# class mysql( $basedir = '', $bind_address = '', $client_package_ensure = '', $client_package_name = '', $config_file = '', $config_template = '', $datadir = '', $default_engine = '', $etc_root_password = '', $log_error = '', $manage_config_file = '', $manage_service = '', $max_allowed_packet = '', $max_connections = '', $old_root_password = '', $package_ensure = '', $php_package_name = '', $pidfile = '', $port = '', $purge_conf_dir = '', $restart = '', $root_group = '', $root_password = '', $server_package_name = '', $service_name = '', $service_provider = '', $socket = '', $ssl = '', $ssl_ca = '', $ssl_cert = '', $ssl_key = '', $tmpdir = '', $attempt_compatibility_mode = false, ) { if $attempt_compatibility_mode { notify { "An attempt has been made below to automatically apply your custom settings to mysql::server. Please verify this works in a safe test environment.": } $override_options = { 'client' => { 'port' => $port, 'socket' => $socket }, 'mysqld_safe' => { 'log_error' => $log_error, 'socket' => $socket, }, 'mysqld' => { 'basedir' => $basedir, 'bind_address' => $bind_address, 'datadir' => $datadir, 'log_error' => $log_error, 'max_allowed_packet' => $max_allowed_packet, 'max_connections' => $max_connections, 'pid_file' => $pidfile, 'port' => $port, 'socket' => $socket, 'ssl-ca' => $ssl_ca, 'ssl-cert' => $ssl_cert, 'ssl-key' => $ssl_key, 'tmpdir' => $tmpdir, }, 'mysqldump' => { 'max_allowed_packet' => $max_allowed_packet, }, 'config_file' => $config_file, 'etc_root_password' => $etc_root_password, 'manage_config_file' => $manage_config_file, 'old_root_password' => $old_root_password, 'purge_conf_dir' => $purge_conf_dir, 'restart' => $restart, 'root_group' => $root_group, 'root_password' => $root_password, 'service_name' => $service_name, 'ssl' => $ssl } $filtered_options = mysql_strip_hash($override_options) validate_hash($filtered_options) notify { $filtered_options: } class { 'mysql::server': override_options => $filtered_options, } } else { fail("ERROR: This class has been deprecated and the functionality moved into mysql::server. If you run mysql::server without correctly calling mysql:: server with the new override_options hash syntax you will revert your MySQL to the stock settings. Do not proceed without removing this class and using mysql::server correctly. If you are brave you may set attempt_compatibility_mode in this class which attempts to automap the previous settings to appropriate calls to mysql::server") } }