
1.8 KiB
Executable File


This is the Telaaedifex team's custom version of Codiad. Codiad is a web-based IDE framework with a small footprint and minimal requirements.

Codiad was built with simplicity in mind, allowing for fast, interactive development without the massive overhead of some of the larger desktop editors. That being said even users of IDE's such as Eclipse, NetBeans and Aptana are finding Codiad's simplicity to be a huge benefit. While simplicity was key, we didn't skimp on features and have a team of dedicated developers actively adding more.

For more information on the project please check out the check out the Wiki.

Distributed under the MIT-Style License. See LICENSE.txt file for more information.


  • 132 Native programming languages supported.
  • Auto Complete ( CTRL + Space ).
  • Auto Save.
  • Collaborative Editing.
  • Multi Cursor.
  • PHP 7.2 Compatibility.
  • Self updating.
  • Split editor mode.
  • Themes.

When you see a - in front of a task that means it is a possibility but we aren't sure we will add it yet.

Task List:

  • Add ability to center bottom of code.
  • Add ability to hide cursors when in collaboration mode.
  • Add ability to login with LDAP.
  • Add ability to save users in database.
  • -Add ability to see what people are highlighting in collaboration mode.
  • Add custom market.
  • Add if file could not be saved 5 times close the editor.
  • Add multi level users. ( Projects for only certain groups, Permission levels )
  • Add mobile compatibility.
  • Clean up Collaborative compatibility.
  • Clean up update script.
  • Fix WangYihangs execution exploit
  • Fix site settings identification issue.


  • Add Auto Save.
  • Add Self Updating Script.
  • Add Site renaming.
  • Fix Auto Complete.
  • Fix JS errors already showing.
  • Updated for PHP 7.2.