. * * @package phpservermon * @author manhere * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Pepijn Over * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt GNU GPL v3 * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://www.phpservermonitor.org/ **/ $sm_lang = array( 'name' => '中文 - Chinese', 'locale' => array('zh_CN.UTF-8', 'zh_CN', 'chinese', 'chinese-cn'), 'locale_tag' => 'zh', 'locale_dir' => 'ltr', 'system' => array( 'title' => 'Server Monitor', 'install' => '安装', 'action' => '操作', 'save' => '保存', 'edit' => '编辑', 'delete' => '删除', 'date' => '日期', 'message' => '消息', 'yes' => '是', 'no' => '否o', 'insert' => '插入', 'add_new' => '添加', 'update_available' => '发现新版本({version}) http://www.phpservermonitor.org.', 'back_to_top' => '返回顶部', 'go_back' => '后退', 'ok' => 'OK', 'cancel' => 'Cancel', // date/time format according the strftime php function format parameter http://php.net/manual/function.strftime.php 'short_day_format' => '%B %e', 'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y', 'yesterday_format' => '昨日 %k:%M', 'other_day_format' => '%A %k:%M', 'never' => '从未', 'hours_ago' => '%d 小时前', 'an_hour_ago' => '1小时前', 'minutes_ago' => '%d 分钟前', 'a_minute_ago' => '1分钟前', 'seconds_ago' => '%d 秒前', 'a_second_ago' => '刚刚', ), 'menu' => array( 'config' => '设置', 'server' => '服务器', 'server_log' => '日志', 'server_status' => '状态', 'server_update' => '更新', 'user' => '用户', 'help' => '帮助', ), 'users' => array( 'user' => '用户', 'name' => '名称', 'user_name' => '用户名', 'password' => '密码', 'password_repeat' => '重复密码', 'password_leave_blank' => '留空为不修改', 'level' => '等级', 'level_10' => '超级管理员', 'level_20' => '普通用户', 'level_description' => '超级管理员 拥有所有权限: 管理服务器, 用户 以及修改设置.
普通用户 只能查看及更新自己名下所属的服务器.', 'mobile' => '手机', 'email' => '邮件', 'pushover' => 'Pushover', 'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See their website for more info.', 'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key', 'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device', 'pushover_device_description' => 'Device name to send the message to. Leave empty to send it to all devices.', 'delete_title' => 'Delete User', 'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete user \'%1\'?', 'deleted' => 'User deleted.', 'updated' => '用户已更新.', 'inserted' => '用户已添加.', 'profile' => '个人资料', 'profile_updated' => '个人资料已更新.', 'error_user_name_bad_length' => '用户名长度必须为2-64个字符.', 'error_user_name_invalid' => '用户名只允许使用字母 (a-z, A-Z), 数字 (0-9) 及下划线 (_).', 'error_user_name_exists' => '该用户名已存在.', 'error_user_email_bad_length' => '电子邮箱长度必须为5-255个字符.', 'error_user_email_invalid' => '无效的邮箱地址.', 'error_user_level_invalid' => '该用户等级无效.', 'error_user_no_match' => '该用户名不存在.', 'error_user_password_invalid' => '密码无效.', 'error_user_password_no_match' => '密码不符.', ), 'log' => array( 'title' => '日志概览', 'type' => '类型', 'status' => '状态', 'email' => '邮件', 'sms' => '短信', 'pushover' => 'Pushover', 'no_logs' => 'No logs', ), 'servers' => array( 'server' => '服务器', 'status' => '状态', 'label' => '标签', 'domain' => '域名/IP', 'timeout' => 'Timeout', 'timeout_description' => 'Number of seconds to wait for the server to respond.', 'port' => '端口', 'type' => '类型', 'type_website' => '网站', 'type_service' => '服务', 'pattern' => '字符串/正则匹配', 'pattern_description' => '如果在网站上未找到对应匹配内容, 则标记该网站为离线. 支持正则表达式.', 'last_check' => '最后检查', 'last_online' => '最后在线', 'monitoring' => '监控中', 'no_monitoring' => 'No monitoring', 'email' => '邮件', 'send_email' => '发送邮件', 'sms' => '短信', 'send_sms' => '发送短信', 'pushover' => 'Pushover', 'users' => 'Users', 'delete_title' => 'Delete Server', 'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete server \'%1\'?', 'deleted' => 'Server deleted.', 'updated' => '服务器已更新.', 'inserted' => '服务器已添加.', 'latency' => '延迟', 'latency_max' => '延迟(最大)', 'latency_min' => '延迟(最小)', 'latency_avg' => '延迟(平均)', 'uptime' => 'Uptime', 'year' => '年', 'month' => '月', 'week' => '周', 'day' => '日', 'hour' => '小时', 'warning_threshold' => '报警阈值', 'warning_threshold_description' => '失败达到多少次数则标记为离线.', 'chart_last_week' => '上周', 'chart_history' => '更早', // Charts date format according jqPlot date format http://www.jqplot.com/docs/files/plugins/jqplot-dateAxisRenderer-js.html 'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d', 'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M', 'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M', 'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS notifications are disabled.', 'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email notifications are disabled.', 'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover notifications are disabled.', 'error_server_no_match' => 'Server not found.', 'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'The label must be between 1 and 255 characters.', 'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'The domain / IP must be between 1 and 255 characters.', 'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'The IP address is not valid.', 'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'The website URL is not valid.', 'error_server_type_invalid' => 'The selected server type is invalid.', 'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'The warning threshold must be a valid integer greater than 0.', ), 'config' => array( 'general' => '通用', 'language' => '语言', 'show_update' => '每周检查更新?', 'email_status' => '允许发送邮件?', 'email_from_email' => '发件人地址', 'email_from_name' => '发件人名称', 'email_smtp' => '使用SMTP发送', 'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP主机', 'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP端口', 'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP security', 'email_smtp_security_none' => 'None', 'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP用户名', 'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP密码', 'email_smtp_noauth' => '留空为无验证', 'sms_status' => '允许发送短信SMS?', 'sms_gateway' => '短信SMS发送网关', 'sms_gateway_mosms' => 'Mosms', 'sms_gateway_mollie' => 'Mollie', 'sms_gateway_spryng' => 'Spryng', 'sms_gateway_inetworx' => 'Inetworx', 'sms_gateway_clickatell' => 'Clickatell', 'sms_gateway_textmarketer' => 'Textmarketer', 'sms_gateway_smsglobal' => 'SMSGlobal', 'sms_gateway_octopush' => 'Octopush', 'sms_gateway_smsit' => 'Smsit', 'sms_gateway_freevoipdeal' => 'FreeVoipDeal', 'sms_gateway_nexmo' => 'Nexmo', 'sms_gateway_username' => 'SMS网关用户名', 'sms_gateway_password' => 'SMS网关密码', 'sms_from' => '发信人电话号', 'pushover_status' => 'Allow sending Pushover messages', 'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See their website for more info.', 'pushover_clone_app' => 'Click here to create your Pushover app', 'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token', 'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Before you can use Pushover, you need to register an App at their website and enter the App API Token here.', 'alert_type' => '如果想要收到提醒请选中此项.', 'alert_type_description' => '状态变化: '. '服务器 online -> offline 或 offline -> online 的状态变化将会收到提醒.
'. '
离线状态: '. '服务器首次发生离线状态将会收到提醒 ,如:'. 'cronjob 设定为15分钟执行一次, 服务器从1:00-6:00一直处于当状态'. '那么你将于1:00首次发现脱机时收到一条提醒,之后不会重复提醒.
'. '
总是提醒: '. '每次脚本执行或站点离线(即使站点离线很久已提醒过)均发送提醒.', 'alert_type_status' => '状态变化', 'alert_type_offline' => '离线状态', 'alert_type_always' => '总是提醒', 'log_status' => '状态记录', 'log_status_description' => '如果状态记录设置为开, 提醒发送时均会保存记录.', 'log_email' => '记录脚本所发邮件?', 'log_sms' => '记录脚本所发短信SMS?', 'log_pushover' => 'Log pushover messages sent by the script', 'updated' => '设置已更新.', 'tab_email' => '邮件发送设置', 'tab_sms' => '短信发送设置', 'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover', 'settings_email' => '邮件发送设置', 'settings_sms' => '短信发送设置', 'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover settings', 'settings_notification' => '提醒设置', 'settings_log' => '日志设置', 'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-refresh', 'auto_refresh_servers' => '自动刷新服务器页.
'. ''. '单位为秒, 设置为0则不自动刷新.'. '', 'seconds' => 'seconds', 'test' => 'Test', 'test_email' => 'An email will be sent to the address specified in your user profile.', 'test_sms' => 'An SMS will be sent to the phone number specified in your user profile.', 'test_pushover' => 'A Pushover notification will be sent to the user key/device specified in your user profile.', 'send' => 'Send', 'test_subject' => 'Test', 'test_message' => 'Test message', 'email_sent' => 'Email sent', 'email_error' => 'Error in email sending', 'sms_sent' => 'Sms sent', 'sms_error' => 'Error in sms sending', 'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Unable to send test SMS: no valid phone number found in your profile.', 'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover notification sent', 'pushover_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Pushover notification: %s', 'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover App API token found in the global configuration.', 'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover key found in your profile.', 'log_retention_period' => 'Log retention period', 'log_retention_period_description' => 'Number of days to keep logs of notifications and archives of server uptime. Enter 0 to disable log cleanup.', 'log_retention_days' => 'days', ), // for newlines in the email messages use
'notifications' => array( 'off_sms' => '服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 宕机: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Error=%ERROR%', 'off_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: 服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 宕机', 'off_email_body' => "无法连接到以下服务器:

服务器: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
错误: %ERROR%
日期: %DATE%", 'off_pushover_title' => '服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 宕机', 'off_pushover_message' => "无法连接到以下服务器:

服务器: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
错误: %ERROR%
日期: %DATE%", 'on_sms' => '服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 运行中: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%', 'on_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: 服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 运行中', 'on_email_body' => "服务器 '%LABEL%' 恢复运行:

服务器: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
日期: %DATE%", 'on_pushover_title' => '服务器 \'%LABEL%\' 运行中', 'on_pushover_message' => "服务器 '%LABEL%' 恢复运行:

服务器: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
日期: %DATE%", ), 'login' => array( 'welcome_usermenu' => '欢迎, %user_name%', 'title_sign_in' => '请登录', 'title_forgot' => '忘记密码?', 'title_reset' => '重设密码', 'submit' => '提交', 'remember_me' => '记住我', 'login' => '登录', 'logout' => '注销', 'username' => '用户名', 'password' => '密码', 'password_repeat' => '重复密码', 'password_forgot' => '忘记密码?', 'password_reset' => '重设密码', 'password_reset_email_subject' => '重设你的密码', 'password_reset_email_body' => '点击以下链接重设密码. 链接1小时内有效.

%link%', 'error_user_incorrect' => '该用户不存在.', 'error_login_incorrect' => '登录信息不正确.', 'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => '密码不符.', 'error_reset_invalid_link' => '重设密码链接无效.', 'success_password_forgot' => '密码重设邮件已发送.', 'success_password_reset' => '密码重设成功.请登录.', ), 'error' => array( '401_unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized', '401_unauthorized_description' => 'You do not have the privileges to view this page.', ), );