Pedro Ivo Hudson 1f10ad0608
feat: add checking for older GIDs (#496)
* feat: add new games.extra.old_id

* add extra.old_id; standard release_year

* add option dontCheckOldIDs

* update naming, README, CHANGELOG

* Update

* fix games.js

* add tool for checking duplicates

* update GAMES_LIST

* fix anchor links

* fix notes in generated game list

* Update

* Update

* add Game Object Example in CONTRIBUTING

* Update find_id_duplicates.js

* check skipOldIDs only once

* remove old ids; tweaks GAMES_LIST

* add MIGRATION document WIP

* Update

* update Halo Online name

* revert changes tool/generate

* remove extra line

* Update

* roll back GAME_LIST

* Update



* ok... hopefully the last change

* Update

* add MIGRATION ids

* roll back CONTRIBUTING

* Update

* update skipOldIDs to checkOldIDs

* Update

* add migration note on README
2024-01-22 22:16:58 +02:00

4.3 KiB

Migrating from v4 to v5

Game Type IDs

The naming system used to determine the Game Type IDs have been updated in GameDig v5 and some IDs have been changed. This means you should also update your queries.

Make sure you check if your game's ID is in the table below. If not, then nothing to worry about. If it is, make sure to update. You can still use the older ID for now, but we strongly recommend that you update your queries, as older IDs will eventually not be supported anymore.

Optional Field

Field Type Default Description
checkOldIDs boolean false Query will check for older game type IDs.

Old IDs Table

v4 v5
americasarmypg aapg
7d2d sdtd
americasarmypg aapg
as actionsource
ageofchivalry aoc
arkse ase
arcasimracing asr08
arma aaa
arma2oa a2oa
armacwa acwa
armar armaresistance
armare armareforger
armagetron armagetronadvanced
bat1944 battalion1944
bf1942 battlefield1942
bfv battlefieldvietnam
bf2 battlefield2
bf2142 battlefield2142
bfbc2 bbc2
bf3 battlefield3
bf4 battlefield4
bfh battlefieldhardline
bd basedefense
bs bladesymphony
buildandshoot bas
cod4 cod4mw
callofjuarez coj
chivalry cmw
commandos3 c3db
cacrenegade cacr
contactjack contractjack
cs15 counterstrike15
cs16 counterstrike16
cs2 counterstrike2
crossracing crce
darkesthour dhe4445
daysofwar dow
deadlydozenpt ddpt
dh2005 deerhunter2005
dinodday ddd
dirttrackracing2 dtr2
dmc deathmatchclassic
dnl dal
drakan dootf
dys dystopia
em empiresmod
empyrion egs
f12002 formulaone2002
flashpointresistance ofr
fivem gta5f
forrest theforrest
graw tcgraw
graw2 tcgraw2
giantscitizenkabuto gck
ges goldeneyesource
gore gus
hldm hld
hldms hlds
hlopfor hlof
hl2dm hl2d
hidden thehidden
had2 hiddendangerous2
igi2 i2cs
il2 il2sturmovik
insurgencymic imic
isle theisle
jamesbondnightfire jb007n
jc2mp jc2m
jc3mp jc3m
kingpin kloc
kisspc kpctnc
kspdmp kspd
kzmod kreedzclimbing
left4dead l4d
left4dead2 l4d2
m2mp m2m
mohsh mohaas
mohbt mohaab
mohab moha
moh2010 moh
mohwf mohw
minecraftbe mbe
mtavc gtavcmta
mtasa gtasamta
ns naturalselection
ns2 naturalselection2
nwn neverwinternights
nwn2 neverwinternights2
nolf tonolf
nolf2 nolf2asihw
pvkii pvak2
ps postscriptum
primalcarnage pce
pc projectcars
pc2 projectcars2
prbf2 prb2
przomboid projectzomboid
quake1 quake
quake3 q3a
ragdollkungfu rdkf
r6 rainbowsix
r6roguespear rs2rs
r6ravenshield rs3rs
redorchestraost roo4145
redm rdr2r
riseofnations ron
rs2 rs2v
samp gtasam
saomp gtasao
savage2 s2ats
ss serioussam
ss2 serioussam2
ship theship
sinep sinepisodes
sonsoftheforest sotf
swbf swb
swbf2 swb2
swjk swjkja
swjk2 swjk2jo
takeonhelicopters toh
tf2 teamfortress2
terraria terrariatshosck
tribes1 t1s
ut unrealtournament
ut2003 unrealtournament2003
ut2004 unrealtournament2004
ut3 unrealtournament3
v8supercar v8sc
vcmp vcm
vs vampireslayer
wheeloftime wot
wolfenstein2009 wolfenstein
wolfensteinet wet
wurm wurmunlimited