# == Class: mongodb # # Direct use of this class is deprecated. Please use mongodb::server # # Manage mongodb installations on RHEL, CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu - either # installing from the 10Gen repo or from EPEL in the case of EL systems. # # === Parameters # # enable_10gen (default: false) - Whether or not to set up 10gen software repositories # init (auto discovered) - override init (sysv or upstart) for Debian derivatives # location - override apt location configuration for Debian derivatives # packagename (auto discovered) - override the package name # servicename (auto discovered) - override the service name # service-enable (default: true) - Enable the service and ensure it is running # # === Examples # # To install with defaults from the distribution packages on any system: # include mongodb # # To install from 10gen on a EL server # class { 'mongodb': # enable_10gen => true, # } # # === Authors # # Craig Dunn # # === Copyright # # Copyright 2013 PuppetLabs # class mongodb ( # Deprecated parameters $enable_10gen = undef, $init = $mongodb::params::service_provider, $location = '', $packagename = undef, $version = undef, $servicename = $mongodb::params::service_name, $service_enable = true, #deprecated $logpath = $mongodb::params::logpath, $logappend = true, $fork = $mongodb::params::fork, $port = 27017, $dbpath = $mongodb::params::dbpath, $journal = undef, $nojournal = undef, $smallfiles = undef, $cpu = undef, $noauth = undef, $auth = undef, $verbose = undef, $objcheck = undef, $quota = undef, $oplog = undef, #deprecated it's on if replica set $oplog_size = undef, $nohints = undef, $nohttpinterface = undef, $noscripting = undef, $notablescan = undef, $noprealloc = undef, $nssize = undef, $mms_token = undef, $mms_name = undef, $mms_interval = undef, $slave = undef, $only = undef, $master = undef, $source = undef, $replset = undef, $rest = undef, $slowms = undef, $keyfile = undef, $bind_ip = undef, $pidfilepath = undef ) inherits mongodb::params { if $enable_10gen { fail("Parameter enable_10gen is no longer supported. Please use class { 'mongodb::globals': manage_package_repo => true }") } if $version { fail("Parameter version is no longer supported. Please use class { 'mongodb::globals': version => VERSION }") } if $oplog { fail('Parameter is no longer supported. On replica set Oplog is enabled by default.') } notify { 'An attempt has been made below to automatically apply your custom settings to mongodb::server. Please verify this works in a safe test environment.': } class { 'mongodb::server': package_name => $packagename, logpath => $logpath, logappend => $logappend, fork => $fork, port => $port, dbpath => $dbpath, journal => $journal, nojournal => $nojournal, smallfiles => $smallfiles, cpu => $cpu, noauth => $noauth, verbose => $verbose, objcheck => $objcheck, quota => $quota, oplog_size => $oplog_size, nohints => $nohints, nohttpinterface => $nohttpinterface, noscripting => $noscripting, notablescan => $notablescan, noprealloc => $noprealloc, nssize => $nssize, mms_token => $mms_token, mms_name => $mms_name, mms_interval => $mms_interval, slave => $slave, only => $only, master => $master, source => $source, replset => $replset, rest => $rest, slowms => $slowms, keyfile => $keyfile, bind_ip => $bind_ip, pidfilepath => $pidfilepath, } }