2022-03-16T17:41:02.519 helix_term::application [WARN] unhandled window/showMessage: ShowMessageParams { typ: Error, message: "rust-analyzer failed to load workspace: Failed to read Cargo metadata from Cargo.toml file /home/zeta/dev/raytracer/Cargo.toml, cargo 1.61.0-nightly (65c8266 2022-03-09): Failed to run `\"cargo\" \"metadata\" \"--format-version\" \"1\" \"--manifest-path\" \"/home/zeta/dev/raytracer/Cargo.toml\" \"--filter-platform\" \"wasm32-unknown-unknown\"`: `cargo metadata` exited with an error: Updating crates.io index\nerror: failed to select a version for `parking_lot`.\n ... required by package `raytracer v0.1.0 (/home/zeta/dev/raytracer)`\nversions that meet the requirements `^0.12.0` are: 0.12.0\n\nthe package `raytracer` depends on `parking_lot`, with features: `wasm-bindgen` but `parking_lot` does not have these features.\n\n\nfailed to select a version for `parking_lot` which could resolve this conflict\n" }