
100 lines
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# Define monitor::mount
# You can use this define to manage monitored mounts.
# It automatically monitors the mount point you specify
# AND IT MAY MOUNT it using Puppet's native mount define.
# So, generically, you just have to use monitor::mount
# instead of mount to manage your mount points.
# The possible arguments are the same of the native mount
# define plus some ones what define if and how to create the mount
# directory, if to just check the mount without managing it
# with Puppet and the tool(s) to use for monitoring.
# If you want to check the mount point only, without actually
# mounting it via the mount define, set only_check=true
define monitor::mount (
$options = '',
$pass = '0',
$remounts = true,
$ensure = 'mounted',
$atboot = true,
$only_check = false,
$create_dir = false,
$owner = 'root',
$group = 'root',
$mode = '0755',
$template = '',
$enable = true,
$tool = $::monitor_tool
) {
$computed_ensure = $bool_enable ? {
false => 'absent',
true => 'present',
# Manage template
$real_template = $template ? {
'' => undef,
default => $template,
# The mount is actually done (if $only_check != true )
if ( $only_check != true ) {
mount { $name:
ensure => $ensure,
name => $name,
device => $device,
fstype => $fstype,
options => $options,
pass => $pass,
remounts => $remounts,
atboot => true,
if ( $create_dir == true ) and ( $only_check != true ) {
file { $name:
ensure => directory,
path => $name,
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
mode => $mode,
before => Mount[$name],
if ($tool =~ /nagios/) {
nagios::service { "Mount_${escapedname}":
ensure => $computed_ensure,
template => $real_template,
check_command => "check_nrpe!check_mount!${name}!${fstype}",
if ($tool =~ /icinga/) {
icinga::service { "Mount_${escapedname}":
ensure => $computed_ensure,
template => $real_template,
check_command => "check_nrpe!check_mount!${name}!${fstype}",
if ($tool =~ /puppi/) {
puppi::check { "Mount_${escapedname}":
enable => $enable,
hostwide => 'yes',
command => "check_mount -m ${name} -t ${fstype}" ,