# Class: apache::mod::status # # This class enables and configures Apache mod_status # See: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_status.html # # Parameters: # - $allow_from is an array of hosts, ip addresses, partial network numbers # or networks in CIDR notation specifying what hosts can view the special # /server-status URL. Defaults to ['', '::1']. # - $extended_status track and display extended status information. Valid # values are 'On' or 'Off'. Defaults to 'On'. # # Actions: # - Enable and configure Apache mod_status # # Requires: # - The apache class # # Sample Usage: # # # Simple usage allowing access from localhost and a private subnet # class { 'apache::mod::status': # $allow_from => ['', ''], # } # class apache::mod::status ( $allow_from = ['','::1'], $extended_status = 'On', $apache_version = $::apache::apache_version, ){ validate_array($allow_from) validate_re(downcase($extended_status), '^(on|off)$', "${extended_status} is not supported for extended_status. Allowed values are 'On' and 'Off'.") ::apache::mod { 'status': } # Template uses $allow_from, $extended_status, $apache_version file { 'status.conf': ensure => file, path => "${::apache::mod_dir}/status.conf", content => template('apache/mod/status.conf.erb'), require => Exec["mkdir ${::apache::mod_dir}"], before => File[$::apache::mod_dir], notify => Service['httpd'], } }