# == Define: elasticsearch::template # # This define allows you to insert, update or delete templates that are used within Elasticsearch for the indexes # # === Parameters # # [*file*] # File path of the template ( json file ) # Value type is string # Default value: undef # This variable is optional # # [*replace*] # Set to 'true' if you intend to replace the existing template # Value type is boolean # Default value: false # This variable is optional # # [*delete*] # Set to 'true' if you intend to delete the existing template # Value type is boolean # Default value: false # This variable is optional # # [*host*] # Host name or IP address of the ES instance to connect to # Value type is string # Default value: localhost # This variable is optional # # [*port*] # Port number of the ES instance to connect to # Value type is number # Default value: 9200 # This variable is optional # # === Authors # # * Richard Pijnenburg # define elasticsearch::template( $ensure = 'present', $file = undef, $host = 'localhost', $port = 9200 ) { require elasticsearch # ensure if ! ($ensure in [ 'present', 'absent' ]) { fail("\"${ensure}\" is not a valid ensure parameter value") } if ! is_integer($port) { fail("\"${port}\" is not an integer") } Exec { path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/local/bin' ], cwd => '/', tries => 3, try_sleep => 10 } # Build up the url $es_url = "http://${host}:${port}/_template/${name}" # Can't do a replace and delete at the same time if ($ensure == 'present') { # Fail when no file is supplied if $file == undef { fail('The variable "file" cannot be empty when inserting or updating a template') } else { # we are good to go. notify to insert in case we deleted $insert_notify = Exec[ "insert_template_${name}" ] } } else { $insert_notify = undef } # Delete the existing template # First check if it exists of course exec { "delete_template_${name}": command => "curl -s -XDELETE ${es_url}", onlyif => "test $(curl -s '${es_url}?pretty=true' | wc -l) -gt 1", notify => $insert_notify, refreshonly => true } if ($ensure == 'present') { # place the template file file { "${elasticsearch::confdir}/templates_import/elasticsearch-template-${name}.json": ensure => 'present', source => $file, notify => Exec[ "delete_template_${name}" ], require => Exec[ 'mkdir_templates' ], } exec { "insert_template_${name}": command => "curl -s -XPUT ${es_url} -d @${elasticsearch::confdir}/templates_import/elasticsearch-template-${name}.json", unless => "test $(curl -s '${es_url}?pretty=true' | wc -l) -gt 1", refreshonly => true } } }