
966 B


File transfer over parallel TCP with a rendezvous server.

This is more or less a Golang port of magic-wormhole except it probably isn't secure.


go get

Basic usage

Send a file

On computer 1 do:

$ croc -send somefile
Your code phrase is now limbo-rocket-gibson
waiting for other to connect

Receive a file

Just type croc and you'll be prompted for the code phrase. Use the code phrase to get the file.

$ croc 
What is your code phrase? limbo-rocket-gibson
   0s [====================================================] 100%

Downloaded somefile!

Advanced usage

Make your own rendezvous server

On some server you have,, just run

$ croc -relay

Now, when you use croc to send and receive you can add -server to use your rendezvous server.