2020-01-05 20:47:56 +01:00

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[SimpleLogin]( | Privacy-First Email Forwarding and Identity Provider Service
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> Yet another email forwarding service?
In some way yes... However, SimpleLogin is a bit different because:
- Fully open source: both the server and client code (browser extension, JS library) are open source so anyone can freely inspect and (hopefully) improve the code.
- Not just email alias: SimpleLogin is a privacy-first and developer-friendly identity provider that:
- offers privacy for users
- is simple to use for developers. SimpleLogin is a privacy-focused alternative to the "Login with Facebook/Google/Twitter" buttons.
- The only email forwarding solution that is **self-hostable**: with our detailed self-hosting instructions and most of components running as Docker container, anyone who knows `ssh` is able to deploy SimpleLogin on their server.
- Plenty of features: browser extension, custom domain, catch-all alias, OAuth libraries, etc.
- Open roadmap at you know the exciting features we are working on.
At the heart of SimpleLogin is `email alias`: an alias is a normal email address but all emails sent to an alias are **forwarded** to your email inbox. SimpleLogin alias can also **send** emails: for your contact, the alias is therefore your email address. Use alias whenever you need to give out your email address to protect your online identity. More info on our website at
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<img src="./docs/custom-alias.png" height="150px">
# Quick start
If you have Docker installed, run the following command to start SimpleLogin local server:
docker run -it --rm \
-e RESET_DB=true \
-e CONFIG=/code/.env.example \
-p 7777:7777 \
simplelogin/app python
Then open http://localhost:7777, you should be able to login with `` account!
To use SimpleLogin aliases, you need to deploy it on your server with some DNS setup though,
the following section will show a step-by-step guide on how to get your own email forwarder service!
# Table of Contents
[1. General Architecture](#general-architecture)
[2. Self Hosting](#self-hosting)
[3. Contributing Guide](#contributing)
## General Architecture
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<img src="./docs/archi.png" height="450px">
SimpleLogin backend consists of 2 main components:
- the `webapp` used by several clients: web UI (the dashboard), browser extension (Chrome & Firefox for now), OAuth clients (apps that integrate "Login with SimpleLogin" button) and mobile app (work in progress).
- the `email handler`: implements the email forwarding (i.e. alias receiving email) and email sending (i.e. alias sending email).
## Self hosting
### Prerequisites
- a Linux server (either a VM or dedicated server). This doc shows the setup for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS but the steps could be adapted for other popular Linux distributions. As most of components run as Docker container and Docker can be a bit heavy, having at least 2 GB of RAM is recommended. The server needs to have the port 25 (email), 80, 443 (for the webapp), 22 (so you can ssh into it) open.
- a domain that you can config the DNS. It could be a sub-domain. In the rest of the doc, let's say it's `` for the email and `` for SimpleLogin webapp. Please make sure to replace these values by your domain name whenever they appear in the doc.
- [Optional] AWS S3, Sentry, Google/Facebook/Github developer accounts. These are necessary only if you want to activate these options.
Except for the DNS setup that is usually done on your domain registrar interface, all the below steps are to be done on your server. The commands are to run with `bash` (or any bash-compatible shell like `zsh`) being the shell. If you use other shells like `fish`, please make sure to adapt the commands.
### DKIM
From Wikipedia
> DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an email authentication method designed to detect forged sender addresses in emails (email spoofing), a technique often used in phishing and email spam.
Setting up DKIM is highly recommended to reduce the chance your emails ending up in the recipient's Spam folder.
First you need to generate a private and public key for DKIM:
openssl genrsa -out dkim.key 1024
openssl rsa -in dkim.key -pubout -out
You will need the files `dkim.key` and `` for the next steps.
For email gurus, we have chosen 1024 key length instead of 2048 for DNS simplicity as some registrars don't play well with long TXT record.
### DNS
Please note that DNS changes could take up to 24 hours to propagate. In practice, it's a lot faster though (~1 minute or so in our test).
#### MX record
Create a **MX record** that points `` to `` with priority 10.
To verify if the DNS works, `dig mx` should contain the following in the result.
``` 3600 IN MX 10
#### A record
An **A record** that points `` to your server IP. To verify, `dig a` should return your server IP.
#### DKIM
Set up DKIM by adding a TXT record for `` with the following value:
v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=PUBLIC_KEY
with `PUBLIC_KEY` being your `` but
- remove the `-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----` and `-----END PUBLIC KEY-----`
- join all the lines on a single line.
For example, if your `` is
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
then the `PUBLIC_KEY` would be `abcdefgh`.
To verify, `dig txt` should return the above value.
#### SPF
From Wikipedia
> Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email authentication method designed to detect forging sender addresses during the delivery of the email
Similar to DKIM, setting up SPF is highly recommended.
Add a TXT record for `` with the value `v=spf1 mx -all`. What it means is only your server can send email with `` domain. To verify, you can use `dig txt`
### Docker
Now the boring DNS stuffs are done, let's do something more fun!
If you don't already have Docker installed on your server, please follow the steps on [Docker CE for Ubuntu]( to install Docker.
Tips: if you want to run Docker without the `sudo` prefix, add your account to `docker` group:
sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
### Prepare the Docker network
This Docker network will be used by the other Docker containers run in the next steps.
Later, we will setup Postfix to authorize this network.
docker network create -d bridge \
--subnet= \
--gateway= \
### Postgres
This section shows how to run a Postgres database using Docker. At the end of this section, you will have a database username and password which will be used in the next steps.
If you have already had a Postgres database in use, you can skip this section and just copy the database configuration (i.e. host, port, username, password, database name).
Run a Postgres Docker container as your Postgres database server. Make sure to replace `myuser` and `mypassword` with something more secret 😎.
docker run -d \
--name sl-db \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mypassword \
-e POSTGRES_USER=myuser \
-e POSTGRES_DB=simplelogin \
--network="sl-network" \
To test whether the database operates correctly or not, run the following command:
docker exec -it sl-db psql -U myuser simplelogin
you should be logged in the postgres console.
### Postfix
Install `postfix` and `postfix-pgsql`. The latter is used to connect Postfix and the Postgres database in the next steps.
sudo apt-get install -y postfix postfix-pgsql
Choose "Internet Site" in Postfix installation window then keep using the proposed value as *System mail name* in the next window.
Run the following commands to setup Postfix. Make sure to replace `` with the appropriate value of your domain.
sudo postconf -e 'myhostname ='
sudo postconf -e 'mydomain ='
sudo postconf -e 'myorigin ='
sudo postconf -e 'mydestination = localhost'
sudo postconf -e 'mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128'
sudo postconf -e 'relay_domains = pgsql:/etc/postfix/'
sudo postconf -e 'transport_maps = pgsql:/etc/postfix/'
Create the `relay-domains` file at `/etc/postfix/` and put the following content. Make sure that the database config is correctly set and replace `` with your domain.
# postgres config
hosts = localhost
user = myuser
password = mypassword
dbname = simplelogin
query = SELECT domain FROM custom_domain WHERE domain='%s' AND verified=true UNION SELECT '%s' WHERE '%s' = '' LIMIT 1;
Create the `transport-maps` file at `/etc/postfix/` and put the following lines. Make sure that the database config is correctly set and replace `` with your domain.
# postgres config
hosts = localhost
user = myuser
password = mypassword
dbname = simplelogin
# forward to smtp: for custom domain AND email domain
query = SELECT 'smtp:' FROM custom_domain WHERE domain = '%s' AND verified=true UNION SELECT 'smtp:' WHERE '%s' = '' LIMIT 1;
Finally, restart Postfix
> sudo systemctl restart postfix
### Run SimpleLogin Docker containers
To run the server, you need a config file. Please have a look at [config example](./.env.example) for an example to create one. Some parameters are optional and are commented out by default. Some have "dummy" values, fill them up if you want to enable these features (Paddle, AWS, etc).
Let's put your config file at `~/simplelogin.env`.
Make sure to update the following variables and replace these values by yours.
# Server url
Before running the webapp, you need to prepare the database by running the migration
docker run --rm \
--name sl-migration \
-v $(pwd)/dkim.key:/dkim.key \
-v $(pwd)/ \
-v $(pwd)/simplelogin.env:/code/.env \
--network="sl-network" \
simplelogin/app flask db upgrade
This command could take a while to download the `simplelogin/app` docker image.
Now, it's time to run the `webapp` container!
docker run -d \
--name sl-app \
-v $(pwd)/simplelogin.env:/code/.env \
-v $(pwd)/dkim.key:/dkim.key \
-v $(pwd)/ \
-p 7777:7777 \
--network="sl-network" \
Next run the `email handler`
docker run -d \
--name sl-email \
-v $(pwd)/simplelogin.env:/code/.env \
-v $(pwd)/dkim.key:/dkim.key \
-v $(pwd)/ \
-p 20381:20381 \
--network="sl-network" \
simplelogin/app python
[Optional] If you want to run the cronjob:
docker run -d \
--name sl-cron \
-v $(pwd)/simplelogin.env:/code/.env \
-v $(pwd)/dkim.key:/dkim.key \
-v $(pwd)/ \
--network="sl-network" \
simplelogin/app yacron -c /code/crontab.yml
### Nginx
Install Nginx
sudo apt-get install -y nginx
Then, create `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/simplelogin` with the following lines:
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:7777;
Reload Nginx with the command below
sudo systemctl reload nginx
At this step, you should also setup the SSL for Nginx. [Certbot]( can be a good option if you want a free SSL certificate.
### Enjoy!
If all of the above steps are successful, open and create your first account!
## Contributing
All work on SimpleLogin happens directly on GitHub.
### Run code locally
The project uses Python 3.7+. First, install all dependencies by running the following command. Feel free to use `virtualenv` or similar tools to isolate development environment.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Then make sure all tests pass
To run the code locally, please create a local setting file based on `.env.example`:
cp .env.example .env
Make sure to uncomment the `RESET_DB=true` to create the database locally.
Feel free to custom your `.env` file, it would be your default setting when developing locally. This file is ignored by git.
You don't need all the parameters, for example, if you don't update images to s3, then
`BUCKET`, `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` can be empty or if you don't use login with Github locally, `GITHUB_CLIENT_ID` doesn't have to be filled. The `.env.example` file contains minimal requirement so that if you run:
then open http://localhost:7777, you should be able to login with the following account
``` / password
### API
For now the only API client is the Chrome/Firefox extension. This extension relies on `API Code` for authentication.
In every request, the extension sends
- the `API Code` is set in `Authentication` header. The check is done via the `verify_api_key` wrapper, implemented in `app/api/`
- (Optional but recommended) `hostname` passed in query string. hostname is the the URL hostname (cf, for ex if URL is then the hostname is ``. This information is important to know where an alias is used in order to suggest user the same alias if they want to create on alias on the same website in the future.
If error, the API returns 4** with body containing the error message, for example:
{"error": "request body cannot be empty"}
The error message is used mostly for debugging and should never be displayed to user as-is.
#### GET /api/v2/alias/options
User alias info and suggestion. Used by the first extension screen when user opens the extension.
- `Authentication` header that contains the api key
- (Optional but recommended) `hostname` passed in query string.
Output: a json with the following field:
- can_create: boolean. Whether user can create new alias
- suffixes: list of string. List of alias `suffix` that user can use. If user doesn't have custom domain, this list has a single element which is the alias default domain (
- prefix_suggestion: string. Suggestion for the `alias prefix`. Usually this is the website name extracted from `hostname`. If no `hostname`, then the `prefix_suggestion` is empty.
- existing: list of string. List of existing alias.
- recommendation: optional field, dictionary. If an alias is already used for this website, the recommendation will be returned. There are 2 subfields in `recommendation`: `alias` which is the recommended alias and `hostname` is the website on which this alias is used before.
For ex:
"can_create": true,
"existing": [
"prefix_suggestion": "test",
"recommendation": {
"alias": "",
"hostname": ""
"suffixes": [
#### POST /alias/custom/new
Create a new custom alias.
- `Authentication` header that contains the api key
- (Optional but recommended) `hostname` passed in query string
- Request Message Body in json (`Content-Type` is `application/json`)
- alias_prefix: string. The first part of the alias that user can choose.
- alias_suffix: should be one of the suffixes returned in the `GET /api/v2/alias/options` endpoint.
If success, 201 with the new alias, for example
{alias: ""}
409 if the alias is already created.
### Database migration
The database migration is handled by `alembic`
Whenever the model changes, a new migration has to be created
Set the database connection to use a current database (i.e. the one without the model changes you just made), for example, if you have a staging config at `~/config/simplelogin/staging.env`, you can do:
ln -sf ~/config/simplelogin/staging.env .env
Generate the migration script and make sure to review it before committing it. Sometimes (very rarely though), the migration generation can go wrong.
flask db migrate
In local the database creation in Sqlite doesn't use migration and uses directly `db.create_all()` (cf `fake_data()` method). This is because Sqlite doesn't handle well the migration. As sqlite is only used during development, the database is deleted and re-populated at each run.
### Code structure
The repo consists of the three following entry points:
- and the webapp.
- the email handler.
- the cronjob.
Here are the small sum-ups of the directory structures and their roles:
- app/: main Flask app. It is structured into different packages representing different features like oauth, api, dashboard, etc.
- local_data/: contains files to facilitate the local development. They are replaced during the deployment.
- migrations/: generated by flask-migrate. Edit these files will be only edited when you spot (very rare) errors on the database migration files.
- static/: files available at `/static` url.
- templates/: contains both html and email templates.
- tests/: tests. We don't really distinguish unit, functional or integration test. A test is simply here to make sure a feature works correctly.
The code is formatted using, to format the code, simply run
### OAuth flow
SL currently supports code and implicit flow.
#### Code flow
To trigger the code flow locally, you can go to the following url after running `python`:
You should see there the authorization page where user is asked for permission to share their data. Once user approves, user is redirected to this url with an `authorization code`: `http://localhost:7000/callback?state=123456&code=the_code`
Next, exchange the code to get the token with `{code}` replaced by the code obtained in previous step. The `http` tool used here is
http -f -a client-id:client-secret http://localhost:7777/oauth/token grant_type=authorization_code code={code}
This should return an `access token` that allows to get user info via the following command. Again, `http` tool is used.
http http://localhost:7777/oauth/user_info 'Authorization:Bearer {token}'
#### Implicit flow
Similar to code flow, except for the the `access token` which we we get back with the redirection.
For implicit flow, the url is
#### OpenID and OAuth2 response_type & scope
According to the sharing web blog titled [Diagrams of All The OpenID Connect Flows](, we should pay attention to:
- `response_type` can be either `code, token, id_token` or any combination of those attributes.
- `scope` might contain `openid`
Below are the potential combinations that are taken into account in SL until now:
with `openid` in scope, return `id_token` at /token: OK
without: OK
with and without `openid`, nothing to do: OK
return `id_token` in /authorization endpoint
response_type=id_token token
return `id_token` in addition to `access_token` in /authorization endpoint
response_type=id_token code
return `id_token` in addition to `authorization_code` in /authorization endpoint
## ❤️ Contributors
Thanks go to these wonderful people:
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Dung Nguyen Van"/><br /><sub><b>Dung Nguyen Van</b></sub></a><br /></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Giuseppe Federico"/><br /><sub><b>Giuseppe Federico</b></sub></a><br /></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Ninh Dinh"/><br /><sub><b>Ninh Dinh</b></sub></a><br /></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Tung Nguyen V. N."/><br /><sub><b>Tung Nguyen V. N.</b></sub></a><br /></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Son Nguyen Kim"/><br /><sub><b>Son Nguyen Kim</b></sub></a><br /></td>