. * * @package phpservermon * @author Pepijn Over * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt GNU GPL v3 * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://www.phpservermonitor.org/ **/ /** * The status class is for checking the status of a server. * * @see \psm\Util\Server\Updater\StatusNotifier * @see \psm\Util\Server\Updater\Autorun */ namespace psm\Util\Server\Updater; use psm\Service\Database; class StatusUpdater { public $error = ''; public $header = ''; public $curl_info = ''; public $rtime = 0; public $status_new = false; /** * Database service * @var \psm\Service\Database $db */ protected $db; /** * Server id to check * @var int $server_id */ protected $server_id; /** * Server information * @var array $server */ protected $server; public function __construct(Database $db) { $this->db = $db; } /** * The function its all about. This one checks whether the given ip and port are up and running! * If the server check fails it will try one more time, depending on the $max_runs. * * Please note: if the server is down but has not met the warning threshold, this will return true * to avoid any "we are down" events. * * @todo Get last_output when there is a HTTP 50x error. * * @param int $server_id * @param int $max_runs how many times should the script recheck the server if unavailable. default is 2 * @return boolean TRUE if server is up, FALSE otherwise */ public function update($server_id, $max_runs = 2) { $this->server_id = $server_id; $this->error = ''; $this->header = ''; $this->curl_info = ''; $this->rtime = 0; // get server info from db $this->server = $this->db->selectRow(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'servers', array( 'server_id' => $server_id, ), array( 'server_id', 'ip', 'port', 'request_method', 'label', 'type', 'pattern', 'pattern_online', 'post_field', 'allow_http_status', 'redirect_check', 'header_name', 'header_value', 'status', 'active', 'warning_threshold', 'warning_threshold_counter', 'ssl_cert_expiry_days', 'ssl_cert_expired_time', 'timeout', 'website_username', 'website_password', 'last_offline', 'custom_header' )); if (empty($this->server)) { return false; } switch ($this->server['type']) { case 'ping': $this->status_new = $this->updatePing($max_runs); break; case 'service': $this->status_new = $this->updateService($max_runs); break; case 'website': $this->status_new = $this->updateWebsite($max_runs); break; } // update server status $save = array( 'last_check' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'error' => $this->error, 'rtime' => $this->rtime ); if (!empty($this->error)) { $save['last_error'] = $this->error; } // log the uptime before checking the warning threshold, // so that the warnings can still be reviewed in the server history. psm_log_uptime($this->server_id, (int) $this->status_new, $this->rtime); if ($this->status_new == true) { // if the server is on, add the last_online value and reset the error threshold counter $save['status'] = 'on'; $save['last_online'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $save['last_output'] = substr($this->header, 0, 5000); $save['warning_threshold_counter'] = 0; if ($this->server['status'] == 'off') { $online_date = new \DateTime($save['last_online']); $offline_date = new \DateTime($this->server['last_offline']); $difference = $online_date->diff($offline_date); $save['last_offline_duration'] = trim(psm_format_interval($difference)); } } else { // server is offline, increase the error counter and set last offline $save['warning_threshold_counter'] = $this->server['warning_threshold_counter'] + 1; $save['last_error_output'] = empty($this->header) ? "Could not get headers. probably HTTP 50x error." : $this->header; if ($save['warning_threshold_counter'] < $this->server['warning_threshold']) { // the server is offline but the error threshold has not been met yet. // so we are going to leave the status "on" for now while we are in a sort of warning state.. $save['status'] = 'on'; $this->status_new = true; } else { $save['status'] = 'off'; if ($this->server['status'] == 'on') { $save['last_offline'] = $save['last_check']; } } } $this->db->save(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'servers', $save, array('server_id' => $this->server_id)); return $this->status_new; } /** * Check the current servers ping status * @param int $max_runs * @param int $run * @return boolean */ protected function updatePing($max_runs, $run = 1) { // Settings $max_runs = ($max_runs == null || $max_runs > 1) ? 1 : $max_runs; $server_ip = escapeshellcmd($this->server['ip']); $os_is_windows = strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN'; $status = $os_is_windows ? $this->pingFromWindowsMachine($server_ip, $max_runs) : $this->pingFromNonWindowsMachine($server_ip, $max_runs); // check if server is available and rerun if asked. if (!$status && $run < $max_runs) { return $this->updatePing($max_runs, $run + 1); } return $status; } /** * Check the current server as a service * @param int $max_runs * @param int $run * @return boolean */ protected function updateService($max_runs, $run = 1) { $timeout = ($this->server['timeout'] === null || $this->server['timeout'] > 0) ? PSM_CURL_TIMEOUT : intval($this->server['timeout']); $errno = 0; // save response time $starttime = microtime(true); $serverIp = $this->server['ip']; if (filter_var($serverIp, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) !== false) { $serverIp = "[$serverIp]"; } $fp = @fsockopen($serverIp, $this->server['port'], $errno, $this->error, $timeout); $status = ($fp === false) ? false : true; $this->rtime = (microtime(true) - $starttime); if (is_resource($fp)) { fclose($fp); } // check if server is available and rerun if asked. if (!$status && $run < $max_runs) { return $this->updateService($max_runs, $run + 1); } return $status; } /** * Check the current server as a website * @param int $max_runs * @param int $run * @return boolean */ protected function updateWebsite($max_runs, $run = 1) { $starttime = microtime(true); // We're only interested in the header, because that should tell us plenty! // unless we have a pattern to search for! $curl_result = psm_curl_get( $this->server['ip'], true, ($this->server['pattern'] == '' ? false : true), $this->server['timeout'], true, $this->server['website_username'], psm_password_decrypt($this->server['server_id'] . psm_get_conf('password_encrypt_key'), $this->server['website_password']), $this->server['request_method'], $this->server['post_field'], $this->server['custom_header'] ); $this->header = $curl_result['exec']; $this->curl_info = $curl_result['info']; $this->rtime = (microtime(true) - $starttime); // the first line would be the status code.. $status_code = strtok($curl_result['exec'], "\r\n"); // keep it general // $code[2][0] = status code // $code[3][0] = name of status code $code_matches = array(); preg_match_all("/[A-Z]{2,5}\/\d(\.\d)?\s(\d{3})\s?(.*)/", $status_code, $code_matches); if (empty($code_matches[0])) { // somehow we dont have a proper response. $this->error = 'TIMEOUT ERROR: no response from server'; $result = false; } else { $code = $code_matches[2][0]; $msg = $code_matches[3][0]; $allow_http_status = explode("|", $this->server['allow_http_status']); // All status codes starting with a 4 or higher mean trouble! if (substr($code, 0, 1) >= '4' && !in_array($code, $allow_http_status)) { $this->error = "HTTP STATUS ERROR: " . $code . ' ' . $msg; $result = false; } else { $result = true; // Okay, the HTTP status is good : 2xx or 3xx. Now we have to test the pattern if it's set up if ($this->server['pattern'] != '') { // Check to see if the body should not contain specified pattern // Check to see if the pattern was [not] found. if ( ($this->server['pattern_online'] == 'yes') == !preg_match( "/{$this->server['pattern']}/i", $curl_result['exec'] ) ) { $this->error = "TEXT ERROR : Pattern '{$this->server['pattern']}' " . ($this->server['pattern_online'] == 'yes' ? 'not' : 'was') . ' found.'; $result = false; } } // Check if the website redirects to another domain if ($this->server['redirect_check'] == 'bad') { $location_matches = array(); preg_match( '/([Ll]ocation: )(https*:\/\/)(www.)?([a-zA-Z.:0-9]*)([\/][[:alnum:][:punct:]]*)/', $curl_result['exec'], $location_matches ); if (!empty($location_matches)) { $ip_matches = array(); preg_match( '/(https*:\/\/)(www.)?([a-zA-Z.:0-9]*)([\/][[:alnum:][:punct:]]*)?/', $this->server['ip'], $ip_matches ); if (strtolower($location_matches[4]) !== strtolower($ip_matches[3])) { $this->error = "The IP/URL redirects to another domain."; $result = false; } } } // Should we check a header ? if ($this->server['header_name'] != '' && $this->server['header_value'] != '') { $header_flag = false; // Only get the header text if the result also includes the body $header_text = substr($curl_result['exec'], 0, strpos($curl_result['exec'], "\r\n\r\n")); foreach (explode("\r\n", $header_text) as $i => $line) { if ($i === 0 || strpos($line, ':') == false) { continue; // We skip the status code & other non-header lines. Needed for proxy or redirects } else { list ($key, $value) = explode(': ', $line); // Header found (case-insensitive) if (strcasecmp($key, $this->server['header_name']) == 0) { // The value matches what we need, everything is fine if (preg_match("/{$this->server['header_value']}/i", $value)) { $header_flag = true; break; // The correct header is found, we leave the loop } } } } if (!$header_flag) { // Header was not present, set error message and $result variable $this->error = 'HEADER ERROR : Header "' . $this->server['header_name'] . '" not found or does not match "/' . $this->server['header_value'] . '/i".'; $result = false; } } } } // Check ssl cert just when other error is not already in... if ($result !== false) { $this->checkSsl($this->server, $this->error, $result); } // check if server is available and rerun if asked. if (!$result && $run < $max_runs) { return $this->updateWebsite($max_runs, $run + 1); } return $result; } /** * Get the error returned by the update function * * @return string */ public function getError() { return $this->error; } /** * Get the response time of the server * * @return string */ public function getRtime() { return $this->rtime; } /** * Check if a server speaks SSL and if the certificate is not expired. * @param string $error * @param bool $result */ private function checkSsl($server, &$error, &$result) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1', '<')) { $error = "The server you're running PSM on must use PHP 7.1 or higher to test the SSL expiration."; return; } if ( !empty($this->curl_info['certinfo']) && $server['ssl_cert_expiry_days'] > 0 ) { $certinfo = reset($this->curl_info['certinfo']); $certinfo = openssl_x509_parse($certinfo['Cert']); $cert_expiration_date = $certinfo['validTo_time_t']; $expiration_time = round((int)($cert_expiration_date - time()) / 86400); $latest_time = time() + (86400 * $server['ssl_cert_expiry_days']); if ($expiration_time - $server['ssl_cert_expiry_days'] < 0) { // Cert is not expired, but date is withing user set range $this->header = psm_get_lang('servers', 'ssl_cert_expiring') . " " . psm_date($this->curl_info['certinfo'][0]['Expire date']) . "\n\n" . $this->header; $save['ssl_cert_expired_time'] = $expiration_time - $server['ssl_cert_expiry_days']; } elseif ($expiration_time >= 0) { // Cert is not expired $save['ssl_cert_expired_time'] = null; } else { // Cert is expired $error = psm_get_lang('servers', 'ssl_cert_expired') . " " . psm_timespan($cert_expiration_date) . ".\n\n" . $error; $save['ssl_cert_expired_time'] = $expiration_time; } $this->db->save(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'servers', $save, array('server_id' => $this->server_id)); } } /** * Ping from a Windows Machine * @param string $server_id * @param int $max_runs * @return boolean */ private function pingFromWindowsMachine($server_ip, $max_runs) { // Windows / Linux variant: use socket on Windows, commandline on Linux // socket ping - Code from http://stackoverflow.com/a/20467492 // save response time $starttime = microtime(true); // set ping payload $package = "\x08\x00\x7d\x4b\x00\x00\x00\x00PingHost"; $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1); socket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, array('sec' => 10, 'usec' => 0)); socket_connect($socket, $server_ip, null); socket_send($socket, $package, strLen($package), 0); // socket_read returns a string or false $status = socket_read($socket, 255) !== false ? true : false; if ($status) { $this->header = "Success."; } else { $this->error = "Couldn't create socket [" . $errorcode . "]: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); } $this->rtime = microtime(true) - $starttime; socket_close($socket); return $status; } /** * Ping from a non Windows Machine * @param string $server_id * @param int $max_runs * @param string $ping_command * @return boolean */ private function pingFromNonWindowsMachine($server_ip, $max_runs) { // Choose right ping version, ping6 for IPV6, ping for IPV4 $ping_command = filter_var($server_ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) !== false ? 'ping6' : 'ping'; // execute PING exec($ping_command . " -c " . $max_runs . " " . $server_ip . " 2>&1", $output); // Check if output is PING and if transmitted packets is equal to received packets. preg_match( '/^(\d{1,3}) packets transmitted, (\d{1,3}).*$/', $output[count($output) - 2], $output_package_loss ); if ( substr($output[0], 0, 4) == 'PING' && !empty($output_package_loss) && $output_package_loss[1] === $output_package_loss[2] ) { // Gets avg from 'round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 7.109/7.109/7.109/0.000 ms' preg_match_all("/(\d+\.\d+)/", $output[count($output) - 1], $result); // Converted to milliseconds $this->rtime = floatval($result[0][1]) / 1000; $this->header = ""; foreach ($output as $key => $value) { $this->header .= $value . "\n"; } return true; } $this->header = "-"; foreach ($output as $key => $value) { $this->header .= $value . "\n"; } $this->error = $output[count($output) - 2]; return false; } }