. * * @package phpservermon * @author Pepijn Over * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt GNU GPL v3 * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://www.phpservermonitor.org/ **/ namespace psm\Module; use psm\Service\Database; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; abstract class AbstractController implements ControllerInterface { /** * Current action * @var string $action */ protected $action; /** * Default action * @var string $action_default * @see setActions() */ protected $action_default; /** * Actions available for this module * @var array $actions * @see setActions() * @see getAction() */ protected $actions = array(); /** * Add footer to page? * @var boolean $add_footer * @see addFooter() */ protected $add_footer = true; /** * Add menu to page? * @var boolean $add_menu * @see addMenu() */ protected $add_menu = true; /** * Messages to show the user * @var array $messages * @see addMessage() */ protected $messages = array(); /** * Sidebar to add * @var \psm\Util\Module\Sidebar $sidebar */ protected $sidebar; /** * array of Modal to add * @var \psm\Util\Module\ModalInterface[] $modal */ protected $modal = array(); /** * html code of header accessories * @var string $header_accessories */ protected $header_accessories; /** * Database object * @var \psm\Service\Database $db */ protected $db; /** * Twig object * @var \Twig_Environment $twig */ protected $twig; /** * User service * @var \psm\Service\User $user */ protected $user; /** * Required user level for this module * @var int $user_level_required * @see setMinUserLevelRequired() */ protected $user_level_required = PSM_USER_USER; /** * Required user level for certain actions * @var int $user_level_required_actions * @see setMinUserLevelRequiredForAction() */ protected $user_level_required_actions = array(); /* * Required using black background layout * @var boolean $black_background */ protected $black_background = false; /** * XHR mode? * @var boolean $xhr * @see isXHR() */ protected $xhr = false; function __construct(Database $db, \Twig_Environment $twig) { $this->db = $db; $this->twig = $twig; } /** * Initialize the controller. * * @param string $action if NULL, the action will be retrieved from user input (GET/POST) * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response */ public function initialize($action = null) { if($action === null) { $action = psm_GET('action', psm_POST('action', $this->action_default)); } $this->xhr = (bool) psm_GET('xhr', psm_POST('xhr', false)); if(!in_array($action, $this->actions) || !($result = $this->initializeAction($action))) { $result = $this->initializeAction($this->action_default); } if($result instanceof Response) { return $result; } // no response returned from execute, create regular HTML return $this->createHTML($result); } /** * Run a specified action * * For it to run, the "execute$action" method must exist. * @param string $action * @return mixed FALSE when action couldnt be initialized, response otherwise */ protected function initializeAction($action) { if(isset($this->user_level_required_actions[$action])) { $ulvl = ($this->user) ? $this->user->getUserLevel() : PSM_USER_ANONYMOUS; if($ulvl > $this->user_level_required_actions[$action]) { // user is not allowed to access this action.. return false; } } $method = 'execute' . ucfirst($action); if(method_exists($this, $method)) { $this->action = $action; $result = $this->$method(); // if result from execute is null, no return value given so return true to indicate a successful execute return ($result === null) ? true : $result; } return false; } /** * Create the HTML code for the module. * * If XHR is on, no main template will be added. * * @param string $html HTML code to add to the main body * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response */ protected function createHTML($html = null) { if(!$this->xhr) { // in XHR mode, we will not add the main template $tpl_data = array( 'title' => strtoupper(psm_get_lang('system', 'title')), 'label_back_to_top' => psm_get_lang('system', 'back_to_top'), 'add_footer' => $this->add_footer, 'version' => 'v' . PSM_VERSION, 'messages' => $this->getMessages(), 'html_content' => $html, ); // add menu to page? if($this->add_menu) { $tpl_data['html_menu'] = $this->createHTMLMenu(); } // add header accessories to page ? if($this->header_accessories) { $tpl_data['header_accessories'] = $this->header_accessories; } // add modal dialog to page ? if(sizeof($this->modal)) { $html_modal = ''; foreach($this->modal as $modal) { $html_modal .= $modal->createHTML(); } $tpl_data['html_modal'] = $html_modal; } // add sidebar to page? if($this->sidebar !== null) { $tpl_data['html_sidebar'] = $this->sidebar->createHTML(); } if(psm_update_available()) { $tpl_data['update_available'] = str_replace('{version}', 'v'.psm_get_conf('version_update_check'), psm_get_lang('system', 'update_available')); } if($this->black_background) { $tpl_data['body_class'] = 'black_background'; } $html = $this->twig->render('main/body.tpl.html', $tpl_data); } $response = new Response($html); return $response; } /** * Create HTML code for the menu * @return string */ protected function createHTMLMenu() { $ulvl = ($this->user) ? $this->user->getUserLevel() : PSM_USER_ANONYMOUS; $tpl_data = array( 'label_help' => psm_get_lang('menu', 'help'), 'label_profile' => psm_get_lang('users', 'profile'), 'label_logout' => psm_get_lang('login', 'logout'), 'url_profile' => psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'user_profile')), 'url_logout' => psm_build_url(array('logout' => 1)), ); switch($ulvl) { case PSM_USER_ADMIN: $items = array('server_status', 'server', 'server_log', 'user', 'config', 'server_update'); break; case PSM_USER_USER: $items = array('server_status', 'server', 'server_log', 'server_update'); break; default: $items = array(); break; } $tpl_data['menu'] = array(); foreach($items as $key) { $tpl_data['menu'][] = array( 'active' => ($key == psm_GET('mod')) ? 'active' : '', 'url' => psm_build_url(array('mod' => $key)), 'label' => psm_get_lang('menu', $key), ); } if($ulvl != PSM_USER_ANONYMOUS) { $user = $this->user->getUser(); $tpl_data['label_usermenu'] = str_replace( '%user_name%', $user->name, psm_get_lang('login', 'welcome_usermenu') ); } return $this->twig->render('main/menu.tpl.html', $tpl_data); } /** * Hide or show the footer of the page * @param boolean $value */ protected function addFooter($value) { $this->add_footer = $value; } /** * Hide or show the menu of the page * @param boolean $value */ protected function addMenu($value) { $this->add_menu = $value; } /** * Set actions available * @param string|array $actions * @param string $default default action * @param boolean $append if TRUE, the actions will be added to the current actions * @return psm\Module\AbstractModule * @see getAction() */ protected function setActions($actions, $default = null, $append = true) { if(!is_array($actions)) { $actions = array($actions); } if($append) { $this->actions = array_merge($actions); } else { $this->actions = $actions; } if($default !== null) { $this->action_default = $default; } return $this; } /** * Get the current action * @return string * @see setActions() */ public function getAction() { return $this->action; } /** * Add one or multiple message to the stack to be displayed to the user * @param string|array $msg * @param string $shortcode info/success/warning/error * @return \psm\Module\ControllerInterface * @see getMessages() */ public function addMessage($msg, $shortcode = 'info') { if(!is_array($msg)) { $msg = array($msg); } switch($shortcode) { case 'error': $icon = 'exclamation-sign'; break; case 'success': $icon = 'ok-sign'; break; case 'warning': $icon = 'question-sign'; break; default: $icon = 'info-sign'; break; } foreach($msg as $m) { $this->messages[] = array( 'message' => $m, 'shortcode' => $shortcode, 'icon' => $icon, ); } return $this; } /** * Get all messages (and optionally clear them) * @param boolean $clear * @return array * @see addMessage() */ public function getMessages($clear = true) { $msgs = $this->messages; if($clear) { $this->messages = array(); } return $msgs; } /** * Set user service * @param \psm\Service\User $user */ public function setUser(\psm\Service\User $user) { $this->user = $user; } /** * Set the minimum required user level for this controller * @param int $level * @return \psm\Module\AbstractController */ public function setMinUserLevelRequired($level) { $this->user_level_required = intval($level); return $this; } /** * Get the minimum required user level for this controller * @return int */ public function getMinUserLevelRequired() { return $this->user_level_required; } /** * Set the minimum required user level for a certain action. * * Use this only if one of the access is more restricted than the entire controller * @param int $level * @param string|array $actions one or more actions to set this level for * @return \psm\Module\AbstractController * @see setMinUserLevelRequired() */ public function setMinUserLevelRequiredForAction($level, $actions) { if(!is_array($actions)) { $actions = array($actions); } foreach($actions as $action) { $this->user_level_required_actions[$action] = intval($level); } return $this; } /** * Add a sidebar to the page * @param \psm\Util\Module\SidebarInterface $sidebar * @return \psm\Module\ControllerInterface */ public function setSidebar(\psm\Util\Module\SidebarInterface $sidebar) { $this->sidebar = $sidebar; return $this; } /** * Add a modal dialog to the page * @param \psm\Util\Module\ModalInterface $modal * @return \psm\Module\ControllerInterface */ public function addModal(\psm\Util\Module\ModalInterface $modal) { $this->modal[$modal->getModalID()] = $modal; return $this; } /** * Set the html code of the header accessories * @param string $html */ public function setHeaderAccessories($html) { $this->header_accessories = $html; } /** * Check if XHR is on * @return boolean */ public function isXHR() { return $this->xhr; } }