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# Puppet Supervisord
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Puppet module to manage the [supervisord]( process control system.
Functions available to configure
* [programs](
* [groups](
* [fcgi-programs](
* [eventlisteners](
## Examples
### Configuring supervisord with defaults
Install supervisord with pip and install an init script if available
include supervisord
### Install supervisord and pip
Install supervisord and install pip if not available.
class supervisord {
$install_pip => true,
This will download [setuptool]( and install pip with easy_install.
You can pass a specific url with `$setuptools_url = 'url'`
### Install without pip
If you want to use your system package manager you can specify that with `supervisord::package_provider`.
You'll also likely need to adjust the `supervisord::service_name` to match that installed by the system package. If you're using Debian or Redhat OS families you'll also want to disable the init scripts with `supervisord::install_init = false`.
Note: Only Debian and RedHat families have an init script currently.
### Configure a program
supervisord::program { 'myprogram':
command => 'command --args',
priority => '100',
environment => {
'HOME' => '/home/myuser',
'PATH' => '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin',
'SECRET' => 'mysecret'
You may also specify a variable for a hiera lookup to retreive your environment hash. This allows you to reuse existing environment variable hashes.
supervisord::program { 'myprogram':
command => 'command --args',
priority => '100',
env_var => 'my_common_envs'
Or you can fully define your programs in hiera:
command: 'command --args'
autostart: yes
autorestart: 'true'
HOME: '/home/myuser'
PATH: '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin'
SECRET: 'mysecret'
### Configure a group
supervisord::group { 'mygroup':
priority => 100,
programs => ['program1', 'program2', 'program3']
### Configure an eventlistener
supervisord::eventlistener { 'mylistener':
command => 'command --args',
priority => '100',
env_var => 'my_common_envs'
### Run supervisorctl Commands
Should you need to run a sequence of command with `supervisorctl` you can use the define type `supervisord::supervisorctl`
supervisord::supervisorctl { 'restart_myapp':
command => 'restart',
process => 'myapp'
You can also issue a command without specifying a process.
### Development
If you have suggestions or improvements please file an issue or pull request, i'll try and sort them as quickly as possble.
If you submit a pull please try and include tests for the new functionality/fix. The module is tested with [Travis-CI](
### Credits
* Debian init script sourced from the system package.
* RedHat/Centos init script sourced from