# Define puppi::run # # This define triggers a puppi deploy run directly during Puppet # execution. It can be used to automate FIRST TIME applications # deployments directly during the first Puppet execution # # == Variables # # [*name*] # The title/name you use has to be the name of an existing puppi::project # procedure define # # == Usage # Basic Usage: # puppi::run { "myapp": } # define puppi::run ( $project = '', $timeout = 300) { require puppi exec { "Run_Puppi_${name}": command => "puppi deploy ${name}; [ $? -le \"1\" ] && touch ${puppi::params::archivedir}/puppirun_${name}", path => '/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin', creates => "${puppi::params::archivedir}/puppirun_${name}", timeout => $timeout, # require => File[ tag == 'puppi_deploy' ], } }