2017-07-19 00:05:06 +02:00

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Raw Blame History

coverage report

MOTDs32 installation instructions

(2017) New project MOTDs32 by Erreur32

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MOTDstat Documentation

Original project:

MOTDstat will dynamicaly generate the /etc/motd file with current information about system resources and usage. Using crontab the script will periodically display status of system resources and services. The original message of the day is now stored in /etc/motd.orig file.


(git clone

type in the directory:



cd /PATH/MOTDs32
git pull


When you want MOTD to be displayed while logging via SSH client you will have to change setting on the SSH daemon as following: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

PrintMotd yes

To apply the changes, restart the SSH server daemon.

Sample MOTDstat report

00:03:47 19/07 root@echosystem .../Stats-tools/MOTDs32 (master)# /usr/bin/motds32 -c

motds32 check motd file  > status at 00:03 > 5min load is 0.75 on 8 cpu(s)

      Disk status        |      Memory status       |     Service status
partition      free  usg | Memory      used kB  [%] | service(s)        (count)
/              5,9G  68% | Memory:    61431116  92% | tcp/
/home          1,5T  12% | Swap:          3500   0% | tcp6/:::2222
                         | Buffers:    1266580      | tcp/
                         | Cached:    50682196      | tcp6/:::25
                         |                          | tcp/
                         |                          | tcp6/:::80
                         |                          | tcp6/:::443
                         |                          | udp/
                         |                          | udp/
                         |                          | udp/
                         |                          | udp6/fe80::ec4:7aff:fe0f:123
                         |                          | udp6/2001:41d0:d:2e5:::123
                         |                          | udp6/::1:123

Explanation of the report

   system hostname              report time        system load
         |                          |                   |
         |      NTP status          |                   |  Number of CPU(s)
         |         |                |                   |      |
         V         V                V                   V      V         *+ > status at 19:15 > 5min load is 1.06 on 4 cpu(s)