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Hi Dayz Survivor !!

🔥 STILL in Devlopment ... not ready yet

 ☠  TEAM DayZ 🆃🅾🆇 ☠ 

Simple live Stat for Dayz Standalone server.

Inspired by Omega namager template.

The OmegaManager is a local application to run your DayZ servers. It automatically deploys, runs, watches, restarts and updates your server.

This page will show your DayZ server live stat. It's working with directly on editing config.php file and if you have crontab and sql you can have some graph.


#1 Download Archive

Download last archive

 # or Use the lastest version with git 
  git clone 

#2 Configuration Required

  • Set the config.php file and fill your ip , port , query and omega server port mod.

        $ipserv   = ""; // IP server game
        $portserv = "2302" ;   // Game Server Port
        $modport  = "2312" ;   // Mod port omega (+10)
        $queryport= "27016";   // Queryport
  • Omega manager (to check list mod only, but higly suggered !)

#3 Create SQL dayzstat database and insert SQL/table.sql .

  • mysql database (to store status server for graph) Create dayzstat database first + user privilege. Checkout Schema database in SQL/table.sql
        -- Adminer 4.7.8 MySQL dump

        SET NAMES utf8;
        SET time_zone = '+00:00';
        SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
        SET sql_mode = 'NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO';

        SET NAMES utf8mb4;

        DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `dayzstat`;
        CREATE DATABASE `dayzstat` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 */;
        USE `dayzstat`;

        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `StatServer_5`;
        CREATE TABLE `StatServer_5` (
          `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
          `date` datetime DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE current_timestamp(),
          `name` varchar(74) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Offline',
          `players` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
          `maxplayers` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL,
          `map` varchar(19) DEFAULT NULL,
          `game` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL,
          `version` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL,
          `timeserver` varchar(12) DEFAULT NULL,
          `timespeed` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL,
          `timespeedn` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL,
          `battleye` tinytext DEFAULT NULL,
          `hive` varchar(11) DEFAULT NULL,
          `connect` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
          `secure` tinytext DEFAULT NULL,
          `ping` varchar(3) DEFAULT '0',
          PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
          KEY `timeserver` (`timeserver`),
          KEY `date` (`date`)

        -- 2021-02-02 14:33:07
  • 2 Differents way for your crontab with Shell or php. Put in your crontab for mysql insert & creation of json file.

#4 Crontab to fill Database.

For Shell (SQL insert + json)

  */5 * * * *       /usr/sbin/sh /pathto/SQL/  2>&1


For php (SQL insert)

 */5 * * * *       /usr/local/bin/php -f /your/path/SQL/dayz2json_parser_sql.php 2>&1

Check your time zone here.

Et Voilà !



 - make ~~Regex to catch~~ time serv to auto detect it, and it's fucking hard :p)

 - Need to finish SQL part for stat USER

 - Admin section with usefull info from your log server.

Library used:

PHP-Source-Query - PHP library to query servers that implement Steam query protocol (also known as Source Engine Query protocol)


example live page

🔥 STILL in Devlopment ... not ready for production.


Author : Erreur32