# == Class: elasticsearch # # This class is able to install or remove elasticsearch on a node. # It manages the status of the related service. # # === Parameters # # [*ensure*] # String. Controls if the managed resources shall be present or # absent. If set to absent: # * The managed software packages are being uninstalled. # * Any traces of the packages will be purged as good as possible. This may # include existing configuration files. The exact behavior is provider # dependent. Q.v.: # * Puppet type reference: {package, "purgeable"}[http://j.mp/xbxmNP] # * {Puppet's package provider source code}[http://j.mp/wtVCaL] # * System modifications (if any) will be reverted as good as possible # (e.g. removal of created users, services, changed log settings, ...). # * This is thus destructive and should be used with care. # Defaults to present. # # [*autoupgrade*] # Boolean. If set to true, any managed package gets upgraded # on each Puppet run when the package provider is able to find a newer # version than the present one. The exact behavior is provider dependent. # Q.v.: # * Puppet type reference: {package, "upgradeable"}[http://j.mp/xbxmNP] # * {Puppet's package provider source code}[http://j.mp/wtVCaL] # Defaults to false. # # [*status*] # String to define the status of the service. Possible values: # * enabled: Service is running and will be started at boot time. # * disabled: Service is stopped and will not be started at boot # time. # * running: Service is running but will not be started at boot time. # You can use this to start a service on the first Puppet run instead of # the system startup. # * unmanaged: Service will not be started at boot time and Puppet # does not care whether the service is running or not. For example, this may # be useful if a cluster management software is used to decide when to start # the service plus assuring it is running on the desired node. # Defaults to enabled. The singular form ("service") is used for the # sake of convenience. Of course, the defined status affects all services if # more than one is managed (see service.pp to check if this is the # case). # # [*version*] # String to set the specific version you want to install. # Defaults to false. # # [*restart_on_change*] # Boolean that determines if the application should be automatically restarted # whenever the configuration changes. Disabling automatic restarts on config # changes may be desired in an environment where you need to ensure restarts # occur in a controlled/rolling manner rather than during a Puppet run. # # Defaults to true, which will restart the application on any config # change. Setting to false disables the automatic restart. # # [*confdir*] # Path to directory containing the elasticsearch configuration. # Use this setting if your packages deviate from the norm (/etc/elasticsearch) # # [*plugindir*] # Path to directory containing the elasticsearch plugins # Use this setting if your packages deviate from the norm (/usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins) # # [*plugintool*] # Path to directory containing the elasticsearch plugin installation script # Use this setting if your packages deviate from the norm (/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin) # # The default values for the parameters are set in elasticsearch::params. Have # a look at the corresponding params.pp manifest file if you need more # technical information about them. # # === Examples # # * Installation, make sure service is running and will be started at boot time: # class { 'elasticsearch': } # # * Removal/decommissioning: # class { 'elasticsearch': # ensure => 'absent', # } # # * Install everything but disable service(s) afterwards # class { 'elasticsearch': # status => 'disabled', # } # # # === Authors # # * Richard Pijnenburg # class elasticsearch( $ensure = $elasticsearch::params::ensure, $status = $elasticsearch::params::status, $restart_on_change = $elasticsearch::params::restart_on_change, $autoupgrade = $elasticsearch::params::autoupgrade, $version = false, $package_provider = 'package', $package_url = undef, $package_dir = $elasticsearch::params::package_dir, $purge_package_dir = $elasticsearch::params::purge_package_dir, $elasticsearch_user = $elasticsearch::params::elasticsearch_user, $elasticsearch_group = $elasticsearch::params::elasticsearch_group, $purge_confdir = $elasticsearch::params::purge_confdir, $service_provider = 'init', $init_defaults = undef, $init_defaults_file = undef, $init_template = undef, $config = {}, $confdir = $elasticsearch::params::confdir, $datadir = undef, $plugindir = $elasticsearch::params::plugindir, $plugintool = $elasticsearch::params::plugintool, $java_install = false, $java_package = undef ) inherits elasticsearch::params { anchor {'elasticsearch::begin': } anchor {'elasticsearch::end': } #### Validate parameters # ensure if ! ($ensure in [ 'present', 'absent' ]) { fail("\"${ensure}\" is not a valid ensure parameter value") } # autoupgrade validate_bool($autoupgrade) # service status if ! ($status in [ 'enabled', 'disabled', 'running', 'unmanaged' ]) { fail("\"${status}\" is not a valid status parameter value") } # restart on change validate_bool($restart_on_change) # purge conf dir validate_bool($purge_confdir) if ! ($service_provider in $elasticsearch::params::service_providers) { fail("\"${service_provider}\" is not a valid provider for \"${::operatingsystem}\"") } if ($package_url != undef and $version != false) { fail('Unable to set the version number when using package_url option.') } # validate config hash validate_hash($config) # java install validation validate_bool($java_install) #### Manage actions # package(s) class { 'elasticsearch::package': } # configuration class { 'elasticsearch::config': } # service(s) class { 'elasticsearch::service': } if $java_install == true { # Install java class { 'elasticsearch::java': } # ensure we first java java and then manage the service Anchor['elasticsearch::begin'] -> Class['elasticsearch::java'] -> Class['elasticsearch::service'] } #### Manage relationships if $ensure == 'present' { # we need the software before configuring it Anchor['elasticsearch::begin'] -> Class['elasticsearch::package'] -> Class['elasticsearch::config'] # we need the software and a working configuration before running a service Class['elasticsearch::package'] -> Class['elasticsearch::service'] Class['elasticsearch::config'] -> Class['elasticsearch::service'] Class['elasticsearch::service'] -> Anchor['elasticsearch::end'] } else { # make sure all services are getting stopped before software removal Anchor['elasticsearch::begin'] -> Class['elasticsearch::service'] -> Class['elasticsearch::package'] -> Anchor['elasticsearch::end'] } }