PHP Server Monitor



Welcome to the installation of PHP Server Monitor. This page will guide you through the steps to install or upgrade your monitor.

Before we start, we need to verify your system meets the requirements. If you see any errors in the list below, you may still continue, but PHP Server Monitor may not work correctly. It is recommended you fix any errors before continuing.



Let's go

We have discovered a previous version.

In the next step we will upgrade your database to the latest version.



Upgrade to {version}

Sweet, your database connection is up and running!

Next, please set up a new account to access your monitor:




Please enter your database info:


Your config file:

Unable to save your configuration.

Your database information is valid, however we are unable to create the configuration file automatically. Please create a new file in the project directory called "config.php" and copy the information below.

After you have copied the configuration, press the button to continue.



The installation is complete. Please check above if errors have occurred.
If no errors have occurred, you are good to go.

Go to your monitor PHP Server Monitor Twitter Bootstrap


