if $php_values == undef { $php_values = hiera_hash('php', false) } if $xhprof_values == undef { $xhprof_values = hiera_hash('xhprof', false) } if $apache_values == undef { $apache_values = hiera_hash('apache', false) } if $nginx_values == undef { $nginx_values = hiera_hash('nginx', false) } include puphpet::params if hash_key_equals($xhprof_values, 'install', 1) and hash_key_equals($php_values, 'install', 1) { if $::operatingsystem == 'ubuntu' and $::lsbdistcodename in ['lucid', 'maverick', 'natty', 'oneiric', 'precise'] { apt::key { '8D0DC64F': key_server => 'hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80' } apt::ppa { 'ppa:brianmercer/php5-xhprof': require => Apt::Key['8D0DC64F'] } } $xhprof_php_prefix = $::osfamily ? { 'debian' => 'php5-', 'redhat' => 'php-', } if hash_key_equals($apache_values, 'install', 1) and hash_key_equals($php_values, 'mod_php', 1) { $xhprof_webserver_service = 'httpd' } elsif hash_key_equals($apache_values, 'install', 1) or hash_key_equals($nginx_values, 'install', 1) { $xhprof_webserver_service = "${xhprof_php_prefix}fpm" } else { $xhprof_webserver_service = undef } if hash_key_equals($apache_values, 'install', 1) { $xhprof_webroot_location = '/var/www/default' } elsif hash_key_equals($nginx_values, 'install', 1) { $xhprof_webroot_location = $puphpet::params::nginx_webroot_location } else { $xhprof_webroot_location = $xhprof_values['location'] } if ! defined(Package['graphviz']) { package { 'graphviz': ensure => present, } } class { 'puphpet::php::xhprof': php_version => $php_values['version'], webroot_location => $xhprof_webroot_location, webserver_service => $xhprof_webserver_service } }