. * * @package phpservermon * @author Axel Wehner * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt GNU GPL v3 * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://www.phpservermonitor.org/ * @since phpservermon 3.2.1 **/ namespace psm\Txtmsg; /** * CMBulkSMS - Class for CM Telecom's Bulk SMS Gateway API * * Sending SMS notifications via the CM Telecom Bulk SMS Gateway * Please use the gateway password field in your configuration for the CM API-Token * * Requirements: cURL v7.18.1+ and OpenSSL 0.9.8j+ */ class CMBulkSMS extends Core { /** @var bool True when cURL request succeeded */ public $result = true; /** @var string Contains error message if cURL request failed */ public $error = ''; /** @var bool Set to true for debug output/logging */ protected $debug = false; /** @var bool Set to false if your operator isn't able to handle multipart messages */ protected $multipartMessage = true; /** @var string|null Gateway API URL uses const GATEWAY_URL_XML or GATEWAY_URL_JSON */ protected $apiUrl; /** @var string Gateway API Type: Use 'json' (default) or 'xml' */ protected $apiType = 'json'; /** @var string|null JSON or XML message for cURL request */ protected $request; /** @var string|null HTTP Content-Type for cURL request */ protected $contentType; /** @var string|null Raw sms text message */ protected $messageBody; /** @var string JSON Gateway API URL */ public const GATEWAY_URL_JSON = "https://gw.cmtelecom.com/v1.0/message"; /** @var string XML Gateway API URL */ public const GATEWAY_URL_XML = "https://sgw01.cm.nl/gateway.ashx"; /** * Build the message and send cURL request to the sms gateway * * @see https://docs.cmtelecom.com/bulk-sms/v1.0#/send_a_message%7Csample_requests * @param string $message Your text message * @return bool|string true when cURL request was successful, otherwise string with error message */ public function sendSMS($message) { // Check if recipient and text message are available if (count($this->recipients) < 1 || empty($message)) { return false; } // Prepare the message in CM's XML or JSON format switch ($this->apiType) { case 'xml': $this->request = $this->buildMessageXml(); $this->contentType = 'Content-Type: application/xml'; $this->apiUrl = self::GATEWAY_URL_XML; break; case 'json': default: $this->request = $this->buildMessageJson(); $this->contentType = 'Content-Type: application/json'; $this->apiUrl = self::GATEWAY_URL_JSON; break; } $request = $this->executeCurlRequest(); return $request; } /** * Create a JSON batch sms message using CM's format * * @see https://docs.cmtelecom.com/bulk-sms/v1.0#/send_a_message%7Cbatch_messages * @see https://docs.cmtelecom.com/bulk-sms/v1.0#/send_a_message%7Csample_requests * @see https://docs.cmtelecom.com/bulk-sms/v1.0#/send_a_message%7Cmultipart * @return string JSON message object */ protected function buildMessageJson() { // Prepare recipient array for batch message $recipients = array(); foreach ($this->recipients as $recipient) { $recipients[] = array('number' => $recipient); } // Build message array in CM's Bulk SMS format $msgArray = array( 'messages' => array( 'authentication' => array( 'producttoken' => $this->password ), 'msg' => array( array( 'from' => substr($this->originator, 0, 15), 'to' => $recipients, 'body' => array( 'content' => $message ) ) ) ) ); // Multipart message if ($this->multipartMessage) { $msgArray['messages']['msg'][0]['minimumNumberOfMessageParts'] = 1; $msgArray['messages']['msg'][0]['maximumNumberOfMessageParts'] = 8; } // Convert array in JSON object return json_encode($msgArray); } /** * Create a XML batch sms message in CM's format * * @see https://docs.cmtelecom.com/bulk-sms/v1.0#/send_a_message%7Cbatch_messages * @see https://docs.cmtelecom.com/bulk-sms/v1.0#/send_a_message%7Csample_requests * @see https://docs.cmtelecom.com/bulk-sms/v1.0#/send_a_message%7Cmultipart * @return string XML message */ protected function buildMessageXml() { // Create XML string $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement(''); // API-Token $auth = $xml->addChild('AUTHENTICATION'); $auth->addChild('PRODUCTTOKEN', $this->password); // Message $msg = $xml->addChild('MSG'); // From $msg->addChild('FROM', substr($this->originator, 0, 15)); // Recipients foreach ($this->recipients as $recipient) { $msg->addChild('TO', $recipient); } // Multipart message if ($this->multipartMessage) { $msg->addChild('MINIMUMNUMBEROFMESSAGEPARTS', 1); $msg->addChild('MAXIMUMNUMBEROFMESSAGEPARTS', 8); } // Add body text $msg->addChild('BODY', $message); return $xml->asXML(); } /** * Create and execute the curl request * * @return boolean|string boolean if message is sent, else string */ protected function executeCurlRequest() { $cr = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($cr, array( CURLOPT_URL => $this->apiUrl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array($this->contentType), CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $this->request, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR => true )); // execute curl request and fetch the response/error $cResponse = curl_exec($cr); $cError = curl_error($cr); $cErrorCode = curl_errno($cr); curl_close($cr); // set result and log error if needed if ($cError) { $this->error = 'Response: CM SMS API:' . $cResponse . ' cURL Error Code: ' . $cErrorCode . '"' . $cError . '"'; error_log($this->error, E_USER_ERROR); $this->result = false; } // Debug output // Note: CM's XML gateway gives no response when message is sent successfully :/ if ($this->debug || PSM_DEBUG) { $debug = '
Request: ' . $this->request . '
Response: ' . $cResponse . '
'; error_log("Request: $this->request\r\nResponse: $cResponse", E_USER_NOTICE); echo $debug; } return $this->result ? $this->result : $this->error; } }