Son NK c18d9f5280 create BaseForm to enable CSRF
register page

redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in

enable csrf for login page

Set models more strict

bootstrap developer page

add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin

display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs

add toastr and use jquery non slim

display a toast when user copies the client-secret

create new client, generate client-id using unidecode

client detail page: can edit client

add delete client

implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny

implement /oauth/token

add /oauth/user_info endpoint

handle scopes: wip

take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope

create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP

create authorize_nonlogin_user page

user can choose to generate a new email

no need to interfere with root logger

log for before and after request

if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client

get_user_info takes into account gen email

display list of clients that have user has authorised

use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name

use wtforms instead of flask_wtf


delete virtual domain

EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var

bind to host

fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context

rename yourkey to simplelogin

add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils

create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist

add shortcuts to logging

create shell

add psycopg2

do not add local data in Dockerfile

add drop_db into shell

add shell.prepare_db()

fix prepare_db

setup sentry

copy assets from tabler/dist

add icon downloaded from

integrate tabler - login and register page

add favicon

template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url

use default template for dashboard, developer page

use another icon

add clipboard and notie

prettify dashboard

add notie css

add fake gen email and client-user

prettify list client page, use notie for toast

add email, name scope to new client

display client scope in client list

prettify new-client, client-detail

add sentry-sdk and blinker

add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard

comment "last used" in dashboard for now

prettify date display

add copy email to clipboard to dashboard

use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres

call prepare_db() when creating new db

error page 400, 401, 403, 404

prettify authorize_login_user

create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client

user can generate new email

display all other generated emails

add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local

fix: not return other users gen emails

display nb users for each client

refactor shell: remove prepare_db()

add sendgrid

add /favicon.ico route


user needs to activate their account before login

create copy button on dashboard

client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri,

use redirect_uri passed in /authorize

refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model

dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails

add "id" into user_info

add trigger email button

invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret

centralize Client creation into Client.create_new

user can enable/disable email forwarding

setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss

move name down in register form

add shell.add_real_data

move blueprint template to its own package

prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user

update readme, return error if not redirect_uri

add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary

use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form

rename email -> email_utils


add s3 module

add File model, add Client.icon_id

handle client icon update

can create client with icon

display client icon in client list page

add Client.home_url

take into account Client.home_url

add boto3

register: ask name first

only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled

display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order

better error page

the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal

add Client.published column

discover page that displays all published Client

add missing

developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover

use notie for display flash message

create hotmail account

fix missing jquery

add footer, add global jinja2 variable

strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible,

rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret

add flask-migrate

init migrate

1st migrate version

fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id

prettify UI

use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all()

make sure requirejs.config is called for all page

enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables

add flask-admin

add User.is_admin column

setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user

fix migration: add server_default

replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args

add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black

add register waiting_activation_email page

better email wording

add pytest

add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests

example fail test

fix test

fix client-id display

add flask-cors

/user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym

return client in /me

support implicit flow

no need to use with "app.app_context()"

add watchtower to requirement


add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled

add 500 error page

add help text for list of used client

display list of app/website that an email has been used

click on client name brings to client detail page

create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache

POC on how to send email using postfix

add sqlalchemy-utils

use arrow instead of datetime


show full error in local

add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf

reformat all html files: use space instead of tab

new user will have trial plan for 15 days

add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN

only user with enough quota can create new email

if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit


open client page in discover in a new tab

add stripe

not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request


add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id

user can upgrade their pricing

add setting page as coming-soon

add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin

ignore /admin/static logging

add more fake data

add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible

rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration

reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one

rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest

add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics

add how to create new migration into readme

add drift to base.html

notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription

log exception in case of 500

use sendgrid to notify admin

add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint

add change_password to shell

add info on how payment is handled

invite user to retry if card not working

remove drift and add "contact us" link

move poc_send_email into poc/

support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth

client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex

add jwtRS256 private and public key

add jwk-jws-jwt poc


add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken

take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code

add jwcrypto

add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token

add &scope to redirect uri

add "email_verified": True into user_info

fix user not activated

add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth

handle case where scope and state are empty

remove threaded=False

Use Email Alias as wording

remove help text

user can re-send activation email

add "expired" into ActivationCode

Handle the case activation code is expired

reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate

use error text instead of flash()

display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page

not display oauth-secret on client listing

fix expiration check

improve page title, footer

add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration

init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin

create oauth_models module

rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model

set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False

use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ...

support access_token passed as args in /userinfo

merge /allow-deny into /authorize

improve wording

take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope

take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code

make sure to use in-memory db in test

fix scope can be null

allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks

fix footer link

center authorize form

rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration

move stripe init to create_app()

use real email to be able to receive email notification

add user.profile_picture_id column

use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar

use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging

handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update

fix can_create_new_email

create that set plan to free when expired

add crontab.yml

add yacron

use notify_admin instead of LOG.error

add ResetPasswordCode model

user can change password in setting

increase display time for notie

add forgot_password page

If login error: redirect to this page upon success login.

hide discover tab

add column user.is_developer

only show developer menu to developer

comment out the publish button

set local user to developer

make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint

User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon

not sending email when in local mode

create Partner model

create become partner page

use normal error handling on local

fix migration

add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template

small refactoring on setting page

handle promo code. TODO: add migration file

add migration for user.promo_codes

move email alias on top of apps in dashboard

add introjs

move encode_url to utils

create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email

create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login

show intro when user visits the website the first time

fix register
2019-07-02 10:20:12 +03:00

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13 KiB
Executable file

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46.3762988,33.5262522 L47.1306743,32.3881581 L49.1508594,32.3881581 L48.7295948,33.1367084 L51.151807,33.1367084 L50.8445448,34.2836311 L47.9622948,34.2836311 C47.6303371,34.7870546 47.2217059,35.0237289 46.7303719,34.9956792 L45.2290871,34.9956792 L45.5555903,33.7951443 L45.5555908,33.7951443 Z M45.2239185,35.4389498 L50.5306748,35.4389498 L50.1923968,36.6848156 L48.0582092,36.6848156 L47.7325683,37.887377 L49.8093234,37.887377 L49.4710455,39.1331245 L47.3942903,39.1331245 L46.9118565,40.9101191 C46.7923961,41.2071476 46.9494764,41.3407112 47.3805072,41.3104033 L49.0730394,41.3104033 L48.7594572,42.4680649 L45.5099327,42.4680649 C44.8939678,42.4680649 44.6826745,42.1128802 44.8758781,41.4008639 L45.4927002,39.1331245 L44.1652079,39.1331245 L44.5024235,37.887377 L45.8301157,37.887377 L46.1554727,36.6848156 L44.8865031,36.6848156 L45.2239187,35.4389498 L45.2239185,35.4389498 Z M53.6940543,32.3796754 L53.6104892,33.1090046 C53.6104892,33.1090046 54.611536,32.351394 55.5206923,32.351394 L58.8802022,32.351394 L57.595439,37.0395355 C57.4888995,37.5754964 57.032027,37.8420158 56.2250984,37.8420158 L52.4173288,37.8420158 L51.5254049,41.1339946 C51.4740018,41.3103996 51.5466547,41.4008601 51.7387644,41.4008601 L52.4879695,41.4008601 L52.2125819,42.4227036 L50.3078365,42.4227036 C49.5767227,42.4227036 49.2726155,42.2010824 49.3932257,41.7559001 L51.913645,32.3796754 L53.6940504,32.3796754 L53.6940538,32.3796754 L53.6940543,32.3796754 Z M56.5389682,33.7049151 L53.5404198,33.7049151 L53.1817545,34.9699156 C53.1817545,34.9699156 53.6811299,34.6064816 54.5156248,34.5934831 C55.3478203,34.5803416 56.2977513,34.5934831 56.2977513,34.5934831 L56.5389682,33.7049151 L56.5389682,33.7049151 Z M55.4526349,36.6394546 C55.6743232,36.6697625 55.7983759,36.5813285 55.8133087,36.3726173 L55.9968058,35.7057871 L52.9936651,35.7057871 L52.7418234,36.6394546 L55.4526349,36.6394546 L55.4526349,36.6394546 Z M53.4269919,38.1541261 L55.1580063,38.1541261 L55.1258444,38.909217 L55.5867376,38.909217 C55.8196256,38.909217 55.9350655,38.834043 55.9350655,38.6856878 L56.0714675,38.1972009 L57.5101493,38.1972009 L57.3180394,38.909217 C57.1555047,39.503101 56.7247614,39.8129247 56.0246599,39.8432326 L55.1025826,39.8432326 L55.0982745,41.1339948 C55.0813329,41.3407077 55.2668385,41.4460766 55.6487655,41.4460766 L56.5154225,41.4460766 L56.2357234,42.4680651 L54.1569595,42.4680651 C53.5743063,42.4959984 53.2885813,42.2161361 53.2946106,41.6224819 L53.4269919,38.1541263 L53.4269919,38.1541261 Z" id="path24" fill="#FFF"/><path d="M32.4510319,26.1337313 C32.2162474,27.2934211 31.6719906,28.1841323 30.8277611,28.8166598 C29.9912006,29.4384787 28.9121885,29.7503292 27.5911566,29.7503292 C26.3479455,29.7503292 25.436522,29.4319081 24.854903,28.792923 C24.4515263,28.3389136 24.2508581,27.762339 24.2508581,27.0652294 C24.2508581,26.7769995 24.2850874,26.4671759 24.3534033,26.1337316 L25.7609291,19.2920773 L27.8867326,19.2920773 L26.4983613,26.0562675 C26.4556313,26.2434995 26.4385741,26.4177634 26.440814,26.5748307 C26.4385741,26.9213015 26.5239182,27.2052187 26.6967903,27.4267232 C26.9486313,27.7559995 27.3573781,27.9194079 27.9261885,27.9194079 C28.5802869,27.9194079 29.1192611,27.7581708 29.5375707,27.4331789 C29.9559662,27.1104735 30.2291146,26.6522943 30.3518186,26.0562673 L31.744556,19.2920771 L33.8595901,19.2920771 L32.4510319,26.1337313" id="path28" fill="#FFF"/><path d="M41.3787307,23.4421754 L43.0436106,23.4421754 L41.7394923,29.5481603 L40.0778866,29.5481603 L41.3787307,23.4421754 M41.9028017,21.2176565 L43.5824989,21.2176565 L43.2687464,22.6997629 L41.5891632,22.6997629 L41.9028017,21.2176565" id="path34" fill="#FFF"/><path d="M44.517327,29.0834105 C44.0818743,28.663905 43.8620227,28.0980711 43.8598984,27.3794823 C43.8598984,27.2567739 43.867307,27.117016 43.8834459,26.9641447 C43.8994972,26.8092187 43.9198004,26.6586055 43.9485167,26.5188476 C44.1459406,25.5270522 44.5664605,24.7395969 45.2141545,24.158623 C45.8608441,23.5755943 46.6410651,23.2829651 47.5545261,23.2829651 C48.3025849,23.2829651 48.8958594,23.4938476 49.330336,23.9155244 C49.764525,24.3394292 49.9821962,24.9116026 49.9821962,25.6390217 C49.9821962,25.7636098 49.9727175,25.9077974 49.9566383,26.062695 C49.9373973,26.2197625 49.9141387,26.3703756 49.8871439,26.5188474 C49.6941718,27.4955897 49.2749158,28.2744759 48.6270761,28.8447112 C47.9792401,29.4191426 47.2013153,29.7050844 46.2941709,29.7050844 C45.5429572,29.7050844 44.9516878,29.4986313 44.517327,29.0834103 M47.6900657,27.8742783 C47.9835482,27.5537158 48.1937493,27.0673704 48.3218225,26.4199043 C48.3410635,26.3188199 48.3580051,26.2133364 48.3686301,26.1079392 C48.3792549,26.0045969 48.383563,25.9077971 48.383563,25.8195945 C48.383563,25.4430474 48.2885142,25.1505328 48.0975507,24.9439366 C47.9077369,24.7351971 47.6378038,24.6320581 47.2889011,24.6320581 C46.8277205,24.6320581 46.4521101,24.79535 46.1577689,25.1224831 C45.8608441,25.449618 45.650643,25.9444158 45.5182583,26.6027653 C45.5001669,26.7038498 45.4852374,26.8050488 45.4714506,26.9039919 C45.4608259,27.0050763 45.4576673,27.0997347 45.4596795,27.1857658 C45.4596795,27.5601717 45.5547284,27.8485163 45.7456919,28.0528263 C45.9355056,28.2572813 46.2042889,28.3583656 46.5577874,28.3583656 C47.0209802,28.3583656 47.3965869,28.197012 47.6900657,27.874278" id="path36" fill="#FFF"/><path d="M60.784089,33.8468445 L61.1855412,32.4226335 L63.215205,32.4226335 L63.1276192,32.945278 C63.1276192,32.945278 64.1648487,32.4226335 64.9117579,32.4226335 L67.4215559,32.4226335 L67.0226872,33.8468445 L66.6278392,33.8468445 L64.7345775,40.5638778 L65.1294254,40.5638778 L64.7538185,41.8978313 L64.3589705,41.8978313 L64.1947147,42.4765455 L62.2290876,42.4765455 L62.3930595,41.8978313 L58.5152205,41.8978313 L58.8931268,40.5638778 L59.2816582,40.5638778 L61.176641,33.8468445 L60.7840892,33.8468445 L60.784089,33.8468445 Z M62.9739881,33.8468445 L62.4573836,35.6647388 C62.4573836,35.6647388 63.3412696,35.3228122 64.1031081,35.2260122 C64.2713881,34.5911967 64.4913518,33.8468443 64.4913518,33.8468443 L62.9739879,33.8468443 L62.9739881,33.8468445 Z M62.2181789,36.5168912 L61.6998498,38.4209634 C61.6998498,38.4209634 62.6793595,37.9347344 63.351607,37.8938012 C63.5457289,37.1579031 63.7401384,36.5168914 63.7401384,36.5168914 L62.2181789,36.5168914 L62.2181789,36.5168912 Z M62.598094,40.5638778 L62.9866216,39.182655 L61.4715573,39.182655 L61.081014,40.5638778 L62.598094,40.5638778 L62.598094,40.5638778 Z M67.5071298,32.3344594 L69.4153209,32.3344594 L69.4963027,33.0442211 C69.4836658,33.2249108 69.5902052,33.3112015 69.8164892,33.3112015 L70.1536174,33.3112015 L69.8124685,34.5137629 L68.4099694,34.5137629 C67.8744113,34.5416962 67.5990203,34.3353313 67.5734658,33.8898026 L67.5071298,32.3344594 L67.5071298,32.3344594 Z M66.9480259,34.9140474 L73.1289041,34.9140474 L72.7662181,36.2050127 L70.7982948,36.2050127 L70.4608793,37.4053144 L72.4267938,37.4053144 L72.0618084,38.6941684 L69.8721969,38.6941684 L69.3768421,39.4495208 L70.4485334,39.4495208 L70.6960669,40.9619041 C70.7256419,41.1125173 70.8580269,41.1856668 71.0843106,41.1856668 L71.4171307,41.1856668 L71.0673656,42.4311845 L69.889142,42.4311845 C69.278635,42.4614924 68.963044,42.2549242 68.9371987,41.8096289 L68.6531949,40.4284027 L67.6779933,41.8978316 C67.4474012,42.3130241 67.0930405,42.5067404 66.6152059,42.4765457 L64.8158469,42.4765457 L65.165896,41.2306816 L65.7272994,41.2306816 C65.9578915,41.2306816 66.1497138,41.1274259 66.3225861,40.9188012 L67.8488536,38.6941684 L65.8809304,38.6941684 L66.2456284,37.4053144 L68.3801036,37.4053144 L68.7195277,36.2050127 L66.583044,36.2050127 L66.9480259,34.9140474 L66.9480259,34.9140474 Z" id="path26" fill="#FFF"/><path d="M34.4092189,23.440034 L35.9106456,23.440034 L35.7389231,24.3221177 L35.9544105,24.0704201 C36.4411209,23.5455177 37.032273,23.2851079 37.7302204,23.2851079 C38.3619771,23.2851079 38.8176176,23.4702268 39.1036596,23.8423447 C39.3853077,24.2146074 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