require 'puppet/util/filetype' Puppet::Type.type(:a2mod).provide(:gentoo, :parent => Puppet::Provider) do desc "Manage Apache 2 modules on Gentoo" confine :operatingsystem => :gentoo defaultfor :operatingsystem => :gentoo attr_accessor :property_hash def create @property_hash[:ensure] = :present end def exists? (!(@property_hash[:ensure].nil?) and @property_hash[:ensure] == :present) end def destroy @property_hash[:ensure] = :absent end def flush self.class.flush end class << self attr_reader :conf_file end def self.clear @mod_resources = [] @modules = [] @other_args = "" end def self.initvars @conf_file = "/etc/conf.d/apache2" @filetype = Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:flat).new(conf_file) @mod_resources = [] @modules = [] @other_args = "" end self.initvars # Retrieve an array of all existing modules def self.modules if @modules.length <= 0 # Locate the APACHE_OPTS variable records =\n/) apache2_opts = records.grep(/^\s*APACHE2_OPTS=/).first # Extract all defines while apache2_opts.sub!(/-D\s+(\w+)/, '') @modules << $1.downcase end # Hang on to any remaining options. if apache2_opts.match(/APACHE2_OPTS="(.+)"/) @other_args = $1.strip end @modules.sort!.uniq! end @modules end def self.prefetch(resources={}) # Match resources with existing providers instances.each do |provider| if resource = resources[] resource.provider = provider end end # Store all resources using this provider for flushing resources.each do |name, resource| @mod_resources << resource end end def self.instances {|mod| new(:name => mod, :provider => :gentoo, :ensure => :present)} end def self.flush mod_list = modules mods_to_remove = {|mod| mod.should(:ensure) == :absent}.map {|mod| mod[:name]} mods_to_add = {|mod| mod.should(:ensure) == :present}.map {|mod| mod[:name]} mod_list -= mods_to_remove mod_list += mods_to_add mod_list.sort!.uniq! if modules != mod_list opts = @other_args + " " opts << {|mod| "-D #{mod.upcase}"}.join(" ") opts.strip! opts.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ') apache2_opts = %Q{APACHE2_OPTS="#{opts}"} Puppet.debug("Writing back \"#{apache2_opts}\" to #{conf_file}") records =\n/) opts_index = records.find_index {|i| i.match(/^\s*APACHE2_OPTS/)} records[opts_index] = apache2_opts filetype.backup filetype.write(records.join("\n")) @modules = mod_list end end end