# == Class: mailcatcher # # Install and configure Mailcatcher. # MailCatcher runs a super simple SMTP server which catches any message sent to # it to display in a web interface. # http://mailcatcher.me/ # # === Parameters # # Document parameters here. # # [*smtp_ip*] # What IP address the mailcatcher smtp service should listen on. # The default is # # [*smtp_port*] # What TCP Port the mailcatcher smtp service should listen on. # The default is 1025 # # [*http_ip*] # What IP address the mailcatcher web mail client service should listen on. # The default is # # [*http_port*] # What TCP Port the mailcatcher web mail client service should listen on. # The default is 1080 # # [*mailcatcher_path*] # Path to the mailcatcher program. # The default is '/usr/local/bin' # # === Examples # # [*default*] # # class { mailcatcher: } # # [*listen on all ethernet adapters*] # # class { mailcatcher: # smtp_ip => '' # } # # === Authors # # Martin Jackson # # === Copyright # # Copyright 2013 Martin Jackson, unless otherwise noted. # class mailcatcher ( $smtp_ip = $mailcatcher::params::smtp_ip, $smtp_port = $mailcatcher::params::smtp_port, $http_ip = $mailcatcher::params::http_ip, $http_port = $mailcatcher::params::http_port, $mailcatcher_path = $mailcatcher::params::mailcatcher_path, $log_path = $mailcatcher::params::log_path ) inherits mailcatcher::params { class {'mailcatcher::package': } -> class {'mailcatcher::config': } }