. * * @package phpservermon * @author Pepijn Over * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt GNU GPL v3 * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://www.phpservermonitor.org/ **/ $sm_lang = array( 'name' => 'English', 'locale' => array( '0' => 'en_US.UTF-8', '1' => 'en_US', '2' => 'american', '3' => 'english-us', ), 'locale_tag' => 'en', 'locale_dir' => 'ltr', 'system' => array( 'title' => 'Server Monitor', 'install' => 'Install', 'action' => 'Action', 'save' => 'Save', 'edit' => 'Edit', 'delete' => 'Delete', 'view' => 'View', 'date' => 'Date', 'message' => 'Message', 'yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No', 'insert' => 'Insert', 'add_new' => 'Add new', 'update_available' => 'A new version ({version}) is available. Click here to download the update.', 'back_to_top' => 'Back to top', 'go_back' => 'Go back', 'ok' => 'OK', 'bad' => 'bad', 'cancel' => 'Cancel', 'none' => 'None', 'activate' => 'Activate', 'short_day_format' => '%B %e', 'long_day_format' => '%B %e, %Y', 'yesterday_format' => 'Yesterday at %k:%M', 'other_day_format' => '%A at %k:%M', 'never' => 'Never', 'hours_ago' => '%d hours ago', 'an_hour_ago' => 'about an hour ago', 'minutes_ago' => '%d minutes ago', 'a_minute_ago' => 'about a minute ago', 'seconds_ago' => '%d seconds ago', 'a_second_ago' => 'a second ago', 'year' => 'year', 'years' => 'years', 'month' => 'month', 'months' => 'months', 'day' => 'day', 'days' => 'days', 'hour' => 'hour', 'hours' => 'hours', 'minute' => 'minute', 'minutes' => 'minutes', 'second' => 'second', 'seconds' => 'seconds', 'millisecond' => 'millisecond', 'milliseconds' => 'milliseconds', 'current' => 'current', 'settings' => 'Settings', 'search' => 'Search', ), 'menu' => array( 'config' => 'Config', 'server' => 'Servers', 'server_log' => 'Log', 'server_status' => 'Status', 'server_update' => 'Update', 'user' => 'Users', 'help' => 'Help', ), 'users' => array( 'user' => 'User', 'name' => 'Name', 'user_name' => 'Username', 'password' => 'Password', 'password_repeat' => 'Password repeat', 'password_leave_blank' => 'Leave blank to keep unchanged', 'level' => 'Level', 'level_10' => 'Administrator', 'level_20' => 'User', 'level_30' => 'Anonymous', 'level_description' => 'Administrators have full access: they can manage servers, users and edit the global configuration.
Users can only view and run the updater for the servers that have been assigned to them.', 'mobile' => 'Mobile', 'email' => 'Email', 'pushover' => 'Pushover', 'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See their website for more info.', 'pushover_key' => 'Pushover Key', 'pushover_device' => 'Pushover Device', 'pushover_device_description' => 'Device name to send the message to. Leave empty to send it to all devices.', 'discord' => 'Discord', 'discord_label' => 'Discord', 'discord_description' => 'Put your webhook here.', 'telegram' => 'Telegram', 'telegram_description' => 'Telegram is a chat app that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. Visit the documentation for more info and an install guide.', 'telegram_chat_id' => 'Telegram chat id', 'telegram_chat_id_description' => 'The message will be send to the corresponding chat.', 'telegram_get_chat_id' => 'Click here to get your chat id', 'activate_telegram' => 'Activate Telegram notifications', 'activate_telegram_description' => 'Allow Telegram notifications to be sent to the specified chat id. Without this permission, Telegram doesn\'t allow us to send notifications to you.', 'telegram_bot_username_found' => 'The bot was found!

This will open a chat with the bot. Here you need to press start or type /start.', 'telegram_bot_username_error_token' => '401 - Unauthorized. Please make sure that the API token is valid.', 'telegram_bot_error' => 'An error has occurred while activating Telegram notification: %s', 'jabber' => 'Jabber', 'jabber_label' => 'Jabber', 'jabber_description' => 'You Jabber account', 'webhook' => 'Webhook', 'webhook_description' => 'Send a json webhook to a certain endpoint.', 'webhook_url' => 'Webhook Url', 'webhook_url_description' => 'Webhook public endpoint url, should start with https://.', 'webhook_json' => 'Webhook JSON', 'webhook_json_description' => 'Define a custom json, e.g. {"username": "servermon: #server_label" "text": "#server_ip is **#status**"}.
Available variables: #message, #server_error, #server_ip, #server_label, #server_last_offline_duration and #status', 'delete_title' => 'Delete User', 'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete user \'%1\'?', 'deleted' => 'User deleted.', 'updated' => 'User updated.', 'inserted' => 'User added.', 'profile' => 'Profile', 'profile_updated' => 'Your profile has been updated.', 'error_user_name_bad_length' => 'Usernames must be between 2 and 64 characters.', 'error_user_name_invalid' => 'The username may only contain alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), dots (.) and underscores (_).', 'error_user_name_exists' => 'The given username already exists in the database.', 'error_user_email_bad_length' => 'Email addresses must be between 5 and 255 characters.', 'error_user_email_invalid' => 'The email address is invalid.', 'error_user_level_invalid' => 'The given user level is invalid.', 'error_user_no_match' => 'The user could not be found in the database.', 'error_user_password_invalid' => 'The entered password is invalid.', 'error_user_password_no_match' => 'The entered passwords do not match.', 'error_user_admin_cant_be_deleted' => 'You can\'t remove the last administrator.', 'error_user_cant_be_anonymous' => 'Only user \'__public__\' can have the level anonymous.' ), 'log' => array( 'title' => 'Log entries', 'type' => 'Type', 'status' => 'Status', 'email' => 'Email', 'sms' => 'SMS', 'discord' => 'Discord', 'pushover' => 'Pushover', 'webhook' => 'Webhook', 'telegram' => 'Telegram', 'jabber' => 'Jabber', 'no_logs' => 'No logs', 'clear' => 'Clear log', 'delete_title' => 'Delete log', 'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all logs?', ), 'servers' => array( 'server' => 'Server', 'status' => 'Status', 'label' => 'Label', 'domain' => 'Domain/IP', 'timeout' => 'Timeout', 'timeout_description' => 'Number of seconds to wait for the server to respond.', 'authentication_settings' => 'Authentication Settings', 'optional' => 'Optional', 'website_username' => 'Username', 'website_username_description' => 'Username to access the site. (Only Apache authentication is supported.)', 'website_password' => 'Password', 'website_password_description' => 'Password to access the site. The password is encrypted in the database.', 'fieldset_monitoring' => 'Monitoring', 'fieldset_permissions' => 'Permissions', 'permissions' => 'Server will be visible for the following users', 'port' => 'Port', 'custom_port' => 'Custom Port', 'popular_ports' => 'Popular Ports', 'request_method' => 'Request method', 'custom_request_method' => 'Custom request method', 'popular_request_methods' => 'Popular request methods', 'post_field' => 'Post field', 'post_field_description' => 'The data that will be send using the request method above.', 'please_select' => 'Please select', 'type' => 'Type', 'type_website' => 'Website', 'type_service' => 'Service', 'type_ping' => 'Ping', 'pattern' => 'Search string/pattern', 'pattern_description' => 'If this pattern is not found on the website, the server will be marked online/offline. Regular expressions are allowed.', 'pattern_online' => 'Pattern indicates website is', 'pattern_online_description' => 'Online: If this pattern was found on the website, the server will be marked online. Offline: If this pattern was not found on the website, the server will be marked offline.', 'redirect_check' => 'Redirecting to another domain is', 'redirect_check_description' => 'Redirect to another domain is usually a bad sign.', 'allow_http_status' => 'Allow HTTP status code', 'allow_http_status_description' => 'Mark website as online. HTTP Status codes lower then 400 are marked as online by default. Seperate with |.', 'header_name' => 'Header name', 'header_value' => 'Header value', 'header_name_description' => 'Case-sensitive.', 'header_value_description' => 'Regular expressions are allowed.', 'last_check' => 'Last check', 'last_online' => 'Last online', 'last_offline' => 'Last offline', 'last_output' => 'Last positive output', 'last_error' => 'Last error', 'last_error_output' => 'Last error output', 'output' => 'Output', 'monitoring' => 'Monitoring', 'no_monitoring' => 'No monitoring', 'email' => 'Email', 'send_email' => 'Send Email', 'sms' => 'SMS', 'send_sms' => 'Send SMS', 'discord' => 'Discord', 'send_discord' => 'Send Discord notification', 'webhook' => 'Webhook', 'send_webhook' => 'Send Webhook notification', 'pushover' => 'Pushover', 'send_pushover' => 'Send Pushover notification', 'telegram' => 'Telegram', 'send_telegram' => 'Send Telegram notification', 'jabber' => 'Jabber', 'send_jabber' => 'Send Jabber notification', 'users' => 'Users', 'delete_title' => 'Delete server', 'delete_message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete server \'%1\'?', 'deleted' => 'Server deleted.', 'updated' => 'Server updated.', 'inserted' => 'Server added.', 'latency' => 'Latency', 'latency_max' => 'Latency (maximum)', 'latency_min' => 'Latency (minimum)', 'latency_avg' => 'Latency (average)', 'online' => 'online', 'offline' => 'offline', 'uptime' => 'Uptime', 'year' => 'Year', 'month' => 'Month', 'week' => 'Week', 'day' => 'Day', 'hour' => 'Hour', 'warning_threshold' => 'Warning threshold', 'warning_threshold_description' => 'Number of failed checks required before it is marked offline.', 'connectivity_sanity_test' => 'phpservermon Connectivity Sanity Test', 'connectivity_sanity_test_description' => 'Optional. The IP address entered here should be one that is trusted to be always online. It will be pinged before and after this server gets checked. If either sanity (ping) test fails, then it is assumed that phpservermon has a connectivity problem and the results will not be saved. If both sanity tests pass, the server results will be logged like normal. To disable this sanity test, leave this box blank.', 'ssl_cert_expiry_days' => 'SSL Certificate Validity', 'ssl_cert_expiry_days_description' => 'The minimum remaining days the SSL certificate is still valid. Use 0 to disable check.', 'ssl_cert_expired' => 'SSL certificate expired since', 'ssl_cert_expiring' => 'SSL certificate expiring:', 'chart_last_week' => 'Last week', 'chart_history' => 'History', 'chart_day_format' => '%Y-%m-%d', 'chart_long_date_format' => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'chart_short_date_format' => '%m/%d %H:%M', 'chart_short_time_format' => '%H:%M', 'warning_notifications_disabled_sms' => 'SMS notifications are disabled.', 'warning_notifications_disabled_email' => 'Email notifications are disabled.', 'warning_notifications_disabled_discord' => 'Discord notifications are disabled.', 'warning_notifications_disabled_webhook' => 'Webhook notifications are disabled.', 'warning_notifications_disabled_pushover' => 'Pushover notifications are disabled.', 'warning_notifications_disabled_telegram' => 'Telegram notifications are disabled.', 'warning_notifications_disabled_jabber' => 'Jabber notifications are disabled.', 'error_server_no_match' => 'Server not found.', 'error_server_label_bad_length' => 'The label must be between 1 and 255 characters.', 'error_server_ip_bad_length' => 'The domain / IP must be between 1 and 255 characters.', 'error_server_ip_bad_service' => 'The IP address is not valid.', 'error_server_ip_bad_website' => 'The website URL is not valid.', 'error_server_type_invalid' => 'The selected server type is invalid.', 'error_server_warning_threshold_invalid' => 'The warning threshold must be a valid integer greater than 0.', 'error_server_ssl_cert_expiry_days' => 'The remaining days for SSL certificate validity must be a valid integer greater than or equal to 0.', ), 'config' => array( 'general' => 'General', 'site_title' => 'Site title', 'language' => 'Language', 'show_update' => 'Check for updates?', 'password_encrypt_key' => 'The encryption key password', 'password_encrypt_key_note' => 'This key is used to encrypt passwords that are stored on servers for access to websites. If the key will change the stored password is invalid!', 'proxy' => 'Enable proxy', 'proxy_url' => 'Proxy URL', 'proxy_user' => 'Proxy username', 'proxy_password' => 'Proxy password', 'email_status' => 'Allow sending email', 'email_add_url' => 'Add url to the monitor in email', 'email_from_email' => 'Email from address', 'email_from_name' => 'Email from name', 'email_smtp' => 'Enable SMTP', 'email_smtp_host' => 'SMTP host', 'email_smtp_port' => 'SMTP port', 'email_smtp_security' => 'SMTP security', 'email_smtp_security_none' => 'None', 'email_smtp_username' => 'SMTP username', 'email_smtp_password' => 'SMTP password', 'email_smtp_noauth' => 'Leave blank for no authentication', 'sms_status' => 'Allow sending text messages', 'sms_gateway' => 'Gateway to use for sending messages', 'sms_gateway_username' => 'Gateway username', 'sms_gateway_password' => 'Gateway password', 'sms_from' => 'Sender\'s phone number', 'discord_status' => 'Allow sending Discord messages', 'discord_description' => 'Discord is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See their website for more info.', 'webhook_status' => 'Allow sending webhooks', 'webhook_description' => 'Allow sending webhooks to services like slack. The message payload end endpoint are defined in the profile settings.', 'webhook_url' => 'Webhook Url', 'webhook_url_description' => 'Url to webhook endpoint', 'webhook_json' => 'Webhook Json', 'webhook_json_description' => 'Define a custom json. Available variables: #message, #server_error, #server_ip, #server_label, #server_last_offline_duration and #status', 'pushover_status' => 'Allow sending Pushover messages', 'pushover_description' => 'Pushover is a service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. See their website for more info.', 'pushover_clone_app' => 'Click here to create your Pushover app', 'pushover_api_token' => 'Pushover App API Token', 'pushover_api_token_description' => 'Before you can use Pushover, you need to register an App at their website and enter the App API Token here.', 'telegram_status' => 'Allow sending Telegram messages', 'telegram_add_url' => 'Add url to the monitor in the message', 'telegram_description' => 'Telegram is a chat app that makes it easy to get real-time notifications. Visit the documentation for more info and an install guide.', 'telegram_api_token' => 'Telegram API Token', 'telegram_api_token_description' => 'Before you can use Telegram, you need to get a API token. Visit the documentation for help.', 'jabber_status' => 'Allow sending Jabber (XMPP) messages', 'jabber_description' => 'Visit the documentation for more info and an install guide.', 'jabber_host' => 'Host', 'jabber_host_description' => 'Host of your Jabber account provider. For Google Account use talk.google.com.', 'jabber_port' => 'Port', 'jabber_port_description' => 'Port of your Jabber provider. Default 5222. For Google Account use 5223.', 'jabber_username' => 'Username', 'jabber_username_description' => 'For Google Account use incl. domain so for example example@google.com.', 'jabber_domain' => 'Domain', 'jabber_domain_description' => 'Domain of your Jabber provider. Left empty for Google Account.', 'jabber_password' => 'Password', 'jabber_password_description' => 'Fill only to set or change.', 'jabber_check' => 'Check your Jabber account if message was received.', 'dirauth_status' => 'Authenticate with directory service', 'authdir_host_locn' => 'Directory host', 'authdir_host_port' => 'Directory port', 'authdir_type' => 'Service type', 'authdir_type_description' => 'OpenLDAP: Directory is an OpenLDAP service.
AD DS: Directory is an Active Directory Domain Service.
AD LDS: Directory is an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Service.', 'authdir_type_openldap' => 'OpenLDAP', 'authdir_type_adds' => 'AD DS', 'authdir_type_adlds' => 'AD LDS', 'authdir_userdomain' => 'Active Directory domain', 'authdir_userdomain_description' => 'User domain for Active Directory. This is typically the NETBIOS domain for AD DS and the DNS domain for AD LDS. Not used for OpenLDAP directories.', 'authdir_ldapver' => 'LDAP protocol version', 'authdir_ldapver_description' => 'Version of the LDAP specification. This is typically Version 3 (default). Version 2 was deprecated in 2003 (RFC3494).', 'authdir_ldapfollowref' => 'Follow referrals', 'authdir_ldapfollowref_description' => 'Follow referrals if the specified server refers to another server for the required information. Leave unchecked if you are unaware of this functionality.', 'authdir_basedn' => 'Base DN*', 'authdir_basedn_description' => 'Base distinguished name (DN) of the directory service. E.g., dc=domain,dc=tld. This is a required field.', 'authdir_usernameattrib' => 'Username attribute', 'authdir_usernameattrib_description' => 'Attribute used by the directory service to refer to the username of the user.', 'authdir_groupnameattrib' => 'Group name attribute', 'authdir_groupnameattrib_description' => 'Attribute used by the directory service to refer to the group name of a group. This is used to check for group membership.', 'authdir_groupmemattrib' => 'Group member attribute', 'authdir_groupmemattrib_description' => 'Attribute used by the directory service to refer to the group(s) of which the user is a member. This is used to check for group membership.', 'authdir_usercontainerrdn' => 'User container RDN', 'authdir_usercontainerrdn_description' => 'Relative distinguished name of the users container in the directory. E.g., ou=Users', 'authdir_groupcontainerrdn' => 'Group container RDN', 'authdir_groupcontainerrdn_description' => 'Relative distinguished name of the groups container in the directory. E.g., ou=Groups', 'authdir_groupname' => 'Authorised directory group', 'authdir_groupname_description' => 'Directory group authorised to access application. Directory users not members of this group will not be authenticated (currently not available for AD).', 'authdir_defaultrole' => 'Default role', 'authdir_defaultrole_description' => 'Default role to be assigned to users logging in for the first time.', 'alert_type' => 'Select when you\'d like to be notified.', 'alert_type_description' => 'Status change: You will receive a notification when a server has a change in status. So from online -> offline or offline -> online.

Offline: You will receive a notification when a server goes offline for the *FIRST TIME ONLY*. For example, your cronjob is every 15 minutes and your server goes down at 1 am and stays down till 6 am. You will get 1 notification at 1 am and that\'s it.

Always: You will receive a notification every time the script runs and a site is down, even if the site has been offline for hours.', 'alert_type_status' => 'Status change', 'alert_type_offline' => 'Offline', 'alert_type_always' => 'Always', 'combine_notifications' => 'Combine notifications', 'combine_notifications_description' => 'Reduces the amount of notification by combining the notifications into 1 single notification. (This does not affect SMS notifications.)', 'alert_proxy' => 'Even if enabled, proxy is never used for services', 'alert_proxy_url' => 'Format: host:port', 'log_status' => 'Log status', 'log_status_description' => 'If log status is set to TRUE, the monitor will log the event whenever the notification settings are passed.', 'log_email' => 'Log emails sent by the script', 'log_sms' => 'Log text messages sent by the script', 'log_discord' => 'Log Discord messages sent by the script', 'log_pushover' => 'Log pushover messages sent by the script', 'log_webhook' => 'Log webhook messages sent by the script', 'log_telegram' => 'Log Telegram messages sent by the script', 'log_jabber' => 'Log Jabber messages sent by the script', 'updated' => 'The configuration has been updated.', 'tab_email' => 'Email', 'tab_sms' => 'SMS', 'tab_discord' => 'Discord', 'tab_pushover' => 'Pushover', 'tab_webhook' => 'Webhook', 'tab_telegram' => 'Telegram', 'tab_jabber' => 'Jabber', 'tab_auth' => 'Authentication', 'settings_email' => 'Email settings', 'settings_sms' => 'Text message settings', 'settings_discord' => 'Discord settings', 'settings_pushover' => 'Pushover settings', 'settings_webhook' => 'Webhook settings', 'settings_telegram' => 'Telegram settings', 'settings_jabber' => 'Jabber settings', 'settings_notification' => 'Notification settings', 'settings_log' => 'Log settings', 'settings_proxy' => 'Proxy settings', 'settings_dirauth' => 'LDAP settings', 'auto_refresh' => 'Auto-refresh', 'auto_refresh_description' => 'Auto-refresh servers page.
Time in seconds, if 0 the page won\'t refresh.', 'test' => 'Test', 'test_email' => 'An email will be sent to the address specified in your user profile.', 'test_sms' => 'An SMS will be sent to the phone number specified in your user profile.', 'test_discord' => 'A Discord notification will be sent to the webhook specified in your user profile.', 'test_pushover' => 'A Pushover notification will be sent to the user key/device specified in your user profile.', 'test_pushover' => 'A Pushover notification will be sent to the user key/device specified in your user profile.', 'test_webhook' => 'A webhook notification will be sent to the given url endpoint.', 'test_telegram' => 'A Telegram notification will be sent to the chat id specified in your user profile.', 'test_jabber' => 'A Jabber notification will be sent to the jabber account specified in your user profile.', 'send' => 'Send', 'test_subject' => 'Test', 'test_message' => 'Test message', 'email_sent' => 'Email sent', 'email_error' => 'Error in email sending', 'sms_sent' => 'SMS sent', 'sms_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the SMS: %s', 'sms_error_nomobile' => 'Unable to send test SMS: no valid phone number found in your profile.', 'discord_sent' => 'Discord notification sent', 'discord_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Discord notification: %s', 'discord_error_nowebhook' => 'Unable to send test Discord notification: no valid Discord webhook found in your user profile.', 'webhook_sent' => 'Webhook notification sent', 'webhook_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the webhook notification: %s', 'webhook_error_nourl' => 'Unable to send test notification: no url found in user profile.', 'webhook_error_nojson' => 'Unable to send test notification: no json found in user profile.', 'pushover_sent' => 'Pushover notification sent', 'pushover_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Pushover notification: %s', 'pushover_error_noapp' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover App API token found in the global configuration.', 'pushover_error_nokey' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Pushover key found in your profile.', 'telegram_sent' => 'Telegram notification sent', 'telegram_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Telegram notification: %s', 'telegram_error_notoken' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Telegram API token found in the global configuration.', 'telegram_error_noid' => 'Unable to send test notification: no chat id found in your profile.', 'jabber_sent' => 'Jabber notification sent', 'jabber_error' => 'An error has occurred while sending the Jabber notification: %s', 'jabber_error_noconfig' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Jabber account set in the global configuration.', 'jabber_error_noaccount' => 'Unable to send test notification: no Jabber account found in your profile.', 'log_retention_period' => 'Log retention period', 'log_retention_period_description' => 'Number of days to keep logs of notifications and archives of server uptime. Enter 0 to disable log cleanup.', 'log_retention_days' => 'days', 'user_agent' => 'User Agent', 'user_agent_key_note' => 'Custom user agent used by monitor within communication with external services.', ), 'notifications' => array( 'off_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%. Error=%ERROR%', 'off_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN', 'off_email_body' => 'Failed to connect to the following server:

Server: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
Error: %ERROR%
Date: %DATE%', 'off_discord_message' => 'Failed to connect to the following server:

Server: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
Error: %ERROR%
Date: %DATE%', 'off_email_body' => 'Failed to connect to the following server:

Server: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
Error: %ERROR%
Date: %DATE%', 'off_webhook_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN', 'off_webhook_message' => 'Failed to connect to the following server:

Server: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
Error: %ERROR%
Date: %DATE%', 'off_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is DOWN', 'off_pushover_message' => 'Failed to connect to the following server:

Server: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
Error: %ERROR%
Date: %DATE%', 'off_telegram_message' => 'Failed to connect to the following server:

Server: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
Error: %ERROR%
Date: %DATE%', 'off_jabber_message' => 'Failed to connect to the following server:

Server: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
Error: %ERROR%
Date: %DATE%', 'on_sms' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is RUNNING: ip=%IP%, port=%PORT%, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%', 'on_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: Server \'%LABEL%\' is RUNNING', 'on_email_body' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is running again, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:

Server: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
Date: %DATE%', 'on_discord_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is running again, it was down for: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%

Server: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
Date: %DATE%', 'on_webhook_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is RUNNING', 'on_webhook_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is running again, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:

Server: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
Date: %DATE%', 'on_pushover_title' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is RUNNING', 'on_pushover_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is running again, it was down for %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%:

Server: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
Date: %DATE%', 'on_telegram_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is running again, it was down for: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%

Server: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
Date: %DATE%', 'on_jabber_message' => 'Server \'%LABEL%\' is running again, it was down for: %LAST_OFFLINE_DURATION%

Server: %LABEL%
IP: %IP%
Port: %PORT%
Date: %DATE%', 'combi_off_email_message' => '', 'combi_off_discord_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%
- IP: %IP%
- Port: %PORT%
- Error: %ERROR%
- Date: %DATE%

', 'combi_off_webhook_message' => '', 'combi_off_pushover_message' => '', 'combi_off_telegram_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%
- IP: %IP%
- Port: %PORT%
- Error: %ERROR%
- Date: %DATE%

', 'combi_off_jabber_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%
- IP: %IP%
- Port: %PORT%
- Error: %ERROR%
- Date: %DATE%

', 'combi_on_email_message' => '', 'combi_on_webhook_message' => '', 'combi_on_discord_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%
- IP: %IP%
- Port: %PORT%
- Date: %DATE%

', 'combi_on_pushover_message' => '', 'combi_on_telegram_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%
- IP: %IP%
- Port: %PORT%
- Date: %DATE%

', 'combi_on_jabber_message' => '- Server: %LABEL%
- IP: %IP%
- Port: %PORT%
- Date: %DATE%

', 'combi_email_subject' => 'IMPORTANT: \'%UP%\' servers UP again, \'%DOWN%\' servers DOWN', 'combi_webhook_subject' => '\'%UP%\' servers UP again, \'%DOWN%\' servers DOWN', 'combi_pushover_subject' => '\'%UP%\' servers UP again, \'%DOWN%\' servers DOWN', 'combi_email_message' => 'The following servers went down:
The following servers are up again:
%UP_SERVERS%', 'combi_discord_message' => 'The following servers went down:
The following servers are up again:
%UP_SERVERS%', 'combi_webhook_message' => 'The following servers went down:
The following servers are up again:
%UP_SERVERS%', 'combi_pushover_message' => 'The following servers went down:
The following servers are up again:
%UP_SERVERS%', 'combi_telegram_message' => 'The following servers went down:
The following servers are up again:
%UP_SERVERS%', 'combi_jabber_message' => 'The following servers went down:
The following servers are up again:
%UP_SERVERS%', ), 'login' => array( 'welcome_usermenu' => 'Welcome, %user_name%', 'title_sign_in' => 'Please sign in', 'title_forgot' => 'Forgot your password?', 'title_reset' => 'Reset your password', 'submit' => 'Submit', 'remember_me' => 'Remember me', 'login' => 'Login', 'logout' => 'Logout', 'username' => 'Username', 'password' => 'Password', 'password_repeat' => 'Repeat password', 'password_forgot' => 'Forgot password?', 'password_reset' => 'Reset password', 'password_reset_email_subject' => 'Reset your password for PHP Server Monitor', 'password_reset_email_body' => 'Please use the following link to reset your password. Please note it expires in 1 hour.

%link%', 'error_user_incorrect' => 'The provided username could not be found.', 'error_login_incorrect' => 'The information is incorrect.', 'error_login_passwords_nomatch' => 'The provided passwords do not match.', 'error_reset_invalid_link' => 'The reset link you provided is invalid.', 'success_password_forgot' => 'An email has been sent to you with information how to reset your password.', 'success_password_reset' => 'Your password has been reset successfully. Please login.', ), 'error' => array( '401_unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized', '401_unauthorized_description' => 'You do not have the privileges to view this page.', ), );