $label) {
$tpl_data['sms_gateway'][] = array(
'value' => $sms_gateway,
'label' => $label,
foreach (array("status", "offline", "always") as $alert_type) {
$tpl_data['alert_type'][] = array(
'value' => $alert_type,
'label' => psm_get_lang('config', 'alert_type_' . $alert_type),
foreach (array("20", "10") as $authdir_defaultrole) {
$tpl_data['authdir_defaultroles'][] = array(
'value' => $authdir_defaultrole,
'label' => psm_get_lang('users', 'level_' . $authdir_defaultrole),
foreach (array("openldap", "adds", "adlds") as $authdir_type) {
$tpl_data['authdir_type'][] = array(
'value' => $authdir_type,
'label' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_type_' . $authdir_type),
$tpl_data['email_smtp_security'] = array(
'value' => '',
'label' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_smtp_security_none')
'value' => 'ssl',
'label' => 'SSL'
'value' => 'tls',
'label' => 'TLS'
$tpl_data['sms_gateway_selected'] = isset($config['sms_gateway']) ?
$config['sms_gateway'] : current($sms_gateways);
$tpl_data['alert_type_selected'] = isset($config['alert_type']) ?
$config['alert_type'] : '';
$tpl_data['authdir_type_selected'] = isset($config['authdir_type']) ?
$config['authdir_type'] : '';
$tpl_data['authdir_defaultrole_selected'] = isset($config['authdir_defaultrole']) ?
$config['authdir_defaultrole'] : '20';
$tpl_data['email_smtp_security_selected'] = isset($config['email_smtp_security']) ?
$config['email_smtp_security'] : '';
$tpl_data['auto_refresh_servers'] = isset($config['auto_refresh_servers']) ?
$config['auto_refresh_servers'] : '0';
$tpl_data['log_retention_period'] = isset($config['log_retention_period']) ?
$config['log_retention_period'] : '365';
$tpl_data['password_encrypt_key'] = isset($config['password_encrypt_key']) ?
$config['password_encrypt_key'] : sha1(microtime());
foreach ($this->checkboxes as $input_key) {
$tpl_data[$input_key . '_checked'] =
(isset($config[$input_key]) && (int) $config[$input_key] == 1)
? 'checked="checked"'
: '';
foreach ($this->fields as $input_key) {
$tpl_data[$input_key] = (isset($config[$input_key])) ? $config[$input_key] : '';
$tpl_data['user_agent'] = empty($tpl_data['user_agent']) ?
'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; phpservermon/' .
PSM_VERSION . '; +' : $tpl_data['user_agent'];
$tpl_data['site_title'] = empty($tpl_data['site_title']) ?
strtoupper(psm_get_lang('system', 'title')) : $tpl_data['site_title'];
// encrypted fields
foreach ($this->encryptedFields as $encryptedField) {
$tpl_data[$encryptedField] = '';
$tpl_data[$this->default_tab . '_active'] = 'active';
$testmodals = array('email', 'sms', 'discord', 'webhook', 'pushover', 'telegram', 'jabber');
foreach ($testmodals as $modal_id) {
$modal = new \psm\Util\Module\Modal(
'test' . ucfirst($modal_id),
$modal->setTitle(psm_get_lang('servers', 'send_' . $modal_id));
$modal->setMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'test_' . $modal_id));
$modal->setOKButtonLabel(psm_get_lang('config', 'send'));
return $this->twig->render('module/config/config.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* If a post has been done, gather all the posted data
* and save it to the database
protected function executeSave()
if (!empty($_POST)) {
// save new config
$clean = array(
'language' => $_POST['language'],
'site_title' => $_POST['site_title'],
'sms_gateway' => $_POST['sms_gateway'],
'alert_type' => $_POST['alert_type'],
'authdir_defaultrole' => $_POST['authdir_defaultrole'],
'authdir_type' => $_POST['authdir_type'],
'email_smtp_security' =>
in_array($_POST['email_smtp_security'], array('', 'ssl', 'tls'))
? $_POST['email_smtp_security']
: '',
'auto_refresh_servers' => intval(psm_POST('auto_refresh_servers', 0)),
'log_retention_period' => intval(psm_POST('log_retention_period', 365)),
'password_encrypt_key' => psm_POST('password_encrypt_key', sha1(microtime()))
foreach ($this->checkboxes as $input_key) {
$clean[$input_key] = (isset($_POST[$input_key])) ? '1' : '0';
foreach ($this->fields as $input_key) {
if (isset($_POST[$input_key])) {
$clean[$input_key] = $_POST[$input_key];
foreach ($this->encryptedFields as $encryptedField) {
$value = filter_input(INPUT_POST, $encryptedField);
if ($value !== null && $value !== '') {
$clean[$encryptedField] = psm_password_encrypt(psm_get_conf('password_encrypt_key'), $value);
// else { leave as is }
$language_refresh = ($clean['language'] != psm_get_conf('language'));
foreach ($clean as $key => $value) {
psm_update_conf($key, $value);
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'updated'), 'success');
if (!empty($_POST['test_email'])) {
} elseif (!empty($_POST['test_sms'])) {
} elseif (!empty($_POST['test_discord'])) {
} elseif (!empty($_POST['test_pushover'])) {
}elseif (!empty($_POST['test_webhook'])) {
} elseif (!empty($_POST['test_telegram'])) {
} elseif (!empty($_POST['test_jabber'])) {
if ($language_refresh) {
header('Location: ' . psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'config'), true, false));
if (isset($_POST['general_submit'])) {
$this->default_tab = 'general';
} elseif (isset($_POST['auth_submit'])) {
$this->default_tab = 'auth';
} elseif (isset($_POST['email_submit']) || !empty($_POST['test_email'])) {
$this->default_tab = 'email';
} elseif (isset($_POST['sms_submit']) || !empty($_POST['test_sms'])) {
$this->default_tab = 'sms';
} elseif (isset($_POST['discord_submit']) || !empty($_POST['test_discord'])) {
$this->default_tab = 'discord';
} elseif (isset($_POST['pushover_submit']) || !empty($_POST['test_pushover'])) {
$this->default_tab = 'pushover';
} elseif (isset($_POST['webhook_submit']) || !empty($_POST['test_webhook'])) {
$this->default_tab = 'webhook';
} elseif (isset($_POST['telegram_submit']) || !empty($_POST['test_telegram'])) {
$this->default_tab = 'telegram';
} elseif (isset($_POST['jabber_submit']) || !empty($_POST['test_jabber'])) {
$this->default_tab = 'jabber';
return $this->runAction('index');
* Execute email test
* @todo move test to separate class
protected function testEmail()
$mail = psm_build_mail();
$message = psm_get_lang('config', 'test_message');
$mail->Subject = psm_get_lang('config', 'test_subject');
$mail->Priority = 1;
$mail->Body = $message;
$mail->AltBody = str_replace('<br/>', "\n", $message);
$user = $this->getUser()->getUser();
$mail->AddAddress($user->email, $user->name);
if ($mail->Send()) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'email_sent'), 'success');
} else {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'email_error') . ': ' . $mail->ErrorInfo, 'error');
* Execute SMS test
* @todo move test to separate class
protected function testSMS()
$sms = psm_build_sms();
if ($sms) {
$user = $this->getUser()->getUser();
if (empty($user->mobile)) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_error_nomobile'), 'error');
} else {
$result = $sms->sendSMS(psm_get_lang('config', 'test_message'));
if ($result === 1) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_sent'), 'success');
} else {
$this->addMessage(sprintf(psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_error'), $result), 'error');
* Execute Discord test
* @todo move test to separate class
protected function testDiscord()
$user = $this->getUser()->getUser();
if (empty($user->discord)) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'discord_error_nowebhook'), 'error');
} else {
$success = 0;
$result = 'An unknown error has occurred.';
try {
$curl = curl_init($user->discord);
$json = json_decode(
$json['content'] = psm_get_lang('config', 'test_message');
$msg = "payload_json=" . urlencode(json_encode($json));
if(isset($curl)) {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $msg);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($curl);
$httpcode = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
$err = curl_errno($curl);
if ($err != 0 || $httpcode != 204) {
$success = 0;
// $result = ($result == '') ? 'Wrong input, please check if all values are correct!' : $result;
$error = "HTTP_code: " . $httpcode . ".\ncURL error (" . $err . "): " .
curl_strerror($err) . ". \nResult: " . $result;
$result = $error;
} else {
$success = 1;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$success = 0;
$result = $e->getMessage();
if ($success === 1) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'discord_sent'), 'success');
} else {
$this->addMessage(sprintf(psm_get_lang('config', 'discord_error'), $result), 'error');
/** Execute webhook test
* @todo move test to separate class
protected function testWebhook()
$user = $this->getUser()->getUser();
if (empty($user->webhook_url)) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'webhook_error_nourl'), 'error');
} elseif (empty($user->webhook_json)) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'webhook_error_nojson'), 'error');
} else {
$webhook = psm_build_webhook();
$message = (psm_get_lang('config', 'test_message'));
$result = $webhook->sendWebhook($message);
if ($result==1) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'webhook_sent'), 'success');
} else {
$this->addMessage(sprintf(psm_get_lang('config', 'webhook_error'), $result), 'error');
* Execute pushover test
* @todo move test to separate class
protected function testPushover()
$pushover = psm_build_pushover();
$user = $this->getUser()->getUser();
$apiToken = psm_get_conf('pushover_api_token');
if (empty($apiToken)) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_error_noapp'), 'error');
} elseif (empty($user->pushover_key)) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_error_nokey'), 'error');
} else {
$pushover->setTitle(psm_get_lang('config', 'test_subject'));
$pushover->setMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'test_message'));
if ($user->pushover_device != '') {
$result = $pushover->send();
if (isset($result['output']->status) && $result['output']->status == 1) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_sent'), 'success');
} else {
if (isset($result['output']->errors->error)) {
$error = $result['output']->errors->error;
} else {
$error = 'Unknown';
$this->addMessage(sprintf(psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_error'), $error), 'error');
* Execute telegram test
* @todo move test to separate class
protected function testTelegram()
$telegram = psm_build_telegram();
$user = $this->getUser()->getUser();
$apiToken = psm_get_conf('telegram_api_token');
if (empty($apiToken)) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'telegram_error_notoken'), 'error');
} elseif (empty($user->telegram_id)) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'telegram_error_noid'), 'error');
} else {
$telegram->setMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'test_message'));
$result = $telegram->send();
if (isset($result['ok']) && $result['ok'] != false) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'telegram_sent'), 'success');
} else {
if (isset($result['description'])) {
$error = $result['description'];
} else {
$error = 'Unknown';
$this->addMessage(sprintf(psm_get_lang('config', 'telegram_error'), $error), 'error');
* Test Jabber.
protected function testJabber()
$user = $this->getUser()->getUser();
psm_password_decrypt(psm_get_conf('password_encrypt_key'), psm_get_conf('jabber_password')),
psm_get_lang('config', 'test_message'),
(trim(psm_get_conf('jabber_port')) !== '' ? (int)psm_get_conf('jabber_port') : null),
(trim(psm_get_conf('jabber_domain')) !== '' ? psm_get_conf('jabber_domain') : null)
// no message - async ... so just info
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'jabber_check'), 'info');
// @todo possible to set message via ajax with callback ...
protected function getLabels()
return array(
'label_tab_email' => psm_get_lang('config', 'tab_email'),
'label_tab_sms' => psm_get_lang('config', 'tab_sms'),
'label_tab_discord' => psm_get_lang('config', 'tab_discord'),
'label_tab_pushover' => psm_get_lang('config', 'tab_pushover'),
'label_tab_webhook' => psm_get_lang('config', 'tab_webhook'),
'label_tab_telegram' => psm_get_lang('config', 'tab_telegram'),
'label_tab_jabber' => psm_get_lang('config', 'tab_jabber'),
'label_tab_auth' => psm_get_lang('config', 'tab_auth'),
'label_settings_email' => psm_get_lang('config', 'settings_email'),
'label_settings_sms' => psm_get_lang('config', 'settings_sms'),
'label_settings_discord' => psm_get_lang('config', 'settings_discord'),
'label_settings_webhook' => psm_get_lang('config', 'settings_webhook'),
'label_settings_pushover' => psm_get_lang('config', 'settings_pushover'),
'label_settings_telegram' => psm_get_lang('config', 'settings_telegram'),
'label_settings_jabber' => psm_get_lang('config', 'settings_jabber'),
'label_settings_dirauth' => psm_get_lang('config', 'settings_dirauth'),
'label_settings_notification' => psm_get_lang('config', 'settings_notification'),
'label_settings_log' => psm_get_lang('config', 'settings_log'),
'label_settings_proxy' => psm_get_lang('config', 'settings_proxy'),
'label_general' => psm_get_lang('config', 'general'),
'label_language' => psm_get_lang('config', 'language'),
'label_show_update' => psm_get_lang('config', 'show_update'),
'label_password_encrypt_key' => psm_get_lang('config', 'password_encrypt_key'),
'label_password_encrypt_key_note' => psm_get_lang('config', 'password_encrypt_key_note'),
'label_proxy' => psm_get_lang('config', 'proxy'),
'label_proxy_url' => psm_get_lang('config', 'proxy_url'),
'label_proxy_user' => psm_get_lang('config', 'proxy_user'),
'label_proxy_password' => psm_get_lang('config', 'proxy_password'),
'label_email_add_url' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_add_url'),
'label_email_status' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_status'),
'label_email_from_email' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_from_email'),
'label_email_from_name' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_from_name'),
'label_email_smtp' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_smtp'),
'label_email_smtp_host' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_smtp_host'),
'label_email_smtp_port' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_smtp_port'),
'label_email_smtp_security' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_smtp_security'),
'label_email_smtp_username' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_smtp_username'),
'label_email_smtp_password' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_smtp_password'),
'label_email_smtp_noauth' => psm_get_lang('config', 'email_smtp_noauth'),
'label_sms_status' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_status'),
'label_sms_gateway' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_gateway'),
'label_sms_gateway_username' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_gateway_username'),
'label_sms_gateway_password' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_gateway_password'),
'label_sms_from' => psm_get_lang('config', 'sms_from'),
'label_discord_status' => psm_get_lang('config', 'discord_status'),
'label_discord_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'discord_description'),
'label_webhook_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'webhook_description'),
'label_webhook_status' => psm_get_lang('config', 'webhook_status'),
'label_webhook_url' => psm_get_lang('config', 'webhook_url'),
'label_webhook_url_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'webhook_url_description'),
'label_webhook_json' => psm_get_lang('config', 'webhook_json'),
'label_webhook_json_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'webhook_json_description'),
'label_pushover_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_description'),
'label_pushover_status' => psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_status'),
'label_pushover_clone_app' => psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_clone_app'),
'pushover_clone_url' => PSM_PUSHOVER_CLONE_URL,
'label_pushover_api_token' => psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_api_token'),
'label_pushover_api_token_description' => sprintf(
psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_api_token_description'),
'label_telegram_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'telegram_description'),
'label_telegram_status' => psm_get_lang('config', 'telegram_status'),
'label_telegram_add_url' => psm_get_lang('config', 'telegram_add_url'),
'label_telegram_api_token' => psm_get_lang('config', 'telegram_api_token'),
'label_telegram_api_token_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'telegram_api_token_description'),
'label_jabber_status' => psm_get_lang('config', 'jabber_status'),
'label_jabber_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'jabber_description'),
'label_jabber_host' => psm_get_lang('config', 'jabber_host'),
'label_jabber_host_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'jabber_host_description'),
'label_jabber_port' => psm_get_lang('config', 'jabber_port'),
'label_jabber_port_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'jabber_port_description'),
'label_jabber_username' => psm_get_lang('config', 'jabber_username'),
'label_jabber_username_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'jabber_username_description'),
'label_jabber_domain' => psm_get_lang('config', 'jabber_domain'),
'label_jabber_domain_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'jabber_domain_description'),
'label_jabber_password' => psm_get_lang('config', 'jabber_password'),
'label_jabber_password_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'jabber_password_description'),
'label_dirauth_status' => psm_get_lang('config', 'dirauth_status'),
'label_authdir_host_locn' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_host_locn'),
'label_authdir_host_port' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_host_port'),
'label_authdir_type' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_type'),
'label_authdir_type_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_type_description'),
'label_authdir_userdomain' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_userdomain'),
'label_authdir_userdomain_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_userdomain_description'),
'label_authdir_ldapver' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_ldapver'),
'label_authdir_ldapver_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_ldapver_description'),
'label_authdir_ldapfollowref' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_ldapfollowref'),
'label_authdir_ldapfollowref_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_ldapfollowref_description'),
'label_authdir_basedn' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_basedn'),
'label_authdir_basedn_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_basedn_description'),
'label_authdir_usernameattrib' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_usernameattrib'),
'label_authdir_usernameattrib_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_usernameattrib_description'),
'label_authdir_groupnameattrib' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_groupnameattrib'),
'label_authdir_groupnameattrib_description' =>
psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_groupnameattrib_description'),
'label_authdir_groupmemattrib' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_groupmemattrib'),
'label_authdir_groupmemattrib_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_groupmemattrib_description'),
'label_authdir_usercontainerrdn' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_usercontainerrdn'),
'label_authdir_usercontainerrdn_description' =>
psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_usercontainerrdn_description'),
'label_authdir_groupcontainerrdn' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_groupcontainerrdn'),
'label_authdir_groupcontainerrdn_description' =>
psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_groupcontainerrdn_description'),
'label_authdir_groupname' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_groupname'),
'label_authdir_groupname_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_groupname_description'),
'label_authdir_defaultrole' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_defaultrole'),
'label_authdir_defaultrole_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'authdir_defaultrole_description'),
'label_alert_type' => psm_get_lang('config', 'alert_type'),
'label_alert_type_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'alert_type_description'),
'label_combine_notifications' => psm_get_lang('config', 'combine_notifications'),
'label_combine_notifications_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'combine_notifications_description'),
'label_log_status' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_status'),
'label_log_status_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_status_description'),
'label_log_email' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_email'),
'label_log_sms' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_sms'),
'label_log_discord' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_discord'),
'label_log_pushover' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_pushover'),
'label_log_webhook' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_webhook'),
'label_log_telegram' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_telegram'),
'label_log_jabber' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_jabber'),
'label_alert_proxy' => psm_get_lang('config', 'alert_proxy'),
'label_alert_proxy_url' => psm_get_lang('config', 'alert_proxy_url'),
'label_auto_refresh' => psm_get_lang('config', 'auto_refresh'),
'label_auto_refresh_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'auto_refresh_description'),
'label_seconds' => psm_get_lang('system', 'seconds'),
'label_save' => psm_get_lang('system', 'save'),
'label_test' => psm_get_lang('config', 'test'),
'label_log_retention_period' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_retention_period'),
'label_log_retention_period_description' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_retention_period_description'),
'label_log_retention_days' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_retention_days'),
'label_days' => psm_get_lang('config', 'log_retention_days'),
'label_leave_blank' => psm_get_lang('users', 'password_leave_blank'),
'label_user_agent' => psm_get_lang('config', 'user_agent'),
'label_user_agent_key_note' => psm_get_lang('config', 'user_agent_key_note'),
'label_site_title' => psm_get_lang('config', 'site_title'),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 2.1
namespace psm\Module;
use psm\Service\Database;
interface ControllerInterface {
public function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig);
* Initialize the module
public function initialize();
* Get the minimum required user level for this controller
* @return int
public function getMinUserLevelRequired();

View File

@ -1,61 +1,56 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 3.1
namespace psm\Module\Error\Controller;
use psm\Module\AbstractController;
use psm\Service\Database;
class ErrorController extends AbstractController
public function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig)
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
), '401');
* 401 error page
* @return string
protected function execute401()
return $this->twig->render('module/error/401.tpl.html', array(
'label_title' => psm_get_lang('error', '401_unauthorized'),
'label_description' => psm_get_lang('error', '401_unauthorized_description'),
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 3.1
namespace psm\Module\Error\Controller;
use psm\Module\AbstractController;
use psm\Service\Database;
class ErrorController extends AbstractController {
function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig) {
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
), '401');
* 401 error page
* @return string
protected function execute401() {
return $this->twig->render('module/error/401.tpl.html', array(
'label_title' => psm_get_lang('error', '401_unauthorized'),
'label_description' => psm_get_lang('error', '401_unauthorized_description'),

View File

@ -1,48 +1,39 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 3.1
namespace psm\Module\Error;
use psm\Module\ModuleInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
class ErrorModule implements ModuleInterface
public function load(ContainerBuilder $container)
public function getControllers()
return array(
'error' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\Controller\ErrorController',
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 3.1
namespace psm\Module\Error;
use psm\Module\ModuleInterface;
class ErrorModule implements ModuleInterface {
public function getControllers() {
return array(
'error' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\Controller\ErrorController',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 2.1.0
namespace psm\Module\Install\Controller;
use psm\Module\AbstractController;
use psm\Service\Database;
class InstallController extends AbstractController {
* Full path to config file
* @var string $path_config
protected $path_config;
* Full path to old config file (2.0)
* @var string $path_config_old
protected $path_config_old;
function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig) {
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
$this->path_config = PSM_PATH_SRC . '../config.php';
$this->path_config_old = PSM_PATH_SRC . '../';
'index', 'config', 'install'
), 'index');
$this->twig->addGlobal('subtitle', psm_get_lang('system,', 'install'));
* Say hi to our new user
protected function executeIndex() {
// build prerequisites
$errors = 0;
$phpv = phpversion();
if(version_compare($phpv, '5.3.7', '<')) {
$this->addMessage('PHP 5.3.7+ is required to run PHP Server Monitor.', 'error');
} else {
$this->addMessage('PHP version: ' . $phpv, 'success');
if(!function_exists('curl_init')) {
$this->addMessage('PHP is installed without the cURL module. Please install cURL.', 'warning');
} else {
$this->addMessage('PHP cURL module found', 'success');
if(!in_array('mysql', \PDO::getAvailableDrivers())) {
$this->addMessage('The PDO MySQL driver needs to be installed.', 'error');
if(!ini_get('date.timezone')) {
$this->addMessage('You should set a timezone in your php.ini file (e.g. \'date.timezone = UTC\'). See <a href="" target="_blank">this page</a> for more info.', 'warning');
if($errors > 0) {
$this->addMessage($errors . ' error(s) have been encountered. Please fix them and refresh this page.', 'error');
return $this->twig->render('module/install/index.tpl.html', array(
'messages' => $this->getMessages()
* Help the user create a new config file
protected function executeConfig() {
$tpl_name = 'module/install/config_new.tpl.html';
$tpl_data = array();
if(!defined('PSM_DB_PREFIX')) {
// first detect "old" config file (2.0)
if(file_exists($this->path_config_old)) {
// oldtimer huh
$this->addMessage('Configuration file for v2.0 found.', 'success');
'The location of the config file has been changed since v2.0.<br/>' .
'We will attempt to create a new config file for you.'
, 'warning');
$values = $this->parseConfig20();
} else {
// fresh install
$values = $_POST;
$config = array(
'host' => 'localhost',
'name' => '',
'user' => '',
'pass' => '',
'prefix' => 'psm_',
$changed = false;
foreach($config as $ckey => &$cvalue) {
if(isset($values[$ckey])) {
$changed = true;
$cvalue = $values[$ckey];
// add config to template data for prefilling the form
$tpl_data = $config;
if($changed) {
// test db connection
$this->db = new \psm\Service\Database(
if($this->db->status()) {
$this->addMessage('Connection to MySQL successful.', 'success');
$config_php = $this->writeConfigFile($config);
if($config_php === true) {
$this->addMessage('Configuration file written successfully.', 'success');
} else {
$this->addMessage('Config file is not writable, we cannot save it for you.', 'error');
$tpl_data['include_config_new_copy'] = true;
$tpl_data['php_config'] = $config_php;
} else {
$this->addMessage('Unable to connect to MySQL. Please check your information.', 'error');
if(defined('PSM_DB_PREFIX')) {
if($this->db->status()) {
if($this->isUpgrade()) {
// upgrade
if(version_compare($this->getPreviousVersion(), '3.0.0', '<')) {
// upgrade from before 3.0, does not have passwords yet.. create new user first
$this->addMessage('Your current version does not have an authentication system, but since v3.0 access to the monitor is restricted by user accounts. Please set up a new account to be able to login after the upgrade, and which you can use to change the passwords for your other accounts.', 'info');
$tpl_name = 'module/install/config_new_user.tpl.html';
} else {
$tpl_name = 'module/install/config_upgrade.tpl.html';
$tpl_data['version'] = PSM_VERSION;
} else {
// fresh install ahead
$tpl_name = 'module/install/config_new_user.tpl.html';
$tpl_data['username'] = (isset($_POST['username'])) ? $_POST['username'] : '';
$tpl_data['email'] = (isset($_POST['email'])) ? $_POST['email'] : '';
} else {
$this->addMessage('Configuration file found, but unable to connect to MySQL. Please check your information.', 'error');
$tpl_data['messages'] = $this->getMessages();
return $this->twig->render($tpl_name, $tpl_data);
* Execute the install and upgrade process to a newer version
protected function executeInstall() {
if(!defined('PSM_DB_PREFIX') || !$this->db->status()) {
return $this->executeConfig();
$add_user = false;
// check if user submitted username + password in previous step
// this would only be the case for new installs, and install from
// before 3.0
$new_user = array(
'user_name' => psm_POST('username'),
'name' => psm_POST('username'),
'password' => psm_POST('password'),
'password_repeat' => psm_POST('password_repeat'),
'email' => psm_POST('email', ''),
'mobile' => '',
'level' => PSM_USER_ADMIN,
'pushover_key' => '',
'pushover_device' => '',
$validator = new \psm\Util\User\UserValidator($this->user);
$logger = array($this, 'addMessage');
$installer = new \psm\Util\Install\Installer($this->db, $logger);
if($this->isUpgrade()) {
$this->addMessage('Upgrade process started.', 'info');
$version_from = $this->getPreviousVersion();
if($version_from === false) {
$this->addMessage('Unable to locate your previous version. Please run a fresh install.', 'error');
} else {
if(version_compare($version_from, PSM_VERSION, '=')) {
$this->addMessage('Your installation is already at the latest version.', 'success');
} elseif(version_compare($version_from, PSM_VERSION, '>')) {
$this->addMessage('This installer does not support downgrading, sorry.', 'error');
} else {
$this->addMessage('Upgrading from ' . $version_from . ' to ' . PSM_VERSION, 'info');
$installer->upgrade($version_from, PSM_VERSION);
if(version_compare($version_from, '3.0.0', '<')) {
$add_user = true;
} else {
// validate the lot
try {
$validator->password($new_user['password'], $new_user['password_repeat']);
} catch(\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('users', 'error_' . $e->getMessage()), 'error');
return $this->executeConfig();
$this->addMessage('Installation process started.', 'success');
// add user
$add_user = true;
if($add_user) {
$user_id = $this->db->save(PSM_DB_PREFIX.'users', $new_user);
if(intval($user_id) > 0) {
$this->user->changePassword($user_id, $new_user['password']);
$this->addMessage('User account has been created successfully.', 'success');
} else {
$this->addMessage('There was an error adding your user account.', 'error');
return $this->twig->render('module/install/success.tpl.html', array(
'messages' => $this->getMessages()
* Write config file with db variables
* @param array $db_vars prefix,user,pass,name,host
* @return boolean|string TRUE on success, string with config otherwise
protected function writeConfigFile($db_vars) {
$config = "<?php".PHP_EOL;
foreach($db_vars as $key => $value) {
$line = "define('PSM_DB_{key}', '{value}');".PHP_EOL;
$line = str_replace(
array('{key}', '{value}'),
array(strtoupper($key), $value),
$config .= $line;
if(is_writeable($this->path_config)) {
file_put_contents($this->path_config, $config);
return true;
} else {
return $config;
* Parse the 2.0 config file for prefilling
* @return array
protected function parseConfig20() {
$config_old = file_get_contents($this->path_config_old);
$vars = array(
'prefix' => '',
'user' => '',
'pass' => '',
'name' => '',
'host' => '',
$pattern = "/define\('SM_DB_{key}', '(.*?)'/u";
foreach($vars as $key => $value) {
$pattern_key = str_replace('{key}', strtoupper($key), $pattern);
preg_match($pattern_key, $config_old, $value_matches);
$vars[$key] = (isset($value_matches[1])) ? $value_matches[1] : '';
return $vars;
* Is it an upgrade or install?
protected function isUpgrade() {
if(!$this->db->status()) {
return false;
return $this->db->ifTableExists(PSM_DB_PREFIX.'config');
* Get the previous version from the config table
* @return boolean|string FALSE on failure, string otherwise
protected function getPreviousVersion() {
if(!$this->isUpgrade()) {
return false;
$version_conf = $this->db->selectRow(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'config', array('key' => 'version'), array('value'));
if(empty($version_conf)) {
return false;
} else {
$version_from = $version_conf['value'];
if(strpos($version_from, '.') === false) {
// yeah, my bad.. previous version did not follow proper naming scheme
$version_from = rtrim(chunk_split($version_from, 1, '.'), '.');
return $version_from;

View File

@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 2.1.0
namespace psm\Module\Install\Controller;
use psm\Module\AbstractController;
use psm\Service\Database;
class InstallController extends AbstractController
* Full path to config file
* @var string $path_config
protected $path_config;
* Full path to old config file (2.0)
* @var string $path_config_old
protected $path_config_old;
public function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig)
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
$this->path_config = PSM_PATH_SRC . '../config.php';
$this->path_config_old = PSM_PATH_SRC . '../';
'index', 'config', 'install'
), 'index');
$this->twig->addGlobal('subtitle', psm_get_lang('system', 'install'));
* Say hi to our new user
protected function executeIndex()
// build prerequisites
$errors = 0;
$phpv = phpversion();
if (
version_compare($phpv, '5.5.9', '<') ||
(version_compare($phpv, '7.0.8', '<') && version_compare($phpv, '7.0.0', '>='))
) {
$this->addMessage('PHP 5.5.9+ or 7.0.8+ is required to run PHP Server Monitor. You\'re using ' .
$phpv . '.', 'error');
} else {
$this->addMessage('PHP version: ' . $phpv, 'success');
if (version_compare(PHP_RELEASE_VERSION, '7', '<')) {
'PHP 5 reaches the end of life (January 1, 2019), please update to PHP 7.
PHP supported versions can be found
<a href="" target="_blank"
if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
$this->addMessage('PHP is installed without the cURL module. Please install cURL.', 'warning');
} else {
$this->addMessage('PHP cURL module found', 'success');
if (!in_array('mysql', \PDO::getAvailableDrivers())) {
$this->addMessage('The PDO MySQL driver needs to be installed.', 'error');
} else {
$this->addMessage('PHP PDO MySQL driver found', 'success');
if (!extension_loaded('filter')) {
$this->addMessage('PHP is installed without the filter module. Please install filter.', 'warning');
} else {
$this->addMessage('PHP filter module found', 'success');
if (!extension_loaded('ctype')) {
$this->addMessage('PHP is installed without the ctype module. Please install ctype.', 'warning');
} else {
$this->addMessage('PHP ctype module found', 'success');
if (!extension_loaded('hash')) {
$this->addMessage('PHP is installed without the hash module. Please install hash.', 'warning');
} else {
$this->addMessage('PHP hash module found', 'success');
if (!extension_loaded('json')) {
$this->addMessage('PHP is installed without the json module. Please install json.', 'warning');
} else {
$this->addMessage('PHP json module found', 'success');
if (!extension_loaded('libxml')) {
$this->addMessage('PHP is installed without the libxml module. Please install libxml.', 'warning');
} else {
$this->addMessage('PHP libxml module found', 'success');
if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) {
$this->addMessage('PHP is installed without the openssl module. Please install openssl.', 'warning');
} else {
$this->addMessage('PHP openssl module found', 'success');
if (!extension_loaded('pcre')) {
$this->addMessage('PHP is installed without the pcre module. Please install pcre.', 'warning');
} else {
$this->addMessage('PHP pcre module found', 'success');
if (!extension_loaded('sockets')) {
$this->addMessage('PHP is installed without the sockets module. Please install sockets.', 'warning');
} else {
$this->addMessage('PHP sockets module found', 'success');
if (!extension_loaded('xml')) {
$this->addMessage('PHP is installed without the xml module. Please install xml.', 'warning');
} else {
$this->addMessage('PHP xml module found', 'success');
if (!ini_get('date.timezone')) {
'You should set a timezone in your php.ini file (e.g. \'date.timezone = UTC\').
See <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">this page</a>
for more info.',
if ($errors > 0) {
$errors . ' error(s) have been encountered. Please fix them and refresh this page.',
return $this->twig->render('module/install/index.tpl.html', array(
'messages' => $this->getMessages()
* Help the user create a new config file
protected function executeConfig()
$tpl_name = 'module/install/config_new.tpl.html';
$tpl_data = array();
if (!defined('PSM_DB_PREFIX')) {
// first detect "old" config file (2.0)
if (file_exists($this->path_config_old)) {
// oldtimer huh
$this->addMessage('Configuration file for v2.0 found.', 'success');
'The location of the config file has been changed since v2.0.<br/>' .
'We will attempt to create a new config file for you.',
$values = $this->parseConfig20();
} else {
// fresh install
$values = $_POST;
$config = array(
'db_host' => 'localhost',
'db_port' => '',
'db_name' => '',
'db_user' => '',
'db_pass' => '',
'db_prefix' => 'psm_',
'base_url' => $this->getBaseUrl(),
$changed = false;
foreach ($config as $ckey => &$cvalue) {
if (isset($values[$ckey])) {
$changed = true;
$cvalue = $values[$ckey];
// add config to template data for prefilling the form
$tpl_data = $config;
if ($changed) {
// test db connection
$this->db = new \psm\Service\Database(
if ($this->db->status()) {
$this->addMessage('Connection to MySQL successful.', 'success');
$config_php = $this->writeConfigFile($config);
if ($config_php === true) {
$this->addMessage('Configuration file written successfully.', 'success');
} else {
$this->addMessage('Config file is not writable, we cannot save it for you.', 'error');
$tpl_data['include_config_new_copy'] = true;
$tpl_data['php_config'] = $config_php;
} else {
$this->addMessage('Unable to connect to MySQL. Please check your information.', 'error');
if (defined('PSM_DB_PREFIX')) {
if ($this->db->status()) {
if ($this->isUpgrade()) {
// upgrade
$version_from = $this->getPreviousVersion();
if (version_compare($version_from, '3.0.0', '<')) {
// upgrade from before 3.0, does not have passwords yet.. create new user first
'Your current version does not have an authentication system,
but since v3.0 access to the monitor is restricted by user accounts.
Please set up a new account to be able to login after the upgrade,
and which you can use to change the passwords for your other accounts.'
$tpl_name = 'module/install/config_new_user.tpl.html';
} elseif (version_compare($version_from, PSM_VERSION, '=')) {
$this->addMessage('Your installation is already at the latest version.', 'success');
$tpl_name = 'module/install/success.tpl.html';
} else {
$this->addMessage('We have discovered a previous version.');
$tpl_name = 'module/install/config_upgrade.tpl.html';
$tpl_data['version'] = PSM_VERSION;
} else {
// fresh install ahead
$tpl_name = 'module/install/config_new_user.tpl.html';
$tpl_data['username'] = (isset($_POST['username'])) ? $_POST['username'] : '';
$tpl_data['email'] = (isset($_POST['email'])) ? $_POST['email'] : '';
} else {
'Configuration file found, but unable to connect to MySQL. Please check your information.',
$tpl_data['messages'] = $this->getMessages();
return $this->twig->render($tpl_name, $tpl_data);
* Execute the install and upgrade process to a newer version
protected function executeInstall()
if (!defined('PSM_DB_PREFIX') || !$this->db->status()) {
return $this->executeConfig();
$add_user = false;
// check if user submitted username + password in previous step
// this would only be the case for new installs, and install from
// before 3.0
$new_user = array(
'user_name' => psm_POST('username'),
'name' => psm_POST('username'),
'password' => psm_POST('password'),
'password_repeat' => psm_POST('password_repeat'),
'email' => psm_POST('email', ''),
'mobile' => '',
'level' => PSM_USER_ADMIN,
'pushover_key' => '',
'pushover_device' => '',
'webhook_url' => '',
'webhook_json' => '',
'telegram_id' => '',
'discord' => '',
'jabber' => ''
$validator = $this->container->get('util.user.validator');
$logger = array($this, 'addMessage');
$installer = new \psm\Util\Install\Installer($this->db, $logger);
if ($this->isUpgrade()) {
$this->addMessage('Upgrade process started.');
$version_from = $this->getPreviousVersion();
if ($version_from === false) {
$this->addMessage('Unable to locate your previous version. Please run a fresh install.', 'error');
} else {
if (version_compare($version_from, PSM_VERSION, '=')) {
$this->addMessage('Your installation is already at the latest version.', 'success');
} elseif (version_compare($version_from, PSM_VERSION, '>')) {
$this->addMessage('This installer does not support downgrading, sorry.', 'error');
} else {
$this->addMessage('Upgrading from ' . $version_from . ' to ' . PSM_VERSION);
$installer->upgrade($version_from, PSM_VERSION);
if (version_compare($version_from, '3.0.0', '<')) {
$add_user = true;
} else {
// validate the lot
try {
$validator->password($new_user['password'], $new_user['password_repeat']);
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('users', 'error_' . $e->getMessage()), 'error');
return $this->executeConfig();
$this->addMessage('Installation process started.', 'success');
// add user
$add_user = true;
if ($add_user) {
$user_id = $this->db->save(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'users', $new_user);
if (intval($user_id) > 0) {
$this->getUser()->changePassword($user_id, $new_user['password']);
$this->addMessage('User account has been created successfully.', 'success');
} else {
$this->addMessage('There was an error adding your user account.', 'error');
return $this->twig->render('module/install/success.tpl.html', array(
'messages' => $this->getMessages()
* Write config file with db variables
* @param array $array_config prefix,user,pass,name,host
* @return boolean|string TRUE on success, string with config otherwise
protected function writeConfigFile($array_config)
$config = "<?php" . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($array_config as $key => $value) {
$line = "define('PSM_{key}', '{value}');" . PHP_EOL;
$line = str_replace(
array('{key}', '{value}'),
array(strtoupper($key), $value),
$config .= $line;
if (is_writeable($this->path_config)) {
file_put_contents($this->path_config, $config);
return true;
} else {
return $config;
* Parse the 2.0 config file for prefilling
* @return array
protected function parseConfig20()
$config_old = file_get_contents($this->path_config_old);
$vars = array(
'prefix' => '',
'user' => '',
'pass' => '',
'name' => '',
'host' => '',
'port' => ''
$pattern = "/define\('SM_{key}', '(.*?)'/u";
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
$pattern_key = str_replace('{key}', strtoupper($key), $pattern);
preg_match($pattern_key, $config_old, $value_matches);
$vars[$key] = (isset($value_matches[1])) ? $value_matches[1] : '';
return $vars;
* Is it an upgrade or install?
protected function isUpgrade()
if (!$this->db->status()) {
return false;
return $this->db->ifTableExists(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'config');
* Get the previous version from the config table
* @return boolean|string FALSE on failure, string otherwise
protected function getPreviousVersion()
if (!$this->isUpgrade()) {
return false;
$version_conf = $this->db->selectRow(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'config', array('key' => 'version'), array('value'));
if (empty($version_conf)) {
return false;
} else {
$version_from = $version_conf['value'];
if (strpos($version_from, '.') === false) {
// yeah, my bad.. previous version did not follow proper naming scheme
$version_from = rtrim(chunk_split($version_from, 1, '.'), '.');
return $version_from;
* Get base url of the current application
* @return string
protected function getBaseUrl()
$sym_request = \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::createFromGlobals();
return $sym_request->getSchemeAndHttpHost() . $sym_request->getBasePath();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 3.0
namespace psm\Module\Install;
use psm\Module\ModuleInterface;
class InstallModule implements ModuleInterface {
public function getControllers() {
return array(
'install' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\Controller\InstallController',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -19,22 +18,17 @@
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 3.0
* @since phpservermon 3.0
namespace psm\Module;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
interface ModuleInterface {
interface ModuleInterface
public function load(ContainerBuilder $container);
public function getControllers();
public function getControllers();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 3.0.0
namespace psm\Module\Server\Controller;
use psm\Module\AbstractController;
use psm\Service\Database;
abstract class AbstractServerController extends AbstractController {
function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig) {
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
* Get all servers for the current user
* @param int $server_id if true only that server will be retrieved.
* @return array
public function getServers($server_id = null) {
$sql_join = '';
$sql_where = '';
if($this->user != null && $this->user->getUserLevel() > PSM_USER_ADMIN) {
// restrict by user_id
$sql_join = "JOIN `".PSM_DB_PREFIX."users_servers` AS `us` ON (
AND `us`.`server_id`=`s`.`server_id`
if($server_id !== null) {
$server_id = intval($server_id);
$sql_where ="WHERE `s`.`server_id`={$server_id} ";
$sql = "SELECT
FROM `".PSM_DB_PREFIX."servers` AS `s`
ORDER BY `active` ASC, `status` DESC, `label` ASC";
$servers = $this->db->query($sql);
if($server_id !== null && count($servers) == 1) {
$servers = $servers[0];
return $servers;
* Format server data for display
* @param array $server
* @return array
protected function formatServer($server) {
$server['rtime'] = round((float) $server['rtime'], 4);
$server['last_online'] = psm_timespan($server['last_online']);
$server['last_check'] = psm_timespan($server['last_check']);
$server['active'] = psm_get_lang('system', $server['active']);
$server['email'] = psm_get_lang('system', $server['email']);
$server['sms'] = psm_get_lang('system', $server['sms']);
$server['pushover'] = psm_get_lang('system', $server['pushover']);
if($server['status'] == 'on' && $server['warning_threshold_counter'] > 0) {
$server['status'] = 'warning';
$server['error'] = htmlentities($server['error']);
$server['type'] = psm_get_lang('servers', 'type_' . $server['type']);
$server['timeout'] = ($server['timeout'] > 0) ? $server['timeout'] : PSM_CURL_TIMEOUT;
$url_actions = array('delete', 'edit', 'view');
foreach($url_actions as $action) {
$server['url_' . $action] = psm_build_url(array(
'mod' => 'server',
'action' => $action,
'id' => $server['server_id'],
return $server;

View File

@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 3.0.0
namespace psm\Module\Server\Controller;
use psm\Module\AbstractController;
use psm\Service\Database;
abstract class AbstractServerController extends AbstractController
* Get all servers for the current user
* @param Countable|array|\PDOStatement $server_id (int) if true only that server will be retrieved.
* @return array
public function getServers($server_id = null)
$sql_join = '';
$sql_where = '';
if ($this->getUser()->getUserLevel() > PSM_USER_ADMIN) {
// restrict by user_id
$sql_join = "JOIN `" . PSM_DB_PREFIX . "users_servers` AS `us` ON (
AND `us`.`server_id`=`s`.`server_id`
if ($server_id !== null) {
$server_id = intval($server_id);
$sql_where = "WHERE `s`.`server_id`={$server_id} ";
$sql = "SELECT
FROM `" . PSM_DB_PREFIX . "servers` AS `s`
ORDER BY `active` ASC, `status` DESC, `label` ASC";
$servers = $this->db->query($sql);
if ($server_id !== null && count($servers) == 1) {
$servers = $servers[0];
return $servers;
* Format server data for display
* @param array $server
* @return array
protected function formatServer($server)
$server['rtime'] = $server['rtime'];
$server['last_online'] = psm_timespan($server['last_online']);
$server['last_offline'] = psm_timespan($server['last_offline']);
if ($server['last_offline'] != psm_get_lang('system', 'never')) {
$server['last_offline_duration'] = is_null($server['last_offline_duration']) ?
null : "(" . $server['last_offline_duration'] . ")";
$server['last_check'] = psm_timespan($server['last_check']);
if (
$server['status'] == 'on' &&
$server['warning_threshold_counter'] > 0
) || (
$server['status'] == 'on' &&
$server['ssl_cert_expired_time'] !== null &&
$server['ssl_cert_expiry_days'] > 0
) {
$server['status'] = 'warning';
$server['error'] = htmlentities($server['error']);
$server['type'] = psm_get_lang('servers', 'type_' . $server['type']);
$server['timeout'] = ($server['timeout'] > 0) ? $server['timeout'] : PSM_CURL_TIMEOUT;
$server['last_error'] = htmlentities($server['last_error']);
$server['last_error_output'] = htmlentities($server['last_error_output']);
$server['last_output'] = htmlentities($server['last_output']);
$url_actions = array('delete', 'edit', 'view');
foreach ($url_actions as $action) {
$server['url_' . $action] = psm_build_url(array(
'mod' => 'server',
'action' => $action,
'id' => $server['server_id'],
return $server;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
namespace psm\Module\Server\Controller;
use psm\Service\Database;
* Log module. Create the page to view previous log messages
class LogController extends AbstractServerController {
function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig) {
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
$this->setActions('index', 'index');
* Prepare the template with a list of all log entries
protected function executeIndex() {
$this->twig->addGlobal('subtitle', psm_get_lang('menu', 'server_log'));
$tpl_data = array(
'label_status' => psm_get_lang('log', 'status'),
'label_email' => psm_get_lang('log', 'email'),
'label_sms' => psm_get_lang('log', 'sms'),
'label_pushover' => psm_get_lang('log', 'pushover'),
'label_title' => psm_get_lang('log', 'title'),
'label_server' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'server'),
'label_type' => psm_get_lang('log', 'type'),
'label_message' => psm_get_lang('system', 'message'),
'label_date' => psm_get_lang('system', 'date'),
'label_users' => ucfirst(psm_get_lang('menu', 'user')),
'label_no_logs' => psm_get_lang('log', 'no_logs'),
'tabs' => array(),
$log_types = array('status', 'email', 'sms', 'pushover');
// get users
$users = $this->db->select(PSM_DB_PREFIX.'users', null, array('user_id','name'));
$users_labels = array();
foreach ($users as $user) {
$users_labels[$user['user_id']] = $user['name'];
foreach($log_types as $key) {
$records = $this->getEntries($key);
$log_count = count($records);
$tab_data = array(
'id' => $key,
'has_users' => ($key == 'status') ? false : true,
'no_logs' => ($log_count == 0) ? true : false,
'tab_active' => ($key == 'status') ? 'active' : '',
for ($x = 0; $x < $log_count; $x++) {
$record = &$records[$x];
$record['class'] = ($x & 1) ? 'odd' : 'even';
$record['users'] = '';
$record['server'] = $record['label'];
$record['type_icon'] = ($record['server_type'] == 'website') ? 'icon-globe' : 'icon-cog';
$record['type_title'] = psm_get_lang('servers', 'type_' . $record['server_type']);
$ip = '(' . $record['ip'];
if(!empty($record['port']) && (($record['server_type'] != 'website') || ($record['port'] != 80))) {
$ip .= ':' . $record['port'];
$ip .= ')';
$record['ip'] = $ip;
$record['datetime_format'] = psm_date($record['datetime']);
// fix up user list
if(!empty($record['user_id'])) {
$names = array();
$users = explode(',', $record['user_id']);
foreach($users as $user_id) {
if(isset($users_labels[$user_id])) {
$names[] = $users_labels[$user_id];
$record['users'] = implode('<br/>', $names);
$record['user_list'] = implode('&nbsp;&bull; ', $names);
$tab_data['entries'] = $records;
$tpl_data['tabs'][] = $tab_data;
return $this->twig->render('module/server/log.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* Get all the log entries for a specific $type
* @param string $type status/email/sms
* @return array
public function getEntries($type) {
$sql_join = '';
if($this->user != null && $this->user->getUserLevel() > PSM_USER_ADMIN) {
// restrict by user_id
$sql_join = "JOIN `".PSM_DB_PREFIX."users_servers` AS `us` ON (
AND `us`.`server_id`=`servers`.`server_id`
$entries = $this->db->query(
'`servers`.`label`, '.
'`servers`.`ip`, '.
'`servers`.`port`, '.
'`servers`.`type` AS server_type, '.
'`log`.`type`, '.
'`log`.`message`, '.
'`log`.`datetime`, '.
'`log`.`user_id` '.
'FROM `'.PSM_DB_PREFIX.'log` AS `log` '.
'JOIN `'.PSM_DB_PREFIX.'servers` AS `servers` ON (`servers`.`server_id`=`log`.`server_id`) '.
$sql_join .
'WHERE `log`.`type`=\''.$type.'\' '.
'ORDER BY `datetime` DESC '.
'LIMIT 0,20'
return $entries;

View File

@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
namespace psm\Module\Server\Controller;
use psm\Service\Database;
* Log module. Create the page to view previous log messages
class LogController extends AbstractServerController
public function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig)
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
'index', 'delete',
), 'index');
* Prepare the template with a list of all log entries
protected function executeIndex()
$this->twig->addGlobal('subtitle', psm_get_lang('menu', 'server_log'));
$tpl_data = array(
'label_status' => psm_get_lang('log', 'status'),
'label_email' => psm_get_lang('log', 'email'),
'label_sms' => psm_get_lang('log', 'sms'),
'label_discord' => psm_get_lang('log', 'discord'),
'label_pushover' => psm_get_lang('log', 'pushover'),
'label_webhook' => psm_get_lang('log', 'webhook'),
'label_telegram' => psm_get_lang('log', 'telegram'),
'label_jabber' => psm_get_lang('log', 'jabber'),
'label_title' => psm_get_lang('log', 'title'),
'label_server' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'server'),
'label_type' => psm_get_lang('log', 'type'),
'label_message' => psm_get_lang('system', 'message'),
'label_date' => psm_get_lang('system', 'date'),
'label_users' => ucfirst(psm_get_lang('menu', 'user')),
'label_no_logs' => psm_get_lang('log', 'no_logs'),
'tabs' => array(),
$sidebar = new \psm\Util\Module\Sidebar($this->twig);
if ($this->getUser()->getUserLevel() == PSM_USER_ADMIN) {
$modal = new \psm\Util\Module\Modal($this->twig, 'delete', \psm\Util\Module\Modal::MODAL_TYPE_DANGER);
$modal->setTitle(psm_get_lang('log', 'delete_title'));
$modal->setMessage(psm_get_lang('log', 'delete_message'));
$modal->setOKButtonLabel(psm_get_lang('system', 'delete'));
psm_get_lang('log', 'clear'),
psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'server_log', 'action' => 'delete')),
'danger show-modal',
psm_get_lang('log', 'delete_title'),
$log_types = array('status', 'email', 'sms', 'pushover', 'telegram', 'jabber', 'discord', 'webhook');
foreach ($log_types as $key) {
$records = $this->getEntries($key);
$log_count = count($records);
$tab_data = array(
'id' => $key,
'label' => psm_get_lang('log', $key),
'has_users' => ($key == 'status') ? false : true,
'no_logs' => ($log_count == 0) ? true : false,
'tab_active' => ($key == 'status') ? 'active' : '',
for ($x = 0; $x < $log_count; $x++) {
$record = &$records[$x];
$record['users'] = '';
if ($key == 'status') {
$record['server'] = $record['label'];
$record['type_icon'] = ($record['server_type'] == 'website') ? 'globe-americas' : 'cogs';
$record['type_title'] = psm_get_lang('servers', 'type_' . $record['server_type']);
$ip = '(' . $record['ip'];
if (!empty($record['port']) && (($record['server_type'] != 'website') || ($record['port'] != 80))) {
$ip .= ':' . $record['port'];
$ip .= ')';
$record['ip'] = $ip;
$record['datetime_format'] = psm_date($record['datetime']);
// fix up user list
$users = $this->getLogUsers($record['log_id']);
if (!empty($users)) {
$names = array();
foreach ($users as $user) {
$names[] = $user['name'];
$record['users'] = implode('<br/>', $names);
$record['user_list'] = implode('&nbsp;&bull; ', $names);
$tab_data['entries'] = $records;
$tpl_data['tabs'][] = $tab_data;
return $this->twig->render('module/server/log.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
protected function executeDelete()
* Empty table log and log_users.
* Only when user is admin.
if ($this->getUser()->getUserLevel() == PSM_USER_ADMIN) {
$archiver = new \psm\Util\Server\Archiver\LogsArchiver($this->db);
return $this->runAction('index');
* Get all the log entries for a specific $type
* @param string $type status/email/sms
* @return \PDOStatement array
public function getEntries($type)
$sql_join = '';
if ($this->getUser()->getUserLevel() > PSM_USER_ADMIN) {
// restrict by user_id
$sql_join = "JOIN `" . PSM_DB_PREFIX . "users_servers` AS `us` ON (
AND `us`.`server_id`=`servers`.`server_id`
$entries = $this->db->query(
'`servers`.`label`, ' .
'`servers`.`ip`, ' .
'`servers`.`port`, ' .
'`servers`.`type` AS server_type, ' .
'`log`.`log_id`, ' .
'`log`.`type`, ' .
'`log`.`message`, ' .
'`log`.`datetime` ' .
'FROM `' . PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'log` AS `log` ' .
'JOIN `' . PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'servers` AS `servers` ON (`servers`.`server_id`=`log`.`server_id`) ' .
$sql_join .
'WHERE `log`.`type`=\'' . $type . '\' ' .
'ORDER BY `datetime` DESC ' .
'LIMIT 0,20'
return $entries;
* Get all the user entries for a specific $log_id
* @param $log_id
* @return \PDOStatement array
protected function getLogUsers($log_id)
return $this->db->query(
FROM `" . PSM_DB_PREFIX . "log_users` AS lu
LEFT JOIN `" . PSM_DB_PREFIX . "users` AS u ON lu.`user_id` = u.`user_id`
WHERE lu.`log_id` = " . (int) $log_id . "
ORDER BY u.`name` ASC"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
namespace psm\Module\Server\Controller;
use psm\Service\Database;
* Server module. Add/edit/delete servers, show a list of all servers etc.
class ServerController extends AbstractServerController {
* Current server id
* @var int $server_id
protected $server_id;
function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig) {
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
$this->server_id = isset($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : 0;
'index', 'edit', 'save', 'delete', 'view',
), 'index');
// make sure only admins are allowed to edit/delete servers:
$this->setMinUserLevelRequiredForAction(PSM_USER_ADMIN, array(
'delete', 'edit', 'save'
$this->twig->addGlobal('subtitle', psm_get_lang('menu', 'server'));
* Prepare the template to show a list of all servers
protected function executeIndex() {
$tpl_data = $this->getLabels();
$tpl_data['user_level'] = $this->user->getUserLevel();
$sidebar = new \psm\Util\Module\Sidebar($this->twig);
// check if user is admin, in that case we add the buttons
if($this->user->getUserLevel() == PSM_USER_ADMIN) {
$modal = new \psm\Util\Module\Modal($this->twig, 'delete', \psm\Util\Module\Modal::MODAL_TYPE_DANGER);
$modal->setTitle(psm_get_lang('servers', 'delete_title'));
$modal->setMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'delete_message'));
$modal->setOKButtonLabel(psm_get_lang('system', 'delete'));
psm_get_lang('system', 'add_new'),
psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'server', 'action' => 'edit')),
'plus icon-white', 'success'
psm_get_lang('menu', 'server_update'),
psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'server_update')),
$icons = array(
'email' => 'icon-envelope',
'sms' => 'icon-mobile',
'pushover' => 'icon-pushover',
$servers = $this->getServers();
$server_count = count($servers);
for ($x = 0; $x < $server_count; $x++) {
$servers[$x]['class'] = ($x & 1) ? 'odd' : 'even';
if($servers[$x]['type'] == 'website') {
$servers[$x]['type_icon'] = 'icon-globe';
// add link to label
$ip = $servers[$x]['ip'];
if(!empty($servers[$x]['port']) && ($servers[$x]['port'] != 80)) {
$ip .= ' : ' . $servers[$x]['port'];
$servers[$x]['ip'] = '<a href="'.$servers[$x]['ip'].'" target="_blank">'.$ip.'</a>';
$servers[$x]['ip_short'] = $ip;
} else {
$servers[$x]['type_icon'] = 'icon-cog';
$servers[$x]['ip_short'] = $servers[$x]['ip'] . ' : ' . $servers[$x]['port'];
if(($servers[$x]['active'] == 'yes')) {
$servers[$x]['active_icon'] = 'icon-eye-open';
$servers[$x]['active_title'] = psm_get_lang('servers', 'monitoring');
foreach($icons as $i_id => $i_icon) {
if(psm_get_conf($i_id . '_status') && $servers[$x][$i_id] == 'yes') {
$servers[$x][$i_id . '_icon'] = $i_icon;
} else {
$servers[$x]['active_icon'] = 'icon-eye-close';
$servers[$x]['active_title'] = psm_get_lang('servers', 'no_monitoring');
$servers[$x] = $this->formatServer($servers[$x]);
$tpl_data['servers'] = $servers;
return $this->twig->render('module/server/server/list.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* Prepare the template to show the update screen for a single server
protected function executeEdit() {
$back_to = isset($_GET['back_to']) ? $_GET['back_to'] : '';
$tpl_data = $this->getLabels();
$tpl_data['edit_server_id'] = $this->server_id;
$tpl_data['url_save'] = psm_build_url(array(
'mod' => 'server',
'action' => 'save',
'id' => $this->server_id,
'back_to' => $back_to,
// depending on where the user came from, add the go back url:
if($back_to == 'view' && $this->server_id > 0) {
$tpl_data['url_go_back'] = psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'server', 'action' => 'view', 'id' => $this->server_id));
} else {
$tpl_data['url_go_back'] = psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'server'));
$tpl_data['users'] = $this->db->select(PSM_DB_PREFIX.'users', null, array('user_id', 'name'), '', 'name');
switch($this->server_id) {
case 0:
// insert mode
$tpl_data['titlemode'] = psm_get_lang('system', 'insert');
$tpl_data['edit_value_warning_threshold'] = '1';
$edit_server = $_POST;
// edit mode
// get server entry
$edit_server = $this->getServers($this->server_id);
if(empty($edit_server)) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'error_server_no_match'), 'error');
return $this->initializeAction('index');
$tpl_data['titlemode'] = psm_get_lang('system', 'edit') . ' ' . $edit_server['label'];
$user_idc_selected = $this->getServerUsers($this->server_id);
foreach($tpl_data['users'] as &$user) {
if(in_array($user['user_id'], $user_idc_selected)) {
$user['edit_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
if(!empty($edit_server)) {
// attempt to prefill previously posted fields
foreach($edit_server as $key => $value) {
$edit_server[$key] = psm_POST($key, $value);
$tpl_data = array_merge($tpl_data, array(
'edit_value_label' => $edit_server['label'],
'edit_value_ip' => $edit_server['ip'],
'edit_value_port' => $edit_server['port'],
'edit_value_timeout' => $edit_server['timeout'],
'default_value_timeout' => PSM_CURL_TIMEOUT,
'edit_value_pattern' => $edit_server['pattern'],
'edit_value_warning_threshold' => $edit_server['warning_threshold'],
'edit_type_selected_' . $edit_server['type'] => 'selected="selected"',
'edit_active_selected_' . $edit_server['active'] => 'selected="selected"',
'edit_email_selected_' . $edit_server['email'] => 'selected="selected"',
'edit_sms_selected_' . $edit_server['sms'] => 'selected="selected"',
'edit_pushover_selected_' . $edit_server['pushover'] => 'selected="selected"',
$notifications = array('email', 'sms', 'pushover');
foreach($notifications as $notification) {
if(psm_get_conf($notification . '_status') == 0) {
$tpl_data['warning_' . $notification] = true;
$tpl_data['control_class_' . $notification] = 'warning';
$tpl_data['label_warning_' . $notification] = psm_get_lang(
'servers', 'warning_notifications_disabled_' . $notification
} else {
$tpl_data['warning_' . $notification] = false;
return $this->twig->render('module/server/server/update.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* Executes the saving of one of the servers
protected function executeSave() {
if(empty($_POST)) {
// dont process anything if no data has been posted
return $this->executeIndex();
$clean = array(
'label' => trim(strip_tags(psm_POST('label', ''))),
'ip' => trim(strip_tags(psm_POST('ip', ''))),
'timeout' => (isset($_POST['timeout']) && intval($_POST['timeout']) > 0) ? intval($_POST['timeout']) : null,
'port' => intval(psm_POST('port', 0)),
'type' => psm_POST('type', ''),
'pattern' => psm_POST('pattern', ''),
'warning_threshold' => intval(psm_POST('warning_threshold', 0)),
'active' => in_array($_POST['active'], array('yes', 'no')) ? $_POST['active'] : 'no',
'email' => in_array($_POST['email'], array('yes', 'no')) ? $_POST['email'] : 'no',
'sms' => in_array($_POST['sms'], array('yes', 'no')) ? $_POST['sms'] : 'no',
'pushover' => in_array($_POST['pushover'], array('yes', 'no')) ? $_POST['pushover'] : 'no',
// make sure websites start with http://
if($clean['type'] == 'website' && substr($clean['ip'], 0, 4) != 'http') {
$clean['ip'] = 'http://' . $clean['ip'];
// validate the lot
$server_validator = new \psm\Util\Server\ServerValidator($this->db);
try {
if($this->server_id > 0) {
$server_validator->ip($clean['ip'], $clean['type']);
} catch(\InvalidArgumentException $ex) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'error_' . $ex->getMessage()), 'error');
return $this->executeEdit();
// check for edit or add
if($this->server_id > 0) {
// edit
array('server_id' => $this->server_id)
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'updated'), 'success');
} else {
// add
$clean['status'] = 'on';
$this->server_id = $this->db->save(PSM_DB_PREFIX.'servers', $clean);
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'inserted'), 'success');
// update users
$user_idc = psm_POST('user_id', array());
$user_idc_save = array();
foreach($user_idc as $user_id) {
$user_idc_save[] = array(
'user_id' => intval($user_id),
'server_id' => intval($this->server_id),
$this->db->delete(PSM_DB_PREFIX.'users_servers', array('server_id' => $this->server_id));
if(!empty($user_idc_save)) {
// add all new users
$this->db->insertMultiple(PSM_DB_PREFIX.'users_servers', $user_idc_save);
$back_to = isset($_GET['back_to']) ? $_GET['back_to'] : 'index';
if($back_to == 'view') {
return $this->initializeAction('view');
} else {
return $this->initializeAction('index');
* Executes the deletion of one of the servers
protected function executeDelete() {
if(isset($_GET['id'])) {
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
// do delete
$res = $this->db->delete(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'servers', array('server_id' => $id));
if($res === 1) {
$this->db->delete(PSM_DB_PREFIX.'log', array('server_id' => $id));
$this->db->delete(PSM_DB_PREFIX.'users_servers', array('server_id' => $id));
$this->db->delete(PSM_DB_PREFIX.'servers_uptime', array('server_id' => $id));
$this->db->delete(PSM_DB_PREFIX.'servers_history', array('server_id' => $id));
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'deleted'), 'success');
return $this->initializeAction('index');
* Prepare the view template
protected function executeView() {
if($this->server_id == 0) {
return $this->initializeAction('index');
$server = $this->getServers($this->server_id);
if(empty($server)) {
return $this->initializeAction('index');
$tpl_data = $this->getLabels();
$tpl_data = array_merge($tpl_data, $this->formatServer($server));
// create history HTML
$history = new \psm\Util\Server\HistoryGraph($this->db, $this->twig);
$tpl_data['html_history'] = $history->createHTML($this->server_id);
// add edit/delete buttons for admins
if($this->user->getUserLevel() == PSM_USER_ADMIN) {
$tpl_data['has_admin_actions'] = true;
$tpl_data['url_edit'] = psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'server', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $this->server_id, 'back_to' => 'view'));
$modal = new \psm\Util\Module\Modal($this->twig, 'delete', \psm\Util\Module\Modal::MODAL_TYPE_DANGER);
$modal->setTitle(psm_get_lang('servers', 'delete_title'));
$modal->setMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'delete_message'));
$modal->setOKButtonLabel(psm_get_lang('system', 'delete'));
// add all available servers to the menu
$servers = $this->getServers();
$tpl_data['options'] = array();
foreach($servers as $i => $server_available) {
$tpl_data['options'][] = array(
'class_active' => ($server_available['server_id'] == $this->server_id) ? 'active' : '',
'url' => psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'server', 'action' => 'view', 'id' => $server_available['server_id'])),
'label' => $server_available['label'],
$sidebar = new \psm\Util\Module\Sidebar($this->twig);
// check which module the user came from, and add a link accordingly
$back_to = isset($_GET['back_to']) && $_GET['back_to'] == 'server_status' ? $_GET['back_to'] : 'server';
psm_get_lang('system', 'go_back'),
psm_build_url(array('mod' => $back_to)),
return $this->twig->render('module/server/server/view.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
protected function getLabels() {
return array(
'label_label' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'label'),
'label_status' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'status'),
'label_domain' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'domain'),
'label_timeout' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'timeout'),
'label_timeout_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'timeout_description'),
'label_port' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'port'),
'label_type' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'type'),
'label_website' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'type_website'),
'label_service' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'type_service'),
'label_type' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'type'),
'label_pattern' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'pattern'),
'label_pattern_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'pattern_description'),
'label_last_check' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'last_check'),
'label_rtime' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'latency'),
'label_last_online' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'last_online'),
'label_monitoring' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'monitoring'),
'label_email' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'email'),
'label_send_email' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'send_email'),
'label_sms' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'sms'),
'label_send_sms' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'send_sms'),
'label_pushover' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'pushover'),
'label_users' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'users'),
'label_warning_threshold' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'warning_threshold'),
'label_warning_threshold_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'warning_threshold_description'),
'label_action' => psm_get_lang('system', 'action'),
'label_save' => psm_get_lang('system', 'save'),
'label_go_back' => psm_get_lang('system', 'go_back'),
'label_edit' => psm_get_lang('system', 'edit'),
'label_delete' => psm_get_lang('system', 'delete'),
'label_yes' => psm_get_lang('system', 'yes'),
'label_no' => psm_get_lang('system', 'no'),
'label_add_new' => psm_get_lang('system', 'add_new'),
* Get all user ids for a server
* @param int $server_id
* @return array with ids only
protected function getServerUsers($server_id) {
$users = $this->db->select(
array('server_id' => $server_id),
$result = array();
foreach($users as $user) {
$result[] = $user['user_id'];
return $result;

View File

@ -1,698 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
namespace psm\Module\Server\Controller;
use psm\Service\Database;
* Server module. Add/edit/delete servers, show a list of all servers etc.
class ServerController extends AbstractServerController
* Current server id
* @var int|\PDOStatement $server_id
protected $server_id;
public function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig)
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
$this->server_id = isset($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : 0;
'index', 'edit', 'save', 'delete', 'view',
), 'index');
// make sure only admins are allowed to edit/delete servers:
$this->setMinUserLevelRequiredForAction(PSM_USER_ADMIN, array(
'delete', 'edit', 'save'
$this->twig->addGlobal('subtitle', psm_get_lang('menu', 'server'));
* Prepare the template to show a list of all servers
protected function executeIndex()
$tpl_data = $this->getLabels();
$tpl_data['user_level'] = $this->getUser()->getUserLevel();
$sidebar = new \psm\Util\Module\Sidebar($this->twig);
// check if user is admin, in that case we add the buttons
if ($this->getUser()->getUserLevel() == PSM_USER_ADMIN) {
$modal = new \psm\Util\Module\Modal($this->twig, 'delete', \psm\Util\Module\Modal::MODAL_TYPE_DANGER);
$modal->setTitle(psm_get_lang('servers', 'delete_title'));
$modal->setMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'delete_message'));
$modal->setOKButtonLabel(psm_get_lang('system', 'delete'));
psm_get_lang('system', 'add_new'),
psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'server', 'action' => 'edit')),
psm_get_lang('system', 'add_new')
psm_get_lang('menu', 'server_update'),
psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'server_update')),
psm_get_lang('menu', 'server_update')
$icons = array(
'email' => 'icon-envelope',
'sms' => 'icon-mobile',
'discord' => 'icon-discord',
'pushover' => 'icon-pushover',
'webhook' => 'icon-webhook',
'telegram' => 'icon-telegram',
'jabber' => 'icon-jabber'
$servers = $this->getServers();
$server_count = count($servers);
for ($x = 0; $x < $server_count; $x++) {
if ($servers[$x]['type'] == 'website') {
// add link to label
$ip = $servers[$x]['ip'];
$servers[$x]['ip'] = '<a href="' . $servers[$x]['ip'] .
'" target="_blank" rel="noopener">' . $ip . '</a>';
if ($servers[$x]['type'] == 'ping') {
$servers[$x]['port'] = '';
if (($servers[$x]['active'] == 'yes')) {
$servers[$x]['active_title'] = psm_get_lang('servers', 'monitoring');
} else {
$servers[$x]['active_title'] = psm_get_lang('servers', 'no_monitoring');
$servers[$x] = $this->formatServer($servers[$x]);
$tpl_data['servers'] = $servers;
$tpl_data['config']['email'] = psm_get_conf('email_status');
$tpl_data['config']['sms'] = psm_get_conf('sms_status');
$tpl_data['config']['discord'] = psm_get_conf('discord_status');
$tpl_data['config']['webhook'] = psm_get_conf('webhook_status');
$tpl_data['config']['pushover'] = psm_get_conf('pushover_status');
$tpl_data['config']['telegram'] = psm_get_conf('telegram_status');
return $this->twig->render('module/server/server/list.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* Prepare the template to show the update screen for a single server
protected function executeEdit()
$back_to = isset($_GET['back_to']) ? $_GET['back_to'] : '';
$modal = new \psm\Util\Module\Modal($this->twig, 'delete', \psm\Util\Module\Modal::MODAL_TYPE_DANGER);
$modal->setTitle(psm_get_lang('servers', 'delete_title'));
$modal->setMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'delete_message'));
$modal->setOKButtonLabel(psm_get_lang('system', 'delete'));
$tpl_data = $this->getLabels();
$tpl_data['edit_server_id'] = $this->server_id;
$tpl_data['url_save'] = psm_build_url(array(
'mod' => 'server',
'action' => 'save',
'id' => $this->server_id,
'back_to' => $back_to,
$tpl_data['url_delete'] = psm_build_url(array(
'mod' => 'server',
'action' => 'delete',
'id' => $this->server_id,
// depending on where the user came from, add the go back url:
if ($back_to == 'view' && $this->server_id > 0) {
$tpl_data['url_go_back'] = psm_build_url(
array('mod' => 'server', 'action' => 'view', 'id' => $this->server_id)
} else {
$tpl_data['url_go_back'] = psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'server'));
$tpl_data['users'] = $this->db->select(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'users', null, array('user_id', 'name'), '', 'name');
foreach ($tpl_data['users'] as &$user) {
$user['id'] = $user['user_id'];
$user['label'] = $user['name'];
switch ($this->server_id) {
case 0:
// insert mode
$tpl_data['titlemode'] = psm_get_lang('system', 'insert');
$tpl_data['edit_value_warning_threshold'] = '1';
$edit_server = $_POST;
// edit mode
// get server entry
$edit_server = $this->getServers($this->server_id);
if (empty($edit_server)) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'error_server_no_match'), 'error');
return $this->runAction('index');
$tpl_data['titlemode'] = psm_get_lang('system', 'edit') . ' ' . $edit_server['label'];
$user_idc_selected = $this->getServerUsers($this->server_id);
foreach ($tpl_data['users'] as &$user) {
if (in_array($user['id'], $user_idc_selected)) {
$user['edit_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
if (!empty($edit_server)) {
// attempt to prefill previously posted fields
foreach ($edit_server as $key => $value) {
$edit_server[$key] = psm_POST($key, $value);
$tpl_data = array_merge($tpl_data, array(
'edit_value_label' => $edit_server['label'],
'edit_value_ip' => $edit_server['ip'],
'edit_value_port' => $edit_server['port'],
'edit_value_request_method' => $edit_server['request_method'],
'edit_value_post_field' => $edit_server['post_field'],
'edit_value_timeout' => $edit_server['timeout'],
'edit_value_pattern' => $edit_server['pattern'],
'edit_pattern_selected_' . $edit_server['pattern_online'] => 'selected="selected"',
'edit_redirect_check_selected_' . $edit_server['redirect_check'] => 'selected="selected"',
'edit_value_allow_http_status' => $edit_server['allow_http_status'],
'edit_value_header_name' => $edit_server['header_name'],
'edit_value_header_value' => $edit_server['header_value'],
'edit_value_warning_threshold' => $edit_server['warning_threshold'],
'edit_value_website_username' => $edit_server['website_username'],
'edit_value_website_password' => empty($edit_server['website_password']) ? '' :
'edit_value_ssl_cert_expiry_days' => $edit_server['ssl_cert_expiry_days'],
'edit_type_selected_' . $edit_server['type'] => 'selected="selected"',
'edit_active_selected' => $edit_server['active'],
'edit_email_selected' => $edit_server['email'],
'edit_sms_selected' => $edit_server['sms'],
'edit_discord_selected' => $edit_server['discord'],
'edit_webhook_selected' => $edit_server['webhook'],
'edit_pushover_selected' => $edit_server['pushover'],
'edit_telegram_selected' => $edit_server['telegram'],
'edit_jabber_selected' => $edit_server['jabber'],
$notifications = array('email', 'sms', 'pushover', 'discord', 'webhook', 'telegram', 'jabber');
foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
if (psm_get_conf($notification . '_status') == 0) {
$tpl_data['warning_' . $notification] = true;
$tpl_data['label_warning_' . $notification] = psm_get_lang(
'warning_notifications_disabled_' . $notification
} else {
$tpl_data['warning_' . $notification] = false;
return $this->twig->render('module/server/server/update.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* Executes the saving of one of the servers
protected function executeSave()
if (empty($_POST)) {
// dont process anything if no data has been posted
return $this->executeIndex();
// We need the server id to encrypt the password. Encryption will be done after the server is added
$encrypted_password = '';
if (!empty($_POST['website_password'])) {
$new_password = psm_POST('website_password');
if ($this->server_id > 0) {
$edit_server = $this->getServers($this->server_id);
$hash = sha1($edit_server['website_password']);
if ($new_password == $hash) {
$encrypted_password = $edit_server['website_password'];
} else {
$encrypted_password = psm_password_encrypt(strval($this->server_id) .
psm_get_conf('password_encrypt_key'), $new_password);
$clean = array(
'label' => trim(strip_tags(psm_POST('label', ''))),
'ip' => trim(strip_tags(psm_POST('ip', ''))),
'timeout' => (isset($_POST['timeout']) && intval($_POST['timeout']) > 0) ? intval($_POST['timeout']) : 10,
'website_username' => psm_POST('website_username'),
'website_password' => $encrypted_password,
'port' => intval(psm_POST('port', 0)),
'request_method' => empty(psm_POST('request_method')) ? null : psm_POST('request_method'),
'post_field' => empty(psm_POST('post_field')) ? null : psm_POST('post_field'),
'type' => psm_POST('type', ''),
'pattern' => psm_POST('pattern', ''),
'pattern_online' => in_array($_POST['pattern_online'], array('yes', 'no')) ?
$_POST['pattern_online'] : 'yes',
'redirect_check' => in_array($_POST['redirect_check'], array('ok', 'bad')) ?
$_POST['redirect_check'] : 'bad',
'allow_http_status' => psm_POST('allow_http_status', ''),
'header_name' => psm_POST('header_name', ''),
'header_value' => psm_POST('header_value', ''),
'warning_threshold' => intval(psm_POST('warning_threshold', 0)),
'ssl_cert_expiry_days' => intval(psm_POST('ssl_cert_expiry_days', 1)),
'active' => in_array($_POST['active'], array('yes', 'no')) ? $_POST['active'] : 'no',
'email' => in_array($_POST['email'], array('yes', 'no')) ? $_POST['email'] : 'no',
'sms' => in_array($_POST['sms'], array('yes', 'no')) ? $_POST['sms'] : 'no',
'discord' => in_array($_POST['discord'], array('yes', 'no')) ? $_POST['discord'] : 'no',
'pushover' => in_array($_POST['pushover'], array('yes', 'no')) ? $_POST['pushover'] : 'no',
'webhook' => in_array($_POST['webhook'], array('yes', 'no')) ? $_POST['webhook'] : 'no',
'telegram' => in_array($_POST['telegram'], array('yes', 'no')) ? $_POST['telegram'] : 'no',
'jabber' => in_array($_POST['jabber'], array('yes', 'no')) ? $_POST['jabber'] : 'no',
// make sure websites start with http://
if (
$clean['type'] == 'website' &&
substr($clean['ip'], 0, 4) != 'http' &&
substr($clean['ip'], 0, 3) != 'rdp'
) {
$clean['ip'] = 'http://' . $clean['ip'];
if ($clean['request_method'] == null) {
$clean['post_field'] = null;
// validate the lot
$server_validator = new \psm\Util\Server\ServerValidator($this->db);
// format port from http, https or rdp url
if ($clean['type'] == 'website') {
$tmp = parse_url($clean["ip"]);
if (isset($tmp["port"])) {
$clean["port"] = $tmp["port"];
} elseif ($tmp["scheme"] === "https") {
$clean["port"] = 443;
} elseif ($tmp["scheme"] === "http") {
$clean["port"] = 80;
} elseif ($tmp["scheme"] === "rdp") {
$clean["port"] = 3389;
try {
if ($this->server_id > 0) {
$server_validator->ip($clean['ip'], $clean['type']);
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $ex) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'error_' . $ex->getMessage()), 'error');
return $this->executeEdit();
// check for edit or add
if ($this->server_id > 0) {
// edit
PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'servers',
array('server_id' => $this->server_id)
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'updated'), 'success');
} else {
// add
$clean['status'] = 'on';
$this->server_id = $this->db->save(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'servers', $clean);
// server has been added, re-encrypt
if (!empty($_POST['website_password'])) {
$cleanWebsitePassword = array(
'website_password' => psm_password_encrypt(
strval($this->server_id) . psm_get_conf('password_encrypt_key'),
PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'servers',
array('server_id' => $this->server_id)
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'inserted'), 'success');
// update users
$user_idc = psm_POST('user_id', array());
$user_idc_save = array();
foreach ($user_idc as $user_id) {
$user_idc_save[] = array(
'user_id' => intval($user_id),
'server_id' => intval($this->server_id),
$this->db->delete(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'users_servers', array('server_id' => $this->server_id));
if (!empty($user_idc_save)) {
// add all new users
$this->db->insertMultiple(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'users_servers', $user_idc_save);
$back_to = isset($_GET['back_to']) ? $_GET['back_to'] : 'index';
if ($back_to == 'view') {
return $this->runAction('view');
} else {
return $this->runAction('index');
* Executes the deletion of one of the servers
protected function executeDelete()
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
// do delete
$res = $this->db->delete(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'servers', array('server_id' => $id));
if ($res === 1) {
$this->db->delete(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'log', array('server_id' => $id));
$this->db->delete(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'users_servers', array('server_id' => $id));
$this->db->delete(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'servers_uptime', array('server_id' => $id));
$this->db->delete(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'servers_history', array('server_id' => $id));
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'deleted'), 'success');
return $this->runAction('index');
* Prepare the view template
protected function executeView()
if ($this->server_id == 0) {
return $this->runAction('index');
$server = $this->getServers($this->server_id);
if (empty($server)) {
return $this->runAction('index');
$tpl_data = $this->getLabels();
$tpl_data = array_merge($tpl_data, $this->formatServer($server));
// create history HTML
$history = new \psm\Util\Server\HistoryGraph($this->db, $this->twig);
$tpl_data['html_history'] = $history->createHTML($this->server_id);
$sidebar = new \psm\Util\Module\Sidebar($this->twig);
// check which module the user came from, and add a link accordingly
$back_to = isset($_GET['back_to']) && ($_GET['back_to'] == 'server_status' || $_GET['back_to'] == 'user') ?
$_GET['back_to'] : 'server';
psm_get_lang('system', 'go_back'),
psm_build_url(array('mod' => $back_to)),
psm_get_lang('system', 'go_back')
// add edit/delete buttons for admins
if ($this->getUser()->getUserLevel() == PSM_USER_ADMIN) {
$tpl_data['has_admin_actions'] = true;
$tpl_data['url_edit'] = psm_build_url(
array('mod' => 'server', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $this->server_id, 'back_to' => 'view')
$modal = new \psm\Util\Module\Modal($this->twig, 'delete', \psm\Util\Module\Modal::MODAL_TYPE_DANGER);
$modal->setTitle(psm_get_lang('servers', 'delete_title'));
$modal->setMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'delete_message'));
$modal->setOKButtonLabel(psm_get_lang('system', 'delete'));
psm_get_lang('system', 'edit'),
array('mod' => 'server', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $this->server_id, 'back_to' => 'view')
psm_get_lang('system', 'edit')
// add all available servers to the menu
$servers = $this->getServers();
$tpl_data['options'] = array();
foreach ($servers as $i => $server_available) {
$tpl_data['options'][] = array(
'class_active' => ($server_available['server_id'] == $this->server_id) ? 'active' : '',
'url' => psm_build_url(
array('mod' => 'server', 'action' => 'view', 'id' => $server_available['server_id'])
'label' => $server_available['label'],
$tpl_data['last_output_truncated'] = $tpl_data['last_output'];
$tpl_data['last_error_output_truncated'] = $tpl_data['last_error_output'];
if (strlen($tpl_data['last_output']) > 255) {
$tpl_data['last_output_truncated'] = substr($tpl_data['last_output'], 0, 255) . '...';
if (strlen($tpl_data['last_error_output']) > 255) {
$tpl_data['last_error_output_truncated'] = substr($tpl_data['last_error_output'], 0, 255) . '...';
// fetch server status logs
$log_entries = $this->getServerLogs($this->server_id);
for ($x = 0; $x < count($log_entries); $x++) {
$record = &$log_entries[$x];
$record['datetime_format'] = psm_date($record['datetime']);
$tpl_data['log_entries'] = $log_entries;
return $this->twig->render('module/server/server/view.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
protected function getLabels()
return array(
'label_label' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'label'),
'label_status' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'status'),
'label_domain' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'domain'),
'label_timeout' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'timeout'),
'label_timeout_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'timeout_description'),
'label_authentication_settings' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'authentication_settings'),
'label_optional' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'optional'),
'label_website_username' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'website_username'),
'label_website_username_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'website_username_description'),
'label_website_password' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'website_password'),
'label_website_password_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'website_password_description'),
'label_fieldset_monitoring' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'fieldset_monitoring'),
'label_fieldset_permissions' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'fieldset_permissions'),
'label_permissions' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'permissions'),
'label_port' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'port'),
'label_custom_port' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'custom_port'),
'label_popular_ports' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'popular_ports'),
'label_request_method' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'request_method'),
'label_custom_request_method' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'custom_request_method'),
'label_popular_request_methods' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'popular_request_methods'),
'label_post_field' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'post_field'),
'label_post_field_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'post_field_description'),
'label_none' => psm_get_lang('system', 'none'),
'label_please_select' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'please_select'),
'label_type' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'type'),
'label_website' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'type_website'),
'label_service' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'type_service'),
'label_ping' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'type_ping'),
'label_pattern' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'pattern'),
'label_pattern_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'pattern_description'),
'label_pattern_online' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'pattern_online'),
'label_pattern_online_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'pattern_online_description'),
'label_redirect_check' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'redirect_check'),
'label_redirect_check_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'redirect_check_description'),
'label_allow_http_status' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'allow_http_status'),
'label_allow_http_status_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'allow_http_status_description'),
'label_header_name' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'header_name'),
'label_header_value' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'header_value'),
'label_header_name_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'header_name_description'),
'label_header_value_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'header_value_description'),
'label_last_check' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'last_check'),
'label_rtime' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'latency'),
'label_last_online' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'last_online'),
'label_last_offline' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'last_offline'),
'label_last_output' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'last_output'),
'label_last_error' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'last_error'),
'label_last_error_output' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'last_error_output'),
'label_monitoring' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'monitoring'),
'label_email' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'email'),
'label_send_email' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'send_email'),
'label_sms' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'sms'),
'label_send_sms' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'send_sms'),
'label_discord' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'discord'),
'label_send_discord' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'send_discord'),
'label_pushover' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'pushover'),
'label_send_pushover' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'send_pushover'),
'label_send_webhook' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'send_webhook'),
'label_telegram' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'telegram'),
'label_jabber' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'jabber'),
'label_send_jabber' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'send_jabber'),
'label_webhook' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'webhook'),
'label_pushover' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'pushover'),
'label_send_telegram' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'send_telegram'),
'label_users' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'users'),
'label_warning_threshold' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'warning_threshold'),
'label_warning_threshold_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'warning_threshold_description'),
'label_ssl_cert_expiry_days' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'ssl_cert_expiry_days'),
'label_ssl_cert_expiry_days_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'ssl_cert_expiry_days_description'),
'label_action' => psm_get_lang('system', 'action'),
'label_save' => psm_get_lang('system', 'save'),
'label_go_back' => psm_get_lang('system', 'go_back'),
'label_edit' => psm_get_lang('system', 'edit'),
'label_delete' => psm_get_lang('system', 'delete'),
'label_view' => psm_get_lang('system', 'view'),
'label_yes' => psm_get_lang('system', 'yes'),
'label_no' => psm_get_lang('system', 'no'),
'label_add_new' => psm_get_lang('system', 'add_new'),
'label_seconds' => psm_get_lang('system', 'seconds'),
'label_milliseconds' => psm_get_lang('system', 'milliseconds'),
'label_online' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'online'),
'label_offline' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'offline'),
'label_ok' => psm_get_lang('system', 'ok'),
'label_bad' => psm_get_lang('system', 'bad'),
'default_value_timeout' => PSM_CURL_TIMEOUT,
'label_settings' => psm_get_lang('system', 'settings'),
'label_output' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'output'),
'label_search' => psm_get_lang('system', 'search'),
'label_log_title' => psm_get_lang('log', 'title'),
'label_log_no_logs' => psm_get_lang('log', 'no_logs'),
'label_date' => psm_get_lang('system', 'date'),
'label_message' => psm_get_lang('system', 'message'),
* Get all user ids for a server
* @param int $server_id
* @return array with ids only
protected function getServerUsers($server_id)
$users = $this->db->select(
PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'users_servers',
array('server_id' => $server_id),
$result = array();
foreach ($users as $user) {
$result[] = $user['user_id'];
return $result;
* Get logs for a server
* @param int $server_id
* @param string $type status/email/sms
* @return \PDOStatement array
protected function getServerLogs($server_id, $type = 'status')
$sql_join = '';
if ($this->getUser()->getUserLevel() > PSM_USER_ADMIN) {
// restrict by user_id
$sql_join = "JOIN `" . PSM_DB_PREFIX . "users_servers` AS `us` ON (
AND `us`.`server_id`=`servers`.`server_id`
$entries = $this->db->query(
'`servers`.`label`, ' .
'`servers`.`ip`, ' .
'`servers`.`port`, ' .
'`servers`.`type` AS server_type, ' .
'`log`.`log_id`, ' .
'`log`.`type`, ' .
'`log`.`message`, ' .
'`log`.`datetime` ' .
'FROM `' . PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'log` AS `log` ' .
'JOIN `' . PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'servers` AS `servers` ON (`servers`.`server_id`=`log`.`server_id`) ' .
$sql_join .
'WHERE `log`.`type`=\'' . $type . '\' ' .
'AND `log`.`server_id`=' . $server_id . ' ' .
'ORDER BY `datetime` DESC ' .
'LIMIT 0,20'
return $entries;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Michael Greenhill
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
namespace psm\Module\Server\Controller;
use psm\Service\Database;
* Status module
class StatusController extends AbstractServerController {
function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig) {
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
$this->setActions(array('index', 'saveLayout'), 'index');
* Prepare the template to show a list of all servers
* @todo move the background colurs to the config
protected function executeIndex() {
// set background color to black
$this->black_background = true;
$this->twig->addGlobal('subtitle', psm_get_lang('menu', 'server_status'));
// add header accessories
$layout = $this->user->getUserPref('status_layout', 0);
$layout_data = array(
'label_last_check' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'last_check'),
'label_last_online' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'last_online'),
'label_rtime' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'latency'),
'block_layout_active' => ($layout == 0) ? 'active' : '',
'list_layout_active' => ($layout != 0) ? 'active' : '',
$this->setHeaderAccessories($this->twig->render('module/server/status/header.tpl.html', $layout_data));
// get the active servers from database
$servers = $this->getServers();
$layout_data['servers_offline'] = array();
$layout_data['servers_online'] = array();
foreach ($servers as $server) {
if($server['active'] == 'no') {
$server['last_checked_nice'] = psm_timespan($server['last_check']);
$server['last_online_nice'] = psm_timespan($server['last_online']);
$server['url_view'] = psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'server', 'action' => 'view', 'id' => $server['server_id'], 'back_to' => 'server_status'));
if ($server['status'] == "off") {
$layout_data['servers_offline'][] = $server;
} elseif($server['warning_threshold_counter'] > 0) {
$server['class_warning'] = 'warning';
$layout_data['servers_offline'][] = $server;
} else {
$layout_data['servers_online'][] = $server;
$auto_refresh_seconds = psm_get_conf('auto_refresh_servers');
if(intval($auto_refresh_seconds) > 0) {
$this->twig->addGlobal('auto_refresh', true);
$this->twig->addGlobal('auto_refresh_seconds', $auto_refresh_seconds);
return $this->twig->render('module/server/status/index.tpl.html', $layout_data);
protected function executeSaveLayout() {
if($this->isXHR()) {
$layout = psm_POST('layout', 0);
$this->user->setUserPref('status_layout', $layout);
$response = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse();
'layout' => $layout,
return $response;

View File

@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Michael Greenhill
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
namespace psm\Module\Server\Controller;
use psm\Service\Database;
* Status module
class StatusController extends AbstractServerController
public function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig)
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
$this->setActions(array('index', 'saveLayout'), 'index');
* Prepare the template to show a list of all servers
protected function executeIndex()
// set background color to black
$this->black_background = true;
$this->twig->addGlobal('subtitle', psm_get_lang('menu', 'server_status'));
// add header accessories
$layout = $this->getUser()->getUserPref('status_layout', 0);
$layout_data = array(
'label_none' => psm_get_lang('system', 'none'),
'label_last_check' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'last_check'),
'label_last_online' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'last_online'),
'label_last_offline' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'last_offline'),
'label_online' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'online'),
'label_offline' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'offline'),
'label_rtime' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'latency'),
'block_layout_active' => ($layout == 0) ? 'active' : '',
'list_layout_active' => ($layout != 0) ? 'active' : '',
'label_add_server' => psm_get_lang('system', 'add_new'),
'layout' => $layout,
'url_save' => psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'server', 'action' => 'edit')),
$this->setHeaderAccessories($this->twig->render('module/server/status/header.tpl.html', $layout_data));
// get the active servers from database
$servers = $this->getServers();
$layout_data['servers_offline'] = array();
$layout_data['servers_warning'] = array();
$layout_data['servers_online'] = array();
foreach ($servers as $server) {
if ($server['active'] == 'no') {
$server['last_checked_nice'] = psm_timespan($server['last_check']);
$server['last_online_nice'] = psm_timespan($server['last_online']);
$server['last_offline_nice'] = psm_timespan($server['last_offline']);
$server['last_offline_duration_nice'] = "";
if ($server['last_offline_nice'] != psm_get_lang('system', 'never')) {
$server['last_offline_duration_nice'] = "(" . $server['last_offline_duration'] . ")";
$server['url_view'] = psm_build_url(
array('mod' => 'server', 'action' => 'view', 'id' => $server['server_id'], 'back_to' => 'server_status')
if ($server['status'] == "off") {
$layout_data['servers_offline'][] = $server;
} elseif ($server['warning_threshold_counter'] > 0) {
$layout_data['servers_warning'][] = $server;
} elseif ($server['ssl_cert_expired_time'] !== null && $server['ssl_cert_expiry_days'] > 0) {
$layout_data['servers_warning'][] = $server;
} else {
$layout_data['servers_online'][] = $server;
$auto_refresh_seconds = psm_get_conf('auto_refresh_servers');
if (intval($auto_refresh_seconds) > 0) {
$this->twig->addGlobal('auto_refresh', true);
$this->twig->addGlobal('auto_refresh_seconds', $auto_refresh_seconds);
if ($this->isXHR() || isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"])) {
$this->xhr = true;
//disable auto refresh in ajax return html
$layout_data["auto_refresh"] = 0;
return $this->twig->render('module/server/status/index.tpl.html', $layout_data);
protected function executeSaveLayout()
if ($this->isXHR()) {
$layout = psm_POST('layout', 0);
$this->getUser()->setUserPref('status_layout', $layout);
$response = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse();
'layout' => $layout,
return $response;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -20,37 +19,35 @@
* @package phpservermon
* @author Michael Greenhill
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 3.0.0
* @since phpservermon 3.0.0
namespace psm\Module\Server\Controller;
use psm\Module\AbstractController;
use psm\Service\Database;
class UpdateController extends AbstractController
class UpdateController extends AbstractController {
public function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig)
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig) {
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
$this->setActions('index', 'index');
$this->setActions('index', 'index');
protected function executeIndex()
$autorun = $this->container->get('util.server.updatemanager');
protected function executeIndex() {
$autorun = new \psm\Util\Server\UpdateManager($this->db);
header('Location: ' . psm_build_url(array(
'mod' => 'server_status'
), true, false));
header('Location: ' . psm_build_url(array(
'mod' => 'server_status'
), true, false));

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
@ -19,30 +18,25 @@
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 3.0
* @since phpservermon 3.0
namespace psm\Module\Install;
namespace psm\Module\Server;
use psm\Module\ModuleInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
class InstallModule implements ModuleInterface
class ServerModule implements ModuleInterface {
public function getControllers() {
return array(
'server' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\Controller\ServerController',
'log' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\Controller\LogController',
'status' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\Controller\StatusController',
'update' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\Controller\UpdateController',
public function load(ContainerBuilder $container)
public function getControllers()
return array(
'install' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\Controller\InstallController',

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 3.0
namespace psm\Module\Server;
use psm\Module\ModuleInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
class ServerModule implements ModuleInterface
public function load(ContainerBuilder $container)
public function getControllers()
return array(
'server' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\Controller\ServerController',
'log' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\Controller\LogController',
'status' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\Controller\StatusController',
'update' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\Controller\UpdateController',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 3.0.0
namespace psm\Module\User\Controller;
use psm\Module\AbstractController;
use psm\Service\Database;
class LoginController extends AbstractController {
function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig) {
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
'login', 'forgot', 'reset',
), 'login');
protected function executeLogin() {
if(isset($_POST['user_name']) && isset($_POST['user_password'])) {
$rememberme = (isset($_POST['user_rememberme'])) ? true : false;
$result = $this->user->loginWithPostData(
if($result) {
// success login, redirect
header('Location: ' . psm_build_url($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']));
} else {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('login', 'error_login_incorrect'), 'error');
$tpl_data = array(
'title_sign_in' => psm_get_lang('login', 'title_sign_in'),
'label_username' => psm_get_lang('login', 'username'),
'label_password' => psm_get_lang('login', 'password'),
'label_remember_me' => psm_get_lang('login', 'remember_me'),
'label_login' => psm_get_lang('login', 'login'),
'label_password_forgot' => psm_get_lang('login', 'password_forgot'),
'value_user_name' => (isset($_POST['user_name'])) ? $_POST['user_name'] : '',
'value_rememberme' => (isset($rememberme) && $rememberme) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
return $this->twig->render('module/user/login/login.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* Show/process the password forgot form (before the mail)
* @return string
protected function executeForgot() {
if(isset($_POST['user_name'])) {
$user = $this->user->getUserByUsername($_POST['user_name']);
if(!empty($user)) {
$token = $this->user->generatePasswordResetToken($user->user_id);
// we have a token, send it along
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('login', 'success_password_forgot'), 'success');
return $this->executeLogin();
} else {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('login', 'error_user_incorrect'), 'error');
$tpl_data = array(
'title_forgot' => psm_get_lang('login', 'title_forgot'),
'label_username' => psm_get_lang('login', 'username'),
'label_submit' => psm_get_lang('login', 'submit'),
'label_go_back' => psm_get_lang('system', 'go_back'),
return $this->twig->render('module/user/login/forgot.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* Show/process the password reset form (after the mail)
protected function executeReset() {
$user_id = (isset($_GET['user_id'])) ? intval($_GET['user_id']) : 0;
$token = (isset($_GET['token'])) ? $_GET['token'] : '';
if(!$this->user->verifyPasswordResetToken($user_id, $token)) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('login', 'error_reset_invalid_link'), 'error');
return $this->executeLogin();
if(!empty($_POST['user_password_new']) && !empty($_POST['user_password_repeat'])) {
if($_POST['user_password_new'] !== $_POST['user_password_repeat']) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('login', 'error_login_passwords_nomatch'), 'error');
} else {
$result = $this->user->changePassword($user_id, $_POST['user_password_new']);
if($result) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('login', 'success_password_reset'), 'success');
return $this->executeLogin();
} else {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('login', 'error_login_incorrect'), 'error');
$user = $this->user->getUser($user_id);
$tpl_data = array(
'title_reset' => psm_get_lang('login', 'title_reset'),
'label_username' => psm_get_lang('login', 'username'),
'label_password' => psm_get_lang('login', 'password'),
'label_password_repeat' => psm_get_lang('login', 'password_repeat'),
'label_reset' => psm_get_lang('login', 'password_reset'),
'label_go_back' => psm_get_lang('system', 'go_back'),
'value_user_name' => $user->user_name,
return $this->twig->render('module/user/login/reset.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* Sends the password-reset-email.
* @param int $user_id
* @param string $user_email
* @param string $user_password_reset_hash
protected function sendPasswordForgotMail($user_id, $user_email, $user_password_reset_hash) {
$mail = psm_build_mail();
$mail->Subject = psm_get_lang('login' ,'password_reset_email_subject');
$url = psm_build_url(array(
'action' => 'reset',
'user_id' => $user_id,
'token' => $user_password_reset_hash,
), true, false);
$body = psm_get_lang('login', 'password_reset_email_body');
$body = str_replace('%link%', $url, $body);
$mail->Body = $body;
$mail->AltBody = str_replace('<br/>', "\n", $body);

View File

@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since phpservermon 3.0.0
namespace psm\Module\User\Controller;
use psm\Module\AbstractController;
use psm\Service\Database;
class LoginController extends AbstractController
public function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig)
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
'login', 'forgot', 'reset',
), 'login');
protected function executeLogin()
if (isset($_POST['user_name']) && isset($_POST['user_password'])) {
$rememberme = (isset($_POST['user_rememberme'])) ? true : false;
$result = $this->getUser()->loginWithPostData(
if ($result) {
// success login, redirect
header('Location: ' .
} else {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('login', 'error_login_incorrect'), 'error');
$tpl_data = array(
'title_sign_in' => psm_get_lang('login', 'title_sign_in'),
'label_username' => psm_get_lang('login', 'username'),
'label_password' => psm_get_lang('login', 'password'),
'label_remember_me' => psm_get_lang('login', 'remember_me'),
'label_login' => psm_get_lang('login', 'login'),
'label_password_forgot' => psm_get_lang('login', 'password_forgot'),
'value_user_name' => (isset($_POST['user_name'])) ? $_POST['user_name'] : '',
'value_rememberme' => (isset($rememberme) && $rememberme) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
return $this->twig->render('module/user/login/login.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* Show/process the password forgot form (before the mail)
* @return string
protected function executeForgot()
if (isset($_POST['user_name'])) {
$user = $this->getUser()->getUserByUsername($_POST['user_name']);
if (!empty($user)) {
$token = $this->getUser()->generatePasswordResetToken($user->user_id);
// we have a token, send it along
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('login', 'success_password_forgot'), 'success');
return $this->executeLogin();
} else {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('login', 'error_user_incorrect'), 'error');
$tpl_data = array(
'title_forgot' => psm_get_lang('login', 'title_forgot'),
'label_username' => psm_get_lang('login', 'username'),
'label_submit' => psm_get_lang('login', 'submit'),
'label_go_back' => psm_get_lang('system', 'go_back'),
return $this->twig->render('module/user/login/forgot.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* Show/process the password reset form (after the mail)
protected function executeReset()
$service_user = $this->getUser();
$user_id = (isset($_GET['user_id'])) ? intval($_GET['user_id']) : 0;
$token = (isset($_GET['token'])) ? $_GET['token'] : '';
if (!$service_user->verifyPasswordResetToken($user_id, $token)) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('login', 'error_reset_invalid_link'), 'error');
return $this->executeLogin();
if (!empty($_POST['user_password_new']) && !empty($_POST['user_password_repeat'])) {
if ($_POST['user_password_new'] !== $_POST['user_password_repeat']) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('login', 'error_login_passwords_nomatch'), 'error');
} else {
$result = $service_user->changePassword($user_id, $_POST['user_password_new']);
if ($result) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('login', 'success_password_reset'), 'success');
return $this->executeLogin();
} else {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('login', 'error_login_incorrect'), 'error');
$user = $service_user->getUser($user_id);
$tpl_data = array(
'title_reset' => psm_get_lang('login', 'title_reset'),
'label_username' => psm_get_lang('login', 'username'),
'label_password' => psm_get_lang('login', 'password'),
'label_password_repeat' => psm_get_lang('login', 'password_repeat'),
'label_reset' => psm_get_lang('login', 'password_reset'),
'label_go_back' => psm_get_lang('system', 'go_back'),
'value_user_name' => $user->user_name,
return $this->twig->render('module/user/login/reset.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* Sends the password-reset-email.
* @param int $user_id
* @param string $user_email
* @param string $user_password_reset_hash
protected function sendPasswordForgotMail($user_id, $user_email, $user_password_reset_hash)
$mail = psm_build_mail();
$mail->Subject = psm_get_lang('login', 'password_reset_email_subject');
$url = psm_build_url(array(
'action' => 'reset',
'user_id' => $user_id,
'token' => $user_password_reset_hash,
), true, false);
$body = psm_get_lang('login', 'password_reset_email_body');
$body = str_replace('%link%', $url, $body);
$mail->Body = $body;
$mail->AltBody = str_replace('<br/>', "\n", $body);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @since phpservermon 3.0.0
namespace psm\Module\User\Controller;
use psm\Module\AbstractController;
use psm\Service\Database;
class ProfileController extends AbstractController {
* Editable fields for the profile
* @var array $profile_fields
protected $profile_fields = array('name', 'user_name', 'mobile', 'pushover_key', 'pushover_device', 'email');
function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig) {
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
'index', 'save',
), 'index');
* Show the profile page
* @return string
protected function executeIndex() {
$this->twig->addGlobal('subtitle', psm_get_lang('users', 'profile'));
$user = $this->user->getUser(null, true);
$tpl_data = array(
'label_name' => psm_get_lang('users', 'name'),
'label_user_name' => psm_get_lang('users', 'user_name'),
'label_password' => psm_get_lang('users', 'password'),
'label_password_repeat' => psm_get_lang('users', 'password_repeat'),
'label_level' => psm_get_lang('users', 'level'),
'label_mobile' => psm_get_lang('users', 'mobile'),
'label_pushover' => psm_get_lang('users', 'pushover'),
'label_pushover_description' => psm_get_lang('users', 'pushover_description'),
'label_pushover_key' => psm_get_lang('users', 'pushover_key'),
'label_pushover_device' => psm_get_lang('users', 'pushover_device'),
'label_pushover_device_description' => psm_get_lang('users', 'pushover_device_description'),
'label_email' => psm_get_lang('users', 'email'),
'label_save' => psm_get_lang('system', 'save'),
'form_action' => psm_build_url(array(
'mod' => 'user_profile',
'action' => 'save',
'level' => psm_get_lang('users', 'level_' . $user->level),
'placeholder_password' => psm_get_lang('users', 'password_leave_blank'),
foreach($this->profile_fields as $field) {
$tpl_data[$field] = (isset($user->$field)) ? $user->$field : '';
return $this->twig->render('module/user/profile.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* Save the profile
protected function executeSave() {
if(empty($_POST)) {
// dont process anything if no data has been posted
return $this->executeIndex();
$validator = new \psm\Util\User\UserValidator($this->user);
$user = $this->user->getUser();
$fields = $this->profile_fields;
$fields[] = 'password';
$fields[] = 'password_repeat';
$clean = array();
foreach($fields as $field) {
if(isset($_POST[$field])) {
$clean[$field] = trim(strip_tags($_POST[$field]));
} else {
$clean[$field] = '';
// validate the lot
try {
$validator->username($clean['user_name'], $this->user->getUserId());
// always validate password for new users,
// but only validate it for existing users when they change it.
if($clean['password'] != '') {
$validator->password($clean['password'], $clean['password_repeat']);
} catch(\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('users', 'error_' . $e->getMessage()), 'error');
return $this->executeIndex();
if(!empty($clean['password'])) {
$password = $clean['password'];
$this->db->save(PSM_DB_PREFIX.'users', $clean, array('user_id' => $this->user->getUserId()));
if(isset($password)) {
$this->user->changePassword($this->user->getUserId(), $password);
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('users', 'profile_updated'), 'success');
return $this->executeIndex();

View File

@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
* PHP Server Monitor
* Monitor your servers and websites.
* This file is part of PHP Server Monitor.
* PHP Server Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PHP Server Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>.
* @package phpservermon
* @author Pepijn Over <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over <>
* @license GNU GPL v3
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @since phpservermon 3.0.0
namespace psm\Module\User\Controller;
use psm\Module\AbstractController;
use psm\Service\Database;
class ProfileController extends AbstractController
* Editable fields for the profile
* @var array $profile_fields
protected $profile_fields =
array('name', 'user_name', 'email', 'mobile', 'pushover_key', 'pushover_device', 'discord', 'webhook_url', 'webhook_json', 'telegram_id', 'jabber');
public function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig)
parent::__construct($db, $twig);
'index', 'save',
), 'index');
* Show the profile page
* @return string
protected function executeIndex()
$this->twig->addGlobal('subtitle', psm_get_lang('users', 'profile'));
$user = $this->getUser()->getUser(null, true);
$modal = new \psm\Util\Module\Modal(
'activate' . ucfirst('telegram'),
$modal->setTitle(psm_get_lang('users', 'activate_telegram'));
$modal->setMessage(psm_get_lang('users', 'activate_telegram_description'));
$modal->setOKButtonLabel(psm_get_lang('system', 'activate'));
$tpl_data = array(
'label_general' => psm_get_lang('config', 'general'),
'label_name' => psm_get_lang('users', 'name'),
'label_user_name' => psm_get_lang('users', 'user_name'),
'label_password' => psm_get_lang('users', 'password'),
'label_password_repeat' => psm_get_lang('users', 'password_repeat'),
'label_level' => psm_get_lang('users', 'level'),
'label_mobile' => psm_get_lang('users', 'mobile'),
'label_webhook' => psm_get_lang('users', 'webhook'),
'label_webhook_description' => psm_get_lang('users', 'webhook_description'),
'label_webhook_url' => psm_get_lang('users', 'webhook_url'),
'label_webhook_url_description' => psm_get_lang('users', 'webhook_url_description'),
'label_webhook_json' => psm_get_lang('users', 'webhook_json'),
'label_webhook_json_description' => psm_get_lang('users', 'webhook_json_description'),
'label_pushover' => psm_get_lang('users', 'pushover'),
'label_pushover_description' => psm_get_lang('users', 'pushover_description'),
'label_pushover_key' => psm_get_lang('users', 'pushover_key'),
'label_pushover_device' => psm_get_lang('users', 'pushover_device'),
'label_pushover_device_description' => psm_get_lang('users', 'pushover_device_description'),
'label_discord' => psm_get_lang('users', 'discord'),
'label_discord_description' => psm_get_lang('users', 'discord_description'),
'label_telegram' => psm_get_lang('users', 'telegram'),
'label_telegram_description' => psm_get_lang('users', 'telegram_description'),
'label_telegram_chat_id' => psm_get_lang('users', 'telegram_chat_id'),
'label_telegram_chat_id_description' => psm_get_lang('users', 'telegram_chat_id_description'),
'label_activate_telegram' => psm_get_lang('users', 'activate_telegram'),
'label_telegram_get_chat_id' => psm_get_lang('users', 'telegram_get_chat_id'),
'telegram_get_chat_id_url' => PSM_TELEGRAM_GET_ID_URL,
'label_jabber' => psm_get_lang('users', 'jabber'),
'label_jabber_description' => psm_get_lang('users', 'jabber_description'),
'label_email' => psm_get_lang('users', 'email'),
'label_save' => psm_get_lang('system', 'save'),
'form_action' => psm_build_url(array(
'mod' => 'user_profile',
'action' => 'save',
'level' => psm_get_lang('users', 'level_' . $user->level),
'placeholder_password' => psm_get_lang('users', 'password_leave_blank'),
foreach ($this->profile_fields as $field) {
$tpl_data[$field] = (isset($user->$field)) ? $user->$field : '';
return $this->twig->render('module/user/profile.tpl.html', $tpl_data);
* Save the profile
protected function executeSave()
if (empty($_POST)) {
// dont process anything if no data has been posted
return $this->executeIndex();
$validator = $this->container->get('util.user.validator');
$fields = $this->profile_fields;
$fields[] = 'password';
$fields[] = 'password_repeat';
$clean = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (isset($_POST[$field])) {
$clean[$field] = trim(strip_tags($_POST[$field]));
} else {
$clean[$field] = '';
// validate the lot
try {
$validator->username($clean['user_name'], $this->getUser()->getUserId());
// always validate password for new users,
// but only validate it for existing users when they change it.
if ($clean['password'] != '') {
$validator->password($clean['password'], $clean['password_repeat']);
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('users', 'error_' . $e->getMessage()), 'error');
return $this->executeIndex();
if (!empty($clean['password'])) {
$password = $clean['password'];
$this->db->save(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'users', $clean, array('user_id' => $this->getUser()->getUserId()));
new \psm\Module\User\Event\UserEvent($this->getUser()->getUserId())
if (isset($password)) {
$this->getUser()->changePassword($this->getUser()->getUserId(), $password);
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('users', 'profile_updated'), 'success');
if (!empty($_POST['activate_telegram'])) {
return $this->executeIndex();
* Allow the bot to send notifications to chat_id
protected function activateTelegram()
$telegram = psm_build_telegram();
$apiToken = psm_get_conf('telegram_api_token');
if (empty($apiToken)) {
$this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'telegram_error_notoken'), 'error');
$result = $telegram->getBotUsername();
if (isset($result['ok']) && $result['ok'] != false) {
$url = "" . $result["result"]["username"];
$this->addMessage(sprintf(psm_get_lang('users', 'telegram_bot_username_found'), $url), 'success');
if (isset($result['error_code']) && $result['error_code'] == 401) {
$error = psm_get_lang('users', 'telegram_bot_username_error_token');
} elseif (isset($result['description'])) {
$error = $result['description'];
} else {
$error = 'Unknown';
$this->addMessage(sprintf(psm_get_lang('users', 'telegram_bot_error'), $error), 'error');

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More