
2.5 KiB

title private date blog_url show_sidebar show_breadcrumbs show_pagination continue_link sitemap
grav-page-list true 23:38 15-04-2018 /blog true true true true

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Summary of collection options
String 	Result
'@root' 	Get the root children
'@root.children' 	Get the root children (alternative)
'@root.descendants' 	Get the root and recurse through ALL children
'@self.parent' 	Get the parent of the current page
'@self.siblings' 	A collection of all other pages on this level
'@self.modular' 	Get only the modular children
'@self.children' 	Get the non-modular children
'@self.descendants' 	Recurse through all the non-modular children
'@page': '/fruit' 	Get all the children of page /fruit
'@page.children': '/fruit' 	Alternative to above
'@page.self': '/fruit' 	Get a collection with only the page /fruit
'': '/fruit' 	Alternative to above
'@page.descendants': '/fruit' 	Get and recurse through all the children of page /fruit
'@page.modular': '/fruit' 	Get a collection of all modular subpages of /fruit
'@taxonomy.tag': photography 	taxonomy with tag=photography
'@taxonomy': {tag: birds, category: blog} 	taxonomy with tag=birds && category=blog

This document outlines the use of @page, @taxonomy.category etc, but a more YAML-safe alternative format is page@, taxonomy@.category. All the @ commands can be written in either prefix or postfix format.

We will cover these more in detail.
Root Collections
@root - Top level children

This can be used to retrieve the top/root level published non-modular children of a site. Particular useful for getting the items that make up the primary navigation for example:

    items: '@root'

an alias is also valid:

    items: '@root.children'

@root - Top level children + all descendants

This will effectively get every page in your site as it recursively navigates through all the children from the root page down, and builds a collection of all the published non-modular children of a site.

    items: '@root.descendants'

Self Collections
@self.children - Children of the current page

This is used to list the published non-modular children of the current page:

    items: '@self.children'

@self.descendants - Non-modular children + all descendants of the current page