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# -*- cperl -*-
=head1 NAME
TG585v7_ - Munin plugin to monitor the stats of a Thomson TG585 v7.
Any system with access to a Thomson TG585 v7 ADSL router.
Requires perl and either WWW::Mechanize or Net::Telnet.
The plugin needs HTML access to the router. If you can get to http://YOUR_ROUTER/,
and are greeting with a page titled "THOMSON TG585 v7", then you can probably use this plugin.
This is a wildcard plugin, so you will need to create symlinks to this plugin (or create copies if your filesystem doesn't support linking). Links should be of the form:
TG585v7_<hostname of router>_<mode>
where "<mode>" is one of "bandwidth", "power", "errors" or "uptime" (thus you probably want 4 symlinks in total.
In addition, you may set the following environment variables:
=over 4
=item user
The username to login to the router as (Default: Administrator)
=item pass
The password to login to the router with (Default: Blank)
=item mode
How to connect to the router. Should be either C<http> or C<telnet>. (Default: C<http>).
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf
=head1 BUGS
Please report bugs to L<darac+munin@darac.org.uk>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Darac Marjal <darac+munin@darac.org.uk>
=head1 VERSION
=over 4
=item 1.0
=over 4
=item *
First release
=item 2.0
=over 4
=item *
Allowed connectiosndn via telnet, for when the webpage is unavailable.
=head1 LICENSE
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib $ENV{'MUNIN_LIBDIR'};
use Munin::Plugin;
# Get configuration from environment
my $USER = $ENV{user} || 'Administrator';
my $PASS = $ENV{pass} || '';
my $ACCESS_MODE = $ENV{mode} || 'telnet';
my $ret;
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'http' and !eval "require WWW::Mechanize;" ) {
$ret = "Could not load WWW::Mechanize";
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'telnet' and !eval "require Net::Telnet;" ) {
$ret = "Could not load Net::Telnet";
print "# Access Mode is: $ACCESS_MODE\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
if ( defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf" ) {
if ($ret) {
print "no ($ret)\n";
exit 1;
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
if ( defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "suggest" ) {
print join " ",
qw(bandwidth power errors uptime firewall ids atm conntrack dhcpclient dhcprelay dhcpserver dns igmphost igmpproxy protoip prototcp protoudp protoicmp),
exit 0;
our @name_fields = split /_/, $0;
if ( scalar @name_fields == 3 ) {
if ( $name_fields[1] eq '' or $name_fields[2] eq '' ) {
print "Misconfigured symlink. See Documentation\n";
exit 1;
else {
print "Misconfigured symlink. See Documentation\n";
exit 1;
my $host = $name_fields[1];
my $mode = $name_fields[2];
if ( defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) {
if ($ret) {
print $ret;
exit 1;
print "host_name $host\n" unless $host eq 'localhost';
if ( $mode eq 'bandwidth' ) {
print <<EOF;
graph_vlabel bps down (-) / up (+)
graph_category Network
graph_title ADSL Bandwidth
graph_info Sync rates for your ADSL line on $host
down.label Bandwidth
down.type GAUGE
down.graph no
down.min 0
down.cdef down,1024,*
down.draw AREA
down.colour 00CC00CC
up.label Bandwidth
up.type GAUGE
up.negative down
up.min 0
up.info This is your ADSL sync rate. Actual throughput is likely to be lower.
up.cdef up,1024,*
up.draw AREA
up.colour 00CC00CC
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'telnet' ) {
print <<EOF
downrate.label Actual rate
downrate.type DERIVE
downrate.graph no
downrate.min 0
downrate.cdef downrate,8,*
uprate.label Actual rate
uprate.type DERIVE
uprate.negative downrate
uprate.min 0
uprate.cdef uprate,8,*
uprate.info This is the actual throughput of data.
elsif ( $mode eq 'power' ) {
print <<EOF;
graph_vlabel dB down (-) / up (+)
graph_category Network
graph_title ADSL Strength
graph_info Signal Strengths for your ADSL line on $host
downout.label Output Power
downout.type GAUGE
downout.graph no
upout.label Output Power
upout.type GAUGE
upout.negative downout
downline.label Line Atten.
downline.type GAUGE
downline.graph no
upline.label Line Atten.
upline.type GAUGE
upline.negative downline
downsn.label SN Margin
downsn.type GAUGE
downsn.graph no
upsn.label SN Margin
upsn.type GAUGE
upsn.negative downsn
elsif ( $mode eq 'errors' ) {
print <<EOF;
graph_vlabel Errors down (-) / up (+) per \${graph_period}
graph_category Network
graph_title ADSL Errors
graph_info Errors on your ADSL line on $host
downFEC.label FEC Errors
downFEC.type DERIVE
downFEC.min 0
downFEC.graph no
upFEC.label FEC Errors
upFEC.min 0
upFEC.negative downFEC
downCRC.label CRC Errors
downCRC.type DERIVE
downCRC.min 0
downCRC.graph no
upCRC.label CRC Errors
upCRC.min 0
upCRC.negative downCRC
downHEC.label HEC Errors
downHEC.type DERIVE
downHEC.min 0
downHEC.graph no
upHEC.label HEC Errors
upHEC.min 0
upHEC.negative downHEC
elsif ( $mode eq 'uptime' ) {
print <<EOF;
graph_vlabel uptime in days
graph_category System
graph_title Uptime
graph_info Uptime for your ADSL line and Router on $host
Box.label Router
Box.type GAUGE
DSL.label DSL
iNet.label Internet
iNet.type GAUGE
elsif ( $mode eq 'firewall' ) {
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'http' ) {
print "# Can't graph $mode stats unless by 'telnet'\n";
exit 1;
else {
print <<EOF;
graph_vlabel Packets per \${graph_period}
graph_category network
graph_title Firewall Statistics
graph_info Firewall statistics for your Router on $host
ParsedInput.label INPUT Parsed
ParsedInput.type DERIVE
ParsedInput.min 0
ParsedOutput.label OUTPUT Parsed
ParsedOutput.type DERIVE
ParsedOutput.min 0
ParsedForward.label FORWARD Parsed
ParsedForward.type DERIVE
ParsedForward.min 0
DroppedInput.label INPUT Dropped
DroppedInput.type DERIVE
DroppedInput.min 0
DroppedOutput.label OUTPUT Dropped
DroppedOutput.type DERIVE
DroppedOutput.min 0
DroppedForward.label FORWARD Dropped
DroppedForward.type DERIVE
DroppedForward.min 0
elsif ( $mode eq 'ids' ) {
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'http' ) {
print "# Can't graph $mode stats unless by 'telnet'\n";
exit 1;
else {
print <<EOF;
graph_vlabel Patterns per \${graph_period}
graph_category network
graph_title IDS Statistics
graph_info Intrusion Detection Statistics for your Router on $host
Active.label Active
Active.type GAUGE
Recycled.label Recycled
Recycled.type GAUGE
Searches.label Searches
Searches.type GAUGE
New.label New
New.type GAUGE
Collisions.label Collisions
Collisions.type GAUGE
elsif ( $mode eq 'atm' ) {
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'http' ) {
print "# Can't graph $mode stats unless by 'telnet'\n";
exit 1;
else {
print <<EOF;
graph_vlabel Number Recv (-) / Sent (+) per \${graph_period}
graph_category network
graph_title ATM Global Statistics
graph_info ATM Global Statistic for your Router on $host
RxOctets.label Octets
RxOctets.type DERIVE
RxOctets.min 0
RxOctets.graph no
TxOctets.label Octets
TxOctets.type DERIVE
TxOctets.min 0
TxOctets.negative RxOctets
RxCells.label Cells
RxCells.type DERIVE
RxCells.min 0
RxCells.graph no
TxCells.label Cells
TxCells.type DERIVE
TxCells.min 0
TxCells.negative RxCells
RxErrors.label Errors
RxErrors.type DERIVE
RxErrors.min 0
RxErrors.graph no
TxErrors.label Errors
TxErrors.type DERIVE
TxErrors.min 0
TxErrors.negative RxErrors
elsif ( $mode eq 'conntrack' ) {
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'http' ) {
print "# Can't graph $mode stats unless by 'telnet'\n";
exit 1;
else {
print <<EOF;
graph_vlabel Connections
graph_category network
graph_title Tracked Connections
graph_info Tracked Connection Statistics for your Router on $host
active.label Active
active.type GAUGE
halfopen.label Half-Open
halfopen.type GAUGE
expected.label Expected
expected.type GAUGE
loose.label Loose
loose.type GAUGE
closing.label Closing
closing.type GAUGE
idle.label Idle
idle.type GAUGE
mcast.label Multicast
mcast.type GAUGE
TCP.label TCP
UDP.label UDP
non.label non TCP/UDP/ICMP
non.type GAUGE
TCPopen.label TCP Open
TCPopen.type GAUGE
TCPestablished.label TCP Established
TCPestablished.type GAUGE
TCPclosing.label TCP Closing
TCPclosing.type GAUGE
elsif ( $mode eq 'dhcpclient' ) {
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'http' ) {
print "# Can't graph $mode stats unless by 'telnet'\n";
exit 1;
else {
print <<EOF;
graph_vlabel Packets per \${graph_period}
graph_category network
graph_title DHCP Client
graph_info DHCP Client Statistic for your Router on $host
Corrupted.label Corrupted packet recv
Corrupted.type DERIVE
Corrupted.min 0
OFFERs.label OFFERs recv
OFFERs.min 0
ACKs.label ACKs recv
ACKs.min 0
NAKs.label NAKs recv
NAKs.min 0
REPLIES.label Pure BOOTP Replies
Other.label Other message types
Other.type DERIVE
Other.min 0
REQUESTs.label REQUESTs sent
REQUESTs.min 0
DECLINEs.label DECLINEs sent
DECLINEs.min 0
RELEASEs.label RELEASEs sent
RELEASEs.min 0
INFORMs.label INFORMs sent
INFORMs.min 0
failures.label Packet sent failures
failures.type DERIVE
failures.min 0
elsif ( $mode eq 'dhcprelay' ) {
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'http' ) {
print "# Can't graph $mode stats unless by 'telnet'\n";
exit 1;
else {
print <<EOF;
graph_vlabel Packets per \${graph_period}
graph_category network
graph_title DHCP Relay
graph_info DHCP Relay statistics for your Router on $host
clientp.label Client packets relayed
clientp.type DERIVE
clientp.min 0
serverp.label Server packets relayed
serverp.type DERIVE
serverp.min 0
packets.label Packet sent failures
packets.type DERIVE
packets.min 0
bogusr.label Bogus relay agent
bogusr.type DERIVE
bogusr.min 0
bogusg.label Bogus giaddr recv
bogusg.type DERIVE
bogusg.min 0
corrupta.label Corrupt agent option
corrupta.type DERIVE
corrupta.min 0
missinga.label Missing agent option
missinga.type DERIVE
missinga.min 0
badc.label Bad circuit id
badc.type DERIVE
badc.min 0
missingc.label Missing circuit id
missingc.type DERIVE
missingc.min 0
elsif ( $mode eq 'dhcpserver' ) {
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'http' ) {
print "# Can't graph $mode stats unless by 'telnet'\n";
exit 1;
else {
print <<EOF;
graph_vlabel Packets per \${graph_period}
graph_category network
graph_title DHCP Server
graph_info DHCP Server statistics for your Router on $host
Corrupted.label Corrupted packet recv
Corrupted.type DERIVE
Corrupted.min 0
INFORM.label INFORMs recv
INFORM.min 0
BOOTP.min 0
Other.label Other message types
Other.type DERIVE
Other.min 0
OFFERs.label OFFERs sent
OFFERs.min 0
ACKs.label ACKs sent
ACKs.min 0
NAKs.label NAKs sent
NAKs.min 0
failures.label Packet sent failures
failures.type DERIVE
failures.min 0
dropped.label Relay agent options dropped
dropped.type DERIVE
dropped.min 0
elsif ( $mode eq 'dns' ) {
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'http' ) {
print "# Can't graph $mode stats unless by 'telnet'\n";
exit 1;
else {
print <<EOF
graph_vlabel Packets/Queries per \${graph_period}
graph_category network
graph_title DNS Server
graph_info DNS Server statistics for your Router on $host
corrupted.label Corrupted packets received
corrupted.type DERIVE
corrupted.min 0
resolved.label Local questions resolved
resolved.type DERIVE
resolved.min 0
negative.label Local negative answers sent
negative.type DERIVE
negative.min 0
forwarded.label Total forwarded
forwarded.type DERIVE
forwarded.min 0
external.label External answers received
external.type DERIVE
external.min 0
spoofed.label Spoofed responses
spoofed.type DERIVE
spoofed.min 0
discard.label Forward table full, discard
discard.type DERIVE
discard.min 0
spurious.label Spurious answers
spurious.type DERIVE
spurious.min 0
unknown.label Unknown query types
unknown.type DERIVE
unknown.min 0
elsif ( $mode eq 'igmphost' ) {
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'http' ) {
print "# Can't graph $mode stats unless by 'telnet'\n";
exit 1;
else {
print <<EOF
graph_vlabel Messages/Queries per \${graph_period}
graph_category Network
graph_title IGMP Host
graph_info IGMP Host statistics for your Router on $host
toosmall.label Too small
toosmall.info Too small IGMP messages received
toosmall.type DERIVE
toosmall.min 0
toolong.label Too long
toolong.info Too long IGMP messages received
toolong.type DERIVE
toolong.min 0
badchecksum.label Bad Checksum
badchecksum.info IGMP messages with bad checksum received
badchecksum.type DERIVE
badchecksum.min 0
badttl.label Bad TTL
badttl.info IGMP messages with bad TTL received
badttl.type DERIVE
badttl.min 0
norouter.label No Router
norouter.info IGMP messages with no router alert IP option received
norouter.type DERIVE
norouter.min 0
v1membershipq.label v1 membership queries
v1membershipq.info IGMPv1 membership queries received
v1membershipq.type DERIVE
v1membershipq.min 0
v2membershipq.label v2 membership queries
v2membershipq.info IGMPv2 membership queries received
v2membershipq.type DERIVE
v2membershipq.min 0
v3membershipq.label v3 membership queries
v3membershipq.info IGMPv3 membership queries received
v3membershipq.type DERIVE
v3membershipq.min 0
badqueries.label Bad queries
badqueries.info IGMP bad queries received
badqueries.type DERIVE
badqueries.min 0
failing.label Failing queries
failing.info IGMP failing membership queries
failing.type DERIVE
failing.min 0
reportsreceived.label v1/v2 membership reports
reportsreceived.info IGMPv1/v2 membership reports received
reportsreceived.type DERIVE
reportsreceived.min 0
invalidmembership.label v1/v2 invalid membership
invalidmembership.info IGMPv1/v2 invalid membership reports received
invalidmembership.type DERIVE
invalidmembership.min 0
receivedforour.label v1/v2 membership reports for us
receivedforour.info IGMPv1/v2 membership reports received for our groups
receivedforour.type DERIVE
receivedforour.min 0
reportstransmitted.label v1/v2 membership reports sent
reportstransmitted.info IGMPv1/v2 membership reports transmitted
reportstransmitted.type DERIVE
reportstransmitted.min 0
v3membershipr.label v3 membership reports sent
v3membershipr.info IGMPv3 membership reports transmitted
v3membershipr.type DERIVE
v3membershipr.min 0
elsif ( $mode eq 'igmpproxy' ) {
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'http' ) {
print "# Can't graph $mode stats unless by 'telnet'\n";
exit 1;
else {
print <<EOF
graph_vlabel Messages/Queries per \${graph_period}
graph_category Network
graph_title IGMP Proxy
graph_info IGMP Proxy statistics for your Router on $host
tooshort.label Too short IGMP packets recv
tooshort.type DERIVE
tooshort.min 0
toolong.label Too long IGMP packets recv
toolong.type DERIVE
toolong.min 0
badchecksum.label IGMP packets with bad checksum recv
badchecksum.type DERIVE
badchecksum.min 0
badttl.label IGMP packets with bad ttl recv
badttl.type DERIVE
badttl.min 0
noroute.label IGMP packets with no route alert option recv
noroute.type DERIVE
noroute.min 0
v1queriesr.label IGMPv1 queries recv
v1queriesr.type DERIVE
v1queriesr.min 0
v2queriesr.label IGMPv2 queries recv
v2queriesr.type DERIVE
v2queriesr.min 0
v3queriesr.label IGMPv3 queries recv
v3queriesr.type DERIVE
v3queriesr.min 0
badqueries.label IGMP bad queries recv
badqueries.type DERIVE
badqueries.min 0
queriesfail.label IGMP queries fail
queriesfail.type DERIVE
queriesfail.min 0
v1reportsr.label IGMPv1 reports recv
v1reportsr.type DERIVE
v1reportsr.min 0
v2reportsr.label IGMPv2 reports recv
v2reportsr.type DERIVE
v2reportsr.min 0
v3reportsr.label IGMPv3 reports recv
v3reportsr.type DERIVE
v3reportsr.min 0
badreports.label IGMP bad reports recv
badreports.type DERIVE
badreports.min 0
igmpleavereports.label IGMP leave reports recv
igmpleavereports.type DERIVE
igmpleavereports.min 0
badleavereports.label IGMP bad leave reports recv
badleavereports.type DERIVE
badleavereports.min 0
v1queriess.label IGMPv1 queries sent
v1queriess.type DERIVE
v1queriess.min 0
v2queriess.label IGMPv2 queries sent
v2queriess.type DERIVE
v2queriess.min 0
v3queriess.label IGMPv3 queries sent
v3queriess.type DERIVE
v3queriess.min 0
election.label IGMP query election switch
election.type DERIVE
election.min 0
mrdsolicits.label MRD solitcits recv
mrdsolicits.type DERIVE
mrdsolicits.min 0
mrdbad.label MRD bad solicits recv
mrdbad.type DERIVE
mrdbad.min 0
mrdadvertise.label MRD advertise sent
mrdadvertise.type DERIVE
mrdadvertise.min 0
mrdterminate.label MRD terminate sent
mrdterminate.type DERIVE
mrdterminate.min 0
elsif ( $mode eq 'protoip' ) {
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'http' ) {
print "# Can't graph $mode stats unless by 'telnet'\n";
exit 1;
else {
print <<EOF
graph_vlabel Datagrams per \${graph_period}
graph_category Network
graph_title IP protocol
graph_info IP protocol statistics for your Router on $host
herrors.label IP header errors
herrors.type DERIVE
herrors.min 0
forwarded.label Datagrams forwarded
forwarded.type DERIVE
forwarded.min 0
fwderrors.label Datagram forwarding errors
fwderrors.type DERIVE
fwderrors.min 0
reserrors.label Datagram forwarding resource errors
reserrors.type DERIVE
reserrors.min 0
noroute.label Datagram dropped due to no route
noroute.type DERIVE
noroute.min 0
fragments.label Total fragments received
fragments.type DERIVE
fragments.min 0
droppedfrags.label Fragments dropped due to resources or timeouts
droppedfrags.type DERIVE
droppedfrags.min 0
reassembled.label Datagrams reassembled
reassembled.type DERIVE
reassembled.min 0
hostrec.label Host datagrams received
hostrec.type DERIVE
hostrec.min 0
hostfwd.label Host datagrams forwarded
hostfwd.type DERIVE
hostfwd.min 0
hostdrop.label Host datagrams dropped due to unknown proto
hostdrop.type DERIVE
hostdrop.min 0
fragged.label Datagrams fragmented successfully
fragged.type DERIVE
fragged.min 0
fragerrs.label Datagram fragmentation errors
fragerrs.type DERIVE
fragerrs.min 0
totfrags.label Total Datagram fragments created successfully
totfrags.type DERIVE
totfrags.min 0
elsif ( $mode eq 'prototcp' ) {
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'http' ) {
print "# Can't graph $mode stats unless by 'telnet'\n";
exit 1;
else {
print <<EOF
graph_vlabel Packets/Conections per \${graph_period}
graph_category Network
graph_title TCP protocol
graph_info TCP protocol statistics for your Router on $host
attempts.label TCP connection attempts
attempts.type DERIVE
attempts.min 0
accepts.label TCP connection accepts
accepts.type DERIVE
accepts.min 0
drops.label TCP connection drops
drops.type DERIVE
drops.min 0
established.label TCP connections established
established.type GAUGE
received.label TCP packets received
received.type DERIVE
received.min 0
transmitted.label TCP packets transmitted
transmitted.type DERIVE
transmitted.min 0
retransmitted.label TCP packets retransmitted
retransmitted.type DERIVE
retransmitted.min 0
errors.label TCP packet errors
errors.type DERIVE
errors.min 0
elsif ( $mode eq 'protoudp' ) {
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'http' ) {
print "# Can't graph $mode stats unless by 'telnet'\n";
exit 1;
else {
print <<EOF
graph_vlabel Datagrams per \${graph_period}
graph_category Network
graph_title UDP protocol
graph_info UDP protocol statistics for your Router on $host
received.label Total UDP datagrams received
received.type DERIVE
received.min 0
transmitted.label Total UDP datagrams transmitted
transmitted.type DERIVE
transmitted.min 0
dropped.label UDP datagrams dropped due to no port
dropped.type DERIVE
dropped.min 0
errors.label UDP datagram errors
errors.type DERIVE
errors.min 0
elsif ( $mode eq 'protoicmp' ) {
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'http' ) {
print "# Can't graph $mode stats unless by 'telnet'\n";
exit 1;
else {
print <<EOF
graph_vlabel Datagrams recv (-) / sent (+) per \${graph_period}
graph_category Network
graph_title ICMP protocol
graph_info ICMP protocol statistics for your Router on $host
errorsr.label Packet errors
errorsr.type DERIVE
errorsr.min 0
errorsr.graph no
errorss.label Packet errors
errorss.type DERIVE
errorss.min 0
errorss.negative errorsr
unreachabler.label Dest. unreach.
unreachabler.type DERIVE
unreachabler.min 0
unreachabler.graph no
unreachables.label Dest. unreach.
unreachables.type DERIVE
unreachables.min 0
unreachables.negative unreachabler
timeexceedr.label Time exceeded
timeexceedr.type DERIVE
timeexceedr.min 0
timeexceedr.graph no
timeexceeds.label Time exceeded
timeexceeds.type DERIVE
timeexceeds.min 0
timeexceeds.negative timeexceedr
paramr.label Param problem
paramr.type DERIVE
paramr.min 0
paramr.graph no
params.label Param problem
params.type DERIVE
params.min 0
params.negative paramr
quenchr.label Source quench
quenchr.type DERIVE
quenchr.min 0
quenchr.graph no
quenchs.label Source quench
quenchs.type DERIVE
quenchs.min 0
quenchs.negative quenchr
redirectr.label Redirect
redirectr.type DERIVE
redirectr.min 0
redirectr.graph no
redirects.label Redirect
redirects.type DERIVE
redirects.min 0
redirects.negative redirectr
echor.label Echo
echor.type DERIVE
echor.min 0
echor.graph no
echos.label Echo
echos.type DERIVE
echos.min 0
echos.negative echor
echorepr.label Echo reply
echorepr.type DERIVE
echorepr.min 0
echorepr.graph no
echoreps.label Echo reply
echoreps.type DERIVE
echoreps.min 0
echoreps.negative echorepr
timestampr.label Timestamp req.
timestampr.type DERIVE
timestampr.min 0
timestampr.graph no
timestamps.label Timestamp req.
timestamps.type DERIVE
timestamps.min 0
timestamps.negative timestampr
timestamprepr.label Timestamp reply
timestamprepr.type DERIVE
timestamprepr.min 0
timestamprepr.graph no
timestampreps.label Timestamp reply
timestampreps.type DERIVE
timestampreps.min 0
timestampreps.negative timestamprepr
maskr.label Mask request
maskr.type DERIVE
maskr.min 0
maskr.graph no
masks.label Mask request
masks.type DERIVE
masks.min 0
masks.negative maskr
maskrepr.label Mask reply
maskrepr.type DERIVE
maskrepr.min 0
maskrepr.graph no
maskreps.label Mask reply
maskreps.type DERIVE
maskreps.min 0
maskreps.negative maskrepr
else {
print "Don't know how to graph $mode\n";
exit 1;
exit 0;
sub Uptime2Days {
my $uptime = shift;
my $days;
if ( $uptime =~ m{(\d+) days?, (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)}i ) {
$days =
int($1) + ( int($2) / 24 ) + ( int($3) / 1440 ) + ( int($4) / 86400 );
else {
$days = 'U';
print "# Uptime of '$uptime' becomes $days days\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
return $days;
# Fetch
if ( $ACCESS_MODE eq 'http' ) {
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
$mech->credentials( $USER, $PASS );
if ( $mode eq 'bandwidth' or $mode eq 'power' or $mode eq 'errors' ) {
print "# Fetching http://$host/cgi/b/dsl/dt/?be=0&l0=1&l1=0\n"
elsif ( $mode eq 'uptime' ) {
print "# Fetching http://$host/cgi/b/bb/?be=0&l0=2&l1=-1\n"
if ( $mech->success() ) {
my $page = $mech->content;
if ( $mode eq 'bandwidth' ) {
$page =~ m{Bandwidth \(Up/Down\).*<td[^>]+>([\d,\.]+) / ([\d,\.]+)};
my $upBW = $1;
my $downBW = $2;
$upBW =~ s/,//;
$downBW =~ s/,//;
print "down.value $downBW\n";
print "up.value $upBW\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'power' ) {
$page =~ m{Output Power.*<td[^>]+>([\d,\.]+) / ([\d,\.]+)};
my $upOUT = $1;
my $downOUT = $2;
$upOUT =~ s/,//;
$downOUT =~ s/,//;
$page =~ m{Line Attenuation.*<td[^>]+>([\d,\.]+) / ([\d,\.]+)};
my $upLINE = $1;
my $downLINE = $2;
$upLINE =~ s/,//;
$downLINE =~ s/,//;
$page =~ m{SN Margin.*<td[^>]+>([\d,\.]+) / ([\d,\.]+)};
my $upSN = $1;
my $downSN = $2;
$upSN =~ s/,//;
$downSN =~ s/,//;
print "downout.value $downOUT\n";
print "upout.value $upOUT\n";
print "downline.value $downLINE\n";
print "upline.value $upLINE\n";
print "downsn.value $downSN\n";
print "upsn.value $upSN\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'errors' ) {
$page =~ m{FEC Errors.*<td[^>]+>([\d,\.]+) / ([\d,\.]+)};
my $upFEC = $1;
my $downFEC = $2;
$upFEC =~ s/,//g;
$downFEC =~ s/,//g;
$page =~ m{CRC Errors.*<td[^>]+>([\d,\.]+) / ([\d,\.]+)};
my $upCRC = $1;
my $downCRC = $2;
$upCRC =~ s/,//g;
$downCRC =~ s/,//g;
$page =~ m{HEC Errors.*<td[^>]+>([\d,\.]+) / ([\d,\.]+)};
my $upHEC = $1;
my $downHEC = $2;
$upHEC =~ s/,//g;
$downHEC =~ s/,//g;
print "downFEC.value $downFEC\n";
print "upFEC.value $upFEC\n";
print "downCRC.value $downCRC\n";
print "upCRC.value $upCRC\n";
print "downHEC.value $downHEC\n";
print "upHEC.value $upHEC\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'uptime' ) {
my ( $DSLRaw, $DSLUp, $iNetRaw, $iNetUp, $BoxRaw, $BoxUp );
if ( $page =~ m{Uptime:.*<td[^>]+>(.*)</td>}g ) {
$DSLRaw = $1;
$DSLUp = Uptime2Days($DSLRaw);
else {
$DSLUp = 'U';
if ( $page =~ m{Uptime:.*<td[^>]+>(.*)</td>}g ) {
$iNetRaw = $1;
$iNetUp = Uptime2Days($iNetRaw);
else {
$iNetUp = 'U';
print "# Fetching http://$host/cgi/b/cfg/ov/?be=0&l0=1&l1=1\n"
$page = $mech->content;
if ( $page =~ m{Time Since Power-on:.*<td[^>]+>(.*)</td>} ) {
$BoxRaw = $1;
$BoxUp = Uptime2Days($BoxRaw);
else {
$BoxUp = 'U';
print "Box.value $BoxUp\n";
print "Box.extinfo $BoxRaw\n";
print "DSL.value $DSLUp\n";
print "DSL.extinfo $DSLRaw\n";
print "iNet.value $iNetUp\n";
print "iNet.extinfo $iNetRaw\n";
else {
print "Don't know how to graph $mode\n";
exit 1;
exit 0;
else {
our $telnet;
sub TelnetError {
my $errmsg = shift;
my %parts = (
'atm' => [qw(RXCells RxErrors RxOctets TxCells TxErrors TxOctets)],
'bandwidth' => [qw(down downrate up uprate)],
'conntrack' =>
[qw(Active closing expected halfopen ICMP idle loose mcast non TCP TCPclosing TCPestablished TCPopen UDP)],
'dhcpclient' =>
'dhcprelay' =>
[qw(badc bogusg bogusr clientp corrupta missinga missingc packets serverp)],
'dhcpserver' =>
'dns' =>
[qw(corrupted discard external forwarded negative resolved spoofed spurious unknown)],
'errors' => [qw(downCRC downFEC downHEC upCRC upFEC upHEC)],
'firewall' =>
[qw(DroppedForward DroppedInput DroppedOutput ParsedForward ParsedInput ParsedOutput)],
'ids' => [qw(Active Collisions New Recycled Searches)],
'igmphost' =>
[qw(badchecksum badqueries badttl failing invalidmembership norouter receivedforour reportsreceived reportstransmitted toolong toosmall v1membershipq v2membershipq v3membershipq v3membershipr)],
'igmpproxy' =>
[qw(badchecksum badleavereports badqueries badreports badttl election igmpleavereports mrdadvertise mrdbad mrdsolicits mrdterminate noroute queriesfail toolong tooshort v1queriesr v1queriess v1reportsr v2queriesr v2queriess v2reportsr v3queriesr v3queriess v3reportsr)],
'power' => [qw(downline downout downsn upline upout upsn)],
'protoicmp' =>
[qw(echor echorepr echoreps echos errorsr errorss maskr maskrepr maskreps masks paramr params quenchr quenchs redirectr redirects timeexceedr timeexceeds timestampr timestamprepr timestampreps timestamps unreachabler unreachables)],
'protoip' =>
[qw(droppedfrags forwarded fragerrs fragged fragments fwderrors herrors hostdrop hostfwd hostrec noroute reassembled reserrors totfrags)],
'prototcp' =>
[qw(accepts attempts drops errors established received retransmitted transmitted)],
'protoudp' => [qw(dropped errors received transmitted)],
'uptime' => [qw(Box DSL iNet)]
foreach ( @{$parts{$mode}} ) {
print "$_.value U\n";
print "$_.extinfo $errmsg\n";
print "# Sending \"exit\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
if ( defined $telnet ) {
exit 1;
print "# Connecting to $host:23...\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
$telnet = new Net::Telnet(
Host => $host,
Prompt => '/{.*}.*=>$/',
ErrMode => \&TelnetError,
Timeout => 10
print "# Logging in...\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
Name => $USER,
Password => $PASS
if ( $mode eq 'bandwidth' ) {
print "# Sending \"xdsl info expand enabled\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'xdsl info expand enabled' );
foreach (@lines) {
if (/Payload rate .*:\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) {
print "down.value $1\n";
print "up.value $2\n";
print "# Sending \"ip iflist\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
@lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'ip iflist' );
foreach (@lines) {
if (/.*wan\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) {
print "downrate.value $1\n";
print "uprate.value $2\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'power' ) {
print "# Sending \"xdsl info expand enabled\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'xdsl info expand enabled' );
foreach (@lines) {
if (/Attenuation.*:\s+([0-9\.]+)\s+([0-9\.]+)/) {
print "downline.value $1\n";
print "upline.value $2\n";
elsif (/Margins.*:\s+([0-9\.]+)\s+([0-9\.]+)/) {
print "downsn.value $1\n";
print "upsn.value $2\n";
elsif (/Output power.*:\s+([0-9\.]+)\s+([0-9\.]+)/) {
print "downout.value $1\n";
print "upout.value $2\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'errors' ) {
print "# Sending \"xdsl info expand enabled\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'xdsl info expand enabled' );
my $state = 0;
foreach (@lines) {
if (/G.997.1 Statistics \(Current\)/) {
$state = 1;
elsif (/G.997.1 Statistics \(last/) {
$state = 0;
if ( $state == 1 and /Code Violation.*:\s+(\d+)/ ) {
print "downCRC.value $1\n";
print "upCRC.value U\n";
elsif ( $state == 1 and /FEC.*:\s+(\d+)/ ) {
print "downFEC.value $1\n";
print "upFEC.value U\n";
elsif ( $state == 1 and /HEC violation.*:\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/ ) {
print "downHEC.value $1\n";
print "upHEC.value $2\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'uptime' ) {
my ( $DSLRaw, $DSLUp, $iNetRaw, $iNetUp, $BoxRaw, $BoxUp );
$DSLUp = 'U';
$iNetUp = 'U';
$BoxUp = 'U';
print "# Sending \"xdsl info expand enabled\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'xdsl info expand enabled' );
foreach (@lines) {
if (/Up time.*:\s+(.*)$/) {
$DSLRaw = $1;
$DSLUp = Uptime2Days($DSLRaw);
print "# Sending \"system settime\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
@lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'system settime' );
foreach (@lines) {
if (/uptime = (.*)$/) {
$BoxRaw = $1;
$BoxUp = Uptime2Days($BoxRaw);
print "# Sending \"ppp iflist\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
@lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'ppp iflist' );
foreach (@lines) {
if (/\[(\d+:\d+:\d+)\]/) {
$iNetRaw = $1;
$iNetUp = Uptime2Days("0 days, $iNetRaw");
print "Box.value $BoxUp\n";
print "Box.extinfo $BoxRaw\n";
print "DSL.value $DSLUp\n";
print "DSL.extinfo $DSLRaw\n";
print "iNet.value $iNetUp\n";
print "iNet.extinfo $iNetRaw\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'firewall' ) {
my ( $PI, $PO, $PF, $DI, $DO, $DF ) = ( 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U' );
print "# Sending \"firewall debug stats\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'firewall debug stats' );
foreach (@lines) {
$PI = $1 if (/Packets parsed in hook sink\s+:\s+(\d+)/);
$PO = $1 if (/Packets parsed in hook source\s+:\s+(\d+)/);
$PF = $1 if (/Packets parsed in hook forward\s+:\s+(\d+)/);
$DI = $1 if (/Packets dropped in hook sink\s+:\s+(\d+)/);
$DO = $1 if (/Packets dropped in hook source\s+:\s+(\d+)/);
$DF = $1 if (/Packets dropped in hook forward\s+:\s+(\d+)/);
print "ParsedInput.value $PI\n";
print "ParsedOutput.value $PO\n";
print "ParsedForward.value $PF\n";
print "DroppedInput.value $DI\n";
print "DroppedOutput.value $DO\n";
print "DroppedForward.value $DF\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'ids' ) {
my ( $Active, $Recycled, $Searches, $New, $Collisions ) =
( 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U' );
print "# Sending \"ids pattern stats\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'ids pattern stats' );
foreach (@lines) {
$Active = $1 if (/number of active patterns\s+:\s+(\d+)/);
$Recycled = $1 if (/number of recycled patterns\s+:\s+(\d+)/);
$Searches = $1 if (/number of pattern searches\s+:\s+(\d+)/);
$New = $1 if (/number of new patterns\s+:\s+(\d+)/);
$Collisions = $1 if (/number of hash collisions\s+:\s+(\d+)/);
print "Active.value $Active\n";
print "Recycled.value $Recycled\n";
print "Searches.value $Searches\n";
print "New.value $New\n";
print "Collisions.value $Collisions\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'atm' ) {
my ( $RxO, $RxC, $RxE, $TxO, $TxC, $TxE ) =
( 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U' );
print "# Sending \"atm debug gstats\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'atm debug gstats' );
foreach (@lines) {
$RxO = $1 if (/received octets\s+=\s+(\d+)/);
$RxC = $1 if (/received cells\s+=\s+(\d+)/);
$RxE = $1 if (/errors on the input\s+=\s+(\d+)/);
$TxO = $1 if (/transmitted octets\s+=\s+(\d+)/);
$TxC = $1 if (/transmitted cells\s+=\s+(\d+)/);
$TxE = $1 if (/errors on output\s+=\s+(\d+)/);
print "RxOctets.value $RxO\n";
print "RxCells.value $RxC\n";
print "RxErrors.value $RxE\n";
print "TxOctets.value $TxO\n";
print "TxCells.value $TxC\n";
print "TxErrors.value $TxE\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'conntrack' ) {
print "# Sending \"connection stats\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'connection stats' );
foreach (@lines) {
if (/^Number of (.*) connections\s+:\s+(\d+)/) {
my $field = $1;
my $value = $2;
$field =~ s/\s+//g;
$field = 'non' if ( $field eq "nonTCP/UDP/ICMP" );
print "$field.value $value\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'dhcpclient' ) {
print "# Sending \"dhcp client debug stats\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'dhcp client debug stats' );
foreach (@lines) {
print "# Got '$_'\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
if ( /(Corrupted) packet recv\s+:\s+(\d+)/
or /(\S+)\s+recv\s+:\s+(\d+)/
or /(\S+)\s+sent\s+:\s+(\d+)/
or /Pure BOOTP (REPLIES)\s+:\s+(\d+)/
or /(Other) message types\s+:\s+(\d+)/
or /Packet\s+sent (failures)\s+:\s+(\d+)/ )
print "$1.value $2\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'dhcprelay' ) {
print "# Sending \"dhcp relay debug stats\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'dhcp relay debug stats' );
foreach (@lines) {
if (/(\S+\s+\S).*:\s+(\d+)/) {
my $field = $1;
my $value = $2;
$field =~ s/\s+//g;
$field = lc $field;
print "$field.value $value\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'dhcpserver' ) {
print "# Sending \"dhcp server debug stats\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'dhcp server debug stats' );
foreach (@lines) {
print "# Got '$_'\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
if ( /(Corrupted) packet recv\s+:\s+(\d+)/
or /^(\S+)\s+:\s+(\d+)/
or /Pure (BOOTP) REQUESTS\s+:\s+(\d+)/
or /(Other) message types\s+:\s+(\d+)/
or /(\S+) sent\s+:\s+(\d+)/
or /Packet sent (failures)\s+:\s+(\d+)/
or /Relay agent options (dropped)\s+:\s+(\d+)/ )
print "$1.value $2\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'dns' ) {
print "# Sending \"dns server debug stats\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'dns server debug stats' );
my @kw =
qw(corrupted resolved negative forwarded external spoofed discard spurious unknown);
foreach (@lines) {
foreach my $kw (@kw) {
if (/$kw.*:\s+(\d+)/i) {
print "$kw.value $1\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'igmphost' ) {
print "# Sending \"igmp host debug stats\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'igmp host debug stats' );
my @kw = qw(toosmall toolong badchecksum badttl norouter
v1membershipq v2membershipq v3membershipq
badqueries failing reportsreceived
invalidmembership receivedforour
reportstransmitted v3membershipr);
foreach (@lines) {
print "# Got '$_'\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
if (/(.*)\s+:\s+(\d+)/) {
my $field = lc $1;
my $value = $2;
$field =~ s/\s+//g;
foreach my $kw (@kw) {
if ( $field =~ /$kw/ ) {
print "$kw.value $value\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'igmpproxy' ) {
print "# Sending \"igmp proxy debug stats\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'igmp proxy debug stats' );
my @kw = qw(tooshort toolong badchecksum badttl noroute
v1queriesr v2queriesr v3queriesr badqueries
queriesfail v1reportsr v2reportsr v3reportsr
badreports igmpleavereports badleavereports
v1queriess v2queriess v3queriess election
mrdsolicits mrdbad mrdadvertise mrdterminate);
foreach (@lines) {
print "# Got '$_'\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
if (/(.*)\s*:\s+(\d+)/) {
my $field = lc $1;
my $value = $2;
$field =~ s/\s+//g;
foreach my $kw (@kw) {
if ( $field =~ /$kw/ ) {
print "$kw.value $value\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'protoip' ) {
print "# Sending \"ip debug stats proto=ip\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'ip debug stats proto=ip' );
my %kws = (
herrors => 'IP header errors',
forwarded => 'Datagrams forwarded',
fwderrors => 'Datagram forwarding errors',
reserrors => 'Datagram forwarding resource errors',
noroute => 'Datagram dropped due to no route',
fragments => 'Total Fragments received',
droppedfrags => 'Fragments dropped due to resources or timeouts',
reassembled => 'Datagrams reassembled',
hostrec => 'Host datagrams received',
hostfwd => 'Host datagrams forwarded',
hostdrop => 'Host datagrams dropped due to unknown proto',
fragged => 'Datagrams fragmented successfully',
fragerrs => 'Datagram fragmentation errors',
totfrags => 'Total Datagram fragments created successfully'
foreach (@lines) {
print "# Got '$_'\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
if (/(.*)\s+:\s+(\d+)/) {
my $field = $1;
my $value = $2;
foreach my $kw ( keys %kws ) {
if ( $field =~ /$kws{$kw}/ ) {
print "$kw.value $value\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'prototcp' ) {
print "# Sending \"ip debug stats proto=tcp\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'ip debug stats proto=tcp' );
my @kw = qw(attempts accepts drops established received
transmitted retransmitted errors);
foreach (@lines) {
print "# Got '$_'\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
foreach my $kw (@kw) {
if (/\b$kw\b.*:\s+(\d+)/) {
print "$kw.value $1\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'protoudp' ) {
print "# Sending \"ip debug stats proto=udp\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'ip debug stats proto=udp' );
my @kw = qw(received transmitted dropped errors);
foreach (@lines) {
foreach my $kw (@kw) {
if (/$kw.*:\s+(\d+)/) {
print "$kw.value $1\n";
elsif ( $mode eq 'protoicmp' ) {
print "# Sending \"ip debug stats proto=icmp\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
my @lines = $telnet->cmd( String => 'ip debug stats proto=icmp' );
my %kws = (
errors => 'packet errors',
unreachable => 'destination unreachable',
timeexceed => 'time exceeded',
param => 'param problem',
quench => 'source quench',
redirect => 'redirect',
echo => 'echo',
echorep => 'echo reply',
timestamp => 'timestamp request',
timestamprep => 'timestamp reply',
mask => 'mask request',
maskrep => 'mask reply'
my $sentrecv = 'U';
foreach (@lines) {
print "# Got '$_'\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
if (/Total ICMP datagrams received/) {
print "# SentRecv => r\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
$sentrecv = 'r';
if (/Total ICMP datagrams transmitted/) {
print "# SentRecv => s\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
$sentrecv = 's';
if (/ICMP\s+(.*)\s+:\s+(\d+)/) {
my $field = $1;
my $value = $2;
foreach my $kw ( keys %kws ) {
if ( $field =~ /^\s*$kws{$kw}\s*$/ ) {
print "${kw}${sentrecv}.value $value\n";
print "# Sending \"exit\"\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
exit 0;