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# Class: solr::install
# This class installs solr
# == Variables
# Refer to solr class for the variables defined here.
# == Usage
# This class is not intended to be used directly. It's automatically included by solr
class solr::install inherits solr {
case $solr::install {
package: {
package { 'solr':
ensure => $solr::manage_package,
name => $solr::package,
source: {
puppi::netinstall { 'netinstall_solr':
url => $solr::install_source,
destination_dir => $solr::install_destination,
preextract_command => $solr::install_precommand,
postextract_command => $solr::install_postcommand,
puppi: {
puppi::project::archive { 'solr':
source => $solr::install_source,
deploy_root => $solr::install_destination,
predeploy_customcommand => $solr::install_precommand,
postdeploy_customcommand => $solr::install_postcommand,
report_email => 'root',
auto_deploy => true,
enable => true,