
2.2 KiB

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My collection of ascii art fonts for figlet or toilet.

Getting Started


  • figlet
  • a CLI (if you're on Windows, this is the Command Prompt; for Linux and Mac, this is your Terminal)

Installing Fonts

Run the following command in your CLI to install all fonts in this repository to your figlet fonts directory:

sudo wget && sudo unzip -j 'figlet-fonts-master/examples/*' -d "$(figlet -I 2)" && sudo rm

This command will download the latest version of this repository, unzip it, and install all fonts to the right figlet fonts directory.

If you want to install a specific font, you can download it from the fonts directory and place it in your figlet fonts directory (output of echo "$(figlet -I 2)").

If you want to see examples of the fonts before installing anything to your Figlet fonts directory, proceed to the next section.

Viewing Examples of each Font

You can view examples of each font at examples. However, if you want to see a consistent sample message for each font on your terminal, you can run a simple command.

Wihtout copying all the contents to your Figly fonts directory clone this repo wherever you'd like. From the root directory (i.e. `figlet-fonts/``), run the following command:

for file in ./examples/*.txt; do if [ -f "$file" ]; then echo "Contents of $(basename "$file"):"; cat "$file"; echo "-----------------------"; fi; done

This will print this is an example in each font.

If you are using something like lolcat to further stylize, then you can ammend the command to look like this:

for file in ./examples/*.txt; do if [ -f "$file" ]; then echo "Contents of $(basename "$file"):"; cat "$file" | lolcat; echo "-----------------------"; fi; done

Be warned that using lolcat with this command greatly increases the time it takes to run.