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create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
import enum
import random
2019-12-26 12:21:28 +01:00
import uuid
2020-04-25 11:30:09 +02:00
from email.utils import formataddr
from typing import List
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
import arrow
import bcrypt
from flask import url_for
from flask_login import UserMixin
2020-02-28 13:00:45 +01:00
from sqlalchemy import text, desc, CheckConstraint
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
from sqlalchemy_utils import ArrowType
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
from app import s3
from app.config import (
2020-03-24 21:19:45 +01:00
2020-04-02 23:26:17 +02:00
2020-04-09 22:19:45 +02:00
2020-05-10 14:43:41 +02:00
from app.errors import AliasInTrashError
from app.extensions import db
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
from app.log import LOG
2019-07-03 12:13:28 +02:00
from app.oauth_models import Scope
from app.utils import convert_to_id, random_string, random_words, random_word
class ModelMixin(object):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
created_at = db.Column(ArrowType, default=arrow.utcnow, nullable=False)
updated_at = db.Column(ArrowType, default=None, onupdate=arrow.utcnow)
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
_repr_hide = ["created_at", "updated_at"]
def query(cls):
return db.session.query(cls)
def get(cls, id):
return cls.query.get(id)
def get_by(cls, **kw):
return cls.query.filter_by(**kw).first()
def filter_by(cls, **kw):
return cls.query.filter_by(**kw)
def get_or_create(cls, **kw):
r = cls.get_by(**kw)
if not r:
r = cls(**kw)
return r
def create(cls, **kw):
r = cls(**kw)
return r
def save(self):
def delete(cls, obj_id):
cls.query.filter( == obj_id).delete()
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
def __repr__(self):
values = ", ".join(
"%s=%r" % (n, getattr(self, n))
for n in self.__table__.c.keys()
if n not in self._repr_hide
return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, values)
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
class File(db.Model, ModelMixin):
path = db.Column(db.String(128), unique=True, nullable=False)
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade"), nullable=True)
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
def get_url(self, expires_in=3600):
return s3.get_url(self.path, expires_in)
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
class PlanEnum(enum.Enum):
monthly = 2
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
yearly = 3
2019-12-26 12:21:28 +01:00
class AliasGeneratorEnum(enum.Enum):
word = 1 # aliases are generated based on random words
uuid = 2 # aliases are generated based on uuid
def has_value(cls, value: int) -> bool:
return value in set(item.value for item in cls)
class User(db.Model, ModelMixin, UserMixin):
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
__tablename__ = "users"
2020-01-26 17:22:16 +01:00
email = db.Column(db.String(256), unique=True, nullable=False)
2020-02-27 16:18:26 +01:00
salt = db.Column(db.String(128), nullable=True)
password = db.Column(db.String(128), nullable=True)
2020-02-27 16:18:26 +01:00
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
name = db.Column(db.String(128), nullable=False)
is_admin = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)
2019-12-28 01:03:59 +01:00
alias_generator = db.Column(
2019-12-30 00:37:07 +01:00
notification = db.Column(
2019-12-30 00:47:55 +01:00
db.Boolean, default=True, nullable=False, server_default="1"
2019-12-30 00:37:07 +01:00
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
activated = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False)
profile_picture_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, nullable=True)
2019-12-27 15:20:10 +01:00
otp_secret = db.Column(db.String(16), nullable=True)
enable_otp = db.Column(
db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, server_default="0"
2020-05-05 10:32:49 +02:00
# Fields for WebAuthn
fido_uuid = db.Column(db.String(), nullable=True, unique=True)
2020-05-05 10:58:42 +02:00
fido_credential_id = db.Column(db.String(), nullable=True, unique=True)
fido_pk = db.Column(db.String(), nullable=True, unique=True)
2020-05-05 12:16:52 +02:00
fido_sign_count = db.Column(db.Integer(), nullable=True)
2020-05-05 10:32:49 +02:00
2020-05-07 17:56:25 +02:00
# whether user can use Fido
can_use_fido = db.Column(
db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False, server_default="0"
2020-05-07 14:32:52 +02:00
def fido_enabled(self) -> bool:
2020-05-07 17:56:25 +02:00
if self.can_use_fido and self.fido_uuid is not None:
2020-05-07 14:32:52 +02:00
return True
return False
# some users could have lifetime premium
lifetime = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False, server_default="0")
2020-01-30 04:10:28 +01:00
# user can use all premium features until this date
trial_end = db.Column(
ArrowType, default=lambda:, hours=1), nullable=True
2020-01-30 04:10:28 +01:00
2020-02-23 09:40:41 +01:00
# the mailbox used when create random alias
2020-03-05 17:00:43 +01:00
# this field is nullable but in practice, it's always set
# it cannot be set to non-nullable though
# as this will create foreign key cycle between User and Mailbox
2020-02-23 09:40:41 +01:00
default_mailbox_id = db.Column(
db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=True, default=None
profile_picture = db.relationship(File, foreign_keys=[profile_picture_id])
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
# Use the "via" format for sender address, i.e. " via SimpleLogin"
# If False, use the format "Name - name at"
use_via_format_for_sender = db.Column(
db.Boolean, default=True, nullable=False, server_default="1"
2020-05-02 18:08:05 +02:00
referral_id = db.Column(
db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="SET NULL"), nullable=True, default=None
2020-04-09 22:19:45 +02:00
referral = db.relationship("Referral", foreign_keys=[referral_id])
2020-04-13 13:22:52 +02:00
# whether intro has been shown to user
intro_shown = db.Column(
db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False, server_default="0"
2020-05-03 15:54:19 +02:00
default_mailbox = db.relationship("Mailbox", foreign_keys=[default_mailbox_id])
def create(cls, email, name, password=None, **kwargs):
2019-12-26 23:29:40 +01:00
user: User = super(User, cls).create(email=email, name=name, **kwargs)
if password:
2020-02-27 16:31:38 +01:00
mb = Mailbox.create(,, verified=True)
user.default_mailbox_id =
2020-03-05 20:32:08 +01:00
# create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login
Alias.create_new(user, prefix="my-first-alias",
2020-03-05 20:32:08 +01:00
2020-05-10 14:43:41 +02:00
LOG.d("Disable onboarding emails")
return user
# Schedule onboarding emails
2020-03-24 21:19:45 +01:00
2020-04-02 23:26:17 +02:00
return user
2020-04-12 19:27:14 +02:00
def _lifetime_or_active_subscription(self) -> bool:
"""True if user has lifetime licence or active subscription"""
if self.lifetime:
return True
sub: Subscription = self.get_subscription()
if sub:
return True
apple_sub: AppleSubscription = AppleSubscription.get_by(
if apple_sub and apple_sub.is_valid():
return True
manual_sub: ManualSubscription = ManualSubscription.get_by(
if manual_sub and manual_sub.end_at >
return True
return False
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
def in_trial(self):
"""return True if user does not have lifetime licence or an active subscription AND is in trial period"""
2020-04-12 19:27:14 +02:00
if self._lifetime_or_active_subscription():
return False
2020-01-30 09:08:26 +01:00
if self.trial_end and < self.trial_end:
return True
return False
def should_show_upgrade_button(self):
2020-04-12 19:27:14 +02:00
if self._lifetime_or_active_subscription():
# user who has canceled can also re-subscribe
sub: Subscription = self.get_subscription()
if sub and sub.cancelled:
return True
return False
return True
def can_upgrade(self):
"""User who has lifetime licence or giveaway manual subscriptions can decide to upgrade to a paid plan"""
sub: Subscription = self.get_subscription()
# user who has canceled can also re-subscribe
if sub and not sub.cancelled:
return False
apple_sub: AppleSubscription = AppleSubscription.get_by(
if apple_sub and apple_sub.is_valid():
return False
manual_sub: ManualSubscription = ManualSubscription.get_by(
# user who has giveaway premium can decide to upgrade
2020-04-13 20:51:29 +02:00
if (
and manual_sub.end_at >
and not manual_sub.is_giveaway
return False
return True
def is_premium(self) -> bool:
user is premium if they:
- have a lifetime deal or
- in trial period or
- active subscription
2020-04-12 19:27:14 +02:00
if self._lifetime_or_active_subscription():
return True
2020-01-30 07:20:32 +01:00
if self.trial_end and < self.trial_end:
return True
return False
def can_create_new_alias(self) -> bool:
2019-07-06 23:25:52 +02:00
if self.is_premium():
return True
2019-11-21 22:44:24 +01:00
return Alias.filter_by( < MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN
2019-07-06 23:25:52 +02:00
def set_password(self, password):
salt = bcrypt.gensalt()
password_hash = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode(), salt).decode()
self.salt = salt.decode()
self.password = password_hash
def check_password(self, password) -> bool:
if not self.password:
return False
password_hash = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode(), self.salt.encode())
return self.password.encode() == password_hash
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
def profile_picture_url(self):
if self.profile_picture_id:
return self.profile_picture.get_url()
return url_for("static", filename="default-avatar.png")
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
2019-12-08 17:01:09 +01:00
def suggested_emails(self, website_name) -> (str, [str]):
2019-07-22 18:57:35 +02:00
"""return suggested email and other email choices """
2019-12-08 17:01:09 +01:00
website_name = convert_to_id(website_name)
all_aliases = [ for ge in Alias.filter_by(, enabled=True)
if self.can_create_new_alias():
suggested_alias = Alias.create_new(self, prefix=website_name).email
2019-07-22 18:57:35 +02:00
# pick an email from the list of gen emails
suggested_alias = random.choice(all_aliases)
2019-07-22 18:57:35 +02:00
return (
2019-07-22 18:57:35 +02:00
2019-07-22 21:28:17 +02:00
def suggested_names(self) -> (str, [str]):
"""return suggested name and other name choices """
other_name = convert_to_id(
return, [other_name, "Anonymous", "whoami"]
def get_name_initial(self) -> str:
names =" ")
return "".join([n[0].upper() for n in names if n])
def get_subscription(self) -> "Subscription":
"""return *active* subscription
TODO: support user unsubscribe and re-subscribe
sub = Subscription.get_by(
# TODO: sub is active only if sub.next_bill_date > now
# due to a bug on next_bill_date, wait until next month (May 8)
# when all next_bill_date are correctly updated to add this check
if sub and sub.cancelled:
# sub is active until the next billing_date + 1
if sub.next_bill_date >=
return sub
# past subscription, user is considered not having a subscription = free plan
return None
return sub
2019-12-02 01:13:39 +01:00
def verified_custom_domains(self):
return CustomDomain.query.filter_by(, verified=True).all()
def mailboxes(self) -> List["Mailbox"]:
"""list of mailbox that user own"""
mailboxes = []
2020-02-23 07:41:27 +01:00
for mailbox in Mailbox.query.filter_by(, verified=True):
2020-02-23 07:41:27 +01:00
return mailboxes
def nb_directory(self):
return Directory.query.filter_by(
2019-08-30 22:12:31 +02:00
def __repr__(self):
return f"<User {} {} {}>"
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
def _expiration_1h():
2019-11-18 19:32:58 +01:00
def _expiration_12h():
def _expiration_5m():
2020-03-14 16:07:34 +01:00
def _expiration_7d():
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
class ActivationCode(db.Model, ModelMixin):
"""For activate user account"""
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
code = db.Column(db.String(128), unique=True, nullable=False)
user = db.relationship(User)
expired = db.Column(ArrowType, nullable=False, default=_expiration_1h)
def is_expired(self):
return self.expired <
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
class ResetPasswordCode(db.Model, ModelMixin):
"""For resetting password"""
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
code = db.Column(db.String(128), unique=True, nullable=False)
user = db.relationship(User)
expired = db.Column(ArrowType, nullable=False, default=_expiration_1h)
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
def is_expired(self):
return self.expired <
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
class SocialAuth(db.Model, ModelMixin):
"""Store how user authenticates with social login"""
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
# name of the social login used, could be facebook, google or github
social = db.Column(db.String(128), nullable=False)
__table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint("user_id", "social", name="uq_social_auth"),)
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
# <<< OAUTH models >>>
def generate_oauth_client_id(client_name) -> str:
oauth_client_id = convert_to_id(client_name) + "-" + random_string()
# check that the client does not exist yet
if not Client.get_by(oauth_client_id=oauth_client_id):
LOG.debug("generate oauth_client_id %s", oauth_client_id)
return oauth_client_id
# Rerun the function
"client_id %s already exists, generate a new client_id", oauth_client_id
return generate_oauth_client_id(client_name)
class Client(db.Model, ModelMixin):
oauth_client_id = db.Column(db.String(128), unique=True, nullable=False)
oauth_client_secret = db.Column(db.String(128), nullable=False)
name = db.Column(db.String(128), nullable=False)
home_url = db.Column(db.String(1024))
published = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False)
# user who created this client
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
icon_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, nullable=True)
icon = db.relationship(File)
def nb_user(self):
return ClientUser.filter_by(
2019-07-03 12:13:28 +02:00
def get_scopes(self) -> [Scope]:
# todo: client can choose which scopes they want to have access
2019-07-03 12:13:28 +02:00
return [Scope.NAME, Scope.EMAIL, Scope.AVATAR_URL]
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
def create_new(cls, name, user_id) -> "Client":
# generate a client-id
oauth_client_id = generate_oauth_client_id(name)
oauth_client_secret = random_string(40)
client = Client.create(
return client
def get_icon_url(self):
if self.icon_id:
return self.icon.get_url()
return URL + "/static/default-icon.svg"
2019-08-16 12:56:13 +02:00
def last_user_login(self) -> "ClientUser":
client_user = (
ClientUser.query.filter(ClientUser.client_id ==
2019-12-28 01:03:59 +01:00
2019-08-16 12:56:13 +02:00
if client_user:
return client_user
return None
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
class RedirectUri(db.Model, ModelMixin):
"""Valid redirect uris for a client"""
client_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
uri = db.Column(db.String(1024), nullable=False)
client = db.relationship(Client, backref="redirect_uris")
class AuthorizationCode(db.Model, ModelMixin):
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
code = db.Column(db.String(128), unique=True, nullable=False)
client_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
scope = db.Column(db.String(128))
redirect_uri = db.Column(db.String(1024))
# what is the input response_type, e.g. "code", "code,id_token", ...
response_type = db.Column(db.String(128))
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
user = db.relationship(User, lazy=False)
client = db.relationship(Client, lazy=False)
expired = db.Column(ArrowType, nullable=False, default=_expiration_5m)
def is_expired(self):
return self.expired <
class OauthToken(db.Model, ModelMixin):
access_token = db.Column(db.String(128), unique=True)
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
client_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
scope = db.Column(db.String(128))
redirect_uri = db.Column(db.String(1024))
# what is the input response_type, e.g. "token", "token,id_token", ...
response_type = db.Column(db.String(128))
user = db.relationship(User)
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
client = db.relationship(Client)
expired = db.Column(ArrowType, nullable=False, default=_expiration_1h)
def is_expired(self):
return self.expired <
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
2019-12-28 01:03:59 +01:00
def generate_email(
scheme: int = AliasGeneratorEnum.word.value, in_hex: bool = False
) -> str:
2019-12-26 12:21:28 +01:00
"""generate an email address that does not exist before
:param scheme: int, value of AliasGeneratorEnum, indicate how the email is generated
:type in_hex: bool, if the generate scheme is uuid, is hex favorable?
if scheme == AliasGeneratorEnum.uuid.value:
name = uuid.uuid4().hex if in_hex else uuid.uuid4().__str__()
random_email = name + "@" + EMAIL_DOMAIN
random_email = random_words() + "@" + EMAIL_DOMAIN
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
# check that the client does not exist yet
if not Alias.get_by(email=random_email) and not DeletedAlias.get_by(
2019-12-28 01:03:59 +01:00
2019-11-18 15:10:16 +01:00
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
LOG.debug("generate email %s", random_email)
return random_email
# Rerun the function
LOG.warning("email %s already exists, generate a new email", random_email)
2019-12-26 12:21:28 +01:00
return generate_email(scheme=scheme, in_hex=in_hex)
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
class Alias(db.Model, ModelMixin):
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
email = db.Column(db.String(128), unique=True, nullable=False)
2020-04-26 10:37:40 +02:00
# the name to use when user replies/sends from alias
name = db.Column(db.String(128), nullable=True, default=None)
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
enabled = db.Column(db.Boolean(), default=True, nullable=False)
custom_domain_id = db.Column(
db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade"), nullable=True
custom_domain = db.relationship("CustomDomain", foreign_keys=[custom_domain_id])
# To know whether an alias is created "on the fly", i.e. via the custom domain catch-all feature
automatic_creation = db.Column(
db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, server_default="0"
# to know whether an alias belongs to a directory
directory_id = db.Column(
db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade"), nullable=True
2020-02-05 09:45:29 +01:00
note = db.Column(db.Text, default=None, nullable=True)
# an alias can be owned by another mailbox
mailbox_id = db.Column(
2020-03-05 17:00:43 +01:00
db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False
2020-05-03 15:54:19 +02:00
# prefix _ to avoid this object being used accidentally.
# To have the list of all mailboxes, should use AliasInfo instead
_mailboxes = db.relationship("Mailbox", secondary="alias_mailbox")
user = db.relationship(User)
2020-02-10 17:20:25 +01:00
mailbox = db.relationship("Mailbox")
def mailboxes(self):
ret = [self.mailbox]
for m in self._mailboxes:
return ret
def create(cls, **kw):
r = cls(**kw)
# make sure alias is not in global trash, i.e. DeletedAlias table
email = kw["email"]
if DeletedAlias.get_by(email=email):
raise AliasInTrashError
return r
2020-03-05 20:32:08 +01:00
def create_new(cls, user, prefix, note=None, mailbox_id=None):
if not prefix:
raise Exception("alias prefix cannot be empty")
# find the right suffix - avoid infinite loop by running this at max 1000 times
for i in range(1000):
suffix = random_word()
email = f"{prefix}.{suffix}@{FIRST_ALIAS_DOMAIN}"
if not cls.get_by(email=email) and not DeletedAlias.get_by(email=email):
return Alias.create(
2020-03-05 20:32:08 +01:00,
mailbox_id=mailbox_id or user.default_mailbox_id,
2019-12-28 01:03:59 +01:00
def create_new_random(
scheme: int = AliasGeneratorEnum.word.value,
in_hex: bool = False,
note: str = None,
2019-12-28 01:03:59 +01:00
"""create a new random alias"""
2019-12-26 12:21:28 +01:00
random_email = generate_email(scheme=scheme, in_hex=in_hex)
return Alias.create(,
2020-02-22 15:09:07 +01:00
def mailbox_email(self):
if self.mailbox_id:
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Alias {} {}>"
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
class ClientUser(db.Model, ModelMixin):
__table_args__ = (
db.UniqueConstraint("user_id", "client_id", name="uq_client_user"),
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
client_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
# Null means client has access to user original email
2020-03-17 12:01:18 +01:00
alias_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=True)
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
# user can decide to send to client another name
name = db.Column(
db.String(128), nullable=True, default=None, server_default=text("NULL")
# user can decide to send to client a default avatar
default_avatar = db.Column(
db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, server_default="0"
alias = db.relationship(Alias, backref="client_users")
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
user = db.relationship(User)
client = db.relationship(Client)
def get_email(self):
2020-03-17 12:01:18 +01:00
return if self.alias_id else
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
2019-08-16 12:56:13 +02:00
def get_user_name(self):
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
def get_user_info(self) -> dict:
"""return user info according to client scope
Return dict with key being scope name. For now all the fields are the same for all clients:
"client": "Demo",
"email": "",
"email_verified": true,
"id": 1,
"name": "Son GM",
"avatar_url": "http://s3..."
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
2019-08-11 00:32:00 +02:00
res = {
"email_verified": True,
"sub": str(,
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
for scope in self.client.get_scopes():
2019-07-03 12:13:28 +02:00
if scope == Scope.NAME:
2019-07-22 21:28:17 +02:00
res[Scope.NAME.value] =
res[Scope.NAME.value] =
2019-07-03 12:13:28 +02:00
elif scope == Scope.AVATAR_URL:
if self.user.profile_picture_id:
2019-07-22 22:24:57 +02:00
if self.default_avatar:
res[Scope.AVATAR_URL.value] = URL + "/static/default-avatar.png"
res[Scope.AVATAR_URL.value] = self.user.profile_picture.get_url(
2019-07-03 12:13:28 +02:00
res[Scope.AVATAR_URL.value] = None
elif scope == Scope.EMAIL:
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
# Use generated email
2020-03-17 12:01:18 +01:00
if self.alias_id:
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
"Use gen email for user %s, client %s", self.user, self.client
res[Scope.EMAIL.value] =
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
# Use user original email
2019-07-03 12:13:28 +02:00
res[Scope.EMAIL.value] =
create BaseForm to enable CSRF register page redirect user to dashboard if they are logged in enable csrf for login page Set models more strict bootstrap developer page add helper method to ModelMixin, remove CRUDMixin display list of clients on developer index, add copy client-secret to clipboard using clipboardjs add toastr and use jquery non slim display a toast when user copies the client-secret create new client, generate client-id using unidecode client detail page: can edit client add delete client implement /oauth/authorize and /oauth/allow-deny implement /oauth/token add /oauth/user_info endpoint handle scopes: wip take into account scope: display scope, return user data according to scope create virtual-domain, gen email, client_user model WIP create authorize_nonlogin_user page user can choose to generate a new email no need to interfere with root logger log for before and after request if user has already allowed a client: generate a auth-code and redirect user to client get_user_info takes into account gen email display list of clients that have user has authorised use yk-client domain instead of localhost as cookie depends on the domain name use wtforms instead of flask_wtf Dockerfile delete virtual domain EMAIL_DOMAIN can come from env var bind to host fix signup error: use session as default csrf_context rename yourkey to simplelogin add python-dotenv, ipython, sqlalchemy_utils create DB_URI, FLASK_SECRET. Load config from CONFIG file if exist add shortcuts to logging create shell add psycopg2 do not add local data in Dockerfile add drop_db into shell add shell.prepare_db() fix prepare_db setup sentry copy assets from tabler/dist add icon downloaded from integrate tabler - login and register page add favicon template: default, header. Use gravatar for user avatar url use default template for dashboard, developer page use another icon add clipboard and notie prettify dashboard add notie css add fake gen email and client-user prettify list client page, use notie for toast add email, name scope to new client display client scope in client list prettify new-client, client-detail add sentry-sdk and blinker add arrow, add dt jinja filter, prettify logout, dashboard comment "last used" in dashboard for now prettify date display add copy email to clipboard to dashboard use "users" as table name for User as "user" is reserved key in postgres call prepare_db() when creating new db error page 400, 401, 403, 404 prettify authorize_login_user create already_authorize.html for user who has already authorized a client user can generate new email display all other generated emails add ENV variable, only reset DB when ENV=local fix: not return other users gen emails display nb users for each client refactor shell: remove prepare_db() add sendgrid add /favicon.ico route add new config: URL, SUPPORT_EMAIL, SENDGRID_API_KEY user needs to activate their account before login create copy button on dashboard client can have multiple redirect uris, in client detail can add/remove redirect-uri, use redirect_uri passed in /authorize refactor: move get_user_info into ClientUser model dashboard: display all apps, all generated emails add "id" into user_info add trigger email button invalidate the session at each new version by changing the secret centralize Client creation into Client.create_new user can enable/disable email forwarding setup auto dismiss alert: just add .alert-auto-dismiss move name down in register form add shell.add_real_data move blueprint template to its own package prettify authorize page for non-authenticated user update readme, return error if not redirect_uri add flask-wtf, use psycopg2-binary use flask-wtf FlaskForm instead of Form rename email -> email_utils add AWS_REGION, BUCKET, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to config add s3 module add File model, add Client.icon_id handle client icon update can create client with icon display client icon in client list page add Client.home_url take into account Client.home_url add boto3 register: ask name first only show "trigger test email" if email forwarding is enabled display gen email in alphabetical order, client in alphabetical order better error page the modal does not get close when user clicks outside of modal add Client.published column discover page that displays all published Client add missing developer can publish/unpublish their app in discover use notie for display flash message create hotmail account fix missing jquery add footer, add global jinja2 variable strengthen model: use nullable=False whenever possible, rename client_id to oauth_client_id, client_secret to oauth_client_secret add flask-migrate init migrate 1st migrate version fix rename client_id -> oauth_client_id prettify UI use flask_migrate.upgrade() instead of db.create_all() make sure requirejs.config is called for all page enable sentry for js, use uppercase for global jinja2 variables add flask-admin add User.is_admin column setup flask admin, only accessible to admin user fix migration: add server_default replace session[redirect_after_login] by "next" request args add pyproject.toml: ignore migrations/ in black add register waiting_activation_email page better email wording add pytest add get_host_name_and_scheme and tests example fail test fix test fix client-id display add flask-cors /user_info supports cors, add /me as /user_info synonym return client in /me support implicit flow no need to use with "app.app_context()" add watchtower to requirement add param ENABLE_CLOUDWATCH, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM add cloudwatch logger if cloudwatch is enabled add 500 error page add help text for list of used client display list of app/website that an email has been used click on client name brings to client detail page create style.css to add additional style, append its url with the current sha1 to avoid cache POC on how to send email using postfix add sqlalchemy-utils use arrow instead of datetime add new params STRIPE_API, STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU, STRIPE_MONTHLY_PLAN show full error in local add plan, plan_expiration to User, need to create enum directly in migration script, cf reformat all html files: use space instead of tab new user will have trial plan for 15 days add new param MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN only user with enough quota can create new email if user cannot create new gen email, pick randomly one from existing gen emails. Use flush instead of commit rename STRIPE_YEARLY_SKU -> STRIPE_YEARLY_PLAN open client page in discover in a new tab add stripe not logging /static call: disable flask logging, replace by after_request add param STRIPE_SECRET_KEY add 3 columns stripe_customer_id, stripe_card_token, stripe_subscription_id user can upgrade their pricing add setting page as coming-soon add GenEmail, ClientUser to admin ignore /admin/static logging add more fake data add ondelete="cascade" whenever possible rename plan_expiration -> trial_expiration reset migration: delete old migrations, create new one rename test_send_email -> poc_send_email to avoid the file being called by pytest add new param LYRA_ANALYTICS_ID, add lyra analytics add how to create new migration into readme add drift to base.html notify admin when new user signs up or pays subscription log exception in case of 500 use sendgrid to notify admin add alias /userinfo to user_info endpoint add change_password to shell add info on how payment is handled invite user to retry if card not working remove drift and add "contact us" link move poc_send_email into poc/ support getting client-id, client-secret from form-data in addition to basic auth client-id, client-secret is passed in form-data by passport-oauth2 for ex add jwtRS256 private and public key add jwk-jws-jwt poc add new param OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, OPENID_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH add scope, redirect_url to AuthorizationCode and OauthToken take into scope when creating oauth-token, authorization-code add jwcrypto add jose_utils: make_id_token and verify_id_token add &scope to redirect uri add "email_verified": True into user_info fix user not activated add /oauth2 as alias for /oauth handle case where scope and state are empty remove threaded=False Use Email Alias as wording remove help text user can re-send activation email add "expired" into ActivationCode Handle the case activation code is expired reformat: use form.validate_on_submit instead of request.method == post && form.validate use error text instead of flash() display client oauth-id and oauth-secret on client detail page not display oauth-secret on client listing fix expiration check improve page title, footer add /jwks and /.well-known/openid-configuration init properly tests, fix blueprint conflict bug in flask-admin create oauth_models module rename Scope -> ScopeE to distinguish with Scope DB model set app.url_map.strict_slashes = False use ScopeE instead of SCOPE_NAME, ... support access_token passed as args in /userinfo merge /allow-deny into /authorize improve wording take into account the case response_type=code and openid is in scope take into account response_type=id_token, id_token token, id_token code make sure to use in-memory db in test fix scope can be null allow cross_origin for /.well-known/openid-configuration and /jwks fix footer link center authorize form rename trial_expiration to plan_expiration move stripe init to create_app() use real email to be able to receive email notification add user.profile_picture_id column use user profile picture and fallback to gravatar use nguyenkims+local@gm to distinguish with staging handle plan cancel, reactivation, user profile update fix can_create_new_email create that set plan to free when expired add crontab.yml add yacron use notify_admin instead of LOG.error add ResetPasswordCode model user can change password in setting increase display time for notie add forgot_password page If login error: redirect to this page upon success login. hide discover tab add column user.is_developer only show developer menu to developer comment out the publish button set local user to developer make sure only developer can access /developer blueprint User is invited to upgrade if they are in free plan or their trial ends soon not sending email when in local mode create Partner model create become partner page use normal error handling on local fix migration add "import sqlalchemy_utils" into migration template small refactoring on setting page handle promo code. TODO: add migration file add migration for user.promo_codes move email alias on top of apps in dashboard add introjs move encode_url to utils create GenEmail.create_new_gen_email create a first alias mail to show user how to use when they login show intro when user visits the website the first time fix register
2019-07-02 09:20:12 +02:00
return res
2019-11-07 17:34:18 +01:00
2020-03-17 10:56:59 +01:00
class Contact(db.Model, ModelMixin):
2019-11-07 17:34:18 +01:00
2020-03-14 12:22:43 +01:00
Store configuration of sender (website-email) and alias.
2019-11-07 17:34:18 +01:00
2019-11-07 17:34:18 +01:00
__table_args__ = (
2020-03-17 12:01:18 +01:00
db.UniqueConstraint("alias_id", "website_email", name="uq_contact"),
2019-11-07 17:34:18 +01:00
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
2020-03-17 12:01:18 +01:00
alias_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
2019-11-07 17:34:18 +01:00
name = db.Column(
db.String(512), nullable=True, default=None, server_default=text("NULL")
2020-04-05 12:18:18 +02:00
2020-03-08 11:33:54 +01:00
website_email = db.Column(db.String(512), nullable=False)
2019-11-07 17:34:18 +01:00
2019-12-09 22:40:31 +01:00
# the email from header, e.g. AB CD <>
# nullable as this field is added after website_email
2020-03-08 11:33:54 +01:00
website_from = db.Column(db.String(1024), nullable=True)
2019-12-09 22:40:31 +01:00
2019-11-07 17:34:18 +01:00
# when user clicks on "reply", they will reply to this address.
# This address allows to hide user personal email
# this reply email is created every time a website sends an email to user
# it has the prefix "reply+" to distinguish with other email
2020-03-08 11:33:54 +01:00
reply_email = db.Column(db.String(512), nullable=False)
2019-11-08 07:55:29 +01:00
2020-03-28 19:05:27 +01:00
# whether a contact is created via CC
is_cc = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, server_default="0")
alias = db.relationship(Alias, backref="contacts")
2020-04-05 15:21:04 +02:00
user = db.relationship(User)
2019-12-15 16:17:37 +01:00
def website_send_to(self):
"""return the email address with name.
to use when user wants to send an email from the alias
"First Last | email at" <ra+random_string@SL>
# Prefer using contact name if possible
name =
2020-03-15 23:10:20 +01:00
# if no name, try to parse it from website_from
if not name and self.website_from:
from app.email_utils import parseaddr_unicode
name, _ = parseaddr_unicode(self.website_from)
except Exception:
# Skip if website_from is wrongly formatted
"Cannot parse contact %s website_from %s", self, self.website_from
name = ""
# remove all double quote
if name:
name = name.replace('"', "")
if name:
name = name + " | " + self.website_email.replace("@", " at ")
name = self.website_email.replace("@", " at ")
2020-03-15 23:10:20 +01:00
# cannot use formataddr here as this field is for email client, not for MTA
return f'"{name}" <{self.reply_email}>'
2019-12-15 16:17:37 +01:00
2020-04-05 15:21:04 +02:00
def new_addr(self):
Replace original email by reply_email. 2 possible formats:
- by SimpleLogin <reply_email> OR
- First Last - first at <reply_email>
And return new address with RFC 2047 format
`new_email` is a special reply address
user = self.user
2020-04-14 22:42:20 +02:00
if user and user.use_via_format_for_sender:
2020-04-05 15:21:04 +02:00
new_name = f"{self.website_email} via SimpleLogin"
name = or ""
new_name = (
name + (" - " if name else "") + self.website_email.replace("@", " at ")
new_addr = formataddr((new_name, self.reply_email)).strip()
return new_addr.strip()
2020-03-17 11:10:50 +01:00
def last_reply(self) -> "EmailLog":
2019-12-15 16:17:37 +01:00
"""return the most recent reply"""
return (
2020-03-17 11:10:50 +01:00
EmailLog.query.filter_by(, is_reply=True)
2019-12-28 01:03:59 +01:00
2019-12-15 16:17:37 +01:00
2019-11-14 14:54:17 +01:00
2020-03-28 19:05:27 +01:00
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Contact {} {self.website_email} {self.alias_id}>"
2019-11-14 14:54:17 +01:00
2020-03-17 11:10:50 +01:00
class EmailLog(db.Model, ModelMixin):
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
2020-03-17 11:05:53 +01:00
contact_id = db.Column(
2020-03-17 10:56:59 +01:00
db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False
2019-11-16 17:06:59 +01:00
# whether this is a reply
is_reply = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)
# for ex if alias is disabled, this forwarding is blocked
blocked = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)
2020-02-22 06:53:05 +01:00
# can happen when user email service refuses the forwarded email
# usually because the forwarded email is too spammy
bounced = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, server_default="0")
# SpamAssassin result
is_spam = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, server_default="0")
spam_status = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=True, default=None)
2020-03-14 16:07:34 +01:00
# Point to the email that has been refused
refused_email_id = db.Column(
db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="SET NULL"), nullable=True
2020-05-10 18:34:57 +02:00
# in case of bounce, record on what mailbox the email has been bounced
# useful when an alias has several mailboxes
bounced_mailbox_id = db.Column(
db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade"), nullable=True
2020-03-14 16:07:34 +01:00
refused_email = db.relationship("RefusedEmail")
2020-03-17 10:56:59 +01:00
forward = db.relationship(Contact)
2020-03-14 16:07:34 +01:00
contact = db.relationship(Contact)
2020-05-10 18:41:22 +02:00
def bounced_mailbox(self) -> str:
if self.bounced_mailbox_id:
return Mailbox.get(self.bounced_mailbox_id).email
# retro-compatibility
2020-04-06 22:26:35 +02:00
def get_action(self) -> str:
"""return the action name: forward|reply|block|bounced"""
if self.is_reply:
return "reply"
elif self.bounced:
return "bounced"
elif self.blocked:
2020-04-20 19:58:10 +02:00
return "block"
2020-04-06 22:26:35 +02:00
return "forward"
2019-11-16 17:06:59 +01:00
2019-11-14 14:54:17 +01:00
class Subscription(db.Model, ModelMixin):
# Come from Paddle
cancel_url = db.Column(db.String(1024), nullable=False)
update_url = db.Column(db.String(1024), nullable=False)
subscription_id = db.Column(db.String(1024), nullable=False, unique=True)
event_time = db.Column(ArrowType, nullable=False)
next_bill_date = db.Column(db.Date, nullable=False)
cancelled = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)
plan = db.Column(db.Enum(PlanEnum), nullable=False)
user_id = db.Column(
db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False, unique=True
user = db.relationship(User)
2019-11-18 15:09:04 +01:00
def plan_name(self):
if self.plan == PlanEnum.monthly:
return "Monthly ($2.99/month)"
return "Yearly ($29.99/year)"
2019-11-18 15:09:04 +01:00
2020-02-23 10:31:14 +01:00
class ManualSubscription(db.Model, ModelMixin):
For users who use other forms of payment and therefore not pass by Paddle
user_id = db.Column(
db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False, unique=True
# an reminder is sent several days before the subscription ends
end_at = db.Column(ArrowType, nullable=False)
# for storing note about this subscription
comment = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=True)
# manual subscription are also used for Premium giveaways
is_giveaway = db.Column(
db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False, server_default="0"
user = db.relationship(User)
2020-02-23 10:31:14 +01:00
2020-04-20 23:31:25 +02:00
2020-04-18 20:47:33 +02:00
class AppleSubscription(db.Model, ModelMixin):
For users who have subscribed via Apple in-app payment
user_id = db.Column(
db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False, unique=True
expires_date = db.Column(ArrowType, nullable=False)
# to avoid using "Restore Purchase" on another account
original_transaction_id = db.Column(db.String(256), nullable=False, unique=True)
2020-04-18 20:47:33 +02:00
receipt_data = db.Column(db.Text(), nullable=False)
plan = db.Column(db.Enum(PlanEnum), nullable=False)
user = db.relationship(User)
def is_valid(self):
# Todo: take into account grace period?
2020-04-20 23:31:25 +02:00
return self.expires_date >
2020-04-18 20:47:33 +02:00
2019-11-18 15:09:04 +01:00
class DeletedAlias(db.Model, ModelMixin):
"""Store all deleted alias to make sure they are NOT reused"""
2020-01-26 17:22:16 +01:00
email = db.Column(db.String(256), unique=True, nullable=False)
2019-11-18 19:32:58 +01:00
class EmailChange(db.Model, ModelMixin):
"""Used when user wants to update their email"""
user_id = db.Column(
db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"),
2020-01-26 17:22:16 +01:00
new_email = db.Column(db.String(256), unique=True, nullable=False)
2019-11-18 19:32:58 +01:00
code = db.Column(db.String(128), unique=True, nullable=False)
expired = db.Column(ArrowType, nullable=False, default=_expiration_12h)
user = db.relationship(User)
def is_expired(self):
return self.expired <
2019-11-28 23:00:19 +01:00
class AliasUsedOn(db.Model, ModelMixin):
"""Used to know where an alias is created"""
__table_args__ = (
2020-03-17 12:01:18 +01:00
db.UniqueConstraint("alias_id", "hostname", name="uq_alias_used"),
2019-11-28 23:00:19 +01:00
2020-03-17 12:01:18 +01:00
alias_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
2020-03-20 12:29:37 +01:00
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
2020-03-20 12:13:00 +01:00
alias = db.relationship(Alias)
2019-11-28 23:00:19 +01:00
hostname = db.Column(db.String(1024), nullable=False)
class ApiKey(db.Model, ModelMixin):
"""used in browser extension to identify user"""
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
code = db.Column(db.String(128), unique=True, nullable=False)
name = db.Column(db.String(128), nullable=False)
last_used = db.Column(ArrowType, default=None)
times = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0, nullable=False)
user = db.relationship(User)
def create(cls, user_id, name):
# generate unique code
found = False
while not found:
code = random_string(60)
if not cls.get_by(code=code):
found = True
a = cls(user_id=user_id, code=code, name=name)
return a
2019-11-30 00:40:07 +01:00
class CustomDomain(db.Model, ModelMixin):
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
domain = db.Column(db.String(128), unique=True, nullable=False)
# default name to use when user replies/sends from alias
name = db.Column(db.String(128), nullable=True, default=None)
2019-11-30 00:40:07 +01:00
verified = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)
2019-12-25 18:22:46 +01:00
dkim_verified = db.Column(
db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, server_default="0"
2019-12-27 23:44:53 +01:00
spf_verified = db.Column(
db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, server_default="0"
2020-05-03 11:51:22 +02:00
dmarc_verified = db.Column(
db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, server_default="0"
2019-12-30 18:17:45 +01:00
# an alias is created automatically the first time it receives an email
catch_all = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, server_default="0")
user = db.relationship(User)
def delete(cls, obj_id):
# Put all aliases belonging to this domain to global trash
for alias in Alias.query.filter_by(custom_domain_id=obj_id):
except IntegrityError:
LOG.error("Some aliases have been added before to DeletedAlias")
cls.query.filter( == obj_id).delete()
def nb_alias(self):
return Alias.filter_by(
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Custom Domain {self.domain}>"
class LifetimeCoupon(db.Model, ModelMixin):
code = db.Column(db.String(128), nullable=False, unique=True)
nb_used = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)
class Directory(db.Model, ModelMixin):
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
name = db.Column(db.String(128), unique=True, nullable=False)
user = db.relationship(User)
def nb_alias(self):
return Alias.filter_by(
def delete(cls, obj_id):
# Put all aliases belonging to this directory to global trash
for alias in Alias.query.filter_by(directory_id=obj_id):
# this can happen when a previously deleted alias is re-created via catch-all or directory feature
except IntegrityError:
LOG.error("Some aliases have been added before to DeletedAlias")
cls.query.filter( == obj_id).delete()
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Directory {}>"
2020-02-03 07:09:48 +01:00
class Job(db.Model, ModelMixin):
"""Used to schedule one-time job in the future"""
name = db.Column(db.String(128), nullable=False)
payload = db.Column(db.JSON)
# whether the job has been taken by the job runner
taken = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False)
run_at = db.Column(ArrowType)
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Job {} {} {self.payload}>"
class Mailbox(db.Model, ModelMixin):
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
email = db.Column(db.String(256), nullable=False)
verified = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False)
2020-05-07 13:28:04 +02:00
force_spf = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=True, server_default="1", nullable=False)
2020-02-23 08:02:02 +01:00
# used when user wants to update mailbox email
new_email = db.Column(db.String(256), unique=True)
pgp_public_key = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=True)
pgp_finger_print = db.Column(db.String(512), nullable=True)
__table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint("user_id", "email", name="uq_mailbox_user"),)
def nb_alias(self):
return Alias.filter_by(
def delete(cls, obj_id):
# Put all aliases belonging to this mailbox to global trash
for alias in Alias.query.filter_by(mailbox_id=obj_id):
# this can happen when a previously deleted alias is re-created via catch-all or directory feature
except IntegrityError:
LOG.error("Some aliases have been added before to DeletedAlias")
cls.query.filter( == obj_id).delete()
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Mailbox {}>"
2020-02-28 13:00:45 +01:00
class AccountActivation(db.Model, ModelMixin):
"""contains code to activate the user account when they sign up on mobile"""
user_id = db.Column(
db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False, unique=True
# the activation code is usually 6 digits
2020-02-28 13:09:01 +01:00
code = db.Column(db.String(10), nullable=False)
2020-02-28 13:00:45 +01:00
# nb tries decrements each time user enters wrong code
tries = db.Column(db.Integer, default=3, nullable=False)
__table_args__ = (
CheckConstraint(tries >= 0, name="account_activation_tries_positive"),
2020-03-14 16:07:34 +01:00
class RefusedEmail(db.Model, ModelMixin):
"""Store emails that have been refused, i.e. bounced or classified as spams"""
# Store the full report, including logs from Sending & Receiving MTA
full_report_path = db.Column(db.String(128), unique=True, nullable=False)
# The original email, to display to user
2020-03-22 16:51:21 +01:00
path = db.Column(db.String(128), unique=True, nullable=True)
2020-03-14 16:07:34 +01:00
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
# the email content will be deleted at this date
delete_at = db.Column(ArrowType, nullable=False, default=_expiration_7d)
2020-03-15 11:10:37 +01:00
# toggle this when email content (stored at full_report_path & path are deleted)
deleted = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False, server_default="0")
2020-03-14 16:07:34 +01:00
def get_url(self, expires_in=3600):
2020-03-22 16:51:21 +01:00
if self.path:
return s3.get_url(self.path, expires_in)
return s3.get_url(self.full_report_path, expires_in)
2020-03-14 16:07:34 +01:00
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Refused Email {} {self.path} {self.delete_at}>"
2020-04-09 22:19:45 +02:00
class Referral(db.Model, ModelMixin):
"""Referral code so user can invite others"""
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
2020-05-02 18:08:05 +02:00
name = db.Column(db.String(512), nullable=True, default=None)
2020-04-09 22:19:45 +02:00
code = db.Column(db.String(128), unique=True, nullable=False)
def nb_user(self):
return User.filter_by(, activated=True).count()
def link(self):
return f"{LANDING_PAGE_URL}?slref={self.code}"
class SentAlert(db.Model, ModelMixin):
"""keep track of alerts sent to user.
User can receive an alert when there's abnormal activity on their aliases such as
- reverse-alias not used by the owning mailbox
- SPF fails when using the reverse-alias
- bounced email
- ...
Different rate controls can then be implemented based on SentAlert:
- only once alert: an alert type should be sent only once
- max number of sent per 24H: an alert type should not be sent more than X times in 24h
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
to_email = db.Column(db.String(256), nullable=False)
alert_type = db.Column(db.String(256), nullable=False)
2020-05-03 15:54:19 +02:00
class AliasMailbox(db.Model, ModelMixin):
__table_args__ = (
db.UniqueConstraint("alias_id", "mailbox_id", name="uq_alias_mailbox"),
user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
alias_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False)
mailbox_id = db.Column(
db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False