
113 lines
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# = Define: php::conf
# With this define you can manage any php configuration file
# You have 3 parameters to provide it: source, template and content.
# == Parameters
# [*template*]
# String. Optional. Default: undef. Alternative to: source, content.
# Sets the module path of a custom template to use as content of
# the config file
# When defined, config file has: content => content($template),
# Example: template => 'site/php/my.conf.erb',
# [*content*]
# String. Optional. Default: undef. Alternative to: template, source.
# Sets directly the value of the file's content parameter
# When defined, config file has: content => $content,
# Example: content => "# File Managed by Puppet \n",
# [*source*]
# String. Optional. Default: undef. Alternative to: template, content.
# Sets the value of the file's source parameter
# When defined, config file has: source => $source,
# Example: source => 'puppet:///site/php/my.conf',
# [*ensure*]
# String. Default: present
# Manages config file presence. Possible values:
# * 'present' - Create and manages the file.
# * 'absent' - Remove the file.
# [*path*]
# String. Optional. Default: $config_dir/$title
# The path of the created config file. If not defined a file
# name like the the name of the title a custom template to use as content of configfile
# If defined, configfile file has: content => content("$template")
# [*mode*] [*owner*] [*group*] [*notify*] [*replace*]
# String. Optional. Default: undef
# All these parameters map directly to the created file attributes.
# If not defined the module's defaults are used.
# If defined, config file file has, for example: mode => $mode
# [*options_hash*]
# Hash. Default undef. Needs: 'template'.
# An hash of custom options to be used in templates to manage any key pairs of
# arbitrary settings.
define php::conf (
$source = undef,
$template = undef,
$content = undef,
$path = undef,
$mode = undef,
$owner = undef,
$group = undef,
$notify = undef,
$replace = undef,
$options_hash = undef,
$ensure = present ) {
validate_re($ensure, ['present','absent'], 'Valid values are: present, absent. WARNING: If set to absent the conf file is removed.')
include php
$managed_path = $path ? {
undef => "${php::config_dir}/${name}",
default => $path,
$managed_content = $content ? {
undef => $template ? {
undef => undef,
default => template($template),
default => $content,
$managed_mode = $mode ? {
undef => $php::config_file_mode,
default => $mode,
$managed_owner = $owner ? {
undef => $php::config_file_owner,
default => $owner,
$managed_group = $group ? {
undef => $php::config_file_group,
default => $group,
file { "php_conf_${name}":
ensure => $ensure,
source => $source,
content => $managed_content,
path => $managed_path,
mode => $managed_mode,
owner => $managed_owner,
group => $managed_group,
notify => $notify,
replace => $replace,