Ionică Bizău 271e51dec7 📝 Docs via Blah and relicense.
Generated documentation using Blah 2.0.0 and relicensed the project under The KINDLY License.
2015-07-13 09:40:25 +03:00

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Raw Blame History


$ git-stats Donate now

Local git statistics, including a GitHub-like contributions calendars.

I'd be curious to see your calendar with all your commits. Ping me on Twitter (@IonicaBizau). 😄 Until then, here's my calendar:




You can install the package globally and use it as command line tool:

# Install the package globally
npm i -g git-stats
# Initialize git hooks
curl -s | bash

Then, run git-stats --help and see what the cli tool can do.

$ git-stats --help
git-stats --help
A GitHub-like contributions calendar, but locally, with all your git commits.

usage: git-stats [start] [end] [options] [data]

start:                    Optional start date
end:                      Optional end date

  -v                      Displays version information.
  -h --help               Displays this help.
  --no-ansi               Doesn't use ANSI colors in the squares.
  --record <data>         Records a new commit. Don't use this unless you are
                          a mad scientist. If you are a developer, just use this
                          option as part of the module.
  --light                 Enable the light theme.

   git-stats # Displays your commit calendar
   git-stats -v
   git-stats -h
   git-stats --light # Light mode
   git-stats '1 January 2012' # All the commits from 1 January 2012, to now
   git-stats '1 January 2012' '31 December 2012' # All the commits from 2012

Your commit history is kept in the .git-stats, in your $HOME directory (~/)

Documentation can be found at

If you run git-stats to display graph on Windows, please use a terminal that can properly display ANSI colors. Cygwin Terminal is known to work, while Windows Command Prompt and Git Bash do not.

Importing and deleting commits

I know it's not nice to start your git commit calendar from scratch. That's why I created a git-stats-importer that imports or deletes the commits from a repository.

Check it out here:

The usage is simple:

# Install the importer tool
$ npm install -g git-stats-importer

# Go to the repository you want to import
$ cd path/to/my-repository

# Import the commits
$ git-stats-importer

# ...or delete them if that's a dummy repository
$ git-stats-importer --delete

Importing all the commits from GitHub and BitBucket

Yes, you read correctly! That's also possible. I built a tool for that too!

# Download the repository downloader
$ git clone

# Go to repository downloader
$ cd repository-downloader

# Install the dependencies
$ npm install

# Start downloading and importing
$ ./start

See the GitHub Contributions calendar

There is a solution for that, too! 😄 It's called ghcal.

# Install ghcal
$ npm install -g ghcal

# Checkout my contributions
$ ghcal ionicabizau

For more detailed documentation, check out the repository:


Here is an example how to use this package as library.

// Dependencies
var GitStats = require("git-stats");

// Create the GitStats instance
var g1 = new GitStats();

// Display the ansi calendar
    theme: "DARK"
}, function (err, data) {
    console.log(err || data);


For full API reference, see the file.

How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.


KINDLY © Ionică BizăuThe LICENSE file contains a copy of the license.