2021-02-03 11:36:24 +01:00

341 lines
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* This file is part of GameQ.
* GameQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GameQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace GameQ\Protocols;
use GameQ\Protocol;
use GameQ\Buffer;
use GameQ\Result;
* GameSpy3 Protocol class
* Given the ability for non utf-8 characters to be used as hostnames, player names, etc... this
* version returns all strings utf-8 encoded (utf8_encode). To access the proper version of a
* string response you must use utf8_decode() on the specific response.
* @author Austin Bischoff <>
class Gamespy3 extends Protocol
* Array of packets we want to look up.
* Each key should correspond to a defined method in this or a parent class
* @type array
protected $packets = [
self::PACKET_CHALLENGE => "\xFE\xFD\x09\x10\x20\x30\x40",
self::PACKET_ALL => "\xFE\xFD\x00\x10\x20\x30\x40%s\xFF\xFF\xFF\x01",
* The query protocol used to make the call
* @type string
protected $protocol = 'gamespy3';
* String name of this protocol class
* @type string
protected $name = 'gamespy3';
* Longer string name of this protocol class
* @type string
protected $name_long = "GameSpy3 Server";
* The client join link
* @type string
protected $join_link = null;
* This defines the split between the server info and player/team info.
* This value can vary by game. This value is the default split.
* @var string
protected $packetSplit = "/\\x00\\x00\\x01/m";
* Parse the challenge response and apply it to all the packet types
* @param \GameQ\Buffer $challenge_buffer
* @return bool
* @throws \GameQ\Exception\Protocol
public function challengeParseAndApply(Buffer $challenge_buffer)
// Pull out the challenge
$challenge = substr(preg_replace("/[^0-9\-]/si", "", $challenge_buffer->getBuffer()), 1);
// By default, no challenge result (see #197)
$challenge_result = '';
// Check for valid challenge (see #197)
if ($challenge) {
// Encode chellenge result
$challenge_result = sprintf(
($challenge >> 24),
($challenge >> 16),
($challenge >> 8),
($challenge >> 0)
// Apply the challenge and return
return $this->challengeApply($challenge_result);
* Process the response
* @return array
public function processResponse()
// Holds the processed packets
$processed = [];
// Iterate over the packets
foreach ($this->packets_response as $response) {
// Make a buffer
$buffer = new Buffer($response, Buffer::NUMBER_TYPE_BIGENDIAN);
// Packet type = 0
// Session Id
// We need to burn the splitnum\0 because it is not used
// Get the id
$id = $buffer->readInt8();
// Burn next byte not sure what it is used for
// Add this packet to the processed
$processed[$id] = $buffer->getBuffer();
unset($buffer, $id);
// Sort packets, reset index
// Offload cleaning up the packets if they happen to be split
$packets = $this->cleanPackets(array_values($processed));
// Split the packets by type general and the rest (i.e. players & teams)
$split = preg_split($this->packetSplit, implode('', $packets));
// Create a new result
$result = new Result();
// Assign variable due to pass by reference in PHP 7+
$buffer = new Buffer($split[0], Buffer::NUMBER_TYPE_BIGENDIAN);
// First key should be server details and rules
$this->processDetails($buffer, $result);
// The rest should be the player and team information, if it exists
if (array_key_exists(1, $split)) {
$buffer = new Buffer($split[1], Buffer::NUMBER_TYPE_BIGENDIAN);
$this->processPlayersAndTeams($buffer, $result);
return $result->fetch();
* Internal methods
* Handles cleaning up packets since the responses can be a bit "dirty"
* @param array $packets
* @return array
protected function cleanPackets(array $packets = [])
// Get the number of packets
$packetCount = count($packets);
// Compare last var of current packet with first var of next packet
// On a partial match, remove last var from current packet,
// variable header from next packet
for ($i = 0, $x = $packetCount; $i < $x - 1; $i++) {
// First packet
$fst = substr($packets[$i], 0, -1);
// Second packet
$snd = $packets[$i + 1];
// Get last variable from first packet
$fstvar = substr($fst, strrpos($fst, "\x00") + 1);
// Get first variable from last packet
$snd = substr($snd, strpos($snd, "\x00") + 2);
$sndvar = substr($snd, 0, strpos($snd, "\x00"));
// Check if fstvar is a substring of sndvar
// If so, remove it from the first string
if (!empty($fstvar) && strpos($sndvar, $fstvar) !== false) {
$packets[$i] = preg_replace("#(\\x00[^\\x00]+\\x00)$#", "\x00", $packets[$i]);
// Now let's loop the return and remove any dupe prefixes
for ($x = 1; $x < $packetCount; $x++) {
$buffer = new Buffer($packets[$x], Buffer::NUMBER_TYPE_BIGENDIAN);
$prefix = $buffer->readString();
// Check to see if the return before has the same prefix present
if ($prefix != null && strstr($packets[($x - 1)], $prefix)) {
// Update the return by removing the prefix plus 2 chars
$packets[$x] = substr(str_replace($prefix, '', $packets[$x]), 2);
unset($x, $i, $snd, $sndvar, $fst, $fstvar);
// Return cleaned packets
return $packets;
* Handles processing the details data into a usable format
* @param \GameQ\Buffer $buffer
* @param \GameQ\Result $result
protected function processDetails(Buffer &$buffer, Result &$result)
// We go until we hit an empty key
while ($buffer->getLength()) {
$key = $buffer->readString();
if (strlen($key) == 0) {
$result->add($key, utf8_encode($buffer->readString()));
* Handles processing the player and team data into a usable format
* @param \GameQ\Buffer $buffer
* @param \GameQ\Result $result
protected function processPlayersAndTeams(Buffer &$buffer, Result &$result)
* Explode the data into groups. First is player, next is team (item_t)
* Each group should be as follows:
* [0] => item_
* [1] => information for item_
* ...
$data = explode("\x00\x00", $buffer->getBuffer());
// By default item_group is blank, this will be set for each loop thru the data
$item_group = '';
// By default the item_type is blank, this will be set on each loop
$item_type = '';
// Save count as variable
$count = count($data);
// Loop through all of the $data for information and pull it out into the result
for ($x = 0; $x < $count - 1; $x++) {
// Pull out the item
$item = $data[$x];
// If this is an empty item, move on
if ($item == '' || $item == "\x00") {
* Left as reference:
* Each block of player_ and team_t have preceding junk chars
* player_ is actually \x01player_
* team_t is actually \x00\x02team_t
* Probably a by-product of the change to exploding the data from the original.
* For now we just strip out these characters
// Check to see if $item has a _ at the end, this is player info
if (substr($item, -1) == '_') {
// Set the item group
$item_group = 'players';
// Set the item type, rip off any trailing stuff and bad chars
$item_type = rtrim(str_replace("\x01", '', $item), '_');
} elseif (substr($item, -2) == '_t') {
// Check to see if $item has a _t at the end, this is team info
// Set the item group
$item_group = 'teams';
// Set the item type, rip off any trailing stuff and bad chars
$item_type = rtrim(str_replace(["\x00", "\x02"], '', $item), '_t');
} else {
// We can assume it is data belonging to a previously defined item
// Make a temp buffer so we have easier access to the data
$buf_temp = new Buffer($item, Buffer::NUMBER_TYPE_BIGENDIAN);
// Get the values
while ($buf_temp->getLength()) {
// No value so break the loop, end of string
if (($val = $buf_temp->readString()) === '') {
// Add the value to the proper item in the correct group
$result->addSub($item_group, $item_type, utf8_encode(trim($val)));
// Unset our buffer
// Free up some memory
unset($count, $data, $item, $item_group, $item_type, $val);