
56 lines
1.6 KiB

class apache::mod::php (
$package_name = undef,
$package_ensure = 'present',
$path = undef,
$extensions = ['.php'],
$content = undef,
$template = 'apache/mod/php5.conf.erb',
$source = undef,
) {
if ! defined(Class['apache::mod::prefork']) {
fail('apache::mod::php requires apache::mod::prefork; please enable mpm_module => \'prefork\' on Class[\'apache\']')
if $source and ($content or $template != 'apache/mod/php5.conf.erb') {
warning('source and content or template parameters are provided. source parameter will be used')
} elsif $content and $template != 'apache/mod/php5.conf.erb' {
warning('content and template parameters are provided. content parameter will be used')
$manage_content = $source ? {
undef => $content ? {
undef => template($template),
default => $content,
default => undef,
::apache::mod { 'php5':
package => $package_name,
package_ensure => $package_ensure,
path => $path,
include ::apache::mod::mime
include ::apache::mod::dir
Class['::apache::mod::mime'] -> Class['::apache::mod::dir'] -> Class['::apache::mod::php']
# Template uses $extensions
file { 'php5.conf':
ensure => file,
path => "${::apache::mod_dir}/php5.conf",
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
content => $manage_content,
source => $source,
require => [
Exec["mkdir ${::apache::mod_dir}"],
before => File[$::apache::mod_dir],
notify => Service['httpd'],