. * * @package phpservermon * @author Pepijn Over * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pepijn Over * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt GNU GPL v3 * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://www.phpservermonitor.org/ **/ // include main configuration and functionality require_once __DIR__.'/../src/bootstrap.php'; if (!psm_is_cli()) { // check if it's an allowed host if (!isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) { $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] = ""; } // define won't accept array before php 7.0.0 // check if data is serialized (not needed when using php 7.0.0 and higher) $data = @unserialize(PSM_CRON_ALLOW); $allow = $data === false ? PSM_CRON_ALLOW : $data; if (!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $allow) && !in_array($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"], $allow)) { header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden'); die('403 Forbidden


IP address not allowed. See the documentation for more info.

'); } echo "OK"; } $cron_timeout = PSM_CRON_TIMEOUT; // parse a couple of arguments if (!empty($_SERVER['argv'])) { foreach ($_SERVER['argv'] as $argv) { $argi = explode('=', ltrim($argv, '--')); if (count($argi) !== 2) { continue; } switch ($argi[0]) { case 'uri': if (!defined('PSM_BASE_URL')) { define('PSM_BASE_URL', $argi[1]); } break; case 'timeout': $cron_timeout = intval($argi[1]); break; } } } // prevent cron from running twice at the same time // however if the cron has been running for X mins, we'll assume it died and run anyway // if you want to change PSM_CRON_TIMEOUT, have a look in src/includes/psmconfig.inc.php. // or you can provide the --timeout=x argument $time = time(); if ( psm_get_conf('cron_running') == 1 && $cron_timeout > 0 && ($time - psm_get_conf('cron_running_time') < $cron_timeout) ) { die('Cron is already running. Exiting.'); } if (!defined('PSM_DEBUG') || !PSM_DEBUG) { psm_update_conf('cron_running', 1); } psm_update_conf('cron_running_time', $time); $autorun = $router->getService('util.server.updatemanager'); $autorun->run(true); psm_update_conf('cron_running', 0);