
60 lines
1.8 KiB

# Define puppi::info::module
# This is a puppi info plugin that provides automatic info to modules
# It uses a default template puppi/info/module.erb that can be changed
# and adapted
# == Usage
# (Sample from Example42 apache module where there's wide use of
# qualified variables, note that you can provide direct values to it
# without using variables):
# puppi::info::module { "apache":
# packagename => "${apache::params::packagename}",
# servicename => "${apache::params::servicename}",
# processname => "${apache::params::processname}",
# configfile => "${apache::params::configfile}",
# configdir => "${apache::params::configdir}",
# pidfile => "${apache::params::pidfile}",
# datadir => "${apache::params::datadir}",
# logfile => "${apache::params::logfile}",
# logdir => "${apache::params::logdir}",
# protocol => "${apache::params::protocol}",
# port => "${apache::params::port}",
# description => "What Puppet knows about apache" ,
# run => "httpd -V",
# }
define puppi::info::module (
$packagename = '',
$servicename = '',
$processname = '',
$configfile = '',
$configdir = '',
$initconfigfile = '',
$pidfile = '',
$datadir = '',
$logfile = '',
$logdir = '',
$protocol = '',
$port = '',
$description = '',
$run = '',
$verbose = 'no',
$templatefile = 'puppi/info/module.erb' ) {
require puppi
require puppi::params
file { "${puppi::params::infodir}/${name}":
ensure => present,
mode => '0750',
owner => $puppi::params::configfile_owner,
group => $puppi::params::configfile_group,
require => Class['puppi'],
content => template($templatefile),
tag => 'puppi_info',