Simnol 3b44731819 Create asterisk
Added a few of the more basic commands for interacting with Asterisk from the shell, at the moment this does not cover actually being inside the Asterisk CLI.
2013-08-18 15:33:21 +01:00

17 lines
510 B

To connect to a running Asterisk session:
asterisk -rvvv
To issue a command to Asterisk from the shell:
asterisk -rx "<command>"
To originate a call from a SIP trunk on an Asterisk server, to a specified number:
asterisk -rx "channel originate SIP/<trunk>/<number> application echo"
To print out the details of SIP accounts:
asterisk -rx "sip show peers"
To print out the passwords of SIP accounts:
asterisk -rx "sip show users"
To print out the current active channels:
asterisk -rx "core show channels"