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# Watchexec library
_The library which powers [Watchexec CLI]( and other tools._
- **[API documentation][docs]**.
- Licensed under [Apache 2.0][license].
- Status: maintained.
[license]: ../../LICENSE
## Examples
Here's a complete example showing some of the library's features:
```rust ,no_run
use miette::{IntoDiagnostic, Result};
use std::{
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use watchexec::{
command::{Command, Program, Shell},
use watchexec_events::{Event, Priority};
use watchexec_signals::Signal;
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
// this is okay to start with, but Watchexec logs a LOT of data,
// even at error level. you will quickly want to filter it down.
// initialise Watchexec with a simple initial action handler
let job = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
let wx = Watchexec::new({
let outerjob = job.clone();
move |mut action| {
let (_, job) = action.create_job(Arc::new(Command {
program: Program::Shell {
shell: Shell::new("bash"),
command: "
echo 'Hello world'
trap 'echo Not quitting yet!' TERM
args: Vec::new(),
options: Default::default(),
// store the job outside this closure too
*outerjob.lock().unwrap() = Some(job.clone());
// block SIGINT
job.set_spawn_hook(|cmd, _| {
use nix::sys::signal::{sigprocmask, SigSet, SigmaskHow, Signal};
unsafe {
cmd.command_mut().pre_exec(|| {
let mut newset = SigSet::empty();
sigprocmask(SigmaskHow::SIG_BLOCK, Some(&newset), None)?;
// start the command
// start the engine
let main = wx.main();
// send an event to start
wx.send_event(Event::default(), Priority::Urgent)
// ^ this will cause the action handler we've defined above to run,
// creating and starting our little bash program, and storing it in the mutex
// spin until we've got the job
while job.lock().unwrap().is_none() {
// watch the job and restart it when it exits
let job = job.lock().unwrap().clone().unwrap();
let auto_restart = tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
job.to_wait().await;|context| {
if let CommandState::Finished {
} = context.current
let duration = *finished - *started;
eprintln!("[Program stopped with {status:?}; ran for {duration:?}]")
// now we change what the action does:
let auto_restart_abort = auto_restart.abort_handle();
wx.config.on_action(move |mut action| {
// if we get Ctrl-C on the Watchexec instance, we quit
if action.signals().any(|sig| sig == Signal::Interrupt) {
action.quit_gracefully(Signal::ForceStop, Duration::ZERO);
return action;
// if the action was triggered by file events, gracefully stop the program
if action.paths().next().is_some() {
// watchexec can manage ("supervise") more than one program;
// here we only have one but we don't know its Id so we grab it out of the iterator
if let Some(job) = action.list_jobs().next().map(|(_, job)| job.clone()) {
eprintln!("[Asking program to stop...]");
job.stop_with_signal(Signal::Terminate, Duration::from_secs(5));
// and watch all files in the current directory:
// then keep running until Watchexec quits!
let _ = main.await.into_diagnostic()?;
Other examples:
- [Only Commands](./examples/ skip watching files, only use the supervisor.
- [Only Events](./examples/ never start any processes, only print events.
- [Restart `cargo run` only when `cargo build` succeeds](./examples/
## Kitchen sink
Though not its primary usecase, the library exposes most of its relatively standalone components,
available to make other tools that are not Watchexec-shaped:
- **Event sources**: [Filesystem](,
- Finding **[a common prefix](**
of a set of paths.
- A **[Changeable](** type, which
powers the "live" configuration system.
- And [more][docs]!
Filterers are split into their own crates, so they can be evolved independently:
- The **[Globset]( filterer** implements the default
Watchexec CLI filtering, based on the regex crate's ignore mechanisms.
- ~~The **[Tagged]( filterer**~~ was an experiment in
creating a more powerful filtering solution, which could operate on every part of events, not
just their paths, using a custom syntax. It is no longer maintained.
- The **[Ignore]( filterer** implements ignore-file
semantics, and especially supports _trees_ of ignore files. It is used as a subfilterer in both
of the main filterers above.
There are also separate, standalone crates used to build Watchexec which you can tap into:
- **[Supervisor](** is Watchexec's process supervisor and
command abstraction.
- **[ClearScreen](** makes clearing the terminal screen in a
cross-platform way easy by default, and provides advanced options to fit your usecase.
- **[Command Group](** augments the std and tokio `Command` with
support for process groups, portable between Unix and Windows.
- **[Event types](** contains the event types used by Watchexec,
including the JSON format used for passing event data to child processes.
- **[Signal types](** contains the signal types used by Watchexec.
- **[Ignore files](** finds, parses, and interprets ignore files.
- **[Project Origins](** finds the origin (or root) path of a
project, and what kind of project it is.
## Rust version (MSRV)
Due to the unpredictability of dependencies changing their MSRV, this library no longer tries to
keep to a minimum supported Rust version behind stable. Instead, it is assumed that developers use
the latest stable at all times.
Applications that wish to support lower-than-stable Rust (such as the Watchexec CLI does) should:
- use a lock file
- recommend the use of `--locked` when installing from source
- provide pre-built binaries (and [Binstall]( support) for non-distro users
- avoid using newer features until some time has passed, to let distro users catch up
- consider recommending that distro-Rust users switch to distro `rustup` where available