. */ /** * * Autoload * */ function __autoload($class) { // first check if a subdir exists for the class // it splits using uppercase chars preg_match_all("/(\P{Lu}+)|(\p{Lu}+\P{Lu}*)/", $class, $subdir_matches); if(!empty($subdir_matches) && count($subdir_matches[0]) > 1) { // okay we have some upper case, lets see if a dir exists $dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/classes/' . trim($subdir_matches[0][0]); $file = $dir . '/' . trim($class) . '.class.php'; if(is_dir($dir) && file_exists($file)) { require $file; return $file; } } else { $file = dirname(__FILE__).'/classes/'.trim(strtolower($class)).'.class.php'; if(file_exists($file)){ require $file; return $file; } } trigger_error("KERNEL_ERR : Unable to find file:\n\t\t[$file]\n\t associated with class:\n\t\t$class", E_USER_ERROR); return false; } ############################################### # # Language functions # ############################################### /** * Retrieve language settings from the selected language file * * @return string * @see sm_load_lang() */ function sm_get_lang() { $args = func_get_args(); if(empty($args)) return $GLOBALS['sm_lang']; $result = null; $node = null; if($args) { $node = '$GLOBALS[\'sm_lang\'][\'' . implode('\'][\'', $args) . '\']'; } eval('if (isset('.$node.')) $result = '.$node.';'); return $result; } /** * Load language from the language file to the $GLOBALS['sm_lang'] variable * * @param string $lang language * @see sm_get_lang() */ function sm_load_lang($lang) { $lang_file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/lang/' . $lang . '.lang.php'; if(!file_exists($lang_file)) { die('unable to load language file: ' . $lang_file); } require $lang_file; $GLOBALS['sm_lang'] = $sm_lang; } /** * Get a setting from the config. * The config must have been loaded first using sm_load_conf() * * @param string $key * @return string * @see sm_load_conf() */ function sm_get_conf($key) { $result = (isset($GLOBALS['sm_config'][$key])) ? $GLOBALS['sm_config'][$key] : null; return $result; } /** * Load config from the database to the $GLOBALS['sm_config'] variable * * @global object $db * @see sm_get_conf() */ function sm_load_conf() { global $db; // load config from database into global scope $GLOBALS['sm_config'] = array(); $config_db = $db->select(SM_DB_PREFIX . 'config', null, array('key', 'value')); foreach($config_db as $setting) { $GLOBALS['sm_config'][$setting['key']] = $setting['value']; } if(empty($GLOBALS['sm_config']) && basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) != 'install.php') { // no config found, go to install page die('Failed to load config table. Please run the install.php file'); } } ############################################### # # Miscellaneous functions # ############################################### /** * This function merely adds the message to the log table. It does not perform any checks, * everything should have been handled when calling this function * * @param string $server_id * @param string $message */ function sm_add_log($server_id, $type, $message, $user_id = null) { global $db; $db->save( SM_DB_PREFIX.'log', array( 'server_id' => $server_id, 'type' => $type, 'message' => $message, 'user_id' => ($user_id === null) ? '' : $user_id, ) ); } /** * Parses a string from the language file with the correct variables replaced in the message * * @param string $status is either 'on' or 'off' * @param string $type is either 'sms' or 'email' * @param array $server information about the server which may be placed in a message: %KEY% will be replaced by your value * @return string parsed message */ function sm_parse_msg($status, $type, $vars) { $message = ''; $message = sm_get_lang('notifications', $status . '_' . $type); if(!$message) { return $message; } $vars['date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); foreach($vars as $k => $v) { $message = str_replace('%' . strtoupper($k) . '%', $v, $message); } return $message; } /** * Shortcut to curl_init(), curl_exec and curl_close() * * @param string $href * @return string cURL result */ function sm_curl_get($href) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $href); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $result; } /** * Check if an update is available for PHP Server Monitor * * @global object $db * @return boolean */ function sm_check_updates() { global $db; $last_update = sm_get_conf('last_update_check'); if((time() - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60)) > $last_update) { // been more than a week since update, lets go // update "update-date" $db->save(SM_DB_PREFIX . 'config', array('value' => time()), array('key' => 'last_update_check')); $latest = sm_curl_get('http://phpservermon.neanderthal-technology.com/version'); $current = sm_get_conf('version'); if((int) $current < (int) $latest) { // new update available return true; } } return false; } ############################################### # # Debug functions # ############################################### /** * Only used for debugging and testing * * @param mixed $arr */ function pre($arr = null) { echo "
	if ($arr === null) debug_print_backtrace();
	echo "
"; } /** * Send headers to the browser to avoid caching */ function sm_no_cache() { header("Expires: Mon, 20 Dec 1998 01:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); } ?>