
963 B

HTML5 Demos and Examples

A collection of HTML5 experiments I've created, now open source and on GitHub, so please go ahead and help me hack this resource in to a wealth of demos that other authors can learn from.


  • If a user can hit view source on the demo, then we've done our job
  • Where possible browser support should be named (FF3.5, etc)
  • All content is open source and content is Creative Commons Share Alike 2.0
  • Individual demos, if authored by someone other than @rem can be credited as appropriate

Demos Required

  • Microdata
  • SVG
  • More audio and video demos
  • More introductions to canvas
  • More event based stuff
  • WebSockets (@rem - have a demo ready, but not the server side)


  • Reorganise the directory structure to categorise demos
  • Create an easy way to drive the template for the site (currently it's a complete copy for each of the files)