. * * @package phpservermon * @author Victor Macko * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt GNU GPL v3 * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://www.phpservermonitor.org/ * @since phpservermon 3.1 **/ namespace psm\Txtmsg; class Smsglobal extends Core { // ========================================================================= // [ Fields ] // ========================================================================= public $gateway = 1; public $resultcode = null; public $resultmessage = null; public $success = false; public $successcount = 0; /** * Send the SMS message * @param string $message * @return boolean (true = message was sent successfully, false = there was a problem sending the message) */ public function sendSMS($message) { $recipients = join(',', $this->recipients); if(count($recipients) == 0) { return false; } /** * Documentation is here: http://www.smsglobal.com/http-api/ * Recipient numbers should be in the MSIDSN format (eg. 61400111222). The '+' sign should not be included before the country code. */ $from = urlencode(substr($this->originator,0 , 11)); // Max 11 Char. $url = 'http://www.smsglobal.com/http-api.php' . '?action=sendsms' . '&user=' . $this->username . '&password=' . $this->password . '&from=' . $from . '&to=' . rawurlencode($recipients) . '&clientcharset=ISO-8859-1' . '&text=' . substr(rawurlencode($message), 0, 153); $returnedData = file_get_contents($url); $isOk = strpos($returnedData, 'OK: 0') !== false; $this->success = $isOk; $this->resultmessage = $returnedData; if(!$isOk) { error_log($this->resultmessage, E_USER_NOTICE); } return $isOk; } }