
157 lines
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# == Class: composer
# The parameters for the composer class and corresponding definitions
# === Parameters
# Document parameters here.
# [*target_dir*]
# The target dir that composer should be installed to.
# Defaults to ```/usr/local/bin```.
# [*composer_file*]
# The name of the composer binary, which will reside in ```target_dir```.
# [*download_method*]
# Either ```curl``` or ```wget```.
# [*logoutput*]
# If the output should be logged. Defaults to FALSE.
# [*tmp_path*]
# Where the composer.phar file should be temporarily put.
# [*php_package*]
# The Package name of tht PHP CLI package.
# [*curl_package*]
# The name of the curl package to override the default set in the
# composer::params class.
# [*wget_package*]
# The name of the wget package to override the default set in the
# composer::params class.
# [*composer_home*]
# Folder to use as the COMPOSER_HOME environment variable. Default comes
# from our composer::params class which derives from our own $composer_home
# fact. The fact returns the current users $HOME environment variable.
# [*php_bin*]
# The name or path of the php binary to override the default set in the
# composer::params class.
# === Authors
# Thomas Ploch <>
class composer(
$target_dir = $composer::params::target_dir,
$composer_file = $composer::params::composer_file,
$download_method = $composer::params::download_method,
$logoutput = $composer::params::logoutput,
$tmp_path = $composer::params::tmp_path,
$php_package = $composer::params::php_package,
$curl_package = $composer::params::curl_package,
$wget_package = $composer::params::wget_package,
$composer_home = $composer::params::composer_home,
$php_bin = $composer::params::php_bin,
$suhosin_enabled = $composer::params::suhosin_enabled
) inherits composer::params {
Exec { path => "/bin:/usr/bin/:/sbin:/usr/sbin:${target_dir}" }
if defined(Package[$php_package]) == false {
package { $php_package: ensure => present, }
# download composer
case $download_method {
'curl': {
$download_command = "curl -s | ${composer::php_bin}"
$download_require = $suhosin_enabled ? {
true => [ Package['curl', $php_package], Augeas['allow_url_fopen', 'whitelist_phar'] ],
false => [ Package['curl', $php_package] ]
$method_package = $curl_package
'wget': {
$download_command = 'wget -O composer.phar'
$download_require = $suhosin_enabled ? {
true => [ Package['wget', $php_package], Augeas['allow_url_fopen', 'whitelist_phar'] ],
false => [ Package['wget', $php_package] ]
$method_package = $wget_package
default: {
fail("The param download_method ${download_method} is not valid. Please set download_method to curl or wget.")
if defined(Package[$method_package]) == false {
package { $method_package: ensure => present, }
exec { 'download_composer':
command => $download_command,
cwd => $tmp_path,
require => $download_require,
creates => "${tmp_path}/composer.phar",
logoutput => $logoutput,
# check if directory exists
file { $target_dir:
ensure => directory,
# move file to target_dir
file { "${target_dir}/${composer_file}":
ensure => present,
source => "${tmp_path}/composer.phar",
require => [ Exec['download_composer'], File[$target_dir] ],
mode => 0755,
if $suhosin_enabled {
case $family {
'Redhat','Centos': {
# set /etc/php5/cli/php.ini/suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = phar
augeas { 'whitelist_phar':
context => '/files/etc/suhosin.ini/suhosin',
changes => 'set suhosin.executor.include.whitelist phar',
require => Package[$php_package],
# set /etc/cli/php.ini/PHP/allow_url_fopen = On
augeas{ 'allow_url_fopen':
context => '/files/etc/php.ini/PHP',
changes => 'set allow_url_fopen On',
require => Package[$php_package],
'Debian': {
# set /etc/php5/cli/php.ini/suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = phar
augeas { 'whitelist_phar':
context => '/files/etc/php5/conf.d/suhosin.ini/suhosin',
changes => 'set suhosin.executor.include.whitelist phar',
require => Package[$php_package],
# set /etc/php5/cli/php.ini/PHP/allow_url_fopen = On
augeas{ 'allow_url_fopen':
context => '/files/etc/php5/cli/php.ini/PHP',
changes => 'set allow_url_fopen On',
require => Package[$php_package],